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Who Are Qadyani

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Who Are Qadyane’s

Written By
Maulana Yousuf Ludhyanvi Rahmatullah Alaihi

Contents: -

1) What does Quran Say About the Finality of Prophet Hood(S.A.W).

2) Finality of Prophet(S.A.W) in the light of Ahadiht’s.
3) What is Qadyanism.
4) Ahmedi or Qadyani.
5) Qadyani Debase the Islamic Kalimah.
6) Difference Between Qadyani and Muslims.
7) Character of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani.
8) Could He be a Prophet.
9) Message to Muslim Ummah.
10) Identification of Promised Messiah.
11) Identification of Imam Mahdi.
12) Final Rejoinder of Mirza Tahir.
13) Dr. Abdul Salam and His Nobel Prize.
14) The Qadyani Funeral.
15) Reply to Mirza Tahir Challenge
16) Two Interesting Mubahalas.
17) Verdicts on Qadyanis.
18) Maloon Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani in the mirror of his own Writings.
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The holy Quran and the holy Prophet's Ahadith (Traditions) eloquently prove
that prophethood ('nubuwwat' and 'risalat') came to an end with our Prophet
Muhammad (SAW). There are decisive verses to that effect. Being the last
Prophet in the chain of prophethood no one ever shall now succeed him to
that status or dignity

"Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the
Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah (SWT) is Aware of
all things." (Quran. AI-Ahzab 33:40). INTERPRETATION OF THE HOLY QURAN
All the interpreters of the Holy Quran agree on the meaning of 'Khatam-un-
Nabieen' that our Prophet (SAW) was the last of all the prophets and none
shall he exalted to the lofty position of prophethood after him.

A. By Imam Hafiz Ibn-e-Khateer

His explanatory remarks on the above verse are as follows: "This verse is
conclusive of the precept that our Prophet is the last prophet and that there
shall be no `nabi' after him. When there shall be no 'nabi' to follow him the
ordainment of a `rasool' cannot arise by logic of anteriority because the
status of a `rasool' is more exclusive than that of a `nabi'. Every `rasool' is a
`nabi' but every `nabi' is not a `rasool'. There exists a continuous and
unbroken chain of citations of Ahadith from a large number of venerable
`sahabah' or Companions of the Prophet (Allah be pleased with them), that,
there shall be no 'nabi' or `rasool' after Muhammad." (Tafseer Ibn-e-
Khateer, Vol.3)

B. By Imam Qartabi
Imam Qartabi comments on the quoted verse as follows: "Said Iben-e-Atiya
that the words (Khatam-un-Nabieen) according to the learned men of the
Ummah of the present and the past indicate perfect comprehensiveness and
signify, in consonance with the Quranic injunction, that there shall be no
Prophet after Muhammad (SAW)."
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C. Hujjat ul Islam Imam Ghazali

Hujjat ul Islam, Imam Ghazali explains the said verse in these words: "No
doubt the Ummah has unanimously understood from this word (Khatam-un-
Nabieen) and its circumstantial reference to mean non-existence of a `nabi'
or `rasool' ever after Muhammad (SAW) and that (this word calls for) no
reservation or tacit interpretation in it; hence its dissident is certainly the one
who rejects (ummah's) unanimity." (Al Iqtisad fil Etiqad, p.123)





In Light of Hadiths

ALLAH (The Creator) began the system of guidence to humanity through His
venerewbal Messengers and Prophet hood beginning with Hazarat ADAM
(Peace be upon him), and finaly ending with the last prophet of all time
Hazarat Muhammed (sal;l Alaho Alayhi Wassalam). There after no new
phrophet is to be.

All types of nubuwwat is closed eg, ZILLI, Burozi, Tashreri, or non-Tashrehi.

Similarly, the revelation through prophethood is also closed after Hazarat
Muhammed (S A W),and likewise any revelation through which the
reformation of ISLAM is claimed. The Quraan is the last complete and most
perfect book of revelation ,which is unalterable. The contents of this book are
safegaurded by ALLAH himself.

It is the unanimous decision by evidence of countless Quranic revelations and

hundreds of Ahadith of the phrophet Muhammed (S A W), the concencues of
sahabas (ALLAH be pleased with them ) and the Ulemas and intellectual
scholers that MUHAMMED (S A W) is the last phrophet and messenger of
ALLAH, this Shariat is the last Shariat,this ummah is the last ummah.

The above mentioned statements and their beliefs and admission by heart
are the eessential elements of faith in ISLAAM.In ISLAAM this faith is called
the faith of Khatme Nubuwwat.It is the concecus of the muslim Ummah that
after MUHAMMED (S A W) , any person who claims to be a phrophet and
claims to be a mesenger is a KAZZAB(liar) and Dajjal(deciever),is an
imposter and false. He has no relation with ISLAAM , similarly a beliver of
such a liar also becomed Kafir (non-believer).
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Here are some references from Quraan and Ahadith relatied to prophet
MUHAMMED (S A W) being the KHATEM UN NABIYEEN.(finality of

References From Quraan

"MUHAMMED is not the the father of any man among you, but is the
messenger of ALLAH and is the seal on the prophets ;and ALLAH is aware of
all things."

(Para 21 Sur Al Ahzab 33-40)

"This day,I have perfected your faith and completed all my favours upon you;
and have chosen ISLAAM for you as your religion"

(Para 6 Sur Madia 5)


Hazarat abu Hurairah (ALLAH be pleased with him) narrated that ALLAH's
messenger (S A W) said ; " Certainly my example and the example of
prophets earlier than me is like the example of a palace most elagently and
most beautifully constructed by a person except (that he left inb it ) a
(space) for a brick in one of its corner and that made the people (who were)
going around it wonder (at its beauty) and exclaime ( in perplexition) why is
there no brick inlaid here ? the Phrophet (S A W) ; I am that (corners last )
brick and i am the last of the phrophets ".

(Shahih al Bukhari,book Al Munaqib,Chapter 3 Khatem un nabiyeen

p501 vol 1)

Its narated by Hazarat Tahuban (ALLAH be pleased withe him) that our
phrophet (S A W) said ; "In my UMMAH there shall arise thirty liars ,each of
them will pretend that he is a phrophet, but I am the last of the prophets ;
there is no prophet after me".

(Abu Dawood Vol . 2 p.228,Tirimizi Vol 2 p.45 )

Hazarat Ibne Masood (ALLAH de pleased with him ) has narrated that the
prophet (S A W) said ; "The doomsday would not happen until 30 Kazzabbs
(liars) have arisen all who claim to be prophets Although I am last of the
prophets and their is none after me"

(Muslim Sharif Tirimizi Sharif & Abu Dawood Sharif)

There are so many proofs for MUHAMMAD (S A W) , the mesenger of ALLAH

to establish the last prophet that it is imposible to write them here. During
the last 14 years thousands of books have been published where in such
postive proofs are cited that no sensible person dare refute or reject them.
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Prophet MUHAMMAD (S A W) said that " I am the last prophet there is no

prophet after me " and instantly warned his UMMAH that there would be liars
claiming prophethood. The muslim UMMAH not only strongly refuted
pretensions of such liars , but sacraficed their lives for the protection and
honour of KHATUM UN NABIYEEN. Here are some events of the past.

Aswad ansi was a resident of Yemen. He claimed prophethood during the
ilustrious lifetime of MUHAMMAD (S A W). he marched on to conqur NAJRAN
in the first instance; then turned towards SANIA. Then all Yemen came into
his suzerainity. It became known that most of Yemen had become infidels
and accepted the faith of Aswad's prophethood. Prophet MUHAMMAD (S A W)
despatched a memorandum to the Yermnies , who rejected the faith of
Aswad's prophethood to execute Aswad.
Feroze Daleemi , one of the most prominent sahabas defeated and executed
Aswad in his historical conquest. Prophet MUHAMMAD (S A W) had recieved
the news of Aswad's execution through revelation. The Yemnies Had sent a
messenger to prophet MUHAMMED (S A W) with news of Aswad's execution
in compliance with orders; but the prophet MUHAMMED (S A W) passed away
before the messenger could reach Madinah.


Musselimah was a resident of Yamamah. He claimed prophethood before the

demise of the prophet MUHAMMED (S A W). People in large numbers became
infidels, and supporters of Musselima. The battel of Yamamah took place
during the caliphate of Hazarat Abu Bakar Siddique (may ALLAH be pleased
with him) . in this battel Musselimah Kazzab was condemed to hell.His
20,000 followers died as well. In this battle just over 1,200 sahabas ,
including Hayffaz and those who had participated in the battle of Badr , were
amongst the mayters, and in this way the revolt came to its inevittable end.


A resident of qadiyan, which is a town in Punjab (presently in Indian part of

Punjab), Mirza Ghulam Ahmed claimed prophethood in 1901 during the
British rule in India. He fell victim to cholera, an epidemic desiese and died
ignomiously in Lahore Pakistan. His infidel belifes had a short list. Since then
all the ULEMAS have excluded him and his followers from the fold of ISLAAM
. The deseaced Mirza Qadiani's first sucsessor is Khalifa Hakim Noor Ud Din,
second Mirza Mahmood third is Mirza Nasir, and fourth is Mirza Tahir residing
in London in political asylem. All Qadianis are recognised and treated by the
MUSLIM UMMAH asinfidels. In Pakistan all Qadianis had been officially
declared as NON-MUSLIMS in 1974. Subsequently in 1984 an anti Qadiani
ORDINANCE was enforced as a result of which Mirza Tahir fled from Pakistan
and sought refuge in England and resides in London. Qadianis regard them
selves as a group of Muslims. They engage them selves in activites with the
profile of ISLAAM by which some ignorant and simple Muslims become
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victems of their deception. All Muslims need to be aware of their

machinations in religious or other social engagements.



Maulana Muhammad Saleem Dohrat


....dishounours ALLAH (SWT), the creator

Where can the human escape from that being in whose hands is every atom.
He says: I will come seceretly like theives.

(Roohani Khazaa'in Page 39, Vol. 20)

..claims divinity for Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

I (Mirza) saw in a dream that I am God. I have belived that I am God.

(Rohanni Khazaa'in Page 564, Vol 5)
...teaches that the door of prophethood is open, even after the final
prophet Muhammad (SAW)

This fact is established like the day that the door of prophethood is open
after prophet Muhammad (S A W)
(Haqeeqatun Nubuwah Page 228)
...debases the greatest of all Prophets, Muhammad (SAW)

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his sahabah (RAA) used to eat cheese made
by the christians, although it was well known that pig's fat was used in its
(Al Fadhal, Qadiyaan 22nd Febuary1924)

..claims that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is Muhammad! the messenger of

Allah (SWT).

..Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against
the disbelivers and merciful amoungst themselves. In this divine revelation, I
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have been named Muhammad and also Rasool.

(Roohani Khazain Page 207, Vol 18)

One who differentiated between me and the Mustupha has neither seen me
or recognised me.
(Roohani Khazain Page 258-259 Vol 16)

... Teaches that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed is superior to Prophet

Muhammad (SAW)

..Muhammad has decended among us once again and he is more greater in

status than ever before. Whosoever wants to see Muhammad (SAW) should
see Ghulam Ahmad in Qadian.
(Badr, Qadiyan 25th october 1906)

...propogates that Mirza is superior to all the Prophets

And Allah (SWT) is showing so many signs for me that if they were shown in
the time of Noah, those people would not have drowned .
(Rohhani Khazain Page 575 Vol 22)

Yousuf of this UMMAH, i.e this humble one is greater than Israeli yousuf.

(Rohhani Khazain page 99 Vol 21)

Although many prophets have come into this world, I am no less in

knowledge and recognition of ALLAH than any of them.
(Rohhani Khazain Page 240 Vol 18)

Leave the mention of Ibne Maryam (Easaa Alaihe sallam); Ghulam Ahmad is
better than him.
(Rohhani Khazain Page 240 Vol 18)

...teaches hatred towards Hazrat Easaa Alayhis sallam, one of the

greatest prophets of ALLAH

(Jesus) had the habit of uttering obscenities and frequently using foul
(Rohhani Khazain Page 289 Vol 11)

It should be remembered that he (Jesus) also had top some extent the habit
of lying.
(Rohhani Khazain Page 289 Vol 11)
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Jesus could not portray himself as a pious man because people know him as
a gluttonus alcoholic.

(Rohhani Khazain Page 296 Vol 10)

Ahmadi or Qadiani

The followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian are Qadiani whether they
belong to the Qadiani jamaat of Rabwah or the Lahori jamaat of Qadianis.
But they call themselves "Ahmadi" pleading that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad befits
the verse "Asmahu Ahmad" in the holy Quran whereas according to the
muslims this quranic verse relates to the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Taking undue advantage of the word, Ahmad in his name Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad twisted the meaning of the above verse in his favour and claimed
prophethood on this basis, though his name actually means, "slave of
Ahmad". According to the Holy Quran both Ahmad and Muhammad are the
holy name of our Prophet (SAW)

Therefore, the application of the said Quranic verse to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
of Qadian is a deliberate alteration of the Holy Quran. On this basis calling
Qadianis as Ahmadis is "harram" (forbidden) and unlawful.


This article draws special attention of the reader to the fact that the Qadianis
deem Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a Prophet incarnate through reincarnation, ie
rebirth of the holy Prophet of Islam in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's person. Thus
they have rebelled against Islam and seceded from it. They have infactgiven
the pretender a place higher than that of the holy Prophet (SAW).
The contents of this text are based on authenic Qadiani literature with
references to the relevant book and page. We take full responsibility and do
hereby declare that the sources are authentic and correct.

To Qadianis Muhammad (SAW) is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Himself

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claims that he himself is (na-auzoo-billah) Muhammad
Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. and those who are with him are strong
against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other. (HQ 48.29)
Mirza said, "In this divine revelation (the above verse) I have been named
Muhammad as well as the Messenger of Allah". (Ek Ghalti Ka Izala,
p.3;Roohani Khazain vol.18, p.207).
The So-Called Two Prophetic Appointments Of Muhammad (SAW)
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The reasons why the Qadianis deem Mirza to be Muhammad (SAW) is that
according to the Qadiani belief, `Khatam un Nabieen' (the final Prophet
(SAW)) had been ordained to be born in Mecca as Muhammad. For the
second time, according to the Qadianis, he was reincarnated in Qadian as
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad ! In other words, the spirt of Muhammad (SAW) along
with his prophetic accomplishments allegedly appeared a second tme in the
incarnation of Mirza. And we quote:
"And know that just as our holy Prophet (SAW) was born in the 5th century,
in the same way he was reborn in the end of 19th century in the incarnation
of the Promised Masih" (Mirza). (khutbah-e-Ilhamiah,p.180; Roohani
Khazain, vol.16,p270)
"The holy Prophet (SAW) had two births as a Prophet. In other words, we
may say that it was promised that the holy Prophet (SAW) would be born in
the world once and once more reincarnated and this was fulfilled by the
incarnation of the promised Masih and the promised Mahdi" (Mirza). (Tuhfa-
e-Golravia, p94; footnote, Roohani Khazian, vol.17,p.249)

Mirza of Qadian Claimed To Be The Same As Muhammad (SAW)

According to Qadiani belief Muhammad (SAW) with all his excellence was
reincarnated in Mirza of Qadian. As such the entity of Mirza of Qadian is (na-
uzoo-billah)the same as the entity of Muhammad (SAW). Mirza has said:
"And Allah bestowed upon me the bounty of the holy Prophet and made it
perfect, and he drew towards me the kindness and generosity of that
merciful Prophet, so much so that my entity became his entity. Thus he who
joins my Jamaat really becomes one of the Sahaba of my chief who was
better then all the Prophets. It is not hidden from those with the ability to
think that this is what the words "others of them" mean. The person who
makes a difference between me and Mustafa has neither seen me nor
recoginised me". (Khutbah-e-Ilhamiah, p.171; Roohani Khazain, vol.16,

Mirza of Qadian Claimed That He Posessed All The Virtues And

Excellence Of Muhammad (SAW)
Once the belief had been fabricated that the being of Mirza is exactly the
being of Muhammad (SAW) and that it is Muhammad (SAW) himself who was
reincarnated in Qadian as Mirza, then it must also be alleged that all the
accomplishments and distinctions of Muhammad (SAW) were transferred to
Mirza. Mirza has said:
"When I am the holy Prophet incarnate and when all the accomplishments of
Muhammad including the prophethood are reflected in my mirror of my
shadiness, then who is the man who has claimed prophethood in a seperate
being ?" (Ek Ghalti Ka Izala, p.8; Roohani Khazain, vol.18,p.212)
"The entity of the promised Masih (Mirza), in the sight of Allah is the entity of
the holy Prophet (SAW). In other words, in the records of Allah there is no
duality or difference between the promised Masih and the holy Prophet
(SAW). Rather they both share the same eminence, the same rank, the same
status and the same name. Although verbally they are two, yet in reality
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they are one and the same". (Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol.3, No.37, dated 16th
September 1915, as cited in Qadiani Mazhab page 207, 9th edition, Lahore)
Mirza Of Qadian Claimed That He Was The Final Prophet
According to the Qadiani belief, the "Qadiani based" birth of Muhammad
(SAW) as a prophet took place in the incarnate AUTAR, Mirza of Qadian. And
as he became incarnate of Muhammad (SAW) then Miraz becomes the "final
prophet" too ! Mirza says:
I have told so many times that according to the verse: "And others of
them.." I am incarnate the last of the Prophets. Twenty years ago Allah
named me in Braheen-e-Ahamadia, Muhammad and AHmad and declared
that I am the holy Prophets (SAW) incarnation. (Ek Ghalti Ka Izala, p.8;
Roohani Khazain vol.18; p212)
"Blessed is he who has recognised me. Of all the paths to God I am the last
path, and of all his Lights, I am the last Light. Unfortunate is he who forsakes
me, because without me all is darkness". (Kashti-e-Nooh, p.56; Roohani
Khazain, vol.19, p.61).
Mirza of Qadian Claimed He Was The Best Of The Prophets Of Allah
"Many thrones have descended from heaven but thy throne has been placed
the highest". (Tazkirah 2nd Ed, p.643)
"The various accomplishments which were bestowed upon all other Prophets
were concentrated in a greater degree in the holy Prophet. All those
accomplishments have been conferred on me through the holy Prophets
reincarnation in me. That is why I bear the names of Adam, Abraham,
Moses, Noah, Solomon, Jesus, etc. Allthe previous Prophets were the
incarnations of special attributes of the holy Prophet but I am the the
reincarnation of all the attributes of the holy Prophet". (Malfoozat-e-Mirza,
Vol.3, P.270)

Mirza of Qadian Claimed That He Was Superior To Muhammad (SAW)

The Qadianis believe that Mirzas reincarnation was superior to the Prophets
first birth in Mecca. Mirza says:
One who denies that the orainment of the Prophet (SAW) is related to the
6th thousand as it was related to the 5th thousand, denies the truth and the
mandate of the Quran. the truth is that the spirituality of the (reincarnated)
holy Prophet at the end of the 6th thousand (ie these days), is much more
stronger, more complete and severe than in those early years. rathe it is like
the 14th (moonlit) night". (Khutbah-e-Ilahmiah, p181; Roohani Khazain,
vol.16, pp.271-272)

The Simile Of "The New Moon" Used For The Holy Prophet (SAW) And
That Of "The Full Moon" Used For Mirza
The superiority of the Qadiani incarnation has been expressed in yet another
style: viz. During the Meccan age the holy Prophet (SAW), Isalm was like the
Crescent in which there is no light but in his so-called Qadiani reincarnation,
Islam became lighted and illuminated like the full moon. Mirza said:
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"And Islam started like the cescent which was destined ultimately to become
in the later ages the full moon by the command of God. Thus Allahs wisdom
willed that Islam should asume the form of the full moon in that century
which sholud resemble the full moon by way of counting". (Khutbah-e-
Ilahmiah, p181; Roohani Khazain, vol.16, p.275)
"To declare those who denied the holy Prophet in his first birth as unbelievers
and outside the fold of Islam, but to regard the deniers of his second birth as
muslim is an insult to the Prophet and a joke against the signs of Allah,
although the promised Masih has in Khutbah-e-Ilahmiah, compared the
mutual relation between the first and the second births of the holy Prophet to
the relationship between the crescent and the full moon". (Akhbar Al-Fazl,
Qadian, Vol.3, No.10, dated 15th July 1915 as cited in Qadiani Mazhab p262)

Greater Manifest Victory

In order to express the superiority of Mirza it was calimed that the manifest
victory achieved by Mirza was greater then the manifest victory of the holy
Prophet (SAW). Thus Mirza said
"It is apparent that the time of the manifest victory of the era of the holy
Prophet has expired, and the second victory which was to be much greater
and clearer then the first one had yet to be achieved. It ws ordained that its
time should fall during the times of the promised Masih". (Khutbah-e-
Ilahmiah, pp193-194(Khutbah-e-Ilahmiah; Roohani Khazain, vol.16, p.288)
It was also claimed that the era of the Makki birth of the holy Prophet (SAW)
was only the first step in his progress of spiritual attainments, whereas his
Qadiani reincarnation represents the highest pinnacle of his spiritual
development. Thus it is said:
"The spirituality of our holy Prophet (SAW) was conceived 5th thousand (ie
Makki birth) with its precise attributes and that period was not the the climax
of his spirituality's development. It was rather the first step to the highest
pinnacle of its perfection. Thereafter this spirituality manifested itself in its
full glamour during the 6th thousand [his rebirth in Qadian] at the present
time". (Khutba-e-llhamiah, p177; Roohani Khazain, Vol.16, p.266)
It is also claimed that the mental development of Mirza of Qadian was
superior to that of the holy Prophet (SAW). Thus it is said:
"The mental development of the promised Masih (i.e. the Mirza of Qadian)
was higher than that of the holy Prophet (SAW). And this is only a part of the
superiority which the promised Masih has over the holy Prophet. The mental
faculties of the holy Prophet could not manifest fully owing to the deficiency
of civilization; although the ability existed. They have now manifested
themselves fully through the promised Masih by virtue of the advancement of
civilization." (Review, May 1929, as cited in Qadiani Mazhab, p.266, ninth
edition. Lahore)
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When it is admitted, according to the Qadiani belief, that the Qadiani Mirza is
(God forbid) superior to Muhammad of Arabia (SAW) in dignity then it must
also be necessary to believe that those who recite the Kalimah of Muhammad
(SAW) are not Muslims. In other words. the Kalimae Tayyibah, (La Illaha Ill-
lah, Muhammadur Rasoolullah), without belief in the Qadiani Mirza becomes
false. Thus it is said:
"The point is now quite clear. If it is 'Kufr' to deny the gracious Prophet it
must also be 'Kufr' to deny the promised Masih, because the promised Masih
is in no way a separate being from the gracious Prophet; rather he is the
same (Muhammad incarnate). If anyone is not deemed a Kaflr for denying
the promised Masih, then anyone else who denies the gracious Prophet also
cannot be considered a Kafir. How is it possible that denying him in his first
birth as Prophet should be regarded as Kufr, but denying him in his
(reincarnated) second birth as prophet should not be regarded as Kufr, when,
as claimed by the promised Masih, his (Mirza's as Muhammad incarnate)
spiritual attainment is stronger, complete and severe." (Kalimatul Fasl, pages
146-147, as cited in the Reuiew of Religions, dated March-April 1915).

"Any person who believes in Moses but does not believe in Christ, or believes
in Christ but does not believe in Muhammad, or believes in Muhammad but
does not believe in the promised Masih, is not only a Kafir, but a 'pakka'
(confirmed) Kafir, and (he is) out of the fold of Islam." (Kalimatul Fasl, page
110, by Mirza Bashir Ahmad, M.A.)

"The Ahmadi movement bears the same relationship to Islam as Christianity

bears to Judaism." (Muhammad Ali Lahori Qadiani cited from Mubahasah
Rawalpindi, page 240).

"All such Muslims as did not swear allegiance to the promised Masih (Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian), even though they did not hear the name of the
promised Masih, are Kafir and debarred from the fold of Islam." (Aiena-e-
Sadaqat, page 35, by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Qadiani).

"It is incumbent upon us that we should not regard non-Ahmadis as Muslims,

nor should we offer prayers behind them, because according to our belief
they deny one of the prophets of Allah. This is a matter of faith None has any
discretion in this." (Anwar-e-Khilafat, page 90, by Mahmud Ahmad Qadiani).


It also became necessary in the Qadiani strategy to include the Qadiani Mirza
in the meaning of the Qadiani Kalimah: Thus it is said:
"As a result of the birth of the promised Masih (the Qadiani Mirza) a
difference has cropped up (in the meaning of the Kalimah). Before the birth
of the promised Masih (the Qadiani Mirza) in the world as a prophet, the
words Muhammad ur Rasul Allah) included in their meaning only such
prophets as had preceded him; but after the incarnation of the promised
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Masih (the Qadiani Mirza) in the world as a prophet, one more prophet has
been added to the meaning of Muhammad ur Rasul Allah. Therefore on
account of the incarnation of the promised Masih the Kalimah, God forbid,
does not become abolished; it rather shines more brightly. In short, the
same Kalimah is (effective) even now for embracing Islam, with the only
difference that the incarnation of the promised Masih (Mirza Qadiani) has
added one more prophet to the meaning of Muhammad ur Rasul Allah".
(Kalimatul Fasl, page 158, by Mirza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani).

In short, the Qadiani Religion has retained the same words of the Kalimah
but the Qadiani belief has changed the meaning of the Kalimah. In the
Kalimah of the Muslims Muhammad ur Rasul Allah means Muhammad of
Arabia (SAW) but in the Qadiani Kalimah Muhammad ur Rasul Allah means
Mirza Qadiani as Muhammad incarnate, reborn in the world as a prophet for
the second time. Thus it is said:

"Moreover, even if we accept by supposing the impossible that the sacred

name of the gracious Prophet has been included in the sacred Kalimah
because he is the last of the Prophets, even then there is no harm and we do
not need a new Kalimah because the promised Masih is not a separate entity
from the gracious Prophet as he (Mirza) himself says: "My being is exactly
the being of Muhammad ur Rasul Allah". Also, "One who discriminates
between me and Mustafa has neither recognized me nor seen me". And the
reason for this is Allah Almighty's promise that He would reincarnate
"Khatam un Nabieen" in this world once more as a prophet as is evident from
the verse "And others of them... Thus the promised Masih (Mirza of Qadian)
is himself Muhammad ur Rasulullah, who has been incarnated in the world
again to spread Islam. We do not, therefore, need any new Kalimah. Albeit, a
new Kalimah would have been necessary, if some other person had been
reincarnated instead of Muhammad ur Rasul Allah. So contemplate!"
(Kalimatul Fasl, page 158).


A little thought on the above-cited passages makes it quite clear that not
only do the Qadianis consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be a Prophet and
Messenger (of Allah) but they also consider Mirza of Qadian a complete
incarnation of Muhammad (SAW) and as such recite his (Mirza's) Kalimah.
They consider as Kafirs all those who recite the Kalimah of Muhammad of
Arabia (SAW). This proves that for the Qadianis the Kalimah of Muhammad
of Arabia (SAW) stands cancelled.
If we look more closely into the issue we shall find that according to the
Qadiani belief-like that of the Bahais - the period of the Prophethood and
Apostleship of Muhammad of Arabia (SAW) has expired and it stands
repealed for all practical purposes, because according to the Qadiani belief
the basis of salvation lies in obeying the Qadiani Mirza only. So Mirza said:
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"Say to them: if you love God then come and obey me so that God also may
love you".
(Mirza Qadiani's "revelation as cited in Haqiqatul Wahi, Page 79/82, Lahore,
1952; Roohani Khazain. Vol. 22, p. 82. Also see pages 46, 62, 81, 182, 205,
277, 360, 363, 378, 395, 495, 630, 634, in Tazkirah, 2nd Edition).

"In Braheen-e-Ahmadia, God has called me by the name of Ibrahim, as He

said: "This means: Salutation on Ibrahim (i.e. this humble man [Mirza]). We
truly made friends with him and saved him from every sorrow. And O ye who
follow, let the place of Ibrahim's footsteps be the place of your prayers. That
is, obey completely so that you may attain salvation." (Arbaeen, Vol. 3, pp.
30-31; Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, p. 420).

"As regards the assertion (verse from Quran regarding Ibraham) this is a
verse of the holy Quran. Here it means: Perform your prayers and hold
beliefs on the pattern of Ibrahim (i.e. Mirza Qadiani) who has been sent, and
mould yourself on his model in every matter". (Arbaeen, Vol. 3, p. 31;
Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, p.42).

"Similar is the verse (same verse quoted above) which contains a hint that at
a time when the Ummat-e-Muhammadia will become divided into many
sects, then during the last era an Ibrahim (i.e. Mirza Qadiani) will be born
and out of all the sects, the sect which follows this Ibrahim, (i.e. Mirza!), will
be saved". (Arbaeen, Vol. 3, page 32; Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, p. 4213.

"My teachings contain orders as well as prohibitions and renovation of

important injunctions of the Shari'at. For this reason God has named my
teachings and the 'wahi' (revelation) that comes to me as a 'boat. Thus see,
God has declared my 'wahi', my teachings and allegiance with me to be
Noah's Ark and the basis of salvation for all human beings. Let he who has
eyes may see and he who has ears may hear." (Arbaeen, Vol. 4, footnote of
page 6; Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, p. 435).

Thus obedience to Mirza Qadiani's prophethood, teachings, 'wahi' and his

renovated Shari'at is allegedly the only basis for salvation for all mankind.
This only means, that the Shari'at of Muhammad of Arabia (SAW), his
teachings and 'wahi" are no longer the basis of salvation. In other words,
Mirza's incarnation has rendered all these useless, suspended and abolished!


The above-cited quotations confirm beyond a shadow of doubt that in the
opinion of the Qadianis, lslam without the Qadiani Mirza is dead. So it is said:
"Probably in the year 1906, at the proposal of Khwaja Kamaluddin, Moulvi
Muhammad Ali entered into an agreement with the Editor of Akhbar-e-Watan
to the effect that the Review of Religions would publish no articles about the
(Qadiani) sect; it would only publish general articles on Islam and the Editor
of the Watan would propagate in his paper for the assistance of the Journal,
Review of Religions. The promised Masih disapproved this proposal and it
was strongly opposed by the Jamaat also. Hazrat Sahib said: 'Will you
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present dead Islam before the world by excluding me?"

(Zikr-e-Habib by Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Qadiani page 146, First Edition,

"We believe that a religion which does not have the chain of prophethood (as
in Islam-- Compiler) is a dead religion. We call the religions of the Jews, the
Christians and the Hindus dead only because now there are no prophets in
them. If this were the position in Islam too, we would be no more than mere
story-tellers. Why do we regard it superior to other religions? It must have
some distinction". (Malfoozat-e-Mirza, Vol. 10, page 127).

"During the lifetime of the promised Masih (Mirza Qadiani), at the proposal of
Moulvi Muhammad Ali and Khwaj a Kamaluddin, the Editor of Akhbar-e-
Watan started a fund-collecting scheme in 1905 for the purpose of sending
copies of the Review of Religions to foreign countries, on the condition that it
should not contain the name of the promised Masih (Mirza Qadiani). But
'hazrate aqdas' (Mirza Qadiani) rejected this proposal saying: Will you
present dead Islam by excluding me?' Thereupon, the Editor Watan
announced the closure of this fund-collecting scheme".
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol. 16, No. 32, dated 19th October, 1928, as cited in
Qadiani Mazhab, pages 461-462).


According to the Qadiani belief, the Religion of Islam, without the prophet
hood of Mirza Qadiani, is only a 'collection of tales', it is a 'cursed, satanic
and contemptible religion'.
"That religion is no religion and that prophet is no prophet by following whom
a man does not come so close to God as to be honoured with divine
conversation (i.e. Prophethood - Compiler). That religion is cursed and
contemptible which teaches that human progress depends only on a few
narrated anecdotes (i.e. the Shari'at-e-Muhammadia which is narrated from
the holy Prophet (SAW) - Compiler) and that the 'wahi' has lagged behind
instead of going ahead ........ Hence such a religion deserves to be called
satanic rather than divine." (i.e. Islam of the holy Prophet (SAW) is, God
forbid, Satanic - Translator). (Zamima-e-Braheen-e-Ahmadia, Part V, pages
138-139; Roohani Khazain, Vol. 21, p. 306).

"How absurd and false it is to believe that after the holy Prophet (SAW) the
door of the divine 'wahi' has been closed for ever and there i8 no hope of it in
the future till the Day of Resurrection - only worship tales. Can a religion
having no direct trace of Almighty Allah be called a religion? I say, by
Almighty God, that in this age there is no one more disgusted than myself
with such a religion. (There is no doubt about this.- Compiler). I name such a
religion as satanic religion, not divine (religion)". (Zamima-e-Braheen-e-
Ahmadia, Part V, page 183; Roohani Khazain, Vol. 21, p. 354).
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The above-cited incontrovertible proofs indicate beyond the slightest doubt

that Qadianism is an entirely different religion from Islam. The reality of the
Qadiani religion is that if you accept the Qadiani Mirza as Prophet then it is all
right, otherwise the Religion of Islam is abused as being dead, cursed,
satanic and contemptible, and the Prophethood and Apostleship of
Muhammad (SAW) too is denied. May not Almighty Allah deprive anyone of
Wisdom and Faith!

by Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi

Difference between Qadianis and Muslims

I want to tell you briefly how Qadianis differ from other 'Kafirs'. But before
Ido so, I shall answer a question which is in the minds of some of the

THE QUESTION (In 3 Parts):

Firstly: Why is it that an organization called Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme
Nubuwwat has been set up, specifically aiming to pursue Qadianis to
whichever part of the world they go and expose them by Allah's help and
with the cooperation of Muslim brethren when there are other non- Muslims
also in the world, such as Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc?
Secondly: Why is there no such organization against any other 'Kafir'

Thirdly: What was the reason for such stalwarts of Islam as Imam-ul'asr
Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Sheikh-ul-Islam Maulana Muhammad
Yusuf Binnori, Ameer-e-Shariat Ataullah Shah Bukhari, and Hazrate Aqdas
Maulana Mufti Mahmood, (Allah's mercy on all of them), attached so much
importance to counter the 'Kufr' of Qadianis that it was considered necessary
to estab- lish an organization, on an international level, namely Aalami
Majlis-e-Tahaffuz-e-Khatme Nubuwwat?

Before I answer, I sum up the question which in short is: What distinguishes
a Qadiani from other Non-Muslims?
First I lay before you an example:

You know that alchol is prohibited in Shari'at. Drinking alchol, manufacturing

and selling it are all prohibited, i.e., 'Ha ram.' Similarly, you know that a Pig
is filthy and impure. Selling its meat which is called pork and its eating,
giving or conveying are absolute prohibitions, i.e., 'Harame Mutlaq.' Everyone
is aware of these precepts.

Now imagine a situation: A man sells alchol and calls it alchol. Another man
also sells alchol but pastes a label of 'Zam-Zam' on the bottle, i.e., he is
selling alchol under the name of 'Zam-Zam'. Both persons are criminals but
who is a greater criminal? You know the answer.
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Take another example: There is a butcher who is selling pork. He sells it as

such. Clearly he says this is pork. Whosoever wants to buy may buy it.
Certainly he is a criminal in Shariat for selling pork. Against this is a person
who, sells pork but calls it mutton. Now both those persons have committed
a crime in Islamic Law; but sky-high is the difference in the nature of the
offence between the two. One sells 'Unlawful,' i.e., 'Haram' calling it
'Unlawful,' Haram. The other sells 'Unlawful' Haram, calling it 'Lawful', i.e.
'Halal.' Anybody, unawares, could fall into his trap and eat 'Unlawful-Haram'
pork thinking it to be 'Lawful-Halal' mutton. Thus the difference between a
butcher selling pork as mutton and a butcher selling pork as pork is precisely
the difference between a Qadiani and other Non-Muslim such as Jew,
Christian and Hindu, etc. 'Kufr' is 'Kufr' in both cases because it is negation of
Islam. But 'Kafirs' of the world do not put label of Islam on their 'Kufr' and do
not propagate their 'Kufr' as Islam. A Qadiani, on the other hand, puts a label
of Islam on his 'Kufr' and deceives Muslims by saying this is Islam.

So far I have spoken to you in general terms. I shall explain the theology.
'Kufr' is of several kinds but three are very obvious:

First: The 'Kafir' who is undoubtedly a 'Kafir.

Second: That 'Kafir' who is 'Kafir' from inside but pretends as Muslim from

Third: That 'Kafir',who tries to label his 'Kufr' as Islam

Category No. 1:
Jews, Christians, Hindus, etc., are unmistakenly and undoubtely Kaffirs. The
Polytheist (mushrikeen) of pre-Islamic Mecca were openly included in this
category. All of them are openly Kaffirs.
Category No. 2:
In the second category are Hypocrites (munafiqueen) who recite the Kalimah
with the tongue but hide Kufr in their hearts. In their case Allah, the Exalted,
has proclaimed:
When they (hypocrites) come to thee, they say: "We believe": but in fact
they enter with a mind against Faith, and they go out with the same but
Allah knoweth fully all that they hide. (HQ 5.61)

Hazrat Imam Shafai, (Allah's mercy on him) used to say about Ibrahim bin
Ulayya: "I am his opponent, so much so, that I shall oppose him even if he
recites the Kalimah Tayyiba"

It means that some persons are so compulsive liars that they lie even in
'Kalimah Tayyiba' because their 'Kalimah' is a show of falsehood.

Category No. 3:
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The 'Kufr' of the third category exceeds the 'Kufr' of the second category
because their offence is that they call their 'Kufr' as Islam. They present pure
'Kufr' in the nomenclature of Islam by twisting the verses of the holy Quran,
the sacred 'Ahadith' of the Prophet (SAW), the statements of his Companions
and sayings of revered saints in order to prove their 'Kufr' as Islam. Such
men are called zindiq (Dualist-infidels) in Shari'at terminology.
To sum up, the three categories are Unbelievers; Kafir); Hypocrites:
(Munafiq); and Dualist- lnfidel: (Zindiq).

