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B.Tech. (Third Semester) Mechanical Engineering: Basics of Industrial Sociology, Economics & Management

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B.Tech. (Third semester) Mechanical engineering

HUM – 201 E Sessional : 50

L T P Theory : 100
3 1 - Total : 150
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Meaning of social change, nature of social change, theories of social change. The direction of social
change, the causes of social change, the process of social change. Factors of social change – the
technological factors, the cultural factors, effects of technology on major social institutions, social need of
status system, social relations in industry.
Meaning of Industrial Economic, Production Function, its types, Least Cost Combination, Law of Variable
Proportion, Laws of Return – Increasing, Constant & Diminishing. Fixed & variable costs in short run &
long run, opportunity costs, relation between AC & MC, U-shaped short run AC Curve. Price & Output
Determination under Monopoly in short run & long run. Price Discrimination, Price Determination under
Discriminating Monopoly. Comparison between Monopoly & Perfect Competition.
Meaning of Management, Characteristics of Management, Management Vs. Administration, Management
– Art, Science & Profession, Fayol’s Principles of Management. Personnel Management – Meaning &
Functions, Manpower – Process of Manpower Planning, Recruitment & Selection – Selection Procedure.
Training – Objectives & Types of Training, Various Methods of Training. Labour Legislation in India –
Main provisions of Industrial disputes Act 1947;
Marketing Management – Definition & Meaning, Scope of Marketing Management, Marketing Research –
Meaning, Objectives. Purchasing Management – Meaning & Objectives, Purchase Procedure, Inventory
Control Techniques.Financial Management – Introduction, Objectives of Financial decisions, Sources of

Note : Eight questions are to be set taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five
questions in all, taking at least one from each unit.

1. “Modern Economic Theory” Dewett, K.K., S. Chand & Co.
2. “Economic Analysis” K.P. Sundharam & E.N. Sundharam (Sultan Chand & Sons).
3. “Micro Economic Theory” M.L. Jhingan (Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.).
4. “Principles of Economics” M.L. Seth (Lakshmi Narain Aggarwal Educational Publishers –
5. “An Introduction to Sociology”, D.R. Sachdeva & Vidya Bhusan.
6. “Society – An Introductory Analysis”, R.M. Maclver Charles H. Page.
7. “Principles and Practices of Management : R.S. Gupta; B.D. Sharma; N.S. Bhalla; Kalyani.
1. “Organization and Management : R.D. Aggarwal, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Business Organization and Management : M.C. Shukla

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L T P Theory : 100
3 1 - Sessional : 50
Total : 150
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.

Fourier Series : Euler’s Formulae, Conditions for Fourier expansions, Fourier expansion of functions
having points of discontinuity, change of interval, Odd & even functions, Half-range series.
Fourier Transforms : Fourier integrals, Fourier transforms, Fourier cosine and sine transforms. Properties
of Fourier transforms, Convolution theorem, Perseval’s identity, Relation between Fourier and Laplace
transforms, Fourier transforms of the derivatives of a function, Application to boundary value problems.

Functions of a Complex Variables : Functions of a complex variable, Exponential function, Trigonometric,

Hyperbolic and Logarithmic functions, limit and continuity of a function, Differentiability and analyticity.
Cauchy-Riemann equations, Necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be analytic, Polar form
of the Cauchy-Riemann equations, Harmonic functions, Application to flow problems, Conformal
transformation, Standard transformations (Translation, Magnification & rotation, inversion & reflection,
Probability Distributions : Probability, Baye’s theorem, Discrete & Continuous probability distributions,
Moment generating function, Probability generating function, Properties and applications of Binomial,
Poisson and normal distributions.
Linear Programming : Linear programming problems formulation, Solution of Linear Programming
Problem using Graphical method, Simplex Method, Dual-Simplex Method.

Text Book
1. Higher Engg. Mathematics : B.S. Grewal
2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics : E. Kreyzig

Reference Book
1. Complex variables and Applications : R.V. Churchil; Mc. Graw Hill
2. Engg. Mathematics Vol. II: S.S. Sastry; Prentice Hall of India.
3. Operation Research : H.A. Taha
4. Probability and statistics for Engineer : Johnson. PHI.

