General Specs and Steel and Aluminium Works
General Specs and Steel and Aluminium Works
General Specs and Steel and Aluminium Works
Note: - The work shall in general conform to the specifications for Civil,
Electrical and all other works with up to date CPWD correction slips for all
sub heads of work as applicable, and, Technical Specifications included in the
tender documents, wherever applicable. Wherever any aspect of design /
construction / material standards is not covered under the above mentioned
specification, relevant standards shall be referred to in the order of precedence
which shall be as follows. In the case of discrepancy between the Schedule of
Quantities, the Specifications and /or the Drawings, the following order of
preference shall be observed –
a. Description of Schedule of Quantities
b. Particular specification and Specific Condition, if any.
c. Drawings
d. CPWD / PWD Specifications
e. Indian Standard Specifications of B.I.S/ IRC/ BS/ ASTM/ DIN/
1. Materials shall be of the best –approved quality obtainable and they shall
comply with the respective Indian standard specifications.
2. Approval shall be taken for all the sample material before placing bulk
orders of the material.
3. Materials shall be tested in any approved testing laboratory and the test
certificate in original shall be submitted to the Architects.
4. All materials supplied shall be properly stored and the Contractor shall be
responsible for its safe custody until they are required on the works and till
completion of work.
5. All equipment and facilities for carrying out the field test on materials shall
be provided by the Contractors without any extra cost.
1. CEMENT: Cement shall be stored in weatherproof shade with raised
wooden plank flooring to prevent deterioration by dampness or intrusion of
foreign matter. It shall be stored in such a way as to allow the removal and
use of cement in chronological order or receipt i.e. first received being first
used. Cement deteriorated and /or c lotted shall not be used on work but
shall be removed at once from the site.
2. LIME: Lime shall comply in every respect with the requirements of IS
code and shall be made from approved limestone or Kankar and properly
burnt. It shall be free from excess of unburnt Kankar or lime stone ashes or
other extraneous materials and shall be stored in weatherproof sheds.
3. BRICKS: Bricks shall generally comply with IS Code. Depending upon
the quality of bricks they shall be classified as 1st and 2nd class. Size of the
bricks to be used shall be 250 mm X 125 mm X75 mm or 230 mm X 115
mm X 65 mm. with tolerance as per I.S. Code., Water Absorption max.
20% by weight, Compressive strength shall be 75 to 90 kg /cm2. The bricks
shall be of the best quality available in the locality and shall be approved by
the Architect.
4. AGGREGATE: Sand used shall be of the best available quality and shall
be free from any impurities, clay, loam etc. The sand shall pass through the
sieve or remain in the sieve according to the conditions provided in the IS
Codes for the Fine aggregate and Coarse aggregate respectively. Approval
shall be taken from the Architect in the case of any changes.
5. NEERU: Shall be made of good quality lime and shall be slaked with fresh
water and then sifted and reduced to a thick paste by grinding in a mill.
Neeru thus prepared shall be kept moist until used and no more than that
can be consumed in 15 days shall be prepared at a time.
6. GLAZING: Glass used for Glazing shall be the glass of best approved
quality free from flaws, specks, bubbles and shall be 5.0 mm. thick unless
otherwise specified.
7. PAINT: Lime for lime wash, dry distemper, oil bound distemper, cement
primer, oil paint enamel paint, flat oil paint, plastic emulsion paint, anti-
corrosive primer, red lead, waterproof cement paint shall be from an
approved manufacturer and shall conform to the latest Indian Standard for
various paints. Ready mixed paints as received from the manufacturer
without any admixture shall be used except for addition of thinner, if
recommended by the manufacturer.
1. All steel grills shall be according to the Architect’s detailed drawings and
obtained from approved suppliers.
2. In case of grills an approved quality priming coat of zinc chromate shall be
applied over and above a shop coat of primer. Nothing extra shall be
payable for providing shop coat primer, but the zinc chromate primer will
be paid for separately
3. All welded steel works shall be tested for the quality of weld as in IS codes
before actual erection.
4. Steel reinforcement: Reinforcement shall be accurately fabricated, placed
and adequately maintained in position as shown on drawings or as directed
by the Architects. All finished bars shall be free from cracks, surface flaws,
laminations, jagged and imperfect edges.
5. A priming coat of anticorrosive paint shall be applied on the steel wherever
used after cleaning the surface.
6. Steel windows and door shall be fabricated out of steel sections conforming
to IS Codes. Unless otherwise specified the details of construction etc.
Shall be as described under specification.
1. Scope: The scope of the work is the fabrication, supply and erection at site
of all types of glazed doors, windows and ventilators in accordance with the
drawings and specifications.
