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1 Purpose

This document summarises the state-of-the-art techniques that are

characteristic of NATM. The main topics include:

 Principles of conventional tunnelling

 Design stages

 Overview of ground investigations

 Geotechnical design and geotechnical safety management

 Monitoring and data evaluation

 Tunnelling contract structure

 Construction site organisation

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 1

2 Definitions
Part of the earths crust, composed of rock and/or soil, frequently
with anisotropic properties, including discontinuities, and voids
filled with liquids or gases

Aggregate, consisting of mineral components, developed from
natural processes, characterised by the types and amount of the
minerals and grain structure

Mineral aggregate, whose properties predominantly are deter-
mined by the physical/chemical bond

Accumulation of various rock units which form a structural frame-
work including discontinuities

Accumulation of inorganic, solid particles with occasional organic
admixtures. The properties are predominantly governed by the
granulomeric composition, the compaction, and the water content

General term for any mechanical discontinuity in a rock mass having
zero or low tensile strength. Collective term for most types of joints,
bedding planes, schistosity planes, weakness zones and faults


Ground with similar geotechnical properties


Reaction of the ground to the excavation of the full profile without
consideration of sequential excavation and support

2 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

General categories describing similar Ground Behaviours with re-
spect to failure modes and displacement characteristics


Behaviour resulting from the interaction between ground, and sup-
port, separated in:

 System Behaviour in the respective excavation area

 System Behaviour in the supported section

 System Behaviour in the final state

Conditions influencing construction processes and methods which
are not of a geotechnical nature

Summary of the Geotechnical Design, including relevant parame-
ters used in the design, and application criteria for the assignment
of excavation and support methods

Definition of required parameters to safeguard serviceability, safety,
and the environment

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 3

3 Application of NATM
3.1 General Approach
NATM is based on the concept that the ground around the tunnel
not only acts as a load, but also as a load-bearing element. Typically,
the excavation and support activities are continuously adjusted to
suit the ground conditions, always considering the technical/design
requirements. The ground reaction, in the form of lining displace-
ments is measured in order to check the stability of the opening and
to optimise excavation and support process.

Depending on the project conditions (e.g. shallow soft ground tun-

nel, deep rock tunnel) and the results of the geotechnical measure-
ments, the requirements for a specific support are determined. Con-
tractual arrangements must be flexible to ensure that the most eco-
nomical type and amount of support is used.

The typical support elements in NATM are shotcrete and rock dow-
els. Steel ribs or lattice girders provide limited early support before
the shotcrete hardens and ensure correct profile geometry. If
ground conditions require support at or ahead of the excavation
face, face dowels, shotcrete, spiles or pipe canopies are installed as

The excavation cross-section is subdivided into top heading, bench

and invert depending on both ground conditions and logistical re-
quirements (i.e. to facilitate the use of standard plant and machin-
ery). Side drift galleries are provided to limit the size of large excava-
tion faces and surface settlements.

3.2 Construction Methods

The increased demand to construct road and railway tunnels with
large cross-sections, spurred the further development and stan-
dardisation of specific construction methodology. Particularly, stan-

4 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

dard methods were developed for the excavation of tunnels in hard
rock conditions, squeezing ground conditions, and soft ground

3.3 Hard Rock Conditions

Fig. 1: Example of cross-section in hard rock conditions

The basis for the design of tunnels in rock depends on both the
ground conditions and the usage of the tunnel (water, road, railway
tunnel, etc.). Tunnels excavated in sound rock are generally horse-
shoe shaped, whereas tunnels excavated in poor rock generally re-
quire an invert arch to ensure stability.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 5

The tunnel is typically advanced by drill and blast following a se-
quential excavation method (top heading, bench, invert). However
if favourable rock conditions are anticipated, full-face excavation
can be used.

The bench is excavated simultaneously to the top heading, up to a

few hundred meters behind the excavation face, providing a ramp
for access to the heading. Some distance behind the bench, the in-
vert is excavated. If ground conditions are unfavourable, an invert
arch is provided to close the lining, forming a complete ring.

Fig. 2: Pilottunnel in hard rock conditions

In a separate operation following the excavation, concrete abut-

ments and plastic drainage pipes are installed. The tunnel profile is
checked by scanning the surface and is corrected if necessary. The

6 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

primary lining and the dowel heads are covered with a smoothen-
ing layer in preparation for the installation of the waterproofing sys-

The secondary lining is typically unreinforced and cast in 8.0 m to

12.0 m long bays using a steel formwork mounted on a carrier. The
steel formwork provides a high-quality surface. The concrete mix is
designed to allow for one concreting cycle in 24 hours.


Drill, charge, blast Mucking Steel rib, wire mesh, Rock bolting
shotcrete application

Bench excavation Invert excavation

Invert concrete Final lining concrete

Fig. 3: Construction sequence including invert arch

3.4 Squeezing Rock Conditions

Tunnels excavated in weak rock and high overburden exhibit frac-
turing and large deformations due to high stresses around the

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 7

opening which exceed the ground strength. In order to effectively
manage these large deformations, a number of important design
parameters must be established. These include definition of the
over-excavation required to provide the deformation allowance, as
well as the determination of support measures. A support system
which allows controlled deformation is chosen to limit the required
support resistance and to achieve stability.

To increase the shear strength of the rock mass, the key support
element is the use of rock dowels. The shotcrete lining thickness is
typically 0.2 m to 0.3 m. In case of large displacements longitudinal
slots in the shotcrete lining and yielding support elements are
placed to allow deformation without damage to the lining. Once
the rock pressure is significantly reduced and stabilisation of the
opening is confirmed by monitoring, the slots in the lining are
closed with shotcrete.

Fig. 4: Yielding elements installed in longitudinal slots in the top heading

8 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Yielding elements are integrated into the shotcrete lining. These
yielding elements act to limit the normal forces in the shotcrete lin-
ing, thus preventing overstressing and preserving the support ca-
pacity. Fig. 4 shows the use of the deformable support system.

Following breakthrough, the installation of the waterproofing sys-

tem and secondary lining is identical to a hard rock tunnel.

3.5 Soft Ground Conditions

Shallow tunnels in soft ground situated in an urban environment
require the use of both a rigid support and a predetermined se-
quence of advance. In conventional soft ground tunnelling, the
emphasis is on a rigid shotcrete lining, a short advance length and a
rapid invert closure. If required, the cross-section is divided into side
and centre drifts. Auxiliary measures like dewatering wells, com-
pressed air, jet grouting or even ground freezing are also applied
where necessary.

In addition to the geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical

conditions, the design of tunnels in soft ground must also consider
the usage of the tunnel, environmental factors and minimising sur-
face settlements.

The installation of the waterproofing system, secondary lining and

the technical equipment after breakthrough, is identical to a hard
rock tunnel.

