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The Auditor WW 108 1975

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How they relate to training

by L. Ron Hubbard
The word INTERN or INTERNE When he then has turned out pes, pes,
means "An advanced graduate or a recent pes, pes, 5, 6, 8, 10 hours a day for weeks
graduate in a professional field who is get- and weeks and is a total success as a
ting practical experience under the Super- Dianetic Auditor, he can go on up.
vision of an experienced worker." Then one day he is word cleared,
An Interneship then is serving a period checked out on his drills, and he qualifies
as an Interne, or an activity offered by for "ok to audit" for IV or VI.
an org by which EXPERIENCE can be Now it begins all over again. Flubs—
Interneships have been arranged this
long while for every auditing class.
Cramming, midnight oil, audit audit cram-
ming audit audit new word clear new drill
work audit audit audit audit 5, 6, 8, 10
The Technical
That means LOTS of auditing.
hours a day.
Now he is a IV or VI auditor.
His next real step is a VI or VII
Breakthrough of 1974
An HDC graduate who doesn't then Interne at an SH. If he has been a good
audit under an experienced Case Super-
visor who knows and demands the stan-
IV Interne Auditor his VI Interneship
after his SHSBC will be a VII Interneship.
bv L. Ron Hubbard
dard actions rarelv gets to be an HDC VII is an Interne activity. Recently through intensive research knowing this we can recognise it and
AUDITOR. It takes tons of hours to If he is going to be a good VIII-1X I have made a very big Breakthrough when it occurs can easily remedy. You
make a real Dianetic auditor who can toss auditor he will Interne in an AO or SH which will greatly assist our expansion probably have noticed this many times.
off standard sessions and get his routine under an experienced C/S. even more. Take newspapers for example. They
miracles. Wherever this function is neglected, It actually is the Technical Break- relay all kinds of information, and dis-
So if an HDC doesn't INTERNE, but you don't get auditors. You get doubtful through of 1974 and applies to every cuss all manner of controversy, but so
simply goes on to the Academy Courses students and out-tech. field in which we operate. often you get to the end of an article
or SHSBC he has skipped his apprentice- On Flag C/Ses have to catch up every It is the mechanism which causes and feel that the real Vital Informa-
ship as a Dianetic Auditor. missed Interneship to make a high volume man to Withhold Vital Information. tion is missing. You kind of flip the
If he gets his Class VI and never interns high quality auditor. This Breakthrough is particularly page to make sure that you're really
but goes on to VIII—well, we now have The world renowned Superiority of important to our broad dissemination at the end. Educational textbooks dis-
somebody who has long since lost touch Flag Auditors is built just like I am of knowledge. guise Vital Information in all kinds of
with the reality of why he is studying. telling you here. For years I have tried to get to the ways. Authors ride pet theories, and
Regardless of Class as a course gradu- There is no reason just that same bottom of this, which is the most single so on. This is the mechanism at work
ate, a C/S MUST INTERNE HIS AUDI- quality can't be built in any org. fault in existing culture. . . . and it denies knowledge. Now we
TORS FOR EACH INTERNSHIP MISSED And one day you have IN tech and The mechanism stems from a gen- can handle this too.
ON THE WAY UP. high volume high Class auditing all over eral past and covert or overt withhold- I am very happy to tell you that
The "ok to audit" system is used. the place. ing of Vital Information, and because there is a new Technical Rundown for
One takes any graduate and Internes There IS a right way to go about it. of this a dramatization in daily conduct this and it is right now being made
him on the lowest Interneship he has It is by Interneship. of failing to relay information, brief, available in your local Org.
missed. He reviews his material, gets his instruct, or educate. It is a very simple procedure and
drills checked, gets his misunderstood Underlying this mechanism there is produces miraculous change, and I wish
words cleared and gets an "ok to audit" the intentional impulse to do so overtly you every success with it.
for that level. If he goofs he is crammed. or covertly in a mistaken attempt to
And sometimes wholly retreaded. The forward their own personal survival.
"ok to audit Dianetics" would be his This dramatization is prevalent in the
first okay. This suspends if he has to societies in which we live. And now

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Become a certain auditor INCREASE
on ASHO's standard Internships YOUR
Here's how you will get your permanent
certificate on your internship at ASHO! ABILITY
When you complete your training course
with a provisional certificate, you route in to
start. The Intern Supervisor goes over what is
expected with you.

Senior C/S goes over current cases he has handled with standard tech and unusually spectacular
results in the Hubbard Guidance Center, while referring auditors to Source if they have questions.
After the conference, the room hums with Interns also watch and do closed circuit TV
auditors hurrying to get into session! demonstrations of auditing sessions.
Any errors in the previous day's auditing are
corrected in cramming first. Cramming is inten-
sive re-study of materials that cover what the
auditor goofed on.

Every day starts with TRs, training drills to

and USE
increase ability to BE THERE and audit.
(Clockwise from left: Carolyn Patterson, Paul
Gamberg, Laura Jenson, Mary Alice DeWitt.)
the Basic
You'll get your basics, TRs and E-Metering,
thoroughly checked over and improved.
Interns and Supervisor observe TV Demon-
stration. One screen shows the session, the
other shows the E-Meter dial.
You'll catch up on all bulletins to your
level that have come out since you finished your
Class VI Cramming Officer (left) goes over Seven basic b o o k s selected by
The Intern Supervisor gives you an "OK to
cramming cycle with Cynthia McCarthy to find L. R o n H u b b a r d which vividly
audit" for each action you'll be doing after WHY the mistake was made, so any underlying
you've been checked out and word cleared on describe h o w Scientology works to
confusion is cleaned up.
relevant materials. increase ability. Essential reading
Interns listen to tapes of their own drills and
for a n y o n e w h o w o u l d u n d e r s t a n d
sessions, comparing them to model sessions
recorded by L. Ron Hubbard. When you can Scientology and life.
attest you audit without strain or nervousness,
when your auditing quality is like Ron's for Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental
your level, your tape is submitted to the Flag- Health, $7.
trained Qualifications Secretary. How the mind works, and how its
ability to compute is improved.
Science of Survival, the Prediction of
Human Behavior, $8.
How to evaluate human character
and predict people! Also the basic
principles of processing.
Advanced Procedures and Axioms, $4.
Relationship of auditor to preclear.
Responsibility and self-determinism
Scientology 8-8008, $5.
When you've audited high quality sessions Spiritual phenomena, the ultimate
in high volume, you write up a request to the escape and a thorough look at infinity.
Intern Supervisor (right) writes an "OK to Case Supervisor to graduate. When the C/S gives Creation of Human Ability, $5.
Audit" for intern Carlo Smith. The intern is his OK, you KNOW you've made it: FLAW- Textbook of processes for auditors.
checked out on actually drilling the action as LESS AUDITOR!
well as the theory behind it. Dianetics '55!, $5.
Manual of communication, including
chapters on the real nature of freedom
One very special part of interning at ASHO and ability.
is the morning C/S Conference from the Flag- You have now earned a Scientology: The Fundamentals of
trained Senior C/S.
Qual Secretary listens to an intern's taped permanent certificate Thought, $4.
session. It ispassed if up to standard or returned Including essays on the parts of man,
for more work if needed. you can be proud of! dynamics of survival, causation of
A well-deserved gold seal is affixed to your certificate to show you've been award-
ed permanent status. Just get these b o o k s , read t h e m , t r y
ASHO's internship is fast-paced, and the whole Qual Team (many not shown in t h e m — y o u will never be t h e same
these few pictures) is there to help you get each cycle completed. Three to four weeks again.
per internship is a reality at ASHO, with a standard of quality unmatched anywhere
in the Western Hemisphere. T h e Basic Library is r e c o m m e n d -
Come and intern now! For more information, write the Letter Registrar at ASHO. ed for dissemination to y o u r friends.
$ 3 9 . 0 0 t o t a l . $ 3 5 . 1 0 with 10%
HASI m e m b e r s h i p discount.
Buy t h e library from y o u r local
C h u r c h or order by mail from
Church of Scientology of California,
T e m p l e , L.A., CA 9 0 0 2 6 . Shipped
in 24 h o u r s , postage paid.