'Kafir' (Unbeliever) is a person who does not believe in Allah and the Prophet
neither outwardly nor inwardly. 'Munafiq' (Hypo crit) is a person who hides
'Kufr' in his heart and his recitation of 'Kalimah' is false. He is a pretender.
'Zindiq' (Dualist-Infidel) is a person who gilt-edges, his 'Kufr' with the gold of
Islam and tries to present it as real Islam.

An apostate (Murtad) is a person who abandons Islam. A precept should be
understood here which is recorded in the books. All the four schools of 'Fiqah'
unanimously agree that in case of an apostate (Murtad), Shari'at allows him
three days to enable him to remove his doubts. All possible efforts should be
made to clarify his doubts. If he understands and re-enters Islamic fold, well
and good; otherwise he shouk~ be got rid off. This precept is known as
'killing of apostate' (Qatl-e-Murtad). None of the Imams differs on this issue.
Laws of all civilised countries and governments award death punishment to
rebels. As apostate is a rebel of Islam, therefore apostasy (Irtidad) is
punishable with death.
Islamic Shari'at offers a concession to its rebels while laws of the world do
not do so. They must put their traitors to death even if they beg for mercy
after their arrest and award of sentance.
Take the example of a rebel of any modern government. He may repent, beg
to be excused or vouch for good behaviour a hundred times, assuring the
government that in future he will never resort to revolt; still he will not be
heard. The capital sentence will be executed on him. His repentance will be
unacceptable. At no cost will he be excused.

But Islamic Shari'at Law gives a concession to its rebel. The Apostate
(Murtad) is allowed three days to think over. He is advised to withdraw and
renounce his apostatic stance. If he assures for future and is repentant, he is
not punished. In spite of this humane concession afforded by Shari'at, Non-
Muslims criticise the Islamic punishment. It is a matter of surprise that there
are no objections to the hanging of a person when caught in conspiracy, say
for toppling the lawful Govern- ments of the American President or the
Russian President or the Pakistani President. Conspirators are sentenced to
death and no law of any civlised court disagrees with this.
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Why do then people disapprove of punishing a person who rebels against

Allah's Prophets and say: Do not put him to death! Islam does concede three
days' grace to enable the apostate to remove his doubts and come back into
the Islamic fold. If he begs for mercy or repents, Shari'at grants him his life
back. But if he is adamant and refuses to renounce his apostasy then Allah's
sacred soil must be cleaned of his foul existence.


It is so because it takes the form of a carbuncle which stinks. If a malignant
growth (Allah forbid) appears on some part of human body, doctors advise
its amputation. Who would call this a tyranny over the patient? Rather a
favour to him! By this removal the sound parts of the body are saved from
septic poisoning, else death would be certain. Therefore it is wise to cut away
the diseased part to protect the healthy part.
In the same way apostasy is a carbuncle of Islamic Mill at. The malignant
part, i.e., the 'Murtad,' despite preaching does not retrace his steps.
Therefore, cancerous malignancy must necessarily be removed otherwise his
poison will gradually travel inside the entire physiology of the Islamic Millat.
This indeed is the unanimous verdict of the four Imams, and theologians and
doctors of Shari'at law. Wisdom and sagacity demands it. The safety of Millat
lies in it.


A dualist-infidel is worse than an apostate, because he is bent upon
presenting his 'Kufr' as Islam. Imam Shafai and Imam Ahmad, in their well-
known sayings, were pleased to ordain that a dualist-infidel (Zindiq) is
governed by the same orders as an apostate (Murtad); that is, afford him a
chance first, give him time to repent and permit him to return to the Islamic
fold. If within three days he does so, leave him unscathed, otherwise it is
obligatory to award him capital sentence.
Imam Malik, (Allah's blessing on him), goes one step forward to say:
"I will not accept the penitence of a Dualist- Infidel".

By this he means to say that if a person guises his 'Kufr' with Islam and does
not repent, when caught in the act, then, (leaving it to Allah whether or not
He accepts his penitence), we shall certainly promulgate Allah's Shari'at on
him, i.e., shall pronounce capital punishment for him. This is a crime which is
similar to adultery in which a person may be penitent (Taaib) for future but
his penitence will not save him from death. Therefore, he will be punished
under all circumstances. Similarly, hands are to be amputated for stealing. A
thief, on arrest, may offer penitence ('Tauba') but his offence will not go
unpunished. It is in this light that Imam Malik says:

"I will not accept the penitence of a Dualist Infidel." Capital punishment will
certainly be given to him, although he may be penitent ('Taaib') a hundred
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Similar sayings are on record from Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad bin
Hambal, (Allah's blessing on them.) In books of 'Fiqah' such as 'Durr-e-
Mukhtar' and 'Shami' and some others, it is written that if a Dualist-Infidel
offers penitence ('Tauba') of his own free will, his penitence will be accepted
without capital penalty, provided no one came to know of his offence.
Similarly, he will be excused from punishment if he became penitent of his
own free will, on Allah's guidance. Therefore, if a Qadiani renounces his
'Qadianism' on his own and offers penitence ('Tauba') then he will be
excused. On the contrary, if he offers penitence ('Tauba') after arrest then
there will be no excuse, irrespective of his repentance even a hundred times.


Shari'at enjoins upon us to preach to the apostate. If he as a result of
preaching, undertakes penitence ('Tauba'), he will save himself from capital
punishment but this does not apply to a dualist-infidel. There is another
saying from Imam Malik and Imam Abu Hanifa, and one from Imam Ahmad,
(Allah's blessings on them all), that penitence ('Tauba') of a dualist-infidel is
not acceptable because he has committed the crime of dualist infidelity
(Zindaqa), i.e., he applied false coating of Islam over his 'Kufr'
I repeat, he has sold pork as mutton and wine as 'Zam-Zam.' This is a crime
which is not excusable and is certainly punishable with capital sentence.


My purpose here is not to tell you why Qadianis are 'Kafirs.' What I do wish
to tell you is that in spite of their being diehard 'Kafirs' they present their
'Kufr' with the label of 'Islam'. Take the case of our Kalimah Tayyiba.
They do not believe in our 'Kalimah'. How can they claim to be Muslims?
Please understand this clearly that a person who doubts in their being a
'Kafir' is not a Muslim. They pretend to be Muslims and say, "We are
Musalman, we are only a sect of Islam called Jamat-e-Ahmadiya'.' But they
are liars. They have established their colony near London and have named it
"Islamabad" and behave as protagonists of Islam. When they come across a
Muslim they deceive him and tell him "You see, we offer 'Namaz', keep fasts,
do this and do that and we consider Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), as 'Khatam
un Nabieen', i.e., the last of the Prophets." They play fraud on simple
ignorant Muslims and assure them that every person who enters their
'Jamaat' has got to agree to one condition of their Charter of Loyalty which
reads as follows:

"I acknowledge Hazrat Muhammad as 'Khatam un Nabieen' with all sincerety

of my heart.

By this covenant they deceive poor simple Muslims.


They are so for the simple reason that they pour Islam into their mould of
'Kufr' and label urine as 'Zam-Zam' and dog's carrion as 'Halal'. The whole
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world knows that Allah's Prophet Mu- hammad (SAW) was the last of the
Prophets. This Islamic doctrine of finality of prophet hood is a definite
certainty. On the occasion of his farewell Haj, the Prophet declared:
"O peoplel I am the last prophet and you are the last Ummat." Besides, there
are more than two hundred 'Ahadith' in which the Prophet (SAW), himself
explained about the finality of Prophethood ('Khatm e Nubuwwat'). In
different ways and through different expressions he was pleased to say that
there will be no prophet after him and that nobody will be given prophethood
after him..........(SAW)


It does not mean that any previous prophet is not alive. It simply means that
if for the sake of argument all the previous prophets supposedly come in the
world in the times of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and become his
servants, even then our Prophet (SW) shall continue to be the last prophet
since nobody has been awarded prophethood after him. The list of the
blessed prophets in the manifest of the All-Knowing Allah carried his exhalted
name in the last. With his arrival, the list of the holy prophets became
A child who is born last in a family is called their youngest off-spring. He is
the final child and none is born after him. It does not mean that he is the last
to survive among his brothers. Of course, it sometimes happens that he is
born last but dies earlier. Then the father says: this child who died was my
last one.
In the same way, the last prophet ('Khatam un Nabieen') means no prophet
after him; no person shall wear the crown of prophethood or sit on the
throne of prophethood after Muhammad (SAW) Those prophets who were
sent down earlier are certainly within our Faith but our Prophet (SAW) is the
last one. None else will wear the prophetic mantle of honour after him; nor
will the Ummat put faith in any such pretender.


Qadianis say that the epithet of 'Khatam un Nabieen' does not mean that our
Prophet is the last of the Prophets, and that there shall be no prophet after
him.In their opinion it means that our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) will certify
future prophets with his seal, i.e., on whomsoever he will stamp, that person
shall become a prophet. What a nonsense ! Infourteen hundred years only
one person, namely Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian has been stamped as prophet
and he too a cock-eyed man! The seal has authenticated a one-eyed 'Dajjal'
from Qadian!
I repeat that the term 'Khatam un Nabieen means that our Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet. All new entries have been stopped.
They have been sealed. No prophet will come after him. It is like an envelope
which has been closed by sealing it. 'Khatam' means sealing. Therefore, the
term 'Khatam un Nabieen' means that the list of the prophets is completed
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and the seal has been placed on it. Neither a fresh entry is possible nor will
there be any removal from that list.

But the Qadianis have changed the meaning of 'Khatam un Nabieen' to mean
that our Prophet grants certificates of prophethood to persons. In other
words, Allah, who was previously sending down prophets, has now
transferred this department to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) for stamp- ing
people and making them prophets!!

This is called infidelity ('Zindaqa'). In this way, they pronounce the name of
Islam for meeting their nefarious designs and twist the meaning of verses of
the holy Quran to suit their agnostic beliefs. That is why I say they sell pork
and dog's carrion as 'Halal' meat and produce liquor under the holy label of

By Allah, I would not have cared one bit for them if they had plainly said:
"We are not Muslims and Islam is not our religion.


This is also a religion of the world. The Bahais believe in Bahaullah of Iran as
their prophet. This group still exists. We call them 'Kafir' and they have also
declared that they have nothing to do with Islam. Well, there ends the
But these Qadianis call their 'Kufr' as Islam and in this way deceive Muslims.
It is for this reason that they are dualist-infidels (Zindiq) and not simply Non-
muslims. Remember! A Muslim can be at peace with a non-Muslim but never
with a dualist-infidel ('zindiq') or apostate ('Murtad').


Who has allowed you to:
2) Cancel the Kalimah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and adopt the Kalimah
of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?

3) Call the so-called 'Wahi' of Mirza Ghulan. Ahmad as the basis of salvation
in place of the true 'Wahi' of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?

You impudently declare yourselves Muslims and call us 'Kafirs'. I quote from
your Mirza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani's Kalimatul Fasl, p.110:
"Every person who believes in Moosa but does not believe in Isa or believes
in Isa and does not believe in Muhammad or believes in Muhammad but does
not believe in the promised Masih (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad), (such a person) is
not only an Unbeliever ( a Kafir ) but a thorough Unbeliever ("Pakka Kafir')
and an outcast from the Islamic fold".

The Qadianis claim that Prophet Muhammad was destined to come down into
the world two times, first in Makkah and this prophethood lasted 1300 years,
and secondly in Qadian, at the start of fourteenth Hijra in the incarnation of
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Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Therefore in their opinion, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the
reincarnation of Muhammad ur Rasulullah and consequently the Qadianis
think of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as Muhammad ur Rasulullah in their minds
when reciting the Kalima-e-Tayyiba. This is veiled Kufr'.
I quote again Mirza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani from his Al Fasl, p.l58:
"The promised Masih (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) iS Muhammad ur Rasulullah
himself who was reincarnated in the world for propagation of Islam. erefore,
we do not need a new Kalimah. Yes, if somebody else would have reborn
instead of Muhammad ur Rasulullah then this need (to have a new Kalimah)
would have arisen"

From the above it is evident that for the Qadianis La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad ur Rasulullah' means 'La ilaha ill Allah Mirza Rasulullah' who
(Muhammad ur Rasulullah) has been reincarnated in Qadian. (Allah protect
us from this sacrilege) The Qadianis believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Qadiani is Prophet Muhammad incarnate. Mirza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani
acknowledges that for the Qadianis Mirza himself is Muhammad ur Rasulullah
and that they recite the Kalimah believing Mirza to be Muhammad ur
Rasulullah. Therefore they do not need to construct a new Kalimah. However
we say that Mirza was not Muhammad ur Rasulullah incarnate; rather Mirza
was Devil incarnate!


The Qadianis fabricated:
1. a different Prophet
2. a different Quran (named "Tazkirah", which has the same status in the
eyes of Qadianis as is accorded to Torah, Zabur, Injeel and Quran by the
3. a different Kalimah
4. a different Shari'at
5. a different Ummat

How with all these very basic differences the Qadianis have the cheek to tell
the world that they are Muslims and that their religion is Islam! They are
Dualist-Infidels indeed. Allah protect us from their calumny and cunning!

I ask Qadianis: You call us 'Kafirs'. Why? What tenets of 'Deen' of Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) have we refused to accept? Just because of Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad's birth all the Muslims of the world have become 'Kafirs'! Before his
birth, our 'Deen' was alright as Islam and we were Muslims. After his creation
our 'Deen' has become 'Kufr' and we have become 'Kafirs' ! ! Allah protect us
from the Qadianis' snare! Can there be any more nonsense to compare with?
He has committed these heinous crimes:
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a . Claimed Prophethood
b. Started a new religion
c. Called his followers Muslims
d. Called followers of Muhammad as 'Kafirs'.

Please tell me, if any Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, etc., has ever committed
this crime. Therefore I say that the Qadianis are 'Kafirs' of the highest
magnitude and of the worst degree ever born.


By Law of Shari'at, they should be awarded capital sentence because they
are Dualist-infidels ('Zindiq'), calling Islam 'Kufr' and 'Kufr' Islam. If they are
masquerading as Muslims on the face of the globe, it is because they have
not been sentenced. Despite this concession, they proclaim that they are
being tyrannized in Pakistan. Truly speaking, they are taking undue
advantage of our politeness and the Pakistan Government is treating them
most kindly which they do not deserve. The Government has not placed any
restriction on the performance of their religious rites. They have been only
told to stop calling the religion of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as 'Kufr' and to
stop calling their Qadiani religion as Islam; no more restriction than this.
Otherwise, remember! The Law of Shari'at ordains to award them capital
sentence. But the government of Pakistan has given them a ccncession. The
Qadianis occupy high posts and offices in Government administration and
public services. In spite of these concessions, they appeal to the United
Nations and to the Courts of Jews and Christians, clamouring that the
Pakistan Go- vernment has snatched their rights. What were their rights
which have been snatched? What wrong has been done to them? Only they
have been told that Kalimah Tayyiba is the Kalimah of Islam.


a) be permitted to paste bottles of liquor with labels of 'Zam-Zam'?
b) be allowed to sell pig's pork and dog's carrion as 'Halal' meat?
c) be allowed to call our Islam as 'Kufr'?
d) be a]lowed to present the religion of cock- eyed Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as
The pronouncement of just Kalimah Tayyiba from the mouth of these
hypocrites (i.e. the Qadianis) is:
1. A disgrace of our Kalimah
2. A disgrace of Allah's Prophet.
3. A disgrace of Deen-e-Islam.

They cannot be allowed to go ahead with this disgrace and deceit. Allah has
said about these hypocrites:

"Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars".

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These dualist-infidels ('Zindiq') like an apostate ('Murtad') must be awarded

capital sentence. In the following paragraphs I record my reasons


Shari'at allows three days' grace period for an Apostate (Murtad) to get back
into the Islamic fold If he does not, he is to be awarded capital punishment.
I present a case for your study. Consider for example some apostates who
forsake Islam and who happen to be in so large numbers that, being a
sizable group, they appear to be out of control for an Islamic Government to
execute them. Let me be more precise. Take the example of an Islamic
country where the Muslim population of a town decides to become, let's say,
Christians, and having done so, manage somehow to save themselves from
the Shari'at punishment. After a passage of time these Christians die their
natural death leaving their children as Christians. The precept for them is to
force these people back into the Islamic fold, by imprisoning them or by
other appropriate means but not by capital punishment. In other words, if
the original parent was an apostate, his son will also be an apostate.
However, the grandson will not be an apostate; he will be a simple 'Kafir' and
shall not be liable to punishment for apostasy.


The breed of Qadianis will never change. They may multiply up to ninety-nine
generations, still the hundredth one will continue to be Dualist- infldel and
Apostate. The reason is that their crime is a never-ending one. So long as
they call their Kufr as Islam their infidel dualism shall see no end. This
offence shall be ongoing in their progenecy.
For anybody unaware of the facts, let it be clear to him that every Qadiani,
whether he is so by conversion, or by birth, or by heritage, is a dualist-
infidel under the Shari'at Law because his crime flows unending throughout
his lineage.


Something more I want to tell you for which I shall draw an example which, I
am afraid, is crude but it suits here.
A father had ten sons. All his life he treated them as his sons. After his death
a fellow gets up to claim that he is the sole legitimate son and the ten are
illegitimate. Two questions arise here:

Firstly: Will any sane person accept the claim of this fellow who is born of a
non-descript origin and who never laid his claim while the father was alive?
Conversely, never did the deceased father say to anybody that he had a son
of that description. Can any Court of Justice in the whole world adjudicate in
favour of that fellow and declare the ten legitimate sons as illegitimate ? No.
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Secondly: Wh,at will be the reaction of the ten legitimate sons against the
non-descript who calls them sons of adultery?

Keeping the answers of the two questions in mind, now listen: We belong to
the Ummat of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).We fully believe in the Deen which
he brought forth. We are his spiritual children. If I say so, it is no idea of
mine but it is in the holy Quran which speaks in these terms:

The Prophet is more related to Momins than their self is to them. (Quran:
Ahzab 33:6) That is to say, no member of the Ummat of Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) has a stronger relation with his self than what Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) has with each member of his Ummat.

And the holy Quran further declares:

'And his wives are their mothers' (HQ 33.6). It is therefore evident that all
the revered wives of the Holy Prophets (SAW) are our mothers and we call
each of them 'Ummul Momineen' (Mother of Muslims); for example, Ummul
Momineen Hazrat Aiysha Siddiqa; Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadijat ul
Kubra; Ummul Momineen Hazrat Maimoona; Ummul Momineen Hazrat Umme
Salma, and so on (may Allah be pleased with them). When they arse our
mothers, surely Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is our spiritual father.

But children in a family are seldom identical. Some are more obedient, some
are less helpful, some are more virtuous, some are less dutiful, some are
more wise and some are less clever, but they are all members of one family
despite their differing personality and varying individuality. Still they are
known as children of the same parents.

Muslims have ever been the spiritual children of Allah's Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) for thirteen centuries, till, at the start of the fourteenth century, Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad popped up from Qadian and claimed solely for himself the
spiritual sonship of Allah's Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and excluded all
others. Mirza did not stop at that, he dubbed the Muslims as "Kafirs." The
whole Ummat of Islam has been abused by him as "illegitimate" keeping
legitimacy only for himself. On this basis Mirza Ghulam Ahmad calls all the
Muslims as "haramzadey" (bastard). Allah protect us from his slander and
abuse. Excuse me for quoting the words of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad but I had

I ask the civilised courts of the world to dismiss Ghulam Ahmad's raving
claim of spiritual sonship as a stupid claim of that sinful vagrant of non-
descript lineage who claims legitimacy to the exclusion of ten real sons and
who attempts to severe the connection of the whole Ummat from their
Prophet (SAW) in spite of the Ummat's complete submission to his 'Deen'
from A to Z. Have we made any alteration in the doctrines of Islamic faith or
is it Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani who has sinfully done so?
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I happened to talk to a Qadiani once. I told him: "We have been Muslims for
thirteen centuries all along. Suddenly, in the fourteenth century your Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad appeared and made impossible claims. Thus the discord
ensued. Listen and be just. Here is an offer to you: if our present beliefs are
according to Islamic beliefs of the past th.rteen centuries, accept us and
leave Ghulam Ahmad; and if your present beliefs are according to the Islamic
beliefs of the past thirteen centuries we shall accept you. Thus the discord
will come to a permanent close. Now, answer me because pros and cons are
equal for both of us."
That Qadiani was a Punjabi of Sialkot city. He replied in the Punjabi dialect:
(Translation) "The truth is that for us everybody is a liar except Mirza Sahib.
"( ! )

Now you must have understood that the Qadianis are a people who consider
as liars the Companions ('Sahabah of the Prophet (SAW) the 'Tabeyeen'
(contemporaries of Sahabah) 'Aimma Mujtahideen' (authorities on religious
matters and jurists), and 'Mujaddideen' (thelogical reformers) and the entire
Ummat spread over fourteen hundred years (God forbid) "All liars, except
Mirza! On this premise can the Qadianis claim even an iota of relationship
with Islam and Muslims? No. Never.

Brothers and sisters, I am sure you have now understood that Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad Qadiani, the cheat, is deceiving the entire world by calling himself a
spiritual child of the holy Prophet (SAW)
I turn to Muslims and ask them: Don't you have any grace left in you to
answer these shameless Qauianis? They come to you at social level, attend
your meetings in public and private and repeat their nonsense. On your part,
you are a quiet listener to the descendants of a non-descript masquerader.

Alas, our simple Muslim brethren! Now what are the obligations - yours, mine
and that of every Muslim? What does our honour demand? It demands at
least to have faith in the truth of Islamic Shari'at's decree on this issue, viz.,
capital punishment for an apostate and dualist-infidel. But it is up to the
Government to respond to the Shari'at's call. However, this much is within
our reach that we cut off all social connections with them and don't let them
enter our gatherings and face them boldly everywhere.


Corner the liar in his mother's lair. He has already been led away into his
mother's haunt; praise be to Allah. The country of Britain is their mother.
She gave birth to them. It is for this reason that Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the
Qadiani Arch-priest, has run away from Pakistan to sit snug in the lap of his
mother and chew the cud in British manger.
From there he is barking at the Muslims of the world. Many simple-natured
Muslims of Africa, America and Europe do not know what is Qadianism. They
are on the 'hit-list' of these Qadianis. They have decided to mislead these
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Muslims as well as non-Muslims and are doing so. For this purpose, tons of
money have been budgeted to beguile the Muslims and others and trap them
into the snare of Qadiani apostasy and infidelity. But by Allah's grace and
support of Aalami Majlise Tahafuzze Khatme Nubuwwat we have taken up
the gauntlet under the banner of Hazrat Khatamun Nabieen Muhammad
(SAW). The Qadiani camouflage and coat will soon be peeled off from every
nook and corner of the world, just as it has been accomplished in Pakistan.

That day is not far away when the world will get to know of the truth: that
the Qadianis are not Muslims, that they are traitors of Islam, traitors of
Muhammad (SAW) and traitors of huma nity. Anti-Qadiani movement is now
surging the whole world, sweeping the Qadianis out. Final victory shall be
that of our Prophet Mu- hammad (SAW) and his bondsmen.


For some time in Pakistan too, people considered the Qadianis as Muslims till
the sacrifices, which were offered by the humble adherents of Muhammad
(SAW) ended in success, amputating the growth of Qadiani cancer from the
Ummat's body. Allah willing, this shall happen in other countries of the world
also because 'Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat' has launched its
operations on an international scale.

The Character of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani

(the founder of the Ahmadiyya Cult)

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was born in 1839-40 in the county of Qadian,

Gordaspur district in Punjab, India, to a Mughal family. His father's name was
Ghulam Murtada and his mother's name was Charagh Bibi. Mirza's family was
in the service of the British government and represented the British interest
to the extent of supporting the British forces during the Islamic War of

Mirza received his early education from his father and other teachers of the
village and was given a humble job in the office of the Deputy Commissioner.
During his employment, he participated in and failed promotional exams for
better assignments. Discouraged with his failures, he returned home to take
care of the family business. Up to this period in his life, Mirza Qadiani was an
ordinary Muslim; he had the Aqeedah (the belief) of Muslims and believed in
the finality of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

At about the same time, British government, wary of anti-British Islamic

movements in India, ordered the creation of an Apostolic Prophet to subdue
the spirit of Jihad (striving against oppressors) in Muslims (British Parliament
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Report 1870). In 1871, Mirza Ghulam was elected to the post of Apostolic

Between 1882 and 1890, like a confused story-teller trying to get his fable
straight, Mirza made numerous unfounded and conflicting claims; among
these are his assertions to be a Mujaddid (a revivalist), Musleh (a reformer),
Mehdi (a divinely guided one), and Masih Mawoud (the Promised Messiah). In
the year 1890, he declared that Jihad and resistance to British rule had
become unlawful; in 1901, he claimed prophethood for himself; and, in 1904,
he claimed to be Krishna (Hindu Lord).

In short, Mirza Qadiani spent much of his adult life fabricating lies against
Allah (SWT), insulting the Prophets of Allah, declaring false prophecies,
committing acts of treason against Muslims, lying, cheating, and deceiving
simple minded Muslims, and serving the British by discouraging and
eliminating the concept of Jihad from Islam. The height of his shameless
attempt at deception is best stated in his own message to Governor of
Punjab, in 1898, reminding him that he is the "self implanted and self
cultivated seedling of British Raj," who has been a loyal servant to the
British rule.

Mirza uttered such non-sense Kufr in his books as "I am God, in my vision,
I am a woman, Allah showed his manly power with me and
metaphorically I became pregnant"! Contrary to his own
"Prophecies" and "revelations", Mirza died on May 26, 1908, in his own
hated disease of cholera. Obviously, he was not Mehdi, Messiah, or a
Prophet. He was rather an immoral and treacherous opportunist guided by
his hunger for wealth and power. His claim to be the promised Messiah is
not much different from the present day claims of David Koresh, Jim Jones,
and Charles Manson. The followers of these cults are now well known in the
West; by God's leave, we shall reveal the truth about the Qadiani leadership
to the world.

Could He be a Prophet
(In light of his own Writings)

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani did not have any scruples at using profanities to try to
ridicule, intimidate, or threaten people who did not accept his false claim to
prophethood. Here are a few examples of his writings:

"My enemies are dirty swine and their women are more
wretched than bitches."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 14, P. 53; Najmul Huda, P. 10, 53)

"All Muslims regard my books with reverence and care and

benefit from their sublime thoughts except those who are the
offspring of prostitutes (bastards); God has put a seal upon
their hearts and they do not accept me."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 5, Page 547-548; Mirat-o-Kamalat-
i-Islam, P. 547;
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Aeena-e-Kamalat Islam, P.547-548)

[Mirza Ghulam translated this Arabic word as "Bastard" in
Roohany Khazaen Vol. 11, P. 282)

"The one who has no belief in our ultimate victory is fond of

becoming bastard and he is bound to be product of fornication."
(Roohany Kazaen, Vol. 9, P. 31; Anwar ul Islam, P. 30)

"Are they prepared to swear? No, they'll never do so because

they are liars and are derooting the corpse of falsehood like
(Supplement to Anjam-e-Atham, P. 25; Roohany Khazaen,
Vol. 11, P. 309)

His eulogy about Maulvi Saadullah Ludhianwi was:

"I look a sinful man among debauched who is more

scoundrel and an execrated being like Satan...
He who is called Saadullah by the ignorant is
slanderer, wicked and a falsifier...
You injured me, bastard. I won't be truthful if you
won't have a disgraceful death." (Haqiqat-ul
Wahi, P. 14-15; Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 734-

"If Abdullah Athum is saved from death (as per Mirza's

prophecy) and if all the world say the Christian was correct,
then the bastard will not follow the right path."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 32)

"Abdul Haq is not content with our victories. He is itching to

become a bastard."
(Anwar-ul-Islam, P. 30)

"There is nothing more foul than a pig in the world. But the
ulema who oppose me are more foul than pigs."
(Anjam-i-Atham, P. 21)

"You have inflicted pain on me with your foulness. You are not
truthful. I pray that you die in shame, you son of a harlot."
(Anjam-i-Atham, P. 288)

"This bastard of a doctor does not thread the straight path."

(Anwar-ul-Islam, P. 30)

He called Shaikhul Islam Saanaullah of Amristar:

"O, the son of wind, o traitor..."
(Ijaz-i-Ahmadi, P. 43/77)

The puzzling thing is that he himself wrote:

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"I have never abused anyone."

(Moahiburahman, P. 18)

"He is worst who is abusive, his heart is as filthy as Latrine."

(Sar-e-Sumain, P. 74)

"Abuses and rebukes are not the acts of a believer and a

believer can not be a curser."
(Azalat-ul-Auham, P. 66)

Is this how a Prophet or even a rightly guided individual would



All praises to Allah Almighty and Peace be upon the holy Prophet and his
Companians (Sahabas)!! The holy Prophet (SAW) once defined "Faith" as
advice and included it amongst one of the obligations of our faith for the
Muslim Ummah. Therefore, the universal body of "Tahaffuz-e-Khatme
Nubuwwat" wish to invite the attention of the Muslim Ummah towards an
important universal and religious matter, which is "The Qadiani problem".
This group (the so-called Ahmadi or Ahmadiya group) was founded by one
Mirza Ghulam Ahmed from Qadian, a town in the district of Gurdaspur in
India. He started his campaign by confronting non-Muslims in polemics. But
later on when he found people reposing faith in him he started making
improbable claims. In 1884 he claimed himself to be a "Mujaddid" of 14th
century. In the year 1891 he disclosed a revelation, viz "Prophet Isa alaihis
salaam is dead and thou art now the promised Masih as described in the holy
Quran and Hadith". In 1892 he claimed himself to be both, Masih as well as
Mahdi. In 1901 he claimed that whereas Christ is described as a "nabi"
(prophet) in a Hadith [Sahih Muslim], therefore, he too was a "nabi" or
prophet. In one of his pamphlets titled, "Ek Ghalati Ka Izalah" he claimed
that he was exactly the same as Muhammed-ur-Rasool Allah (Allah forbid).
In other words, he proclaimed himself as the re-incarnation of the holy
Prophet and his prophethood (SAW). Mirza Ghulam Ahmad pronounced the
following articles of faith to his followers:

Belief No. 1
That the holy Prophet Muhammad (S A W) has reappeared in the shape and
person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, and in the verse of the Holy Qu’ran
stands for Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. (Ek Ghalati Ka Izalah).

Belief No. 2
The Qadiani faith places Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in the same respect, status,
nomenclature, and honour as that of the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW). (
Al-Fazl, September 16, 1925, Qadiani Mazhab, p. 275).
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Belief No. 3
The Qadiani faith enjoins upon all human beings to accept Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad as we recognise the holy prophet (S A W), because from 14th century
onward Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is a proclaimed prophet (Tazkirah p. 260).

Belief No. 4
The Qadiani faith considers Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as Khatam-ul-Anbia, the
last prophet. (Al Fazl, 26th Sept 1915).

Belief No. 5
The Qadiani faith claims that the highest throne amongst the heavenly
thrones is that of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Haqiqatul Wahi, p. 89).

Belief No. 6
The Qadiani faith claims that Islam was just like a crescent of opening night
(Shedding no light) while the Islam of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s time is shining
bright like the full moon of 14th night. (Khutba-e-Ilhamiyah, p. 183).

Belief No. 7
The Qadiani faith claims the spiritualism of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is much
better and comprehensive as compared to that of the holy Prophet (S A W).
(Khutbat Ilhamiyah, p. 181).

Belief No. 8
The Qadiani faith claims that in this age following the holy Prophet (S A W)
alone is not ‘madaare-e-nijat’ (basis of salvation), but the madaar-e-nijat’ is
obedience to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Arbaeen No. 4, p. 7).

Belief No. 9
The Qadiani faith deems everyone as disobedient to Allah and Rasool and
hell- bound if one does not follow Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Istihar Meyar
Alakhbar, dated 25 May, 1900).

Belief No. 10
The Qadiani faith termed all those persons as infidel and outside the pale of
Islam if they did not declare faith in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad even though they
did not hear his name. (Aina-e-Sadaqat, p. 35).

The above cited beliefs are a few examples of hundreds of misleading and
blasphemous beliefs of the Qadianis. The learned Ulemas from East to West
have therefore, declared in their unanimous "fatwas" since Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad’s times that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his followers are
infidel,"murtad" and "zindeeq”"(See Fatawas). Further more, Rabita Aalam-e-
Islami, the paramount religious organization of the Muslim World, has in its
meeting held in April 1974, (Rabiul Awwal 1394 AH) exhorted all Muslim
world to enforce a ban on the activities of the Qadianis within their countries.
The Majma-e- Alfiqahal Islami in their meeting on 22-28 December, 1985, at
Jeddah called Qadianiat as infidelity and “zindiqah”. The first Asian Muslim
summit conference in its session held at Karachi from 6 - 8 July, 1978,
passed a resolution against Qadianis. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had himself
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admitted in one of his pamphlets while addressing his followers that all
Muslim Ulemas considered Qadianis as ‘murtad’ and liable to be slain. We
quote from "Majmu’ah -e-Ishtaharaat, Vol 3". He says, "Do you think that by
living in the Kingdom of Sultan-e-Room or by building a house in Makkah or
Madinah you can escape the attacks of mischievous people? No, never! But
you will be cut to pieces by their swords within a week. You must have heard
the fate of Sahibzada Maulvi Abdul Lateef, a prominent and respectable
person of Kabul State, commanding a group of followers numbering about 50
thousand. After embracing my faith and being impressed by my teachings he
became opposed to holy war (Jehad), then Amir Habibullah Khan mercilessly
got him stoned to death. Do you still believe you can live a prosperous life
under the Islamic Sultans? Rather, you will become an opposed target of the
Islamic Ulemas who have already given verdict of your death. You have
heard the "fatwa" of these Muslims who are against the Ahmadiyah sect. You
have heard the fatwa of their Ulema, i.e. you deserve death in their view. In
their eyes even a dog deserves mercy but not you. The "fatwas" of entire
Punjab and India, rather the “fatwas” of the whole Islamic world have
declared that you are liable to be slain. To loot your property, forcibly to
bring your wives in their matrimonial bond, desecration of your dead bodies
and disallowing your burial in Muslim graveyards - all these are considered
not only justified but pious acts". End of quote.The fatwas of the Ulema of
Islam and the above mentioned writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed are
sufficient proof to show that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his Qadianis/Ahmadis
group is a separate entity and not in any way connected with Islam.


After the establishment of Pakistan, a large part of Qadiani group as well as

their leaders migrated to the Punjab province, and rehabilated themselves on
a thousand acre piece of land and named it ‘Rabwa’ for exclusive settlement
of the Qadiani group. Rabwa became a centre of their nefarious activities,
and in a way served as a parallel Government. Clandestinely they occupied
important key posts in Pakistan, supported by the then Foreign Minister of
Pakistan, Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan Qadiani who recruited numerous Qadianis
in Pakistan’s foreign missions and thereby exploited his exalted position for
the propagation of Qadiani faith both at home and abroad. The Muslim
Ulemas warned Muslims against their move, and in 1953 they launched a
campaign against the Qadianis. They demanded that the Qadianis should be
declared a ‘Non Muslim’ entity. Unfortunately, due to Qadiani bureaucrats
holding key positions, this movement was crushed by the killing of some ten
thousand Muslims. But this did not deter the Muslims at large and they
persisted in their efforts till 1974 when the Government of Pakistan decided
to declare the Qadianis as Non-Muslims. The Parliament accordingly passed
an Act on 7th September, 1974, by virtue of which Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and
his followers were proclaimed non-Muslims under the leadership of late
Zulifkar Ali Bhutto, The then prime minister of Pakistan.

Despite this decision, the Qadiani jamaat kept on propagating its ideology,
articles of faith and exploiting the name of Islam for its missionary work. It
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was, therefore, felt obligatory to stop them from such activities under the
garb of Islam. Again due to sustained struggle of Muslims at large a
Presidential Ordinance was issued by the then President of Pakistan, the late
Gen. Muhammad Ziaul Haq, in the year 1984, prohibiting Qadianis by law to
present themselves as Muslims or to use Islam for the propagation of their
faith. They were also prohibited from using religious hall-marks of Muslims.
This was a logical sequence towards preservation of Muslim identity and to
clear the doubts created by the Qadianis’ misguiding publicity. This action
also did not deter them from their negative tactics, and their current leader,
Mirza Tahir Qadiani, set up his headquarters in a place near London and
named it "Islamabad." From here they started a negative and hateful
campaign against Pakistan, duly supported by Western Media and anti-Islam
forces which called for giving religious freedom and human rights to the
Qadiani sect. As a matter of fact when Qadianis claim their Prophet and
religion as a separate entity, and label Muslims of the world as infidels, then
why and how can they be allowed to use the name of Islam and adoption of
Muslim tenets for propagation of their new religion because this creates
confusion amongst Muslims and debases their religious identity.

It seems proper to mention here some of the activities indulged in by the

Qadianis for the information of Muslim Ummah as follows:

1. The Qadiani group is busy in its propaganda campaign against the

Government of Pakistan and religious circles with active connivance and
backing of lobbies and media of Western countries; from their base newly
created at “Islamabad” in London, United Kingdom.

2. They have acquired an international channel via satellite in order to

transmit their faith in the guise of Islam. This will create misunderstanding
about Muslim religion amongst those youngsters who do not possess
sufficient religious knowledge.

3. The well-known Qadiani scientist Dr. Abdus Salam in western media is

endeavouring to convene an International Science Conference with the
assistance of certain Muslim and non-aligned countries with a view to
obtaining secrets of scientific developments within Muslim Countries and to
lay hands on the atomic research in Pakistan.

4. Talented young men of Muslim countries are lured for lucrative jobs in
foreign countries. They are asked to fill in Qadiani forms on the pretext that
political asylum will be sought for their settlement due to their victimisation
because of their faith. Any applications made for political asylum by Qadianis
in countries other than Pakistan, need careful scrutiny through Pakistan
Embassies in those countries.

