CSE 326 Lecture 1
CSE 326 Lecture 1
CSE 326 Lecture 1
Amir Pnueli
Tuesdays, Thursdays 3:30-4:45 PM
Copies of presentations and Lecture Notes will be available at
Please register at the course’s class list:
http://www.cs.nyu.edu/mailman/listinfo/g22 3130 001 fa09
Required Textbook: Compilers, principles, Techniques & tools
by Aho, Lam, Sethi, and Ullman, Addison Wesley, Second Edition.
Additional recommended readings are listed in the course’s web page.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
What is a Compiler?
Compiler: A translator from a source to a target program.
Source Target
Program Program
Error Messages
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 1
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Why Study Compiler Construction?
We do not expect many of you to become compiler builders.
• Many applications (structure-sensitive editors, pretty printers, etc.) use
components of a compiler, e.g. analysis and translation.
• The study of compilers clarifies many deep issues in programming languages
and their execution, e.g. recursion, multi-threading, object-orientation. It may
help you design your own mini-language.
• Underlying compilers construction are many CS seminal concepts, such as
Syntax vs. Semantics, Generators vs. Recognizers, and Syntax Directed
• Understanding a compiler and its optimization mechanisms enable us to write
more efficient programs.
For example, the optimization —
A := B/C;
for i = 1 to 100000 do
=⇒ for i = 1 to 100000 do
A := B/C
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Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Compilers: Bridge between Maximal
Expressibility and Maximal Efficiency
Current trends:
• Development of more expressive (and user-friendly) high-level
programming languages.
• Development of a more advanced (and parallel) architectures that
enable more efficient execution.
The compiler should be able to reconcile these two (sometimes
conflicting) trends.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 3
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Fields and Disciplines that Grew Out of the
Study of Compilers
• Semantics of programming languages.
• Formal Languages and the theory of parsing.
• Type theory and its logics.
• Theory of abstract interpretation and program analysis.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 4
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Context of a Compiler
A compiler is often applied as a stage within a sequence of transformations:
Skeletal Source Program
Source Program
Target Assembly Program
Relocatable Machine Code
Loader/Link-Editor Relocatable Object
Absolute Machine Code
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 5
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Analysis of the Source Program
Analysis can be partitioned into three phases:
• Linear (Lexical) Analysis. Stream of characters is read left-to-right and
partitioned into tokens.
• Hierarchical (Syntax) Analysis. Tokens are grouped hierarchically into nested
A + B ∗ C
• Semantic Analysis. Checking global consistency. Often does not comply with
hierarchical structure. Type checking is an instance of such analysis.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 6
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Analysis of the Source Program
Analysis can be partitioned into three phases:
• Linear (Lexical) Analysis. Stream of characters is read left-to-right and
partitioned into tokens.
• Hierarchical (Syntax) Analysis. Tokens are grouped hierarchically into nested
A + B ∗ C
• Semantic Analysis. Checking global consistency. Often does not comply with
hierarchical structure. Type checking is an instance of such analysis.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 7
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Analysis of the Source Program
Analysis can be partitioned into three phases:
• Linear (Lexical) Analysis. Stream of characters is read left-to-right and
partitioned into tokens.
• Hierarchical (Syntax) Analysis. Tokens are grouped hierarchically into nested
A + B ∗ C
• Semantic Analysis. Checking global consistency. Often does not comply with
hierarchical structure. Type checking is an instance of such analysis.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 8
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Phases of a Compiler
Source Program
Lexical Analyzer
Syntax Analyzer
Semantic Analyzer
Symbol-Table Error
Manager Handler
Intermediate Code Generator
Code Optimizer
Code Generator
Target Program
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 9
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Illustrate on a Statement
position := initial + rate ∗ 60
Lexical Analyzer
Symbol Table
1 position · · · id 1 := id 2 + id 3 ∗ 60
2 initial ···
3 rate ··· Syntax Analyzer
id 1 +
id 2 ∗
id 3 60
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 10
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Processing Continued (2/3)
id 1 +
id 2 ∗
id 3 60
Semantic Analyzer
id 1 +
id 2 ∗
id 3 inttoreal
Intermediate Code Generator
temp1 := inttoreal(60)
temp2 := id3 * temp1
temp3 := id2 + temp2
id1 := temp3
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 11
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Processing Continued (3/3)
temp1 := .
temp2 := id3 * temp1
temp3 := id2 + temp2
id1 := temp3
Code Optimizer
temp1 := id3 * 60.0
id1 := id2 + temp1
Code Generator
MOVF id3, R2
MULF #60.0, R2
MOVF id2, R1
MOVF R1, id1
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 12
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Many compilers produce symbolic assembly code which is later translated into
relocatable code.
