The Auditor WW 108 1975
The Auditor WW 108 1975
The Auditor WW 108 1975
How they relate to training
by L. Ron Hubbard
The word INTERN or INTERNE When he then has turned out pes, pes,
means "An advanced graduate or a recent pes, pes, 5, 6, 8, 10 hours a day for weeks
graduate in a professional field who is get- and weeks and is a total success as a
ting practical experience under the Super- Dianetic Auditor, he can go on up.
vision of an experienced worker." Then one day he is word cleared,
An Interneship then is serving a period checked out on his drills, and he qualifies
as an Interne, or an activity offered by for "ok to audit" for IV or VI.
an org by which EXPERIENCE can be Now it begins all over again. Flubs—
Interneships have been arranged this
long while for every auditing class.
Cramming, midnight oil, audit audit cram-
ming audit audit new word clear new drill
work audit audit audit audit 5, 6, 8, 10
The Technical
That means LOTS of auditing.
hours a day.
Now he is a IV or VI auditor.
His next real step is a VI or VII
Breakthrough of 1974
An HDC graduate who doesn't then Interne at an SH. If he has been a good
audit under an experienced Case Super-
visor who knows and demands the stan-
IV Interne Auditor his VI Interneship
after his SHSBC will be a VII Interneship.
bv L. Ron Hubbard
dard actions rarelv gets to be an HDC VII is an Interne activity. Recently through intensive research knowing this we can recognise it and
AUDITOR. It takes tons of hours to If he is going to be a good VIII-1X I have made a very big Breakthrough when it occurs can easily remedy. You
make a real Dianetic auditor who can toss auditor he will Interne in an AO or SH which will greatly assist our expansion probably have noticed this many times.
off standard sessions and get his routine under an experienced C/S. even more. Take newspapers for example. They
miracles. Wherever this function is neglected, It actually is the Technical Break- relay all kinds of information, and dis-
So if an HDC doesn't INTERNE, but you don't get auditors. You get doubtful through of 1974 and applies to every cuss all manner of controversy, but so
simply goes on to the Academy Courses students and out-tech. field in which we operate. often you get to the end of an article
or SHSBC he has skipped his apprentice- On Flag C/Ses have to catch up every It is the mechanism which causes and feel that the real Vital Informa-
ship as a Dianetic Auditor. missed Interneship to make a high volume man to Withhold Vital Information. tion is missing. You kind of flip the
If he gets his Class VI and never interns high quality auditor. This Breakthrough is particularly page to make sure that you're really
but goes on to VIII—well, we now have The world renowned Superiority of important to our broad dissemination at the end. Educational textbooks dis-
somebody who has long since lost touch Flag Auditors is built just like I am of knowledge. guise Vital Information in all kinds of
with the reality of why he is studying. telling you here. For years I have tried to get to the ways. Authors ride pet theories, and
Regardless of Class as a course gradu- There is no reason just that same bottom of this, which is the most single so on. This is the mechanism at work
ate, a C/S MUST INTERNE HIS AUDI- quality can't be built in any org. fault in existing culture. . . . and it denies knowledge. Now we
TORS FOR EACH INTERNSHIP MISSED And one day you have IN tech and The mechanism stems from a gen- can handle this too.
ON THE WAY UP. high volume high Class auditing all over eral past and covert or overt withhold- I am very happy to tell you that
The "ok to audit" system is used. the place. ing of Vital Information, and because there is a new Technical Rundown for
One takes any graduate and Internes There IS a right way to go about it. of this a dramatization in daily conduct this and it is right now being made
him on the lowest Interneship he has It is by Interneship. of failing to relay information, brief, available in your local Org.
missed. He reviews his material, gets his instruct, or educate. It is a very simple procedure and
drills checked, gets his misunderstood Underlying this mechanism there is produces miraculous change, and I wish
words cleared and gets an "ok to audit" the intentional impulse to do so overtly you every success with it.
for that level. If he goofs he is crammed. or covertly in a mistaken attempt to
And sometimes wholly retreaded. The forward their own personal survival.
"ok to audit Dianetics" would be his This dramatization is prevalent in the
first okay. This suspends if he has to societies in which we live. And now
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Become a certain auditor INCREASE
on ASHO's standard Internships YOUR
Here's how you will get your permanent
certificate on your internship at ASHO! ABILITY
When you complete your training course
with a provisional certificate, you route in to
start. The Intern Supervisor goes over what is
expected with you.
Senior C/S goes over current cases he has handled with standard tech and unusually spectacular
results in the Hubbard Guidance Center, while referring auditors to Source if they have questions.
After the conference, the room hums with Interns also watch and do closed circuit TV
auditors hurrying to get into session! demonstrations of auditing sessions.
Any errors in the previous day's auditing are
corrected in cramming first. Cramming is inten-
sive re-study of materials that cover what the
auditor goofed on.
Order Today
The Monthly Journal of Scientology
Edition for the Americas
Volume 12, Issue 108
February 1975
Editor: Diane Colletto
Assistant Editor: Lynn Baldwin
Copyright (c) 1961, 1971, 1974,
1975 by L. Ron Hubbard. All Rights
Published monthly by the Church of
Scientology of Calif., 2723 W. Temple
Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90026.
