Amphiphilic Organosilane-Directed
Amphiphilic Organosilane-Directed
Amphiphilic Organosilane-Directed
Amphiphilic organosilane-directed
synthesis of crystalline zeolite with tunable
National Creative Research Initiative Center for Functional Nanomaterials and Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Daejeon 305-701, Korea
* e-mail:
eolites are a family of crystalline aluminosilicate materials over the diameter range of 2–15 nm). Mesoporous materials
a 3h b 12 h c 30 h
d 12 h e 30 h f 30 h
50 nm 200 nm 50 nm
Figure 1 Electron microscopic investigation on the formation of mesoporous MFI zeolite. a–c, SEM and d–f, TEM images of the products precipitated after various
reaction times during hydrothermal synthesis of mesoporous MFI zeolite at 150 ◦C. The SEM images show a distinct change in morphology, from a sponge-like macroporous
network to globular particles with rugged surfaces. The TEM image in d shows that the initial phase was a mesoporous material with an amorphous framework. The TEM
images in e and f and the corresponding electron diffraction pattern (inset of f) indicate that the final product was a mesoporous MFI zeolite with a polycrystalline framework.
The initial phase gradually disappeared with the reaction time, leaving macrocavities (50–200 nm in diameter) within the remaining domain (arrows in d). This phenomenon
indicates that the mesoporous zeolite particles were formed via the solution-mediated crystallization mechanism1 . To observe the genuine surface structure, the SEM images
were taken at a low electron acceleration voltage (2 kV, Hitachi S-4800), without metal coating32 . TEM images were obtained using a Philips F20 Tecnai transmission electron
microscope with an operating voltage of 200 kV. The TEM images were taken after mounting the zeolite particle on a porous carbon grid.
‘seed’ crystals, was assembled to mesoporous structure by the The phase-separation phenomenon indicates that the surfactants
addition of surfactants15–18 . Alternatively, the aged gel mixture was are expelled from the aluminosilicate domain during the zeolite
coated on the pore walls of pre-synthesized mesoporous silica19,20 . crystallization process, making it difficult for the surfactants to
The seed-assembled products exhibited well-defined small-angle modulate the zeolite crystal growth into a mesoporous structure.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, which were characteristic of an As revealed by biominerallization processes28 and some successful
ordered mesoporous material. The seed-assembled products were synthesis works29 , organic molecules that are capable of a strong
claimed to be ‘pseudozeolite’ or ‘protozeolite’ in the framework interaction with the growing crystal surface can effectively
nature, but these materials did not exhibit the long-range atomic modulate the crystallization process of inorganic materials. In
order characteristic of a crystalline zeolite framework. Although these respects, we used a rationally designed surfactant molecule
the acidity and hydrothermal stability were somewhat improved, with functional groups to enhance the interaction with growing
the properties were still far from those of crystalline zeolites21 , zeolite crystals. The key for the design was to find amphiphilic
being insufficient for many industrial applications. Recently, it surfactant molecules that contained a hydrolysable methoxysilyl
was also reported that mesoporous materials with crystalline moiety, a zeolite structure-directing group such as quaternary
zeolite framework can be synthesized through a crystallization ammonium, and a hydrophobic alkyl chain moiety. It was expected
process inside a packed bed of removable ‘solid’ nanotemplates that such amphiphilic organosilanes could strongly interact with
(for example, carbon nanoparticles22,23 , nanotubes24 , mesoporous growing crystal domains through the formation of covalent
carbons25 , and polymer beads26,27 ). However, such a process using bonds with other SiO2 and Al2 O3 sources using the methoxysilyl
a solid template has limited pore tunability depending on the moiety. To meet the requirements, we have synthesized
availability of templates. [3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]hexadecyldimethylammonium chloride
Herein, we report a direct synthesis route to mesoporous ([(CH3 O)3 SiC3 H6 N(CH3 )2 C16 H33 ]Cl, TPHAC) and their
zeolites with tunable mesoporous structure using the amphiphilic structural analogues. These molecules contain a surfactant-like
organosilanes as a mesopore-directing agent. As mentioned long-chain alkylammonium moiety and a hydrolysable
above, crystalline zeolite containing both micro- and mesoporous methoxysilyl group, linked together by a Si–C bond, which is
structures in a single phase is difficult to obtain if the chemically stable under various zeolite synthesis conditions30 . In
aluminosilicate gel is directly crystallized in the presence of a typical synthesis, a pre-calculated amount of TPHAC (4 mol%
ordinary organic surfactants and molecular templates for zeolites. of the total silica source) was added to the initial synthesis
a 1,200 b 8
(4) 7.4 nm
3 3.1 nm
8d 400 (2)
2d 30 h
1 2.1 nm
30 h (1)
12 h 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 10 100
12 h
Relative pressure (P/P0) Pore diameter (nm)
Figure 4 Mesoporous MFI zeolites with tunable mesopore diameters. a, N2
1 2 3 4 10 20 30 40 adsorption isotherms for mesoporous MFI zeolites, and b, the corresponding pore
2θ (°) 2θ (°)
size distribution (BJH). The isotherms for samples 2, 3 and 4 were vertically offset by
200, 400, 600 ml g−1 , respectively. The distribution of mesoporous diameters for
samples 2, 3 and 4 were offset vertically by 2, 4 and 6 ml g−1 nm−1 , respectively.
