Application 1 Communicative Approach: Factors of Successful Teacher
Application 1 Communicative Approach: Factors of Successful Teacher
Application 1 Communicative Approach: Factors of Successful Teacher
Communicative approach
Appearance : .2
this include how the teacher look like , his dress should be very well
in order to get a good impression from the student , student in this
age (teenagers) and this age is very dangerous they influenced by
.their idols and imitate many things when they liked it
: Attendance .3
Attend the lecture is very important to have a good and perfect
language class and this should be from both sides teacher and
students cause if one of them didn’t attend the lecture then will be a
lost chain in the listen , if the teacher didn’t attend then pupils won't
care about the listen and pupil will ignore the home work as well as
if the some student didn’t attend the lecture they will miss the
subject and they won't understand the others because language
class is just like a complete series and make it perfect they should
. be united teacher and students
: Punishments and Rewards .4
.. Physical by using stick and teacher should avoid this
Psychological by using marks , making the student lose marks
when he didn’t prepare his home work , using gesture and facial
expression (blaming ) also we should get the consideration the age
of student , or by saying " come with me after the lecture " you can
understand what happened with the student and the problem he has
that makes him leaving his home work but after the agreement of
. the student
how could personality effect on teach? *
- Sometimes teacher has a good knowledge and information about
the material but he has not a strong character ( week personality )
.so he need to develop ,train and trust him self to control situations
If teacher has good and friendly character , students will respect -
him , love the lesson and they'll improve their knowledge by
. studying more and more
Using board is very important in the class that will help the student -
to focus and help teacher not to lost , as well as tidy board reflects
. his personality
writing a short daily plan in the high left side on the board which -
include the number of the exercise and number of the page in order
to remind the students of their materials , for the teacher to remind
him self about the participation and for visitor to tell the supper
.adviser about the material he is explaining
Teacher should be carful about the information he explains and -
word's spelling cause this will make many mistakes and confusion in
. students material
On the high Wright of the board write a wisdom or proverb that -
related to the subject he explains and it should be suitable to the
level and the age of the student , teacher should explain it and ask
student in the next time to give him another wisdom which has the
same meaning of the main one but he should be careful not to
. waste much time in explain it
Teacher shouldn’t give more than two pages in communicative *
: approach because of
. limited time of the lecture -
in the lesson we should give more than 3 activates and in -
communicative approach material it covers more than 3 when in
. structural approach each 3 pages may cover 2 or not
. it is a rule methodology -
teacher should stand in the half on the board just to control in the *
class , the line he draw on the board it is okay whether it is real one
.. or imaginary
To save time teacher can tell a student to arrange the board before
. lesson start
forget the idea or something happened makes them leave the main
. subjects
Brain storm
. We use this technique in , writing , speaking , reading
: Application of Brain storm inside the class
. Divide the class into a groups-
. Select a leader for each group -
. Prepare a suitable environment in the class -
. Explain the problem-
. Create idea-
.Each group work in individual and no sharing idea between them -
How to write a plan
. Daily plan-
. Bi_ weekly plan-
: Bi_ weekly plan
: This means write two weekly plan a month
This writes in the teacher's guide , he explain all the lectures in
details , but in daily plan we select the subject not take it in
.rules whole
the exercises which find in the book should be taken in the -
class, but which found in the activity book should be solved at
. home
As a teacher , when he gives the ex. To solve it he should -
ask who prepare it and asked from another student to write the
. answers on the board
In solving the ex. When there is a mistake should correct the -
mistakes in order not to be forgotten from both sides , but in
composition reading he shouldn’t comment about any thing till
. the student finished in order not to lost his main idea
Each communication lectures should be given with guessing -
. after that , the teacher talk about the subject he will explain
there are ten literature spot in the book at the last 2 minutes of -
. the lecture he explains it
. you shouldn’t warn your students up in the class -
in school we should follow the teacher plan in order not to differ -
. from him ,and to ask him about the way to explain literature spots
the teacher after explaining the material and asking his student to -
prepare it and in the second lecture he asked them orally and if he
find them prepare very well he'll examine them ( not every day )
relate the literature and grammar topics together if he explain a -
certain lesson in grammar and the sentence they had been studied
. then they will reminds it
they divides the students into a groups if the number was huge then -
they divided into 8 groups and if they were not , 4 groups are
. enough
giving the groups a certain color or name which suitable for them , -
they should have a leader which represent their ideas and opinion ,
this leader should be changed each lesson in order to make other
. student share
the teacher makes the groups in a circle with each other and to -
discuss the idea which was given by the teacher , the teacher
should control the whole class in order not to be noisy , after the
time finished the leader stands to discuss the ideas his group
communicate about , teacher shouldn’t gives a mark when they