Efaz Mahamud, HST405
Efaz Mahamud, HST405
Efaz Mahamud, HST405
Assignment topic: Critically discuss the question of Palestine, its background, origin,
and the contemporary situation. How critical is the Palestine question now in global
politics? Explain.
Submitted to:
Dr Nahid A. Kabir
Professor of History
Department of English and Humanities (ENH)
Submitted by:
Critically discuss the question of Palestine, its background, origin, and the
contemporary situation. How critical is the Palestine question now in global politics?
Palestine referred to the region geographically located in between the Mediterranean Sea and
the Jordan river. It is a small country of 2400 square miles that is one of the most unstable and
violent region of the world. Historically it was the region of enormous prosperity, that played a
significant role in shaping the modern history of Middle East. Religiously it is the region
(Jerusalem) of the holiness (birth place) of three main religion of the world; Islam, Christianity
and Judaism. Thus, numerous violent attempts have been made to take control over the region
which can be traced back to ancient times. Though it was the home of many Arab Palestinians,
majority of the region is now wrongfully occupied by the Israel. At present time Palestine region
From the starts, Palestine has been ruled by numerous ethnic groups, including the Assyrians,
Babylonians, Persians, Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, Egyptians, and Islamists1.
From 1517 to 1917, the region of Palestine had been ruled by the Ottoman Empire. The after
math of World War-I has changed the geopolitical situation in the entire continent. After the first
world war broke out, the joining of Ottoman Empire with Germany on October 30th, 1914 left the
Allied forces in a bitter situation. As the Ottoman Empire controlled the Muslim Caliphate, a war
against the Ottoman empire could provoke the entire Muslim community of the world as they
could consider it a war against Islam2. In order to prevent such provocation London plotted with
Hussain bin Ali, the Sharif of Mecca, a person appointed by and had bitter relation with the
Ottoman Empire. According to the conspiracy Hussain was to revolt against the Ottoman Empire
and in exchange of such revolt Britain was to assist him to claim and hold the Arab Caliphate in
which Palestine was included3. Soon after the first world war British took control over the
Palestine through a mandate issued by the League of Nations. British made enormous effort and
succeeded in creating an independent state for the Jews in Palestine and helped many Jews to
come and settle in Palestine. In 1939, a British government appointed committee recommended
two states, one for Jews and another for Arabs4. However, the Jews did not approve such
decision and engaged in terrorism from 1939 to 1948 to make Britain leave from the region.
Finally, David Ben Gurion proclaimed the State of Israel on 15 May 1948, much ahead of the
timetable prescribed in UN General Assembly Resolution 181 for establishing two states in
Palestine not later than 1 October 19485. Within a year of partition Britain left Palestine and
conflict started between Palestine and Israel. In April 9th 1948 Jewish had launched a full
concentrated attack on the Arab civilians which made at least 100,000 Palestinians flee from
their home6. At the same year war broke out between Jews and Arabs in the region. Five Arab
nations including Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Egypt engaged in a bloody war against Israel.
The Impact of World War I on the Arab World Today by K.P Fabian
June 17, 2016
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (https://idsa.in)
The Impact of World War I on the Arab World Today by K.P Fabian
June 17, 2016
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (https://idsa.in)
A 'Catastrophe' that Defines Palestinian Identity by HUSSEIN IBISH
MAY 14, 2018
This is the first major event that initiate a number of violence in the coming year between Arabs
and Israel. In 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization was established in Jerusalem. Several
factors such as, silence of Arab countries regarding the violence conducted by Israel, western
back up to Israel, the growth of nationalism and to establish rights of Palestinian people have
facilitated the rise of POL7. In 1969, Fateh leader Yasser Arafat became the leader of the
Palestine Liberation Organization and held the title until intoxicated by the Jews intelligence.
Within the growing conflict in June 5, 1967 Israel attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the Six-
day war, thereby occupied Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt and the Golan Heights
from Syria, alone with West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan8. The growing conflict and
the wrongful occupation by Israel eventually fueled the broke out of first Intifada in 1987 which
resulted in hundreds of casualties. A peace process named the Oslo Accords was created to
establish peace and withdrawal of Israeli forces from the West Bank and other areas9. However,
So far, the people of Palestine has experienced numerous events from 1948 war to numerous
United Nations Resolution, yet the dispute remains unsolved. Millions of Palestinians were
forced to migrate from their home and around 420,000 Israelis have settled inside the West Bank
and East Jerusalem, an area beyond their territory10. More and more settlers are still coming as
the land are cheap and they are backed by the Israeli government. Main purpose behind
occupation is to make Palestinians leave the country. Several Israeli governments have denied
Published by: Edinburgh University Press. (2013)
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3366/j.ctt3fgtqk.13
any peace agreements in order to continue the ongoing occupation as it is easier to justify such
occupation in absence of any peace deals. In terms of economy the distribution of resources is
highly discriminatory, whereby Israelis enjoy unparallel privileges to the Palestinians even their
population is much lower to Palestinians. Whereas, Palestinians face water and power
restrictions, the settlers enjoy water, pools, electricity and gas11. According to World Bank, about
53 percent of people in Palestine is unemployed whereby, about 75 per cent of them are living
under the poverty line. In terms of Military occupation, the Palestinians are no matched to the
Israelites and always backed up the western powers. Most of these powers is being used on
Palestinians civilians to suppress them. Every fundamental right confirmed by the Charter of the
United Nations towards the Palestinians people has always been denied by the Israel.
The world waits for a legitimate peace agreement for decades. More then sixty years of
diplomacy have failed to bring peace in between two communities. The whole world has agreed
upon one basic principle that is the “two states solution” whereby Israel and Palestine will live
side by side as distinct independent nations. Several theories like binational or federal state
inhabitant by both Israelis and Palestinians side by side enjoying equal rights. However, the
hatred between these two communities will inevitably make these theories void. The Camp
David Summit in 1978, the Oslo Accords from 1993 – 1995, the Clinton Parameters in 2000, the
Taba Summit in 2002, the Arab Peace Initiative in 2002, the Mitchel talks from 2010 – 2011, and
the Kerry talks from 2013 – 2014 have failed to established peace in the region12. Determination
of a fixed border line by International communities might be the first initiative to bring peace in
the region. However, declaration by both parties as they claim the whole territory make this
theory hard to implement. In the recent time a controversial declaration made by US president
Donald Trump to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem had made the peace process
worsen. The people of Palestine took the decision as a support towards Israel to justify their
violent activities. Though the European Union disproved the decision adopted by the US as it
may further the peace process. Israeli governments often take violent decision in order to gain
public support and vote. Like present president Benjamin Netanyahu who was previously
charged for corruption, before recent election has declared to annex large parts of occupied West
Bank13. Announcements like these backed up by US will eventually make the peace process
impossible. Major countries and the European Union are still trying to make a permanent peace
The people of Palestine are still dreaming of a free country which is recognized by all countries
of the world and they are still fighting for it. Although they are in possession of the large portion
of the region but the occupation conducted by Israel are still going in full scale. Many
international organization and rights groups consider these settlements illegal. While so much of
Palestine’s history has involved bloodshed, displacement, and instability the world urges for a
resolution that could bring peace and prosperity in the region. furthermore, after the Arab Spring
backed up by the US the whole Middle East is still going through chaos and civil wars. The
rising tension between Syria and Iran with US and Israel, the conflict of interest in between
Russia and Turkey with regard to Bashar regime in Syria have made the situation far worsen.
The contemporary geopolitical situation in Middle East implies that the history of bloodshed in
between Palestine and Israel is not going to over in any time soon.