Application Form: Niversity of Ortmund
Application Form: Niversity of Ortmund
Application Form: Niversity of Ortmund
Application form
1) Personal Data
2) Mail addresses
Postal code/city
Country (incl. Postal letter)
Phone number
3) Higher Education
4) Knowledge of English
If not, have you taken a TOEFL (or similar) test Yes! No!
On a scale from 0(no German at all) -10(native speaker), how good is your German?
0 1 2 ✔ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I assure that all de tai ls given in this applic at ion are correct and comple te. I know that
negligent or intentional misinformation may lead to my exclusion from admission or – if
discovered later – to the revocation of my admission or registration.
I will email this (filled in) form to Summer School@uni- as well as to send it
by conventional mail including my signature and all other relevant documents (e.g.
certificates, letters of recommendation, photograph, etc.)
In case of the admission, I will pay the handling fee of € 850 (incl. housing, public
transport, health insurance, etc.) immediately to the account given in the admission letter.