Note : Examiner will set eight question, taking two from each unit. Students will be required to attempt
five questions taking at least one from each unit.

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Sessional : 50 Marks
L T P Theory : 100 Marks
3 1 - Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam. : 3 hrs.

Unit I
Basic Concepts: Thermodynamics: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach, Thermodynamic Systems,
Surrounding and Boundary, Thermodynamic Property – Intensive and Extensive, Thermodynamic
Equilibrium, State, Path, Process and Cycle, Quasistatic, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Working
Substance. Concept of Thermodynamic Work and Heat, Equality of Temperature, Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamic and its utility.
Ideal and Real Gases: Concept of an Ideal Gas, Basic Gas Laws, Characteristic Gas Equation, Avagadro’s
law and Universal Gas Constant, P-V-T surface of an Ideal Gas. Vander Waal’s Equation of state,
Reduced Co-ordinates, Compressibility factor and law of corresponding states. Mixture of Gases, Bass,
Mole and Volume Fraction, Gibson Dalton’s law, Gas Constant and Specific Heats, Entropy for a mixture
of Gases.

Unit II
First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy and its Forms, Energy and 1st law of Thermodynamics, Internal
Energy and Enthalpy, 1st Law Applied to Non-Flow Process, Steady Flow Process and Transient Flow
Process, Throttling Process and Free Expansion Process.
Second Law Of Thermodynamics: Limitations of First Law, Thermal Reservoir Heat Source and Heat
Sink, Heat Engine, Refrigerator and Heat Pump, Kelvin- Planck and Clausius Statements and Their
Equivalence, Perpetual Motion Machine of Second Kind. Carnot Cycle, Carnot Heat Engine and
Carnot Heat Pump, Carnot’s Theorem and its Corollaries, Thermodynamic Temperature Scale.

Unit III
Entropy: Clausius Inequality and Entropy, Principle of Entropy Increase, Temperature Entropy Plot,
Entropy Change in Different Processes, Introduction to Third Law of Thermodynamics.
Availability, Irreversibility and Equilibrium: High and Low Grade Energy, Availability and
Unavailable Energy, Loss of Available Energy Due to Heat Transfer Through a Finite Temperature
Difference, Availability of a Non-Flow or Closed System, Availability of a Steady Flow System,
Helmholtz and Gibb’s Functions, Effectiveness and Irreversibility.

Unit IV
Pure Substance: Pure Substance and its Properties, Phase and Phase Transformation, Vaporization,
Evaporation and Boiling , Saturated and Superheat Steam, Solid – Liquid – Vapour Equilibrium, T-V,
P-V and P-T Plots During Steam Formation, Properties of Dry, Wet and Superheated Steam, Property
Changes During Steam Processes, Temperature – Entropy (T-S) and Enthalpy – Entropy (H-S)
Diagrams, Throttling and Measurement of Dryness Fraction of Steam.
Thermodynamic Relations: T-Ds Relations, Enthalpy and Internal Energy as a Function of
Independent Variables, Specific Heat Capacity Relations, Clapeyron Equation, Maxwell Relations.

Text Books:
1. Engineering Thermodynamics – C P Arora, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Thermodynamics – P K Nag, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books :
1. Thermal Science and Engineering – D S Kumar, S K Kataria and Sons
2. Engineering Thermodynamics -Work and Heat tranfer – G F C Rogers and Maghew Y R Longman

NOTE: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions in all, at least two question from each
unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions, at least one from each unit.
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B.Tech. (Third semester) Mechanical engineering