5. The Qadianis are busy distributing literature as well as wrong and

confusing translations of the holy Qur’an in the Muslim countries of the
world. This is misleading the innocent and ignorant Muslims, who fall prey to
Who Are Qadyani www.nazmay.com Page 35 of 138

their fraud. We must stop this nuisance by taking appropriate preventative

measures, which, inter alia, may include the following steps:

A. All Muslim Ummah may regard Qadianis as non-Muslim, and impose a ban
on their activities and organizations. The profundity of human liberty in
Muslim Society, and the enjoyment of fundamental human rights are
unparalleled in the whole history of mankind, whose sanctity and security is
guaranteed to every member within the frontiers of human decency and
conduct and action Qadiani’s as non-Muslims engaged in activities beyond
the frontiers of human liberty and fundamental human rights. Muslim
Ummah need guard the pristine glory of human society enlightened by Islam
at all times, by at all costs, at all places across the national frontiers.

B. Beware of their anti-Muslim activities which include spying and conveying

secrets to non-Muslim countries, particularly Israel, with whom they have
friendly relations.

C. Beware of the legacy of Qadiani so-called scientist, Dr. Abdus Salam, who
was burning with malice and who wanted to entangle Muslim rulers in favour
of the Islamic Science Conference, just to acquire information and destroy
their scientific research technology. Keep an eye on such activities and do
not associate youself in consultations.

D. Inform all international organizations not to accept Qadianis as Muslims

because they have nothing in common with Muslims, and must not be
allowed to offer their identification under the label of Muslim.

E. The Ulema and intellectuals of Muslim countries have to apprise the

Ummah of the true facts about Qadiani sect and its poisonous programme
and faith.

6. We hope our brother Muslims will realise their religious and universal
obligations and take all necessary actions to suppress the evil designs of the
Qadiani movement.

Finally, in conclusion, may we advise you that should you require further
information please contact any office of AALAMI MAJLISE TAHAFFUZE

Identification of the Promised Messiah

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has prophesied about several events
that will occur just before the advent of the day of judgment. Among these,
Rasulullah (SAW) has foretold the return of Isa (pbuh) (Jesus), which will
materialize when a one eye claimant to divinity (Dajjal or Anti-Christ) will
attempt to misguide the humanity into worshipping him. Messiah will
descend from the heavens in Damascus, pray behind Imam Mahdi, chase and
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kill the Dajjal, destroy the savage and unbelieving armies of Gog and Magog,
and bring peace and brotherhood to the world.

Everyone of the people of the book will recognize the truth and accept him
only as a Messenger of Allah (SWT); the religion of Allah, Islam will justly
rule the world.

"And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and

Christians) But must believe in him (i.e. Jesus as an Apostle of
Allah and a human being) before his death. And on the Day of
Judgment He will be a witness against them."
(The Holy Quran, An-Nisa, 4:159)

There will be no oppression and no need to fight oppressors (war will be

abolished) and no need to collect Jizyah (since there will be no non-Muslim
people of the Book to collect this tax from). Every human being will be well-
off and no one will accept charity. Messiah will perform Hajj and/or Umra,
marry, remain married for 19 years, beget children, and die after living on
earth for 40 years. His death will signal the beginning of the last days:

"And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of
Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but
follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way."
(Quran, Az-Zukhuruf, 43:61)

Unfortunately, counting on the general ignorance of Muslims regarding this

entire prophecy, a few individuals have laid claim to being Messiah and
managed to misguide some people. For some of these individuals (like Mirza
Ghulam of India) the claim to being Messiah was just a stepping stone to his
claim of prophethood and the creation of a cult which broke away from the
religion of Allah(SWT). It is, therefore, at least prudent to learn the truth about
this prophecy and avoid falling pray to false claimants that will appear from
time to time.

As Muslims, we should remember that the prophecy about Messiah is one

that will come to pass. This prophecy, however, does not absolve the Muslim
ummah from its duty to strive in the cause of Allah (SWT), oppose injustice,
and seek peace and betterment of human condition. Centuries have passes
from the time of the holy Prophet (SAW) and there is a good possibility that
many more will expire before the advent of the Promised Messiah. Muslims
who are negligent in their duty hoping for a savior are committing a grave
mistake and are not following the divine decrees ordained in Quran or taught
by Rasulullah (SAW).

The following represent a few of the over 110 Ahadith regarding the advent
of the Promised Messiah and the fact that he will be none other than Jesus
(pbuh), son of Mary:

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA) that the Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:
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By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, Son of Mary (Jesus) will

shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler
and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizyah
(a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of
the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of
money and no one will accept charitable gifts.
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 34, No. 425)

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA) that hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said:

The Hour will not be established until the Son of Mary (i.e.
Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the
cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizyah tax. Money will be in
abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 43, No. 656)

Allah's Apostle (SAW) declared:

I swear by Him in Whose hands is my life that soon there will

descend among you Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Mariam as a Just Ruler; so
(he) will break the 'cross', kill swine and prohibit war!
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, No. 668, Book of Prophets, P. 490)

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA) he heard Allah's Apostle (SAW) say:

By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the Son of

Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind
justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs
and there will be no Jizyah (i.e. taxation taken from non
Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept
it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better
than the whole world and whatever is in it." Abu Huraira added
"If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): --
"And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and
Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of
Allah and a human being) before his death. And on the Day of
Judgment He will be a witness against them." (Quran 4:159)
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 657; Fateh-ul Bari, Vol. 7,
P. 302)

A similar narration by Ata (RA) has been recorded by Muslim

with the following sentence added at the end:

Mutual hatred, jealousy and grudge will disappear.

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA) that hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said:

How will you be when the Son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends
amongst you and he will judge people by the law of the Quran
and not by the law of Gospel.
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(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 658; Fateh-ul Bari, Vol. 7,
P. 304-305)

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said:

There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus

(peace be upon him). He will descent (to the earth). When
you see him, recognize him: a man of medium height, reddish
fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were
falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight
the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill
swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except
Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for
forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.
(Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, No. 4310)

It is reported by Anas (RA) that the holy Prophet (SAW) said:

Whosoever from amongst you lives to see Jesus, son of Mary,

he should convey my greetings to him.

Jabir ibn Abdullah (RA) narrated, I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say:

A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and
will prevail till the Day of Resurrection. He said: Jesus Son of
Mary will then descend and their (Muslims') commander (Al
Mahdi) will invite him to come and lead them in prayer, but he
would say: No, some amongst you are commanders over some
(amongst you). This is the honor from Allah for this Ummah.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 1, No. 0293)

Allah's Apostle (SAW) said:

Allah will send Maseeh ibne Maryam (Messiah son of Mary).

Thus he will descend near the White Eastern Minaret of
Damascus, clad in two yellow sheets, leaning on the shoulders
of two angels.
(Sahih Muslim, Vol. 8, P. 192-193)

It is reported by Aws Ibn Aws al-Thaqafi (RA) that hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

Jesus, son of Mary, will descend near the white minaret towards
the east of Damascus.

Narrated Ibn Abbas (RA) the Prophet (SAW) said:

On the night of my Ascent to the Heaven, I saw Moses who was

a tall brown curly-haired man as if he was one of the men of
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Shan'awa tribe, and I saw Jesus, a man of medium height and

moderate complexion inclined to the red and white colors and of
lank hair. I also saw Malik, the gate-keeper of the (Hell) Fire
and Ad-Dajjal amongst the signs which Allah showed me. (The
Prophet then recited the Holy Verse) "So be not you in doubt of
meeting him' when you met Moses during the night of Mi'raj
over the heavens (Quran, 32:23)".
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 462)

Allah's Apostle (SAW) said:

I saw myself (in a dream) near the Ka'ba last night, and I saw a
man with whitish red complexion, the best you may see
amongst men of that complexion having long hair reaching his
earlobes which was the best hair of its sort, and he had combed
his hair and water was dropping from it, and he was performing
the Tawaf around the Ka'ba while he was leaning on two men or
on the shoulders of two men. I asked, 'Who is this man?'
Somebody replied, '(He is) Messiah, Son of Mary.' Then I saw
another man with very curly hair, blind in the right eye which
looked like a protruding out grape. I asked, 'Who is this?'
Somebody replied, '(He is) Messiah, Ad-Dajjal.'
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 87, No. 128)

Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi from Abdullah ibn Umar that the
Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

I dreamt at night that I was at the Kabah, and I saw a dark man
like the most handsome of dark men you have ever seen. He
had hair reaching to between his ears and his shoulders like the
most excellent of such hair that you have seen. He had combed
his hair, and water was dripping from it. He was leaning on two
men or on the shoulders of two men doing tawaf around Kabah.
I asked, 'Who is this?' It was said, 'al-Masih ibn Maryam.' Then
we were with a man with wiry hair and blind in his right eye, as
if it was a floating grape. I asked 'Who is this?' It was said to
me, 'This is al-Masih ad-Dajjal.'
(Malik's Muwatta, Book 49, No. 49.2.2)

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA) that Allah's Apostle (SAW) said:

On the night of my Ascension to Heaven, I saw (the prophet)

Moses who was a thin person with lank hair, looking like one of
the men of the tribe of Shanua; and I saw Jesus who was of
average height with red face as if he had just come out of a
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 607)

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr (RA) that:

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Someone came to him and said: What is this hadith that you
narrate that the Last Hour will come at a certain time?
Thereupon he said: Hallowed be Allah, there is no god but Allah
(or words to the same effect). I have decided that I shall not
narrate anything to anyone now. I have only said that you will
see after some time an important event: that the (sacred)
House (Ka'bah) will be burnt and it definitely happen.

He then reported that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him)

said: The Dajjal will appear in my Ummah and he will stay (in
the world) for forty -- I cannot say whether he meant forty
days, forty months or forty years. Allah will then send Jesus,
son of Mary, who will resemble Urwah ibn Mas'ud. He (Jesus
Christ) will chase him and kill him. Then people will live for
seven years, during which time there will be no rancor between
any two persons. After that Allah will send a cold wind from the
direction of Syria. None will survive on Earth, having a speck of
good in him or faith in him: he will die. Even if some among you
were to enter the innermost part of the mountain, this wind
would reach that place also and cause your death.

I heard Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) as saying: Only the

wicked people will survive and they will be as careless as birds
with the characteristics of beasts. They will never appreciate
good nor condemn evil...
(Sahih Muslim, Book 40, No. 7023)

Narrated Abdullah (RA) the Prophet (SAW) mentioned the Messiah Ad-Dajjal
in front of the people saying:

Allah is not one eyed while Messiah, Ad-Dajjal is blind in the

right eye and his eye looks like a bulging out grape. While
sleeping near the Ka'ba last night, I saw in my dream a man of
brown color the best one can see amongst brown color and his
hair was long that it fell between his shoulders. His hair was
lank and water was dribbling from his head and he was placing
his hands on the shoulders of two men while circumambulating
the Kabah. I asked, 'Who is this?' They replied, 'This is Jesus,
son of Mary.' Behind him I saw a man who had very curly hair
and was blind in the right eye, resembling Ibn Qatan (i.e. an
infidel) in appearance. He was placing his hands on the
shoulders of a person while performing Tawaf around the Ka'ba.
I asked, 'Who is this? 'They replied, 'The Masih, Ad-Dajjal.'
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 649)

Hanzalah al-Aslami reported to have heard Abu Huraira (RA) as narrating

from Allah's Apostle (SAW):
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By Him in Whose Hand is my life, Ibn Maryam (Jesus Christ)

would certainly pronounce Talbiyah for Hajj or for Umrah or for
both (simultaneously as a Qarin) in the valley of Rawha.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 7, No. 2877)

Allah's Prophet (SAW) said:

Hazrat Masih (pbuh) will die after completing the duration he

was destined to pass in the world and that Muslims would offer
his funeral prayers and bury him next to the grave of the holy
Prophet, Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar(RAs).
(Mishkat, P. 480)

Allah's Apostle (SAW) said:

After his descent on earth, Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will marry. He will
have children, and he will remain on earth 19 years after
marriage. He will pass away and Muslims will perform his Janaza
Salaat (funeral prayers) and bury him next to Rasulullah
(SAW). (Tirmidhi)

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA) that hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said:

...Satan will cry: The Dajjal has taken your place among your
families. They will then come out, but it will be of no avail.
When they reach Syria, he will come out while they are still
preparing themselves for battle, drawing up the ranks.

Certainly, the time of prayer will come and then Jesus (peace be
upon him), Son of Mary, will descend and lead them in prayer.
When the enemy of Allah see him, it will (disappear) just as salt
dissolves in water and if he (Jesus) were not to confront them at
all, even then it would dissolve completely. Allah would kill them
by his hand and he would show them their blood on his lance
(the lance of Jesus Christ).
(Sahih Muslim, Book 40, No. 6924)

Narrated An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an (RA) that Rasulullah (SAW) said:

...He will then call (that young man) and he will come forward
laughing with his face gleaming (with happiness). It will at this
very time that Allah will send Christ, son of Mary. He will
descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus,
wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his
hands on the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head,
there will fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he
raises it up, beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every non-
believer who smells the odor of his body will die and his breath
will reach as far as he is able to see. He will then search for him
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(Dajjal) until he catches hold of him at the gate of Ludd

(Jerusalem) and kills him.

Then a people whom Allah had protected will come to Jesus, son
of Mary, and he will wipe their faces and inform them of their
ranks in Paradise. It will be under such conditions that Allah will
reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from among
My servants such people against whom none will be able to
fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah will
send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down from every
slope. The first of them will pass the lake of Tiberias and drink
out of it. And when the last of them passes, he will say: There
was once water there...
(Sahih Muslim, Book 40, No. 7015)

Mujammi Ibn Jariyah al-Ansari (RA) stated that he heard the Messenger of
Allah (SAW) say:

The son of Mary will kill the Anti-Christ (Dajjal) at the door of
(Tirmidhi and Ahmad)

Abdullah Bin Umar (RA) reported that Rasulollah (SAW) said:

How can perish the Ummah of which I am at the beginning and

Jesus, son of Mary, is at the end.
(Hakim and Nasai)

Narrated Hudhayfah ibn Usayd Ghifari (RA):

Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) came to us all of a sudden

as we were (busy in a discussion) He said:
"What are you talking about?" (the Companions) said: "We are
discussing about the Last Hour". Thereupon, he said:
It will not come until you see ten signs before and (in this
connection) he made a mention of the smoke, Dajjal, the beast,
the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus son of
Mary (Allah be pleased with him), The Gog and Magog, and
landslides in three places, one in the east, one in the west and
one in Arabia at the end of which fire would burn forth from the
Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 40, No. 6931)

According to these authentic and universally accepted Hadith:

1. The Promised Messiah is none other than hazrat Isa bin

Maryam (pbuh) (Jesus);

2. He is a man of medium height and moderate complexion

inclined to the red and white colors and of lank hair;
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3. He will descend among Muslims, near the White Eastern

Minaret of Damascus, Syria, clad in two yellow sheets (dyed
with saffron), while leaning on the shoulders of two angels;

4. He will pray behind Imam Mahdi;

5. He will fight with, chase, and kills Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) at the
gate of Ludd;

6. Messiah will rule justly according to the Laws of Islam and not

7. People of the Book will accept him as a Messenger of Allah

(SWT) and will embrace Islam (Quran 4:159); subsequently,
Cross (Christianity) and Jizyah tax (on non-Muslims) will be

8. He will encounter attack of Gog and Magog and will be


9. Islam and justice will rule, oppression will be eliminated, and

no fighting (War) will be needed (will be abolished);

10.Everyone will be well off and hatred, jealousy, and grudge will

11.Messiah will perform Hajj and/or Umra;

12.He will get married, remain married for 19 years before his
death and have children;

13.He will die after living on earth for 40 years and will be buried
in a grave next to the holy Prophet (SAW). His advent is a sign
for the closeness of the day of Judgment (Quran, 43:61);

14.Afterwards, all believers will die before the advent of the day of
Judgment and the other prophecies will take place.

Identification of the Prophesied Imam Mahdi

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has prophesied about several events
that will occur just before the advent of the day of judgment. Among these,
Rasulullah (SAW) has foretold the advent of one of his descendants, Al Mahdi
(the guided one), which will materialize when the believers are severely
oppressed in every corner of the world. He will fight the oppressors, unite
the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule over the Arabs, and
lead a prayer in Mekkah at which Isa (pbuh)(Jesus) will be present.

Throughtout the history of Islam, a few individuals -- driven either by the

desperate state of Muslims in their community or a selfish pursuit of power
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and prestige -- laid claim to being Mahdi and found a following among the
uninformed masses, looking for salvation from heavens. For some of these
individuals (like Bab of Iran or Mirza Ghulam of India) the claim to being
Mahdi was just a stepping stone to the development of heretic sects which
broke away from the fold of Islam. Thus, it is at least prudent to visit the
fatcs of this prophecy and avoid falling pray to false claimants that will
appear from time to time.

As Muslims, we should remember that the prophecy about Mahdi is one that
will come to pass. This prophecy, however, does not absolve the Muslim
ummah from its duty to strive in the cause of Allah (SWT), oppose injustice,
and seek peace and betterment of human condition. Centuries have passes
from the time of the holy Prophet (SAW) and there is a good possibility that
many more will expire before the advent of Al Mahdi. Muslims who are
negligent in their duty hoping for a savior are committing a grave mistake
and are not following the divine decrees ordained in Quran or taught by
Rasulullah (SAW).

The following are the collection of Sahih (authentic) Hadith regarding Mahdi.

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (RA) reports from the Prophet (SAW), who

"The world will not come to pass until a man from among my
family, whose name will be my name, rules over the Arabs."
(Tirmidhi Sahih, Vol. 9, P. 74; Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 5, P.
also narrated by Ali b. Abi Talib, Abu Sa'id, Umm Salma, Abu

The Prophet (SAW) said:

"Allah will bring out from concealment al-Mahdi from my family

and just before the day of Judgment; even if only one day were
to remain in the life of the world, and he will spread on this
earth justice and equity and will eradicate tyranny and
(Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 1, P. 99)

Hadhrat Ali (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (SAW) said:

"Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will
surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with
such justice and fairness, just as it initially was filled with
(Abu Dawood)

Ali b. Abi Talib (RA) has related a tradition from the Prophet (SAW) who
informed him:
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"The promised Mahdi will be among my family. God will make

the provisions for his emergence within a single night."
(Ibn Majah, Sahih, Vol. 2, P. 519)

Hazrat Umme Salmah (RA), Prophet's wife, narrates that she heard the
Prophet (SAW) say:

"The promised Mahdi will be among my progeny, among the

descendants of Fatima."
(Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 2, P. 207; Ibn Majah, Sahih, Vol. 2, P.

Rasulullah (SAW) announced:

The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatima

(the Prophet's daughter). (Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 2, Tradition
No. 4086)

The Prophet (SAW) told:

"al-Mahdi is one of us, the members of the household (Ahlul-

(Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 2, Tradition No. 4085)

Abu Sa'id al-Khudari (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said:

"Our Mahdi will have a broad forehead and a pointed

(prominent) nose. He will fill the earth with justice as it is filled
with injustice and tyranny. He will rule for seven years."
(Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 2, p. 208; Fusul al-muhimma, p. 275)

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (RA) relates that Rasulullah (SAW) said:

"Al Mahdi will be from my progeny. His forehead will be broad

and his nose will be high. He will fill the world with justice and
fairness at a time when the world will be filled with oppression.
He will rule for seven years."

Hadhrat Umme Salmah (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (SAW) said:

"After the death of a Ruler there will be some dispute between

the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from
Madina) and go to Makkah. While in Makkah, certain people will
approach him between Hajrul Aswad and Maqaame Ibraheem,
and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him.

Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him

but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and
Madina, they will be swallowed into the ground.
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On seeing this, the Abdaals of Shaam as well as large numbers

of people from Iraq will come to him and pledge their allegiance
to him. Then a person from the Quraish, whose uncle will be
from the Bani Kalb tribe will send an army to attack him, only to
be overpowered, by the will of Allah. This (defeated) army will
be that of the Bani Kalb. Unfortunate indeed is he who does not
receive a share from the booty of the Kalb. This person (Imam
Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He will
lead the people according to the Sunnat and during his reign
Islam will spread throughout the world. He will remain till seven
years (since his emergence). He will pass away and the Muslims
will perform his Janazah salaat."
(Abu Dawood)

The holy Prophet (SAW) said:

"A group of my Ummah will fight for the truth until near the day
of judgment when Jesus, the son of Marry, will descend, and the
leader of them will ask him to lead the prayer, but Jesus
declines, saying: "No, Verily, among you Allah has made leaders
for others and He has bestowed his bounty upon them."
(Sahih Muslim)

It is reported from Abu Hurayra (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said:

"What will be your reaction when the son of Mary (Jesus)

descends and your Imam is from among yourselves?"
(Sahih Muslim, bab nuzul 'isa, Vol. 2; Sahih Bukhari, kitab bad'
al-khalq wa nuzul 'isa, Vol. 4)

The holy Prophet (SAW) said:

"What would be your situation if the Son of Mary (i.e. Jesus)

descends upon you and your Imam is from among you?"
(Bukhari, kitabul-Anbiya, Chapter Nuzul Isa bin Maryam)

According to these reliable, authentic, and universally accepted

narrations, Mahdi will:

1. Be from among the family of Prophet (SAW), among the

descendants of Fatima;

2. Have a broad forehead and pointed noise;

3. Appear in one night;

4. Appear just before the day of judgment;

5. Have same name as hazrat Muhammad (SAW);

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6. Escape from Madina to Makkah where people will pledge

allegiance to him;

7. Receive pledge and help of Iraqi people;

8. Fight in battles;

9. Rule over the Arabs for seven years according to Sunnah;

10.Spread justice and equity on earth;

11.Eradicate tyranny and oppression;

12.Lead a prayer in Mekkah which Jesus (pbuh) will follow in;

13.NOT be the same individual as the Promised Messiah (Jesus).

The following narrations have been taken from books on which there is no
consensus among Muslim scholars. Their authenticity is in question.

The holy Prophet (SAW) said:

"The world will not come to an end until a man from my family
(ahl al-bayt), who will be called al-Mahdi, emerges to rule upon
my community."
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 75; Ithbat al-hudat, Vol. 1, P. 9)

Umme Salmah (RA), the wife of the Prophet, has related a tradition of the
Prophet (SAW):

"Mahdi will be among my progeny, among the children of

(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 75)

Rasullullah (SAW) said:

"The world will not come to an end until a man from the
descendants of Hussain takes charge of the affairs of the world
and fills it with justice and equity as it is filled with injustice and
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 66)

Abu Sa'id al-Khudari (RA) has related a tradition from the Prophet (SAW)
who declared:

"The earth will be filled with injustice and corruption. At that

time, a man from among my progeny will rise and will rule for
seven or nine years and will fill the earth with justice and
(Ahmad b. Hanbal, Musnad, Vol. 3, P. 27)
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Abu al-Hujaf (RA) quotes the Prophet (SAW) saying three times:

"Listen to the good news about the Mahdi! He will rise at the
time when people will be faced with severe conflict and the
earth will be hit by a violent quake. He will fill the earth with
justice and equity as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He
will fill the hearts of his followers with devotion and will spread
justice everywhere."
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 74)

Ali b. Abi Talib (RA) said, I asked the Prophet (SAW):

"Is Mahdi going to be among our own family or from some

other?" He replied: "He will be among us. God will conclude His
religion through him, just as He began it with us. It will be
through us that people will find refuge from sedition, just as it
was through us that they were saved from polytheism.
Moreover, it will be through us that God will bring their hearts
together in brotherhood following the animosity sown by the
sedition, just as they were brought together in brotherhood in
their religion after the animosity sown by polytheism."
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 84; Ithbat al-hudat, Vol. 7, P. 191;
Majma` al-zawa'id by `Ali b. Abi Bakr Haythami (Cairo edition),
Vol. 7, P. 317)

I heard the Prophet (SAW) declare from the pulpit:

"The Mahdi from among my descendants, from my family, will

rise at the End of Time, while the heavens will pour rain and the
earth will bring forth green grass for him. He will fill the earth
with justice and equity as it is filled with tyranny and injustice."
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 74; Ithbat al-hudat, Vol. 7, P. 9)

Abu Sa'id al-Khudari (RA) narrated that Prophet (SAW) said:

"Severe calamity from the direction of their ruler will befall my

people during the Last Days. It will be a calamity which, in
severity, shall be unprecedented. It will be so violent that the
earth with injustice and corruption will shrivel for its inhabitants.
The believers will not find refuge from oppression. At that time
God will send a man from my family to fill the earth with justice
and equity just as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. The
dwellers of the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him.
The earth will bring forth all that grows for him, and the
heavens will pour down rains in abundance. He will live among
the people for seven or nine years. From all the good that God
will bestow on the inhabitants of the earth, the dead will wish to
come to life again."
(Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq al-muharriqa, P. 161; Yanabi' al-
mawadda, Vol. 2, P. 177)
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Abu Hurayra (RA) narrated on behalf of the Prophet (SAW):

"People will pay allegiance to the Mahdi between rukn and

maqam (in Mekkah)."
(Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan, P. 64.)

According to these hadith, Mahdi will:

1. Be from the Family of Prophet (SAW) and descend from Hussain (RA),
son of Fatima (RA) ;

2. Appear at the end of time;

3. Appear when earth is filled with injustice and tyranny and believers are
severely oppressed;

4. Appear when a severe earthquaker will occur and green grass will
grow (presumably in Arabia);

5. Fill the earth with justice and equity;

6. Spread brotherhood, equity, and devotion among Muslims;

7. Rule over Muslim community, according to Hadith, for seven or nine


8. Live and act with the qualities of the holy Prophet (SAW).

The following are narrations not attribute to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and
only represent second hand narrations attributed to companions of the holy
Prophet (SAW). Thus, they are included only for completeness and are

Ammar Yasir has related:

"At the time when Nafs al-Zakiyya is killed a caller from the
heaven will say: 'Your commander is so-and-so.' (announce
Mahdi) Following it the Mahdi will emerge and fill the earth with
justice and equity."
(Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan, P. 179)

Abd Allah b. Umar mentioned the name of Mahdi in the presence of an Arab
who said: Mahdi is Mu'awiya b. Abu Sufyan. Abd Allah said:

"It is not as you say. Mahdi is a person behind whom Jesus will
offer his prayers."
(Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan, P. 179)

Mujahid said about Mahdi:

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"One of the Prophet's companions told me that the Mahdi will

not appear until that time when Nafs al-Zakiyya will be killed. At
that time he will take the command and will fill the earth with
justice and equity."
(Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan, P. 171)

Nufayl's daughter Umayra narrates that she heard Hasan b. Ali's daughter

"This affair about which you are waiting will not occur until
among you some seek to distance themselves from the others
and curse each other."
(Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 52, P. 211)

Salma b. Zafar reports that one day people were talking about the
appearance of the Mahdi in the presence of Hudhayfa. Hudhayfa said:

"If Mahdi has indeed appeared while you are living close to the
Prophet's period and while his companions are living among
you, then you are truly fortunate. However, that is not the case.
Mahdi will not appear until people are devoured by oppression
and tyranny and there is no one absent more beloved and more
needed than him."
(Kitab al-hawi li al-fatawa, Vol. 2, P. 159)

These narrations are based on opinion of single individuals and are not
reliable. However, they indicate that Mahdi might:

1. Not appear until all Muslims are divided and curse each other (i.e. no

2. Appear when tyranny and oppression rule and no Muslim is free;

3. Be announced by a voice from heavens;

4. Fill the earth with justice and equity;

5. Lead the prayer which Jesus (pbuh) will follow.

The following narration has not been attributed to the Holy Prophet (SAW).
It has been identified as false and has been rejected by Muslim scholars for

Amr son of Shamer quoted Jabir, who quoted Mohammed bin Ali to have

"For our Mahdi, there are two signs. Since the birth of Universe,
these events have never taken place. Those two signs are that
there will be Lunar Eclipse on the first night of Ramadhan and
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Solar Eclipse in the middle of Ramadhan."

(Dar-e-Qatni, Vol. 1, P.188)


This narration is not attributed to holy Prophet (SAW), but

attributed to Mohammed bin Ali. No other person has
substantiated this alleged statement of Mohammed bin Ali.

Muslim scholars have always rejected this and other narrations

of Amr and Jabir, as both have been known to transmit
unreliable and forged narrations.


Mirza Tahir Qadiani played a trick on his Jamaat recently. He produced for
them a stunt which he named 'Mubahala'. By injecting morphia into his
jamaat in this manner he sought to deaden their sensibility and therefore
headed his Mubahala pamphlet as follows:
"Open challenge of Mubahala from Jamaat Ahmadiya Alamgir to the enemies,
the kaffir-makers and the beliers the world over".

Whereas, Mirza Tahir sent the copies of his published challenge contained in
his pamphlet of 'Mubahala' to the elders of Ummat-e-Islamia and the elite of
Millat-e-Muhmmadiya, he included, among the recipients, the name of this
dervish, unknown and humble, for reasons best known to him. This humble
being having received it, prepared its rejoinder, Reply to Mirza Tahir's
Challenge of Mubahala, and addressed it to Mirza Tahir during Muharram ul
Haram, 1409, AH. Several magazines and journals of Pakistan and India
published it under the caption: "In reply to Mirza Tahir". Also, it was brought
out in the form of a separate booklet. Its copies and photostats in thousands
were distributed in Canada, America and other countries. Not only that, its
various translated versions in the English language were also printed and
vastly distributed in foreign lands. By the grace of Allah, the Qadiani progeny
of liars could not and cannot wriggle out from the impact of arguments
contained therein till Doomsday.

Since my rejoinder had bound down Mirza Tahir for a response and knowing
it would be no easy matter I allowed him a comfortably long period of four
months, i.e., till January 1, 1989. Despite my let-up, he failed to meet the
date because he stood in a quagmire. Confused, non-plussed and check-
mated he had no ground to move backward or forward and no room to wheel
about. Ultimately, he managed with his Secretary to draft some sort of a
random reply a copy of which is reproduced below followed by my comments
captioned: "Final Rejoinder to Mirza Tahir, Last Nail in Qadiani Coffin".

Respected readers would not fail to discern that Mirza Tahir really fell
through great blunders by coming out with his 'Mubahala' challenge,
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Firstly: The decomposed and putrefied Qadiani corpse had to be exhumed

for a post- mortem. This challenge subjected it to its detailed diagnostic

Secondly: When at Mirza Tahir's invitation I called upon him to come out in
the open ground of Mubahala and pick up the gauntlet in a rendezvous, he
curled down his tail meekly-- a welcome token of submission --and fled for
safety. As Qadiani norms go, scores ofinterpretations flowed forth instead.

Thirdly: Although this humble self had allowed a four month period for
giving me a reply, Allah the Exalted inflicted a death like stupor over Mirza
Tahir and his progeny who lay benumbed till the term expired. At last, the
Qadiani Secre tary managed to muster himself up to write out some sort of
reply. Actually, this was a work of hardly five minutes for the Qadiani
secretary, but Allah, the Exalted wanted to expose Qadiani infamy and
effrontery and therefore a five minute work took m ore then four months.

Fourthly: Mirza Tahir and his whole Jamaat fell short of words because Allah
made me recount such startling facts from Qadiani history in respect of Mirza
Tahir's father and grand-father as thoroughly exposed Mirza Qadiani to be a
compulsive liar, dualist-infidel and accursed apostate.

Fifthly: Mirza Tahir failed in his effort to distort Quranic sense of the term
'Mubahala'. His twisting earned him nothing but a run-out from Mubahala
rendezvous, befitting his grandpa's own unwitting utterance, viz., 'Died under
divine execration'.

In my humble opinion Mirza Tahir will not dare take up this renewed call-out
of mine. Rather, he would not have the grace to respond even.

Now I produce a copy of the Qadiani letter, followed by our comments on it.


English translation of the Qadiani Letter

London 23.12.1988
Janab Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Sahib Ludhianvi,

The pamphlet, published on your behalf, in reply to the 'Mubahala' invitation

of Imam-e-Jamaat-e- Ah-madiya, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, has been
received in which you have left no stone unturned in twisting truths and have
tried once again to show your internal condition to the world by repeating
absolutely loose and filthy blames. The way in which you have tried to put
foul charges over holy personages of Allah, the Exalted, what reply can there
be except in the words of Quran-e-Kareem which says: 'Allah's curse on the
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Tt's surprising that on the one hand you are showing attachment to the holy
raiment of Muhammad (SAW) and on the other your disposition is so
abhorrent as is not even distantly related to Islam.

You say "falsity of Mirza has become as apparent as the sun at its meridian",
but, queer enough, Allah, the Exalted, is continuing to give day by day
advancement to the high order Ahmadiya whose foundation Mirza Sahib laid
in 1889 and auspicious souls in large numbers are entering this holy order,
but blind like you are still groping in darkness.

In your pamphlet, you have repeated all over again all thoae blames which
you have been alleging for almost a century, for which reason, the Imam-e-
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiya, had to give the challenge of 'Mubahala', at last. If there
was one bit of nobility in you, you should have accepted the challenge of
Mubahala of Imam Jamaat Ahmadiya in a straight-forward manner, so that
the world would have known that you are truthful and you would not have
thought of undertaking the path of flight. 'Mubahala' is not the name of
argumentation or disputation but it means taking the matter to the divine
court through invocations going beyond debates and discussions. 'Mubahala'
is the name of asking for decision through invocation from Allah, the Exalted,
but gathering together of parties (to dispute) at some specified place is not
necessary by the (interpretation of) the verse of Mubahala. Therefore your
asking to come out on such and such date at such and such time, at Minar-e-
Pakistan or any other place means nothing but your fleeing away from
'Mubahala'. Our belief is that Allah is present everywhere in the universe and
from His Grasp of Authority no place is outside and no spot without His sway
and might. His seat circumscribes the earth and the sky. Why do you
hesitate to address Allah and pronounce His curse on the liars and why do
you consider that presence of the concerned parties is necessary? Therefore
if you possess moral or conscientious courage then come out like a man of
action and after writing out all those blames which have been narrated in the
'Mubahala' pamphlet published on June 10, 1988 and which you think are
correct, you write 'Allah's curse on the liars', and put your signature. Then
see, how does Allah the Exalted distinguish between a truthful and a lying
party within the fixed duration.

But we give you advice to undertake righteousness and seek forgiveness of

Allah and leave temerity against Allah's appointed Imam so that you save
yourself from Allah's wrath and take warning from the corroborative tokens
which Allah the Exalted has so far revealed.

Rasheed Ahmad Chowdhry
Press Secretary Jamaat Ahmadiya


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Janab Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahib,

Peace be on those who follow the right path!

You may recall that some time back you arranged for sending a copy of your
'Mubahala' challenge in the name of this humble self also. In reply, I
accepted your challenge. My letter dated 18th Muharram ul Haram 1409 A.H.

I told you in this letter: Start in the name of Allah; come out by appointing
some date, time and place where you shall find this dervish waiting for you.
In this very letter, I proposed to you, on my own, a certain place, date and
time for holding this rendezvous. I did so lest you should back out. I gave
you four months time for sending me a reply till the first of January 1989.
Your reply reached me on 3rd January 1989 but it bore the signature of your
Secretary Sahib. Anyhow, thanks for the acknowledgement and permit me to
comment on certain points which have been raised in your letter.

Your Secretary Sahib writes:
'The pamphlet published on your behalf, in reply to the 'Mubahala invitation
of Imam-e-Jamaate- Ahmadiya, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, has been
received in which you have left nothing undone in distorting truths and have
tried to exhibit; once again, your inward nature to the world, by repeating
absolutely loose and filthy blames. In this way you have endeavoured to
place foul allegations on holy personages of Allah, the Exalted. What reply
can there be to them, except in the words of Quran-e-Kareem: "Allah's curse
on the liars".
Let me, first of all, do you justice for your truthfulness. You call my
communication a 'published pamphlet'; no, it was a letter, written on my
letterhead with my name on it. It was sent to you by registered post and it
carried my signature and seal. To call my letter a published pamphlet
reminds me ~f the famous proverb: "A thief might leave stealing but not
prying-about. Imagine, when tricksters are apt to dodge unwary people by
calling letters as published pamphlets, what distortions would they not have
perpetrated on the Quranic text and Ahadith?
You say, I have tried to bare out my latent morbidity before outside people,
by having repeated my earlier-levelled charges but there is my letter before
all. Anybody reading it will conclude that my presentations were historical
truths, taken from the Qadiani history. Do you call them allegations and
blames from my side? No, I presented ten facts--all from the Qadiani history,
five of them related to your grand-father, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and
five to your father Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Qadiani. Those historical facts
mirrored your face and reflected on Qadianism. No surprise, when this mirror
was held up to you, for looking in, you took it ill.
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Now, I enumerate those ten facts and challenge you to pin-point the one
which is not recorded in your Qadiani history.



In his book, Anjam-e-Atham, p.282, Mirza Qadiani declared: "We would not,
in future, call Ulema for a 'Mubahala'." I ask you: why in view of this
categorical declaration, did you break the pledge made by your Sire-Mirza
and how could you address the Ulema? It is obvious you have no reply to this
tweezer of a question of mine. I told you earlier and say again that Insha
Allah, you'll never be able to answer me till the day of your Doom. You are
left now with no recourse and I see you wearing a countenance of run-out
shame. You are sputtering at me when you say I am repeating allegations.
In order to relate this fact, I invite your attention to a writing of your sire,
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, from his book Appendix to Anjam-e-Atham. p.54.
"Remember, if the second part of this prediction does not come about, I
should be deemed worse than every wicked". What was the second part of
the prediction to which Mirza Qadiani referred? I shall tell one who may not
be knowing it. It was a prediction, made by Mirza for his second marriage
with an already married lady, called Muhammadi Begum; that is, when her
husband would die, Muhammadi Begum, the widow, would marry Mirza

This was the second part of his prediction to which he referred in his above
writing (in Appendix to Anjam-e-Atham)

But luck did not smile over Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the dejected
Romeo. The elusive bride could not be got hold of because her husband, the
rival-in-love, Sultan Muhammad, did not die. Instead the angel of death
came to help Mirza Ghulam Ahmad pack up, to carry him to the higher
storey! Therefore, this cavalier don met no success with the dona.

