Ms. Shashi Rani, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Delhi Contact: 9871311299
Ms. Shashi Rani, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Delhi Contact: 9871311299
Ms. Shashi Rani, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Delhi Contact: 9871311299
Shashi Rani,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Social Work,
University of Delhi
Contact: 9871311299
Ms. Shashi Rani is Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work (Delhi School of Social Work), University
of Delhi, Delhi. She also taught at the Department of Social Work, BPS Womens‟ University, Sonipat Haryana. She
has done M. Phil. in Social Medicine and Community Health and her specialization is in Industrial Health Services
and Quality of Health Care. She did Masters in Social Work from Institute of Social Sciences, Dr. BR Ambedkar
University Agra (UP). She has 9 years teaching and research experience of university level. Along with teaching she
has been actively engaged in research and training for more than ten years on various issues including
Marginalization, Social Inclusion, Social Justice, Women and Child Development, Health Services Structure in
India, HIV/AIDS-Counselling, Public Private Partnership in Health Services. She is associated with various research
and developmental organisations working at national-international level in the area of social Justice and
development. She is also recognized as Master Trainer in HIV/AIDS under the Global Fund Project, Round-7,
Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi. Also contributed the government
through Monitoring and supervision of counselors working in HIV/AIDS at Hindu Rao Hospital, Malkaganj, Delhi.
Rani S. (2018), “Social and Structural Inequality in Health: Challenges and Prospects of
Sustainable Development”, International Journal of Research in Management and Social
Sciences, Vol 6, Issue 1,(III), January -March, 2018.
Shashi Rani(2017), “Rural Health : Health Infrastructure, Equity and Quality”, Kuruskhetra,
GOI, Vol.65, No. 9, pg 29-33, ISSN 0021-5660, July 2017.
Shashi Rani(2016), "Health and Safety of Differently Abled: Integrated Startegies", Yojana, GOI,
Vol 60, pg 48-53, ISSN 0971-8400, May 2016.
Shashi Rani, (2016), "Rural Health Care Infrastructure in India ", Kuruskhetra, GOI, Vol. 65.,
No. 2, pg 23-27, ISSN 0021-5660, December 2016.
Shashi Rani(2016), " Social Marginalisation and Health Inequality: An Assessment of Status of
Child Nutrition In Gujrat", National Refereed Journal, Recent Researches in Social Sciences and
Humanities, pg 8-16, ISSN 2348-3318, May 2016.
Shashi Rani, (2015). Jatiwad avam Arakshan. Dalit Dastak, ISSN 2347-8357 Issue-6, pp34. 2015.
Shashi Rani, (2015). An analysis of occupational health and safety of marginalized population in
India. Social Sciences and Humanities, ISSN-2348-3318 Issue-1, pp.25-28.
Shashi Rani, (2015). HIV/AIDS and areas of counseling. Indraprastha Review, An International
Refereed Biannual Research Journal of Humanities and Multidisciplinary Studies, vol.2:1, pp23-
32, 2015
Shashi Rani,(2015). Inequality and health status of dalits (SC/ST) and challenges. Mulniwasi
Times, Delhi Edition.
Shashi Rani, (2015). “Samanta Ka Sawal” For 20th June,2015, Dainik Jagran, New Delhi.
Chapter in Book
Shashi Rani, (2018), Reinforcing Trust In Public Health Care System: Issues of Rural
Health Infrastructure, quality, and equity in Rani S. and Amin W. (Eds.). (2018), “The
State of Marginalization and Public Health Issues in India”,ISBN 978-81-934273-4-7.
Winshield Press, New Delhi
Shashi Rani, (2016), " Occupational Issues and Problems: Scope of Social Work Interventions at
Work Place", pg.377-394, in Dash B & Roy S.(ed) Field Work in Social Work Education:
Contemporary Practices and Perspectives, ISBN 978-81-269-2299-4, Atlantic Publishers and
Distributers, New Delhi.
Shashi Rani (2015). The Right Based Approach towards Child Development: Issues and
Challenges, in Chopra Neelima (Ed), Care for Young Children: Health, Nutrition and Protection,
Global Books Organization, New Delhi, India. ISBN-978-93-80570-98-3
Research Work
Conference Organization/ Presentations (Attended
in the last three years)
Convener, National level seminar, titled: Social Justice in Neoliberal Times- Issues and
Concerns, 16-17 April2017, held at Department of Social Work, University of Delhi.
Sponsored by ICSSR and University of Delhi.
Coordinator, Self Defense Training Programme, in collaboration of Delhi Police for
students of Department of Social Work, University of Delhi. November 2017
Nodal Officer & coordinator Two days Training program of “Child Care Institutions
(CCIs) functiories on Individual Care Plan and Gender Sensitivity",
Jointlyorganised by Delhi Child Protection Unit –V, AV Baliga Trust” and Department
of Social Work, University of Delhi, held on 2nd and 3rd February 2018, at Delhi
University Guest House, Delhi.