Semana5 1 PDF
Semana5 1 PDF
Semana5 1 PDF
Word Order of Negative Sentences We DON’T use Do or Does in questions that have the verb
The following is the word order to construct a basic negati- To Be or Modal Verbs (can, must, might, should etc.)
ve sentence in English in the Present Tense using Don’t or
Doesn’t. Word Order of Questions with Do and Does
The following is the word order to construct a basic ques-
don’t / The Rest of the tion in English using Do or Does.
Subject Verb*
doesn’t sentence
I / you / The Rest of
don't Do/Does Subject Verb*
have / buy the sentence
we / they cereal for breakfast
eat / like etc. Do I / you / we / they
he / she / it doesn't have / need
a new bike?
Does he / she / it want etc.
* Verb: The verb that goes here is the base form of the in-
*Verb: The verb that goes here is the base form of the infi-
finitive = The infinitive without TO before the verb. Instead
nitive = The infinitive without TO before the verb. Instead
of the infinitive To have it is just the have part.
of the infinitive To have it is just the have part.
Remember that the infinitive is the verb before it is con- Remember that the infinitive is the verb before it is con-
jugated (changed) and it begins with TO. For example: to jugated (changed) and it begins with TO. For example: to
have, to eat, to go, to live, to speak etc. have, to eat, to go, to live, to speak etc.
Academia César Vallejo
• H
owever, if a question word such as who, when,
A) Do – listen
where, why, which or how is used in the question,
B) Does – listen
you cannot use the short answers above to respond
C) Does – listening
to the question.
D) Do – listening
E) Is – listen
The difference between Do and Make
2. _____ Beatriz _____ her room?
A) Does
Food, drink and meals Speaking and Sounds
B) Are
Make a cake Make a noise
Make breakfast Make a comment C) Is
Make dinner Make a speech MAKE D) Do
Make a cup of coffee Make a suggestion E) Doing
Anual Uni
5. What ______ you ____ of their new álbum? 9. You can’t ______ far in this fog.
A) are – think A) do
B) are – thinking B) see
C) do – think C) make
D) does – think D) look
E) are – thinks E) watch
6. They _________ see each other during the week. 10. Please ______ at this photo.
7. We normally _____ the shopping on Saturday mornings. 11. I like to _______ football matches on TV.
A) make A) seeing
B) see B) watch
C) look C) look
D) watch D) do
E) do E) make
8. Before you go out, you have to ____ your homework, ok? 12. Do you ____ that man in the blue shirt?
A) do A) see
B) make B) do
C) not C) make
D) did D) watch
E) looking E) look
1- B 2- A 3- B 4- D 5- C 6- B
7- E 8- A 9- B 10 - D 11 - B 12 - A
Jr. Zapallal 280 - 320