Sessional : 50 Marks
L T P Theory : 100 Marks
3 1 Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
Unit 1
Simple stresses & strains : Concept & types of Stresses and strains, Polson’s ratio, stresses and strain in
simple and compound bars under axial loading, stress strain diagrams, Hooks law, elastic constants &
their relationships, temperature stress & strain in simple & compound bars under axial loading,
Compound stresses & strains: Concept of surface and volumetric strains, two dimensional stress system,
conjugate shear stress at a point on a plane, principle stresses & strains and principal- planes, Mohr’s
circle of stresses, Numerical.
Unit II
Shear Force & Bending Moments : Definitions, SF & BM diagrams for cantilevers, simply supported
beams with or without over-hang and calculation of maximum BM & SF and the point of contraflexture
under (i) concentrated loads, (ii) uniformly distributed loads over whole span or a part of it,
(iii)combination of concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads, (iv) uniformly varying loads and
(v) application of moments, relation between the rate of loading, the shear force and the bending
moments, Problems.
Torsion of circular Members : Torsion of thin circular tube, Solid and hollow circular shafts, tapered shaft,
stepped shaft & composite circular shafts, combined bending and torsion, equivalent torque, effect of end
thrust. Numericals.
Unit III
Bending & shear Stresses in Beams: Bending stresses in beams with derivation & application to beams of
circular, rectangular, I,T and channel sections, composite beams, shear stresses in beams with derivation
combined bending torsion & axial loading of beams. Numericals.
Columns & Struts: Column under axial load, concept of instability and buckling, slenderness ratio,
derivation of Eulers formulae for the elastic buckling load, Eulers, Rankine, Gordom’s formulae Johnson’s
empirical formula for axial loading columns and their applications, eccentric compression of a short strut
of rectangular & circular sections, Numerical.
Unit IV
Slope & Deflection : Relationship between bending moment, slope & deflection, Mohr’s theorem, moment
area method, method of integration, Macaulay’s method, calculations for slope and deflection of (i)
cantilevers and (ii) simply supported beams with or without overhang under concentrated load, Uniformly
distributed loads or combination of concentrated and uniformly distributed loads, Numerical.
Fixed Beams: Deflections, reactions and fixing moments with SF & BM calculations & diagrams for fixed
beams under ( I) concentrated loads, (ii) uniformly distributed load and (iii) a combination of
concentrated loads & uniformly distributed load.
Text Books:
1. Strength of Materials – G.H.Ryder - Third Edition in S I units 1969 Macmillan India
2. Strength of Materials – Andrew Pytel and Fredinand L.Singer Fourth Edition, Int.
Student Ed. Addison – Wesley Longman
Reference Books :
1. Strength of Materials – Popov, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Strength of Materials – Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publications
3. Strength of Materials A Rudimentary Apprach – M.A. Jayaram,
Revised Ed.2001, Sapna Book House, Bangalore
4. Strength of Materials – U.C.Jindal
5. Strength Materials – I. Kripal Singh

NOTE: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions in all, at least one question from each
unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions.

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B.Tech. (Third semester) Mechanical engineering


Theory : 100 Marks

L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
2 - 4 Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam : 4 hrs.

Unit I

Introduction to BIS Specification SP : 46 – 1988 Code of Engineering drawing – Limits, fits and
Tolerance ( Dimensional and Geometrical tolerance ) , Surface finish representation.
Gear : Gear terminology, I.S. convention , representation of assembly of spur gears, helical
gears, bevel gears , worm and worm wheel.

Unit II
Orthographic view from isometric views of machine parts / components. Dimensioning ,
Sectioning. Exercises on Coupling , Crankshaft , pulley , piston and Connecting rod , Cotter and
Knuckle joint. Riveted Joint and Welded Joint.

Unit III
Assembly drawing with sectioning and bill of materials from given detail drawings of assemblies :
Lathe Tail stock , machine vice , pedestal bearing , Steam stop valve , drill jigs and milling

(1) In the semester examination , the examiner will set two questions from each unit. The
students have to attempt three questions taking one from each unit.
(2) The questions from Unit I and Unit II will carry 20 marks each. Question from Unit III
will carry 60 marks.

Text Books:
1. Machine Drawing by N D Bhat and V M Panchal
Charotar Publishing House

2. A Text Book of Machine Drawing : P S Gill

Pub.: S K Kataria & Sons

Reference Books :
1. A Text Book of Machine Drawing : Laxmi narayana and Mathur
Pub. : M/s. Jain Brothers, New Delhi.

2. Machine drawing : N Sidheshwar, P Kannaieh V V S Sastry

Pub.: Tata Mc Graw –Hill Publishing Ltd.
R B Gupta Satya Prakashan

Note : Some of the exercises may be done on AUTOCAD Software.