Order Today

The Monthly Journal of Scientology
Edition for the Americas
Volume 12, Issue 108
February 1975
Editor: Diane Colletto
Assistant Editor: Lynn Baldwin
Copyright (c) 1961, 1971, 1974,
1975 by L. Ron Hubbard. All Rights
Published monthly by the Church of
Scientology of Calif., 2723 W. Temple
Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90026.
2nd Class postage paid at Los Angeles,
(A non-profit organization. Sciento-
logy is an applied religious philoso-
phy.) Scientology® and Dianetics® are
Registered names.
begins with full training and internships
"Existing techniques are tools. Any tool requires in- ACADEMY TRAINING. Class 0 through IV. Basic
telligent handling and a deftness in application. skills of Scientology auditing. Each level enables you to
The user of any tool, whether it be a stone axe, an deliver the state of release on a certain subject. Class 0:
adze or a Geiger counter must acquire confidence in that Communication. Class I: Problems. Class II: Relief.
tool and confidence in his ability to use that tool. Class III: Freedom. Class IV: Ability. Each level 2 weeks
An Auditor should attain personal and general self- full time. $250 per level or $1000 for the package.
confidence. He should then attain a good theoretical Available at your local Church of Scientology.
knowledge of his tools. He should have a period of appli- CLASS IV INTERNSHIP. A full internship on your
cation wherein he gains an excellent practical knowledge Class 0-IV skills. 3 weeks, $250. At your local Church or
of those tools. He should then have several signal at ASHO.
successes. If these steps are followed an auditor's use of EXPANDED DIANETICS COURSE. A new course
his tools should be certain and broad." in the recent breakthrough by L. Ron Hubbard, expand-
L. RON HUBBARD ing Dianetics to handle what the individual most wants
Advanced Procedure and Axioms handled. Can be done after Class IV or Class VI. 1 week
full time, $1000. At Continental Churches and at ASHO.
INTERNSHIP after training puts this sequence into Includes internship.
effect and gives you the full benefit of training. SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE. Com
Ron has said 1975 is "the year we're going to begin plete chronological study of Scientology up through
a Golden Era of Tech." 1966. Delivers thorough understanding and superb
Well-trained Auditors are the ones who will be de- command of all lower level processes. 4-6 months full
livering Ron's tech to mankind. time, $775. Only at ASHO.
Every training level and internship holds new data CLASS VI INTERNSHIP. Internship at ASHO as a
and a whole new viewpoint for you, bringing you ever VI. Includes Dianetic internship and Class IV Internship
closer to complete confidence and ability! if not done previously. $375. 3 weeks per internship
Here are the courses and internships you will be done. Validates your Class VI certificate and gives you
taking: complete certainty on what you have studied so far.
BASIC STUDY MANUAL. A simple course that CLASS VII. Power Processes. Special internship for
teaches you HOW to study. One week full time. Dona- 5 year contract staff and Sea Org members on the
tion: $125. Available at your nearest Scientology Church delivery of Grade V and VA. $775. 3 weeks. Only at
or Mission. ASHO.
Teaches you the use of Dianetic counseling to make a discoveries and the basics of 100% STANDARD TECH.
happy, healthy human being out of anyone. $500. 3 $1500. 3 weeks. Only at ASHO.
weeks. Available at your nearest Scientology Church or CLASS VIII INTERNSHIP. Includes auditing OTs on
Mission. special Class VIII rundowns. $375, 3 weeks. Validates
MINISTERS COURSE. Gives you a thorough ground- your Class VIII certificate!
ing in the religions of the world and the religious nature CLASS IX. Special advanced rundowns developed
of Scientology, qualifies you to administer the religious by Ron on Flag, 1968-1971. $1500, 3 weeks. Only at
ceremonies of Man and attend to his spiritual counseling. ASHO.
$15. 1 week. At your nearest Church of Scientology. CLASS IX INTERNSHIP. Expertise auditing at
DIANETIC INTERNSHIP. A chance to gain exper- ASHO. $375, 3 weeks.
ience as a Dianetic Counselor under professional super- You may co-audit up to your level of training.
vision. You are validated for what you do right, corrected For more information on training and internships of
on anything you have missed. $125. 3 weeks. Gives you any kind, write the LETTER REGISTRAR, Church of
a permanent Dianetic Counselor's certificate! At your Scientology of California, ASHO, 2723 W. Temple, Los
local Church or at ASHO. Angeles, CA 90026.

Let Ron
tell you the
whole story of
On the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course it is your

privilege to hear the whole story of what auditing is
and how it got that way - straight from Ron.
The answers to all the questions you have ever
asked can be found on this course!
Here are more than 30 years of Scientology's
research track-lecture tapes, books, bulletins—col-
lected and arranged in date order, ready for you to
absorb in just 4-6 months full time. (Full time
schedule is 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., 6 days per week,
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday).
When you graduate you will agree this is by far
the most valuable course you've ever done. You'll be
happier and more able than you've ever been.
On the Briefing Course you get all the data that
leads to a professional's grasp and comfort with the
subject. Your preclears will know the difference.
Plus, just by doing the Briefing Course you save a total of
$1375: $600 on Power Processing and $775 on Grade VI.
Briefing Course donation: $775. ($736.25 in advance.)
This famous course is offered to you only at ASHO.
To be eligible, do the Basic Study Course (or equivalent)
and the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course. Become either
a Class IV Auditor or a Clear. Then just sign up and start!
(Internship is NOT pre-requisite.)

Power Processing is no longer

a requirement/or Class VI
All stops are off the training route. It's straight through
from Class 0 to Class X!
Act now. Come to ASHO for the Special Briefing Course.
Set a date now.
Send that date to the Registrar, Church of Scientology
of California, ASHO, 2723 W. Temple, L.A., CA. 90026
along with your advance donation to reserve your place.
Write (or call 213-380-0710) the Registrar for full details.