The applicability of various excavation methods and support types

to a range of overburden depths and tunnel types are presented in
the following examples.

3.5.1 Example 1: Road Tunnel, Overburden 50 m

The example describes a tunnel with a drained lining system exca-
vated in sandy, silty gravel with interbedded layers of silt. The cross-
section is similar to that of a hard rock tunnel, however, an invert
arch, consisting of shotcrete and reinforced or unreinforced con-
crete, is provided throughout (see Fig. 5). In contrast to a hard rock

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 9

tunnel, the main support element is shotcrete applied to a substan-
tial thickness (0.3 m – 0.4 m). The thickness of the secondary lining is
to be determined by structural analysis.

Fig. 5: Example of cross-section in soft ground conditions

The excavation sequence is top heading – bench – invert. Face sup-

port (supporting core), elephant feet, a temporary invert in the top
heading and the arrangement of a pipe canopy can be employed
(see Fig. 6 and 7).

10 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 6: Typical excavation and support in soft ground conditions

Fig. 7: Typical excavation sequence in soft ground conditions

The length of the excavation rounds for this example is limited to a

maximum of 1.0 m in the top heading, 2.0 m in the bench and 4.0 m
in the invert. The closure of the temporary invert follows 5.0 m to
7.0 m behind the face of the top heading. The closure of the invert

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 11

follows 2.0 m to 6.0 m behind the face of the bench. The advance
rate is related to the quality of the young shotcrete. In this example
it is restricted to 5.0 m in 24 hours in the top heading and 8.0 m in
24 hours in the bench and invert to limit stresses in the primary

3.5.2 Example 2: Twin-track Metro Tunnel, Shallow Overburden, Urban Environment

The excavation of a shallow tunnel in an urban environment re-
quires that surface settlements be minimised. The limitation of
ground settlements necessitates that a stiff support is applied soon

Fig. 8: Example of cross-section in soft ground conditions, fully tanked lining

12 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

after excavation, with no attempt made to reduce lining loads by al-
lowing deformations of the opening. Therefore, the most effective
means to advance this type of tunnel is the combined use of a strict
sequence of short advance rounds with a closed ring of shotcrete of
substantial thickness.

Example 2 demonstrates the excavation of a double-track tunnel

with a cross-sectional area of 60 m2 (see Fig. 8). The circumstances
require that the groundwater level be lowered using a system of
dewatering wells. The tunnel cross-section is excavated in partial
face sections where flowing layers of soil are present within the
gravel layers. Substantial support of the excavation face using shot-
crete and dowels or ground treatment by grouting ahead of the
face is occasionally required to ensure safe tunnelling conditions
(see Fig. 9 and 10).

Fig. 9: Example of excavation in soft ground conditions, urban environment

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 13

Fig. 10: Metro tunnel in soft ground conditions

For top heading, bench and invert the thickness of the shotcrete lin-
ing, the lattice girder spacing and the distance from the tunnel face
to the invert closure is defined in the design. Instrumentation is
used to monitor the surface settlements as well as the performance
of the primary lining and to validate the design.

The length of the excavation rounds for this example is limited to a

maximum of 1.0 m and the closure of the invert followed 5.0 m be-
hind the face. The advance rate is restricted to 4.0 m in 24 hours to
limit stresses in the recently placed primary lining shotcrete.

A fully tanked secondary lining system is installed, since a perma-

nent drainage system for groundwater pressure release is not ac-
ceptable. The drainage system used during construction of the tun-

14 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

nel is sealed with grout. Water tightness is achieved by a reinforced
concrete secondary lining, which is designed to sustain the full hy-
drostatic pressure and all permanent loads.

3.5.3 Example 3: Railway Tunnel, Shallow Overburden

The excavation of tunnels with large cross-sections in shallow over-
burden requires that the size of the excavation face be reduced to
limit surface settlement. This can be achieved by using an excava-
tion sequence consisting of two sidewall drifts and a centre core
(see Fig. 11 and 12).

In this example the side wall drifts are staggered and served as both
a pilot tunnel and a foundation for the crown support. The side wall
drifts are advanced individually employing an excavation sequence
with a short top heading followed by early invert closure as shown

Fig. 11: Typical excavation and support for side wall drift method

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 15

Fig. 12: Double-track railway tunnel in urban environment

in Fig. 11. The size of a side wall drift has to meet space require-
ments for the intended excavation plant. Also the shape of tempo-
rary side walls has to be designed in a way that does not deviate too
much from an oval shape with sharp bends in the crown and invert.

Fig. 13: Typical excavation sequence for side wall drift method

16 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Particular attention is given to facilitate the connection of side wall
drift linings with the crown support and invert of the core.

After breakthrough, or at a substantial distance behind the side wall

drifts, core 1 is advanced as an essentially independent operation,
using 1.0 m long rounds and a top heading and bench sequence
(see Fig. 13). Core 2 excavation follows at a distance which is de-
pendent on the arrangement of plant employed by the contractor.
Just before ring closure of the complete cross-section (in typically
2.0 m long advance rounds) the temporary side walls are removed
at this location.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 17

4 Design Stages
4.1 General
In general, tunnel design can be carried out by the client’s own en-
gineering team, by the design engineer appointed by the client or
by the construction contractor’s design team. In Austria, a client
would typically appoint a design engineer to be responsible for the
design in all stages of a conventional tunnel project. However, on
rare occasions, multiple design consultants are appointed, each be-
ing responsible for a different stage of the project.

The design of a tunnel project is subdivided into four principal


 Conceptual design including feasibility study

 Preliminary design

 Tender design

 Final design

In Austria national standards and guidelines regulate the design

and construction of tunnels, e.g. standardised cross-sections, struc-
ture geometry, dynamic envelopes, safety requirements, etc.

4.2 Conceptual Design

For the design of tunnels the following aspects are to be consid-

 Type and purpose of the underground structure

 Alignment

 Topographical conditions

 Geological and hydrological conditions

18 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

 Environmental impact including noise, vibration, air pollution

 Legal aspects

 Safety requirements

 M & E requirements

 Risk assessment and analysis

The purpose of the conceptual design is to select or finalise the

tunnel alignment and to provide a cost estimate.

The design documents and drawings produced at the conceptual

design stage include:

 Definition of design basis

 Comparison of alignment alternatives and selection of preferred


 Geological and hydrological information available

 Proposal for further investigations

 Assessment of the impact of the tunnel on the environment

(e.g. influence on groundwater regime, surface settlements,
noise, vibration, dust etc.)

 Cost estimate

 Construction programme

The design engineer is also responsible for tasks involving public re-
lations and project management.

4.3 Preliminary Design

In the preliminary design stage, the conceptual design of the pro-
ject is refined based on the selected alignment and an Environ-
mental Impact Study is carried out. In this stage the main focus is on

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 19

environmental matters, particularly on the legal aspects of water re-
sources, forestry and nature protection.