I ask you, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, did Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani's second
part of prediction come true?. Did Muhammadi Begum become widow in
Mirza Qadiani's lifetime? No, then call him in his out-landish lingo: "Worse
than every wicked. Any doubt in it? Mirza Tahir! Am I untrue?

I am amazed, Mirza Tahir, at your rude impudence. You are coming to a

Mubahala rendezvous in support of a 'worse' man. Tell me, have I concocted
this comparative-degree- adjectival-epithet against your so-called 'holy
personage'. Have I coined it ("worse than every wicked") or your grand-papa
has himself done so? This is my second question which your entire Jamaat
Qadiani, misnamed by you as Jamaat Ahmadiya, feels frustrated to reply.

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This is an interesting episode, again from the Qadiani history.

Once, Mirza Qadiani arranged to convene a discussion with a local head of
episcopal diocese, named Atham. For fifteen days, argumentations
continued. When Mirza could not beat his adversary he invoked Allah for
decision. He pronounced that Allah had made this decision for Atham that
this liar would be thrown into 'Ha via', (Hell) within fifteen months from June
5, 1893.

Mirza predicted in these words in his book 'Junge-Muqaddas' p.293.

"I admit right now that if this prediction goes false i.e., if within fifteen
months from this day, the party deemed to be liar in Allah's view does not
fall into 'Ha via' as death punishment then I am prepared to undergo every
type of punishment: disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a rope around my
neck or hang me on the gallows. I am prepared for every thing".

Time-limit started shrinking and Qadiani Jamaat was certain that Atham
would die within fifteen months because Sire Mirza Qadiani had written:

"And I swear by the greatness of Allah that He will certainly do so, will
certainly do so; will certainly do so; the earth and sky may deviate but not
His ordainments".

As the zero hour drew nearer and the countdown started, Mirza Qadiani
madly shouted:

"If I am a liar, keep the gallows ready for me and consider me the most
accursed of all the accursed persons, the evil-doers and the satans". (Jung-e-
Muqaddas, last page).

During the night preceding the avowed day- break, the town of Qadian went
into a drone of tumult and tribulation. Men, women, big and small rubbed
their noses on the earth, lamenting:

"O Allah, Atham may die; O Allah Atham be dead!

"O Allah, send a bolt from the blue for Atham!"

They were certain Atham would not live to see the dawn of the next day.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, on his part, worked out spells of sorcery the
whole night before Atham's death and had charms recited over black grams
to be thrown into blind dry wells. (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Vol. 1: p:178; Vol. 2

Despite all invocations, contrivances and hulla-baloo Atham saw the dawn
and many more dawns for many years. Thus, Allah the Exalted, testified

*Mirza's prediction was not a divine reve- lation;

*Mirza's prediction was his imposture;
*Mirza deserved the punishment he had proposed on himself, that is,
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--"Disgrace me"
--"Blacken my face"
--"Collar a rope around my neck"
--"Hang me on the gallows".

Mirza Tahir Sahib, I ask you: In view of your Sire's calling himself "the most
accursed of all accursed persons, the evil doers and the satans," have I used
these superlative-degree adjectival- epithets about him or it was your sire
grand-papa himself who used them about his own self? Are you wanting a
'Mubahala' rendezvous in support of a satan who is most accursed of all
satans? Tell me, is there one single word wrong in this factual event from the
Qadiani history?.

The fourth fact from your Qadiani history is a Mubahala challenge between
Mirza Qadiani and Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi (May Allah rest his soul in
peace). This was held on Zeeqada 10, 1310 AH in Eidgah of Amritsar. The
late Maulana's challenge was on this issue: Mirza and his Mirzais were a
coterie of liars, unbelievers, heretics, impostors and Dualist-infidels.
(Majmua-e- Ishtiharat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani Vol. 1 p. 425). And
Mirza Qadiani had already declared that:
"Whosoever is the liar out of the Mubahala participants, perishes during the
lifetime of the truthful ' (Malfuzat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani Vol. 9 p.

In accordance with the above stipulation Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was
the liar as he perished during the lifetime of Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi on
May 26, 1908, whereas the Maulana Sahib, (Allah's mercy on him), lived for
9 years after Mirza's death. (Raees-e-Qadian, Vol. 2 p. 192 and Tarikh-e-
Mirza, p. 38).

Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahib! In your letter you have defined Mubahala in these
words: "To take a matter to the court of Allah, the Exalted, through
invocation is named Mubahala. To supplicate Allah, the Exalted, for a decision
is called Mubahala." From this definition, it is obvious that Divine Court is the
supreme-most court whose decision is definite, direct and unambiguous.
There can never be an iota of a mistake in it, God forbid. When, as a result of
the aforesaid Mubahala, the Divine Court has already decided that Mirza
Qadiani was an arch-liar, Dualist- infidel, one-eyed impostor, renegade and a
Kafir, do you wish now to appeal against this decision? Remember, to reject
this court's jurisdiction is kufr, to deviate from its decision is kufr, to appeal
for its revision is kufr. Tell me, if there is one single word which I have
uttered here is untrue. Actually, the questions I have raised cannot be
answered by the whole Mirzai progeny put together.

Mirza Tahir Ahmad! If you believe in Allah and if you are not an atheist, then
come out to accept Allah's Decision whole-heartedly and proclaim to the
World that your grand-father was a grand-liar. If you will not do that, then
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people will have no choice but to consider you a re-production of what your
grand-father once said in his Majmua-e- Ishtiharat Vol. 1, p. 397.

"The Jewish people by becoming targets of execration turned into baboons

and swine. In their respect it is recorded in some commentaries on the holy
Quran that apparently they were humans but their inward condition had
become like that of baboons and swine and receptivity for accepting truth
was wholly wrested from them. This is the sign of metamorphosed inferior
shapes that they cannot accept truth, even when manifestly revealed to
them. "

In Zameema-e-Anjam-e-Atham, p. 21, your grandfather wrote:

"The most unclean among all the animals of the world and highly loathsome
is swine but more polluted than swine are those men who hide evidence of
truth and honesty due to their selfish motivation"

Incidentally, here the grandpa has exposed his grandson unwittingly!

I refer to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani's published notification, titled:
"The Final Decision with Maulvi Sanaullah Saheb Amritsari">

In this, Mirza implored Allah, humbly and earnestly: "O Allah! if I am truthful,
destroy Maulvi Sanaullah in my lifetime, by strokes of celestial punishments
like plague and cholera and if Maulvi Sanaullah Sahib is truthful and I am a
liar, a knave, a mischief-monger in Your eyes, then destroy me in the lifetime
of Maulana Sanaullah.

Allah, the Exalted, issued His Decision. In line with Mirza's own malediction,
Allah destroyed him on May 26, 1908, through the pestilence of cholera.
(Hayat-e-Nasir, p.15). But Maulana Sanaullah Sahib, (Allah's mercy on him),
lived on and on for an amazingly long period of forty-one years after Mirza's
doom. This Divine Decision proves again that Mirza was a liar, a knave, a
trickster, and a mischief-monger, to quote his own words.

I ask you, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, have you asked me for a Mubahala
rendezvous in support of this impostor? Tell me, which word in this writing of
mine will you call an accusation?

Here, I turn your attention lo a notable point The Quran-e-Hakeem has

quoted an imprecation which was uttered by Kuffar-e-Makkah. They said:

"O Allah! if this (Deen) is indeed the truth fromThee, then rain down on us a
shower of stones from the sky or send on us painful torments". (Quran, Al-
Anfal 8:32)

Look at the extreme misfortune, stupidity and perverseness of the idolaters

of Makkah that they did not invoke Allah for granting to them His favour.
They did not say, O Allah! grant us the ability to accept the Deen, brought by
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the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in case it is really from Thee. Instead,
the Kafirs of Makkah said if Deen-e-Islam was genuine then stones should
rain down on them or they be annihilated by Divine Punishment!

Tafseer-e-Usmani (Maktaba Rashidia, p-234) says: "Abu Jahl is reported to

have invoked Allah in these words in front of Ka'ba when leaving Makkah (for
the Battle of Badr). As a result, he witnessed a sample of what he had asked
for ".

Following the example of Kuffar-e-Makkah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani did

not say: O Allah! if I am astray in Your eyes, set me on right path and
forgive me. Instead he prayed: "O Allah! if I am a liar, knave or a mischief-
monger then destroy me during Maulana Sanaullah's life". Compare this self-
curse of Mirza Qadiani to that of Abu Jahl. Where is the difference in the
purport? Abu Jahl said: "If Muhammad (SAW) is truthful and we are iiars,
destroy us through bolts and stones from the sky". Mirza said: "If Maulana
Sanaullah is truthful and I am a liar, destroy me in front of him". Abu Jahl
got his asked-for in Badr and Mirza got his asked-for on May 26, 1908, both
getting their asked-for ultimately. Does this carry any lesson for you, Mirza
Tahir Ahmad Sahib, the Imam of self-styled Jamaat "Ahmadiya"?


Mirza Tahir Ahmad! I have enumerated five facts recorded in Qadiani history
about your 'grandpa', Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, and now enumerate a similar
number selected from your Qadiani history concerning your 'daddy' Mirza
Mahmud Ahmad. My purpose in doing so is to stress that the 'Dad', despite
Mubahala challenges made to him for half a century, did not come forward to
reply not even once; nor did any of his progeny. Therefore, clearing this out-
standing debt of five decades is your first charge, Mirza Tahir Ahmad! You
should settle that encum-brance first. I tell you a way out, if you are in
search of one: Start with a denial of these facts and swear on Oath that
Allah's wrath fall on you if you are telling a lie. Having done that you should
take on the Mubahala rendezvous with Ulema of Ummat.
I am again reminded of a proverb, which runs like this: Let a winnower sing
if it wants to but why let a sieve which has seventy two holes, that is, if
somebody else wants to run the gauntlet, he may, but not you, Mirza Tahir,
who are loaded with fifty to sixty outstanding Mubahalas. Sure, you are
sitting snug in mother's lap cuddling in the British manger; what has pricked
you to have come out mooing!

'Don't eulogise your stained cloak too much; just look at its flap, just glance
at the tunic's knot'.

Maulana Abdul Kareem accused your father, Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, of
immorality in 1927. He asked him to face him in a Mubahala but Mirza
Mahmud would not. As a result, the poor soul was penalised. Attempt was
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made on his life, his friend's house was put to flames and he was dragged in
courts. Ultimately, he was driven out from Qadian. Till the last, Mirza
Mahmud did never have any courage to face him in Mubahala. Still worse,
none of the sons of the accused had the graciousness to project their father's
morals. None has come forward to take oath before Allah on pain of His
pestilence catching him if Abdul Kareem was true and their father immoral.
Similar immorality charge was made by Abdur Rahman Misri in 1936. As a
result, he was also maltreated and a breach of peace case was instituted
against him in which this poor man gave the following statement in the court
on oath:
"The present Khalifa (Mirza Mahmud) is extre- mely immoral. He hunts
women under the guise of sainthood. For this purpose, he has kept some
men and women as his agents. Through them, he gets hold of innocent girls
and boys. He has formed a society in which men and women have been
taken in and adultery is committed in this social get- together." (Mumtaz
Ahmad Farooq, Fateh Haq, p.41).

Before proceeding further, let me highlight the background of this incident

for the benefit of those who may not be knowing. This timid dotard Abdur
Rahman Misri used to be a slave-like disciple of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad. As a
'Mureed', he was so foolishly obedient to his 'Peer' that he cringed about with
folded arms and low gaze in front of him. Once, the 'Peer' i.e., Mirza Mahmud
Ahmad, feeling lusty over his 'mureed' Misri's son, Satisfied his lust by
making the boy his target on his practicing board. Misri was shocked. He
gaped and marrow in his bones numbed. Collecting his fallen-out crest, he
asked Mirza Mahmud to appoint a high-powered committee of Qadiani elite
and said he would appear in person before the elders, to prove that this
sordid and unnatural act was actually perpetrated by the Khalifa over his
minor son. Instead of accepting this demand, Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Qadiani
sprang up to make Misri and his friend Fakhrud Din Multani a butt of his
reprisal. As a result, Misri was dragged into courts while Multani was found

You, Mirza Tahir, have never come forward, vouching for your daddy's
morals. Why not, I ask? Why have you not sworn before Allah, on pain of His
wrath falling on you if this is true. Well, you can do it now. Your father Mirza
Mahmud tried to side-track Misri's complaint by calling the affair an act of
enmity of the hypocrites. By hypocrites, I know, he meant the Lahori party of

Here I digress, for an interesting episode which is recorded in Qadiani

history. Once, in a Jum'a Khutba, Mirza Mahmud read out a letter he had
received from a person whom he later called a hypocrite. This letter said:

"Hazrat Sire, the promised messiah (i.e., Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) was
a friend of Allah and friends of Allah commit adultery now and then only.
Therefore, if the grand-sire committed adultery occasionally, so what?"
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The letter further said:

"We have no objection on Hazrat grand-sire, the promised Messiah (i.e.,
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) because he committed adultery at times only
but our objection is on the present Khalifa (i.e., Mirza Mahmud Ahmad
Qadiani) because he commits adultery all the time!"

Mirza Mahmud Ahmad was pleased to read out this 'holiest of holy'
document, brazen-faced, from a pulpit in his Jum'a Khutba. After reading it,
he did not contradict its contents. He did not swear before Allah that Divine
wrath might fall on him if he was an adulterer. He only passed a harmless
sort of remark which is recorded in black and white and published by Qadiani
newspaper Al-Fazl, dated 31st August 1938: Mirza Mahmud said:

"It appears from this objection that this person is Paighami Tab'a" (i.e . of
Lahori party of Mirzais).

My digression ends here. In view of this gross charge, the readily seen
conclusion is that limb by limb, Joint by joint, and pore by pore, Mirza
Mahmud was a doer of unsocial, immoral and unnatural acts. Can anybody
doubt the stinking fermentation of his base elements?

In 1956, some young men from amongst Qadianis formed a party by the
name of Haqiqat Pasand Party with the object of exposing Mirza Mahmud
Ahmad's evil conjurations which he performed in Samri style. They published
a book called Tarikh-e-Mahmudiat. In this they collected eye-witness
accounts of twenty-eight Qadiani men and women who left Qadianism
because of Mirza Mahmud's immorality. All the narrations in the book are
given on oath before Allah that they are not lies. Evidences therein prove
that Mirza Mahmud was a very immoral person. Although Mirza Mahmud was
alive those days when the book was published he dared not disprove any of
those acts of his, to the extent that when they were repeated in subsequent
writings none of his progeny challenged them. How about you, Mirza Tahir,
to pick up the gauntlet now? But I know you wouldn't do so. This betrays
that your criminal conscience abets it. Having been challenged for so many
Mubahalas, as if they were oozings of mother's milk for your suckling, you
have now come forward, on your own, asking for a Mubahala.
These facts which I have given are from Qadiani household after 1937 but
previous to this there have been reports of dissolute acts of the Don Juan
(i.e., Mirza Mahmud Ahmad) in his student life and of his adolescent

Is it not from your history that your grandfather, (the counterfeit messiah,
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani), once set up an enquiry against your father
(Mirza Mahmud Ahmad) for his juvenile delin-quency but your father escaped
punishment for lack of four eye-witnesses to his actual acts?

Mumtaz Ahmad Farooq, in 'Fateh Haq' has also described the above episode:
How Mirza Mahmud Ahmad had sunk into sexy involvements from the very
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start of his puberty. ~His father, (i.e., Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani), once
instituted an enquiry against him on receiving reports of his committing
immoral acts. There were four persons appointed to this commission of
enquiry: Maulvi Noorud Din, Khawja Kamal ud Din, Maulvi Muhammad Ali
and Maulvi Sher Ali. When the commission met to enquire, the mother of the
accused presented herself secretly before them and held out front flap of her
shirt supplicating before the commissioners. Admitting his guilt she begged
for mercy on behalf of her son. She pleaded to them that his sinful son, if
caught, would be turned out of the house by his father. As a result of this
inter-cession by your grandmother, these "four sententious pundits acquitted
the accused under cover of Qadiani Fiqah.

As luck would have it, Allah punished these four exponents of Qadiani Shariat
at the very hands of this very 'accused' when he took over the reins of
Khalifaship later. Mirza Muhammad Hussain in his book, Fitnn-e-Inkar-e-
Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, has apprised us of this event.

The fourth fact, recorded in your Qadiani history, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, is
about the manner in which both your father and grandfather tumbled out of
this world. Here I put a question to you. Would you not say that their deaths
were in the nature of a Divine Warning given to mankind? If you say they
were not, OK, then would you pray to Allah to afford you the same type of
ouster from the world. This question I had put to you earlier also but you did
not reply because where are your guts for it! I appreciate your reasons. You
are scared of that death-bed agony: into hell before hell. But would you not
allow the people of the world an opportunity to see the spectacle of Allah
teaching you a lesson? You could still provide the world some fun if you
Published an answer to my question.
I have drawn your attention to a number of challenge made by my renowned
friend, Maulana Manzoor Ahmad Chinioti, first to your father as long he was
alive and then to your brother Mirza Nasir and after his death to you lastly. I
should say he has been holding annual anniversaries of these challenges. To
ensure, he sends these challenges to Qadiani leaders by registered post and
in every meeting which he addresses, he speaks from public platform in
these words:
'Swear by Allah that you or your daddy were never an active subject or a
passive object of an immoral act'?

Your father and your brother did not have the courage to answer. Now your
good self too lack sufficient pluck.

Blind the evil eye! Have you invited Ulema for a Mubahala on behalf of such
unsanctimonious persons! Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahib, these are not blames.
These are facts which you and your family cannot deny till your Doomsday.
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These are bright like the sun but you- Secretary Sahib, blind like bat, writes
to me:

'You have tried to put foul charges over holy personages'

Libertines, holy personages? O Allah protect us! Was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
holy? Was Mirza Mahmud Ahmad holy?

I refer to a 'Fatwa', given by your Mufti of Qadian to a person named

Muhammad Hussain Qadiani. He had asked: 'Why does holy sire (i.e., Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) has his arms and legs pressed by unrelated women?
The (Mufti) Chief jurist of Qadianism replied:

"He is an innocent prophet. Touching and caressing with him is not

prohibited; it's rather a source of blessing and auspiciousness (Ret.
Newspaper Al-Hakm, Vol.1l, No:13, p.13, dt. 17th April, 1907). Compare this
with Mirza's own denial of innocence on page 5 of his book, Karamat-a-

"Sorry that Batalvi Sahib did not understand that myself or any human can
ever claim to be innocent after the prophets, Allah's benediction on them all"
! But your Secretary Sahib's remarks uphold even Mirza Mahmud as innocent
and holy! All greatness to Allah!

It will not be out of place, if I refer to a book titled, Hamarey Ismaili mazhab
ki haqiqat aur us ka nizam, by Doctor Zahid Ali in which Doctor Sahib, on
page 363 quotes a standing order from an Ismaili Imam, namely, Qazi
Noman Bin Muhammad, as follows:

"If you see the Imam doing adultery with your own eyes or see him drinking
wine or committing acts of lewdness, don't let your heart or tongue consider
those acts as unapproved and don't doubt their correctness and
righteousness at all".

It appears your Secretary Sahib and the choicest Qadianis like him have
been tutored on the lines of the aforesaid Imam, to consider their Khalifa
holy despite the Khalifa's lechery, despite his adultery and unnatural acts.

When men and women have produced firm evidences of immorality against
Mirza Mahmud and when the latter's off-springs have kept mum, the facts
stand verified. But for the Secretary Sahib Mirza Mahmud is holy! Whereas
Allah decided that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was a liar, Kafir, apostate,
impostor, disgraceful, contemptible 'worse then every wicked' and sire of the
clan of accursed satans; your Secretary Sahib considers these epithets sanc-
timonious! In other words, "My 'peer' is only a wee bit cheat, otherwise he is
a Perfect saint"!

I call your attention to a recent communication sent by Janab Hafiz Bashir

Ahmad Masri which is a rejoinder to your Mubahala pamphlet. He
summarised in it acts of profligacy of your household thus:
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The elder son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, that is Mirza Mahmud (your father)
was a habitual adulterer, having affairs with married women and unmarried
girls, to the extent that he committed incest with the forbidden womenfolk of
his household.

Both the brothers of Mirza Mahmud, i.e., Mirza Bashir Ahmad and Mirza
Shareef Ahmad were habitual sodomites and particularly the young were
their targets.

The maternal uncle of Mirza Mahmud, by name Meer Muhammad Ishaq too
was a habitual sodomite and innocent school-going chiIdren in particular
were his victims.

In short, dignitaries of Qadiani hierarchy satisfied their sexual lust, feeling

free of any social or moral restraints.

"The whole house gleamed with luminaries!"

Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahib, you cannot get away by brushing these historical
facts calling them unfounded allegations. Unless you absolve yourself from
the charges preferred against your father, you cannot brazen it out through
your 'Mubahala' challenge.


Your Secretary Sahib writes: "Allah the Exalted is continuing to give day by
day advancement to the high order Ahmadiya whose foundations Mirza Sahib
laid in 1889 and auspicious souls in large numbers are entering this holy
order but the blind like you are still groping in the dark".

Mirza Tahir Ahmad it is stupid to call numerical increase of your party a proof
of Divine supportrt. I give you six explanations of which you are ignorant.

Explanation No. 1
Why look at the increase alone. Look to which side it is tilting, whether
towards virtuosity or towards evil. If it is towards the former then it is a
happy augury otherwise don't be happy because it is an indication of a let-up
by Allah for a subsequent pull-up. Initially offenders are warned. When they
don't take heed, a let-up starts, that is, Allah allows them some latitude to
Therefore Allah is pleased to say:
(Translated by Mirza Mahmud himself, in his Tafseer-e-Sagheer, in Urdu,
whose English rendering is:
"Then leave me and leave those who belie this Book (i.e., don't go punishing
them yourself). We shall pull them towards gradual annihilation from sides
they wouldn't know and I will permit them a latitude (i.e., don't pray for their
destruction). My contrivance is very strong (that will ultimately put them to
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In Sura 'Al-Nisa': 115, Allah is further pleased to say:

(Translated by Mirza Mahmud, in his Tafseer-e-Saghir, in Urdu, whose
English rendering is:
"And if whosoever to whom guidance has been fully unfolded goes on
opposing (this) prophet and follows a path other than the path of believers,
We shall set him after the same thing that he is doggedly pursuing and will
cast him in Hell and that is a very bad abode"

Allah has made apparent Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's imposture many times, and
not only that, the pot of Mirza Mahmud's fake piousness bangbursted not
once but several times on Qadiani and Rabwah crossroads. Simultaneously,
your party has been thrown into different types of torments and troubles. As
a result your father had to run away secretly from Qadian and your good self,
too, following his footsteps flew from Pakistan, incognito. You ran helter-
skelter to London, straight into the lap of your foster-mother, so fast that
you drew a second breath only after arriving there. Why you don't take heed
from me that Allah has provided you some let-ups. In His Divine Prudence He
has extended your rope for a short run. Now don't misconstrue your noose
loosening. It amounts to no progress, advancement or increase of your Order
of Qadianis, in any tangible sense. Therefore don't measure yourself by yard-
stick of numerical increase. Distinguish between profligacy and Divine

In this world, Allah affords equal opportunities for truth and untruth to
develop. This is the nature of His Law. Those who cannot discriminate
between inflation and progress are victims of mutilated psyche. I give you an
instance Atheism is plentiful today in the world; Satanic forces are doubling
up. Evil is going up by leaps and bounds Will any wise man call this
abundance a proof of Divine support?. Is increase of atheism an argument
for its godliness? Hence, don't puff yourself up over flatulence of Qadiani
numbers. Gaseous expansions in the belly are not a sign of health.
Remember artificial stones cannot hide their identity from the eyes of a
connoisseur. Animal-cules multiply after rainy seasons

Explanation No. 2
The manner in which your party has manoeuvred to enlarge its numbers
corroborates its shady nature. In support of my argument I ask you to turn
to the claim which your grandfather Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani made. He
said that he was the same promised messiah about whom Allah's Prophet
(SAW)has foretold.
Let us now recount as to what conspicuous deeds that would-be Messiah
shall be performing when he will come into the world. For this purpose, I
quote none but the actual words of your father, Mirza Mahmud Ahmad
written in his book Haqiqat ul nubuwwat. He says, Allah's Prophet (SAW)
used these words:

"Prophets are like brothers-in-affinity. Their Moethers are different but Deen
is one. And I have the closest connection with Isa bin Mariam because in
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between him and myself there is no prophet and he is about to come down.
Therefore when you see him, recognise him that he is even-statured, red
white mixed Complexion, wearing yellow clothes. Water shall be dropping
from his head although water will not have been shed over the head. He will
break the cross, kill the swine and will forsake 'jizia' and will invite people to
Islam. In his times, all religions will be dead and only Islam will exist. Lions
and camels, leopards and cows,wolves and goats will graze about together.
(children will play with snakes and they will not harm them. Isa bin Mariam
will remain on earth for forty years and then he will die and Musalmans will
offer his funeral prayers".
(Mirza Mahmud, Haqiqat un Nubuwwat, p. 192).

Out of so many signs that have been foretold is there a single one which can
be microscopically traced into the personality of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Qadiani in his life or deeds he performed?. Surely not. Then what sort of a
counterfeit messiah is Mirza Qadiani in whom not a single micro indication is
present. Just look at one fore-telling by the holy Prophet (SAW) that in
Messiah's times all religions will be dead and only Islam will exist. But during
the false messiahship of Mirza Qadiani what to say of all the world religions
getting extinct, there was one mosque in Qadian which had gone under Sikh
possession but which could not be liberated by him. It is now eighty years
that he died but his followers are not even as much as 'salt in flour'. Even
sweepers are more in numbers than the Qadianis.

Tell me now, are you still proud of your numbers?. If your unrelenting
presumptuousness prevents you from opening your eyes and prompts you to
boast I can only repeat what Allah's Prophet (SAW) said:

"When you become shameless then do what you like".

Explanation No. 3
Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahib, I shall now beat you over statistics because I have
every sort of arrow in my quiver with which I shall lay your Jamaat flat on
every ground.
If your supposed numerical abundance is an indication of Allah's support to
the religion of Qadianis, then this support is available more to the Christians.
Actually, it was your ill-omened Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani who helped the
Christians to achieve numerical superiority over your people. I give
population figures of Christians in the very home district of Mirza Qadiani,
that is district of Gurdaspur (India), taken from Muhammadia pocket-book.

Year --- Numbers

1891 --- 2400
1901 --- 4471
1911 --- 2336
1921 --- 32832
1931 --- 43243
NOTE: Even during 1891 to 1911 when Mirza was a contemporary figure till
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1908, 'busy in eradicating Christianity' the Christians multiplied tenfold from

2400 to 23365!

Your daily newspaper, 'Al-Fazl: Qadian, dated 19th June, 1941, says: "Daily
224 men of different religions in India are becoming Christians". This means
81,760 men were converted annually. If this is calculated from 1941, it
works out to 39,24,480 inllividuals during the last 48 years.

The increase in Christian population in Pakistan is occasionally published. It is

said Christians were 80,000 in both wings of Pakistan at the time of Partition
in 1947. In 1951, they were 432,000 in West Pakistan which increased to
584,000 by 1961 and 908,000 by 1972. The President and Secretary of
Christian Orga-nisation claimed a population of 6 million in 1976. At this rate
how many more might have been added to it by 1989, you can imagine.

Recently a report came from Bangladesh that 500000 left Islam to join
Christianity. For the African countries, you are not ignorant. Over there,
whole populations and settlements fell en block into missionary nets. Keeping
these statistics in front of you tell me if numerical strength of your party has
any proportion worth the name; not even a distant comparison. Therefore, if
you call your numbers a proof of Divine support to your Qadianism, can not
the Christians bring the same argument several times stronger and do the
Christians not have a right to assert forcefully: auspicious souls are joining
the holy Order of Jesus Christ in large numbers but blind Mirzais are still
groping in the dark?. If you don't think them auspicious then, by the same
measure, Qadiani converts are not auspicious either; nay, they are perpetual
wretches, having fallen a prey into the claws of Qadiani Mirza, the Dualist-
infidel, and having left the cloak of mercy of Muhammad (SAW) (a blessing
for the entire universe) by preferring Qadiani execration to Islamic blessing.

Explanation No. 4
The numerical advancement of Christianity as mentioned above, is not a
proof that it is enjoying Divine support but it is a proof that Mirza Qadiani
was an arch-liar because due to his arrogant claim of messiahship, he took
upon himself the job of hreaking the 'Cross' of Christianity. He wrote to Qazi
Nazar Hussain, editor of newspaper 'Qul Qut' Bijnor (India):
"My work for which I am standing in this ground is none but this that I will
shatter the pillar of Isa worship and will spread Monotheism instead of Trinity
and exhibit the eminence and dignity of the holy Prophet (SAW) to the world.
Hence. if even millions of signs may appear from me but this real work does
not come to pass through me, then I am a liar. Therefore, why is the world
hostile to me and why does it not see my accomplishment? If I succ Tj-0.04608 Tc ( ) Tj0 9t h
Who Are Qadyani www.nazmay.com Page 68 of 138

The world saw the finale of this fake sire: lt is now eighty years after his
death, the pillar of Isa worship has not yet crumbled, faith in Trinity has not
yielded to monotheism and Christianity has seen no impediments; only
Mirza's loquacity has gone bottom-side up! It has helped to spiral a greater
ascendancy for the Christians. In consequence, the world must go on calling
Mirza, as he wished to be called, a liar, a liar, a liar, till his Day of Reckoning!

Explanation No. 5
In order to strike awe into guileless folk, your technique has always been to
put forth false statements. Inter alia, you produce incorrect statistics and
give out those figures which you have yourself fabricated. This habit of telling
lies is not a recent innovation. The sire Mirza Qadian was a past master at
fabricating lies. I say nothing without proofs. Contradict me if I am wrong.
Mirza, the god-father of the progeny of liars, gave the number of the
Qadianis in several books as follows:

Tuhaful-Nadwa p.8; Oct 1902. Followers numbered at 100000

Mawahib-ur-Rahman p.87; Jan 1903. Followers numbered 200000
Haqiqat-ul-Wahi p.117; 1905. Disciples number 400000
Al-Istifta Haqaiqat-ul-Wahi p.32. Followers uncountable

The last entry is interesting. It may be related that once a Qadiani

propagandist, from whom the German Herr Goebbles perhaps learnt the art
of concoction, wrote a letter to Mirza from Alexandria (Egypt) in Arabic:

"Your followers have become numerous in this country (Egypt) and they are
as many as pebbles and particles of sand. Not a single man is left here who
has not acted upon your advice and not followed your helpers".

To continue with my comments, if sonebody did really write this humbug

from Alexandria (Egypt), Mirza Qadiani lost no time to proclaim it as his
miracle. l am reminded here of a very suitabie saying: the stupid believed
what the knave said. But I ask, where is this milliard of multitude today who
were 'like pebbles and particles of sand' in Egypt?

The aforesaid were Mirza's machinations. Now see some later manufacturings
regarding Qadiani population which I enumerate:

1927-28 ----- Newspaper 'Mubahala'------------------------------- 100000
1930 -------- Qadiani author of 'Qaukab Durry' --------------- 200000
1932 ----------Qadiani debater in MUNAZIRA BASIRA ------ 500000

Against this sky-rocketing graph the census of 1931 counted only fifty-five
thousand heads in the Punjab including the Lahori party. Mirza Mahmud
Ahmad Qadiani, while accepting this figure commented as follows:

"You suppose, there live another twenty thousand men of our party in the
rest of India".(Qadiani Mazhab, p.513).
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Thus to call seventy-five thousand as 7,500000 ten-thousand per cent lie.

Herr Goebbles couldn't have touched these heights. Mirza Tahir, better not
talk statistics with me.

After establishment of Pakistan, your party gave a false impression to the

world that real sovereignty in Pakistan lay with 'Ameerul Momineen'( ! )
Mirza Mahmud Ahmad and Pakistani rulers were merely his representatives. I
got a proof of it personally when I went on a tour to Indonesia where I was
told that Qadianis had made it known that all Pakistanis were 'Ahmadis'.
Therefore anybody going from Pakistan to Indonesia in those days was taken
to be a Qadiani. This misunderstanding was later removed.

Not many years back, your party alleged that Qadianis were one million in
the world against seventy-two million Muslims. This was a hidden hint
towards a holy saying by the holy Prophet (SAW), "That there shall be
seventy-three sects of Muslims out of which only one will reach salvation and
the rest seventy-two will be consigned to Hell". Thus the Qadianis say that
they are one million and the Muslims are seventy-two million and therefore
the Qadianis will go to Heaven and the Muslims will go to Hell!!

This artifice got quashed when figures for the 1981 Census we;e released.
Reference, Newspaper 'Jung', Karachi, lath July, 1984. The Qadianis were
counted at 1,04,244. If the rest of the world is taken into account there may
be another one hundred thousand elsewhere.

Therefore, you twisted the possible 200000to one million. I have just heard
the latest. The graph has jumped from one million to one and a half million,
i.e., 50% increase! Obviously, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, you are cool and
composed over this situation, because who is going to put your figures to a
test. You may go on bawling out your wares as pompously as you like. But
an anecdote comes to my mind here. They say, a rustic posed a question to
a mathematician, once: "Sir, you are renowned for your mathematics, tell
me where is the centre of the earth"? The pundit looked askance. The rustic
jeered: "Pooh! I am illiterate but I know". Saying this he took his stick and
drew a circle on the ground as best as he could. Planting the stick in the
middle of his drawing he said. "This is the earth's centre. If you say no, then
go and measure all sides of the earth".

Just as the rustic knew he could not be challenged because no one could
measure the radius of the earth from his chosen centre, similarly you too are
comfortable in your bombastics. You know that nobody would count the
Qadiani population to put you to nought. True, the mule of falsehood can
move with the lash of lies only. To exult over untruths befits the slaves of the

"Verily Allah does not confer guidance on those who are immoderate and

Explanation No. 6
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Your manner of preaching is not in consonance with that of the prophets,

(Allah's peace on them). Your principles resemble the "Ismaili Batini"
principles, details of which Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Sahib Muhaddis Dehlavi
has mentioned in his book, Tuhfa-e-Athna-e-Ashriya, and your modus
operandi is like that of Christian missionaries, namely, setting up missionary
schools, colleges, hospitals and similar institutions. You offer employment to
converts, provide them girls for marriage and give them day-to-day things of
life. Money is doled out and you resort to all sorts of unhealthy practices. To
effectuate this, you spin webs of lies, falsehoods and exaggerations. Unwary
public in this way is misled by deceit played craftily on them under cover of
benefiting them with scientific technology.
It you go through the holy lives of prophets, (Allah's blessing on them), you
shall find none of this crookedness. There is no greed, no worldly motive, no
propaganda stunt. These holy personages invited people to perform virtuous
deeds on the basis of benefits accruable in the Hereafter as the be-all and

Conduct and Life-style of Holy Prophets

By way of a summary in Khatam un Nabieen (par a No.130), Hazrat Imam ul
Asr Maulana Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri, (Allah's mercy on him), has
commented on the lives of the Prophets as lived by them. For your
edification, I produce a translation of an excerpt from it.
He says: "We should study the holy conduct and sacred disposition of the
respected prophets in their life-histories and the Quran Hakeem. If one
analyses whatever is mentioned in their respect by way of questions and
answers it shall be seen that matters pertaining to these personages were
based on the following virtues:

"Reliance, confidence, uprightness, sub- mission, endurance, self-restraint,

resoluteness, magnanimity, modesty, constancy, mildness, dignity,
nobleness, excellence, generosity, penitence, repentance, sincerity,
selflessness, purity, wisdom, mercy, attachment, temperateness in beliefs,
coolness of bosom, credence and intelligence like the dawning day, love and
compassion for Creation, trustworthy, truthful, trustee, kind, clement,
chaste, abstinent, neat, clean, abstemious, recoursing to Allah, faith in
invisible resources, disinclined towards worldly deliciousness in all
eventualities, adhering to Allah and forsaking the rest, disregard of worldly
goods, unconcerned with riches, embarking on heritage of knowledge,
dismissing mundane trifles or money, leaving legacy of learning and noble
conduct, abandoning the superfluous, guarding their tongue, supporting the
truth in all cases and circumstances, and following it up. Their outward
appearance conforms to their inward state, without any breach, deviation or
derangement. They don't advance lame excuses, improper pleas or perverse
interpretations, and do not resort to deceitful stratagems for fulfilling their
tasks. They prefer Allah's ways over worldly contrivances, shun material
connections, adore Allah in misfortunes, thanksgiving and hymning Him in
multitudinous situations, remember Him all the time, recite His Praise every
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breath, train and teach Allah-gifted knowledge to people under His Favour
with human affability without philosophizing or sermonizing. In them is found
complete surrender, total obeisance, perfect servitude to Allah and a
satisfaction deeply imbedded in constancy. These personages, during their
life in the world, never entertained flattery, never compromised with
unbelievers, never retreated under any pharaonic intimidation. Greed,
covetousness or avidity never stigmatised their holy cloak, not an invisible
stain even. Never were they attracted towards desire, lust, ambition or
egotism, except Allah's love. Virtuous deeds, by their performance or
knowledge, saw no variation from them. Argumentation, refutation and
altercation were not their practice. They never blamed people nor lampooned
them nor passed derogatory remarks nor abused them. Impossible, if they
ever felt proud over their perfections or indulged in self-admirat on! They
never stooped to bragging or boasting under promptings of selfishness. In
short, Divine favour was granted to them by Allah. Whatever they did was
due to Allah's bounty, beyond personal parameter and sans any human

Mirza Tahir Sahib! not a single quality quoted above is visible in your pseudo-
prophet. The inverted manner of your preachings and your diametrically
opposed methods are irrefutable proofs of your voidness. But what lesson
can those, who are unable to identify black from white even in broad
daylight, draw from true prophetic demeanour.