Issue 108 - page 3

Results from Scientology Churches Psychiatrist Trains at ASHO L.Ron Hubbard Scientoloqy Applied to Business
FOUNDING CHURCH D u m o n c e a u x , Bill Petty J o h n , Jim Taylor, Dr. Frank ("Sarge") Gerbode, psychia-
Acclaimed in Louisiana One Swap Meet to 5000 Stores
Sue Wasserman, Richard Strickland, David trist graduated from Stanford University,
WASHINGTON, D.C. Keller, Mike Morler. L E V E L IILMarion Morse,
is now training full time on the Saint Hill By special proclamation on the 21st of
Three years ago MIKE SHROKOSCH
GRADUATES Mike Lewis, Bill D o w n e y , Steve Sousa. L E V E L was selling various things at "swap meets."
H A S : Jerry Reggin, Anita O ' C o n n e l , Kathleen IV: Carol Gallo, Patti Naccash, Carol D o d d y , Special Briefing Course at ASHO. November, 1974, the Mayor of Donald-
Rogers, Carol Kelly, Paul Allen, Matt Stang, Bill D o w n e y , G o r d o n Prieur, Eric Dering, "When I first came into Scientology Then he discovered Scientology, decided
Evelyn Schlosser, Sally Burnett, Bernie D u m o n - sonville, Louisiana, named December 1st,
Cindy F l y n n , Brien Garland, Eric Garner, Mary
I was very uncertain about what to do he wanted auditing, and began to expand.
Costello, Freeman Ray, Leonard Warren, Make ceaux, Ray Korns, Carol Capello, Nydia 1974 as "L. RON HUBBARD DAY" to
Maye, Bruno Carrell, Sandra Chasse, Suzy Colomier, Barclay Bean. D I A N E T I C I N T E R N - in life. Nothing I had seen seemed worth recognize the advanced and 100% work- He found people wanted colorful T-
Bethel, Tim H o l m s , Glen Salisbury, J o h n SHIP: Kay Elstner, Ben Lewis, G o r d o n Prieur,
doing. I wanted to really help people, but able technology of Dianetics and Scien- shirts-so he started selling them. They
Tucker, Laura Bresler, Cathy Goldstein, Mo- Harrie Schmit, Steve Sousa, Mark Dobson,
Evelyn Schlosser, Gene Moore, Dan S i m o n d s , being a philosophy major hadn't done it, tology! sold so fast soon he enlisted his wife
h a m m e d M o h a n d a i n , Jeff Baker, David G r a h m ,
Jim O'Neill, Steve Dockendorf, Julia Davis, Ed Morler, Phil Gieseler, Andy Leonard, Pam being a psychiatrist hadn't done it. I was Donna to help, then a 3rd salesman.
Rita Hodge, Jamilla Wiltshire, Larry Kasser- DeVinney, Al Crouse. 0-IV I N T E R N S H I P : Kay In the Proclamation the Mayor urged
delighted to find something that actually Today, his fast-growing company, The
m a n , Ken D u a n e , Paul R y d z , Dell Tullis, Elstner, Bob Elder, T o m Piazza, Art More, Bill citizens and officials to "become aware
Peter T i d m a n , O t h a H u n t e r , Chris Moore, Joe D o w n e y , Dan S i m o n d s , Barclay Bean, Lisa worked," he says. Shirt Connection, is a 1/2 million dollar
Walton, Molly H e r o y , Bernie D u m o n c e a u x , of the programs and training offered by
Hagarty, Bob Snider, Linda Fleming, Fred
While completing his residency as a a year business, selling direct to 50 stores.
Gast, Rhett W i n t h r u p , Michael Crawford, Barry David Percivil, Marion Morse, Kathy Zaremba, the Scientologists who are trained in
J o n e s , Deith H o l m s , Wes Shiles, R o n Benjamin, Mike F e l d m a n , Carol Capello, Allyson Tierney, psychiatrist, he did the Dianetics Course His 10 distributors sell to 5000 more
technology discovered and organized by
Mike Harris, Ray Barton, M a t t h e w E l o n o p o n l y , Rick Green, Alan Blake, Eric Dering, Evelyn
at Palo Alto. "Most Scientologists don't across the country.
Mike Bruce, Susan J a m e s , Phil Elie, Danny Schlosser, L E V E L IV C/S C O U R S E : Allan L. Ron Hubbard." L y m a n Spurlock (left) shows a n e w client h o w
Bailey, Dina L a t h r o p , Erika F a h r e n y , Cinday Crouse. E X P A N D E D D I A N E T I C S C O U R S E : realize how utterly without a technology Dr. G e r b o d e hard at w o r k on t h e Briefing Course. Scientology can he applied to improve his It was 6 months ago his expansion
Tom Piazza, Barry Klein, Dan S i m o n d s ,
The Governor of the State of Louisiana accounts. really went into high gear, when RAOUL
Flynn, Sam Celia, J o h n Boucher, Richard Lion, psychiatry is. One tends to go on assum-
Linda Longerbean, Julie Mehr, Don Mulnati, Maureen Phillips, Bill D o w n e y , Larry Master, has also awarded L. Ron Hubbard the VALLE, SHSBC student at ASHO (soon
Mike Shapiro, Rita Manderola, Carla N o r t o n , E X P A N D E D D I A N E T I C I N T E R N S H I P : Larry ing a person with 14 years of training like "The Briefing Course really appeals to highest award given any individual in Intern Grad
Mary Becker, C y n t h i a Hayes, Steve Daly, Mike Master, Art More, Maureen Phillips, Lee L i p t o n , mine must have some sort of technology, to do his Class VI Internship) came on as
Bauchard, J o h n Bradley, Mildred Bloom, Don Barry Klein. E X P A N D E D D I A N E T I C C/S IN-
but it's not so," he explains. "I didn't get
me because of its chronological nature. Louisiana, the Certificate of Merit. Opens Successful CPA Practice sales/production manager and LYMAN
Essertier, Michael Sullivan, Greg T o d d , Nancy T E R N S H I P : Barry Klein. E X P A N D E D DIA- Everything appears in its proper context The Mayors of Baton Rouge, New Permanent Dianetic Auditor Steve Shrewsbury
Faulkner, Joffie Baron, Steve Bachant, Robert NETIC POST G R A D U A T E : Mark Elstner, Gary significant case change in any of my clinic Saint Hill Special Briefing Course stu- SPURLOCK became his accountant and carries his E-Meter in to give a session in Denver.
Broadway, Barbara Broadway, Sid Silverman, Jurgensen, Joel Morris, Charles Savage. and you understand why things are done Orleans, Kenner and Westwego have each dent LYMAN SPURLOCKopened his own financial advisor.
Bill Ferrill, Joe Bruno, Sandy H u n t e r , Pat Carve,
patients. So when I became a Hubbard instead of doing them by rote." presented the key to their city to L. Ron
RELEASES Dianetic Counselor, I would audit Diane- Certified Public Accountant practice right Mike is getting auditing every day at
Bill Craft, T o m J o h n s o n , Debby Ing, Susan
R o b s o n , Matt Cisel, Harold Jig, S c o t t Shea,
Mike S i m m o n s , Bob D a n t e , James Wake, Marcha
LIFE REPAIR: Debbie Blush, R o s e m a r y
Chartier, Madeline Sharp, Steve White, Chip tics at night at the Scientology Center Now an OT IV, he is spending the next
BRENT DAVIS is the very able Scien-
after finishing the Class IV internship, the
same time he started the SHSBC at ASHO.
the L A . Church. "Being a Scientologist ASHO's Youngest
Yokelson, David G r a h m , J o h n Rhines, Marcia just to do something effective!" he laughs. 3 years getting every ounce of training has made running this business a lot
Mans, Alfred Mitchel, Jerry Allen, Richard tologist in Louisiana who has brought
Comit, Larry Larkin, Joyce R o b e r t s o n , Amrie
Limerick, E d n a R o d r q u e s , Charles Davis, Pam
T r o o p , Jim Hart, Mike Crawford, J a n e t De
Simon, Earl T e e t o n , Bob S m i t h , Randy Haas,
He joined staff there as a full time auditor and processing Scientology offers. "My
purposes to make people more able are
Scientology to the attention of officials
Previously working for a firm, he
hadn't struck out on his own because of
easier," he says. "I can keep an exterior
view to it and remedy situations that
Intern Graduates
Lynch, Bucky Ma, Marcha Wills, J o h n Mont- Rocki Salop, Gary J o h n s o n , Mary J o r d o n , shortly after finishing his residency. there.
Helen Cola, Lynn Dubin, Al Adriance, Greg being fulfilled now, and that is what all the apparent stops. "My ability to con- come up."
g o m e r y , Mike Slenick, David N o e , David Stal- He's grown used to miracle results now. 13-year-old STEVE SHREWSBURY of
lings, Gary J o h n s o n , Karl Rockwell, J a n e t t e J o d d . A R C S T R A I G H T W I R E : T o m Walner, makes me happiest," concludes the doctor. front came up amazingly on the intern- Mike plans Class VI training at ASHO
Lee Turbish, Tim Fisher, Bill J o n e s , Suzy Sharp, "I had one woman who for years had Jon Calvin, H e r m a n Milban, Delores L o p u t k a , Denver, Colorado, has just graduated the
J o h n s o n , Daryle J o n e s , Kathy Wiltsey, Anne Susan Palmer, J o h n Cough, Gus Rodriguez, ship," he marvels. Starting with borrowed himself, as well as the Org Exec Course
D e C a m p , F r a n k Fitzgerald, Andy Singer, R o b e r t Priscilla Michaels, David Benezra, Don Nulnati, been unable to ride in planes without Dianetic internship from ASHO. He is
Burton, Chuck L y o n , Everett Denlinger, Larry John Rizzo. D I A N E T I C C A S E C O M P L E T I O N : Samuel Colt, Richard Kuebt, Daniel Epps, money and a lot of confidence, he applied and Flag Executive Briefing Course. He
Keith H o l m s , Doug H a n c o c k , Sury Kallerman, taking large doses of tranquilizers, drink- T h o m a s Holden, Gail Cassedy, Clarrissa Austin, now auditing for the Denver Mission.
Gardner. H Q S : Rosemary Chartier, David Gill, Dave Bruin, Dave T h o m a s , Mike L a n g d o n , Ron's datum on outflow from one of the and his wife hope to start their own
Kent Traring, R o d C o m b s , Cuch Figueroa, Nell Sue Ellsworth, Keith G r u n e r t , Gene Becker, ing like a fish and holding the hand of Douglas Perkins, David Meske, Barry Williams, OEC Volumes he owns. The next week, "It's been my dream to become a
Farren, Ethel Budd, Bob Walsh, Mike Spittle, Bill D o w n e y , H o w a r d Stafford. G R A D E 0: Marc
whoever was next to her," he recalls. T h o m a s Henley, Ronald Vaughn, J u d y Peter-
Scientology Mission. Dianetic auditor and I finally achieved it,"
J o h n Wilmeth, Drew Larson, Haley D o n n o c k . Pfeiffer, Margarette M o n o h a n , Charles Nichols,
son, Lettie C o w d e n , Jean G o r d o n , T o n y Vicola,
$7000 worth of business came in the
