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Ssc-Je Ssc-Je Ssc-Je: Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering

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RCC Design: RCC beams-flexural strength, shear strength, bond strength, design of singly reinforced and

doubly reinforced beams, cantilever beams. T-beams, lintels. One way and two way slabs, isolated

footings. Reinforced brick works, columns, staircases, retaining walls, water tanks (RCC design questions

may be based on both Limit State and Working Stress methods)

1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………….. 03-17

2. Working stress method-Design of Beam and Slabs …………………………………… 18-51

3. WSM-Design of columns………………………………………………………………….. 52-59

4. Limit State Method-Design of Beam and Slab ……………………………………… 60-78

5. Limit state of collapse in shear, bond and Torsion………………………………… 79-89

6. Limit state Method-Design of Columns ……………………………………………… 90-99

7. Design of Footings …………………………………………………………………………. 100-108

8. Pre-stressed concrete Design ……………... ……………………………………………. 109-130

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Basic Code for Design:

IS 456: 2000 - Plain and reinforced concrete - code of practice (IVth revision)
IS 875 (Part I - 5): 1987 : Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
structures (2nd revision)
Part 1 : Dead loads
Part 2 :Imposed (lives) loads
Part 3 :Wind loads
Part 4 :Snow loads
Part 5 :Special loads and load combinations
IS1893 : 2002 - Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures (4th revision)

SP 16 : 1980 - Design aids(for reinforced concrete) to IS 456 : 1978

SP 34 : 1987 - Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing

SP 23 : 1982 - Design of concrete mixes

IS 13920 : 1993 - Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic forces.

1. Concrete :
 Mixture of cement, sand (fine aggregate), coarse aggregate and water.
Main characteristics of concrete:
 Durability under hostile environment.
 Can be mound into variety of shapes
 Relative economy and easy availability
 Compression bearing capacity
 Shows versatility
2. Cement:Various types of cement and tests on cements are dealt in detail in "Building materials"
 Aggregate : Fine aggregate <4.75 mm. ; e.g. sand
Coarse aggregate > 4.75 mm. ; e.g - Gravel and crushed rock
 Generally, a maximum nominal size of 20mm is found to be satisfactory in RC structure elements.

(i) Exposure conditions of concrete:

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Table: Exposure conditions and requirements for RC work with normal aggregate
(20 mm nominal size)
Exposure e Description Min. grade Min. cover
Category (mm)

Mild Protected against weather or aggressive M 20 20*

conditions, except if located in coastal area

Moderate Sheltered from severe rain or freezing whilst M 25 30

wet, or Exposed to condensation and rain, or
Continuously under water, or In contact with
or buried under non-aggressive soil or ground
water, or Sheltered from saturated ‘salt air’ in
coastal area

Severe Exposed to severe rain, alternate wetting and M 30 45**

drying or occasional freezing whilst wet or
severe condensation, or Completely immersed
in sea water, or Exposed to coastal

Very Severe Exposed to sea water spray, corrosive fumes M 35 50

or severe freezing whilst wet, or In contact
with or buried under aggressive sub-soil or
ground water

Extreme Members in tidal zone, or Members in direct M 40 75

contact with liquid/solid aggressive chemicals

1. Compressive Strength of Concrete:

 Compressive strength of concrete is measured by standard tests on concrete cube or cylinder
 The grade of concrete is designated in terms of M10, M15, M20, M25, etc., where 'M' denotes 'mix'
and 10, 15, 20, 25 etc. denotes the characteristic compressive strength OR characteristic strength of
the mix at 28 days expressed in N/mm2.
 Characteristic strength is defined as the strength of material below which not more than 5% of the
test results are expected to fall.

e.g., let the characteristic compressive strength of concrete be M 20. This means, if we perform 100 tests on
cube specimen, then 95 cubes or more will show their compressive strength more than 20 MPa.
It is denoted by 'fck'
Mean compressive strength (fcm)at 28 days:

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f cm  f ck  1.65
Where,  = standard deviation

 When the 'standard test cubes' of 150mm size is used to find the 28 days compressive strength of
concrete, it is referred as cube strength (fc) of concrete. While in some countries (such as
USA),'standard test cylinders' of 150mm diameter and 300mm high are used to find the compressive
strength of concrete, and it is referred as cylinder strength (f'c) the cylinder strength is found to be
invariably lower than the cube strength for the same grade of concrete.
 Influence of size of Test Specimen:
Compressive strength of concrete depends on height/width ratio and cross-sectional dimensions of the test
 A standard cylinder specimen size is: of 150mm in diameter and height/diameter =2.0
It height/diameter = 0.5, strength increases by 80% with diameter =150mm
Similarly, if height/diameter =2.0, with diameter=900mm, strength decreases by 17%
 End friction restrains the specimen from failure. In case of cube specimen, the end friction acts on the
whole length, but in the case of cylinder, end friction acts only up to height of 0.85 times diameter of
cylinder, so its compressive strength is lower
Cube ( fc) strength  1.25  cylinder strength (fc’)
Where, fc  0.8 f ck ; where f ck is characteristic cube strength.