Your Secretary Sahib writes: "If there was one bit of nobility in you, you
should have accepted the challenge of Mubahala of Imam Jamaat Ahmadiya
in a straightforward manner so that the world would have known that you
are truthful and you would not have thought of undertaking the path of
flight" .
In this sentence you have passed two strictures on me, one, that there is not
a bit of nobility in me and secondly, that I have undertaken the path of flight.

For the former, I don't need any certificate of nobility from you. Still, if you
say I am ignoble, I don't mind to be called so because do I not know that you
have sprouted from spill-overs of Mirza Qadian, the same Mirza whose habit
was to use filthy language against his adversaries. Some of his abuses are
listed in the book, Mughallazat-e- Mirza and what people thought of him, I
quote: "For use of bawdy terms, obscene words, foul language, abuses and
curses, Mirzaji had obtained exclusive right from the king's court. He is an
acknowledged adept in this art". (Page 70).

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad abused his opponents in such terms as: dogs, sons of
bitch, swine and addressed them as bastards, sons of prostitutes, etc.
Therefore if the Jamaat of this 'Noble' patriarch calls me ignoble, thanks
indeed for this light epithet.
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In this context, I tell you now, Mirza Tahir, about a certain mirror which
nobody else but your own papagrandee manufactured. How did it get
manufactured, I tell you about it. It started like this There was a gentleman
by name, Shaikh Akbar (Allah's mercy on him). He wrote a book Fusus ul
Hikam in which he made certain predictions regarding the final birth in
mankind. Explaining the contents of this book your grandpa wrote these

"And the final man to be born in mankind shall be a follower of Hazrat

Sheesh, (Allah's peace on him). This person will be a repository of secrets of
Hazrat Sheesh. After the birth of this person none will be born in this
mankind. Along with him, a sister shall also be born who shall precede him in
birth and his head will joint the feet of the baby girl His birth shall be in
China and his language shall be the tongue of his town and (after his birth)
the disease of unproductivity will creep in men and women, that is, there
shall be numerous marriages but no birth of children. This child (when grown
up) will call people towards A!lah the Exalted but nobody would listen to him"
(Tiryaqul Quloob, p.3S4).

Mirza Qadiani's old habit was that when any type of prediction caught his eye
he would mould it upon himself. Therefore, having read the prediction of
Shaikh Akbar, he declared that this related to the 'promised Messiah'. Since
he claimed messiahship for himself he announced that the prediction should
be related to him. But, in order to do so, one problem arose: the child would
be the last of the mankind with no more births after him and after his birth
all men and women would go barren. How could this prediction fit upon Mirza
because generations and lineages not only continued during Mirza's times but
are also still continuing. To sort out this anomaly, Mirza reached the height of
his foolishness when he explicated the prediction thus:

"The prediction contains these words also that after the death of that child,
the disease of sterility will infect mankind. It means those born later will
resemble animals and beasts but real humanity will have disappeared from
the face of the earth. Lawful will not be lawful for them (i.e., in the
subsequent progeny of mankind and prohibitions will not be prohibitions.
Therefore, Resurrection will set upon them". (Ibid p.355).

This explication from Mirza Qadiani means that after his own death (1) those
born in mankind shall be without any civility or human virtue; (2) they will
resemble beasts and brutes; (3) they will not discriminate between lawful
and unlawful; (4) that commotional distress of the Doomsday will devolve
over them. Mirza Tahir Sahib, I add nothing to it from my side. What can I
and who am I? It is your own grandpa who has called you so and so. I'll
merely request you kindly to figure out the face of your Secretary sahib in
this mirror and don't forget to recognise the beastly countenance of your
good self too in this mirror which your sire, the papa-grandee manufactured
through his evil genius.
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l comment on the situation for the benefit of the Qadianis. If Mirza Qadiani is
the promised Messiah, if people born after his death are brutes, if no human
excellence is left in them except savagery then establish your own status,
Mirza Tahir Sahib, and along with yours, the status of your party individuals
who were born after Mirza Qadiani's death on 26th May 1908.

Mirza Tahir Sahib, I am sorry your grandpa has included you and all Qadianis
in the category of savages and brutes. He has made you and all Qadianis
outcasts from humanity. Now there are two alternatives before you all: If you
and your Qadianis want to get back into the fold of humanity then deny your
sire grandpa's Messiahship; otherwise second choice for you and for all
Qadianis is that you prefer to remain beasts, in terms spoken by your
grandpa, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, in his book as I have quoted him. In case
your choice and the choice of all Qadianis is to remain beasts then none of
you shall have any civility or human virtue and lawful will not be lawful and
unlawful will not be unlawful for you all. Tell me now, can such human-faced
animals possess nobility! An animal because he is an animal has no concept
of legalities and, therefore, is unable to discriminate between lawful and
unlawful, such as between wife and daughter. Therefore, if I am censured as
a person who does not possess an atom of nobility how can I take it ill from
the mouth of beastly men?

The second blame which your Secretary Sahib has placed on me is that I am
undertaking a path of flight from Mubahala rendezvous. If a person has read
those of my words which were written in prominent characters in my original
reply to you (vide Reply to Mirza Tahir's Challenge of Mubahala, p.27), he
must say you are a great liar because, having accepted your Mubahala
Challenge, I had addressed you thus:


After that, I had predicted your flight from my challenge. "because you know
that will mean your Jumping into the inferno of leaping fire that will lick every
thing. On the contrary you would surely prefer doing the way your father and
grandfather did, rather than stepping into the arena of Mubahala~ against
this humble Ummati of Allah's Prophet (SAW).

I am glad my prediction of your flight came true. If there is any bit of honour
left in you, it is time you jump into the arena, to show at least this much to
the world that my prediction had gone untrue. But, alas! Where is that jot of
inviolability or that particle of sincerity in the spillovers of the arch-liar
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pseudo-Messiah. It is futile to have any expectation from you. Yet, millions of

thanks to Allah that my shout-out browbeat you, sending shivers running
down the bones of the sham Messiah's progeny; fear and anxiety gnawed
their hearts at the spectre of my Mubahala with Mirza Tahir. I repeat, your
falling into jitters is not due to any excellence on my part because I am
rather an unworthy and incapable ummati but this awe is a miracle of the
truthfulness of our Prophet (SAW) (My life in sacrifice for him (SAW)).

"Say, Truth has come and Falsehood has vanished away. Verily Falsehood is
ever bound to perish. (Quran, Al-Isra, 17:81)

Your Secretary Sahib writes: "Mubahala is the name of asking for decision
through invocation from Allah, the Exalted, but gathering together of parties
(to dispute) at some specified place is not necessary by the (interpretation)
of the verse of Mubahala. Therefore, your asking to come out at Minar-e-
Pakistan or at some other place on such and such date at such and such time
means nothing but your fleeing away from Mubahala"?
I have just said that I am shouting out at Mirza's progeny to come into the
arena of Mubahala but they do not. Therefore, who is running away from the
ring? Bravo! Your shamelessness! You are running away yourself and while
running you say I am running away. Clever is the thief who, when the house-
inmates wake up and shout "thief, thief', also starts shouting "thief, thief'
and thus disappears in darkness. But Mirza Tahir, your cleverness will no
more pay you dividend. Darkness of night is gone and light of morning has
appeared. The face of arch-liar Messiah's progeny has been search-lighted.

I have written that the Ayat of Quran Hakeem and holy actions of the
Prophets (SAW) both confirm that the manner of holding a Mubahala requires
the two parties to bring out their children, women and relatives, in an open
ground face to face. But what is the use of quoting references to you because
you have neither any faith in the Quran nor you give any credence to the
holy actions of the personality to whom the Quran was revealed (SAW).
Therefore, you coined a new sense to the word Mubahala for the sake of your

But I will not stop at only saying that, since there is a proverb which says:
take the liar to his mother's house. But, I take you to your grandfather's
house. What did your dear grandpa do? He declared that parties to a
Mubahala must meet by appointment at some fixed place and time, for a
face-to-face confrontation. Listen intently! Here are three examples set by
your grandpa if you have some faith in him.

Example No. 1
In 1886, Mirza Qadiani, your grandfather, invited the Aryans to a Mubahala
and wrote:
"If some Arya (Samaji) having read this whole pamphlet of ours does not
want to leave his obstinacy and does not turn back from his blasphemies,
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then on a token received from Allah the Exalted we call him towards
Mubahala".(Surma-e-chashm Arya, p.280).

Again in the same book on pages 300-301, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad wrote:

Last resort is Mubahala to which we have referred earlier. For Mubahala, it is

not necessary to be a reader of the Veda (Hindu religious book). Yes, he
should be a well-mannered renowned Arya who may impress others also.
Hence, if they really consider these teachings of the Vedas as really correct
and true about which we have written in this pamphlet to some extent and
they deem those principles and teachings of Quran-Shareef written by us in
this very pamphlet as wrong and untrue then they may do Mubahala with us

Example No. 2
In 1896, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad invited the Christians to a 'Mubahala' and
"And the manner of operation for obtaining Divine Decision will be like this
that one respectable padre sahib, selected out of the following padrees BE
Allah, the Exalted, by invocating him that whoever person deserves
punishment out of we two as a liar in His Eyes, then, Allah, the Exalted, may
send down that calamity on the liar which is always sent on liars and
deceitful peoples". (Anjam-e-Atham, p.40).

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad further writes on page 42 "Therefore, O Padrees! See, I

am Standing for this work. If you want that distinction should become
apparent between a liar and the truthful through Allah's Command and
ONE GROUND THROUGH INVOCATIONS in order that the liar is exposed">

At another place Mirza Ghulam Ahmad writes:

"If the Christians hate the word 'accursed', then let it go, but let both parties
supplicate: 'O Lord of the worlds... O Omnipotent, decide between these two
parties in this way that out of the two parties WHO AT THIS TIME ARE
PRESENT IN THE GROUND OF MUBAHALA, the party who places confidence in
false faith, destroy that (party) within one year by great puni8hment because
dying of some persons is better for the 8ake of salvation of the whole world".
(Anjam-e-Atham, p.33)

Example No. 3.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani invited dignified Ulema of Muslim Ummah in
these words:
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"Now turning my discourse again towards the real objective, I enter below
names of those Maulvis whom I have called for a Mubahala and again I put
them under oath of Allah, High is His Disposition, that they should COME
MUBAHALA, and if they do not come and do not abstain from making
accusations of falsehood and infidelity then they will die under Allah's
execration ".
(Anjam-e-Atham, pp.68-69).

Mirza Tahir Sahib! You may now learn a lesson from the summary Or the
above three examples:

Your grandfather, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani:

1. Calls the Aryans into a Mubahala ground;
2. Calls the Christia~ls to assemble in a Mubahala ground for fighting with
invocations to obtain Divine Decision)
3. Calls Muslim Maulvis to enter into a Mubahala ground urgently by fixing a
date and place.

And you, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, don't understand 'tokens' which your grandpa
received from Allah; you don't place confidence in Divine Decision invoked by
your grandpa; nor do you pay respect to Oaths and swearings of your Papa

Therefore, I say, you are avoiding to fix a day for Mubahala or to fix a venue
for it or to come out into the open ground. Hence according t,o your grand
papa, "if they do not come they wili die under Allah's execration". Tell me
now, who will become a target of Allah's execration? If you don't believe in
Quran Hakeem, OK; if actions of the holy Prophet (SAW) are no arguments
for you, OK; but you should have faith in predictions of your grandpa at
least. How will you escape that torture which he has foretold?

You maintain: "It is not necessary by Ayaat of Mubahala, for parties in

dispute to assemble at some specified place". But why don't you remember
that in your Qadiani Quran, viz., Tazkirah, your grandfather explicated the
Ayaat of Mubahala in these words:

"And people said that this book is full of untruth and Kufr; tell them: Come!
We and you along with our sons, women, and relatives assemble at one
place and then do Mubahala and invoke imprecation upon the liars".

You see, in the Qadiani Quran of your grandpa the same sense of Mubahala
rendezvous has been adopted which I hold, i.e., both parties with their
relatives should collect at one place to curse the liars. Yet your Secretary
Sahib writes otherwise:

"Our belief is that Allah is present everywhere in the universe and from His
Grasp of Authority no place is outside and no spot without His Sway and
Might. His seat circumscribes earth and sky. Why do you hesitate to address
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Allah and pronounce His Curse on the liars and why do you consider the
presence of the concerned parties is necessary".

In reply I lay down five points:

Firstly: Permit me to say, you have no belief in Allah, no belief in his Prophet
(SAW) no belief in Quran, no belief even in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani--
your grandfather! lf you had belief in Allah you would not have annulled His
Command for meeting your opponents at one place in Mubahala. If you had
belief in the Prophet (SAW) you would not have ignored his action by not
coming out of your house. If you had belief in your own sire, the grand-papa,
you would not have missed any chance in protecting his dignity from
indignity, his honour from dishonour, which he caused upon himself through
his unbridled abusive honks.

Secondly: Don't side-track! Who denies Omnipresence and Omniscience of

Allah? Point is not this; the point is: Is it not necessary for parties-in- dispute
to meet at one place? Can there be Laan between husband and wife unless
both face each other; can there be Nikah (marriage) unless both parties are
present, personally or by proxy; can a law-suit proceed, unless both plaintiff
and defendant are present in the court personally or through advocates. On
this analogy, Mubahala is also asking Allah for His Decision on the
imprecation of the two opposing parties? Then, why is their facing each other
at one place deemed unnecessary?

Thirdly: A Qadiani must mould Quran and Hadith to his own will and wish. In
your Qadiani Quran, new 'Ayaat' were added by the arch-liar, Mirza Qadiani,

"We sent it down near Qadian."

(Tazkirah, p.74)

Mirza's another flabbergasting addition in the holy Quran was (two goats will
be slaughtered) ; to precede and rhyme with (then which of the favours of
your lord will ye deny) in Surah Ar-Rahman. What a rustic homily from Mirza
to confuse and overawe his followers! This ambiguous addition meaning (two
goats will be slaughtered) with the Quranic Ayat of Surah Ar- Rahman which
is tantamount to ridiculing the holy Quran. Besides these additions which this
great Dualist-infidel, Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, made in Quran Hakeem,
several Ayaat and Ahadith have been subjected to deliberate word omissions,
alterations, distortions and transpositions of meanings. Tenor of many a
'Sharia' phraseology has been twisted to suit personal inclinations and
sacrificed on the altar of selfishness. This is called Dualist-infidelity and it is
the same you are demonstrating when defining Mubahala to cover up your

Quran Hakeem pronounces that both parties should be asked to come out in
the ground of Mubahala along with their relatives and both should jointly
implore Allah for His Execration to fall over the liars. When this has been
done, wait for the decision from Divine Court. Your grandfather has also said
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so while explaining the Ayaat of Mubahala from his Qadiani Quran, and I
repeat his words:

"Tell them: Come! We and you along with our sons, women, and relatives
and assemble at one place, then do Mubahala and invoke imprecation upon
the liars".

But you, Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahib, would not listen to your grandpa and
would not present yourself before the divine Court but would remain sitting
in your house and go on honking your wares from there. Tell me is your
action not a contempt of the Divine court? Is this not making a fun of
Mubahala? To mount up this sacrilege, you ask obedient Muslims to join you
in this blasphemy. Allah protect us.

Fourthly: Because you are a run-away from Pakistan, therefore as a fugitive

I do see your point in hesitating to return. Alright, I make a change. Go
ahead and announce a date, place and time in London itself. This humble
faqir will, Insha Allah, present himself over there along with his associates.
But in case you are afraid to go to London and don't want to step outside
your Caliphate parameter, I concede further; Alright, let us meet in your
'London Islamabad' precincts. This humble faqir will present himself there
also at your Centre in the U.K. at your appointed time and date and as many
associates as you will say will be brought along, one lakh, two lakh, ten lakh,
twenty lakh. But preservation of peace shall be your responsibility.

At that spot, I shall use the same words for Mubahala which Maulana Abdul
Haq Ghaznavi, (Allah's mercy on him), spoke in the face of your grandpa and
which paled him down. The words will be:

"Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and his followers are all liars, Kafir, apostates,
impostors, cheats, unbelievers and Dualist-infidels".

Now see, have I left out any of your objections unsolved? I have covered up
everything for you therefore hurry up. Still if you back out I put you to
shame in the very words spoken by your grandpa who said in very clear

"I put you under oath of Allah, High is His Disposition, that you should come
soon in the ground of Mubahala by fixing date and time of Mubahala,
otherwise you will die under Allah's Execration". Fifthly:

As your well-wisher I submit that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani has been
decreed a liar by the Divine Court many times. Therefore there is no use of a
Mubahala for you. What you should do is that you surrender to earlier
decisions and forsake Mirza, the arch-liar. You may do one hundred
Mubahalas, but Allah's ways do not change; the result will be the same as

How To Seek Allahs Guidance

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Remember the door of appeal to Allah for His forgiveness is still open. Before
you die, offer your repentance from Qadiani dogmas and cling to the
benevolence of the holy Prophet (SAW) the mercy of the worlds.
I tell you and also your Jamaat of a simple way for obtaining Allah's
guidance: Recite Darood Shareef 313 times before going to sleep and weep
bitterly, in solitude, before Allah, uttering these words:

'Ya Allah! In the name of Your mercy and by the grace of Your benevolent
Prophet (SAW) grant us guidance to come out of deviations and pardon us
for all those errors of faith and practices which we have committed so far!'

If any person belonging to your Jamaat or you your sell' acted upon my
advice, I am certain Insha Allah a vista of true Guidance shall certainly open
up before him.

Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi



Maulana Mohammad Yusuf Ladhianvi

1408 A.H.


Dr. Abdus Salam got the Nobel Prize toward the end of 1979. A preliminary
outline of the following article was already written at that time. But in those
days there were strict restrictions of censure. And our friends looked on
(monthly) Bayyenat with a special favour. Even though only a photocopy of
the articles, already published in contemporary papers of Karachi, was
included in Bayyenat, yet the command of the bureaucracy (in which the
Qadianis were prominent) descended that it could not be published in
Bayyenat. It was submitted: Please see! This article has already been
published in an esteemed monthly of Karachi, and we are publishing the
photocopy of the same. In answer it was ordained: Whatever be! Bayyenat
cannot print this article. Obviously, What could be said in response to this
royal decree!

On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of Darul-Uloom Deoband, a

special publication, "Pakistan meyn Fiazan-e-Darul-Uloon", (Darul-Uloom's
Bounty in Pakistan) running into 300 pages was compiled. But not only that it
could be published; it was so pilfered that its copies could not be traced in
spite of search. Moreover its handwritten manuscript too was stolen. The
same calamity befell this article…

Later other issues absorbed our thought and sight and this article receded
into oblivion. Therefore it is being published rather belatedly. However, this
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delay ushered in a silver lining: we got the opportunity to drawupon the

latest information on the subject. It is our pleasure to present the article
revised and revamped for our readers.

The Nobel Prize was proposed for Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani on October 15th
1979, and it was awarded to him on December 10th 1979.


What is this Nobel Prize? What Qadiani motives are behind this award? This
analysis should have been carried out earlier; however, the Qadiani-Jewish
lobby unleashed an immediate and enormous propaganda campaign to
forestall a forthright consideration of the issue and cover up their motives.
Thus few people could get an opportunity to examine the ramifications of this
award to Dr. Abdus Salam.

First of all the Qadianis made an effort to show that the bestowal of this
award was something in the nature of a super-natural happening, a miracle
which Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani had accomplished. Secondly an effort was
made to prove through this award that the spiritual sire of Dr. Abdus Salam
Qadiani, i.e., Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, was an oracle who predicted
such super-natural deeds. These calculations were bound to produce
favourable impressions on Muslims, chiefly upon those who neither know the
facts about the Nobel Prize nor care what Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani is up to.

To counter this Qadiani propaganda it is now necessary to lay bare some

facts and to bring out the truth. Let us also examine the motives which
Abdus Salam Qadiani and the Qadiani-Jewish lobby wish to achieve through
this award and their nefarious hidden designs against Islamic nations of the


In order to understand this, attention of readers is drawn to a booklet,

entitled, First Ahmadi Muslim Scientist Abdus Salam written by Mahamud
Mujib Asghar Qadiani. This book has been written specifically for children and
draws its subject matter from Encyclopedia Britannica. It reads: (Pages 49-

"Children! Nobel Prize is awarded in memory of a Swedish scientist Mr. Alfred

Bernhard Nobel. He was born on October 21st 1833, at Stockholm, capital of
Sweden. Nobel was a great chemical engineer. After his death, a Foundation
was set up, named Nobel Foundation. This was according to his will. The
Foundation awards five prizes every year and the first series of awards
commenced in December 1901, on Nobel's fifth death anniversary.

"The Prize is awarded to those pre-eminent personages who excel in the

fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace. The
Prize consists of a gold medal along with a certificate and cash prize of about
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"Procedure for selection is that names of prospective candidates are

submitted to a panel who represent certain agencies. They decide the rightful
persons. Names in respect of Physics and Chemistry are put up before Royal
Academy of Sciences, Stockholm; in respect of Physiology and Medicine to
Caroline Medical Institute, Stockholm; in respect of Literature, to World
Pease, to a Committee of five members elected by the Norwegian


Some pertinent information related to the Nobel Prize is given below:

Alfred Bernhard Nobel

He was the inventor of dynamite. As a scientist, he carried out researches on

gunpowder, torpedoes and ammunitions. At last, he purchased the world
famous arms and ammunition manufacturing company, 'Bofors'.

Brother Blown Up

Nobel's brother and four other persons died during his tests, sacrificed on the
altar of dynamite. This human loss frustrated Nobel and he endowed a large
portion of his property for public charity as 'Nobel Prize', by way of a possible
expiation of his sins.

Fiscal Details

The capital of the 'Nobel Trust' was $83,11,000 (according to exchange rate
at that time). It was willed that the capital shall remain intact and deposited
in banks and the amount of interest accruing on it will be equally divided and
distributed in the form of cash awards to worthy personages in the above-
mentioned five fields. If only one person in one field is found deserving then
the whole amount earn-marked for it will be paid to them. In case of more
than one winning person (not to exceed three in any case) the amount will
be proportionately divided. Another condition is that in the event of a
recipient refusing the award, his portion will be added to the capital. When
calculated on this basis, the amount of interest, which accrued for a single
field in 1948, was $32,000, which increased to $2,10,000 in 1980.


Indian Hindu, Raman

About 100 individuals have already received this 'Award of interest' in the
field of Physics alone. C.V. Raman, an Indian Hindu, was the lone recipient of
this Nobel Award in Physics in 1930. Another Indian naturalized in America
won it in 1983.
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Bengali Poet Tagore

In the field of Literature, an Indian Bengali Hindu, Rabindra Nath Tagore got
this Nobel Prize. Some persons from Japan and South America have also
received the Nobel in Literature in the Japanese and other Latin American

Kissinger of USA & Mr. Tho of Vietnam

In the field of 'Peace', Henry Kissinger of America and Mr. Tho of Vietnam
were adjudged as winners for 1973 but the latter refused for reason of his
inviolable sense of honour. These two persons were selected for conducting
negotiations for cease-fire in Vietnam.

Indian Teresa, Egyptian Sadaat & Israeli Begin

An Indian national, named Teresa, a celibate woman, was honoured with the
award of Nobel Pease Prize in 1979. Egypt's former President, Anwer Sadaat
and his contemporary Israeli Prime Minister Mr. Begin were also awarded the
Nobel Pease Prize in 1978. The latter was honoured because of his services in
getting Israel formally recognised by Egypt.


Pieces of information, related above, lead to the following conclusions:

1. The award is meant to preserve the memory of Mr. Nobel who taught
the first "dynamic" lesson of destruction to man and is rightly
considered the 'Adam' of ordnance factories the world over.

2. Cash awarded in the Prize is pure 'Interest Accrual.' Our holy Prophet,
Mohammad(peace be upon him) has accursed both the beneficiaries,
he who gives and he who takes interest. (Translation)

Our holy Prophet's Companion, Hazrat Jabir,(raddiallha) says: Allha's

Prophet(peace be upon him) has accursed the person who takes
interest, gives interest, writes interest bonds, witnesses interest
transactions and he said they are all equal (in sin).

The holy Quran has declared interest as a challenge of war against

Allah and His Prophet(peace be upon him).

3. The Nobel Award is not any extraordinary event of human history. It is

not of a super natural kind. Many countries, in public and private
sectors, distribute different kinds of Prizes regularly. Nobel Prize is also
of that category which some people get every year; Hindus of India
and of Bengal got it; Jews and Christians of Israel, Europe and
America got it; Christian preacher Teresa was honoured with it (if the
word honour, is appropriate here). The Nobel ward has been on going
for almost a century. Hundreds have been its recipients but has
anyone heard that Jews, Christians, Hindus ever stormed the world in
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jubilation by saying that"because our co-religionist has happened to

get it, therefore our religion is most authentic" or that "the fact of our
co-religionist's receiving Nobel Prize proves truthfulness of our faith
and its excellence over all others"!

4. And what more! The Prize awarded to Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani was
shared by three scientists. He was a shareholder with two more in the
field of Physics in 1979. Does not a greater credit go to that Hindu who
received it alone, unshared, in 1930 and in the same field of Physics?
If the 'shared' prize of a Qadiani is a proof of his religion's truthfulness,
then the Hindu religion of a Hindu who got 'unshared' Nobel Prize
should deserve a greater cognizance and be deemed a greater proof of
its truthfulness. Therefore, the incidence of Award to Dr. Abdus Salam
Qadiani is by no mean a super-natural event but Qadiani
hysteromaniacs, in the tradition of their sire, Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani,
who himself suffered from this disease, trumpeted the award to be so.

5. It may be remembered that when recipient of Nobel Prize are selected,

there are undercurrents of political and religious considerations. Those
who are selected to receive these awards are also ushered in by these
expediencies. If one takes a cursory look at the list of hundreds of
names of individuals who received the Nobel Prize during one hundred
years one would find that the recipients are mostly Jews, Christians,
idol-worshippers, apostates and so on. (Please see Annex.) For the
Swedish Judges, Muslim are rarely born to have produced great works
in fields of Medicine, Literature, Physics etc. Selection made by these
judges of Sweden is peculiar in the sense that for them a Hindu,
Rabindra Nath Tagore deserves prize for this poetry in the Bengali
language; a Japanese author on his performance in the Japanese
language; and in Spanish/Portuuese, South American scholars for their
master-pieces but no writer, poet or literati from the Pakistan-India
subcontinent could catch their eyes. Why? Because they are Muslims.
Take for instance, Allama Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal. The whole world
resounds with his artistry in literary performance. Renowned
professors of England have considered it an honour for themselves to
translate his master works into the English language and 'pundits' of
Europe wag heads in approbation. But he did not deserve the Nobel
Prize because he sang for Muslim renaissance! Likewise, no Arabic or
Persian masterpiece during 100 years was worth the Nobel
consideration. Only European languages bagged the Nobel Prize
predominantly during the century. (Thanks heaven Arabic after all
caught the attention of the Swedish judges, maybe due to the
publication of this article a few years ago). The Late Hakim Ajmal Khan
was a wizard in the field of medicine. Dr. Salim-uz-Zaman's scientific
researches are well known. But the Nobel recognition evades them.
These are but a few ready instances otherwise who can list in names
of many incomparable personages of the Islamic world of this century.
For the Swedish judges, these persons did not possess the desired
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excellence and merit but somehow Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani did. Good
or bad, he is Qadiani and that stands for his excellence and merit.
Actually his only virtue is his enmity towards Islam and friendship with
Jews. The Swedish 'Daniels' coming to judgement cherished this trait
of Dr. Abdus Salam as par excellence and worthy of the Nobel Prize.

6. If Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani was really so capable a scientist why did
he not produce atomic fission in Pakistan next day in reply to India's in
1973. At that time he was Atomic Energy Adviser to President of
Pakistan. This was part of his official duty. It is claimed for him that he
possesses expertise in Nuclear Atomic Physics. If this is so then his
dire incompetence (or Pakistan enmity) pushed Pakistan many years
behind India. If Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani could have come up with his
technical proficiency at a time when Indian scientists had
demonstrated there's, then Pakistan would not have gone begging for
technology to the West. In that situation, no one from international
political scene would have raised finger at Pakistan's competence in
atomic field. Had Pakistan also exploded the device at the time when
India did, then Pakistan would have been internationally exonerated
from any blame. The matter would have stood closed and settled.

But that did not happen. As a result, Dr. Abdus Salam's incompetence,
incapability and his Pakistan enmity ushered on us this day when the
whole world is shouting against Pakistan's peaceful atomic research
programme; so much so that Americans, who are gullibly rated as
well-wishers of Pakistan and friends, are asking Pakistan to desist from
its researches. On the other hand is India who has fired up the entire
would against Pakistan's peaceful nuclear energy programme. How
wonderful! Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani has friendly terms with India
Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi! What is the perimeter of Dr. Abdus
Salam Qadiani's scientific know-how against this backdrop? How ar is
he loyal to Pakistan?

7. Some conscientious person with a sense of honour refused this Nobel

Prize as a kind of bribe. But how could Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani refuse
it? He was after it since long.


Why was Dr. Abdus Salam Qadiani awarded?

The answer is provided in an interview with Dr. Abdul Qadeer, our renowned
nuclear scientist.

Q: "What do you have to say for the Nobel Award which Dr. Abdus Salam
Qadiani has received"?

A: "That too has been awarded on the basis of motives. Dr. Abdus Salam had
been trying to get a Nobel Prize since 1957. At last, on the hundredth birth
anniversary of Einstein the desired prize was given to him. The fact is that
Who Are Qadyani www.nazmay.com Page 85 of 138

Qadianis have a proper mission operating in Israel since long. Jews wanted
to please some like-minded person on the occasion of Einstein anniversary
and so Dr. Abdus Salam was favoured"

Weekly Chattan, Lahore, February 6th 1986


Authentic religious rulings (Fatawa) issued in the light of the Islamic Shari'at
in reply to questions as to how the MuSlims should conduct themselves in
their dealings with the Qadianis/Ahmadis/Mirzais.
1. On the death of Dr. Muhammad Saeed, a Mirzai of Village Datah, Dist.
Mansahra, the Muslims of Datah offered his funeral prayer under a Muslim
Imam. Thereafter the Qadianis held a second funeral prayer for the said
deceased person. What is the injunction of the Shari'at about the said Imam
and the Muslims (who participated in the funeral prayer)?
2. Muslim girls are living in Qadiani households as wives. Their Muslim
parents are maintaining son/father-in-law relations with these Qadianis. Will
the children born from such wedlocks be regarded as legitimate or
illegitimate children in thee light of the Shari'at of the holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAW).

3. The Muslim communities in general do not treat the Qadianis like other
Kafirs (infidels); they treat them like Muslims. They freely mix, eat and drink
with the Qadianis and participate in their joys and sorrows and bid them
Assalamu alaykum (peace on you), when they meet one another. Likewise,
they invite them to their funeral and marriage feasts and take part in
Fatihas. Are they (the Muslims) accountable for such acts and do they remain
as Muslims in the light of the Shari'at?

Majlis-e-Tahaffuz-e-Khatm-e-Nubuwwat. District Mansahra.

In the name of Allah the Beneficient and Merciful
Before stating the answers, I mention a few points by way of introductory

First, if there is anyone who holds beliefs of infidelity and yet claims to be a
Muslim and presents his beliefs of infidelity in the name of Islam, by placing
wrong interpretations on the texts of the Shari'at, he is called a Zindeeq. In
the chapter on "Zindeeq" (The Apostate), Allama Shami writes:

"....because a Zindeeq camouflages his infidelity ana desires to popularise his

false beliefs and presents them in an apparently plausible form, this is what
is called camouflaging infidelity". (Shami Vol. 4, p.246, New Edition).

In Musawwa, an Arabic commentary on Muwatta Imamul Hind, Shah

Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi writes:
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"It may be explained that a person who is opposed to the true Faith and does
not believe in Islam, nor does he acknowledge the religion of Islam, either
outwardly or inwardly, is called a Kafir. If he believes in the Faith only
verbally, but offers such interpretations of some fundamentals of the Faith as
contradict the views of the Sahabah, the Tabi'een and the consensus of the
Ummah, then such a person is called a Zindeeq".

By way of explaining the difference between a correct interpretation and a

wrong interpretation, Shah Waliullah further writes:-

"Moreover, there are two kinds of interpretations: Onethat does not

contravene a decision that stands finally established under the authority of
the Qur'an and the Sunnah; the other one is that interpretation which
contravenes a decision that stands proved under a finally established
evidence (based on the Qur'an and /or the Sunnah). Such an interpretation is

Citing examples of interpretations that involve Zandaqah, Shah Waliullah

further writes:

"... or some person says that although the noble Prophet (SAW) is
undoubtedly the last of the Prophets, yet this only means that after him none
will be given the name of a Prophet, but the concept of prophethood--viz.,
the sending down by Allah of some person who must be obeyed as a matter
of obligation and who has been protected from persevering in sins and faults
-- continues in the Ummah even after the noble Prophet (SAW) then such a
person is a Zindeeq." (Musawwa, Vol. 2, p.l30)

In short, one is called a Zindeeq who presents his beliefs of infidelity in the
garb of Islam, interprets the Qur'an and the Sunnah in a way that is contrary
to the finally confirmed Islamic beliefs handed down through uninterrupted

Secondly: a Zindeeq falls within the purview of an apostate. In one respect

a Zindeeq is worse than an apostate, because if by expressing repentance,
an apostate re-embraces Islam, there is consensus of opinion that his
repentance is acceptable, but opinions differ about the acceptability or the
unacceptability of the repentance of a Zindeeq.

It occurs in Durr-i-Mukhtar: '... in the same way the repentance of a person

who becomes a Kafir on account of his Zandaqah is not acceptable. He has
been described in Fathul Qadeer as Zahirul Mazhab (professing the Faith only
outwardly), but the Fatwa given in the book of Fatawa Qazi Khan in the
chapter "Al- Hazr" lays down: If a magician or a Zindeeq, who is well-known
and preaches (his beliefs), is arrested before expressing repentance and
repents after his arrest, his repentance is not acceptable. He shall be
executed. On the other hand, if he has expressed repentance before arrest,
his repentance will be accepted. (Al-Shami, Vol. 4, p.241, New Edition)

It occurs in Bahrur Ra'iq:-

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"In the case of Zahirul-Mazhab (outward profession of faith), the repentance

of a Zindeeq is not acceptable--Zindeeq being a person who follows no
religion. It is mentioned in Fatawa Qazi Khan: If a Zindeeq, before being
arrested, confesses willingly, that he is a Zindeeq and then expresses
repentance there for, his repentance will be acceptable; but if he expresses
repentance after his arrest, then his repentance will not be accepted and he
will be executed." (Bahrur Raiq, Vol. 5, p. 136).

Thirdly: That the Qadianis are Zindeeq is quite obvious, because their beliefs
are totally opposed to the tenets of Islam. By placing wrong interpretations
on the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, they try to delude the ignorant
into the belief that they themselves (Qadianis) are staunch, true Muslims and
besides them the entire Muslim Ummah is misguided, Kafir and faithless. This
is according to what the late Mirza Mahmud, the second Head of the
Qadianis, has written:-

"All Muslims who did not swear allegiance tothe promised Masih (i.e. Mirza)
are Kafirs (infidels) and out of the pale of Islam, even if they may not have
heard the name of the promised Masih." (Ai-eena-i-Sadaqat, p. 35).

The Heretic Beliefs of the Mirzais

1. It is the finally confirmed belief of Islam that the noble Prophet (SAW) is
the last of the Prophets, and after him none can rise to the status of prophet
hood. On the contrary, not only do the Qadianis deny this belief, but they
also consider that without the prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani,
Islam is a dead religion (Allah forbid).
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad says:-

"We believe that a religion in which thesuccession of prophet hood stands

closed is dead. We call the Jewish, the Christian and the Hindu (religions)
dead, because they have no prophets. If Islam, too, were like them, then we
are no more than story-tellers. Why do we claim that it (Islam) is superior to
other religions? Islam should have some distinction to justify this claim... For
many years I have been receiving wahi (revelations) and many signs of Allah
have borne witness to this. I am, therefore, a Prophet. No secrecy should be
maintained in conveying the truth". (Malfoozate Mirza, Vol. 10, pp. 127 -

2. It is the finally confirmed belief of Islam that the door of Prophethood has
been closed after the departure of the noble Prophet (SAW) and he who
claims to (receive) prophetic revelations stands expelled from the pale of
Islam. However, the Qadianis believe in the self-invented revelation of Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and recognise it like the Qur'an. The Tazkirah is one
of the various names of the Qur'an. The Qadanis have compiled the
revelations of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in the form of a book and have given it
the name of Tazkirah, as though it were the Qadiani Qur'an--Allah forbid.
Further, the Qadiani revelation is not an ordinary llham (inspiration) which
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divine men also receive. To them (the Qadianis) it is at par with the Qur'an.
Just see:

(i) "... and I believe in the open wahi of Allah which I have received,
precisely in the same way as I believe in the verses of the Qur'an. (Ek
Ghalati ka Izalah, p.6.).

(ii) "I believe in my wahi in the same way as I believe in the Torah, the Injeel
and the Qur'an . " (Arba'een, p.112).

(iii)"... I swear by God that I believe in these revelations in the same way as
I believe in the Qur'an and other divine Scriptures. I believe that the word
that descends on me is the word of God, just as I believe that the Qur'an is
surely and decidedly the word of God." (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, p.220).

3. It is an Islamic belief that it is Kufr to claim that one is able to show a

miracle after the departure of the noble Prophet (SAW) because the display
of miracles is the exclusive privilege of a prophet. As such, one who claims
the ability to show a miracle is a Kafir, because one (thus) claims to be a

Allama Mulla Ali Qari (Allah's mercy on him) writes in Sharh-i-Fiqh Akbar on
page 202:

"The claim to the ability to show a miracle is a branch of the claim to

prophethood and the claim to prophethood after our noble Prophet (SAW) is
deemed as Kufr by unanimous consensus.