Different clients and authorities may require individual substages

for railway or road tunnels. However, the common target in the pre-
liminary design is to receive the approval for construction of the
project by the authorities.

The preliminary design stage involves the following tasks:

 Contribution to the site investigation programme by the design


 Site investigation

 Evaluation of site investigation and laboratory test results

 Geotechnical prognosis and identification of typical ground


 Definition of ground properties (key parameters) for analysis

 Development of typical cross-sections based on the geotechni-

cal requirements

 Selection of excavation and support methods

 Identification of portal locations and design of portal structures

 Tunnel waterproofing and drainage concepts

 Integration of operational systems to address tunnel safety re-

quirements (e.g. emergency escape, ventilation, fire fighting,
lighting, telecommunication etc.)

 Definition of construction concepts, including water and power

supply, location of construction roads and muck deposits and
their impact on the environment with respect to noise-, dust-,
air pollution-, vibration-, hydrological- and other environmental
influences during construction and operation

 Permanent muck deposits

 Documentation regarding land acquisition

20 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

 Construction programme

 Cost estimate

 Risk assessment and analysis

4.4 Tender Design

The scope of the tender design is to detail the works to the extent
that the exact pricing of each work item can be determined. At this
stage, the contractual documents are compiled.

The tender design stage includes the following tasks:

 Additional site investigations to meet requirements of the au-


 Updating geotechnical prognosis, support drawings, distribu-

tion of excavation and tunnelling classes, detailing of auxiliary
construction measures and provision of information as required
by the national standards and guidelines

 Preparation of contract documents including:

- Instruction to bidders
- Project description
- Information on geotechnical conditions, monitoring and
evaluation of monitoring results, etc.
- Drawings
- Technical specifications for materials and workmanship
- Construction programme, time, duration and staging of the
- Conditions of contract
- Itemised bill of quantities, measurement and payment
- Framework design

 Tender assessment

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 21

4.5 Final Design
The scope of the final design is to detail the work described in the
tender stage for construction purposes.

The final design stage includes the following tasks in the design of-

 Detailed drawings and shop drawings (e.g. formwork drawings,

reinforcement drawings and schedules, etc.)

 Framework design

The final design stage includes the following tasks on site:

 Refinement of the framework design within contractual limits

based on the geological/geotechnical conditions encountered
during excavation (a particular aim of conventional tunnelling)

 As-built documentation

22 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

5 Ground Investigations and De-
scription of the Ground Conditions
5.1 General
The geological investigations form the basis for developing a geo-
logical model. The geological investigations are the client’s respon-
sibility. Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations
shall be planned and supervised by experienced geologists in close
cooperation with the design engineer and the client.

All investigated data (geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical) are

summarised in a report. Full disclosure of all data is provided for
geotechnical design.

5.2 Methods
The following methods are primarily employed to investigate the
ground conditions:

 Analysis of existing records and documents related to ground

conditions (e.g. for structures already built in the same or similar
geological formations)

 Application of remote sensing technology (analysis of satellite

or aerial photos)

 Field mapping

 Exploratory boreholes and in-situ borehole testing

 Trial pits

 Geophysical measurements

 Field tests

 Laboratory tests

 Exploratory adits and galleries (pilot tunnels)

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 23

5.3 Extent of Site Investigations
The extent of the site investigation programme carried out is always
project-specific. The investigations are executed in steps which cor-
respond to the design stages and the complexity of the geological
conditions. In zones of predicted hazards (such as faults, high in-situ
stresses, mass movements, cavities, etc.), in portal areas and in
zones with shallow overburden the ground must be investigated in
greater detail.

During construction, further site investigations especially probing

ahead of the face may be required depending on the remaining de-
gree of uncertainty, the type of hazards predicted, the sensitivity of
excavation method to changes in ground conditions and the actual
conditions encountered.

5.4 Geological Conditions

A complete understanding of the geological structure of the area
forms the basis for the description of the geological conditions. This
includes the regional geological environment, the lithological se-
quences and the tectonic setting.

A description of the geological conditions shall be provided for

each geological unit, which is defined by comparable lithology and
structure. The qualitative description shall be accompanied by
quantitative information.

In the description of soils, geological units are normally grouped ac-

cording to the origin of the geological formations (e.g. moraines,
river gravels, colluvium, and clay deposits). Soils are described ac-
cording to their geotechnical properties and are classified into
standard groups. These properties include the following:

 Grain sizes

 Shape, degree of roundness, degree of weathering, strength,

swelling capacity etc.

24 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

 Soil structure (layering, anisotropy)

 Plasticity, compaction

 Special features like the presence of blocks or organic constitu-


 Density

 Sensitivity when exposed to water

For rock the description does distinguish between intact rock and
rock mass. The intact rock description includes the following ele-

 Mineral content

 Structure and texture

 Petrographic identification

The description of a rock mass includes the following elements:

 Geological composition (e.g. stratification, foliation, density)

 Intact rock

 Discontinuities (identification of discontinuity sets and their

properties, e.g. type, orientation, shape, roughness, spacing, ap-
erture etc.)

 Degree of weathering

 Karst formation

 Hydrothermal alteration

 Fault zones

- Tectonic origin
- Orientation
- Width
- Composition
- Constituents: fault gouge, cataclasite, remnants of host rock

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 25

Fault zones are treated as individual homogeneous zones when
they are of special significance to the project.

5.5 Hydrogeological Conditions

A description of hydrogeological conditions must include both local
and regional characteristics. In particular, aquifers, their possible in-
teraction, confined/unconfined aquifers and water barriers as well
as the flow conditions and the connection to water at the surface
are summarised.

In particular the following items are required:

 Groundwater levels

 Permeability

 Type of circulation (e.g. porous aquifers, water flow along dis-

continuities and/or in karst structures)

 Type of aquifer (heterogeneous, homogeneous, anisotropic, iso-


 Direction of water flow

 Velocity of water flow

 Hydraulic conductivity

 Transmissivity

 Water chemistry

 Carbonate reaction, carbonate equilibrium

 Pore pressure, hydraulic head, gradient

 Location of springs and wells with registration of field parame-


 Storage capacity of rocks and soils

 Recharge – discharge area, water balance

26 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

5.6 Geotechnical Investigations and Tests
Geotechnical parameters which are relevant for design and con-
struction are determined in laboratory and field tests. The following
parameters shall be measured:

 Primary stresses

 Geophysical properties (e.g. dynamic Young’s modulus)

 Strength properties (e.g. UCS, cohesion, angle of friction)

 Young’s modulus, deformation modulus

 Swelling potential

 Conductivity, transmissivity

 Abrasivity

When defining the testing programme, the number of tests, size of

specimen, internal structure of specimens in relation to testing di-
rection, type of failure mode and the range of values shall be indi-
cated. Comparative values, empirical values and estimates shall be
denoted as such. The sources of testing shall be given. If available,
standard procedures for testing such as provided by the ISRM may
be adopted.