2. The supply and erection will include all parts such as frames, tracks,
guides, mullions, styles, rails, couplers, transoms, rails, plates glazing bars,
glass, hinges, arrangement, spring catches, cord and pulley arrangements,
spring catches, cord and pulley arrangements door closers floor springs etc.,
required for the whole work.
3. The doors, windows, ventilators, will be fabricated to suit the finished clear
openings in the building/structure.
4. Materials:
a. The members will be made out of aluminum alloy corresponding to
respective IS Code and will consist of extruded sections as in the
drawings/ described in accordance with the relevant IS codes. The
members shall be chosen to provide strength/ stability and maximum
resistance to wear and tear.
b. Aluminium sections used for fixed/openable windows, ventilators,
partitions, frame work & doors etc. shall be suitable for use to meet
architectural designs to relevant works and shall be subject to
approval of the Engineer-in- Charge for technical, structural,
functional and visual considerations. The aluminium extruded
sections shall conform to IS 733 and IS 1285 for chemical
composition and mechanical properties. The stainless-steel screws
shall be of grade AISI 304.
c. The permissible dimensional tolerances of the extruded sections shall
be as per IS 6477 and shall be such as not to impair the proper and
smooth functioning/operation and appearance of doors and windows.
d. Anodizing: The anodizing is required to be done before the
fabrication work by anodizing/electro coating plants which ensures
uniform coating in uniform colour and shades, anodized up to 30
microns in different colours and anodized extrusions are tested
regularly under strict quality control adhering to Indian Standard.
e. The powder used for powder coating shall be Epoxy/polyester powder
of make approved by the Engineer- in-Charge. The contractor shall
give a detailed programme for powder coating in advance, to facilitate
the inspection by Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative.
f. Each aluminium alloy extrusion or performed section shall be
thoroughly cleaned by alkaline or acidic solutions under the
conditions specified by the chemical conversion coating supplier and
then rinsed.
g. It is mandatory that all aluminium members shall be wrapped with
self-adhesive non-staining PVC tape, approved by Engineer-in
b. Fixing of Frames:
i. The holes in concrete /masonry/ for fixing anchor
bolts/fasteners/screws shall be drilled with an appropriate
electric drill.
ii. Windows/doors/ventilators etc. shall be placed in correct final
position in the opening and fixed to Sal wood backing using
stainless steel screws of star headed, counter sunk and matching
size groove. of required size at spacing not more than 250 mm
c/c or dash fastener.
iii. All joints shall be sealed with approved silicone sealants.
iv. The assembled composite units shall be checked for line, level
and plumb before final fixing is done.
v. Where aluminium comes into contact with stone masonry, brick
work, concrete, plaster or dissimilar metal, it shall be coated
with an approved insulation lacquer, paint or plastic tape to
ensure that electrochemical corrosion is avoided.
vi. Insulation material shall be trimmed off to a clean flush line on
vii. The contractor shall be responsible for the doors, windows etc.
being set straight, plumb, level and for their satisfactory
operation after fixing is complete.
c. Measurements:
i. All the aluminium sections including snap beadings fixed in
place shall be measured in running meter along the outer
periphery of composite section correct to a millimeter
ii. The weight calculated on the basis of actual average (average of
five samples) weight of composite section in kilogram correct to
the second place of decimal shall be taken for payment (weight
shall be taken after anodizing).
iii. The weight of cleat shall be added for payment. Neither any
deduction nor anything extra shall be paid for skew cuts.
d. Rate: The rate shall include the cost of all the materials, labour
involved in all the operations as described in nomenclature of item
and particular specification.
a. Stainless Steel Friction Stay:The stainless-steel friction stays of make
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be used. The SS friction
stays shall be of grade AISI-304 and of sizes specified in
nomenclature of item.
b. Lockable Handles: The lockable handle shall be of make approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge and of required colour to match the colour of
powder coated /anodized aluminium window sections.
c. Tubular Handle:The tubular handle bar shall be aluminium polyester
powder coated minimum 50 micron to required colour/anodized AC
15. Outer dia of tube shall be 32 mm, tube thickness 3.0 mm and
centre to centre length 2115 mm + 5 mm.
a. Aluminium extruded sections (anodized or power coated) are used for
providing Louvers in aluminium door, window & partition for
a. This should generally conform to IS-2209.
b. The size of the lock shall be denoted by the length of the body
towards the face and it shall be 100 mm. the measured length shall not
vary more than 3 mm from the specified length.
c. Ordinary lever mechanism with not less than 2 levers shall be
provided and a false lever shall not be used.
d. Lever shall be fitted with one spring of phosphor- bronze or steel wire
and shall withstand the test as provided in IS-2209.
e. Locking-bolt spring and strike plate shall conform to IS 2209.
f. Two keys shall be provided with each lock.
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A A'
SCALE - 1:50
SCALE - 1:100