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Log FRM Sample

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Annexe 1: - Logical framework

Programme Structure insubordination Verifiable Means of Assumption/Risks

Indicators Verification

Overall To enhance the knowledge and #of quality constitutional debates collection of data, surveys, Citizens willingness to
Objective awareness levels of citizens on the by citizens various reports, research participate in county
(Goal) Constitution and devolution and its % increase in number of citizens paper matters( change of attitude)
implications. participating in county development That partners will be willing to
To create and strengthen a strong issues  Reports fund all the planned activities
grassroots mechanism to support citizen's  Memoranda in the project
active and effective engagement in the  # of grass root networks in the
 Case Studies
reform process at the county level target counties  Stakeholders keep their
 # of people involved in the  Petitions
promises to support the
reform debates  Participants’ lists reform process
 # of women and men reached  Media/broadcast  Availability of qualified
through National media schedules community resource
campaigns  DVD & CDs copies
 # and nature of platforms of persons who are ready
from engagement to volunteer and commit
engagement held
forums themselves towards the
 # of articles/features carried
out in the print media  Copies of newspaper project
targeting the NSAs activities pullouts/articles
 That media owners will
play their corporate
social responsibility role
 That there will be
objectivity by media
Specific Increased citizen engagement and #county bills and legislations Gazette laws, Reports, etc  Political goodwill
Objective(s) influence in decision making at the local influenced  There will be stable
(Purpose) level security and no conflict
Increased government responsiveness to #of enacted and implemented Gazette laws, Reports  Political goodwill
the needs and grievances of the people policies and legislations  There will be stable
security and no conflict
Expected Enhanced awareness among the women,  Rise in citizen awareness  Activity reports  Stable political
outputs youths and PLWDs on the constitution, on devolution  Monitoring and environment for CRECO
(Results) devolution, and public participation  No of advocacy initiatives evaluation reports activities to be
opportunities and mode of engagement on the constitution by  Media reports. implemented.
implementing partners and  That donor will fund
other CSOs all the planned capacity
 Informed debate on the building activities.
constitution by the members  That the citizens will
of the public. appreciate the need to
engage with their
leaders on development
Increased incidences of citizens engaging
in governance processes and decision
making in their localities

Community Public Accountability forums # of community forums  Participant lists That citizens will be willing to
facilitated/held #of issues raised and tackled/  M&E reports engage with the relevant
addressed  Photos authorities on matters of
 Petitions devolution and their concerns
 Memoranda etc
Linkages and partnerships established  Linkages and partnerships Copies of contracts Willingness by CSOs to form
among civil society and other NSAs on developed and sustain coalitions and
developmental issues  Collective responses on MoU networks
developmental issues
 Collaborative ventures Partners’ M&E records
formulated around the
cross-cutting issues on
Planned Output 1 Inputs (main programme  Contracts That the communities will be
Activities: Informed citizenry on constitution and resources). Refer to budget,  M&E records willing to participate in the
(group activities devolution process assets, personnel, etc  Lists of participants project
according to the  Training manuals
output they will  Staff time and financial  DVDs and CDs
contribute to). List of planned activities resources copies
I. Implementing partners meetings  Venues
II. County Leaders Forums  Stationery
 Resource persons
Output 2  Workshops held
Community Public Accountability forums  Training manuals
facilitated/held developed
 Media tools developed
I. Civic engagements to create
awareness and disseminate
information to citizens.
II. Community Radio talk shows

Output 3
Linkages and partnerships established
among civil society, government and other
NSAs on developmental issues

List of planned activities

I. County CSO/CBO plenary
II. Breakfast meeting with
Government Officials

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