For rock, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the geotech-

nical data for the intact rock and the rock mass including disconti-
nuities (i.e. rock boundaries, fracture surfaces, weathering) and their

5.7 Additional Information

The following additional aspects are investigated depending on the
specific relevance to the project:

 Gas occurrence (type of gas, potential gas source, gas reservoir

with migration paths)

 Creep movements / landslides

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 27

 Neotectonic occurencies

 Temperature (ground, groundwater)

 Seismic activity

 Substances generating health hazards (quartz, asbestos etc.)

 Radioactivity

 Residual waste or contaminated ground

 Groundwater contamination

28 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

6 Geotechnical Design
6.1 General
A sound and economically viable tunnel design depends on a realis-
tic geological model, an accurate ground characterisation and the
assessment of key contributing factors such as primary stresses,
groundwater and kinematics. Despite this requirement, a tunnel de-
sign based primarily on experience and basic empirical cal-
culations. In addition, modifications to excavation and support de-
signs made on site are often based on site specific analysis. To im-
prove transparency of the design and construction process a Guide-
line for the Geotechnical Design of Underground Structures with Con-
ventional Excavation was developed and published by the Austrian
Society for Geomechanics.

6.2 Geotechnical Design Procedure

The main task of the geotechnical design is the economic optimisa-
tion of the construction considering the ground conditions as well
as safety, long term stability, and environmental requirements. The
variability of the geological composition including the local ground
structure, ground parameters, stress and groundwater conditions
requires that a consistent and specific procedure be used during the
design process. The key influences governing the geotechnical de-
sign are the ground conditions and Ground Behaviour. In spite of all
uncertainties in the description of the ground conditions, under-
ground engineering needs a strategy, allowing a consistent and co-
herent design procedure that is traceable throughout the entire
project, and an optimal adjustment of the support measures to the
actual ground conditions encountered on site. Geotechnical design
is typically accomplished in two main phases, namely the design
phase and the construction phase.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 29

This phase involves the determination of expected ground proper-
ties, the classification into Ground Types (GT), the assessment of the
Ground Behaviours (GB), its categorisation into Behaviour Types
(BT), as well as the determination of support measures derived from
the Ground Behaviour under consideration of the project specific
boundary conditions. On this basis the expected System Behaviour
(SB) is predicted.

Excavation classes are then determined according to the rules stipu-

lated in ONORM B 2203-1.

The results of all phases of the geotechnical design are summarised

in a geotechnical report. The geotechnical report must clearly state
the ground conditions, boundary conditions, and other assump-
tions on which the design is based. The framework plan is part of
the geotechnical report. This plan has to contain clear application
criteria, and shall indicate which measures shall not be modified
during construction without consent of the designer, as well as the
criteria for possible modifications and adjustments during construc-

During construction, all ground parameters relevant to the geo-
technical design have to be collected, recorded, and evaluated to
determine the Ground Type. Considering these influencing factors,
the actual System Behaviour in the excavation area is assessed ac-
cording to the stipulations of the design. Excavation and support
measures have to be chosen based on the criteria laid out in the
framework plan and the safety management plan. The geotechnical
design and the framework plan have to be continuously updated
based on the findings on site. The improved quality of the geotech-
nical model allows an optimisation of the construction while ob-
serving all safety and environmental requirements. The relevant
data and assumptions made for all decisions during design and
construction have to be recorded. Relevant information in connec-
tion with the ground properties, Ground and System Behaviour has
to be documented, evaluated and analysed in both phases.

30 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

The guideline [6] shall help to follow a systematic procedure. All
concepts, considerations and decisions shall be recorded in a way
that a review of the decision making process is possible.

The basic procedure for geotechnical design begins with the de-
termination of the Ground Types and ends with the definition of the
excavation classes. The outline of the design procedure is illustrated
in the flow chart shown in Fig. 14.

Statistic and/or probabilistic methods should be used to account for

the variability and uncertainty in the key parameters and influenc-
ing factors.

6.2.1 Phase 1 – Design

The first step starts with a description of the basic geologic compo-
sition and proceeds by defining geotechnically relevant parameters
for each Ground Type. The values and distributions of the key pa-
rameters are determined from available information and/or esti-
mated with engineering and geological judgement. Ground with
similar properties is classified into Ground Types (GT). The number
of Ground Types depends on the project specific geological condi-

The second step involves evaluating the potential Ground Behav-
iours considering each Ground Type and local influencing factors,
including the relative orientation of relevant discontinuities to the
excavation, ground water conditions, stress situation, etc. The
Ground Behaviour is defined for each section having similar ground
properties and influencing factors. The Ground Behaviour has to be
evaluated for the full cross-sectional area without considering any
modifications including the excavation method and sequence as
well as support or other auxiliary measures. The evaluated project
specific Ground Behaviours shall be assigned to basic Ground Be-

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 31

complies with

Fig. 14: Flow chart showing the geotechnical design process

32 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

haviour Types (Tab. 1). Project specific conditions may require a fur-
ther subdivision of the Ground Behaviour Types, as well as a de-
tailed description of the single expected behaviours.

Basic categories of Behaviour Description of potential failure modes/mechanisms dur-

Types (BT) ing excavation of the unsupported ground

1 Stable Stable ground with the potential for localised gravity induced
falling or sliding of small blocks

2 Potential of discontinuity con- Discontinuity controlled, gravity induced falling and sliding of
trolled block fall blocks in large volumes, occasional local shear failure on

3 Shallow failure Shallow stress induced failure in combination with disconti-

nuity and gravity controlled failure

4 Voluminous stress induced Stress induced failure involving large ground volumes and
failure large deformation

5 Rock burst Sudden and violent failure of the rock mass, caused by
highly stressed brittle rocks and the rapid release of accu-
mulated strain energy
6 Buckling Buckling of rocks with a narrowly spaced discontinuity set,
frequently associated with shear failure

7 Crown failure Overbreak in the crown of large volumes with progressive

shear failure

8 Ravelling ground Flow of dry or moist, intensely fractured, poorly interlocked

rocks or soil with low cohesion

9 Flowing ground Flow of intensely fractured, poorly interlocked rocks or soil

with high water content

10 Swelling ground Time dependent volume increase of the ground caused by

physical-chemical reaction of rock and water in combination
with stress relief, leading to inward movement of the tunnel

11 Ground with frequently Combination of several behaviours with strong local varia-
changing deformation char- tions of stresses and deformations over longer sections due
acteristics to heterogeneous ground (i.e. in heterogeneous fault zones;
block-in-matrix rock, tectonic melanges)

Tab. 1: Categories of Ground Behaviour Types

A feasible construction concept is chosen based on the ground
characteristics and the determined Ground Behaviour for each char-

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 33

acteristic situation. The concept includes a description of the exca-
vation method, sequence of excavation, support and auxiliary

Under consideration of the construction concept, including se-
quence of construction, stability of the face and perimeter, and the
spatial stress distribution, the System Behaviour in the excavation
area is assessed (see Fig. 15)

Excavation Area Excavation Area

Step 4 Step 4

Supported Area Supported Area Final State

Step 5 Step 5

Fig. 15: Division of sections for the System Behaviour

The excavation and support methods are fixed in quality and quan-
tity, considering probable further excavation steps, and the System
Behaviour determined. The evaluated System Behaviour is then
compared to the requirements.

