In His Name
In His Name
In His Name
Literary Terms
Fall 1397
Instructor: F. NoorBakhsh
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the basic literary terms which are essential
for the critical approach to literature—literary periods, poetry, drama, and fiction. The students
will learn the terms, tools, and techniques needed to analyze and understand the literary works.
Required Texts:
Midterm: 20%
Final: 60%:
* The exams will be a mix of fill in the blanks, multiple choice, and short answer questions.
Course Policies:
Attendance is required. Your regular attendance is vital to your success and the success of the
class as a whole. Class discussions play a major role in the development of your literary and
critical studies. It is important that you contribute to, and learn from, these discussions. You are
permitted three absences in the course of the term for any reason; I do not distinguish between
excused and unexcused absences. For every absence beyond the third, your grade will be
reduced by one point (17 will become 16, 10 will become 9, and so on). Leaving class early will
result in an absence. If you must leave early, make arrangements with me ahead of time. If you
are late to class for more than 15 minutes, you are considered as an absentee.
Computers / Cell Phones / Electronic Devices: I will not permit the use of any of these devices
in class except in rare circumstances.
Attention: Disruptive activities including cell phone usage and “texting” during class; sleeping
and talking at inappropriate times during the class; and working on outside material during
class are forbidden and will affect your course grade.
Session 1: Introduction
Sessions 2-5: Literary Terms Related to Poetry
Good Luck