Case Assignment 2&3 PDF
Case Assignment 2&3 PDF
Case Assignment 2&3 PDF
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1.2.3 Consulted ................................................................................. 3
2 Glossary .............................................................................................. 3
3 Project Description ................................................................................ 5
3.1 Background .................................................................................... 5
3.2 Business Drivers ............................................................................. 6
3.3 Business Requirement Scope ............................................................ 6
3.3.1 In scope ................................................................................... 6
3.3.2 Out of Scope ............................................................................. 6
3.4 Business Constraints ....................................................................... 7
3.5 Business Assumptions ..................................................................... 7
3.6 Business Dependencies .................................................................... 7
4 Business Context .................................................................................. 8
4.1 Business Context Diagram ............................................................... 8
4.1.1 As Is Process ............................................................................ 8
4.1.2 To Be Process ........................................................................... 8
5 Business Rules .................................................................................... 12
6 Business Requirements ........................................................................ 14
1.1 Amendment Record
1.2 Stakeholders
1.2.1 Approvers
1.2.2 Reviewers
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Name Title/Business Area Version Reference/ Reviewed
Reviewed Signature Date
1.2.3 Consulted
James Operations
Hecto Marketing
Term Description
C1 Funky Energy’s core billing system including the retail data
warehouse downstream system. (RDW)
COR Change Of Retailer - refers to a customer choosing to change
the retailer (FRMP) responsible for the bill.
Crowd Support FE customers (potentially qualified EA experts) who are
available for real time live chats with FE customers or
prospective FE customers. Crowd Support includes live posts
and is based on users’ experiences and knowledge. Users can
also access previously uploaded posts.
CSSP Customer Self Service Portal (Online)
This is a Sales channel that helps existing customers to check
their account details, amount due, make payments, request
for payment extension while staying back home just by a click
of a button.
Dual Fuel Dual Fuel is a billing option for Victorian / South Australian
customers who have both gas and electricity. This is no
longer being offered, but there are still a number of
customers who already have the Dual Fuel billing option.
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Term Description
FE Funky Energy
FEQuote FEquote is a direct quoting tool via a GUI. It is also a batch
loading tool for third parties and online, and is also used for
loading of quotes into TPU.
eBilling Electronic billing, e.g. sending bills via email/ SMS with the
suppression paper bills
Exit Fee An exit fee (early termination charge) is FE’s estimation of its
loss of profits and additional costs suffered or incurred as a
direct result of the termination of a contract prior to the
expiry date.
Incremental Sales Specific to this Online Only Product initiative, incremental
sales are sales that FE would not have got without an online
Knowledge Base List of FAQs with answers provided by FE
MIRN Metering Installation Registration Number (Gas); equivalent
to NMI in electricity industry
MyAccount My Account is Funky Energy’s online self-service portal for
existing FE customers. It allows customers to interact with FE
at any time of the day, from anywhere, and gives them the
ability to complete everyday tasks easily and quickly.
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3.1 Background
As one of Australia’s leading energy retailers, Funky Energy provides electricity, gas and
solar services to over 1.8 million customers.
The Energy category is highly commoditized and characterised by high levels of apathy
and low engagement. Furthermore, low levels of differentiation exist between retailers
resulting in consumers seeking out price and discounts as the driving factor in making an
energy retailer selection.
However, driver analysis previously conducted suggested that price is only marginally
more important than quality factors in the decision making process. This suggests that
consumers could be convinced to switch to an alternative energy provider on factors other
than price and to that end, Funky Energy have developed a number of new product options
that provide increased flexibility in managing usage and costs. It is hypothesised that
these new product options will favourably impact the following business outcomes:-
1. Increased capability to acquire new customers
2. Increased levels of retention
3. Increased customer value as a result of a stronger relationship and as new
product offerings/services become available.
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3.2 Business Drivers
ID Description
BD01. Reduce cost to serve customers by:
• Reducing call volumes
• Reducing manual processing of concessions & DD forms -
correspondence team
• Reducing postage costs (eBilling, welcome pack and Letters) – Product &
Billing team
3.3.1 In scope
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3.4 Business Constraints
ID Constraint Description
BC01. There is a risk of the scope changing due to pending findings coming out
of the Market Analysis research which is expected to be finalised by early
February 2016. This BRS has captured all possible features that are expected
to be part of new online only products.
BC02. 50% of Digital quotes flow through to C1 without a NMI/MIRN. This requires
manual intervention and could lead to contacting the customer over the
phone, which impacts the savings intended out of this online only product.
There is a Digital initiative to improve Digital quote flow through of sales.
BC03. The manual credit vetting process requires manual intervention and could
lead to contacting the customer over the phone, which impacts the savings
intended out of this online only product.
BC04. Green Energy
There is a current issue with users signing up online and Green Energy
applying correctly to their account once sent to C1.
ID Assumption Description
BAM01. Customers on the online-only product will be subject to collections activities
as per normal.
BAM02. Current process and business rules around Regular Pay will continue to
remain the same.
BAM03. FE must have customer’s past billing data to be able to put them on a
Regular Payment Plan.
ID Dependency Description
BDP01. #100 Email Delivery of Letters
This enables electronic communications for customers, which is a mandatory
requirement for signing up to the online only product.
BDP02. #17 and #28
Additional features will continue to be added to the online self-service portal
MyAccount. For instance, Requesting for refunds, getting Next Scheduled
Read Date or Transfer balances between accounts.
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4.1 Business Context Diagram
EA Contact
Contact Centre
Knowledge base
Crowd Support*
Note: While the Digital channel is for all customers, MyAccount is only for existing
customers only.