H S D C : Jay A r m s t r o n g , Phil Gesiler, Ken Gru- Keith H o l m s , Doug H a n c o c k , Maddy Dietz, "She came in for one Dianetic session door! Over the last 6 months, his month- Steve writes. "I got so much more out of
Barb H u t c h i n s o n , Sandra Carey, Pete Conrad, Steve Kosztola, Nick Pietrunk, Kathy H a y n e s ,
nert, G o r d o n Wallace, Ed Morler, Vic Rizzo, with me, then left for some other part of Paul D u p e e , J o e Balchunas, Vince Whelton, ly income has doubled what it used to be. the internship than I expected. I can just
Marion Felter, Steve Sousa, Debbie Diden, Marion Felter, Peter Leterese, Ed Morler,
Eve Lobell. P R I M A R Y R U N D O W N : Emily Rolland Mayer. G R A D E I: G r a y d o n Fisher, the country. Later she wrote that she'd had Ken Kroll, Mary D ' A m o r e , Linda Scapotti,
"I'm having a lot more fun too," he says. be there and audit and not get nervous or
Keith G r u n e r t , Doug H a n c o c k , J o d y G r u m p e r t , Kathy F a h e y , Steve Millard, J o e F o u g e r e , - scared. I can really just do it."
Baksis, Carolyn S h o m o . L E V E L 0: Ed T h o m p - no more trouble riding in airplanes, just Ron Theriault, Mary Ann Doria, David C h a m p - "I apply auditing tech all the time to
son, Bob Sudalnick, Al Adriance, Vern Landers, Gurry Coe, Ted L i z e n b a u m , T o n y S e t t o n s ,
Mike Baum, Margarette M o n o h a m . L E V E L I: G u n t h e r Zoefield. G R A D E III: David Percivil, from that 1 1/2 hour session! There's no agne, Michael Wolfe, Diane Williams, Rosemary handle my clients." Steve still gets his regular school studies
Ed T h o m p s o n , Ken G r u n e r t . G R A D E IV: Sue psychotheraphy I ever heard of that Quinna, Marilyn Bocknek, Aleta G r u b b , Nick in too, but his main interest is auditing!
J o h n Kielholtz, Robert Morler, Ed Morler, Lee, J o h n Fennessey, Laurie C o m s t o c k , Phyllis
Dot Taylor, Elain Pruette. L E V E L II: Bernie Ellsworth, Sandra Carey, David R e a m , L y n n e One of these clients is Scientologist
could do that." L i n c o b , T o m Drew, C a t h y Marad, Mike N u c c i o ,
Maurice Dubreuil, R o s e m a r y Caron. H Q S : Alan MIKE SHROKOSCH.
Klebanaff, J i m Medieros, Ray Kelley, David
Stang, Barbara Organ, Suzy Sharp, J o h n Lemna,
Jo Ann Terbush, Jessie O w e n , David Carey,
Jerry Shuler, Molly Heroy, Marcia R e a m ,
Scimenti, Linwood Colson, Paul G a u d e t t , Anne
Young, Elizabeth Darlington, J o a n n e Neilson,
Mark Sittler, Ann Hallblom, Steve Duval, Ed
Polanco. H S D C : Barney C h a p m a n , Bob Tannen-
b a u m . S U P E R L I T E R A T E : George King. L E V E L Canadian Gold Record
0: Susan Burns, Virginia C o h e n . L E V E L I:
Gordon Wallace, Miriam F o u n t a i n , Lois Gru-
n e r t , Vic Rizzo. E X P A N D E D D I A N E T I C S
CASE C O M P L E T I O N : Connie C a m b r o n , Jessie
S P A R K S , N E V A D A : First Scientology s t u d e n t s
Taraba, Bill L o r e n t z e n , Paul Raskin, Rafael
Corvarrubias, Tracy Clough, J i m Jaillet, J o h n
Kathy Whitlock, Gus Evans. L E V E L II: Cheryl
Dennis, Gary Keenan. L E V E L III: Brian Mar-
Winner joins Scientology
in t h e w o r l d see the n e w 1975 Grade Chart hot Spagnola, Jim Hart, J o h n S p a d e r o , Rosalyn shall. L E V E L I V : Kathy C o r m i e r , Joe Favilla,
Owen, S a n d r a Carey, Ray Giesman, Rolland off Nevada presses prior to its being shipped to Farinetta. H S D C : Glen Young, G e o r g e F r e e m a n , Leon H u l e t t , Lisa S h a t t u c k . D I A N E T I C IN-
Mayer. ASHO for mailout in the January Auditor. Lt.
JAMES LEROY, winner of two gold
John S p a d e r o . Gail R o t e n b u r g , Jim Hart, Ron T E R N S H I P : Cheryl Dennis.
Ken Delderfield (in Sea Org c a p ) shows t h e m Savello, Bill Griffith, Tracy Clough, Maryann RELEASES
Mike Shrokosch built his 5 0 0 0 store T-Shirt records in Canada, is currently on the
LOS ANGELES t h e m u c h smaller 1965 version in t h e fore- McCaffrey, Cindy D i a m o n d , Ed Maher, Joe distributorship using Scientology. Above, he
Hubbard Qualified Scientologist Course in
GRADUATES L I F E R E P A I R : Mike S h a t t u c k , Ron Scholz, checks over an order before it's shipped.
ground. (Left to right: Trent Blackburn, Andy Stover, Mark Sittler, Binnie Darlington, Alan Kathy Willage, Rick Hall, J o h n Marsh, Jan
H A S : Jim Dick, Bruce Gustafson, J e r e m y Race, Geraci, Linda Powelson, N o r m a n Scott, Sharon Klebanoff, Jerry Mazzarella, Jerry Markland, Toronto!
Sharon F u l t z , Howard M o r e t t e , Carol L a R u e , Savoie, Wayne Wengren. D R U G R U N D O W N :
Wells, Lt. Delderfield, Madelon G o r e . Phyllis O r c u t t , Mike Fallon, Charlie Cicalis, Fred Figueroa, Gladys G o r b e a , C a n d y Cormier. Chris Many. E X P A N D E D D I A N E T I C S : Bibi Brought in by his friend MICHAEL
Jerilyn Black, Jack Little, Laureen Hess, Warren Friske, Jim Heter, Mike Silton, Sandy Campbell, Debbie Mace.
Raines G r u t z m a c h e , Chris Kightlinger, Ron A R C S T R A I G H T W I R E : Dennis Grant, Gary ARGUE (recent Power Release from
H a d d a d , Carmel Sullivan,Nancy Collett, Mildred LeBlanc. P R I M A R Y R U N D O W N : James Bos- Hale. D I A N E T I C CASE C O M P L E T I O N : Dennis
Daniels, Lea Sanders, Orene Morse, Bill Kaplin,
Nichols, Carol M o o d y , J i m C o o k , Wilfred Velez, jolie, D o o n M c K i n n e y , Maurice Dubreuil G r a n t . G R A D E IV: George King, Hugh T a n n e n - ST. LOUIS ASHO and now Clear 4424), also a well-
Henry G o m e z , Paul Miller, Paul Littler, Gizela L E V E L 0: Carl Bredemeier, Ned H a u p t n e r , GRADUATES
Priese, Dan C o h e n , Mary Ellen F o x , E m m a Vera Pelikowsky, S t e p h e n H a m e r s k y , Maxine
Alan Klebanoff. L E V E L I: Julianna Crane, Joe
b a u m . E X P A N D E D D I A N E T I C C A S E COM- known Canadian rock singer, James is
Costa, Debbie Stewart, Jennifer M c L e o d , George P L E T I O N : Virginia C o h e n , Ted Cormier. H A S : Chris Boisaubin, J a n e t Folkerts, Jeane
R o b e r t s o n , Daneil Bathior, J o e T o l e d o , Craig
Staley, Jose Cuadra, Viola Beeson, H a m m u N u c c i o . L E V E L II: Carol Claudio, T o m Madigan. T u t t l e , Niki Boisaubin, Virginia Hart, D e n n y now working closely with the Celebrity
Epstein, Sally Sherry, Floyd Patch, Brian L E V E L III: Bob Baritz, Chris Ringguist, Chris HAWAII Ryan, Bill B r u m m e t , Bruce Gerard, J o h n Pitt- Centre in Toronto.
F a n d r y , Mark Winslow, Barry R o b e r t s , Steve Kruppa, Paul Poulin, J o h n C r o m p t o n , Pat
Keough, R o b e r t Nelleson, A n n e Dillard, Alan Harrison. L E V E L I V : R a n d y G r e s h a m , Phil GRADUATES m a n , Karen Collins, J o h n Curtin, Dan N e w m a n ,
Dunetz, Alberto Villada, Brian Milne, Ron Christine, Peter McDonald. Gerard R e n n a , H A S : R o b e r t A. Cabasug, William D. T h o m p s o n , Margaret J a c k m a n , Jerry Williams, N o r m a Karl, His first gold record was "Just a Touch
Kokawa. I N T R O D U C T I O N TO S C I E N T O L O G Y Peterson, Larry Hawkins, Barbara Day, Cassy
C O U R S E : Angela Jones, Alfredo L o p e z , Jean Harrell, Michael M c A r t h u r , Michael F o x , Robert DIANETIC I N T E R N S H I P : Carter Mannierre, Sara Edlin, Jack Allen Boren, Jeraldine S. Steve Kesserling, Connie D o u m i s , D o n n a of Magic" and the second "You Look
Bruce Silton. L E V E L 0-IV I N T E R N S H I P : Patti Texeira, D e n n y Brown, Bill Lopes, Steven L. Cooper, Kurt Martin, Karen Degenhart, Orrin
Kosanvich, Dennis Matthews, Alex Abnavenal. Evans, Paul Hattam, Barbara B o t t o m l e y ,
McMurray. Melleney, Audrey N. Higa,Gail Peterson, William Hawkins, R o b e r t Vogelsang, Linda Byington,
Good in Denim", both with his back up
H Q S : Alean A n d r a e , Sue Stripling, Kevin Rod- Chauncy A b b o t t , Nancy Korry. H Q S : Terry
Decottignies, Carmel Sullivan, Viva Sullivan, RELEASES A. Lacy, H o m e r David Waller Jr., Milch Miraflor, Maydell Evans, Brent C o l b u r n , Kevin Kelly, group, "Denim". Now working as a solo
erick, J u d y Pernie, Tony G r a h a m , Danny J o n e s , J o h n Elliott, Gail Miraflor, Kenneth Allen Marilyn Ellison, J.C. Hillesheim, R o b Clements,
Rene O ' C o n n o r , Craig Schaaf, Joan Mulder, Frank Vedder, J e a n e t t e Oswald, Louise Pyn- LIFE R E P A I R : Dave Scimini, Peggy Gill, artist, he's knocking Canadian audiences
c h o n , Gene Pepi, Janine Powers, J o h n Reagan. A u d r e y G o o d m a n , Joe Osgood, Kay F e n t o n , Russell, Linda Waller, Bill Steele Jr., Don Myers, Kay Taylor, R h o n d a C o l b u r n , Mike Jaeger,
Vera H o p k i n s , Kathy R o b e r t s , Jerilyn Black,
H S D C : Richard W e n d t , Alan C a r p e n t e r , Les Art Castricone, Robert T u p p e r , Daniels Sims, Edna Campbell, Bob S u r k a m p , Teresa J o r n s , off their feet and generating a lot of
Mike Graffam. H S D C : Ed J o h n s o n , F r a n k J o h n S p e d e r o . D R U G R U N D O W N : Peter Mc-
N o t a r o , Ann Giblin, David L a w r e n c e , Jan S w a n s o n , Dola King, Bob Waldon, Patricia Donald, Bill Griffith, Carlos A d a m s o n , Bruce Steve Shimabuku, Oscar C h a h i n e , Barbara c o n t i n u e d on page 6 enthusiasm for Scientology in Canada.
W a l d o n , P a t Rudiger, Gloria Devan, Dan J u k i c h , Silton. D I A N E T I C CASE C O M P L E T I O N : Steve Frierson, Diane Wakamiya, A m y Wakamiya,
D u p u y , J o h n Powers, Sue S n e a t h , J e a n e t t e Linda Sullivan, N o r m a n Vitale, Jo Anne Bass,
Stevenson, Kim H o p k i n s , Chris Bowers, Ed J o h n Nicholson, Dan K o m a n o n o , Yvonne Mor- Duvall, R a n d y G r e s h a m . G R A D E Q: Paul
gan, Don T h o m a s , Alice S m i t h , Kurt Dam- Godfrey Watson, Mark Cloutier, Mark Doswell,
