Ross County DD
Ross County DD
Ross County DD
• The particulars given by me in my application (and those of By submitting this application I am consenting to receive
any other parties) are true and correct. unsolicited marketing from you (or other companies you may
• The agreement will be between me and Zebra Finance pass my details to) by letter, telephone or email about products
which is a credit intermediary for the credit provider you think may be of interest to me.
POSTCODE R Raphael & Sons Plc. The Football Club has no I can opt-out from receiving marketing from you at any time by
involvement in decisions on granted credit. contacting you on 01332 680 400 or by email to the Compliance
• In making this application I consent to Zebra Finance using Manager at If I do not wish to
HOME TEL No. MOBILE TEL No. my information as described above. receive marketing communications then I will tick the box below.
I do not consent to receiving marketing communications.
Please note, if an email address has been provided you will receive correspondence regarding your application by email.
Alternatively, this will be posted to you.
Ross County FC will introduce you to Zebra Finance who are a broker that introduces prospective borrowers to lenders. If your
application is accepted, and you proceed with the credit, then the lender will be R Raphael & Sons Plc. Ross County FC is an
Appointed Representative of Zebra Finance Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with firm
INSTRUCTIONS TO YOUR BANK/BUILDING SOCIETY TO PAY BY DIRECT DEBIT reference number 688465. Their contact details are Lincoln House, Stephensons Way, Wyvern Business Park, Derby DE21 6LY www. Ross County FC and Zebra Finance do not receive payment for introducing you to lenders. Credit is subject to
Server User Number
To: The Manager application and acceptance. Terms and Conditions will apply which will be notified to you upon your making an application.
Bank / Building Society
7 1 0 0 1 8
Instructions to Bank / Building Society Address:
Please pay R Raphael & Sons Plc Direct Debits from THE DIRECT DEBIT GUARANTEE
the account detailed in this instruction subject to the
safeguards assured by the Direct debit Guarantee. Postcode: · This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that · If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back
I understand that this instruction may remain with accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. when R Raphael & Sons Plc asks you to.
R Rapheal & Sons Plc and, and so, details will be
passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society. Name/s of
· If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your · You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your
Account Holder Direct Debit R Raphael & Sons Plc will notify you 10 working days in bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required.
advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. Please also notify us.
Account Number Sort Code
· If you request R Raphael & Sons Plc to collect a payment, confirmation
Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.
Instructions for some types of account.