On the contrary, the Qadianis, along with their faith in the revelations of
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, also put faith in his miracles. They regard the
miracles of the noble Prophet as mere stories and tales--Allah forbid. They
are prepared to believe in the noble Prophet (SAW) as a prophet only when
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is also believed to be a Prophet, otherwise neither they
consider the noble Prophet as a Prophet, nor Islam as a religion.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad writes:

"Neither that religion is a religion, nor that Prophet a Prophet by following

which/whom a human being does not attain such closeness to Allah as
confers on him the honour of conversation with Allah. That religion is a curse
and an object of contempt which teaches that human progress depends on a
few narrated anecdotes (i.e. the Islamic Shari'at which is narrated from the
noble Prophet (SAW) - Compiler) and that divine revelations have lagged
behind instead of going ahead... hence such a religion deserves to be called
Satanic rather than divine". (Zameema-i-Baraheen-i-Ahmadia, Part V. p.l39).

"How silly and false a belief it is to think that after the Prophet (SAW) the
door of divine revelation is closed for ever and no hope of it is left for the
future till the Day of Resurrection, except that one should worship only
stories. Can such a religion be regarded as religion as offers no direct line of
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approach to God? I swear by God that these days none is more disgusted
with such a religion than I. I name such a religion Satanic rather than
Divine". (Zameema-i-Baraheen-i-Ahmad ia, Part V, p.l83).

"To tell the truth, we have come to believe in the Qur'an and the noble
Prophet (SAW) through this very source (Mirza). We believe in the Qur'an as
God's Word, because this proves his (Mirza's) prophethood. The ignorant one
objects to our believing in the promised Masih (Mirza) as a prophet and his
word as the word of God. He little knows that our faith in the Qur'an and in
the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW) is due to his (Mirza's) prophethood.
(Mirza Mahmud's speech pub- lished in Al-Fazl, Qadian, vol. 13/3, dated July
11,1925, Qadiani Mazhab, Fifth Edition, Fifth Chapter, No. 74).

It is now quite clear from the above-cited statements of Mirza that, if it is

denied that he received revelations and that he was a prophet, then in his
(Mirza's) opinion the belief in the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW)
becomes (Allah forbid) null and void and the religion of Islam is no more than
a collection of stories. Declaring such Islam as cursed, satanic and
contemptible, Mirza expresses his disgust with it, rather proclaims himself to
be the greatest of all atheists. The Muslims should take this as a warning.
Can there be a more heinous form of infidelity, heresy, Zandaqah and
atheism than to revile the noble Prophet (SAW) and the religion of Islam to
one's fill?

4. The Muslims believe that Muhammad (SAW) is the Prophet of Allah. But in
his pamphlet, Ek Ghalati ka Izalah, the Mirza has, on the basis of his
"revelations", declared that he himself is --Allah forbid--Muhammad, the
Prophet of Allah. As the Qadianis have firm faith in the wahi of Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad, they believe that the late Mirza was Muhammad, the Prophet of
Allah, and they regard as Kafir all those who do not believe that Mirza was
Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah.

5. On the basis of the Qur'an and the Traditions (Ahadith) of uninterrupted

narration, the Muslims believe that Hazrat Isa (Christ) (AS) was raised up to
the heavens alive and that when the Day of Resurrection draws near, he will
come down and kill Dajjal (Anti-Christ). The Mirzais, on the contrary believe
that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani himself is Isa and the prophecies
mentioned in the Qur'an and the Traditions about the descending of Hazrat
Isa (AS) apply to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani.

Thus, the Qadianis profess countless Zindiqana (heretic) beliefs about which
scholars of the Ummah have compiled many books which make it abundantly
clear that the Qadianis are Kafirs, apostates, heretics and Zindeeq.

Fourthly: Funeral prayers are offered only for Muslims. It is not lawful to
offer funeral prayer for a non-Muslim. The Qur'an says: :..and never (O
Muhammad) pray for one of them who dies, nor stand by his grave, for they
disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and they died while they were evil-
doers". (HQ 9.84) All jurists (of Islam) are unanimous on the point that
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funeral prayer is lawful on the condition that the deceased was a Muslim.
There is consensus of opinion that funeral prayer is not lawful for a non-
Muslim, nor is it permitted to pray for his salvation and bury him in the
graveyards of the Muslims.

After these introductory remarks answers to the questions are given



If the Muslims who offered funeral prayer for theMirzai were unaware of his
belief, they committed a vice for which they should implore Allah's
forgiveness, because they committed an unlawful act by offering funeral
prayer for an apostate Mirzai.
If they offered funeral prayer for him, despite their knowledge that the man
believed in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's so-called prophethood, had faith in his
'wahi" (revelation) and denied that Hazrat Isa (AS) will come down (to
earth), then they (the Muslims) should all renew their Iman (belief) and
Nikah (marriage contract), because it is Kufr to consider the beliefs of an
apostate as Islam. Their Iman and Nikah both became null and void. If
anyone of them had performed the HaiJ, it is incumbent on him to perform
the HajJ again.

It must be mentioned here that the Qadianis do not consider it lawful to offer
funeral prayer for a Muslim, so much so that according to their belief even
the funeral prayers for innocent Muslim children are unlawful. Mirza Mahmud,
the second vice regent of the Qadianis writes in his book, Anwar-i-Khilafat:

"Another question remains (to be answered): The non-Ahmadis (i.e. the

Muslims) deny the promised Masih, (Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) so we: should
not offer funeral prayers for them; but if a small child of a non-Ahmadi dies,
why should funeral prayer not be offered for him when he is not guilty of
denying the promised Masih?

"I put this question to the inquirer: If this is correct, then why are no funeral
prayers held for the children of Hindus and Christians? How many are there
who offer funeral prayers for them? The fact remains that the Shari'at
considers the children to be of the same faith which their parents follow.
Thus, the child of a non-Ahmadi is also non-Ahmadi. Therefore, his funeral
prayer should not be offered. I further say that a child is not a sinner and
needs no funeral prayer. The funeral prayer for a child is really an invocation
for the benefit of his survivor; and his survivors do not belong to us. As such,
funeral prayer should not be offered even for a child". (Anwar-i-Kh~lafat,

A Fatwa by Mirza Mahmud was published in Al-Fazl, dated 23rd October,

1922, to the effect that: "Just as no funeral prayer can be offered for a
Christian child, although he is innocent, in the same way no funeral prayer
can be offered for a non-Ahmadi child". (Qadiani Mazhab, 5th Edition. 13th
Chap. No. 56).
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As such. following the beliefs of his religion, Choudhry Zafarullah Khan the
then Foreign Minister), did not participate in the funeral prayer of the Quaid-
i-Azam. When he was asked to account for this before the Munir Enquiry
Tribunal, he replied:

"Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, the leader of the funeral prayer, has
declared that the Ahmadis are Kafirs and liable to be executed. So I could not
decide to join a prayer which was being conducted under the Imamat of the
Maulana". fReport of the Enquiry Tribunal, Puniab, p.212).

When he was asked outside the Tribunal:

"Why did you not join the Quaid-i-Azam's funeral prayer?" He replied, "You
may take me to be the Musalman Minister of an infidel Government or the
infidel employee of a Muslim Government". (Zamindar, Lahore, dated 8th
February, 1950).

When the Press published reports about this adamant attitude of Choudhry
Zafarullah Khan, then the Rabwah Association of the Ahmadis issued the
following reply to this:

"An objection is being raised against Choudhry Zafarullah Khan as to why he

did not join the funeral prayer of the Quaid-i-Azam. The entire world knows
that the Quaid-i-Azam was not an Ahmadi. As such. there is nothing
objectionable, if any member of the Ahmadia Jamaat did not join his funeral
prayer". (Tract 22, Ahrari Ulama ki rastgoi ka number, Publishers, Manager
Publication and Propaganda, Anjuman Ahmadia, Rabwah, District Jhang.)

Likewise, the Qadiani newspaper Al-Fazl gave the following reply:

"Is it not a fact that like the Quaid-i-Azam, Abu Talib also was a great well-
wisher of the Muslims, yet neither the Prophet of Allah nor the Muslims
offered funeral prayer for him?" (Al- Fazl, Rabwah, dated 28th October.

How shameful it is that while the Qadianis, considering the Muslims as Kafirs
like Hindus, Sikhs and Christians, do not join the funeral prayer of their (the
Muslims') great men, nor of their innocent children--Is it lawful for a Muslim
to join the funeral prayer of a Qadiani apostate? Can his sense of honour
tolerate this?


When it has become known that the Qadianis are Kafirs and apostates, it also
becomes quite clear that a Muslim girl cannot be married to a Mirzai
apostate. According to the Islamic Shari'at this is pure adultery.
It may be understood that in the opinion of the Mirzais the Muslims stand in
the same position in which the Jews and the Christians stand in our opinion.
It is lawful for the Mirzais to accept Muslim girls in marriage, but it is not
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lawful for them to give their girls in marriage to the Muslims. There is a
Fatwa by Mirza Mahmud to this effect:

"In my opinion a person is not Ahmadi who marries his daughter to a non-
Ahmadi. No one can marry his daughter to a person whom he considers to be
a non-Muslim".

Question:- "What is the injunction about a Nikah Khwan (solemniser of

marriage) who solemnises such a Nikah?"

Answer:- "About such a Nikah Khwan we shall pronounce the same Fatwa
which can be pronounced about a person who has performed the marriage
contract of a Muslim girl to a Christian or a Hindu boy".

Question:- "Can a person who has married his daughter to a non-Ahmadi,

invite other Ahmadis to the marriage celebration?"

Answer:- "It is also not lawful to participate in such marriages." (Al-Fazl,

Qadian, Dated 23rd May, 1921).

Just as, according to Mirza Mahmud, the man who marries his daughter to a
Muslim gets outcast from Mirza's community, in the same way that Muslim is
Outcast from Islam who, despite his knowledge about the beliefs of the
Qadianis, considers that it is lawful to give his daughter in marriage to a
Mirzai. Just as, according to Mirza Mahmud, marrying a Mirzai girl to a
Muslim boy is like marrying her to a Hindu or Christian, in the same way, I
say that making a Mirzai apostate a son-in-law is like making a Hindu, a Sikh
or an untouchable (low-caste Hindu) one's son-in-law.


It is forbidden for a Muslim to treat the Mirzai apostates like Muslims. It is
unlawful, totally unlawful, to associate with them, eat and drink with them
and participate in their joys and sorrows or to invite them to one's own joys
and sorrows. Those who show such kind of toleration invite the wrath of Allah
and the Prophet (SAW) and it does not befit a believer to maintain friendly
relations with the enemies of Allah and the Rasool (SAW)
The Qur'an says:-

...You will not find folk who believe in Allah and theLast Day loving those who
oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their
sons or their brethren or their clan. As for such, He has written faith upon
their hearts and has strengthened them with a Spirit from Him, and He will
bring them into gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will
abide. Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Allah.
They are Allah's party. Behold! It is Allah's party who are successful. (HQ

It is also necessary to menton in the end that the Qadianis have been
declared a non-Muslim miniority in the Constitution of Pakistan. However, the
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Qadianis have neither accepted this decision nor concluded to live in Pakistan
as non-Muslim citizens (zimmis). They do not, therefore, enjoy the status of
zimmis, but their position is like that of belligerent Kafirs and it is not allowed
in Shariat to have any sort of dealings with the belligerent.

And Allah knows best.

Signed Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi

The answer is correct:

Wali Hasan
Head, Darul-Ifta
Jamiatul-Uloom -il-lslamiyyah
Blnnori Town,
Karachi - Pakistan.



Wheneuer Qadianis are disappointed over something or feel uneasy, their
leaders must embark on some mischief to prop them up. This is customary
with them. In this way they set their progeny at rest. But as luck would have
it, this invariably results in more disgrace and greater ignominy for them. In
this context, a new activity has recently emanated from their leader, Mirza
Tahir Ahmad. He has challenged all Muslims of the World for holding with him
a sort of 'Curses Rendezvous'. Reply to the aforesaid challenge, sent to Mirza
Tahir on behalf of the Writer, zs reproduced below.
Janab Mirza Tahir Sahib,
Peace be on those who follow the right path!

You have lately published a challenge for Mubahala. I should not have
considered the pamphlet worth any attention because this is my normal
practice with Qadiani outbursts but on return from abroad, I found a copy of
your challenge in my mail, and I have been specifically asked to answer.
Therefore it devolves on me to give you this reply.

Here are some points in answer:


(1) At the outset, let me thank you for having included the name of this
humble self in the list of opponents of the Arch Liar of the Present times, i.e.,
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani - the 'Musailma' of the Punjab.
You have done me a great honour, indeed, which Quran Majeed has
recounted in these words:


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In this blessed 'Ayat', six eminent virtues have been enumerated for those
who contend with the apostates. Firstly, they are slaves whom Allah loves;
secondly,they are among Allah's true lovers; thirdly, they are complaisant
towards the people of the faith; fourthly, they are severe over the Kafirs;
fifthly,they wage war in the path of Allah to perform the obligation of
communicating His celebrated Commands and His Prohibitions; sixthly, they
don't mind accusers reproaching them in the matter of Deen. In the end of
this 'Ayat', it is proclaimed that this is Allah's Special Favour which is
bestowed upon whosoever He wants.


In the light of this holy verse, the first and foremost to deserve the avowed
honour are Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq and his associates (Allah be pleased with
them all) because they fought with Musailma, the Liar, and other apostates.
Now, in the present times, recipients of these glad tidings are those who are
contending with the Arch Liar, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and his progeny
of mini liars. Therefore, your counting me among the adversaries of Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad is a proof which you have provided for this humble self that
he is fit to be included among the praiseworthy persons extolled in the above
holy verse. It is evidently a great testimony and a very happy news of Allah's
great Munificence for this hapless soul. Words fail me to thank you for this
But this unworthy person, the lowest and the least competent among the
followers of Allah's Prophet Khatam-un-Nabieen and Saiyedil Mursaleen
(SAW) perhaps the most unbecoming and inadequate in the entire Ummate
Muhammadia (utmost blessings and peace on its Chiefs). Our Hazrat
Maulana Muhammad Anwer Shah Kashmiri, a leader of recent times, (may
Allah make his grave resplendent), said in a couplet

"There is nobody in your Ummah like this humble self who is presenting
himself before you with such insignificant deeds".

What honour greater than this can be for an insignificant 'Ummati' like myself
than the Divine epithet of "Allah loves them and they love Allah". Your
writing has raised hopes of this humble self that, Allah willing, our Prophet
(SAW) will intercede for this unworthy and insignificant person when he will
present himself before him with his humble demeanour

Nevertheless you have provided great honour to this Dervish by including his
name among the opponents of Mirza Qadiani. The remarks which you have
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written to me shall testify for me on Judgement Day. For this favour done to
me sweeten your mouth with a treat of ghee and sugar!


(2) In his book 'Anjam e Atham', Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had
expressed his determination that he would never address the Ulema in
future. He was adamant. Note his vehement style:
"We have today finalised the preachings which were obligatory on us.. and it
is our resolve that we shall not address the Ulema after these clarifications..
and that is the end of discourses from our side".

When Mirza Qadiani had conclusively proclaimed in 1897 his refusal to

reopen any discourse with the Ulema in future, does his promise which
according to your belief was:

"And he does not speak from inclination of his self; This is but revelation sent

stand abrogated or is it that Mirza's progeny does not care a fig for all those
promises, deeds and words which Mirza put forth?


(3) You have challenged the Ulema of the Ummat for a Mubahala.
Remember, such engagements are final touchstones which distinguish
between right and wrong, truth and falsehood. You seem to be going in for
this Mubahala because you are not sure of the truthfulness of your Sire, even
after a lapse of one century. Evidently you and your party members distrust
your Patriarch.
Praise be to Allah, the entire Islamic Ummah including myself - the most
incompetent man of Ummat - don't have least of the least doubt that Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was a liar. Final, decisive and unanimous is Islamic
Ummah in the belief that after Allah's Prophet any claimant to prophethood,
is a liar, apostate and dualist-infidel. This is in accordance with th Prophetic

"Thirty liars (will appear before the Day of Judgement) and each one of them
will claim to be a Prophet of Allah." (Tirmizi)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is included in this list.

The statement that "Mirza's marriage was solemnised in the sky!" is one
example of Mirza's falsehood. Allah the Exalted, Supreme in Perfection,
Eminent in Wisdom, has provided us numerous conclusive proofs of the
falsehood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani--the Musailma of the Punjab. The
lies of this liar are as visible as the sun at meridian. In the context of these
lies, the arch Liar cannot remain hidden from those whose hearts glow with
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the light of Faith, however faint. But those eyes which are totally sealed,
Allah has been pleased to say about them:

"And the person who shall be blind in this world shall be blind in the
hereafter also and will be strayed more from the path".

How can a blind man tell the truth from the untruth or distinguish the white
from the black? Let this one example suffice for Mirza's falsehood.


Mirza declared the so-called revelation that he had been married with
Muhammadi Begum, a respectable lady, in the sky. He kept on harping on
this revelation of marriage from 1888 to 1907. Ultimately he wrote these
words in his Appendix to Anjam e Atham on page 54.
"Remember, if the second part of this predication does not come true (i.e.
Muhammadi Begum is not married to Mirza after her widowhood), I should
be deemed more wicked than any wicked man. O idiots! this is not a human's
pretension. This is no business of any depraved impostor. Consider this to be
God's true promise, definitely the same God Almighty Whose words are
never withdrawn; the same Glorious Nourisher Whose intentions nobody can

Certainly we agree and do believe that Allah's words are His Will. His
promises are true, unbreakable and uncontradictory, unflinching and
unswerving. Nobody can stop His intents.

But what happened to the second part of Mirza's prediction? Far from
marriage, Mirza did not see even the shadow of his illusive bride,
Muhammadi Begum. Is the falsehood of foul and fraudulent Mirza not proved
thus? He himself admitted in his own words that he was a very wicked man,
more wicked than any other wicked. Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs,
cobblers, sweepers, etc., are also non-Muslims but Mirza admits he is worse
than all of them.
Does any doubt still remain of his being an Arch Liar, an impostor, a
pretender, nay, the worst of them all? This is one example I have mentioned,
otherwise, Allah the Exalted, has provided us with a collection of proofs not
in hundreds but in thousands.


(4) Besides these testimonies, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had already
conducted a number of Mubahalas with the people. The result invariably was
that Allah, the Exalted, showed him up as the Arch-Liar.
Mirza Qadiani convened a discussion with a local head of episcopal diocese,
named Atham. For fifteen days argumentation continued. When he could not
beat his adversary he invoked Allah for decision. He pronounced that Allah
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had made this decision for Atham that this liar should be thrown into 'Havia'
(hell) within fifteen months from June 5, 1893. Mirza had predicted in these


"I admit right now that if this prediction goes false, i.e., if within fifteen
months from this day, the party who is deemed to be false in Allah's view
does not fall into 'Havia' as death punishment then I am prepared to undergo
every type of punishment: disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a rope
around my neck or hang me on the gallows. I am prepared for all. I swear by
the Greatness of Allah that He will certainly do the same, will certainly do the
same, will certainly do the same. The earth and the sky may deviate but not
His Ordainments. If I am a liar keep the gallows ready for me and consider
me the most accursed of all the accursed persons, the evil-doers and the
satans". (From Jung e Muqaddas, p.189).


The night before the avowed date-line, the town of Qadian went into a
tumultuous drone. Men, women, big and small rubbed their noses on the
earth, lamenting: Ya Allah, Atham may die! Ya Allah, Atham be dead! Ya
Allah Atham may die! They were certain that Atham would no more live to
see the light of the fixed day. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, on his part,
worked out spells of magic for Atham's death and had charms recited over
black grams and thrown them into dry wells. Despite all these invocations,
contrivances and holloas, Atham remained alive and lived on and on. By His
actions Allah. the Exalted testified that:
*the prediction was not a revelation from Allah;
*the prediction was Mirza's imposture;

*both Mirza & Atham were liars but Mirza was the Arch Liar;

*Mirza deserved the punishment he had proposed on himself, that is

"Disgrace me;
"Blacken my face;
"Collar a rope around my neck;
"Hang me on the gallows"

After this Divine Decision, is there any further need, Mirza Tahir! for the
Mubahala you wish to hold?


On the 10th Zeeqada, 1310 Hijri, Mirza Qadiani, by appointment with Hazrat
Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi came out in the Eidgah of Amritsar for
Mubahala. The invoked curses told upon Mirza and as a result he tumbled out
of life with his heels twirling and his legs twining, whereas, the celebrated
Maulana Sahib lived on respectably, sound and magnificent. Is any Divine
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testimony still needed to prove that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was in the wrong!

On April 15, 1907, Mirza Qadiani published all announcement for holding his
favourite "Curses Rendezvous" of Mubahala. His announcement was
published in the form of an advertisement the title ~of which was:


In this announcement, he beseeched Allah with extreme earnestness and

implored most humbly. The invocation on his lips: "Take away the life of
whosoever is the Liar during the life-time of the one who is not. Let the death
of the liar not be caused by any human hand but by a fatal disease such as
Cholera. Plague or the like".

In the advertisement he addressed Maulana Sanaullah Sahib in these words:

"In your paper, you have built up this reputation for me that this person is a
pretender, a liar and 'Dajjal' (the one-eyed anti-Christ impostor). I have
borne a lot of tortures from you, still I endured them patiently.. If I am a liar
and impostor, as you call me in your paper, then I should perish in your life-
time because, I know, liars and mischief-mongers do not live long. The liar
ultimately meets his doom in a state of intense grief and contemptuousness,
in front of his foe. It is better he perishes lest he should mislead Allah's

"If I am not a liar or pretender;

"if Allah blesses me by holding dialogues with me;
"if I am the promised Messiah";
"then by Allah's Munificence, according to His Practice, I hope that you will
not be able to save yourself from His punishment, which He inflicts on
disowning liars.

"Therefore if that punishment, which is not in the hands of a human being

but only in Allah's hands, such as Plague, Cholera and similar fatal disease,
does not descend upon you in my life-time, then I am not God-sent. This
prediction is not because of any revelation or inspiration; it's merely a prayer
I have invoked to Allah for His Decision".

At the end of this advertisement, Mirza Qadiani wrote:

"Ultimately, my request to Maulvi Sahib is that he should publish this entire

writing of mine in his paper and write underneath whatever he wants
because now the decision rests with Allah".

The decision came out soon, in front of all. Mirza was hale and hearty by 10
o'clock at night on May 25, 1908. He had already taken his dinner. At 10
p.m. Allah's cudgel of punishment suddenly fell on him. He lay victimised by
Cholera, the same Cholera he had invoked for others. Filth oozed out from
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both of his body orifices. Soon he lost his speech and within twelve hours lay
dead. That was May 26, 1908. On the other hand, Maulana Sanaullah
Amritsari lived for full forty-one years after Mirza's death and the Maulana
departed into Allah's Mercy and Grace in 1949. That came about after the
establishment of Pakistan. He was united with Allah at Sargodha. May Allah
grant him ample compassion.
In view of this decision and in Mirza's circumstantial death, there is all the
proof of his being a great pretender and an arch-liar. Neither was he the
promised Messiah nor was he commissioned by Allah. It was Satan who had
commissioned him.
Mirza Tahir Sahib! Is there any further need now for a Mubahala after this
Divine Decision?

(5) Mirza Mahmud's Sexy Involvements Beget Allah's Wrath

Mirza Tahir Sahib! You have called upon the Ulema of the Ummat for a
Mubahala. Do you know, your father, Mirza Mahmud was continually
challenged for fifty years but he did not dare face the challenge.
Maulana Abdul Kareem accused Mirza Mahmud of illicit sexuality and
challenged him several times to meet him at a Mubahala and prove his
morals; so much so that he started publishing a newspaper, by the very
name of 'Mubahala.' Instead of taking up the gauntlet, Mirza Mahmud
tyrannised over Maulana Abdul Kareem and made him a target of his
oppression. Not only was his house burnt but a murderous attempt was also
made on his life. He was at last forced to leave Qadian. His sister, Sakina,
whom Mirza Mahmud lynched down on the practicing board of his sexy lust
may be a living witness even today.
There was a timid dotard, namely Abdur Rahman Misri, a disciple who
cringed before Mirza Mahmud and as a "Mureed" was foolishly fond of his
"Peer." Such a crouching soul was he to his master that he succeeded in
being appointed "officiating Khalifa" in the absence of Mirza Mahmud from
Qadian. Probably it was in 1936, that Mirza Mahmud, feeling lusty after
Misri's son, satisfied his lust by making the boy his target. Shocked to his
bones, Abdur Rahman Misri asked Mirza Mahmud to appoint a high-powered
commission of some Qadiani elders to conduct an inquiry into the case. He
said that he would personally appear before the Commission to prove that
this filthy act was perpetrated by the Khalifa on his son. Instead of accepting
this demand, he made Abdur Rahman Misri along with his associate Fakhrud
Din Multani a butt of his reprisal. Misri was dragged into law suits while
Multani was found assassinated.
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Abdur Rahman Misri, the erstwhile sycophant, gave this statement in the
High Court at Lahore:
"The present Khalifa, Mirza Mahmud, is extremely immoral. He hunts women
under the guise of sainthood. For this purpose he has kept some men and
women as his agents. Through them, he gets hold of innocent girls and boys.
He has formed a club in which men and women have been taken in and
adultery is committed in this social get-together".


Abdul Rahman Misri also wrote this in a letter addressed to Mirza Mahmud:
"I cannot offer prayers behind you because through different sources it has
come to my knowledge that sometimes you come sin-polluted, and lead
prayers in an unbathed lewd condition".

Because of these gross charges, Mirza Mahmud lost courage to face Abdur
Rahman Misri. Readily seen conclusion is that limb by limb. joint by joint and
pore by pore, Mirza Mahmud was a filthy person. Can any sensible person
doubt the impure nasty fermentation of his base elements.


Mirza Tahir! Some dissenters rebelled from your Organisation. They
constituted a group, calling themselves 'Haqiqat-Pasand.' They subjected
Mirza Mahmud with serious allegations of shameful wickedness. They wrote a
book, named Tarikh-e-Mahmoodiat in which they produced evidences.
administered on oath, by 28 Qadiani men and women, on pain of divine
wrath if they were false. In these affidavits, they wrote that Mirza tore
chastity of those girls whom he called his daughters and his wife committed
sins of fornication while he knew of them. In this book, the accusers
challenged Mirza Mahmud for a 'Mubahala' and he was asked to swear on
pain of punishment from Allah falling on him that he was not an adulterer.
Mirza failed to appear in the 'Mubahala'.
Rahat Malik, in his book, Rabwah Ka Mazhabi Aamir and Shafiq Mirza, in his
Shahr e Sadoom and Mirza Mahmud Hussain, in his publication Munkireen e
Khatme Nubuwwat Ka Anjam have enumerated similar charges. Each time,
Mirza Mahmud was asked to deny, on pain of Divine punishment on the liar,
but he never responded. He was as silent as a dead body. Rather he issued a
'Farman' forbidding his simple believers--the guileless folks--from reading the
aforesaid books. Will sensible people not conclude from this that Mirza
Mahmud's perimeter of morality was no less different than what was written
in those books?
Mirza Tahir! Are you embarking on this 'Mubahala' with the Ulema of the
Ummat with so much of shamelessness attached with your family and
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Mirza Tahir Sahib! Why don't you have the courage to refute the charges in
public made against your father if you think they are false? Why not hold a
Mubahala with these people, even if belated.


I wonder how many of your party-men saw the languishing manner in which
your father breathed his last. However you certainly were a witness to his
slow-paced tortuous end. My Protector! What an admonition for a lewd! My
Saviour! What a lesson for a lecher! Not only in his last breaths but during
the entire span of his last eleven years before he was bundled up, he
remained a long-drawn lying figurine of a total wreck--a lesson for the whole
world. His last gasps produced the bass of his swansong.
Then you should also recall the sudden death of your elder brother, Mirza
Nasir. My respected friend, the roaring lion of Khatme Nubuwwat, Janab
Maulana Allah Wasaya, (May Allah sustain his honour ) read out a letter
written by your sister, in a meeting held in front of your 'Khilafat Palace' at
Islamabad. What were its contents that transmitted shock waves to Mirza
Nasir's heart which having heard it stood still?
Mirza Tahir! You have heard about and seen the lamentable deaths of your
brother, father and grandfather. Having challenged a 'Mubahala' with the
Ulema of the Ummat, do you still need to learn a lesson? Do you have the
guts to invoke Allah for subjecting you to the same soul-strippings which
your father and grand-father underwent?

(6) Challenges of Maulana Manzoor Ahmad Chinioti

My respected associate Janab Maulana Manzoor Ahmad Chinioti, (may his
eminence exceed) kept on challenging your late father every year as long as
he existed in this world. After his exit, he turned towards Mirza Nasir and
challenged him also, regularly. When he too expired then by necessity, the
Maulana Sahib has turned to you. Has he not thrown you repeated
challenges from London's Wembley Hall? But you don't dare come out to
face. Does it not prove that your brother, your father and your grandfather
were all a pack of liars and you none-the-less.
Mirza Tahir Sahib! Before challenging the Muslim Ummah first you pay out
the debts, due on your patriarches.

(7) Time, Date and Place Set For Mubahala

You have invited this dervish for a "Mubahala," This humble being is ready by
all means. But its modus-operandi is not what you have adopted, i.e,,
cursing the Muslim Ummah and Ulema, while sitting cosy in your house and
expecting them to do the same. Your aim is to resort to kite-flying through
the media. It's women who sit in houses spinning wheels, or the urchins are
seen flying paper kites.
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The methodology of Mubahala has been laid down in the holy Quran in Ayat
'Mubahala'. viz, both parties come out of their houses in the open ground
along with their women and children. In pursuance of this holy verse, Allah's
last Prophet (SAW) came out in the open to face the Christians from Najran
and asked them to come out similarly. Your grandfather, Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad, also came out once in the open ground of Eidgah of Amritsar, for a
Mubahala against Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi (May Allah shower His
munificence upon Maulana Sahib). The Mubahala tolled the death knell for
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
If you are serious in your 'Mubahala' challenge with this dervish, then get
going in the name of Allah. Come outside your house like a man, into the
ground of 'Mubahala' and move forward. Announce the time, date and place
for holding the 'Mubahala'; then bring along your wife, children and family
members in the ground at the appointed time. This dervish, insha-Allah will
reach on time with his children, wife and family members.
In the opinion of this humble self, the following date, time and place appear

Date: March 23, 1989

Day: Thursday
Time: 2 P.M. after Zuhar Prayers
Place: Minare Pakistan, Lahore
The above stipulations appear appropriate to me because on March 23, 1889,
your grandfather-- the Musailma of the Punjab-- had started making disciples
and taking 'Ba'it' (pledges) from the people at Ludhiana. In this way, March
23, 1989, shall become the hundredth anniversary of your grandfather's
charlatanry. The venue of his activity was Ludhiana and by coincidence your
adversary also will be a man from Ludhiana. Thus the one-eyed, charlatan
Masih Dajjal shall be put to death on the gate of 'Lud'. The time of Zuhar I
have chosen because according to a Prophetic Tradition, the breeze of victory
and success blow at that time. The venue of Minare Pakistan looks
appropriate to me, because here is an open space which is large enough for a
big congregation of people. Also, Pakistan Day falls on March 23; people
customarily assemble at Minare Pakistan on that day.

But I don't insist on these fixtures at all. These are mere suggestions from
me. Whatever time, date and place in Pakistan you would suggest I shall
readily agree to that.
This Faqir is the lowest of servants of Ummate-Muhammadiya while you (far
be the evil eye) are Imam of Jamat e Ahmadiya! This humble self admits his
weaknesses and omissions while you take pride in your authoritarian
'Imamat'. Many thanks to Ailah, this Faqir is a humble slave from among the
creatures of Allah while you are the successor to a false Masih. This Faqir is
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holding fast to the most blessed apron of the leader and personified Blessing
of the two worlds (SAW) while you are the tail-sticker of the Arch-Liar, the
Musailma of the present times. This, Faqir will step into the ground of
Mubahala with feelings of avowed shortcomings in his competence while you
may come forward with airs of piety and prelacy. I shall be holding aloft the
standard of 'Finality of Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW) and you may wave
the black streamer of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani--the sham Masih, the
counterfeit nabi.
Because you know that will mean your jumping into the inferno of leaping
fire that will lick every thing. On the contrary, you would surely prefer dying
the way your father and grandfather died, rather than stepping into the
arena of Mubahla against this humble Ummati of Allahs Prophet (SAW)
(8) Here I must point out to you one thing! viz., neither any of the ulema of
the Ummat nor myself have any personal enmity with your father or
grandfather. There is no quarrel over any property, no dispute over land. By
Allah, I swear we are your well-wishers, imbued with an earnest sense of
sympathy for you and your welfare. We desire to see you saved from the
bursting blaze of infernal flames that melt flesh from the bones
Our actions are for the sole purpose of Allah and the welfare of the Ummat of
Muhammad (SAW) as well as for the people of your Jamat and to rescue you
from the fire which is nearing you. Why we tear into shreds the slyness,
knavery, charlatanry and pious fraudulence of your grandfather, Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian is for the sole purpose of protecting the faith of
Ummat e Muhammadiya and the safety of your people. You would get to
know of our gesture of goodwill after your death. Again today, I will tell and,
through you, every individual of your party with feelings of greatest well-
wishing heartiest sympathy and absolute selflessness that you have gone
astray. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is not that Masih about whom Allah's
Prophet (SAW) has informed us that he shall come down close to
Resurrection times. He is Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him). He had said:
"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name,
saying I am Masih; and shall deceive many.. And many false prophets shall
rise, and shall deceive many.. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo here is
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Masih, (e.g in Qadian), or there- (e.g. in Iran or Sudan), believe it not. For
there shall arise false Masihs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs
and wonders; in so much that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very
elect. Behold, I have told you before." (Matthew: 24: 4. 6. 11. 23-26)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, claiming to be Masih, is also among those who
led people astray. The interpretations which you and your Sire and his
progeny have fabricated are deceptions that have been engineered by Satan
and the passionate Self which lS present in man. All of these are your satanic
pretensions which will fail to make the mark in front of 'Munkir-Nakeer' when
you shall be lying in your grave, or when you shall be dragged before the
Lord of the Day of Judgement.


Mirza Tahir Sahib! I do understand your predicament in forsaking your
present authority and your family seat of Khilafat. You are in a fix.
Nevertheless, if you choose to adopt the Truth for gaining Allah's pleasure,
then, He, Eminent in Glory, shall bestow upon you such magnificent
recompense that will turn your existing dominion into the triflest of the
trifles. On the contrary, if you preferred your present authority and persisted
in it by ignoring the Truth, then you would encounter such torment and
abjectness that all your existing honour, grace and whatever there is, shall
pale into absurdity and oblivion. I submit to every individual of your Jamat to
offer renunciation and feel penitent before death approaches him.
Bear me a witness, you Mirza, and your Jama't and those who read this
script of mine, that I have duly conveyed the message of Truth and
Righteousness to the Qadianis. Still, I am available to advise anybody if he
asks for more clarification or solicits Truth.
(9) You have asked me to publish my reply in papers and periodicals. As far
as possible I have tried to do so. Likewise, you may also publish it in you
papers and pamphlet, if you want.

(10) I give you four months' time to reply to my invitation for congregating
for the challenged MUBAHALA. The last date for your reply is January 1,

(11) You may have sent copies of your challenged Mubahala to other elder
Ulema of the Ummat. If so, I consider it necessary to state on their behalf
that you should take the reply from this servant of the Ummat as an answer
from each and every one of them. They are requested not to take the trouble
of replying on individual basis.

18.1. 1409 A.H

1.9.1988 A.D.


In the name of Allah the Beneficient and Merciful
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Unique is the glory of Allah, the Exalted, that false pretenders of prophethood
are always exposed, as was the impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani who
undertook to mislead simple folks by laying claims to prophethood. Allah
punished him for his fraud and made him collect the filth that lay heaped
around the world.
At every step he was disgraced and knocked down in every move he made.
Obviously this had to be so because his crime was such. A vain person, he
held Mubahala rendezvous with many persons but each time he did so, the
pseudo was fully exposed as a maestro toneue-twister.

In my monograph on "Qadiani Mubahalas" you have read some of the

episodes of Mirza Qadiani. I summarize a few of them to refresh your

Against Abdullah Atham: the Christian Priest

On the day the long drawn polemics concluded against Abdullah Atham,
Mirza was so exhausted by his adversary's arguments that his tongue
loosened and he blurted forth a clever prophecy, in a style unworthy of
prophets. Said he:

"Whosoever is a liar between us shall be hurtled into 'Havia' (hell-fire) within

fifteen months hence" (i.e. by June 5, 1893).

Since Abdullah Atham was about 70 years old at that time, his death within
the period fixed by Mirza was, after all, not something that could not be

Quote the impostor:

"I admit right now that if this prediction goes false i.e. if within fifteen
months from this date, the party deemed to be a liar in Allah's view does not
fall into 'Havia' as death punishment, then I am prepared to undergo every
type of punishment: disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a rope around my
neck or hang me on the gallows, I am prepared for everything. ..................
This is no place to giggle in vain. lf I am a liar keep the gallows ready for me
and consider me the most accursed of all the cursed persons, the evil doers
and the Satans".(Khazain Vol. 6, pp. 292-293).

The result of the Mubahala challenge came out before everybody. Mirza's
adversary did not die in fifteen months. Atham lived on and on and in this
way, Allah put Mirza to disgrace against a Christian priest.

Mirza's prediction was not a Divine Revelation. It was his Fraud and rude
imposture. He deserved the punishment he had proposed on himself, that is

--Blacken my face
--Collar a rope around my neck
--Hang me on the gallows.
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The 'Sire' applied to himself superlative degree adjectival epithet, by calling

himself most accursed of all the cursed persons, the evil-doers and the
Satans. The polemic rendezvous seeking support for "a Satan accursed of all
Satans" was sure to flounder.

Against Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had also had a Mubahala with Maulana Abdul
Haq Ghaznavi in Amritsar. Maulana challenged him face to face on this
issue:- Mirza and his progeny are a coterie of liars, unbelievers, heretics,
impostors and dualist- infidels. Mirza accepted this challenge saying:

"Whosoever is the liar out of the Mubahala participants, perishes during the
lifetime of the truthful" (Malfuzat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 9, p.