2nd Class postage paid at Los Angeles,
(A non-profit organization. Sciento-
logy is an applied religious philoso-
phy.) Scientology® and Dianetics® are
Registered names.
begins with full training and internships
"Existing techniques are tools. Any tool requires in- ACADEMY TRAINING. Class 0 through IV. Basic
telligent handling and a deftness in application. skills of Scientology auditing. Each level enables you to
The user of any tool, whether it be a stone axe, an deliver the state of release on a certain subject. Class 0:
adze or a Geiger counter must acquire confidence in that Communication. Class I: Problems. Class II: Relief.
tool and confidence in his ability to use that tool. Class III: Freedom. Class IV: Ability. Each level 2 weeks
An Auditor should attain personal and general self- full time. $250 per level or $1000 for the package.
confidence. He should then attain a good theoretical Available at your local Church of Scientology.
knowledge of his tools. He should have a period of appli- CLASS IV INTERNSHIP. A full internship on your
cation wherein he gains an excellent practical knowledge Class 0-IV skills. 3 weeks, $250. At your local Church or
of those tools. He should then have several signal at ASHO.
successes. If these steps are followed an auditor's use of EXPANDED DIANETICS COURSE. A new course
his tools should be certain and broad." in the recent breakthrough by L. Ron Hubbard, expand-
L. RON HUBBARD ing Dianetics to handle what the individual most wants
Advanced Procedure and Axioms handled. Can be done after Class IV or Class VI. 1 week
full time, $1000. At Continental Churches and at ASHO.
INTERNSHIP after training puts this sequence into Includes internship.
effect and gives you the full benefit of training. SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE. Com
Ron has said 1975 is "the year we're going to begin plete chronological study of Scientology up through
a Golden Era of Tech." 1966. Delivers thorough understanding and superb
Well-trained Auditors are the ones who will be de- command of all lower level processes. 4-6 months full
livering Ron's tech to mankind. time, $775. Only at ASHO.
Every training level and internship holds new data CLASS VI INTERNSHIP. Internship at ASHO as a
and a whole new viewpoint for you, bringing you ever VI. Includes Dianetic internship and Class IV Internship
closer to complete confidence and ability! if not done previously. $375. 3 weeks per internship
Here are the courses and internships you will be done. Validates your Class VI certificate and gives you
taking: complete certainty on what you have studied so far.
BASIC STUDY MANUAL. A simple course that CLASS VII. Power Processes. Special internship for
teaches you HOW to study. One week full time. Dona- 5 year contract staff and Sea Org members on the
tion: $125. Available at your nearest Scientology Church delivery of Grade V and VA. $775. 3 weeks. Only at
or Mission. ASHO.
Teaches you the use of Dianetic counseling to make a discoveries and the basics of 100% STANDARD TECH.
happy, healthy human being out of anyone. $500. 3 $1500. 3 weeks. Only at ASHO.
weeks. Available at your nearest Scientology Church or CLASS VIII INTERNSHIP. Includes auditing OTs on
Mission. special Class VIII rundowns. $375, 3 weeks. Validates
MINISTERS COURSE. Gives you a thorough ground- your Class VIII certificate!
ing in the religions of the world and the religious nature CLASS IX. Special advanced rundowns developed
of Scientology, qualifies you to administer the religious by Ron on Flag, 1968-1971. $1500, 3 weeks. Only at
ceremonies of Man and attend to his spiritual counseling. ASHO.
$15. 1 week. At your nearest Church of Scientology. CLASS IX INTERNSHIP. Expertise auditing at
DIANETIC INTERNSHIP. A chance to gain exper- ASHO. $375, 3 weeks.
ience as a Dianetic Counselor under professional super- You may co-audit up to your level of training.
vision. You are validated for what you do right, corrected For more information on training and internships of
on anything you have missed. $125. 3 weeks. Gives you any kind, write the LETTER REGISTRAR, Church of
a permanent Dianetic Counselor's certificate! At your Scientology of California, ASHO, 2723 W. Temple, Los
local Church or at ASHO. Angeles, CA 90026.
Let Ron
tell you the
whole story of
On the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course it is your
privilege to hear the whole story of what auditing is
and how it got that way - straight from Ron.
The answers to all the questions you have ever
asked can be found on this course!
Here are more than 30 years of Scientology's
research track-lecture tapes, books, bulletins—col-
lected and arranged in date order, ready for you to
absorb in just 4-6 months full time. (Full time
schedule is 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., 6 days per week,
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday).
When you graduate you will agree this is by far
the most valuable course you've ever done. You'll be
happier and more able than you've ever been.
On the Briefing Course you get all the data that
leads to a professional's grasp and comfort with the
subject. Your preclears will know the difference.
Plus, just by doing the Briefing Course you save a total of
$1375: $600 on Power Processing and $775 on Grade VI.
Briefing Course donation: $775. ($736.25 in advance.)
This famous course is offered to you only at ASHO.
To be eligible, do the Basic Study Course (or equivalent)
and the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course. Become either
a Class IV Auditor or a Clear. Then just sign up and start!
(Internship is NOT pre-requisite.)
Renee N o r t o n , Jim Rogers, Ike F r a n c o , Carol
H o m a n , Gertrude Scharff, Doris O c h o a , Diana
Lucarino, Lucille McEvilly, Steve Christensen,
Leonard R o m a n s , David M. Moore, Rita
T h o m a s , H o p e Borowsky, Helena F r i e b o t t , J o e
Sain, Don E. Marshall, Glen E. Simms, Alan
Anuszkiewicz, Jan Berquist, Lawrence L y n n ,
Karla Hurley, Andrea E d m u n d s e n , Ralph Cres-
cione, Dennis L o g w o o d , Dianne N e w m a n , Anita
Shrewsbury, J o h n R y a n , J a n e M o r t o n , Tim
H e e m a n , Marian A. Morse, Dave Matis.
Phillida R u n d b e r g , Claire Woodruff, Mike Nor-
m a n , Hugh Franklin, Shel Morrill.
EXPANDED DIANETICS C/S COURSE. Briefing Course s t u d e n t s help move the Bolivar!
Phillida R u n d b e r g . (at right)