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Saad PDF
Saad PDF
Contrast the net operating income (NOI) approach with the Modigliani and Miller (M&M)
approach to the theory of capital structure.
The net operating income (NOI) approach and the Modigliani-Miller (M&M) approach, in the absence
of taxes, are identical in form. The only difference is that M&M specify the behavioral characteristics
that cause the average cost of capital to remain constant. M&M provide a set of assumptions necessary
to show the mechanism of arbitrage equilibrating returns from similar investments.
Question 2
Enoch-Arden Corporation has earnings before interest and taxes of $3 million and a 40 percent
tax rate. It is able to borrow at an interest rate of 14 percent, whereas its equity capitalization rate
in the absence of borrowing is 18 percent. The earnings of the company are not expected to grow,
and all earnings are paid out to shareholders in the form of dividends. In the presence of
corporate but no personal taxes, what is the value of the company in an M&M world with no
financial leverage? With $4 million in debt? With $7 million in debt?
Question 3
Why do companies with high growth rates tend to have low dividend-payout ratios and companies
with low growth rates tend to have high dividend-payout ratios?
For a company whose growth in assets is great, there typically is a need to finance externally. In
addition to debt, the equity base must be built up -- either through retention of earnings or the sale of
common stock. With flotation costs, retention is usually "cheaper," which argues for a low dividend-
payout ratio. For a slow growing firm, there frequently is a lack of suitable investments, so external
financing needs are relatively low. Given this situation, the firm is justified in paying out a high
proportion of its earnings
Question 4
From a managerial standpoint, how do a firm’s liquidity and ability to borrow affect its dividend-
payout ratio?
A company with high liquidity and ready access to lines of credit or the public marketplace for new
securities offerings has financial flexibility. It is likely to be more inclined to pay a dividend, all other
things the same. There is far less risk of a cash shortfall should things turn bad in contrast to the
company with little liquidity or ability to borrow.
Question 5
Explain venture capital role in promoting small and risky businesses?