Figure 2 Powder XRD patterns for the products precipitated after various
Samples 1–3 were synthesized by the hydrothermal reaction for 5 d at 130 ◦C, using
reaction times, during hydrothermal synthesis of mesoporous MFI zeolite at
organosilanes with different chain lengths ([(CH3 O)3 SiC3 H6 N(CH3 )2 Cn H2n+1 ]Cl,
150 ◦C. Small-angle XRD patterns were recorded in the reflection mode
n = 12, 16 and 18 for samples 1, 2 and 3, respectively). Sample 4 was synthesized
(l = 0.154250 nm), using a synchrotron X-ray source of BL8C2 at Pohang Light
for 2 d at 170 ◦C with n = 16.
Source. Wide-angle XRD patterns were taken with a Rigaku Multiflex diffractometer
equipped with Cu Kα radiation (40 kV, 40 mA).
a b
1 μm 500 nm
c d
Na+- form
400 nm
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative pressure (P/P0)
Figure 5 Mesoporous LTA zeolite synthesized using [(CH3 O) 3 SiC3 H6 N(CH3 ) 2 C16 H33 ]Cl. a,b, SEM images, c, TEM image, and d, pore size distribution from N2
adsorption isotherm. Inset: Mesopore diameter distribution of Na+ form.
zeolite crystals grow by using the dissolved species as the crystal It is particularly noteworthy that the mesopore diameters
nutrients. Such a solution-mediated crystallization mechanism of the MFI zeolite could be systematically varied, by changing
is very common for zeolite synthesis under alkaline conditions1 . the chain length of the organosilanes and/or the hydrothermal
A highly crystalline zeolite product was obtained after 30 h of synthesis temperature (Fig. 4). The resultant mesopore diameters
reaction at 150 ◦ C. Circular streaking in the electron diffraction were very uniform as in MCM-413 and SBA-156 . As confirmed
pattern (Fig. 1) and the line broadening in the XRD peaks (Fig. 2) by XRD and electron microscopic investigations, the uniform
indicate that the mesoporous zeolite particles were built with mesoporosity was evidently coming from the zeolite phase. The
randomly oriented zeolite nanocrystals. The zeolite (calcined at mesoporous zeolite phase exhibited globular morphologies with
550 ◦ C) showed a type-IV isotherm with a narrow distribution rugged surfaces, which could be easily distinguished from the
of mesopore diameters centred at 3.1 nm (Fig. 3). On further irregular morphologies of the amorphous mesophase. Careful
heating to 8 d, however, the mesopore diameters increased to electron microscopic investigation over a large number of
8 nm. The globular morphology of the zeolite particles remained specimens was used to confirm that there was no significant
unchanged during the prolonged heating period, but a close inclusion of bulk (not mesoporous) zeolite crystals or amorphous
examination of the SEM and TEM images revealed that the mesophase (see Supplementary Information, Fig. S3). Thus, it
size of the nanocrystalline zeolites increased due to a ripening can be reasonably concluded that, within the limitations of
process (see Supplementary Information, Fig. S1). The change the characterization, the samples were uniformly mesoporous in
occurred more conspicuously at the external surface than at the nature, being composed of crystalline zeolite frameworks. The
core of the mesoporous zeolite particles, which could be because MFI zeolite with mesoporous/microporous hierarchical structure
of faster molecular transport at the external surface. Such a could be synthesized with various Si/Al ratios above 14. The 27 Al
crystal ripening process seemed to be the main reason for the MAS NMR spectrum (see Supplementary Information, Fig. S4)
mesopore enlargement, and can be significantly suppressed by showed a single peak around 57–65 p.p.m., in agreement with
lowering the crystallization temperature. For example, a highly tetrahedral Al sites in crystalline zeolite. No peaks owing to
crystalline MFI product with 3.1 nm mesopores was obtained after the extra-framework Al (octahedral coordination, 0–10 p.p.m.)
reaction for 5 d at 130 ◦ C. The mesopore diameters and the pore were detected. It is also noteworthy that the present synthesis
volume were retained up to 12 d at 130 ◦ C (see Supplementary principle could be successfully extended to the synthesis of
Information, Fig. S2). mesoporous LTA zeolite (Fig. 5). The N2 adsorption isotherms of
Table 1 Catalytic properties of mesoporous MFI zeolite and other aluminosilicate materials.