Edinburger, Gary H o p e , Jim S c h w a r t z , S c o t t Ferrarri. G R A D E I: James Bosjolie, Ken Burns, Kent Brittain, Charles L. Wineland, Sr., Petra J.
Young, Frank Napier, Sue Hollins, Barbara bacher, Bruce Dark, Joyce Boyle, Ed Bertrand, Ken Burnes. G R A D E II: Richelde Spear, James
Fred Lincoln, A n n e k a Sells. S U P E R L I T E R A T E : Wineland, D o n Barkley, Diane Clarke. H Q S :
McCrae. SUPERLITERATE: Joe Peabody, N e w s t a d t . G R A D E III: Carol Claudio. G R A D E Tina Christinidis, Terry Lee Peiffer. H S D C :
Larry Polak, Garry H o p e , Donna Schrokosch, Diane L e a k a k o s , T o m Hall, Cat Firstman, Dora I V : Bob Carter, Bryan Zwan.
F o r t i n , J i m McKinley, Dola King, Leif Magnus- Gregory F. Stine, Peter E. Loewy, Greg R.
Don Gilky, Sue Parkman, Leon L u n d q u i s t .
LEVEL 0: Richard Moriak. L E V E L I; Jan son III, Michael Hedrick, C h u c k McDougal. AUSTIN Jones, Richard Nunnelee, Mike Hites. SUPER-
L E V E L 0: Maureen Cipley, J i m McKinley, GRADUATES: L I T E R A T E : Dick Evans, Larry C. Meyers.
McCally. L E V E L II: J o e A n d r e t t e , H u d s o n D I A N E T I C I N T E R N S H I P : Melvin Larsen.
Shake, Sid Yoder. L E V E L III: Richard Ken- Ralph Criscione, Ron Piccioli, Carolyn Gross, DIANETIC I N T E R N S H I P : Susan B o y n t o n ,
Bob Peterson, Karen Smith. L E V E L I: Deborah RELEASES
nedy, Hugh Gaugler, Richard N i e m e r o w . Steve Medlock. L I F E R E P A I R : Susan D. J o n e s , R o n d i A.
L E V E L IV: Sue Hollins, Teak Lobell, Fred H o s t , Balas, Mary H e g w o o d . L E V E L I I : Bill Goens, RELEASES:
Joan Biggs, J o h n King, Dennis Gregory. LEVEL Stryker. D I A N E T I C S C A S E C O M P L E T I O N :
Steve Sola, Mary Shelton, Tom Soracco, T o m ARC S T R A I G H T W I R E : Dick Busse, Chris Dux. Ann Larsen, Thelma Richeson.
P a q u e t t e , Hugh Gaugler, Sally T a t e , Fran III: Ray Enslow, Darlene W h i t e , Bob Gray,
Willardson, David N e m e c k , Barbara H o w a r d , Sue S w a n e z y . L E V E L I V : Dick Sullivan, Paul SEATTLE CELEBRITY CENTRE
Jim Tangradi, Joe P e a b o d y , Michael S n o o k , Mumford, Vicki Selby, Myrna J a c o b s , Pat Bird, GRADUATES
Sue Swanezy, Dave J o n e s , N o r m Goldenberg, GRADUATES
Celene Requeria, Richard Stolarz, Gary Miller, H A S : Sue L e n n o x , Marie LeClech, Michael HAS: Paul Mindez, Earl Davis, Veronica Davis,
DIANETIC I N T E R N S H I P : Martha T a t u m , Mary Dick Sullivan, Doug Cone, Ann Corrigan, Mimi Hehlen, Mark Biosotti, Mark Webster, Kurt
A d a m s , Kurt Feshbach, Val R e y n o l d s , Kathy Paul G r e i m a n n , Doug Oswald, David Kayle,
Nemcek, Neil Wilner, Jan McCally, F r a n k Bayne, Linda Walker, Mark Carlton, J a n e t Barbara Robarge, Bill Madson, Bob Kellog,
Napier, Sue Hollins. 0-IV I N T E R N S H I P : Cal J o h n s o n . HSDC I N T E R N S H I P : Karen Mellmer, T u t t l e , Barbara Gannis, Bertil Westling, Craig
Mary H e g w o o d , Jolee Marshall, Myrna Oren- Marilyn S t e r n , Fritz Boyce, Casey Boyce,
T h o m a s , Eve J o h n s o n , Bill Cavallerano, Martha Jones, F r a n k Shye, Jan Castle, R e n e ' Scobee, Frankie Walker, Genie Riley, Bob Gravage,
T a t u m , Mike Jason, Dick Kramen. E X P A N D E D bach, Bob A n d e r s o n , Jeff Micheli, J o h n Kretz, Dave T h o m p s o n , Dick R o b e r t s , T h o m a s Bleikor,
Roy Estrada, Lynn E d w a r d s , Bob Peterson, Hector Elias, Vi Karr, Susan Silvey, Lois Lenz,
D I A N E T I C S C O U R S E : Page Becker, L y n Hurst, Charles Livingston, Calius Victor, Kelly Nichol- Ruedi Mangisch, Ben Saadat, N a n e t t T a r p y ,
Sue Hollins, Fred H o w e . Bruce Crawford. 0-IV I N T E R N S H I P : Diane son, Bob S m i t h , Richard Kelsey, Barbara Gannis,
Englestad, Mary Hamaji, Mimi A d a m s , Lynn Cathy Kaspersky, Bob Felice, Lisa l e i n b e r g , Zee
RELEASES: Jon Castle, T h o m a s Bleckov, Dave M a t t o s , Eric Madrigal, Larry Benish, Nita Lenzi, Jim Pecnik,
Edwards, Celia Hawks, Helen McKinley, Mike Hoover, David Vorhees. H Q S : Silden G a n d y .
LIFE R E P A I R : Theresa A m i c o , Paul Baum- Walsh. HSDC C/S: Max Harvey. Laura M i t t e l m a n , Tod Urbonas, Louise N e w t o n ,
H S D C : Debbie Gruver, Kirt Otterlie. L E V E L Candy Martin, Vivyanne J a c k s o n . H Q S : Phylis
garten, Rita Van P a t t o n , Kathy R o b e r t s . D R U G RELEASES IV: Kay Biggs, Ann Howeisner.
RUNDOWN: Steve S t r o d e . ARC S T R A I G H T - C h a m b e r s , A n d r e w S. D u p r e e , Marc Polacek,
L I F E R E P A I R : Bob Evans, Pat Davey, Paulette RELEASES Alexandra, Leslie Schroeder, J a c o b Steinlaub,
WIRE: Hudson Shake, Wes Hollingsworth, L I F E R E P A I R : George Krier, D o r o t h y Tucker,
Jim Waddingham, Jim Schwartz, Jim H e r r o n , Chappill, Diane L e a k a k o s , L o u e t t e C o l o m b a n o , Carrie Dows, Dave D e i c h m a n , Jorge Pederosa,
Bob Ocegueda, Paul H a t t a m , Jesse Magnes, Jerry Bellamy. A R C S T R A I G H T W I R E : Steve Derek Geer. H S D C : T o m Lopez, Kaol J a r r e t t ,
Richard Levine, Patti Pederson, Bob Littler, LeMarr. DIANETIC CASE COMPLETION:
D I A N E T I C CASE C O M P L E T I O N : Mike Shan- Maxine Casta, Linda D u b a y a h , Linda Blaine, Paula A m s b u r y , Beate J e n t s c h , Adrien Craig,
Vera Helske. ARC S T R A I G H T W I R E : Val Lam- Gabriel Acs, S t u a r t T h o m p s o n . G R A D E 0 : Jorge Pederosa, Wendell D a y t o n , Juanita Allen,
iuk, G R A D E 0: Sandi S n o o k . G R A D E III: Kathy Devereaux, Haig C a r t o z i a n . G R A D E III:
Kirk Graves, Howard Becker. berti, Bruce Dark, Craig Graessle. DIANETIC T o m G o l d b a c h , Ron White. P R I M A R Y RUN-
CASE C O M P L E T I O N : Bob Peeters, Everett Bill D o w n e y . G R A D E I V : Jan Rolstad. DOWN: Kaye Lenzie, Peter G r e e n , Lou Gon-
SACRAMENTO Pugh, Dana Krawez. G R A D E 0: Sarina Bass. MIAMI zales, J u n e Moor, Inge Syvertson, Pam Trabert,
GRADUATES Mel Aranas, Dana Krawez, Teddie Milligan, GRADUATES Ivy J o h n s o n , Leo Zainzinger, Rich Blum, Steve
G R A D E I: Michael Andres, Amada Wolfenson. H A S : Catalina Misa, Dennis Watts, Karen New- S m o k e , Nancy Leibowitz, J o d y Fitzgerald,
HAS: Chad Sudderberg, Dawn Sudderberg, G R A D E II: Max Harvey. G R A D E III: R u t h
T r u m a n T r o u t , Marjorie Marvich. L E V E L III: m a n , Linda Suskauer, D o r o t h y Brown, Lisa Lenny Macaluso, Penny Krieger, Judy Hill,
Carraher. G R A D E IV: Ralph Criscione, Vicki Catanach, Barbara Geus, Kathy Raffels, Gary Puk M a r r o o , Russ W h i t e h e a d , Howard Myers,
Andy Estrada. L E V E L IV: O o d y S h u n n e s o n , Selby. E X P A N D E D D I A N E T I C S : Louise Feller, Bibbe Hauser, Kris S o m m e r s , F r a n k L a R u e .
A l e b c h u k , Brian Rickline, George Lorie, Lois
Ginny Randall. DIANETIC I N T E R N S H I P : Bob Joan Biggs, J a n e Teeter. Lee Cassin, H. Leland Taylor, Angel Figueroa, L E V E L 0: Ed Carlisle, Leo Zainzinger, Diana
Nebeber, Jim Williams. 0-IV I N T E R N S H I P : Roier Hoovar, David Berudt, R o b e r t Fisher, Stansfield. L E V E L I: Richard McCendy, Gar-
T o m Chandler, Addie C a e t a n o , Pete Fastert, BOSTON Steve Lefskin, N a n c y F i n c h , J a m e s Dessi, net Haas, Jean Whitney, Jean S o m m e r s . L E V E L
Ann Corrigan. H A S : Diane M a h o n e y , Bret Harrison, J o h n R a n d y McDonald, D o n n a R o m a n o , Deane II; Linda J a c o b s o n . L E V E L III: Dave Wyninger.
RELEASES Frankel, G u y Roberge, J o h n Y o u n g , Janis Milium, Jorge Martinez, Beaverly G o o d m a n , Juan L E V E L I V : Bruce B a r t r o m , S c o t t Seckley,
DIANETIC CASE C O M P L E T I O N : Gary Spack- Foresti, Jim Lorentzen, Sandra T i u m e , Gloria Martinez, Gail Scholz, Eddie Scholz, Ray Hall, Rick White. DIANETIC I N T E R N S H I P : Beate
man. D R U G R U N D O W N : R o b b y D o m o n t . Corvarrubias, Elaine Corvarrubias, Ed Reick, Beth Almy, Joe Rigsby, Mike G r a n a t , Kathy Jentsch, Dennis Vanier, Odele V o n n i e . 0-IV
Audrey G o o d m a n , J o h n Lister J a m e s , David R o u r k e , Ron Yoesting, Jeanine Carry, Bruce I N T E R N S H I P : Dominic Barille.
SAN FRANCISCO deCanter, Paul Raskin, Luis Correia, Spencer Caldwell, Lynn Hair, Jeff Sidis, Scott Nelson, RELEASES
GRADUATES Zoire, T o n y Addison, Aaron F r e e m a n , Rose Karen Witte, Roger Whal, Jerry Curry, Glen L I F E R E P A I R : Fred S i t t e n o w , Debbie Mace,
H A S ; George Bailey, Effie Meredith, Larry Fleming, Sherry Williams, Caughton Taylor. Real, Sheila Nickelvich, Doug S c o t t , Jose Joe Halm, Steve G e l t m a n . A R C S T R A I G H T -
Patty, Susan Snedecor, Maurice Cregan, Nunnie Larry Y o r n o , Jeff Williams, Richard Germaine, Sanchez, Willy E. Haast III, F r a n k Sieloff, W I R E : H o w a r d Wilkins, Mary Wilkins. G R A D E
Silva, Pete C o t e , Keri J e n s o n , Sonia Q u a n , Eleanor Cozzarilla, Robert N e m o , Mike Phillips, James Gilbert, Rick Ryan, Walter Taylor, Mark 0: Taya Bucik, Sam Beasley, Sue Green, Kathy
Janet Harrington, Gary Epstein, E m m a n u e l Bill Ames, Ralph Fag, Mark Morris, Natalie Nickolson, Dave B o b o , Beaverly R o m i n s k y . R y a n , Marcy Jackler. G R A D E 1: Ken H o d e n ,
Baraiya, Archie Pryor, Michelle Marshall, Mau- J u d s o n , Brian Moriantz, Jeffrey Alexson, Kemp H Q S : Marlene Turcios, Greg S c o t t , Jackie Barbara Mithoff, Howard Wilkens. G R A D E II:
reen Harris, F r a n k Talavera, Robin Dean, Dixie D u n a w a y , Bill Latez, Al Zwan, Janice Rockwell, Hawkins, Marianne Koester, Lynora Lentz, Sue Garnett Haas, Richard McCendy. G R A D E IV:
Holland, Robert Kaelbe, Rene Borque, Joseph
page 4 - Issue 108 Issue 108 - page 5
Carol H o m a n , Laura J e n s o n , Steve Singer,
Steve Christenson, David Moore.
Dave J o n e s , Brandie Brandt, Bruce F l a t t e r y ,
Patty Morrill, Dick Butler,