A typical assembler proceeds in two passes. The first pass determines
addresses of identifiers (relative to the beginning of the program or to the
beginning of the data area), placing these addresses in the symbol table.
The second pass translates the code, replacing references to variables by their
addresses and placing constants in their right addresses.
For example, the assembler code corresponding to the source statement
b := a + 2, could be
MOV a,R1
ADD #2,R1
MOV R1,b
The first pass may decide to allocate a to address D + 0 and b to address D + 4.
The translation could be
1 1 0 00 + Load into R1
3 1 2 02 Add into R1
2 1 0 04 + Store from R1
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 13
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Syntax Definition
Many definitions of a syntax of a sentence in logic or in a programming language
have the following form:
• A number or an identifier is an expression.
• If E1 and E2 are expressions, then so are
E1 + E 2 , E 1 − E2 , E1 ∗ E2 , E1/E2, (E1).
What is characteristic to such inductive definitions is that they start from some
atomic constructs (e.g. number, identifier), introduce one or more categorical
constructs (e.g. expression), and then provide rules by which constructs can be
combined to yield further instances of constructs.
This mode of definition is generalized to the notion of a context-free grammar
(or simply grammar).
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 14
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Context-Free Grammars
A context-free grammar has four components:
1. A set of tokens, known as terminal symbols.
2. A set of nonterminal symbols (corresponding to categorical concepts).
3. A set of productions of the form A → B1 · · · Bk , where A is a non-terminal, and
each Bi is any symbol.
4. A designation of one of the nonterminals as the start symbol.
We often combine the two rules A → B1 · · · Bk and A → C1 · · · Cm into
A → B 1 · · · B k | C1 · · · C m .
Example: List of digits separated by + or −.
list → list + digit | list − digit | digit
digit → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
A grammar derives strings by beginning with the start symbol, and repeatedly
replacing a nonterminal symbol by the right side of a production for that
nonterminal. The token (terminal) strings that can be derived from the start
symbol is the language defined by the grammar.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 15
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Example of a Derivation
Given the grammar
L → L+D | L−D | D
D → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
we can use it to derive the string 9 − 5 + 2 as follows:
L =⇒ L {z D}
| + =⇒ L {z D} +D
| − D −D + D =⇒
=⇒ |{z}
9 −D + D =⇒ 9 − |{z}
|{z} 2
5 +D =⇒ 9 − 5 + |{z}
The process inverse to derivation is recognition or parsing.
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Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Parse Trees
The history of derivation of a string by a grammar can be represented by a parse
For example, following is the parse tree of the derivation of the string 9 − 5 + 2
by the grammar for list.
list digit
list digit
9 − 5 + 2
The importance of grammars is not only in their ability to distinguish between
acceptable and unacceptable strings. Not less important is the hierarchical
grouping they induce on the strings through the parse trees.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 17
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Ambiguous Grammars
A grammar is ambiguous if it can produce two different parse trees for the same
The grammar for list was unambiguous. On the other hand, the following
grammar for the same language is ambiguous:
string → string + string | string − string
string → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
string string
string string string string
string string string string
9 − 5 + 2 9 − 5 + 2
Among these two parse trees, only the right provides the correct arithmetical
grouping. From now on, we will restrict our attention to unambiguous grammars.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 18
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Capturing Operator Precedence
Consider the language of parenthesis-free arithmetical expressions over digits
and the two operations + and ∗. A possible grammar for this language is
E → E+D | E∗D | D
D → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Unfortunately, parsing the string 2 + 4 ∗ 3 according to this grammar, yields the
grouping {2 + 4} ∗ 3. This grouping implies evaluation of the string to the value 18
instead of the correct value 14.
A grammar that correctly captures the operator precedence is given by:
E → E+T | T
T → T ∗D | D
D → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Parsing the string 2 + 4 ∗ 3 according to this two-tiered grammar yields:
2 + 4|{z}
| {z T }
leading to the value 14.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 19
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Easy Reading of Grammars
Consider the extended grammar
E → E+T | E−T | T
T → T ∗ D | T /D | D
D → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
We can interpret it as capturing the following definition:
• An expression (E) is a sequence of terms T separated by the operators + or
−. E = T { + T }∗ .
• A term (T ) is a sequence of digits (D) separated by the operators ∗ or /.
T = D{ ∗ D}∗.
Honors Compilers, NYU, Fall, 2009 20
Lecture 1: Introduction A. Pnueli
Capturing Associativity
A grammar such as
E → E+D | D
D → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Is called left-recursive and captures left associativity. It will parse the string
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 as
{{1 + 2} + 3} + 4
In contrast, the grammar
A → id := A | id := D
id → a | ··· | z
D → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Is called right-recursive and captures right associativity. It will parse the string
a := b := c := d := 5 as
a := {b := {c := {d := 5}}}
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