As Allah willed it, Mirza died of cholera on May 29, 1908 during the lifetime of
Maulana Abdul Haq, while Maulana Sahib, Allah's mercy on him, lived for full
nine years after Mirza, up to May 16, 1917. Therefore, two facts were

-- Mirza was a liar

--Mirza and his progeny were a coterie of liars, unbelievers, heretics,
impostors and dualist-infidels.

Against Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari

On April 15, 1907 (Rabiul Awwal 1, 132~ AH), Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
addressed a public notice to Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari. His published
notification included these words:

"If I am a liar and an impostor such as you want to call me in each issue of
your periodical then I shall die in your lifetime." (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 3; p.178).

After that, Mirza invoked Allah's Audience with these words requesting for a
Divine Decision:

"If this claim of promised Messiahship is a false imputation from the side of
me and if I am in Your Eyes a liar, mischief-monger, imputing false attribute
to mine own self as my day/night routine, then, O my dear Master I pray to
your Exalted Audience with all possible humility that destroy me in the
lifetime of Maulana Sanaullah and let my death make him and his jamaat
happy. Now, holding the garment of Your sanctity and Mercy, I supplicate
into Your Lofty Audience to bring out true decision between me and
Sanaullah and whosoever is really a liar and mischief-monger in Your Eye
then carry him off from this world in the very lifetime of the one who is
truthful."(Majmua-e-lshtiharat Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 3: p. 549).

Concluding this notification, Mirza Qadiani wrote:

"In the end my request to Maulana Sahib is that he should print all this
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writing in his periodical and may write underneath whatever he chooses to

write. Now decision rests with Allah."

Conforming to the wish of Mirza Qadiani, Maulana Sanaullah printed Mirza's

notification, word by word, in his periodical, 'Ahle-Hadith' and added
underneath all that he liked to write. Because Mirza Qadiani had entrusted
the decision to Allah, having specifically asked for it, all Muslims and Mirzais
went into expecting what would come to pass from the unknown realm of the
Omniscient Being. Only one year after this, Mirza died. The liar perished on
May 26, 1908. Cholera purged Mirza's guts out. The knock-out was sure,
certain and precise, one year after his pronouncement in which he had
implored Allah for a decision. And Maulana Sanaullah lived on, and on, and
on, sound and magnificent, for a long period of forty-one years. It amazed
every body. In this way, Mirza Qadiani was once again proved a hoaxer, a
knave and a pretender. He was himself bundled off to eternal perdition
(Havia) by one stroke of celestial punishment which was enough to silence
the babbler.

Today we would like to relate to our readers two more interesting Mubahalas
through which Allah the Exalted proclaimed Mirza Qadiani to be a liar and

Between hafiz Muhummad Yusuf and Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi
Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Zilladar, resident of Amritsar, had once been an
eminent votary of Ahle-Hadith denomination. At the outset, his leanings were
heavy towards Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi but somehow he fell into Mirza's
net and turned an apostate. He became so strong a convert that day and
night he would preach Mirza's pseudo-prophethood. The new faith became
his heart's passion and Mirza, on his side, showered numerous praises on
him: He was the best human ever born or the world had ever seen, a
specimen par-excellence. In his book Izala-e-Auham, Mirza loaded him with
rosy epithets in these words:

''Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Sahib is a righteous person, loyal, virtuous, a

follower of prophetic traditions and a comrade attached to Maulvi Abdullah
Ghaznavi" (Izala-e-Auham, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 3. p. 479).

On the night of Shawwal 2, 1310 A.H. (April 19, 1893) Hafiz Muhammad
Yusuf had a Mubahala with Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi on the issue-of
truthfulness of Qadianiat. Subject of this Mubahala was: Whether Mirza
Qadiani with his followers was an apostate, deceiver and a liar or he was a
Muslim. The stand of Maulana Ghaznavi was that Mirza and his disciples,
Hakim Nooruddin and Muhammad Ahsan Amrohi were apostates, deceivers
and liars and not Muslim.

This Mubahala had barely covered a week that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
put up a notification on April 25, 1893. He published this under a caption:
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"Mubahala notification between Mian Abdul Haq Ghaznavi and Hafiz

Muhammad Yusuf Sahib". Under this caption, he wrote this passage:

"I am pleased to hear that one of our respected friends, Hafiz Muhammad
Yusuf Sahib has received Divine Reward ahead of us through his courageous
belief and gallant faith. Details of this brief are as follows: Hafiz Sahib
conversing in a gathering one day said casually that nobody was appearing
to come forward to debate a 'Munazra' or invoke a 'Mubahala' with Mirza
Sahib, meaning this humble self. During the course of this conversation,
Hafiz Sahib also said, Abdul Haq had notified for a Mubahala on his own. Now
if he thinks he is true he ought to come out to face me instead. I am
prepared to have a Mubahala with him. Abdul Haq at that time happened to
be somewhere near. He had also heard that Hafiz Sahib had thrown shameful
remarks at him. Therefore he steadied himself willy-nilly and caught Hafiz
Sahib by hand, saying he was ready for the Mubahala right that moment. He
said he would confine his challenge to this assertion that Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad Qadiani and Maulvi Hakim Nooruddin and Maulvi Muhammad Ahsan,
all three, were apostates, liars and deceivers. Hafiz Sahib accepted this
challenge without hesitation and replied categorically he would do Mubahala
on these very issues, because he said he had implicit belief that these three
persons were Muslims. The Mubahala was therefore held on this very point
and witnesses agreed upon for the Mubahala were Munshi Muhammad Nabi
Bakhsh, Mian Abdul Hadi and Mian Abdur Rahman Umarpuri." (Majmua-e-
Ishtiharat Vol. 1, p. 396).

Because the above notification of Mirza contained several misstatements,

Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi considered it expedient to write a rejoinder,
explanatory in nature, on Shawwal 26, lo lO A.H. He wrote:

Details regarding the Mubahala of Hafiz are only this much that because
Hafiz Yusuf was a first rate ally of Mirza and an aide and helper he requested
me again and again for a Mubahala on the night of 2nd Shawwal. Thus a
Mubahala was held and it was on this specific issue: Mirza and Nooruddin and
Muhammad Ahsan, all three, are apostates, deceivers and liars. Two days
before this Mubahala, 1 happened to see a dream in which I see somebody
whom I have challenged for a Mubahala and to whom I recite a couplet,
meaning if you wou]dn't listen to the kind advice of nightingale or a ringdove
I shall finally treat you by branding. Some more things I saw in my dream
but it would be inconsistent to mention those now. This dream surprised me
and I wondered. Only two days after this dream, this Mubahala chanced to
be held. Until now, no token of any imprecation had appeared on Hafiz Yusuf
and his peer-ji (i.e. Mirza Qadiani) got into the heat and issued his
notification. I say to him, you wait and see what Allah does. With Allah,
everything is on its appointed time. He is glorious, supreme, All- knowing."
(Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Mirza Qadiani, Vol. 1, p. 424).

After sometime, result of this Mubahala came out. The rival, Hafiz Yusuf, fell
flat four square, and something more. He:
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(1) renounced Qadianiat, cried on his error, cursed Satan's progeny;

(2) begged for Allah's forgiveness, re- entered Islam and accepted it on the
hands of his erstwhile adversary, Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi; and
(3) tore open the seams of Mirzaiyyat, exposed its knavery and proclaimed
that Mirza's henchmen were apostates, deceivers and liars.

Thanks Allah, the Gracious, glad tidings contained in Maulana Ghaznavi's

inspirational dream came true and the 'final treatment' worked most
effectively with Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf.

Lest somebody should doubt the correctness of details mentioned above,

more particularly the fact that Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf renounced Mirzaiyyat
and rejoined Islam, the following five writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Qadiani himself are given in proof:
No. 1. "Notification: Reward of Rs.500/- in the name of Hafiz Muhammad
Yusuf Sahib, Zilladar, Canals. The persons whose names are written
underneath in this notification are also addressed in the same way. (Arbaeen
No. 3, Roohani Khazain Vol. 17, p. 386).

No. 2. "Let it be known that Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf Sahib, Zilladar, Canals,
tutored by stupid delusive maulvis has in a meeting ... stated this". (Roohani
Khazain Vol. 17, p. 387).

No. 3. "Remember this person (Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf) belongs to the group
of Abdullah Ghaznavi who is famous as a Unitarian (believer in oneness of
Allah). "(R o o h a n i Khazain Vo1. 17, p. 390).

No. 4. "And Hafiz Sahib ........seeking personal advantage considered it

useful to disavow my claim of being commissioned by God because of
friendship with some of his old friends". (Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, p. 391)

No. 5 "Nothing comes to reason or imagination as to what happened to Hafiz

Sahib .... What advantage accrues to a man if he sacrifices his spiritual life
for the sake of bodily life. Personally I had heard many times from Hafiz
Sahib that he was one of those who affirmed my credibility and was always
ready to hold a Mubahala against my accusers. His life had largely passed in
this way and he had been narrating his dreams to me in its support and had
held Mubahala with some of my dissenters". (Roohani Khazain Vol. 17, p.
408). These five quotations are confessing monologues the villain delivered
at the end of the interesting play. Dramatic irony of the whole piece unfolded
in this manner that an enthusiastic disciple, alas for Mirza, renounced
Mirzaiyyat; and rejoined Islam.

The writer of this article challenges the Qadianis to dispute the result of this
Mubahala. Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf joined Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi in
calling Mirza a knave, trickster, pretender and arch-liar. Did it not happen? O
Qadianis, be equitable, don't tell lies in the tradition of the Pseudo.

Between Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani and Pandit Lekh Ram
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Events leading to this Mubahala

Earlier on, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had engaged himself in a session of
verbal confrontation with a certain Hindu whose name was Lala Murli Dhar.
Mirza has written its details in his book Surma-e-Chashme Arya. When Mirza
lost to his rival (luck never smiled on him) he gave out a general call to all
Hindu Aryas for holding a Mubahala. Exasperated and depressed, he wrote:

"If some Arya (Samaji) having read our whole pamphlet does not leave his
obstinacy and does not retrace from blasphemy, then we call him to hold a
Mubahala with us, on a token we have received from Allah the Exalted".
(Surma-e-Chashme-e-Arya, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 2, p. 232).

"Last resort is Mubahala for which we have made a call earlier. For Mubahala,
it is not necessary to be a scholar of the Vedas (Hindu religious books). Yes,
he should be a well- mannered, renowned Arya who may also impress
others. Therefore Lala Murli Dhar Sahib is first of all addressed; then Lala
Jeevan Das, Secretary Arya Samaj, Iahore; then Munshi Inder Man Sahib
Moradabadi; and then some other person from amongst Aryas who is a
respected man and is also considered learned. If they really think that
'Vedas' teachings which we have recounted in this pamphlet are correct and
true and contrarily consider that the principles and teachings of Quran
Shareef, also written by us in this very pamphlet, are wrong and untrue then
they may do Mubahala with us on this issue and having decided on a spot for
holding the Mubahala, by mutual agreement the two parties may present
themselves at that place the fixed date. Each party to the Mubahala should
stand in a meeting before public and take oath, repeating words which we
have written in bold as specimen and have appended them to this pamphlet;
that is, if our assertion is false Divine Distress and punishment may descend
on us. In this way, the words contained in each of the two Mubahalas should
be publicly verified for truthfulness, believing that Divine punishment must
fall on the party who swears falsely. And there shall be a waiting period
of one year for Divine Decision to come down. If after passage of one
year Divine punishment falls on the writer of this pamphlet, or does
not fall on the adversary, in either case, this humble self, shall suffer
a fine of Rs.500/- which, subject to mutual agreement, shall be deposited
into the government treasury or wherever this amount is easily available to
the adversary. In case he overcomes us he shall entitle himself to collect this
sum automatically but if we overcome him we don't lay a wager. Our bet is
the same prayer, that is, of heavenly signs befalling and that's enough. Now,
we conclude this pamphlet after writing down the subject matter of each of
the documents of Mubahala. With Allah's Help." (Ibid. pp. 250-251.)"

These writings put together, one will note that:

1. Mirza challenged all the Aryas to a Mubahala.

2. Mubahala curse was to show its effect in a year's time.
3. If nothing untoward happened to his rival in one year's time or, Divine
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Fury befell upon Mirza, during this period, in both the cases, Mirza would be
proved a liar.

Having written this, Mirza indulged in In other lengthy composition,

concluding with these words:

"So, O God, Omnipotent, decide truly between us two parties, and

whosoever, out of us, is a liar in his assertions and dogmas .. .O Immensely
Mighty! send down a punishment in one year's time". (Ibid pp. 254-255).

After this, Mirza wrote out a Mubahala prayer, on behalf of Aryas also, which
he ended with these words:

"He who is a liar making false statements in Your Eyes ........ O Eesher, beat
him up with such strokes of pain ....... that curses taking their toll, reach him
in a year's time."( Ibid. p. 258).

Pandit Lekh Ram accepts the challenge

As a rejoinder to Mirza's pamphlet, Surma-e- Chashm-e-Arya, Pandit Lekh

Ram wrote his Nuskha-e-Khabte Ahmad iya (Rais-e-Qad ian Vo1. 1, p. 121)
in which he wrote his acceptance of the challenge in these words:

"O Permeshwar (God) make decision hetween us truly; let your Sat Dharma
(true religlon) flow forth not by sword but through love, understanding,
submission of proof and open out the adversary's heart by conferment of Sat
Gayan (True wisdom ) on him so that ignorance, prejudice, oppression and
outrage are destroyed because a liar can never glorify in Thy Audience like
the truthful. Writer: Your eternal slave, Lekh Ram Sharma, Sabhasud, Arya
Samaj, Peshawar". (Nuskha- e-Khabte Ahmadiya p. 347; ret Lekh Ram &
Mirza, p. 2, Author: Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari).

Mirza had solemnly promised to pay Rs 500/- to Lekh Ram if he lost to the
Pandit. Responding to this offer, he wrote an interesting note. He said:

"Mirzaji has promised me Rs.500/-. This is his old habit (promising but not
paying). Here is a poetic portrayal of his money promise through this

My life if you want dear, I mind it not But knots of my purse, Oh, open them

"We fully know his moveable and immoveable assets and his indebtedness is
not unknown to us. We throw his offer of monetary give and take into dust
and make a present of those five hundred rupees back to him as betel-leaf
chewing expenses from our side, on his on-coming new marriage* for which
he says he has received a fresh revelation only recently". (Nuskha-e- Khabte
Ahmadiya, ret Rais-e-Qadian, Vol. 1, p. 121).

(*By "new marriage" the Pandit is referring to Mirza's famous love affair. In
the autumn of his life, Mirza became infatuated with a young married girl,
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Muhammadi Begum, and he coveted her madly for long years. He was
claiming numerous concocted revelations regarding his wedding with the girl.
So much so that he announced that God had betrothed the lady to him in the
skies. But alas! Mirza died a despondent lover without consummating his

Mirza Qadiani Verified Lekh Ram's acceptance of Mubahalla

Mirza confirmed that his challenge had been accepted by Pandit Lekh Ram.
He wrote:

"May it be known that at the end of Surma-e-Chashme Arya, I had called

some Aryan people for a Mubahala.. As a result of my writing, Pandit Lekh
Ram, in his pamphlet, Khabte Ahmadiya which he published in 1888.... held
a Mubahala with me. Accordingly, in his pamphlet Khabte Ahmadiya on page
344 Pandit Lekh Ram wrote the following in his introductory remarks. "Since
our respected and revered Master Murli Dhar and Munshi Jeevan Das Sahib
are busy in government work, this humble obedient, on his own volition and
with their pleasure has taken this duty upon himself Therefore, as the
proverb says: 'take the liar to his door-step,' I accept Mirza Sahib's last
request (of Mubahala) also".

Subject Matter of Mubahala

"I humble, Lekh Ram, son of Pandit Tara Singh Sahib Sharma, Author of
Takzeeb-e- Braheen-e-Ahmadiya and this pamphlet, (Nuskha-e-Khabte
Ahmadiya) declare in soundness of all my senses and understanding that I
have read the pamphlet Surma-e-Chashme Arya from beginning to end. not
once but many times, having grasped its arguments fully and have published
its reply in refutation in the light of Sat Dharam (true religion). In this
pamphlet the arguments of Mirza Sahib have not impressed me one bit
because they are not righteously oriented. (After dilating on this subject the
Pandit wrote in the end:) O, Permeshwar! (God) Make a decision between us
truly, because never can a liar glorify in Thy Audience against the truthful.

Writer: Your eternal slave, Lekh Ram Sharma, Sabhasud Arya Samaj,
Peshawar, presently Editor, Arya Gazette, Ferozepur Punjab,"
(Roohani Khazain, Vol. 2, pp. 326-332) Summary}.

Result of Mubahala

The whole story is now before the readers in full details. Before we let them
know as to who won in glory and who lost in disgrace, it shall be helpful to go
over the stipulations of the Mubahala, once again:

(1) Mirza would win if Divine Punishment befell upon his rival in one year's
(2) Mirza would lose and pay a fine of Rs.500 to his rival if:
(a) Divine Punishment rebounded upon Mirza himself; or
(b) No Divine Punishment befell upon his rival Hindu within one year.
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(3) Duration of the waiting period for this 'sporting event' was only one year;
that is, all that was to happen must happen within one year

Finale in 1889

The Mubahala challenge of the Pandit was thrown in 1888. By the end of
1889, result was to be out as Mirza stipulated, but the year passed away and
nothing happened. Pandit Lekh Ram lived much beyond 1889. Actually he
died in 1897 and Mirza never paid him 500 Rupees. The Pandit knew he
wouldn't, true to the couplet: "Knots of my purse, Oh, open them not."

Divine Decision subjected Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to disgrace before
Pandit Lekh Ram, llindu Arya. I low shameful indeed!

In the name of Allah the Beneficient and Merciful


Respected Readers: When two parties to a dispute approach Allah for His
Decision and beg of Him for His verdict, this is called Mubahala, and the
result coming out after the Mubahala initiation is considered Allah's Decision.
Mirza Qadiani presented his cases in Allah's Court, several times, but Divine
Decision went against him each time. Here are some specific cases.
Case No. 1: Mirza referred a dispute between himself and a Christian Priest,
Atham, in the Court of Allah unilaterally. The Decision went against him and,
seeing his defeat, he resorted to giving interpretations to Allah's Decision,
twisting the same in his favour.

Case No. 2: Mirza implored Allah to decide in a dispute he had picked up

against Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari. Allah's Decision went against him here
too. Details of both these cases will follow shortly.

Case No. 3: Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi met Mirza Qadiani, face to face, in
a Mubahala in the Eidgah of Amritsar on Zeeqadah 10, 1310 AH. In this case,
both parties begged Allah to send His Verdict to identify the liar from the
truthful (Majmua-e-lshtiharat, Vol. 1, 426-427). In this Mubahala, Mirza
himself set out a premise that Divine Decision results in the death of the liar.
He said: "The party who is telling lies dies in the lifetime of the truthful."
(Malfoozat, Vol. 9, pp. 440-441).

Result: Mirza died earlier on May 26, 1908. What he enunciated stood
because Maulana Abdul Haq died nine years later, on May 16, 1917. (Raees-
e-Qadian Vol: 2, p.192; Tarikh-e-Mirza, p.38). In this way Divine Court
decreed that Mirza Qadiani was a liar, impostor and apostate.

Case No. 4: In this case, a high-ranking disciple of Mirza Qadiani, by name

Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf, challenged the above- mentioned Maulana Abdul
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Haq Ghaznavi for a Mubahala rendezvous on Shawwal 12, 1310 AH. (April
19, 1893). The issue at stake was whether Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his two
friends Hakeem Nooruddin and Muhammad Ahsan Amrohi were Muslims or
not. Hafiz Yusuf said all the three were Muslims but Maulana said they were
liars, deceivers and apostates. No sooner had Mirza heard that the said
Mubahala was going to be held than he was filled with extreme joy. He
confirmed the action of his disciple and praised him for his righteousness.
Assuming full responsibility in this connection, Mirza took him under his
benevolent wings. (Majmua-e-lshtiharat Vol.1,PP394-396). But the result
was that Hafiz Yusuf lost because, at the last moment, better sense prevailed
on him. He realised his grave mistake which was leading him to perdition. He
offered solemn repentance to Allah for his "kufr" and the same Hafiz, who
was up till now an erstwhile defender of Mirza, tore open all the seams of
Qadianism. Never was Mirza more disturbed. The result could not be worse
for him. Staggering under this unforeseen blow, he paled with anguish.
Collecting himself up, Mirza wrote a dirge in his book, "Arbaeen", lamenting
at this turncoat Hafiz, in these words:

"Nothing comes to reason or imagination as to what appended to Hafiz

Sahib. What advantage accrues to a man if he sacrifices his spiritual life for
the sake of bodily life. Personally, I had heard many times form Hafiz Sahib
that he was one of those who affirmed my credibility and was always ready
to hold Mubahala against my accusers. His life had largely passed in this way
and he had been narrating his dreams to me in my support and had held
Mubahala with some of my dissenters." (Arbaeen No. 3, p.21; Roohani
Khazain Vol. 17, p.408).

So, this was Allah's Decision, which confirmed again that Mirza was a Dajjal,
Liar and arch-deceiver.

Case No. 5: Mirza invited Hindu Aryas for a Mubahala and himself said those
exact words which he wanted them to utter at the time of Mubahala. he also
proposed that after the Mubahala:

"There shall be a waiting period of one year for the Divine Decision to come
down. If after the passage of one year, Divine Punishment falls on the writer
of this pamphlet and not on the adversary, then this humble self, in either
cause, shall suffer a fine of Rs.500/- which subject to mutual agreement,
shall be deposited into the government treasury or wherever this amount is
easily available to the adversary. In case he overcomes us he shall entitle
himself to collect this sum automatically but if we overcome him we don't lay
a wager. Our bet is the same prayer, that is, of heavenly signs befalling, and
that's enough. Now, we conclude this pamphlet after writing down the
subject matter of each of the two documents of Mubahala". (Surma-e-
Chasm~-Arya, p.251; Roo- hani Khazain Vow. 2, p.301)

If these writings are put together, one will note that:

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(1) Mirza challenged all Aryas to a Mubahala.

(2) His curse would show its effect in a year's time.
(3) If in one year's time nothing untoward happened to his rival and Divine
furs fell on Mirza, he should be proved a liar in both the cases.
(4) When Mirza is proved a liar (as stipulated above), he would pay a fine of
Rs.500J- to his adversary and this money he offered to deposit in advance.
In case the adversary lost, then Mirza would not ask for any money because
heavenly ill-omens would suffice to strike him down, as a result of Mirza's

Pandit Lekh Ram, on behalf of Aryas, accepted the challenge which Mirza
confirmed in his book, Haqiqat ul Wahi, in these words:

"May it be known that at the end of my book, Surma-e-Chasham-e-Arya, I

had called some Arya people for a Mubahala ............. As a result of my
writing, Pandit Lekh Ram, in his pamphlet, Khabt-e- Ahmadiya, which he
published in 1888.. held a Mubahala with me. (He closed his writing with the
following prayer). 'O Parmeshwar (God) make decision between us truly
because never can a liar glorify in Thy Audience against the truthful'".
(Roohani Khazain Vol.22, pp.326-332).

Result: The challenge was thrown early in 1888. By the end of 1888, the
result was to be out in the form of some Divine Punishment on the Pandit,
because Mirza had postulated it but nothing happened and the year of 1888
passed away normally. Pandit Lekh Ram lived much beyond 1889. Actually
he died in 1897 and Mirza did not pay him Rs.500/-. In this way, Lekh Ram
won the Mubahala and Mirza was proved a liar once again.

Conclusion: Respected readers must have noted from the above details that
Mirza Qadiani's case was presented before like Court of Allah five times thrice
against the Muslims, once against a Christian Priest and once against a Hindu
Arya and, in each of the five cases, Allah's verdict went against him,
declaring him a liar. Can any wise person even now doubt Mirza's duplicity,
deceit and falsehood?



Prediction No. 1 Mirza in his communication to Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari
"In your paper, you build up this reputation for me that this person imputes
falsely, is a liar and is an arch-impostor. I have borne a lot of tortures from
you yet endured them patiently .... If I am really a liar, an impostor and a
charlatan, as you remember me in your paper, then I will perish in your
lifetime". Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Vol.3, p.578).

Result: Very right. Mirza died on May 26, 1908; Maulana in 1949. Mirza had
said: If I am a liar, an impostor and a charlatan then I will perish in your
lifetime. Proved: Mirza was a liar.
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Prediction No. 2 In the same communication, Mirza wrote to Maulana


"If that punishment which is not in the hands of a human being but only in
God's Hands, such as plague, cholera, etc., and similar fatal diseases, and if
the same do not descend upon you in my lifetime then I am not God-sent."

Result: Very right. Mirza died of cholera and Maulana lived on safe and
sound long afterwards.

Proved: Mirza was "not God-sent."

(Hayat-e-Nasir, p. 14, Ref: Qa~iani Mazhab Section), No.80

Prediction No. 3 For fifteen days Mirza carried on arguments with a

Christian Priest, named Abdullah Atham head of a local episcopal diocese. On
the last date June 5, 1893, Mirza predicted that within fifteen months, his
adversary would be thrown into Haviya' (lower reaches of Hell). Mirza wrote
in these words:

"I admit right this time that if this prediction goes false, that is, if fifteen
months from this date, the party who is on falsehood in view of Allah, does
not fall into 'Havia', as death punishment, then I am prepared to undergo
every kind of punishment: disgrace me, blacken my face collar a rope around
my neck or hang me on the gallows; I am ready for all. I swear by the
greatness of Allah's Glory that he will certainly do the same, will certainly do
the same, will certainly do the same. Earth and sky may deviate but not His
Ordainment. If I am a liar, keep the gallows ready for me and consider me
the most accursed of all the accursed persons, evil-doers and Satans. (Jang-
e-Muqaddas, pp.210-211; Roohani Khazain, Vol.6, pp.292-293).

Result: Mirza's divination expired on September 5, 1894, but Atham did not
die till that date. Therefore, this prediction of Mirza Qadiani came true that:

"If within fifteen months, Atham does not fall into Haviya then I am a liar,
keep the gallows ready for me and consider me the most accursed of all the
accursed persons, evil-doers and Satans."

Prediction No. 4 Mirza claimed that he had received Divine Revelation that
the husband of Muhammadi Begum (daughter of Ahmad Baig of Hoshiarpur)
would die in his lifetime and after that the widow, Muhammadi Begum, would
be married to Mirza. In this connection. Mirza foretold in these words:

"I say again and again that quintessence of my prediction in case of the son-
in-law of Ahmad Baig shall be his inevitable destiny. Wait for it. If I am a liar
then this prediction will not be fulfilled and my death will come." (Anjam-e-
Atham Hashiah p.31).

Result: The son-in-law of Ahmad Baig (Sultan Muhammad) did not die
during Mirza's lifetime but Mirza died; while Sultan Muhammad lived on for a
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long time after Mirza's death. Hence Mirza's prediction came true: "If I am a
liar, the son-in-law of Ahmad Baig will not die in my lifetime".

Prediction No. 5 As a corollary to prediction No.4, Mirza wrote: "Remember,

if the second part of this prediction does not come true (i.e., son-in- law of
Ahmad Baig does not die in Mirza's lifetime) then I shall be more wicked than
every wicked man. (Zamimah Anjam-e-Atham, p.54).

Result: This "divination" also came true word for word. Therefore, consider
Mirza "more wicked than every wicked man.

Mirza foretold of an impending earthquake which he said should be a sample

of the one to occur at the Resurrection time. He named it 'Tremor of the
Hour,' that is, Doomsday shake-up. He published many notifications for this
and in one of them he wrote:

"My foretelling of the coming earthquake is no ordinary prediction. If that

turns out to be something ordinary or does not come to pass during my
lifetime then I am not God-sent." (Zamimah Braheen-e-Ahmadiya, Part 5,
pp.92-93; Roohani Khazain Vol.21, p.253).

Result: Mirza's 'Braheen-e-Ahmadiya' Part 5, was published posthumously

on Oct. 15, 1908, about five months after his death. No such earthquake
occurred in his life and therefore his prediction turned out true, word by
word, viz.,

"If the earthquake did not come to pass during my lifetime then I am not

Point of Interest: In those days, when Mirza was issuing out his posters, one
after another, announcing "Doomsday earthquakes was about to come, there
was a gentleman, by name Mulla Muhammad Bux Hanafi, who refuted it
pointblank, saying: "I have come to know through a resplendent disclosure
that no such earthquake will come," and that "Mirza shall face disgrace in
this prediction, as always in the past." On May 11, 1905, Mirza issued
another notification in which he quoted from Mulla Muhammad Bux Hanafi's

"I (Mulla Muhammad Bux Hanafi) firmly announce and proclaim, today, the
6th of May, 1905, and thereby console all those whose hearts may be awe-
stricken or whose spirits are dampened after hearing what the Qadiani has
advertised in Newspapers and his Posters on April 5, 8, 21, 29, 1905, that a
most severe earthquake will occur and which shall be of such a magnitude
and 80 horrible that no year would have ever heard of it nor any eye would
have seen it. The Qadiani (also claiming Hindu godship of) Krishna does
neither inform of its date nor time of its occurrence; nevertheless, insists on
saying that this earthquake will certainly come. Therefore, I fully assure and
wholeheartedly console those simple innocent folks who have been put to
fright by the verbosity and pedantry of the Qadiani in his newspaper writings,
etc. I announce this happy news that this "Qadiani earthquake" will never
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come by Allah's kindness, either in the city of Lahore or elsewhere. It will

never come, will never come, will never come. Therefore, people should
remain perfectly at ease, calm and composed, in every way. This happy news
has been conveyed to me by resplendent Divine Disclosure and Discovery
which shall be absolutely correct, Insha Allah. I reiterate again and again
that having profited from the Divine Iight, manifested to me through
revealed vision and having been permitted to make its announcement, I
hereby proclaim, by beat of drum that the Qadiani will fall into disgrace
again, as ever, in his prediction of this earthquake; and Allah, the Exalted, by
virtue of Muhammad (SAW), the intercessor of sinners, will protect His guilty
creatures under His Cloak of Mercy, from any such impending catastrophe
and not a hair of any individual will come to harm."

Mullah Muhammad Bux Hanafi, Secretary, Anjuman Haami-e-Islam, Lahore.

(Majmua-e-Ishtiharat Mirza Qad Ian I, Yol.3,pp.541-542).

Respected Readers! You see the divination of a genuine Muslim and what
came out from the mouth of a spurious one. Compare what the Musalman
said and what the Kafir said. By virtue of glory of Hazrat Khatam-un-Nabieen
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Allah corroborated the truthfulness of the Muslim
while Mirza Qadiani fell into disgrace by saying: "If that earthquake does not
come to pass during my lifetime then I am not God-sent".

Proved: Mirza, a liar

Prediction No. 7

Mirza Qadiani wrote a letter to Qazi Hussain, Editor of Qul Qul, Bijnore, India
It was published in the Qadiani newspaper, Badr, dated 19th July, 1906. Its
extract is given below:

"My work for which I am standing .n this ground is none other than that I will
shatter the pillar of 'Isa-worship' i.e. Jesus- worship) and will spread
monotheism instead of Tririty and exhibit the eminence and dignity of the
holy Prophet (SAW) to the world. Hence, if even millions of signs may appear
from me but this real work does not come to pass through me, then I am a
liar. Therefore, why is the world hostile to me and why does it not see my
accomplishments? If I succeed in doing that work in Islam's support which
ought to be done by the promised Masih and the promised Mahdi, then I am
truthful and if nothing is achieved and I am dead, then let all be witness that
I am a liar". (Akhbar Badr, Qadian Number, Vol. 29, p.4, dated July 2-19,
1906; Qadiani Mazhab Section 7, No.39)

Mirza's prediction came true. He died and nothing was achieved. The world
saw the finale oi this fake sire. Eighty-five years have passed since his death
and "the pillar of Isa-worship" has not yet crumbled; faith in Trinity has not
yielded to monotheism; and Christianity has seen no impediments; only
Mirza's loquacity has gone bottom-side up! His ravings only helped to spiral a
greater ascendency for the Christians.
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In consequence the world must go on calling Mirza, as he wished to be

called, a liar, a liar, a liar till his Day of Reckoning!



Invocation No.1
In his published notification dated October 27, 1894, Mirza wrote:

"In the end I beseech you, O God Almighty, All-knowing, if these predictions
of mine, that Atham shall be drawn into fatal tortures and that Ahmad Baig's
elder daughter shall ultimately come into Nikah of this humble self, are from
Your side then reveal them in such a manner that it becomes a conclusive
proof for the mankind and shuts the mouth of the inwardly blind envious
people. And O God, if these predictions are not from Thine side then perish
me with disgrace because I failed to attain my objective. Therefore, if in Your
View, I am a driven outcast, accursed charlatan and one-eyed anti-Christ
impostor, as my opponents have thought of me and that Benevolence of
Yours is not with me which was With Your servant Ibrahim, and with Ishaq,
and with Ismail, and with Yaqoob, and with Moosa and with Dawood, and
with Masih bin Mariam, and with Muhammad (SAW) the best of all prophets
and With the eminent saints of the Ummah, then efface me and annihilate
me contemptuously making me a target of never ending imprecations,
curses, and make all my enemies happy and accept their prayers". (Majmua-
e-Ishtiharat: Vol. 2, pp. 11~;- 116).

Result: Despite these heartrending entreaties and self-accursements, Allah

did keep Mirza deprived of Nikah with Muhammadi Begum, Ahmad Baig's
elder daughter, until Mirza breathed his last; nor was Atham drawn into fatal
tortures. This proves that these predictions were not from Allah's side and
therefore Mirza's prayer was accepted that "if these predictions are not from
Your Side then perish me with disgrace." Therefore according to his own
statement, Mirza was "a driven outcast, accursed charlatan and one- eyed
anti-Christ impostor," and "a target of never ending imprecations, and

Invocation No. 2 In his poster, "Aakhri Faisla with Maulvi Sanaullah

Amritsari," Mirza wrote:

"I invoke Allah: O my Master, All-seeing, All-Powerful, Who is also All-

knowing and All-Aware and Who is also conscious of spirityual conditions of
my heart that if this claim of promised Masihship is a false imputation from
me and if i am in your eyes a liar, mischief monger, imputing false attributes
to my own self, as my day and night routine, then, O my dear Master, I pray
ro your Exalted Audience with all possible humility that destroy me in the
lifetime of Maulana Sanaullah and let my death make him happy". (Majmua e
Ishtiharat, vol 3, pp. 578-579)
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Result: Allah accepted this invocation of Mirza also Mirza died in the lifetime
of Maulana Sanaullah, which proved that Mirza was, "a liar, mischief monger,
imputing false attributes", and this was his, "day and night routine".

Invocation No.3

In this very poster Mirza wrote:

"Holding the garment of your sincerity and Mercy, I supplicate in Your Lofty
Audience to bring out the true decision between me and Sansullah and
whosever is really a liar in Your eye, then carry him off from this world in the
lifetime of the one who is t ruthful, or invoke him in such severe affliction as
is like death. O, my dear Master, do in this very. In the end, my request to
Maulana Sahib is that he should print all this writing in his peridical and may
write underneath whatever he wants to write. Now decision rests with Allah".

Result: This invocation of Mirza was also accepted by Allah, the Exalted,
because exactly after one year and ten days, Mirza went into the grave and
Maulana saw him go.

Proved: Mirza was an imposter and arch-liar in the Eyes of Allah> Maulana
lived fourty one years after Mirza.



Who is promised Masih ?
He is Masih Ibn Mariam about whom it has been pledged to the Ummah that
he would come into the world in its last era.

Thus, Mirza Qadiani writes:

"This is not a hidden matter that the prediction for Masih Ibn Mariam coming
again is a prediction of the first grade that has been acknowledged by
everybody, unanimously. Out of all the divinations, recorded in books of
Traditions, this one is proved to be matchless. Among the 'Tawatur Category,
first place is occupied by it. Injii (Gospel) also confirms this". (lzala-e-
A~ham, p.557; Khazain, Vol.3, p.400).

Proof No. 1: Mirza is not the promised Masih

Mirza himself wrote that, "Neither I am the promised Masih, nor Masih Ibn
Mariam; therefore, he who calls me 'Promised Masih', lacks intellect and one
who calls me Masih Ibn Mariam is a knave and a first class liar".

Says Mirza:

"Humble solicitation before learned men of India. O-brethern-in-faith, and

theologians of inviolable religious law: Listen, you people, my submissions
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attentively. The claim of 'Maseel-e-Masih', (Likeness of Masih ) which this

humble self has made, has been misunderstood by some erratic people as
the "Promised Masih". Maseel-e- Mssih claim is not a new claim that you are
listening today from my mouth, but it is the same previous Revelation which
I received from Allah, the Exalted, and which I wrote very specifically at
several places in Braheen Ahmadiya after whose publication more than some
seven years should have elapsed by now. Certainly I have not made this
claim that I am Masih Ibn Mariam. Any person who blames me for this is an
outright liar and a false accuser because continuously for the past seven,
eight years I have been notifying that I am 'Maseel-e-Masih" (Izala-e-Auham,
p.l90: Roohani Khazain, Vol.3,p.192).

Result: The outcome of the above two statements of Mirza is crystal clear,

(a) because the Masih whose coming has been promised is Masih Ibn
Mariam, and
(b) because Mirza has not claimed to be Masih Ibn Mariam;
Therefore, Mirza Qadiani is not the promised Masih. On the contrary
whosoever calls him Masih Ibn Mariam or the promised Masih is an outright
liar and false accuser.