Renee N o r t o n , Jim Rogers, Ike F r a n c o , Carol
H o m a n , Gertrude Scharff, Doris O c h o a , Diana
Lucarino, Lucille McEvilly, Steve Christensen,
Leonard R o m a n s , David M. Moore, Rita
T h o m a s , H o p e Borowsky, Helena F r i e b o t t , J o e
Sain, Don E. Marshall, Glen E. Simms, Alan
Anuszkiewicz, Jan Berquist, Lawrence L y n n ,
Karla Hurley, Andrea E d m u n d s e n , Ralph Cres-
cione, Dennis L o g w o o d , Dianne N e w m a n , Anita
Shrewsbury, J o h n R y a n , J a n e M o r t o n , Tim
H e e m a n , Marian A. Morse, Dave Matis.
Phillida R u n d b e r g , Claire Woodruff, Mike Nor-
m a n , Hugh Franklin, Shel Morrill.
EXPANDED DIANETICS C/S COURSE. Briefing Course s t u d e n t s help move the Bolivar!
Phillida R u n d b e r g . (at right)


Briefing Course
Mary Alice Dewitt, D o r o t h y B o e h m , Phil
H o u t z , Richard M o n e t t e , Larry Lindley, David
Goes to Sea
On December 8 t h , ASHO treated m o r e than
30 Briefing Course s t u d e n t s to a cruise aboard
PRIMARY RUNDOWN: the Sea Org ship E X C A L I B U R !
Shirley J o n e s , Steve T h o m p s o n , David Pyatt. Once at sea, Briefing Course s t u d e n t s were
everywhere, peering d o w n h a t c h e s , climbing
ORG EXEC COURSE: ladders and enjoying the sun and waves.
Jay S c h u m a c h e r , Lawrence L y n n , Bob Nelson. Some of t h e s t u d e n t s w h o w e n t w e r e : J o a n
Ken Hughes. and G y m e d e A n g e l o , Carol A n d e r s o n , Ellen
Rockwell, Robbie Kanes, Ned H i g g e n b o t h a m ,
CLASS VI INTERNSHIP GRADS Vivian Crandall, Ellen Donish, Louis Sussman,
David W o o d , J u d y Wolfe, Linda Carter, J o h n Donna H o l m , Elaine Savitsky, Terry S m i t h ,
Woodruff, Marian Klopp, Hugh Franklin, Nancy John Grant, Neal Franson, Tim Gifford, Rick
Walcott, Frances Jarrell, Patricia Whalin, A n n e Alba, Bill Titus, Paula H a r m o n , Hugh Daniel,
Pfanner, Larry Dahlquist, Mark Elstner, Mike Mike Miller, Rick White, Ted R e m a k , Al Moniz,
N o r m a n , Penny Silber, Marc Silber, Marge J o h n Glenski, Richard R o m e j k o , Marilyn Rein-
Chiclacos, Don F r e e d m a n , Linda Welsh, Carol hart, Craig Effman, Wendy Budlong, Carter
C o w a n , Justin Brown, Claire Woodruff, Eli Manierre, David Silva, T o m Piazza, Bruce
Primrose, Greg M o o r e , Clay Primrose, R o b e r t Flattery.
Waldman, Jana Stokes.
Richard T u t t l e , Ron Morgan, G e n e Siegmund,
CLASS VIII INTERNSHIP: Larry Gill, Dave Baca, Pam Haggar, Laurie Kis-
Mike Norman, Linda Welsh, Carol Cowan. persky, J i m Kispersky, Bernard J o r n s , Brent
Colburn, Larry Schwartz. H Q S : Jim Plascak,
Top Ten Churches Marilyn K u c h n o , Barb French, Daenel Scoby,
Pete Marin. HSDC: Chris Boisaubin, Steve Marin,

and Missions Matt Plahuta, C h u c k R i d e n o u r . L E V E L 0:

Curtis J o n e s . L E V E L I: Rick Brown. L E V E L II:
Al Koch. L E V E L IV: Betty Wacker, Jim
Here, from t h e t o p , are t h e C h u r c h e s and F o r s y t h , Ginger Wagner, Ron Luniewski, Randy
Missions w h o sent t h e most people up t h e Smith.
Bridge to A S H O in D e c e m b e r ! L I F E R E P A I R : Dave R o b e r t s , Tim Wier, Larry
1. Church of Scientology, San Francisco! Jones, Niki Boisaubin, Chris Boisaubin, R a n d y
2. C h u r c h of Scientology, N e w Y o r k S m i t h , Charlie Jorns, Jeff Bassett, Jan Folkerts.
ARC S T R A I G H T W I R E : Kathy Caulfield, Cleve
3. A l b u r q u e r q u e Mission McDaniels. G R A D E 0: Dave Barr. G R A D E I:
4. Los G a t o s Mission Richard Jiminez. G R A D E II: Doug J o n s s o n .
5. Church of Scientology, Boston G R A D E IV: T o m Vaughn, Scott Crawford,
Mike Perkins, Dave P u r k e y , Gary Keuver, Pat
6. Palo Alto Mission Smith.
7. Church of Scientology, St. Louis These Ministers were ordained in St. Louis by
8 . Church o f Scientology, T o r o n t o t h e Rev. Barry Klein on N o v e m b e r 2 4 , 1 9 7 4 :
Randy S m i t h , Charles Savage, Shaaron Ben-
9. East Bay Mission j a m i n . Bonnie Kincaid, Daniel Winter, Bob
10. Celebrity Centre, Los Angeles Guignon, J o e Steurer.