Reactions∗ Mesoporous MFI zeolite Bulk ZSM-5 Al-MCM-41 SAM
Methanol to olefin/gasoline 86 90 1 1
(68/26/6)† (67/28/5) — —
CHO 98 3.9 25 64
+ + C6H13–CH=C–C5H11
CH2–C5H11 (98)‡ (69) (79) (75)
+ 60 3.3 10 35
Catalytic activities were compared on the basis of the same weight of catalysts (see the Methods section for reaction conditions). All catalysts had the same Si/Al = 20. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area was 590 for
mesoporous MFI, 350 for ZSM-5, 948 for AlMCM-41, and 923 m2 g−1 for SAM (MCM-41-type).
† The numbers in parentheses represent % selectivity (olefin/gasoline/others).
‡ Jasminaldehyde selectivity. All other numbers indicate the reactant conversion (%).
the LTA zeolite exhibited two steep increases at relative pressures industries. The superior catalytic activity of the mesoporous
(P/P0 ) < 0.02 and 0.7 < P/P0 < 0.8. These adsorptions were zeolite compared with bulk zeolite is certainly due to the highly
interpreted as micropore filling and capillary condensation in mesoporous structure. More notably, despite the significantly
mesopores, respectively, similar to the case of mesoporous lower specific BET area, the mesoporous zeolite exhibited much
MFI zeolite. higher catalytic activity than Al-MCM-41 and SAM materials. The
The temperature-programmed desorption of ammonia was crystalline zeolite with tunable mesoporosity may have important
measured to characterize the acidity of the mesoporous MFI technological implications for many other catalytic reactions
zeolite (H+ form, Si/Al = 20). For comparison, bulk ZSM-5 involving large molecules, whereas mesoporous materials with
zeolite, aluminosilicate MCM-41 (Al-MCM-41)31 , and ZSM-5 amorphous frameworks lack hydrothermal stability and acidity.
seed-assembled mesoporous (SAM) materials16,18 were also In conclusion, the mesoporous zeolite of the present study
synthesized and studied. The temperature-programmed desorption has several attractive features such as large surface area,
profiles (see Supplementary Information, Fig. S5) indicated that interconnected mesopores with zeolitic pore walls, pore size
the mesoporous MFI zeolite possessed strong acid sites, similar to control, facile synthesis on a large scale and so on. The
ZSM-5. In contrast, the Al-MCM-41 with amorphous framework mesopore diameters can be finely tuned, typically in the
showed only weak acid sites. The seed-assembled MCM-41 material range of 2–20 nm, depending on the molecular structure of
showed a slightly enhanced acidity compared with Al-MCM-4116 , the mesopore-directing silanes and the hydrothermal synthesis
but was still much weaker than the mesoporous MFI zeolite conditions. The crystalline zeolites with tunable mesoporosity and
and ZSM-5. Table 1 shows that the mesoporous MFI zeolite strong acidity may bridge the gap between conventional bulk
and ZSM-5 were similarly active (86 versus 90% conversion) in zeolite and amorphous mesoporous aluminosilicates, particularly
the transformation of methanol to olefin/gasoline. In contrast, for catalytic applications involving large molecules. Furthermore,
the Al-MCM-41, seed-assembled MCM-41, and seed-assembled the synthesis principle developed in the present work may be
SBA-1518 exhibited no measurable catalytic conversion. From these applied to other hierarchically structured materials. These materials
results, it is clear that the seed-assembled mesoporous materials with mesoporous/microporous hierarchical structures may find
possessing only a short-range atomic order (‘pseudozeolitic’ or applications as advanced materials in various fields such as catalysis,
‘protozeolite’) cannot exhibit the true zeolite-like strong acidity. adsorption, separation and sensor technologies.
The results were also consistent with the nature of the reaction
requiring strong acidity. The activity difference between the
mesoporous MFI zeolite and ZSM-5 was not significant, owing METHODS
to the small molecular size of the reactant and products.
The mesoporous structure with strong acidity can be a SYNTHESIS OF MESOPOROUS ZEOLITE
remarkable benefit for catalytic reactions involving large organic For the synthesis of mesoporous MFI zeolite, TPHAC was added to a
molecules, in which diffusion constraints and/or adsorption of conventional alkaline mixture containing TPABr, NaOH,
reactant molecules onto the strong acid sites are the main tetraethylorthosilicate, sodium aluminate (53 wt% Al2 O3 , 43 wt% Na2 O,
Riedel–deHaën) and distilled water. The molar composition of the mixture was
concern. For example, the mesoporous MFI zeolite exhibited
1 Al2 O3 /10 TPABr/10 Na2 O/38 SiO2 /1.6 TPHAC/7,200 H2 O. In a typical
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(α-n-amylcinnamaldehyde) synthesis reaction than bulk zeolite, were first dissolved in 1,350 g H2 O. To the resultant solution, a mixture of
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6. Zhao, D. Y. et al. Triblock copolymer syntheses of mesoporous silica with periodic 50 to 300 angstrom
pores. Science 279, 548–552 (1998). Reprints and permission information is available online at