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B.Tech. (Third semester) Mechanical engineering

Sessional : 50 Marks
L T P Theory : 100 Marks
3 1 Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Kinematics, introduction to analysis and synthesis of mechanisms, Kinematics’ pairs, Degree of
freedom, Dynamitic chain mechanism, Machine, Four-bar chain, inversions, Single and double
slider crank chain, Quick return mechanisms, Introduction to function generation, Path
generation and rigid bodied guidance.
Velocity determination; Relative velocity methods, Instantaneous center method Acceleration
determination, Kennedy’s Space cent rode and body cent rode,

Centripetal and tangential accelerations, Acceleration determination by graphical method using
velocity polygons, Cariole’s component of acceleration, Klein’s and other constructions.
Analytical methods to find velocity and acceleration of four –link mechanism, slider crank
mechanism, freumdenstein’s equation, Coordinate a angular displacements of input and output
links (Path generation function generation), Least square technique, Rigid body guidance.

Pantograph, straight-line motion mechanisms (Peculiar, Hart, Scott Russell, Grasshopper, Watt,
Kemp’s Tchybishev, Parallel linkages) Indicator mechanisms (Simplex Crosby , Thomson, etc )
Automobile steering gears (Davis and Ackerman),Hooks joint (universal coupling), Double hooks
Types of friction, Laws of dry friction, Motion along inclined plane Screw threads, Wedge, Pivots
and collars, Plate and cone clutches, Antifriction bearings, friction circle and friction axis,
bearings and lubrication. Motion along inclined plane and screws, Pivots and Collars Thrust
Bearings lubrication
Types of cams and followers, various motions of the follower, Construction of cam profiles,
Analysis for velocities and accelerations of tangent and circular arc cams with roller and flat –
faced followers.
Open and crossed belt drives, velocity ratio, slip , material for belts, crowning of pulleys, law of
belting, types of pulleys, length of belts ratio 0f tensions, centrifugal tension, power transmitted
by belts and ropes, initial tension, creep, chain drive, chain length, classification of chains

Suggested reading:
1. Theory of machines:
S. S. Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Theory of Mechanism and Machines:
Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan Book Co.
3. Mechanism synthesis and analysis:
A.H. Soni, McGraw Hill Publications.
4. Mechanism:
J.S. Beggs.
5. Mechanics of Machines:
P.Black, Pergamon Press.
6. Theory of Machines:
P.L.Ballaney, Khanna Publisher.
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L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
3 1 - Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150Marks
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Metal cutting & Tool life
Basic tool geometry, single point tool nomenclature, chips-various types and their characteristics,
mechanism of chip formation, theoretical and experimental determination of shear angle,
orthogonal and oblique metal cutting, metal cutting theories, relationship of velocities, forces and
power consumption.
Effect of operating parameters life tool geometry, cutting speed, feed depth of out, coolant,
materials etc on forces temp. tool life, surface finish etc., tool life relationship, tailor equation of
tool life , tool material and mechanism.

Economics of metal machining & Multi edged tools
Element of machining cost, tooling economics, machines economics and optimization.
Broach tools-types materials and applications, geometry of twist drills, thrust torque and power
calculation in drills, form tools-application.

Metal forming & Jigs and Fixtures
Metal blow condition, theories of plasticity conditions of plane strains, friction condition in metal
working, wire drawing-extension of rods, theory of forging, rolling of metals and elementary
rolling theory, no slip angle and forward slip.
Tool engineering, types of tools, usefulness, principles of loctation, locating and clamping
devices, Jigs bushes, drilling Jigs, milling fixtures, turning fixtures, boring and broaching
fixtures, different materials for Jigs and fixtures, economic of jigs and fixtures.

Measurements, linear and angular simple measuring instruments various clampers, screw gauge,
sine bar, auto-collimator, comparator-mechanical, electrical, optical, surface finish and its
measurement, micro and macro deviation, factors influencing surface finish and evaluation of
surface finish.

