Contract Gintong Tubig
Contract Gintong Tubig
Contract Gintong Tubig
Construction of Deep Well #2 For Maharlika Dressing Plant
At El Salvador, Misamis Oriental
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the herein
parties have agreed to and conform in good faith under the following terms and conditions:
The CONTRACTOR shall, in accordance with the plans and specifications of the
project issued by MAMVC and the Contract Documents, fully and faithfully undertake
to cover all the items of works as specified in Annex “A” hereof as reflected in this
SERVICE CONTRACT, using its own equipment, manpower, construction materials,
accessories and financial resources.
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1. As consideration for the full and faithful performance and accomplishment of all the
obligations pertaining to the works specified in SECTION I hereof, that the
CONTRACTOR agrees to undertake, perform and accomplish under this Agreement,
the MAMVC shall pay the CONTRACTOR the Total Contract Price of Two Million
Four Hundred Ninety Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Pesos Only
(PhP2,498,860.00) in accordance with the unit price indicated in SECTION I as
mentioned above. A Change Order however shall be applied when appropriate,
whether additive or deductive depending on the actual quantity of the
accomplishment; refer to in SECTION X of this agreement.
2. It is expressly understood and agreed that the above total prices (unit prices) are in
full satisfaction of all its cost for supervision, materials, equipment, labor and any
other personnel it will employ, tools consumable necessary, for the completion of the
CONTRACT WORKS, contingencies, overtime of extra shifting, fees charges,
licenses, its administrative expenses and overhead, its profit and generally any and
all other attendant fees related to the construction works.
3. The subcontract price is merely an estimate and total payment shall be based on
joint survey of actual quantities of work performed or accomplished and computed at
the unit prices indicated in SECTION I as measured, verified and approved by the
MAMVC and all changes in quantities shall be reflected in a Change Order/ Variation
The specific works for the items provided in SECTION I shall be completed within SIXTY
(60) Calendar Days. The CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to benefit from any
extension of Contract Time given by MAMVC due to bad weather and unworkable
conditions on site. The Time Extension should be covered by a formal Request for Time
Extension and should be properly approved by MAMVC.
3. Advance Payment: SECOND PARTY may avail of a 30% Advance Payment from
MAMVC upon submission of a Bank Guaranty in its approved format acceptable to
the MAMVC in order to guarantee the repayment of the Advance Payment.
5. Retention Money: All progress billing of CONTRACTOR will be deducted with 10%
retention to guarantee the quality of work. CONTRACTOR can request payment for
retention money being deducted from their progress billings after 100% completion.
This will be substituted by way of a Surety Bond, callable on demand to guarantee
the release of said retention money.
6. Final Payment: The balance of the contract price upon completion of works by
CONTRACTOR shall be paid and all works accomplished therein was duly
conformed by MAMVC. Submission of the As-Built in Mylar and Digital Copies are
prerequisite for the Final Payment. .
1. The parties shall be liable and responsible for the payment of their respective local
and national taxes that may arise by virtue of or as a consequence of the execution
and performance of their respective obligations arising from this Agreement.
2. For the purpose of Tax collection, CONTRACTOR will issue an Official Receipt as
proof of payment. In the event that an Official Receipt cannot be issued, all the
material purchase receipts by CONTRACTOR shall be under the name of MAMVC,
and CONTRACTOR shall provide MAMVC with receipts equivalent to the Contract
Amount and MAMVC shall be responsible for its EVAT.
5. The whole work stipulated in the Contract shall be completed as specified in Section
III hereof and shall commence from the date of the effectivity of the Notice to
Proceed by MAMVC.
6. The Notice to Proceed (NTP) shall be issued to CONTRACTOR within two (2)
calendar days after the advance payment shall have been paid by MAMVC and
within seven (7) days, CONTRACTOR shall mobilize both manpower and equipment
to site. Refusal by CONTRACTOR to receive the NTP within the stipulated period
shall be a ground for cancellation of this Agreement.
7. Prior to start of the work, a joint survey shall be conducted by MAMVC and the
CONTRACTOR in order to determine the limit or boundaries of the scope of work to
be done by CONTRACTOR.
In the event that CONTRACTOR refuses or fails to complete the work within the time
herein specified, including extensions of time, if any, that may be granted by MAMVC
to CONTRACTOR or justified as provided in this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall
pay MAMVC liquidated damages equivalent to 0.1% of Total Contract Price to be
accomplished for every day of delay which will form part of this agreement relative to
liquidated damages. Furthermore, such liquidated damages shall be in addition to
other damages which MAMVC may claim/file against CONTRACTOR for any and/or
all breach(s) as it may deem necessary.
MAMVC may, at any time, by a written order, make changes in the schedule and
work required under this Agreement. If any such changes cause an increase or
decrease in the work or of the time required for performing the work, an equitable
adjustment shall be made on the contract price based on the unit cost and
completion date mutually agreed upon by both parties reflecting such adjustments by
way of a written variation order.
1. CONTRACTOR binds itself to protect and immune MAMVC from any suit or liability
resulting from claims of any nature, whether for death, injuries or damages that may
be suffered by CONTRACTOR’s workers and/or third parties, arising from or in
connection with the performance of the work. CONTRACTOR shall at all times stand
solely liable and/or responsible for compliance with all existing laws, rules and
regulations, and CONTRACTOR agrees and binds itself to save and hold MAMVC
harmless from any and all liabilities in respect thereto or arising there from.
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The CONTRACTOR shall guarantee the successful installation of Deep Well for the
MAMVC’s Dressing Plant. This guarantee shall be in a form of a Warranty Bond in
an amount equivalent to 100% of the Total Contract Price or whichever is required by
1. MAMVC reserves the right to rescind/terminate/revoke this Contract even before its
expiration without incurring any liability to CONTRACTOR, its bondsmen,
employees, suppliers or third parties, except for payment of the value of work duly
accomplished prior to rescission/termination upon giving written notice to
CONTRACTOR due to any of the following grounds;
2. CONTRACTOR incurs a negative slippage of five (5%) percent, there shall be the
first warning; where there is a negative slippage of ten percent (10%), there shall be
the final warning; where there is a negative slippage of twelve percent (12%),
MAMVC shall have the right to partially take-over the works of CONTRACTOR; once
the negative slippage exceeds twelve percent (12%), the MAMVC has the option to
terminate this CONTRACT.
The Parties undertake to act in good faith in the performance of the provisions of this
Agreement and shall not wittingly or unwittingly avoid the terms and conditions
herein provided.
In the event of suit arising from this Contract, both parties hereto agree that the
venue of the action shall be exclusively in the courts of proper jurisdiction of Davao
City, Philippines.
This Contract shall become valid and binding between the parties upon receipt of an
official written Notice to Proceed (NTP) from MAMVC advising CONTRACTOR that
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties hereunto signed this Contract this ____
day of _____ 2020 in __________________________.
This instrument consists of 7 pages including this page on which the acknowledgment is
written duly signed by the parties and their witnesses on each and every page thereof.