GRADUATES H A S : Bill Davidson, Beth J o h n s o n , Dennis
H A S : Lisa Peters, Nanding Villanueva, D e n n y Nelson, Ron Dovell, Ernie Mclak, Peter Furgu-
Freeman, Mark Wengren. H Q S : Erica H a h n , son, H e l m u t Weff, R o b e r t P a y n e , Gilbert
Lupe Martinez, Liz Carbe. H S D C : Gabrielle Richard, Chuck F o x , T o n y Dacosta, James
Lupia, Mark Jay J o n e s , Marion Teague, Ernie Kellett, Jennifer Franks, J o h n Seminoff, Barb
Halt, Sally S m i t h , Joe Forster, Ray Beeson, Andrews, Joy A n d r e w s , Michael McCartney,
P R D : Ernie Leitz. L E V E L 0: Sioux D o u g h t y , Richard Cambell, Paul E l d o n , Carol McKenzie,
L E V E L I V : Leopold Zainzinger. D I A N E T I C Barb A n d r e w s , Roland Studer, Gary Velich,
I N T E R N S H I P : Pam Diogenes, Joan R u c k s , Don S m i t h , Darrall Ward, Muhan Mann, Jim
Lynn T u r k , Carl Jardine, Mark J o n e s , Jean Wingfield, Misty Morgan, J o h n J o n e s , T o n y
Y o u n g s t r o m , Gabrielle Lupia, Lois Hense, H a m a y o , Ron Collins, T o m Doward, Clark
SHSBC: Nancy H u m b l e , Janet Chapman, Warner, Paul Morrison. H Q S : Mel Piper, Geoff
Michael Carr. C L A S S VI I N T E R N S H I P : A n d y Scott, Iain Neale, Sandi Archibald, Rita Kinert,
Seidler, Neal Pardee. H U B B A R D P R O F E S S I O N - Jean Deschesnes, Ian T e m p l e , Arlene Rees,
AL C O U R S E S U P E R V I S O R : Phil Friese. John Andrews, Bill MacLean, Alvina Buglar.
EXPANDED D I A N E T I C S C/S: Enid Vien, H S D C : David McNevin, Jeanne P"eyerabend,
Claudia Petschek EXPANDED DIANETICS Colleen Bushell, Lesley Tyrer, Melodie L a n d o n ,
I N T E R N S H I P : Carol Ann Marino. Jack F e y e r a b e n d , Renee D o r y t e r . S U P E R L I T E -
RELEASES R A T E : Lesley Tyrer, Kees Mijinke. L E V E L
LIFE R E P A I R : Bobbie Wengren, Hogap Mon- 0: Don J o h n s o n , Eileen Hirtle, Laurie Schu-
jian, Jan Seyles. D R U G R U N D O W N : Dave macher. L E V E L I: Jack F e y e r a b e n d . L E V E L II:
Oyler, Mary Mason, Larry U n d e r w o o d . DIA- Barb P i n t o , Mel Hanlan, Carla Hanlan, Peter
NETIC CASE C O M P L E T I O N : Luanna Manhart, Hanlan. L E V E L I I I : Edith H o d g s o n . L E V E L
Ari Ross, Grace Wells, Barb R o w l e y . G R A D E 0: IV: Camille D e n h o l m e , Delys Decoursey, Arda
Sue Daniel. G R A D E I: Ed Pace, Brian Piper, Miller.
Jack Shaffer, Pat Dillinger, Eric T o w n s e n d . RELEASES
G R A D E III: Jim Kilmarten. G R A D E IV:
Sharron Dunford, Ray H e n e y . G R A D E V: L I F E R E P A I R : Brian T h u r s t o n , Brian M o r t o n ,
Hobreigh Hizer. G R A D E V A : Dan Sjostrom, Jim Bauerle, Dan Seurat, Harry Werner, Nancy
Diana R o b e r t s , J o h n Sly, Karla Lee, Peggy Spur- A n d e r s o n . ARC S T R A I G H T W I R E : Huntley
lock. E X P A N D E D DIANETIC CASE COM- Giesbrecht, tan T e m p l e , Elizabeth Jones, Myles
P L E T I O N : Luci Thiel, Jim Kilmarten, Karla Lauigueur, Linda Patterson. D I A N E T I C C A S E
Lee, Pat Lusey. C O M P L E T I O N : J o h n Kershaw, Dan J a c k m a n ,
Jack D y c k , Carla Hanlan. G R A D E 0: Paul
ST. LOUIS c o n t i n u e d from page 5 S m i t h , Diane Roger, J o h n Kershaw. G R A D E I:
Kathy Butler, Kim Tanner, Leora Tolch, Bob Ted H u m p h r e y , Huntley Giesbrecht, Stan Roger,
J o h n s t o n e , Bill White, Ed Burks, Diane Bason, Ken M a c D o n a l d . G R A D E III: Verne Watson.
G R A D E I V : Terry Chadsey, Jay S c h u m a c h e r ,
Scott Bradley, Steve Beyer, Bill Sieple, Jim Ron L a c t e r m a n . E X P A N D E D D I A N E T I C S :
Tanner, Terri Giles, Diane Nelson, Dick Ridge, Jack F e y e r a b e n d .
Becky Ridge, Denny Vehovic, Vicky Eads,
c o n t i n u e d on page 7