Suggested reading:
1. Manufacturing science:
Ghosh and Malik, E.W. Press
2. Principles of metal cutting:
Sen and Bhattacharya, New Central Book.
3. Metal cutting principles:
Shaw, MIT Press Cambridge
4. Manufacturing analysis:
Cook, Adisson-Wesley
5. Modern machining processes:
Pandey and Shan, Tata McGraw Hill Publications
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B.Tech. (Third semester) Mechanical engineering

Class Work : 50 Marks

Exam : 50 Marks
L T P Total : 100Marks
- - 3 Duration of exam : 3 Hrs.

List of experiments
1. To determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of a closed coil helical spring and the
stiffness of a spring
2. To determine the value of coefficient of friction for a given pair of surfaces using friction
3. To determine the modulus of rigidity of horizontal shaft
4. To determine experimentally the ratio of the cutting time to idle time (cutting stroke to
idle stroke) of the crank and slotted lever (QRM)/ Whitworth and compare the result to
theoretical values plot the following
a. θ v/s X (displacement of slider).
b. θ v/s velocity.
c. θ v/s Acceleration and to compare the values of velocities
(Take angles θ =45˚, 90˚, 135˚, 225˚, 270˚ &335˚, ω = 1 rad/s)
5. To determine the value of coefficient of friction between the screw and nut of the jack,

a. Raising the load

b. Lowering the load
6. To draw experimentally a curve of the follower-displacement v/s cam-angle. Differentiate
the above curve to get velocity and acceleration plot and compare the values with those
obtained analytically.
7. To determine the coefficient of friction between belt and pulley and plot a graph between
log10 T1/T2 v/s, θ.
8. To determine the displacement, velocities, & accelerations of the driven shaft of a Hooke’s
joint for a constant speed of the driver shaft.
9. To determine velocity & acceleration of slider in slider-crank mechanism and plot the
a. θ v/s x (displacement of slider)
b. θ v/s velocity and
c. θ v/s acceleration.
Compare the values of velocities & acceleration with those obtained theoretically.(Assume
ω=I rad/sec.).
10. Study of the inversions of the single slider crank mechanism.
11. To verify the law of moment using Bell- crank lever.
Note : Any 8 experiments from the above list and other 2 from others
(developed by institute ) are required to be performed by students in the

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B.Tech. (Third semester) Mechanical engineering

Class Work : 50 Marks

Exam : 25 Marks
L T P Total : 75 Marks
- - 3 Duration of exam : 3 Hrs.

List of Experiments

1. Study of 2 stroke petrol and diesel engine models.

2. Study of 4-stroke petrol/diesel engine model.
3. Study of boilers.
4. Study of Babcock-Wilcox boiler (Model).
5. Study of locomotive boiler (Model).
6. Study of Lancashire boiler (Model).
7. To study the Red wood viscometer and measure the viscosity of fluid.
8. To measure the flash point of the given fuel
9. To study the Nestler’s boiler.
10. To study various parts of the vertical steam engine.
11 To study the diesel engine and make a trial on it.

Note : Any 8 experiments from the above list and other 2 from others
developed by institute ) are required to be performed by students in the

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B.Tech. (Third semester) Mechanical engineering

Class Work : 50 Marks

Exam : 25 Marks
L T P Total : 75 Marks
- - 3 Duration of exam : 3 Hrs.

List of Experiments :

1. To study the Brinell hardness testing machine & perform the Brinell hardness test.
2. To study the Rockwell hardness testing machine & perform the Rockwell hardness test.
3. To study the Vickers hardness testing machine & perform the Vickers hardness test.
4. To study the erichsen sheet metal testing machine & perform the erichsen sheet metal
5. To study the Impact testing machine and perform the Impact tests (Izod & Charpy).
6. To study the Universal testing machine and perform the tensile test.
7. To perform compression & bending tests on UTM.
8. To perform the sheer test on UTM.
9. To study the torsion testing machine and perform the torsion test.
10. To draw shear Force, Bending Moment Diagrams for a simply Supported Beam under
Point and Distributed Loads.
11. To determine Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency of Single and Double Purchase
Winch Crab.
12. To determine Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency of Worm and Worm Wheel.
13. To determine Mechanical Advantage, Efficiency of Simple and Compound Screw Jack.
14. To find Moment of Inertia of a Fly Wheel.

Note: Any 8 experiments from the above list and other 2 from others (developed
by institute) are required to be performed by students in the laboratory.

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