4.1.1 As Is Process
Funky Energy currently offers customers the flexibility to engage with us and perform
transactions in a variety of mediums at no extra cost. As part of being with Funky
Energy, the customer is automatically entitled to engage with us via phone, fax, paper
mail, email, web chat, and online.
4.1.2 To Be Process
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Funky Energy seeks to offer an online option to customers, where they are rewarded for
being able to self-serve / transact online wherever possible, preferring to use less costly
payment channels (such as bank account and EFTPOS), and opting to receive their bills
& letters in less costly methods (such as email).
Sign Up / Retention
Reject Reject
1.4 An EA Quote?
consultant calls a
who is Accept
leaving EA
1.9 Quote
1.6 Discuss/ Completed
show other and sent to
Products/ the Customer
1.1. The customer visits the Funky Energy website to sign up to N/A
the new online only Product/Plan. -or-
FE Sales Team
These are either new/existing customers who sign up to a
brand new account, or existing customers wishing to
switch plans. The customer has the option of using two
different online channels – the Digital Quote tool and/or by
speaking to a consultant via webchat.
1.2. A brief summary of what the new online only Product/Plan FE Sales team
is about is shown to / discussed with the customer.
1.3. Customer calls the call centre to enquire about the new FE Sales Team
online only Product/Plan.
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Step Description Responsibility
1.5. If the customer is best suited to the online only product, FE Sales Team
then the FE consultant will ask the customer to sign up via -or-
the online sales quote tool and/or My Account.
FE Customer
Save Team
1.6. If the customer does not find the online only Product/Plan FE Sales Team
attractive, then they may be interested in other Products -
or Services that FE offers.
1.7. The customer’s details are obtained, along with all other FE Sales Team
mandatory information – such as email address and bank
details, if electronic communications and direct debit are
made mandatory conditions for sign up.
1.8. A final review of the Quote’s terms & conditions, rates, FE Customer
features, etc. is done.
1.9. Once the Quote is accepted, an electronic copy of the FE Customer
Welcome Pack is sent to the customer within 2 business
Customer Is customer
2.1 Customer calls
Start calls FE Emergency? No on Low Cost No
the EA Call Centre
call centre Product?
2.2 Mention
potential charge
may apply if
customer proceeds
with the call
Customer Service
2.4 Resolve
2.1. The customer can dial the 133 FE service number to speak N/A
to an FE consultant.
2.2. If the customer does not have an emergency and is on the N/A
online only Product, then the IVR will mention about
MyAccount to the customer and warn them that a charge
may apply for contacting the Call Centre.
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Step Description Responsibility
2.3. The customer can also submit a callback request for an FE FE Customer
consultant to call them as soon as possible. Service Team
2.4. The FE consultant assists the customer with their FE Customer
request/complaint. The process of completing/resolving a Service Team
customer’s request/complaint may take a couple of days,
as there may be dependencies which are outside of FE’s
2.5. A charge must be raised against the customer’s account. FE Customer
Exclusions apply. Service Team
3.4 Perform
3.3 Customer logs Customer wants to standard
Start Action?
in to MyAccount perform a standard transaction transaction
Customer wants to
ask a particular question
Prefer to
Answers exist in engage with
No Yes
Knowledgebase? someone via
3.7 Other
3.6 Question is customers
3.1 Customer sends Yes Query resolved? No posted on reply back /
an enquiry/request
Knowledgebase add more
FE Customer
3.1. The customer can send an email or fill out an online form if N/A
they have any queries or requests pertaining to their
account. Online forms are converted into emails and sent
to the same FE mailbox as regular emails. The customer is
not charged for webforms/emails.
3.2. The FE Customer Service Team (Correspondence Team) FE Customer
monitors, tracks, and resolves customer requests & Service Team
enquiries that arrive in the mailbox. The mailbox contains
emails, scanned copies of faxes, and scanned copies of
paper mail.
3.3. The customer can access the online self-service portal N/A
MyAccount either via a traditional computer, via mobile, or
via a tablet device.
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Step Description Responsibility
ID Business Rule
RU01 Eligibility
The new product must be available to all mass market Residential electricity
and gas customers..
RU02 Product Features
The online only product may include discounts and a benefit term
The product will also include features that will be mandatory, such as:
- Must be enrolled into Direct Debit
- Must be enrolled into a Regular Payment Plan
- Must pay via bank account or EFTPOS Payment Channels only
Must receive all communications digitally (via email and SMS) only, except
for disconnection notices which are required to be sent via post or via phone
call, as a regulatory requirement.
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ID Business Rule
RU03 Call Centre Charge
Customer must be advised that there may be a potential charge if they
attempt to contact the Call Centre to enquire about their ongoing online only
Exclusions apply:
1. Emergencies – Eg. MyAccount is down or there’s a power outage.
2. Managing Ombudsman complaints
3. Any service or billing complaints which are found to be the fault of
Funky Energy
4. Final Bills – after customer has churned out.
5. Customer contacting public Web site instead of MyAccount for
FE must ensure that the charge is fair & reasonable, as per regulatory
RU04 Terms & Conditions
Customers must be informed of the relevant terms & conditions prior to sign
up / acceptance of the new product.
RU05 Online Self-Service
As a condition of this new product, the customer must always use FE’s self-
service portal MyAccount to manage their account (e.g. update details, view
bills, make payments, apply for concession, submit an enquiry, etc.).
Customers must be able to access MyAccount 24x7. If the service is down,
the customer must be able to contact the call centre free of charge.
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Throughout the remainder of this document each requirement statement will indicate a
priority. This priority ranking utilises the MoSCoW technique.