34 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Based on steps 1 through 3 the alignment is divided into sections
with similar excavation and support requirements. The framework
plan indicates the excavation and support methods available for
each section, and contains limits and criteria for possible variations
or modifications on site.

In the final step of the design process, the excavation classes are de-
fined based on the evaluation of the excavation and support meas-
ures. The excavation classes form a basis for compensation clauses
in the tender documents. In Austria the evaluation of excavation
classes is based on the regulations in ONORM B 2203-1.

6.2.2 Phase 2 – Construction

To be able to determine the encountered Ground Type, the geo-
logical information documented during construction must include
the relevant parameters specified in the design (see Fig. 16). Addi-
tional observations, like indications of overstressing, deformation

Fig. 16: Example of face mapping with extrapolation showing the surrounding ground

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 35

and failure mechanisms, as well as results from probing ahead and
the evaluation of the geotechnical monitoring are used to update
the ground model and predict the conditions ahead of the face.

Based on the predicted ground conditions the System Behaviour in
the section ahead has to be assessed under consideration of the in-
fluencing factors, in comparison to the framework plan. Particular
attention has to be paid on potential failure modes.

To determine the appropriate excavation and support measures the
criteria laid out in the framework plan have to be followed. Conse-
quently, it has to be verified whether the actual ground conditions
(Ground Type, System Behaviour) comply with the prediction. The
additional data obtained during construction form the basis for the
determination of the applied excavation and support methods. The
goal is to ensure safety and economy during construction of the
tunnel. The System Behaviour has to be predicted for the next exca-
vation section, considering the ground conditions and the chosen
construction measures. Record of this process must be kept.

Note: Both excavation and support, to a major extent, have to be de-

termined prior to the excavation. After the excavation only minor modi-
fications, like additional bolts, are possible. This fact stresses the impor-
tance of a continuous short-term prediction.

In monitoring the System Behaviour, compliance with the require-
ments and criteria defined in the geotechnical safety management
plan can be verified. When differences between the observed and
predicted behaviour occur, the parameters and criteria used during
excavation for the determination of the Ground Type and the exca-
vation and support have to be reviewed (see Fig. 17). When the dis-

36 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 17: Flow Chart outlining the procedure during construction (SBp=predicted System Behaviour;
SBo=observed System Behaviour)

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 37

placements or support utilisation are higher than predicted, a de-
tailed investigation into the reasons for the different System Behav-
iour has to be conducted, and mitigation measures (like increase of
support) must be implemented if required. In case the System Be-
haviour is more favourable than expected, the reasons must also be
analysed, and the associated parameters modified if appropriate.
This allows for continuous improvement and refinement of the
method for selecting the most appropriate excavation and support

38 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

7 Geotechnical Safety Management
7.1 General
Stability of the underground structure is a key concern during de-
sign and construction. The measures employed to ensure stability
will vary depending on the geotechnical and boundary conditions.

In the design of underground structures, the geotechnical condi-

tions, the static system and the load-bearing capacity of the ground
and support can be quite variable. As such, the design of under-
ground structures cannot be compared to the structural design of
buildings, where the loads and the material properties are well

Uncertainties in the geotechnical model increase the risks associ-

ated with underground construction. To minimise these risks, a
safety management system shall be implemented.

The safety management system must cover the following topics:

 Design requirements for excavation and support; criteria for the

assessment of stability during construction

 Monitoring plan including all technical and organizational

measures to allow continuous comparison between the ex-
pected and actual conditions

 Management plan to deal with deviations from the predicted

System Behaviour

7.2 Contents of a Safety Management Plan

The Safety Management Plan must include the following elements:

 Definition of the expected System Behaviour during construc-


 Definition of relevant parameters to be measured

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 39

 Definition of the expected measurement results and acceptable
deviations (Trigger values, alert levels)

 Determination of the evaluation methods of monitoring data

 Management of the data evaluation process (collection of data,

evaluation, interpretation and communication between the par-

 Contingency measures in case of deviations from the expected

System Behaviour

 Procedure to be followed in the event that trigger values / alert

levels are exceeded (definition of lines of report and command)

 All technical aspects to guideline the application of excavation

and support are summarised in the geotechnical report and
framework plan

40 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

8 Monitoring, Observation,
8.1 General
Systematic and frequent monitoring, observation and interpreta-
tion are important components of the NATM. The programme for
monitoring, observation and interpretation is designed to capture
the range of expected System Behaviours. The main function of the
programme is to determine whether the observed System Be-
haviour lies within expected limits and to validate the appropriate-
ness of the excavation and support measures. Another aspect is the
prediction of the System Behaviour and the update of the geologi-
cal/geotechnical model.

Monitoring and observation use various sources of information,

such as geological documentation and exploration, visual inspec-
tions of face and lining as well as geotechnical measurements.

Combined information from various sources creates a clear picture

of the ground response, ground-support interaction, and spatial
ground structure.

8.2 Geotechnical Monitoring

Typically 3D displacement measurement in the tunnel and on the
surface (if required), extensometers, sliding micrometers, inclinome-
ters, load cells for dowels, strain gauges, pressure cells and piezo-
meters are used to observe the System Behaviour.

To enable a quick visualisation, reliable evaluation and interpreta-

tion of the monitoring results, special software is used.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 41

8.2.1 Optical 3D Measurements
Measurements are done by using a total station (tachymeter) and
targets. Precise prism-targets as well as bireflex-targets (reflectors)
are used to obtain their spatial position.

Geotechnical conditions govern the intervals and layout of the

monitoring sections. Typically 3 to 7 targets are installed in a moni-
toring cross-section (see Fig. 18). The distance between measure-
ment cross-sections is typically 5.0 m to 25.0 m, depending on the
Ground Behaviour and the sensitivity of the project environment.

The targets are mounted on special bolts with an adapter (see Fig.
19). Targets are installed close to the face and zero readings done
immediately after installation. Readings are typically taken daily; the
frequency is reduced with distance to the face and decreasing rates
of displacements.

