Linking Words
Linking Words
Linking Words
Subordinators are linking words that are used to join clauses together. They are used at
the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. A clause is a group of words that must contain
a subject and predicate. There are two types of clauses:
Common subordinators
Sentence connectors
Sentence connectors are used to link ideas from one sentence to the next and to give paragraphs
coherence. Sentence connectors perform different functions and are placed at the beginning of a
sentence. They are used to introduce, order, contrast, sequence ideas, theory, data etc. The following
table lists useful connectors.
Contrast Result
However As a result
On the other hand As a consequence
On the contrary Therefore
By (in) comparison Thus
In contrast Consequently
Comparison Reason
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
first(ly), second(ly), etc.
in the first (second, third) place.
first(ly), second(ly), third(ly),
the primary (secondary, third)
one (another, a final) reason.
Sequencing in time
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
Sequencing in place
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
where, wherever there, at this (or that) point, here at this (or that) point
Showing contrast
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
yet however, even so, nevertheless any of the between sentence links
instead, on the contrary, rather,
yet, by contrast, otherwise, on
but any of the between sentence links
the other hand, alternatively, at
any rate, in any case
Showing similarity
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
Showing conditionality
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
granted, that being so, in that granted, in the above case, under
if...then, provided that, unless
case, under the circumstances these circumstances
Resisting conditionality
Within a sentence From one sentence to the next From one paragraph to the next
(al)though, even though, whether still, despite this, in spite of still, despite this, in spite of this