Simple Free-Energy Information
Simple Free-Energy Information
Simple Free-Energy Information
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The main information on this page has been gathered together into a single pdf
document which you can download using this link Simple FE book (En español, Auf
Deutsch). Alternatively, you can pick individual chapters as you wish. As web sites
disappear very suddenly, I suggest that you store anything which you download on
your local drive. There is a video channel here.
Free energy devices have been around for a very long time now. I have stood beside
a water mill and it’s power is scary as it could crush you in moments and never even
notice. That mill is on a quietly flowing small river and it can operate at any time day
or night without anyone having to pay anything for the power which it uses. It will
have cost quite a bit to build the mill in the first place, but after that, it produces major
power day and night, day in day out, year in year out. Most free-energy devices are
just like that as it costs something to build them in the first place, but after that they
run for free.
This presentation is mainly for people who have never come across free-energy and
know nothing about it. So, each chapter deals with just one device and tries to
explain it clearly.
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