Fig. 18: Example of monitoring section (optical 3D displacement measurements, extensometers, pie-
zometers, measuring dowels, strain gauges and pressure cells)

42 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 19: Example of monitoring target with protection pipe to avoid damage of the bolt

8.2.2 Extensometers, sliding micrometers, inclinometers

Extensometers and sliding micrometers are used to determine the
shortening or elongation (relative displacements) between two
points in the ground.

Inclinometers provide information on the deflection along a line in

the ground. They are usually installed from the surface to monitor
displacements of the ground caused by the tunnel advance. Exten-
someters and in some cases longitudinal inclinometers are also in-
stalled in the tunnel.

8.2.3 Strain gauges, pressure cells and load cells

Strain gauges (strainmeters) are installed to measure the strain in
the lining. The pressure between lining and ground as well as the
stresses in the lining are obtained by pressure cells.

Occasionally load cells are installed to measure the force in dowels.

8.2.4 Piezometer
Piezometers are used to measure the ground water pressure.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 43

8.3 Presentation of Monitoring Data
Over the last two decades 3D displacement monitoring has become
common practice, gradually replacing other techniques because it
provides a high quantity of information. At present, other monitor-
ing devices such as extensometers, load cells, strain gauges, etc. are
only installed in special circumstances. The following section fo-
cuses on the presentation of 3D displacement monitoring data.

Monitoring data are usually presented in the following standardised


 Time - displacement diagram (see Fig. 20, Fig. 21)

 Distance - displacement diagram (see Fig. 22)

 Deflection curve diagram with trend line (see Fig. 23)

 Displacement vector diagram (see Fig. 24)

 Contour plot of the level of loading in the lining (see Fig. 25)

 Contour plot of surface settlements (see Fig. 26)

8.3.1 Time - displacement diagram

Time - displacement diagrams are used to present vertical, horizon-
tal and longitudinal displacement components versus time. Typi-
cally, the results of the displacement measurements of all targets in
one monitoring cross-section are plotted in one diagram. Construc-
tion phases are also presented on the same plot, allowing correla-
tion between construction activities and displacements. The dis-
placement history is used to assess the stabilisation process. Fig. 20
shows an example of a characteristic time - displacement plot.

44 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 20: Typical time - displacement plot for constant excavation rate

Fig. 21 shows an example of the time displacement trend which oc-

curs when the top heading excavation is stopped for several days.
After the stoppage, excavation continues with constant advance

8.3.2 Distance - Displacement diagram

Fig. 22 shows the same situation as illustrated in Fig. 21. In this ex-
ample the vertical displacements are plotted versus the distance to
the tunnel face. Time dependent displacements during the stop of
the excavation are shown in the vertical offset 6.0 m behind the

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 45

Fig. 21: Typical time - displacement plot for discontinuous excavation

8.3.3 Deflection curve diagram with trend line

Deflection curves are used to observe the stress redistribution proc-
ess and changing System Behaviour. Therefore it is possible to rec-
ognise changing ground conditions in due time (e.g. faults) and to
mitigate risk.

A deflection curve represents the status of displacements of one

position in cross-section along the tunnel (e.g. crown points) at a
particular time. Deflection curves of consecutive readings are plot-
ted on one diagram for each component of the displacement vector
(x, y, z-coordinate).

46 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 22: Distance - displacement plot for discontinuous excavation (same situation as in Fig. 21)

Fig. 23 shows the influence of each excavation step on previously

excavated and supported tunnel sections.

Fig. 23: Deflection curve diagram for crown position showing the estimation of “pre-displacements”
and construction of trend line

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 47

The “pre-displacement” is the displacement occurring between the
face and the zero reading of the first target. This cannot be meas-
ured. Therefore it has to be determined by extrapolation and added
to compare the measurements.

Deflection curves are usually combined with a trend line. Trend lines
are created by connecting values from the deflection curves at a
constant distance behind the face (see Fig. 23).

"Onion-shell-type" deflection curves and a horizontal trend line de-

velopment are obtained when tunnelling in homogeneous ground
conditions and uniform boundary conditions.

8.3.4 Displacement Vector Orientation (L/S)

The displacement vector orientation L/S is the ratio between longi-
tudinal displacements (L) and settlements (S) expressed in terms of
an angular deviation of the displacement vector from vertical. The
L/S trend evaluation is the most appropriate method to identify
changes in the ground conditions. A rotation of this displacement
vector against the direction of excavation indicates relatively soft
ground ahead of the face. In contrast, a rotation in direction of the
excavation indicates relatively stiff conditions ahead. Fig. 24 shows
the basic development of the vector orientation trend L/S when
tunnelling through a zone of relatively soft ground.

The displacement vector trend L/S (in this case for the crown point)
deviates from a “normal” orientation against the direction of exca-
vation when approaching the zone of soft ground. The “normal”
vector orientation strongly depends on the ground structure and
stress conditions and has to be determined separately for each

After entering the soft zone, the vector tends to return to the “nor-
mal” orientation. When approaching the stiff ground, an inverse
tendency can be observed. The displacement vector deviates in di-
rection of excavation and reaches a maximum at the transition. Af-
ter entering the stiff zone, the vector returns to normal.

48 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 24: Example for displacement vector orientation trend L/S when tunnelling through stiff -
relatively soft - stiff ground

8.3.5 Combination of different evaluation methods

In addition to the evaluation methods previously described, further
methods can be used in order to gain the full benefit of displace-
ment monitoring data. These methods include the following:

 Trend lines of displacement ratios, e.g. ratio between the set-

tlement of the crown point and a point at the sidewall

 Trend lines of displacement differences, e.g. settlement differ-

ences for left and right monitoring points, settlement differ-
ences between the crown and the left or right sidewall monitor-
ing points

 Orientation of absolute displacement vector by means of

stereographic projection

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 49

8.3.6 Displacement vector diagram
The displacement vector diagram assists in interpreting the influ-
ence of the ground structure (e.g. the orientation of discontinuities)
on the behaviour.

Vector plots evaluated for a monitoring cross-section are used to

show the orientation of displacements as well as the development
of displacements with time (see Fig. 25).

Fig. 25: Example for displacement vector diagram in homogeneous ground

8.3.7 Level of loading in the shotcrete lining

The displacements measured can also be used to evaluate the
strains in the lining. The time dependent development of the shot-
crete properties is considered in the calculation of the lining

The level of loading is defined as the ratio between the stress and
the ultimate strength of shotcrete. It is usually shown as contour

50 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

The example shown in Fig. 26 is from a tunnel with shallow over-
burden in an urban environment, excavated with side galleries fol-
lowed by core excavation. The contour plot provides a quick over-
view of the utilization of the shotcrete lining.