2. Modules of Elasticity and Poisson's ratio :

Types of Modulus:
1. Initial tangent modulus: Slope of stress strain curve at origin.
 This value is considered by IS 456
2. Tangent Modulus: Slope of tangent of any point on the curve.
3. Secant Modulus: Slope of line joining any point on curve to origin.
4. Long term modules of elasticity

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 Initial tangent modulus, Ec  5000 fck (According to IS:456-2000)

OR (Short or term static modulus of elasticity)
However, earlier version of IS 456 had recommended Ec  5700 f ck , which is found to over-estimate
the elastic modulus.
 Poisson's ratio varies between 0.1-0.2 ; for design purpose a value of about 0.2 is taken.
4. Modulus of rupture or flexural strength (fcr):
Modulus of rupture  f cr  
where, M = bending moment
Z = section modulus

fcr  0.7 fck

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5. Splitting Tensile Strength :

Figure: Cylinder splitting test for tensile strength

 Cylinder splitting test is performed to find splitting tensile strength of concrete In this test, a standard
plain concrete cylinder (of 150mm diameter and 300mm height) is loaded in compression on its side
along a diametric plane and failure occurs by the splitting of the cylinder along the loaded plane.
 Splitting tensile strength f ct 
 dL
Where P = Maximum applied load d = Diameter L = Length
Generally, fct  0.6 fcr
6. Shrinkage:
 Shrinkage is the time dependent deformation, generally compressive in nature
 The factors on which the total shrinkage of concrete depends are:-
(i) Constituents of concrete
(ii) Size of member
(iii) Environmental condition
 The total shrinkage, however, is mostly influenced by the total amount of water present in the
concrete at the time of mixing for a given humidity and temperature.
The approximate value of total shrinkage strain for design is taken as 0.0003 in the absence of test data.

28-B/7, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, HauzKhas, New Delhi-110016. Ph. 011-26514888. www.engineersinstitute.com
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7. Creep:

Figure: Typical strain-time curve for concrete in uniaxial compression

It is also a time dependent deformationof concrete usually under compressive stress. Factors affecting creep
of concrete is:
 Properties of concrete
 W/C ratio
 Age of concrete at first loading
 Magnitude of stress and its duration
 Surface volume ratio of member

Creep of concrete results in following detrimental results in reinforced concrete structure:

(i) Increased deflection of beams and slabs
(ii) Increased deflection of slender columns
(iii) Loss of pre-stress in pre-stressed concrete

 cr
Creep coeficient   

Where,  cr  short term strain at the age of loading at a stress value of ‘fc’.
cr  Ultimate creep strain
Age of loading Creep coefficient ()
7 Days 2.2
28 Days 1.6
1 year 1.1

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Also, total strain,    cr   c

 Effective Modulus of concrete (Ece):

Long term modulus of elasticity (Ece ),
Ece  Where, Ec = Short term elastic Modulus

Coefficient of thermal expansion:

The co-efficient of thermal expansion depends on nature of cement, aggregate, the relative humidity and the
size of section.

Stress-strain curve for concrete:

Figure: Typical stress-strain curves of concrete in compression

The curves are approximately linear in the very initial phase of loading and the non-linearity begins to gain
significant when the stress level exceeds about one-third to one-half of the maximum

The maximum stress is reached at a strain approximately equal to 0.002 and beyond this point, an increase
in strain is accompanied by a decrease in stress.

The higher the concrete grade, the steeper is the initial portion of stress-strain curve, the sharper the peak of
the curve and a lesser the failure strain.
For low-strength grade, the curve has a relatively flat top and a high failure strain.

At a stress- level about 70-90% of the maximum stress internal cracks are initiated in the mortar throughout
the concrete mass, roughly parallel to the direction the applied loading.

28-B/7, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, HauzKhas, New Delhi-110016. Ph. 011-26514888. www.engineersinstitute.com
© 2017 ENGINEERS INSTITUTE OF INDIA® .All Rights Reserved www.sscje.com
Permissible stresses in concrete
As per IS: 456-2000
1. Direct tensile stress:
Table : Permissible Direct Tensile Stress
Grade of concrete M 10 M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40
Tensile stress N/mm 1.2 2.0 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4

2. Compressive stress and bond stress:

Table: Permissible Stresses in Concrete (IS: 456-2000)
Grade of concrete Permissible stress in compression (N/mm2) Permissible stress in Bond
Bending (cbc) Direct (cc) (Average) for plain bars in tention
(N/mm2) bd
M 10 3.0 2.5 _
M 15 5.0 4.0 0.6
M 20 7.0 5.0 0.8
M 25 8.5 6.0 0.9
M 30 10.0 8.0 1.0
M 35 11.5 9.0 1.1
M 40 13.0 10.0 1.2
M 45 14.5 11.0 1.3
M 50 16.0 12.0 1.4

3. Shear stress:
Table: Permissible Shear Stress In concrete (IS : 456-2000)
100As Permissible shear stress in concrete c, N/mm2 for grades of concrete
M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40
and above
 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20
0.25 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
0.50 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32
0.75 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38
1.00 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42
1.25 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46
1.50 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.49
1.75 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.52
2.00 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.55
2.25 0.44 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57
2.50 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60
2.75 0.44 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62
3.00 and above 0.44 0.51 0.57 0.60 0.62 0.63

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4. Modular ratio:
Modular ratio, m  (value considered by IS code)
3 cbc
Where, cbc = Permissible compressive stress due to bending in concrete (N/mm2)
Note: This value partially takes into account long term effect such as creep.
 This is the ratio of young modulus of steel and modulus of elasticity of concrete.

Table : Modular Ratio

Grade of concrete M 10 M 15 M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40
Modular ration m 31 19 13 11 9 8 7
(31.11) (18.67) (13.33) (10.98) (9.33) (8.11) (7.18)

5. Increase of permissible stress:

 Due to wind (or earthquake) and temperature effects, the above stresses (Direct tensile stress
compressive stress, bond stress, and shear stress are increased by 33 % )
 Wind and seismic forces are not considered to act simultaneously

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