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Interpreting SNT TC 1a - Part5 PDF

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Inquiry 79-2 Response Response

Since NDT Level III general 1. The reading card intended to be It is not intended that laboratory
examination questions in some methods considered standard is currently experience in an educational program be
are available from ASNT (Questions and available from ASNT and was directly applied to the work time
Answers for Qualifying NDT Level III previously supplied by Bausch & experience. Laboratory experience is not
Personnel, October 1977), is it intended Lomb. Bausch & Lomb no longer necessarily applicable to the employer’s
that the Level III questions referred to in supplies such cards, but those product or to the specific codes, standards
Paragraphs 8.4 and 8.5.3(a) be selected bearing the title, Reading Card or specifications in use. However, in
from those published by ASNT? (Metric), with the notation at the recognition of the benefits accruing from
bottom of the card reading, “The laboratory experience, the employer may
Response above letters are Snellen sizes at the include such consideration for adjustment
designated distance in decimeters, to the work experience in his written
It is intended that the recommended with Jaeger notations at right,” as practice. Should the employer decide to
30 questions devised by the examiner for previously supplied by Bausch & do so, he should thoroughly evaluate the
the appropriate method [Paragraph Lomb are equivalent to the card curriculum to determine its applicability.
8.5.3(a)] be devised or selected as currently available from ASNT.
appropriate to the degree required by the Other cards bearing equivalent type
employer’s written practice. As with all size and body are also intended to be Inquiry 80-2
questions and answers provided by ASNT, used. In reference to the practical
they are suggested as guidelines and 2. The intent in Paragraph 8.2(a1) was examination, there are several approaches
supplied as an aid to employers in to recommend a minimum distance. that may be taken. For example, grades on
preparing examinations. It is intended that The employer’s written practice check points could be given as 1 (correct)
the provisions of Paragraph 8.4 be should state the near-distance vision or 0 (incorrect) or could be given in a
superseded when questions of a character acuity requirements for the graduated fashion, say 0 to 5, depending
unique to Level III qualifications as particular circumstances of the on the correctness and efficiency of the
delineated in Paragraph 4.3(c) are devised employer. application. Which approach is correct?
or selected by the employer for use in the Could a questionnaire for which written
Level III general examination. The answers would be prepared as an
additional 30 questions from Level II Inquiry 79-13 alternative method of grading be used?
questions for other applicable NDT If an employee performs NDT to
methods as recommended in Paragraph multiple codes, specifications and Response
8.5.3(a) are intended to be selected from acceptance standards, is it necessary to
methods other than that for which the Please refer to Paragraphs 8.5.1(c) and
include questions relating to each code, 9.6.1(f). Either of the proposed grading
candidate is being examined. It is intended specification or acceptance standard in
that the employer use such questions to methods is permissible depending on the
this specific examination? needs of the employer. Other approaches
determine that the candidate has sufficient Paragraph 9.6.1(c) requires records of
knowledge of other NDT methods that may also be taken. The approach which
educational background to be included in meets the needs of the employer should
might be applicable to the employer’s personnel records. Is information supplied
particular circumstances. For example, it be described in his written practice and
by the employee (i.e., such as a résumé or followed for the practical examination.
could be appropriate that a candidate employment application) satisfactory
being examined for Level III qualification The last technique proposing a
evidence of educational accomplishments questionnaire for which written answers
in a particular method be required to or is conclusive evidence (i.e., such as a
demonstrate basic knowledge in one or would be prepared would fall more
copy of a diploma or transcript) required appropriately under the specific
more other methods in order to “designate for verification?
the particular test method and technique to examination category.
be used.” See Paragraph 4.3(c). Response
It is the intent of Paragraph 8.2(c2) that Inquiry 80-3
Inquiry 79-4 the specific examination cover all codes, A candidate spends 50 percent of his
1. In Paragraph 8.2(a1), reference is specifications and acceptance standards time performing radiography, 25 percent
made to a “standard Jaeger test applicable to the employee’s activities. performing magnetic particle
chart.” Of several reading cards See also Inquiry 77-4 and examinations and the remaining
available, which is considered Inquiry 77-10. 25 percent performing liquid penetrant
standard? examinations. At the end of a one month
period, assuming a 144-hour month, is
2. In Paragraph 8.2(a1), the Inquiries 79-14 and 79-15 Method A or Method B a correct
recommended distance for reading
Jaeger Number 2 letters is “not less Is it intended per SNT-TC-1A (1975 computation of working time experience
than 12 in. (30.5 cm).” On the edition) that the time spent in a laboratory for certification to a Level I rating?
reading card currently available exercise during a long term NDT course Method A: The candidate claims work
from ASNT, the “designated be considered the only qualifying work time experience of 144 hours for each of
distance in decimeters” for J2 letters time experience? the three methods.
is 5 dm or approximately 19.7 in. Is May the laboratory time be given any Method B: The candidate claims work
it intended that the near-distance credit at all as “work time experience” to time experience of 72, 36 and 36 hours
vision acuity requirements be satisfy all the requirements in for radiography, magnetic particle and
reduced by such a significant factor? Table 6.2.1A? liquid penetrant, respectively.