(Note: Red colour indicates very high load level; Blue colour indi-
cates a low load level)

Fig. 26: Example of the distribution of the level of loading in the shotcrete lining at a certain time;
Tunnel driven with side wall galleries and core excavation

8.3.8 Surface Settlements

Readings of surface settlements can be summarised in a contour
plot. The example in Fig. 27 shows a plan view of the evaluated sur-
face settlements.

The evaluation gives a good indication of the influence of the con-

struction progress on the distribution and magnitude of the dis-
placements. Furthermore, the maximum of differential settlements
for buildings, tracks, pipe lines can directly display the areas where
limits are exceeded.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 51

Fig. 27: Example of a contour plot of surface settlements; development and distribution of surface
settlements caused by tunnelling under a residential area

8.4 Interpretation
8.4.1 Development of displacements with time
For constant advance rate and uniform boundary conditions, con-
tinuously decreasing displacement rates over time indicate a stabili-
sation process. Subsequent excavation steps, like bench or invert
excavation lead to a temporary increase in displacement rates. In-
creases and decreases in the advance rate result in a change in the
displacement rates, making the interpretation difficult in cases
where advance rates are variable.

Fig. 28 shows the development of the measured crown settlements

for top heading excavation with a temporary top heading invert.
The predicted displacements with a temporary invert (green line)
and without (blue dotted line) are displayed to provide the basis for
comparison with the actual data. Deviation between the measured
displacements and the predicted displacements occurs in the graph
on January 21st, indicating a failure of the temporary invert.

52 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 28: Example of time - displacement plot showing a deviation between measured and predicted

8.4.2 Displacement vector plot

Plotting the displacement vectors allows the detection of deviations
from the normal behaviour caused by features outside the exca-
vated cross-section. Fig. 29 shows an example of the influence of a
steeply dipping fault, striking sub-parallel to the tunnel axis. The
stress concentration between sidewall and fault causes increased

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 53

Fig. 29: Displacement vector plot – influence of a fault outside the excavated cross-section

8.4.3 Deflection curve diagram and displacement vector orientation trends

In Fig. 30, the uppermost diagram shows the development of crown
settlements of a tunnel section with a length of approximately 120.0
m. The trend line of the ratio of longitudinal displacements and set-
tlements (L/S – displacement vector orientation, evaluated as an
angle) is illustrated at the bottom. The settlement curves show a
nearly constant development with a small variation. In contrast the
development of the displacement vector orientation clearly shows a
significant deviation from a certain “normal” range against the di-
rection of excavation. This tendency indicates changing ground
conditions, with weaker ground expected ahead of the face. In the
case shown here, the range of normal displacement vector orienta-
tions is between 4° to 8° against the excavation direction. The “nor-
mal” vector orientation depends on the ground structure and the
stress conditions and has to be determined separately for each

54 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 30: Deflection curves of vertical displacements of the crown (top) and trend of ratio between lon-
gitudinal and vertical displacements (below). Deviation of displacement vector orientation in-
dicating change of ground quality ahead of face

Fig. 31 shows the observed situation with increased displacements

in the fault zone.

Fig. 31: Deflection curves showing the increased displacements in the fault zone, encountered at
around chainage 1160

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 55

8.4.4 Value of Evaluation Methods
Different types of plots and evaluation methods were described in
this chapter. Fig. 32 summarises the applicability of the various
evaluation methods with regard to specific questions. The dis-
placement history plot, for example, is a suitable method for the
evaluation and assessment of the stabilisation process, while de-
flection lines and trend lines are of limited value for this purpose. In
contrast, the displacement vector orientations in the longitudinal
direction as well as orientation are appropriate methods for predict-
ing ground conditions ahead of the face. Utilising this matrix guides
the user in choosing the appropriate evaluation method.

Fig. 32: Value of evaluation methods with regard to specific questions

56 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

9 Construction Contract
9.1 Contents and characteristics of the tunnelling contract
Tunnelling contracts in Austria are usually based on a detailed
scope of work which is broken down into unit price items. The aim is
to have a flexible contractual system which provides payment regu-
lations for changing ground conditions.

Considering the tendering procedure emphasis is put on the follow-

ing aspects:

 Fair competition amongst bidders

 Comparability of bids

The principles of the Austrian Tunnelling Contract are standardized

in ONORM B 2203-1 “Underground works – Works contract, Part 1:
Cyclic driving (conventional tunnelling)”.

The Austrian contract functions according to tunnelling classes.

The classification system takes into account the excavation round

length, the subdivision of the face into partial cross-sections, the
support measures installed, and the sequence of the excavation.
These key-factors determine advance rates and cost and are sum-
marised in the tunnelling (excavation and support) class matrix. The
payment for excavation is based on the tunnelling class actually
executed. The payment for support is based on the support meas-
ures actually installed.

In addition to these tunnelling classes, items for overbreak (above a

defined limit) as a result of geological conditions, over-excavation
for the allowance of deformation, and items for imponderabilities
during excavation such as high water ingress, gas occurence and
mixed-face conditions (soil and rock) are defined.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 57

The construction time is the basis for the payment of all time de-
pendent costs. Generally the time required for excavation and sup-
port, as well as the additional time required due to imponderabili-
ties, is variable. To establish a baseline for payment and for calcula-
tion of contractual construction time, the contractor must guaran-
tee advance rates for each tunnelling class and reduced advance
rates resulting from imponderabilities.

Therefore the milestone for completion of the excavation is not a

fixed date but will be adjusted according to the actual tunnelling
classes and imponderabilities.

For all other activities such as site installation, final lining and finish-
ing work fixed time periods are foreseen in the contract.

In the Austrian standard for underground works, the allocation of

risk is well balanced. The risks for ground conditions and design are
carried by the owner while risks associated with means and meth-
ods of construction are with the contractor’s responsibility.

9.2 Tunnelling (excavation and support) class matrix

The tunnelling class is defined by the round length and by the sup-
port number (see ONORM B 2203-1).

The support number (fSUPPORT) is defined as the sum of the products of

the quantities of the support measures (qSUPPORT) and their rating fac-
tors (fRATING) divided by the rating area (aRATING).

The support quantities are related to a tunnel length of one meter.

The rating factor (fRATING) reflects the relative time required for the in-
stallation of the considered type of support and is given in Table 3
of ONORM B 2203-1.

The rating area (aRATING) is defined according to the subdivision of the

cross-section into top heading and bench.

58 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Fig. 33: Schematic drawing showing rating areas

Fig. 34: Tunnelling class matrix

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 59

The numbers for round length (1st organizing number) and support
number (2nd organizing number) define the tunnelling class. These
numbers are mapped into a matrix.

Both entries of each combination in the matrix would lead to an in-

finite number of classes. Therefore ONORM B 2203-1, Table 4 de-
fines a certain range of applicability for the round length and the
support number. Within a specific tunnelling class the remuneration
does not change. This ensures that minor deviations in round
lengths or quantities of support measures do not necessarily result
in a change of excavation and support class (= tunnelling class).