page 6 - Issue 108- THE A UDITOR

Vital Statistics Interns gain CERTAINTY
At Wilmington, California
H E L E N T R E M B L A Y and JIM F A U S T were married aboard t h e
ship, Excalibur, on December 8, 1974 by the Rev. T. Riggs
Eckelberry. Focus On Success
At Los Angeles, California There's nothing like those internships. It's tough, reality on what an internship was until I did it. I'm
D I A N E M A R I E W A R D and Rev. A L B E R T LOUIS H A H N , J R .
were married on J u n e 19, 1974 by the Rev. Mike S m i t h .
it's rough, there's no room for error. You're expected to definitely going to send all my auditors for internships
At A n d e r s o n , Indiana be expert and professional. And for a Thetan, that's now.
M A R I L Y N D U R R and BILL P E T E R S O N were married by really the best thing that can happen to him-to be PAUL ARMSTRONG, Class VIII
the Rev. Doug Nordling. pushed to that limit and actually succeed and do it.
At Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Davis, California
A N N E T T E L E P A G E and J O H N SPICK w e r e married o n When you win at it, you really know you did something.
November 16, 1974 by t h e Rev. Hilarie Rockl. The impact of OT, ASHO-trained auditors on Santa I feel fantastic having just become a permanent, bona
At St. Louis, Missouri Clara was no small thing. We spoke at graduation and fide Class VI Auditor. After inflowing all the data on the
D I A N E N E L S O N and L A R R Y BROWN were married on Decem-
had a 5-minute standing ovation from an overflowing Saint Hill Special Briefing Course I now have, and will
ber 1 5 , 1974 by t h e Rev. Barry Klein. continue to outflow Ron's data in the form of auditing
At Los Gatos, California house. Things in my area are beginning to snap and pop
KATHY SHIMIZU and MIKE DIXON were married on May 4, almost before I can believe it. Many difficulties con- others up the Bridge to Clear. I feel very good and very
1974 by t h e Rev. Alan Albert.
sidered irresolvable have just melted away. valuable.
At St. Louis, Missouri
C A T H E R I N E M c B R I D E and C H A R L E S S A V A G E were married CIA Y PRIMROSE, Permanent Class VI, HUGH FRANKLIN, Permanent Class VI
on December 8, 1974 by t h e Rev. Barry Klein.
Expanded Diane tic Auditor from Connecticut
At Los Gatos, California
P H Y L L I S H A Y E S and P E T E R G R A N T were married on J u n e VITAL INFORMATION RUNDOWN SUCCESS!
30, 1974 by t h e Rev. Alan Albert.
At Los Gatos, California
A fluttering uncertainty about what to do with impor-
E L L E N EPSTEIN and TOM N O L A N were married on November tant information was keeping me from being very effec-
17, 1974 by the Rev. Alan Albert. tive at critical times. The uncertainty was based on so
At St. Louis, Missouri
BETTY W A C K E R and M A R K H A N S E S were married on Decem-
many different kinds of things that only this rundown
ber 2 1 , 1 9 7 4 by t h e Rev. Barry Klein. could have handled it properly. Now I've lost all my
At Van Hornesville, N e w Y o r k reasons for withholding vital information. It's clearly
PUHS F E N T O N and R.M. (MOOSE) T E W A L T were married on correct and easy to relay it. Thanks to Ron for the
July 4, 1 9 7 4 by t h e Rev. Rosser Cole.
At Levittown, Pennsylvania rundown.
S H E R R E E S O L O M O N and G A R Y SAMPSON w e r e married on L.F.
J u n e I S , 1 9 7 4 b y t h e Rev. R o b e r t T . Sampson.
At Detroit, Michigan
M A R G A R E T B I D I G A R E and RON B R O A D W E L L , H D C , were
married on July 2 0 , 1 9 7 4 .
At Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
SANDI A R C H I B A L D and C H U C K D Y R E S w e r e married o n
December 14, 1974 by the Rev. Hilarie Rockl.
At San Diego, California John Woodruff, n o w interning after the Flag Executive Briefing
D O R O T H Y O B E R G A N G U S and C . E L D O N A N G U S renewed Course, walks with his wife, Claire, w h o is on t h e Class VI C/S
their marriage vows of twenty-eight years ago on August 2 4 , Course.
1974. The marriage c e r e m o n y was performed by their son, t h e
Rev. Duncan Angus. Without a doubt this is the most able I've felt since
At P u t n e y , V e r m o n t OT IV! Auditing is the most natural and beautiful
MARY McKINNON and N I C H O L A S D E U T S C H were married on
S e p t e m b e r 8, 1 9 7 4 . experience there is.
At Santa Monica, California A Class VI really knows what Ron wants and the
K A R E N R U S S E L L , OT III, and E D W A R D M. M A H R , JR., internship enables him to actually do it.
full OT VII, were married on t h e shore of Will Rogers' Beach on
September 2 7 , 1974 by t h e Rev. James Byrne.
JOHN WOODRUFF, Permanent Class VI
At Las Vegas, Nevada from Santa Clara
G E R R I E KNIGHT and BILL C U R L were married at t h e Celebrity
Centre on November 3, 1974 by t h e Rev. Alan Walter. I really enjoyed every inch of the Class VI internship.
ENGAGEMENT It was very smooth all the way through and I feel
In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada validated and very well-equipped as an auditor to deliver
JIM ROBSON will soon marry D O N N A M A R I E KEMP. fully all actions flawlessly up through Class VI. I'm
BIRTHS proud of my new status.
At Chula Vista, California
DON FREEDMAN, Permanent Class VI
To GAIL and G A R Y H I L L , a son, BARNUM J O E , on October
12, 1 9 7 4 . The C/S Internship was valuable to do. The biggest
ASHO Release Tally
At Los Angeles, California
To S U E and BOB C E K O S K Y , a d a u g h t e r , L A L E N A , on
November 2 2 , 1 9 7 4 .
gain for me is certainty on what I'm doing. Unshakeable
and stable certainty on standard tech and getting and
This figure changes daily. Watch t h e n e x t A u d i t o r for
At Detroit, Michigan keeping it in. the latest tally.
To L O R R A I N E and P A U L M A I S A N O , a s o n , M A X W E L L , on
September 2 7 , 1 9 7 4 . MICHAEL NORMAN,
At Fort S m i t h , Arkansas Class VIII, Class VI C/S, Permanent
To G E O R G E A N N and S C O T T G R E G O R Y , a son, M A T T H E W
M I L L E R , on S e p t e m b e r 9, 1 9 7 4 . I've gained a certainty of the tech, my application
At A n d e r s o n , Indiana of the tech, my abilities as an auditor and that tech
To ANN and KEN W O O D , a daughter, K E L L Y L Y N N , on always works.
O c t o b e r 14, 1 9 7 4 .
At Los Angeles, California JUDY WOLFE,
To G A Y L E and KIT T E E L E , a daughter, K A T R I N A M A R I N A , Permanent Class VI Auditor
on December 2 5 , 1 9 7 4 .
At Los Angeles, California Ihad awholc lot of loose ends that I didn't even know
To E L E N A , CI. IV, and R O B E R T DUBOW, CI. I V , a d a u g h t e r , I had. It was amazing to do this internship-I really got
J U L I E T , on December 10, 1974.
At F o u n t a i n Valley, California my basics in solid.
To C H E R R I E and E D D I E W O O D E R S O N , a d a u g h t e r , SAND { The main thing that happened to me was my confront
LEE, on December 8, 1 9 7 4 . was amazingly raised. It was a tough internship. But
At Los Angeles, California
To L E S L I E and S T E V E T H O M P S O N , a son, J U S T I N M I C H A E L
that was sort of fun. I really got through it and really
K E N T , o n December 2 9 , 1 9 7 4 . feel like I can audit anybody-I don't care who thepre-
At Boston, Massachusettes clear is, whereas before I used to shy off certain types of
To E L I Z A B E T H and DON C U R R I E R , a son, C H R I S T O P H E R ,
on S e p t e m b e r 2, 1 9 7 4 .
At Boston, Massachusetts Courses train you, but then you have to go and apply
To L A U R A and KEN GETTLER, a son, JUSTIN BRET, on the tech. While you 're applying it you need that expert
O c t o b e r 30, 1 9 7 4 . there to keep you on the road, correct you. Really on
At Vancouver, British Columbia
To J U D I and R I C K R O U S E L L E , a s o n , D E S M O N D , on
the job training.
October 4 , 1 9 7 4 . I was a Class VIII in the field and didn 't have any
At Boston, Massachusetts
To M A R Y A N N and KEVIN O ' D O N N E L L , a son, D A V I D C H U R C H NEWS c o n t i n u e d from page 6
JOHN, on November 2 0 , 1974. BUFFALO
At Vancouver, British Columbia H A S : Betty Sklepik, Elonor Speicher, Laurie Y o n n o t t i , lulie
The Daughter of M E L O D I E and MICHAEL L A N D O N , L A R A , Y o n n o t t i , Angela llasi, Immaculata Iannello, Jim Kurek. L E V E L
was christened on July 9, 1 9 7 4 by t h e Rev. Ted H u m p h r e y . 0: Diane Drozdowski. LEVEL I: J o h n Rusnak. M I N I S T E R S
At Austin, Texas C O U R S E : Bob Elder.
M I L L E R , was christened on November 2 8 , 1 9 7 4 by t h e Rev. DIANETIC C A S E C O M P L E T I O N : Dave Covell. G R A D E 0: Elli
Chuck Reed. M a t t h e w ' s G o d p a r e n t s are B E V E R L Y and D A V I D Perkins. G R A D E I: Louis J. B u c h m a n n . G R A D E II: Tom
STAUFFER. Pacholczak.
At Los Angeles, California ^
The daughter of SUE and BOB C E K O S K Y , L A L E N A , was
christened on J a n u a r y 4, 197 5 by the Rev. Alfred Farr, Jr.
Mission News
If it isn't announced in the Auditor GRADUATES
H A S : Rex H o r n i b r o o k , Joan H o r n i b r o o k , Gene Statler, Paula
it didn't happen. Rose, Stephanie Weiss, Warren Weiss, Evelyn Strauss, Karen
Klevanoski, James Aiello, Barry Haines, Rollin H. T h o m a s III,
Send it in and make it a fact. Carmen M. Hebert, Richard A. Hebert, Donna F r i e d m a n , Susan
Pittluck, D e b o r a h I Ilish. HQS: Charles Boito.
Personal Notices ANDERSON, INDIANA
Friends: I w a n t e d you to k n o w I am on t h e Excalibur and am
getting married in F e b r u a r y . I care a b o u t y o u . Feel free to write H A S : Wanda Gross, Bill Neely, Gayla S m o u s e , Murphy S m o u s e ,
c/o 6 7 2 4 H o l l y w o o d Blvd., H o l l y w o o d , CA. Love, Cassandra. Dave F o o t e . HQS: Scott Crawford, Marilyn Durr Peterson.
O F F E R . Gabriel Kriz, 1905 Bonita, Berkeley, CA. 9 4 7 0 4 . H A S : Tina Bushling, Bob Bushling, Kim Mcllroy, Karla Mcllroy,
H o w do y o u l o o k up a w o r d in t h e dictionary w h e n y o u can't Craig Mcllroy, David Vaughn, Charyl H e l t o n , Brent S e a r b o r o u g h ,
spell it? Use t h e BAD S P E L L E R S D I C T I O N A R Y , $1.75 p p d . Ray Massey, Linda Fine, Peter McLaughlin, Bill Bender, Karen
Bob Ross, Box 3 1 , Cedarhurst, N . Y . 1 1 5 1 6 . Sweet, Loren Dirkes, Kathy Van Essen, Kent R i c h a r d s o n , Lee
L a m b e r t , Boyzy Long, Richard Graves, Wacira Gethaiga, Eleanor
BISHOP'S C A S T L E , 1 9 1 9 N. Beachwood Dr., H o l l y w o o d , Ca. Linich, Terry Treadwell, Chris Davidson, Ed Cyrus, Estelle
9 0 0 2 8 , 4 6 3 - 6 0 7 9 . Scientology Guest H o u s e , Safe, upstat space, H a m p t o n , Bill Rucker, Jim Davis, Jacqueline Hecker, Bill Gibson,
Meals, Vitamins provided. W k l y / m n t h l y rates. A H o m e Away Flora M o r e p h e w , Randy S m i t h , Marcus Dalton, Stewart Engle.
from H o m e w i t h A R C ! C H I L D R E N S COMM C O U R S E : Susan Schrieder, Jeff Frederick,
YOU can save lives, and t h e future of many of o u r best young Eric Deblasi. HOS: Pat Mattison, Wally H a n k s , Gerald S m i t h ,
people by making a m o n t h l y a l l o t m e n t to N a r c o n o n . Send to Irish C o n w a y , J o h n Betz, Deegie Phelps. P R I M A R Y R U N D O W N :
N a r c o n o n , 1229 S. Westmoreland, L.A., Calif. 9 0 0 0 6 . It is Jo Ellen W y d r o , Dan Sjostrom, Randy Sadler, Bonnie Daniels,
needed n o w . Dave W o r t h e n .
Y O U N G S C I E N T O L O G I S T S . NO N E E D to be a HS d r o p o u t ! LIFE R E P A I R : Craig Martin, Estella H a m p t o n , Ken Allen. ARC
Take your basic highschool courses by c o r r e s p o n d e n c e . Obtain S T R A I G H T W I R E : April Masten, Ruby Warr, Jan Wolfe, Gary
an Equivalency Certificate. Write HS C O U N S E L I N G S E R V I C E Eakin, Dave W o r t h e n . DIANETIC CASE C O M P L E T I O N : Bud
P.O. Box 8 5 1 3 4 , Los Angeles, Ca. 9 0 0 7 2 . Ph: 2 1 3 - 4 6 4 - 0 5 1 4 . Gilmore, Dana Stiff, Alan N o o r d a , Carl Carlisle. G R A D E I: Alan
Douglas. G R A D E II: Diana R o b e r t s . G R A D E IV: R a n d y Sadler,
Bud G i l m o r e , Dan Sjostrom, Lynne C a m m a c k .
Issue 108 - page 7
4577 CLEARS!
Clear 4S37 Rebecca Chambers, San Francisco
Clear 45 38 Robbie Robinson, Hollywood
Clear 4539 Christine Robles, La Jolla
Clear 4540 Jack Hershberger, Detroit
Clear 4541 Jerry Light, Los Angeles
Clear 4542 Jim Jackson, Berkeley
Clear 4543 Simon Frankel, New York
Clear 4544 Sharon Wells, St. Louis
Clear 4545 Deborah Carringer, Los Angeles
Clear 4546 Dick Williams, Las Vegas
Clear 4547 Keith Loring, Boston
Clear 4548 Claire Dunn, Washington, D.C.
Clear 4549 Lenny Macaluso, Los Angeles
Clear 4550 David Merrill, Los Angeles
Clear 4567 Pam Champagne, Phoenix
Clear 4568 David Moore, Hawaii
Clear 4570 Paul Connor, Hawaii
Clear 4571 Buck Haegele, Los Angeles
Clear 4572 Russell Lucas, San Diego
Clear 457 3 Art Moore, Minneapolis
Clear 4574 Bob Dyer, Los Angeles
Clear 457 5 David Zetune, Los Angeles
Clear 4576 John Niven
Clear 4577 Jerry Stewart, San Antonio

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