Interpreting SNT-TC-1A 5
Response Response Inquiry 80-9
These questions have been addressed 1. This inquiry is similar to Is there an acceptable method by
in Inquiries 76-1, 76-2 and 78-3, which Inquiry 76-4 which was answered which a Level III may be certified by a
were published above and in Materials above and in the October 1978 issue new employer on the basis of Level III
Evaluation in October 1977 and October of Materials Evaluation. It must certification examinations administered
1978. As further clarification, the method again be emphasized that by the former employer without
described in Method A is that intended SNT-TC-1A is a guideline to aid an examination?
by the document. In other words, the employer in certifying his employees
examiner may claim full-time for all the and the guidelines combined in that Response
NDT methods in which he works document should be modified to
simultaneously. It is not intended he meet the employer needs. As outlined in Paragraph 8.5.4, an
claim time for work hours spent in work 2. It is the intent of this statement that employer may waive examination for an
other than nondestructive testing. a candidate may take credit for work NDT Level III based on the candidate’s
performed in two methods demonstrated and documented ability,
simultaneously because of the achievement, experience and education as
Inquiry 80-4 knowledge interchange factor defined in Paragraph 4.3(c) and 6.3.
NDT examiners in our employ who believed to be present in such However, if the new employer desires that
perform examinations using liquid activities. It is not intended that an the certification be based on examination,
penetrant use only the visible dye, solvent examiner certified in one method then the employer must reexamine the
removable, penetrant technique. Since our could at some later time reduce the candidate or obtain copies of the
examiners do not have need to be requirements for certification in examinations taken by the candidate at the
qualified in the other liquid penetrant another method except as defined in previous employer. This step is necessary
techniques, is it permissible to modify the the employer’s written practice. to ensure the quality of the examination
number of general and specific questions and to meet the documentation needs of
as well as the hours of training and work Paragraph 9.6.1(f).
experience to satisfy requirements of
Inquiry 80-7
SNT-TC-1A for Level I and Level II
In the NDT Level II practical
examination, 8.5.2(c), is it intended that
Inquiry 80-12
the NDT Level II candidate demonstrate 1. If a candidate does not spend
Response proficiency in all phases of the NDT 25 percent of his time in the
operation (i.e., set up, calibration, method in a given period, e.g., one
Please refer to Inquiry 76-2, published month, can he accumulate one
above and in Materials Evaluation in inspection and interpretation)?
month’s credit over a longer period,
October 1977 and Inquiry 77-13 published e.g., two months and claim one
above and in Materials Evaluation in Response
month’s experience?
October 1978. It is the intent that Yes, it is intended that the Level II 2. What constitutes an NDT-related
SNT-TC-1A is a recommended practice demonstrate proficiency in all phases of activity that may be identified in
and that it is a guideline which should be the operation for which the candidate is the employer’s written practice?
modified by the employer as necessary to being certified. The employer’s written What percentage of time may be
meet his particular needs. The employer practice should define the duties and NDT related?
should determine his needs, determine the needed knowledge. 3. Can work experience prior to and in
necessary qualifications of his examiners excess of the Level I requirements
to meet those needs and describe those in
his written practice. Inquiry 80-8 be applied to Level II experience
1. May an employer deviate from the 4. May documented experience at a
guidelines to meet his specific
Inquiry 80-6 needs?
level equivalent to NDT Level II in
a company without a certification
1. How may we qualify supervisory 2. Is our company’s specific written program be used by a new
personnel in accordance with practice acceptable? employer to fulfill experience
SNT-TC-1A? Supervisory personnel requirements for Level II?
would include quality control Response
engineers in plants doing 1. Yes, in accordance with Response
surveillance-type inspection. Paragraph 1.4 of SNT-TC-1A, the
2. Table 6.2.1A for SNT-TC-1A 1. No, the intent of the note to Table
employer should modify the 6.2.1A (6.3.1) is that work time
provides: “credit for experience may guidelines to meet his needs.
be gained simultaneously in two or experience claimed for a specific
2. It is against ASNT policy to judge period should be accumulated in
more disciplines. The candidate the applicability of company
must spend at least 25 percent of that period. For example, to claim
documents. As a general comment, one month work time experience,
this work time on each discipline for it is the employer’s prerogative to
which experience is being claimed.” the candidate should spend at least
establish his criteria for 44 hours (one fourth of 175) in the
Does this statement mean (as it certification. It is then his
regards Level I PT) that if the method and the remaining work
customer’s prerogative to accept or time (75 percent) of that month in
candidate is already a qualified reject those criteria.
Level I or Level II radiographer, the NDT-related activities.
one month work experience can be 2. As stated in the note to Table 6.3.1
reduced to 44 hours? (1980 edition), the employer should

6 Interpreting SNT-TC-1A

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