60 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

10 Risk Management
10.1 Objectives
In each design stage, risk assessments for the project shall be car-
ried out in order to ensure compliance with the project objectives
and to ensure an accurate cost estimate. In a risk assessment, poten-
tial hazards and their consequences are identified. The time and
cost impact of the identified risks are evaluated and mitigation
measures are established.

Particular attention is focused on the geotechnical risk and as such,

a detailed geotechnical safety management plan is developed (see
Chapter 7).

The results of the risk assessments must be examined in order to de-

termine whether each particular risk can be avoided, transferred or
accepted. The risk management process is an important means to
prevent potential deviations from the project objectives. The poten-
tial for deviation is dependent on the particular project stage and
decreases as the project progresses. The result of the risk assess-
ment must be appreciated when producing the cost estimate at any
particular design stage. As such, appropriate provisional funds shall
be allocated to the indentified risks.

10.2 Risk Identification

All identified risks have to be evaluated in terms of a specific risk
scenario. The risk scenario must identify a potential incident, the
root cause of the incident, and any resulting consequences. In order
to properly evaluate the risk and to identify the associated cost
and/or time implications, the standard project parameters, as well
as the particular circumstances resulting from the risk incident must
be known. The following items must be considered to complete the
risk assessment:

 Definition of the hazard to be considered

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 61

 Parameters responsible for the hazard to occur

 Definition of the activity affected by the hazard

 List of measures which are to be implemented to control the

risk relevant hazard

Hazards may be attributed to following categories:

Unforeseen subsurface conditions (e.g. unforeseen faults, weak-
nesses zones, subsurface obstacles);

 Unexpected System Behaviour, (e.g. overstressing, damage)

 Ground failure (e.g. collapse of excavation face, excessive

ground surface settlement)

 Groundwater (e.g. unforeseen water inflow, unforeseen water

chemistry, unforeseen water level, wells)

 Failure of construction equipment

 Interruption of access to site

 Failure of power supply

 Problems with material quality

 Change of guidelines

 Environmental regulations

 Safety standards

10.3 Risk Assessment

In a risk assessment, each hazard is evaluated as the product of
probability of occurrence (likelihood) and consequence (severity)
and the risk is rated for each hazard.

62 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

Often, it is not possible to calculate the probability of occurrence by
statistical means because the data available from previous tunnel-
ling experience is insufficient. Hence the probability is determined
by multi-disciplinary, professionally experienced experts.

Cost and time implications of risk-relevant hazards are derived from
cost estimates and the performance assumptions (e.g. advance

Three different methods of risk assessment are used for tunnelling

projects. The type of method to be used depends on the design
stage and the complexity of the project:


In a qualitative risk assessment the direct consequences of each
hazard are described. Using this method the likelihood and the con-
sequence of hazards are not quantified. The consequences of haz-
ards are based on previous relevant experience.


Risks are assigned to standardised probability classes and severity
classes to determine their potential impact on a project.


The hazards are evaluated with respect to cost and time implica-
tions. The probabilities and the consequences are determined using
the following two methods:

 Deterministic method

 Probabilistic method

The effects of risks are combined and the associated costs are de-
termined by mathematical models.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 63

11 Organisation of Project Execution
The organisation of the project execution according to the Austrian
contract model is outlined in the following figure:

Fig. 35: Organisation chart

11.1 Structure and Responsibilities

11.1.1 Client
The client is finally responsible for the measures implemented to
solve technical problems, any variations in cost or schedule and ac-
ceptance of remedial measures to correct defects.

64 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

The project management is carried out by the client’s experienced
personnel or by an appointed consultant.

11.1.2 Design Engineer

During construction the design engineer prepares the detailed de-
sign in accordance with the contractor’s means and methods.
Therefore he is to be involved in site decisions which require
changes to the design. Upon completion of the work, the design
engineer and the site supervision jointly commission the works.

11.1.3 Site Supervision

The client usually appoints a consulting engineer to act as the site
supervising engineer, responsible for the overall supervision of the
construction work. The site supervision safeguards the interests of
the client by ensuring that the work is completed in accordance
with the contract conditions.

The resident engineer (site supervising engineer) reviews the en-

countered geological conditions with the contractor’s representa-
tive (site manager) and determines the details of the excavation
method – e.g. round length, partial opening of the face, amount
and type of support measures etc. in mutual agreement. This re-
quires daily meetings with the contractor at the face of the excava-

Regarding quality and costs of the construction works the supervi-

sion engineer has to check the proper use and handling of construc-
tion material, establish measurement schedules and review the con-
tractor’s invoices. Finally he supervises the remediation of any de-

11.1.4 Site management of Contractor

The contractor carries out the work according to the contract condi-
tions. Means and methods are the contractor’s responsibility. He is
also responsible for the safety of works and the health of workers.

The contractor’s site manager participates in daily meetings with

the client’s site supervising engineer, where details of the excava-

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 65

tion method and adjustments of the support measures are mutually

Apart from organisation and execution of the work, the site man-
ager of the contractor must ensure quality requirements are met
and completed on schedule.

11.1.5 Geologist
The client appoints geologists which independently record geo-
logical conditions at the face and eventually advise on additional
probing ahead. It is their task to produce short term predictions for
the next round length.

11.1.6 Geotechnical Monitoring

It is general practice in Austria to appoint a monitoring team inde-
pendently from other surveying works. This team carries out all geo-
technical measurements day by day and is responsible for evalua-
tion and distribution of monitoring results.

11.1.7 Geotechnical Engineer

The client usually appoints a geotechnical engineer who supports
the site manager and the site supervision in the interpretation of
the geotechnical monitoring results and in the determination of the
support measures taking into account the geological documenta-
tion and short term predictions.

The preferred solution is to appoint the design engineer to take

over this position.

11.1.8 Tunnelling expert

Rather than retaining an independent dispute resolution board, the
Austrian standard stipulates that for technical disputes an inde-
pendent expert is selected by the client in agreement with the con-
tractor during the tender process.

The commitment of a dispute review board is a recommended al-


66 NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling

11.1.9 Health and Safety Ordinance
The implementation of health and safety measures is controlled by
an independent ordinance.

11.1.10 Specialists and Experts

In addition to the design engineer, in complex projects additional
specialists and consultants are called in, such as environmentalists

11.1.11 Decisions on Site

The mutual decisions of the site supervisor and the contractor’s rep-
resentative are made in daily meetings regarding face observations
and geotechnical interpretation of the System Behaviour and docu-
mented in “Required Support Sheets”, which are signed by the cli-
ent’s and contractor’s representative.

NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 67

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NATM - The Austrian Practice of Conventional Tunnelling 73

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