Proof No. 2: Mirza Qadiani did not come in the last era

Hazrat Masih Ibn Mariam, peace be on him, will come in the last era of the
world and will be the revivalist of the last century. Acknowledging this fact,
Mirza quotes a holy Hadith:

"On the head of each century, God will commission a person who will revive
His Deen for the Ummah............... And any variation in the utterance of
Muhammad (SAW) is impossible ... and this, is a unanimous point among
Ahle-Sunnat that the last revivalist of the Ummah shall be the promised
Masih who will appear in the last era. Now the issue that needs to be
ascertained is whether the present time is the last era or not? Both the
Jewish and Christian communities agree that this is the last era. Ask them if
you wish". (Haqiqat ul Wahi, p.l93; Roohani Khazain, Vol.22, pp.200-201).

Respected Readers: Mirza has said here three things: (l) Holy Hadith has it
that at the start of each century a reivivalist will come and that it is
impossible that a century starts and the Revivalist does not come. 2)
Consensus of Ahle Sunnat is that the last revivalist of the last century will be
Hazrat Isa Ibn Mariam, Allah's mercy on him and (3) Agreeing with the Jews
and the Christians, Mirza says that the fourteenth century (AH) is the last era
of the world.

But with the advent of the fifteenth century (AH) the third point of Mirza is
contradicted and is void because as per prophetic revelation, a revivalist
must come in the fifteenth century; and when the sixteenth century starts a
revivalist will again come and so on, till in the last century, the last revivalist
will be Masih Ibn Mariam. This proves that Mirza's claim in the fourteenth
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century that he is the promised Masih is false. Mirza proved to be a liar in his

Proof No. 3: Masih Ibn Mariam shall live for forty years in the world

"It is in the Hadith that Hazrat Masih peace be on him, shall live in the world
fo; forty years". (Ret: Haqiqat-un- Nubuwwah,, p.192 Author: Mirza Mahmud
Ahmad, son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad).

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani in his book Nishan-e-Aasmani, quoted a couplet from

Shah Niamat Ullah Wali and conveniently fitted its contents upon himself:

"Till forty years, O brother mine Era of that Cavalier I see".

"From that day, the Imam (here Mirza calls himself Imam; in the couplet he
calls himself Cavalier) will reveal his self, as one who is divinely inspired. He
will have a life of forty years thereafter. Now let it be clear that this humble
has been commissioned for preaching the truth by special revelation in
fortieth year of his life and has been given a good news that "Thine age is up
to eighty years or thereabout". Therefore, by this revelation, my preaching
commission is proved to last 40 years, out of which full ten Years have
already passed". (Nishan-e-Aasmani, p. 14; Roohani Khazain Vol . 4, p.374).

Respected Readers: Mirza wrote this booklet, Nishan-e-Aasmani, in

June,1892, as is written on its title page. Mirza acknowledged that 10 years
had already passed and 30 more years remained for him to live (to complete
the forty-year Commission of the promised Masih). In other words, Mirza
should have lived up to the year 1922, but Mirza died in 1908. So his claim of
being promised Masih was a lie and his revelation of living for the said forty
years was a hoax.

Proof No. 4: Masih Ibne Mariam, Allah's Mercy on him, shall marry.

Hadith Shareef has it that Masih Ibn Mariam, Allah's mercy on him, shall
marry. (Ret. Mishkat, p.480). Mirza Qadiani while mentioning the above
Hadith in his book, Nishan-e-Aasmani, writes:

"For corroboration of this prediction (Viz., Mirza's illusory, 'heavenly Nikah

With ~uhammadi Begum), the holy Prophet of Allah has also previously
predicted that the promised Masih will take a wife and have children. Now it
is obvious that this mention of Marriage and children normally bears no
signlficance because every one generally marries and has children. There is
no excellence in it. But here marriage means special marriage as a token and
by children is meant


Truth and untruth are two on-going serials of the world. But Allah, Exalted in
Munificence, has bestowed some distinctive factors enabling a man of
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ordinary understanding and common sense to identify one from the other.
Praise to Him.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (India) made a number of claims for himself,
from being a 'Revivalist' to being a 'Prophet'. The falsehood or otherwise of a
claim is easily identifiable through several tokens of cognisance which Allah,
the Exalted, has laid down.

But the easiest pointer, readily available, is Mirza's own writings about which
he himself said that his writings were a touchstone to check upon the
veracity of his claims. I, therefore, invite readers to go through his written
statements and judge for themselves.

Here are presented 22 excerpts from Mirza's writings. You would see in these
that Mirza challenges the world to prove him a liar. He is bold about it. I
expect my brethren to test his metal in a cool unprejudiced manner.

I pray to Allah, the Exalted, to grant us His Favour in identifying truth as

truth and untruth as untruth.


Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani wrote in a letter to Qazi Nazar Hussain, Editor,
Newspaper 'Qul-Qul' Bijnor, (India):
"Those persons who come from Allah's side.... they do achieve essential
intent of their 'sending down and do not die till the purpose of their
commission is not manifested".

"My mission for which I am standing in this field is this very one that 1 (a)
topple the pillar of worship of Isa, (b) spread monotheistic doctrine in place
of Trinity, (c) and display dignity and glory o the holy Prophet (SAW) before
the world".

"Therefore I am a liar if I fail in the manifestation of this essential intent,

notwithstanding millions of tokens coming forth from me

. "Why is the world, therefore, enmical to me? And why does it not see my
end? If I manage to succeed in doing in support of Islam that work which the
promised Masih or the promised Mahdi should have done, then I am truthful.
And if nothing happens by the time I am dead then let everybody be witness
that I am a liar. (Newspaper, 'Badr,' Qadian, Volume 2, page 4, July

How far did Mirza succeed in his mission is recounted in the official
newspaper of Qadianis, Al Fazl,' in its issue dated June 19,1941, on page 5.
It says:
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"Do you know, there are 137 Christian Missions operating in India, i.e., Head
Missions. Number of their branches is many more. More than 1800 'Priests'
are working in the head missions. There are 403 hospitals in which 500
doctors are working There are 43 printing presses and about 100 newspapers
are printed in different languages. They are running 51 Colleges, 617 High
Schools and 61 Training Colleges where 60,000 students study. In the
(Christian) 'Salvation Army' there are 308 European and 2886 Indian priests.
Under it (the 'Army') there are 507 Primary Schools in which 18,675 students
study Eighteen colonies and 11 Dailies are their own. Under different
departments of this Army 3,290 men are nourished. Result of these efforts
and sacrifices is that it is said that 224 persons of different religions are
being daily converted to Christianity. Against this, what are the Musalmans
doing? Perhaps they do not consider this work worth their attention. Ahmadi
Jamaat should think what is the position of their own efforts against such
widespread net of Christian missionaries. We have only two dozen preachers
in the whole of India and the difficult conditions under which they are
working, we know that too".

This is the evidence produced by a Qadiani newspaper, 33 years after Mirza's

death! It shows that Mirza s claim did no damage to Christianity Monotheism
did not flourish at the cost of Trinity. His effort to stop the spread of
Christianity failed.

Thus Mirza's statement: "Therefore I am a liar if I fail in the manifestation of

this essential intent..... And if nothing happens by the time I am dead then
let everybody be witness that I am a liar" is a lie self-proved.

Mirza writes in Zamima Anjam-e-Atham: (Pages 30-35).

"If within seven years, a distinct effect of my efforts does not appear by
Allah's support in service of Islam and, since death of false religions is
essential on the hands of Masih, if this death of false religions does not come
by through me, i.e., if Allah, the Exalted, does not reveal those tokens
through my hands which shall enhance Islam's success, as a result of which
Islam starts to enter from all sides annihilating the void Christian Divinity and
the world catching on a different hue, then, I swear by Allah that I shall
consider myself a liar".

Mirza wrote the above in January, 1897, or thereabout. In other words his
promised seven years' limit closed in 1903. By that year Mirza had to fulfil
his promise to substantiate his truthfulness, failing which he had sworn
himself to be a liar. Now, readers know that nothing of that sort happened
and his promise did not materialise according to the time-scale which he
himself had stipulated. Thus Mirza is a self-proclaimed liar.

It so happened during Ramadhan-ul-Mubarak in the year 1311 Hijri that
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lunar eclipse occurred on the 13th and solar eclipse on the 28th. Both
eclipses chanced to fall during the same month. Mirza announced this
phenomena as a proof of his 'Mahdviat'. He declared that this supernatural
abnormality was a special sign for his sake only and which had never
occurred before during lifetime of any other claimant to Mahdviat, Masihiat or

In Magazine, 'Anwar-ul-Islam' (p. 47) Mirza wrote:

"Since the times that this world was created never did lunar and solar
eclipses get together during the times of any claimant of Prophethood/
Messengership/ Muhaddathiat. If somebody says they have conjoined then
burden of proof lies on him".

"It never happened and certainly never happened from the start of the world
till today that lunar and solar eclipses conjoined in this manner in Ramadhan
and that some claimant to Prophethood, Messengership or Muhaddathiat was
present at that time." (Page 40.)

Mirza's lack of knowledge deserves pity. From the years Hijri 18 to Hijri
1312, lunar and solar eclipses have conjoined sixty times in Ramadhan
alone; during these thirteen centuries there have been not one but dozens of
claimants of Prophethood and Mahdviat. But Allah, the Exalted, willed that
Mirza be proved a liar from his own ignorance.

Therefore Allah, the lExalted, made him write out this challenge:

"If these cruel Maulvis can produce an evidence of this type of conjunction of
eclipses in the times of any claimant, they should come out with it.
Undoubtedly, I shall go down as a liar, by this".

(Appendix, 'Anjam-e-Atham,' page 48).

Here I produce evidence, not one but four.

1) In Hijri 117, lunar and solar eclipses conjoined in month of Ramadhan in

the times of a claimant, by name "Treef' who was living in Aljazair.

2) Again, Hijri 127 saw a conjunction of the eclipses and at that time a
person called Saleh, son of Treef, was claimant of prophethood.

3) A conjunction again occurred in 1267 Hijri in Iran where Mirza Ali

Muhammad Bab was blowing his trumpet of Mahdviat for seven years.

4) The Hijri of 1311 was again the year of conjunction when Mahdi Sudani
was spreading his cult of Mahdviat in Sudan.

More historical proofs are available in respect of such phenomenal

conjunctions in the lifetime of many claimants of prophethood and Mahdviat.
For details refer to the following books:
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1) 'Doosri Shadadat-e-Aasmani' by Maulana Abu Ahmad.

2) 'Aimma-e-Talbis' & Raees-e-Qadian ' by Maulana Abul Qasim Dilawari.

But the above four evidences are sufficient to prove Mirzas lies.

Mirza wrote in 'Izala-e-Auham ': (p. 190, 1st edition; p. 79, 5th edition.)

"O Brethren of Deen and theologians of inviolable Law! Listen, you people to
my submissions intently; that the claim of the promised similar, which this
humble has made, has been taken as the promised Masih by unwitted
folks.... I have not certainly made this claim that I am Masih, son of Mariam.
The person putting this blame on me is a downright slanderer and a liar".

The above clarifies the position. Mirza admits he was NOT the promised
Masih and he confirms that those who consider him so, are 'unwitted folks,
downright slanderers and liars'.

Mirza wrote in Tuhfatun Nadwah: (Page 5).

(1) "If I don't have knowledge of hidden things, then I am a liar;

(2) "If death of Ibn-e-Mariam is not testified by Quran, then I am a liar;

(3) "If Hadith-Mairaj did not make Ibn-e-Mariam sit among the dead souls,
then I am a liar;

(4) "If Quran did not declare in Sura 'Noor' that caliphs of this Ummat shall
be from this very Ummat, then I am a liar;

(5) "If Quran did not give me the name of Ibn-e- Mariam, then I am a liar".

Each and every claim above is wrong. Lies stand proved.

Mirza wrote in Tuhfatun Nadwah (Page 4): "Allah, the Exalted, in His Holy
Book says:.. ....That is, if this (person) will be telling lies he will be destroyed
while you will be seeing him. His falsehood shall kill him. But if he is truthful
then some of you shall become a target of his predictions and will depart
from this mortal place while he will be seeing them. Now, test me on this
basis which is in God's words and evaluate my claims".

We are ready to evaluate Mirza's claim on the basis set by him and draw
these conclusions:
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l) Mirza engaged himself against Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi in an

imprecation of Mubahala. Right in front of his adversary's eyes Mirza met his
doom. His falsehood killed him.

2) During a tete-a-tete with another opponent, by name Maulana Sanaullah,

Mirza indulging in curses, implored Allah to take away first the life of
whosoever was a liar. And lo! Mirza died first while Maulana Sanaullah lived
on to see him dead

3) Mirza's rival-in-love was Sultan Muhammad Sahib. In burning jealously

Mirza died of Cholera while Sultan Muhammad lived on after Mirzas death.

4) Another opponent was Doctor Abdul Hakeem Khan. Mirza told him of the
drawn sword of the Angel of Death hovering over his head and cursed him:

"O my Provider! decide between the Liar and theTruthful !"

'Liar and the Truthful!' And lo! Mirza died before Doctor Sahib's very eyes as
a veritable liar!

The evidences of these four eye-witnesses amply testify Mirza's falsehood in

accordance with the standards which he himself set forth.

On July 10, 1888, Mirza came forward to notify his "revelational foretelling",
as follows:

"That Absolute Omnipotent has told me:"

"Start negotiations for the elder daughter (Mu- hammadi Begum) of that
person (Ahmad Baig). In case of declination from Nikah, the end of that girl
will be extremely bad and if she will be married to another person he, within
two and a half years from and similarly father of that daughter within three
years, will die".

"Then in those days. attention was applied again and again for further
clarification and details. It came to be known that God Almighty determined
that He will bring the elder daughter (Muhammadi Begum) of that person
(i.e. Ahmad Baig) into Nikah of this humble self after removal of each

"Be it clear to the evil-minded that in order to judge our truthfulness or

falsehood there can be no greater touchstone of test than our predictions".
(Majmua'i-e-Ishtharat Vol. I, pp. 157-159).

This touchstone, which Mirza settled for himself to ascertain his truthfulness,
has come very handy.
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On April 7, 1892, Ahmad Baig married his daughter, Muhammadi Begum, to

one of his relatives namely Sultan Muhammad, resident of village Patti
District Lahore.

Now, in accordance with Mirza's divine revelation:

(1) Muhammadi Begum ought to have been widowed by Oct. 6, 1894, but
Allah, the Exalted, kept her safe from Mirza's evil eye and the couple lived
happily together for no less than 57 years, i.e., 16 years in the lifetime of
Mirza and 41 years after his death. From 1949 till 1966, Muhammadi Begum
lived as a widow. In this way, she escaped the clutches of Mirza's 'divine
revelation', 41 years earlier.

(2) Sultan Muhammad should have died six months earlier than his father-in-
law but by Allah's grace he lived for 57 years after him.

(3) Ahmad Baig should have died after the death of his son-in-law and ought
to have witnessed his daughter's widowhood and destitution but he departed
earlier from the world, leaving his daughter and son-in-law happy in their

(4) Each and every hindrance for Nikah between Mirza and the lady was
destined to be removed by God, as per Mirza's 'repeated attentions to the
Absolute Omnipotent' for bringing her into Nikah of that 'humble self. YET
sorry! The Absolute Omnipotent did not help Mirza one bit, although he
pursued the matter relentlessly. Poor Mirza failed miserably. The 'angel of
death' wielded 'sword' over Mirza and he expired on May 26, 1908. Alas! he
departed, burying pangs of love in his heart into his grave, coupled with
heart-burnings of jilt.

(5) According to Mirza's own words those who do not put his predictions on
the touchstone of test for falsehood are 'the evil-minded'.

On the occasion of Nikah announcement of Muhammadi Begum, on July 10,
1888, Mirza prefaced the following two-verse piece on top of his

Allah's Divine Power will strangely showitself up;

When the end result of my predictions will be visible.
Distinction between truth and falsehood is to appear;

Someone will get honour and some, disgrace.

(Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 1, p. 153).


Result of predictions was seen on 26th May, 1908, in Mirza's death. Allah's
Divine Power showed itself up on that day. Despite his twenty years'
continuous efforts along with his 'revelation' hoaxes, Mirza was deprived of
Muhammadi Begum. In this way, truth and falsehood became distinct in the
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wake of which the lady was honoured and Mirza disgraced. Who was a liar?
Mirza made several predictions in the case of Muhammadi Begum. Her
parents, ignoring all these predictions, settled her Nikah elsewhere. Mirza
was consumed with lover's cast-off jealousy. Not controlling himself, he
blurted forth a letter to her paternal uncle, Mirza Ali Sher Baig, who was
Mirza's brother-in-law as well. He wrote:

"Now, I have heard that the girl's Nikah is going to be solemnised on the 2nd
or the 3rd Eid ..... Participants in this Nikah are my great enemies. Nay, they
are great enemies of Islam. They want Christians to laugh at us and Hindus
to make merry but they don't care a bit for the Deen of Allah and the

"From their side, they are strongly determined to disgrace me and blacken
my face. They are about to strike me with a sword. Now, to save me is the
work of Allah, the Exalted. If I am His, He will surely save me. They want me
to be dishonoured and to have my face blackened. God is Absolute. He may
blacken the face of whomsoever He likes but, now, they want to push me
into fire".

Ah! The restlessness of Mirza for Muhammadi Begum and the coldness of her
relatives. Woe betide! Enemies of Allah, enemies of the Prophet, enemies of
Deen and enemies of Mirza are cutting into Mirza's core with the dagger of
Nikah and turning him into a laughing stock of insult for the world.

Alas Mirza! Aglow with lover's fire! Allah's help, none!

Mirza bemoans in writhing agony:

"If I am His, He will surely save me".

Yes if he were His; otherwise, No. A straw from Allah for Mirza!

When Sultan Muhammad, Mirza's rival for Muhammadi Begum's hand, did
not die within the period fixed by Mirza, he extended the duration of Sultam

"Well, if not in two and a half years, certainly in my lifetime he will die. I
declare that his living or not living is the test of my truthfulness or

He wrote in Persian:
(Translation) "But I have not told you that this matter has come to a close at
this state and that the end result is what has appeared or that the fact of
prediction has finished at that. The real premise stands on its own. Nobody,
by any of his tricks, can evade it. This is fated from Great Allah as inentable
destiny (i.e. the predicted death of Sultan Muhammuld whereby Mirza could
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consummate his longing for Sultan's wife) and shortly the time of its
oocurrence will come. I swear by that Allah Who raised Hazrat Muhammad
Mustafa (SAW) for us to make him His best creation that this prediction is
true and will soon be visible. I make it a proposition for testing my
truthfulness or my falsehood. And I have not said it on my own but that my
Provider Himself has informed me of it". (Anjam-e-Atham, p.223).

Mirza declared Sultan Muhammad's imminent death as a proposition to test

his truthfulness or falsehood, i.e., if Sultan Muhammad died in Mirza's
lifetime then Mirza was true otherwise he was a liar.

What a pity that Mirza was a liar because he died in 1908 and Sultan
Muhammad died in 1949.

Mirza wrote in case of Sultan Muhammad:

"Remember, if the second part of this prediction does not come true (i.e.,
son-in-law of Ahmad Baig does not die in Mirza's lifetime) then I shall be
more wicked than every wicked man. O idiots! this is not a human's
pretension. This is no business of any depraved impostor. Consider this
definitely to be God's true promise, the same God Almighty Whose words
never evade; the same Glorious Provider Whose intentions nobody can stop!"
(Append ix, 'Anjam-e-Atham' p54)

Because Sultan Muhammad did not die in Mirza's lifetime, the
undermentioned conclusions are drawn:

1) Mirza admits himself to be 'more wicked than every wicked man'.

2) His prediction was 'Pretension'.

3) His prediction was 'Business of any depraved impostor'.

4) If his claim was 'God's true promise' it could not possibly 'evade' because
who 'can stop intentions of the 'Glorious Provider'?

5) A person who does not understand this simple thing, Mirza gives him the
title of 'idiot'.

"I say again and again that quintessence of my prediction in case of the son-
in-law of Ahmad Baig shall be his inevitable destiny. Wait for it. If I am a liar
then this prediction will not be fulfilled and my death will come and if I am
truthful then God Almighty will certainly fulfil it' . (Marginal note p-31,

How shameful! Ahmad Baig's son-in-law did not die during Mirza's lifetime.
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Thus Mirza had said correctly: "If I am a liar then this prediction will not be
fulfilled, and my death will come.'

Mirza, in support of his 'heavenly' Nikah, had reasoned out from a Prophetic
Hadith, (as written by him in 'Anjam-e-Atham ,' p-53 Annex):

"For corroboration of this prediction, the holy Prophet of Allah (SAW) has also
previously predicted: the promised Masih will take a wife and have children.
Now it is obvious that this mention of marriage and children normally bears
no signi- ficance because every one generally marries and has children.
There is no excellence in it. But here marriage means special marnage as a
token and by children is meant special children for which the prediction of
this humble self is there. It looks as if the Prophet of Allah (SAW) is
answering here the doubts of those black-hearted unbelievers that these
sayings will certainly be fulfilled".

Allah, the Exalted, kept Mirza deprived-of that 'special marriage' and from
those 'special children', proving that Mirza's claim of'Promised Masihship was
false and that the prophetic prediction did not fit upon him. The holy sajing
was with regard to Hazrat Isa (peace be on him) that he would marry and
would have children on his second appearance on earth Mirza has himself
written about those persons who disbelieve his appearance: ~The Prophet of
Allah (SAW) is answering here the doubts of those black-hearted unbelievers
that these sayings will certainly be fulfilled.

For fifteen days, Mirza carried on arguments with a Christian Priest, named
Abdulla Aatham. Having failed to give him a defeat he announced his
revelation on 5th June 1893 that within fifteen months his adversary would
be thrown into ~haaviya' (the hell) unless he returned to the truth. Mirza
wrote in this case:

"I admit right this time that if this prediction goes false, that is, if within
fifteen months from this date, the party who is on falsehood in view of Allah,
does not fall into 'Haaviya' as death punishment then I am prepared to
undergo every type of punishment: disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a
rope around my neck or hang me on the gallows. I am ready for all. I swear
by the Greatness of Allah's Glory that He will certainly do the same, will
certainly do the same, will certainly do the same. Earth and sky my deviate
but not His Ordainment. If-I am a liar, keep the gallows ready for me and
consider me the most accursed of- all the accursed persons, evil-doers and
Satans". (Jung-e-Muqaddas, p-189)

Mirza's prediction expired on 5th September, 1894 but Atham neither
renounced Christianity nor accepted Islam nor he fell into "Haaviya" in death
punishment. Nothing of the sort happened and everything sailed smooth.
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Mirza went to the extent of invoking charms over Atham, throwing over him
spells and witchcraft (ret: 'Seerat-ul-A~ahdi' p-188, Vol. 1) but nothing

On the last day, when this prediction was ending, i.e., 5th September he
implored Allah, cried out and lamented: Ya Allah! Atham may die, Atham
may die, Ya Allah! Atham may die" (ret. Newspaper Al- Fazl, dated 20th July
1940). But Atham lived on. Magic, charms, witchcraft and spells did him no
damage. Allah rejected Mirza's implorations, lamentations and curses. Atham
grew all the more prosperous!

On the other hand, Mirza had proposed his own punishment as a liar:
"Disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a rope around my neck or hang me on
the gallows.. keep the gallows ready for me, think of me as the most
accursed of all the accursed persons, evil-doers and Satans". Consequently,
how did the opposing party carry out this instruction of Mirza Saheb? It can
be guessed by the dirty announcements which were published on the expiry
of the fixed time. What his adversaries did? They heaped on Mirza such filthy
abusive epithets that it shall be indecent to print them here. But a couplet,
which became popular on public tongues may be reproduced here:


Shameless perverse are also in this world, But you. shame-proof, have
surpassed all!

This was an echo to Mirza's own acknowledgment: "Most accursed of all the
accursed, evil doers and Satans.' Really he was so, otherwise how Allah
would have failed him before a 'Kafir' Christian?

Mirza wrote in Shahadat-ul-Quran: (p-80).

"In addition to this, there are similar other magnificent tokens of this humble
self on the test list: There is my prediction in respect of Munshi Abdulla
Atham Sahib Amritsari, the term of which is fifteen months beginning from
5th June, (1893). My other prediction is in respect of the son-in-law of Mirza
Ahmad Baig, resident of Patti, District Lahore, term of which has eleven
months more from today the 21st September, 1893. All these matters which
are totally beyond human power are sufficient to identify the true from the

This is exactly the modus-operandi in which a liar is distinguishable from a
truthful person, that is, if these predictions are fulfilled as per duration of
their terms then the teller of the predictions will be considered truthful. As
the predictions failed, therefore Mirza is identified as a proven liar. No other
argument is necessary to prove Mirza's lies.
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Mirza announced: "In the end, I beseech You, O God! Almighty All- Knowing,
if these predictions are not from You that Atham will be caught in fatal
tortures and Ahmad Baig's elder daughter coming ultimately into Nikah of
this humble self then destroy me with disgrace and disappointment. Efface
me, perish me with insults, make me permanent target of accursed
imprecations, please my enemies, accept their prayers if, in Your estimate, I
am a driven outcast, accursed charlatan and one-eyed anti-Christ impostor
('DaJjal') as my opponents have understood me, and if that Benevolence of
Yours is not with me which was with...... " (so and so saints and prophets:
here Mirza has named many saints and prophets). (Ishtihar dated Oct. 27,
1894, reproduced from Majmu'a Ishtiharat p-116,Vol. 2).

Despite these heart-rending entreaties and self-accursements, Allah did keep
Mirza deprived of Nikah with Muhammadi Begum until he breathed his last.
From this it appears that Mirza, according to his own statements, was 'a
driven outcast, accursed charlatan and one-eyed anti-Christ impostor
('Dajjal') as his opponents have understood him'.

Alas! As a result of this self-cursing he perished in disgrace and

disappointment, became a permanent target of accursed imprecations, his
enemies became happy and their prayers were accepted by Allah.

Mirza in his communication to Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari wrote:

"ln your paper, you build up this reputation for me that this person imputes
falsely, is a liar and is one-eyed anti-Christ impostor ('Dajjal'). I have borne a
lot of tortures from you but endured them patiently........ if I am really a liar,
an impostor and a charlatan, as you lemember me in your paper then I will
perish in your lifetime". (Advertisement, Moului Sanaullah Saheb se Aakhri
Faislah, Ref Majmua-e-lshtiharat, Vol. 3, p. 578.)

Mirza died on 26th May, 1908, in the lifetime of Maulana Mirza's words are
proved: If I am really a liar, an impostor and a charlatan, as you remember
me in your paper then I will perish in your lifetime. Mirza was a 'truthful' liar,
therefore died earlier.

In the same advertisement addressed to Maulana Sanaullah Amritsan, Mirza

If that punishment which is not in the hands of a human being but only in
God's Hands, such as plague, cholera, etc., and similar fatal diseases and if
the same do not descend upon you in my lifetime then I am not god-sent".
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Allah, the Exalted, kept Maulana safe from every amiction in Mirza's lifetime
and fulfilled this proposal of Mirza:. "Then I am not God-sent."

Mirza implores Allah in the above-quoted Aakhri Faislah.

"O God! If this claim of the 'promised Masih' is only a false imputation from
the 'self in me and in Your eyes I am a mischievous liar, then O my dear
Master! Humbly I implore in Your Audience to put me to death in Maulana
Sanaullah's life-time. Aameen".

This prayer of Mirza came to be accepted; Mirza died while Maulana
Sanaullah lived on. Proved: Mirza was a mischievous liar in the eyes of Allah
the Exalted. Further proved: Mirza's claim of being 'promised Masih' was
false imputation of his 'self and that Maulana Sanaullah was righteous.

Would that Mirza had implored Allah for his guidance instead of his death!
Perhaps that would also have been accepted.

Mirza further wrote:

"O my Omnipotent! O Who has sent me down! Holding the garment of Your
Sanctity and Mercy only, I beg in Your audience to honour us with a true
decision between Maulana Sanaullah and myself. And he who in Your eyes is
really a mischievous liar, lift him from the world in the very lifetime of
whosoever is truthful. O Master! do it this Way. Aameen".

This request of Mirza was also accepted. Maulana Sanaullah was truthful
hence Mirza, struck by cholera, was lifted from the world in Maulana
Sanaullah's lifetime. Mirza got from Allah what he asked from his mouth.
Proved: Mirza was a mischievous liar.

Mirza wrote in Zamima Anjam-e-Atham pp.20- 21.

"Shaikh Muhammad Hussain Batalvi and other notable opponents may hold a
Mubahala with me. After the Mubahala even if one person could save himself
from my imprecations then I will admit I am a liar".

Under this arrangement, Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi held a Mubahala with
Mirza. Result was that Mirza died in the lifetime of Maulana Sahib. Thus
Mirza's covenant is corroborated: "I am a liar".

Mirza's writings show that he was a patient of 'Hyster-malaise.' He said so in
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conversations also. Doctors confirmed it. Others also said about it. Proofs are
given below:

1) "You behold! Hazrat (SAW) had foretold about my illness also which has
come to pass likewise: He had said that when Masih will descend from the
sky he will be wearing two saffron-coloured sheets of cloth. Therefore, same
way, I have two diseases, one in the upper part of the body, viz.,
Hysteromania, and the other, excessive urination, in the lower part".
(Malfoozat-e-Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 8, p. 445).

2) "My condition is such that, despite my constant involvement in two

diseases, I remain preoccupied with work that I carry on very late having
closed doors of the house at night. Although the disease of Hyster-malaise
increases as a result, and my head feels more dizzy due to wakefulness yet I
don't care and continue with my work". (Ibid. Vol. 2, p. 376)

3) "Hazrat Khalifat-ul-Masih-ul-Awwal said to hazrat promised Masih: "Your

Honour! Ghulam Nabi suffers from Melancholia." The honourable was pleased
to reply: "In a way, all the prophets suffered from Melancholia and I also
suffer from the same". (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, p-304, V. 3).

4) "Doctor Mir Muhammad Ismail Sahib told me that he had heard many
times from hazrat sahib, the promised Masih, that he suffered from Hysteria
and also mentioned Melancholia. But the truth is that signs of nervous
disorders developed in him only as a result of his diligent mental work and
day and night preoccupations with literary compositions. These are often
seen in patients of Hysteria (and Melancholia) also." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Vol. 2,
p. 55).

5) "This disease, having occurred once in the family, was bound to penetrate
into the next off- spring. Therefore hazrat Khilafat-ul-Masih Thani, Mian
Mahmud Ahmad Sahib told me that occasionally, he also got an attack of
Hyster- Malaise". (From: Article written by Doctor Shah Nawaz Sahib
Qadiani, reproduced in Magazine 'Review Of Religions,' Qadian, August, 1926
p. 11).

6) "The cause of all his troubles such as vertigo, headache, sleeplessness,

heart cramps, indigestion, diarrhoea, excessive urination and hystermalaise
was only one and that was his weakness of nerves". (From the magazine:
'Review Qadian, May 1927, p. 26).

7) "Some patient of Melancholia think: "I am king"; Some think "I am God",
some think "I am Prophet." (From Bayaz-Noor-ud-Din p. 212, Vol. 10).

We have sufficed here to give only seven opinions and findings from all those
who are Qadianis and it is possible to give more opinions as well but for the-
sake of brevity we stop. However, it is confirmed without any doubt that
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was Hyster-maniac.
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It shall be worthwhile to give medical opinion of experts of Medicine on this

disease of Melancholia-- Hyster-Malaise. It will be noted that Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad suffered from them all.

(a) From: 'Qanoon', Part One, Book three, Author Shaikh-ur-Raees. Boo Ali
"Melancholia is that malady in which worries and anxieties take the form of
imagined horrors and dreads as opposed to the normal. Its cause is
atrabilious temperament which takes away the entire essence of brain,
leaving the patient effectually distracted. Or the other cause of this malady is
extreme heating-up of the liver called Hyster-malaise. What happens is that
excrements of victuals and intestinal disorders through vapours collect in the
liver and humours of the hody burn up and take the form of mania. Then
black fumes arise from these parts and go towards the head. It is this
condition which is called melancholic- flatulence, melancholic-fumigation or
melancholic- hystermalaise".

(b) From: ' Sharah-ul Asbab wal Alamat-Amraz, Malikhoiia'. Author: Allama
Burhan ud I}in Nafees.
"When thoughts and ideas change from the normal path into fears and
disorders it is called Melancholia.. With some patient this disturbance reaches
to such limits that he starts to consider himself a Diviner, with a knowledge
of hidden things. He informs in advance of what is going to happen later..
this disease increases in some patient so much so that he thinks himself to
have been transformed into an angel."

(c) From: Same Author above:

"There is a branch of Melancholia, called Hystermania. This is caused by
strong black bile that accumulates in the digestive tract. From that part of
the body in which this matter accumulates rise black vapours that envelop
brain. Its symptoms are: belching out bitter fumes, finding food tasteless,
deliciousness of eatables reduced, worsening of digestion, belly infla- tion,
stool liquefaction and rising of smoke-like fumes. "

(d) From: 'Makhzan-e-Hikmat' Second Edition Author Sh~msul Atibba, Hakim

Doctor Ghulam Jilani.
"Previous theory was that this disease manifested itself into disorders, arising
from animal faculty or from those vital principles of amiability that originate
from liver or digestive tract. But later researches indicate that this disease
takes from nerves.. in the menfolk nervous internal system produces weak-
nesses of brain and is called Hyster-malaise.

"Symptoms of this disease are: patient's letharginess and his anxiousness.

He develops feelings of egotism, conceit and self-estimation. He is apt to
exaggerate in his conversations, feels little appetite and suffers from

(e) F om: 'Ikseer-e-Azam,' Volume one, p. 189 Author Hakim Muhammad

Azam Khan.
Who Are Qadyani www.nazmay.com Page 137 of 138

Symptoms of this disease are: digestive disorders, bitter vaporous belches,

constant mouth watering, belly flatulence, bowels grumbling, stomach
inflated and heated, false appetite vapours rising towards palate in fumes..
Sometimes upper part of the body shivers and shakes, knock-down in severe
attack, fainting and swooning..... sudden forgetfulness, drooping eye-lids,
suffocation while swallowing, sudden lightning-like sparkle flashing in front of
the eyes .......

(f) From: Same Author above:

"Patient, if a religious scholar, lays claim to miracles, to prophet hood and to
supernatural powers. He talks of Divinity and preaches to men."

All the symptoms laid down by the experts of Medicine were present in Mirza
to the utmost extent. Very true, he was a patient of Melancholic Hyster-

There can be no better statement than the categorical pronouncement of no

less a person than the so-called 'Khalifat ul Masih Thani, Mian Mahmud
Ahmad himself, in which he said that the disease of Hysteria was present in
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad: "Men also have this disease and those who suffer from
this are called Hyster-Maniacs." (From Friday Sermon, by Mian Mahmud
Ahmad, Khalifa Qadian, reproduced in Newspaper, 'Al-Fazl' Qadian Vol.10,
dated April 30, 1923).

Mirza laid claims, very intensely, right from prophethood to Godhood. He

called himself superior to all revered prophets and claimed to have
performed one million miracles. He also claimed to be the King of the Aryans!
He invited people to adopt his religion and those who rejected him he called
them atheists, 'Kafirs' and Hellish folks. He found faults with all the Prophets,
(peace upon them all) called respectful Companions of Our Prophet (SAW)
(Allah be pleased with them all), as silly fools, and abused the saints of the
entire Ummat. He called Quranic commentators erring folks. He reproached
narrators of the Traditions and categorised Ulemas of the Ummat with Jews.
He dubbed the whole Ummat as "gone astray from lhe path" and passed
obscene remarks against learned men and pious persons.

Can a godly person or a religious revivalist stoop so low?

Certainly, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a maniac of Melancholic-Hyster-malaise.


With utmost sincerity of heart, I make this submission to you.
(1) It is possible that contents of this article have displeased you at places
but my part is actually this much that I have quoted from Mirza's own
writings. Making those a basis, I have evaluated facts. If you don't agree
with my evaluation then I leave it to ye u to judge for yourselves his truth or
falsehood on the touchstone of his writings.
Who Are Qadyani www.nazmay.com Page 138 of 138

(2) I tell you that all our revered prophets were most dignified souls. What to
speak of them, even respectable saints and pious elders of our Ummat never
tied challenges of truth/untruth. Their call to righteousness was direct. Here
we find Mirza stipulating horrible bids for his veracity again and again. No
sooner did he lose the wager, he tied another. Can such a gamble ever be a
modus- operandi of chosen souls of Allah's faithful creatures? This point
alone should suffice to guide anyone to truth provided Allah has bestowed
him with judgement and insight.

(3) Have you noticed that whereas Mirza risked his entire career over these
gambles, Allah the Exalted, on the other hand, if I may say so, vowed to let
Mirza never succeed in saying a thing, conditional on his truth. Anything
Mirza would say, Allah would bring it to naught.

For example, Mirza swore:

'Sultan Muhammad will die';

'Abdulla Atham will die';

'Sanaullah will die';

'Abdul Haq Ghaznavi will die';

and so on and so forth, "else call me a liar." Against this was the fated
Ordainment that the more he would resort to swearings the more impossible
they would become.

Indeed, it was a limit on the part of Mirza that when predicting about the
death of an unholy Christian, he acknowledged himself to be 'the greatest
accursed man on the earth' if that did not happen. And true enough, it did
not happen. Allah, the Exalted, lefused Mirza's plea against a defiled
'Worshipper of Cross.' Is 'here any instance to compare with it?' For Allah's
sake. yonder over it.

(4) Last and not the least O Brethrell-in-humanity! Think over this situation:

If on the Day of Judgement, Allah the Exalted, puts this Question to Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad why did you mislead people by claiming to be a prophet after
Hazrat 'Khatam-Un-Nabieen (SAW)?

And in reply? if Mirza submits: "Ya Allah! I was a patient of Melancholic-

Hyster-malaise. I told my people that I was a 'Miraqi' and even wrote it so in
my books. Doctors said I was a maniac of Hysteria. Pray ask these 'sages'
(the Qadianis) why did they follow nonsensical eruptions of a diseased
'Miraqi' maniac and accepted me as their Prophet and Masih".

Then? my Brethren-in-humanity, what will you say in reply to Allah?

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