Theme of Desiderata by Max Ehrmann: Positive Outlook Towards Life
Theme of Desiderata by Max Ehrmann: Positive Outlook Towards Life
Theme of Desiderata by Max Ehrmann: Positive Outlook Towards Life
The poet tries to change the way people look at failures and drudgery.
Through this poem, the poet wishes to give people the happy pills so that they
can lead a happy and fruitful life.
Throughout the poem, stress is laid on the acceptance of one’s self for what
he/she is. Once you start believing in yourself and learn to appreciate your
own self and be gentle to yourself, the world would become a much easier
place to live in. The poet asks the readers not to compare themselves with
others. He says that we must be content with what you are and we must not
measure our own worth on the basis of someone else’s terms. There will
always be people who are smarter than you, more talented than you. There
will also be people who are less successful than you. One must stop paying
heed to what others do and focus on your inner self and aim to fulfil your long-
term goals.