Cues Nursing Diagnosis Scientific Basis Goals and Outcome Criteria Nursing Responsibilities Rationale Evaluation
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Scientific Basis Goals and Outcome Criteria Nursing Responsibilities Rationale Evaluation
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Scientific Basis Goals and Outcome Criteria Nursing Responsibilities Rationale Evaluation
SUBJECTIVE Imbalanced Goal:
CUES: nutrition: Less After 72 hours of Estimate/calculate coloric Identifies nutritional
“wa man ko than body rendering nursing care, intake. Keep comments deficiencies/needs focusing on
gana mo requirements patient will be able to about appetite a problem creator and negative
kaon day related to improve its nutritional minimum. atmosphere and may interfere with
kay decreased status. intake ( Doenges, M.E. ; pg. 369)
kapoyan appetite. Consult with client about Involving client in planning enables
ko” as OUTCOME CRITERIA: like/dislikes foods that client to have a sense of control and
verbalized 1.) Patient will be able cause distress, and encourages eating.
by the to demonstrate preferred meal schedule. (Doenges, M.C. , pg. 369)
patient. behaviors, lifestyle
OBJECTIVE changes to regain Assess for abdominal Nonverbal signs of discomfort
CUES: and/or maintain distention, frequent associated with impaired digestion,
V/S: appropriate weight. belciting , guarding, gas pain
BP: reluctance to move. (Doenges, M. E., pg 369)
T: 2.) Patient will Collaborative:
P: demonstrate Administer intravenous Parenteral administration of fluid &
R: progressive weight fluid and electrolytes, electrolytes, & enteral or parenteral
gain towards goal. enteral or parenteral nutrients are essential to provide
nutrition as prescribed. fluid, calories, electrolytes, &
3.) Patient will be able nutrients when oral intake is
to verbalize Consult with prohibited.(Smeltzer., pg 1187)
understanding of dietitian/nutritional Useful in establishing individual
causative factors support team as nutritional needs and most
when known and indicated. appropriate route (Doenges, M.
necessary E.,pg369)
interventions. Monitor laboratory Provides information about
studies: eq. Bun, nutritional deficit/ effectiveness of
prealbumin, albumin, therapy. (Doenges, M. E.,pg 369)
total protein, transferring
SUBJECTIVE Activity Goal: After 72 hours of
CUES: intolerance rendering nursing care, Assess for other Fatigue is a side effect of some
related to body patient will be able to precipitating/ causes of medication. Pain and stressful
weaknesses achieve measurable fatigue e.g., treatments, regimens also extract energy and
increase in activity pain, medication produce fatigue (Doenges, M.E. ; pg.
tolerance by reduced 55)
fatigue and weakness. Evaluate accelerating May denote increasing cardiac
activity intolerance. decomposition rather than over
OUTCOME CRITERIA: activity (Doenges, M.E. ; pg. 55)
1.) Patient will be able Provide assistance with Meets client’s personal care needs
OBJECTIVE to use identified self –care activities as without undue excessive oxygen
CUES: techniques to indicated. Interspace demand (Doenges, M.E. ; pg. 55)
enhance activity activity periods with rest
tolerance periods
2.) Patient will be able Encourage expression of To reduce fatigue. (Doenges, M.E. ;
to participate feelings contributing to/ pg. 67)
willingly in resulting from condition
necessary/ desired
activity Give client information To sustain motivation. (Doenges,
that provide evidence of M.E. ; pg. 67)
3.) Patient will identify daily/ weekly progress
negative factors
affecting activity Encourage client to To enhance sense of well – being
tolerance and maintain positive (Doenges, M.E. ; pg. 67)
eliminate or reduce attitude; suggest use of
their effects when relaxation techniques,
possible. such as visualization/
guided imagery as