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Our Story


Africompassion Organization is a non-profit making organization that is faith-based set

with social projects that unite people and validate the claims of the Good News with
compassionate works.

The “AFCO”(Africompassion Organization was founded in 2016 of a desire to reach the

poor that reside in the low-income areas in Tanzania-East Africa; to bring blessing to
their physical, emotional and spiritual lives, becoming a bridge to faith and fullness only
God can bring.

AFCO not for gain incorporated in 2016 in Tanzania. It is based in Mwanza city in
Tanzania with an Orphanage School and sponsor a child program initiative in Mara
Region of Tanzani. AFCO focuses on the spiritual growth of the people it serves and on
poverty reduction through job creation among the youth, women entrepreneurship and by
helping establish, equip and grow healthy churches through helping Pastors lead churches
that make true disciples of Jesus and multiply.

AFCO’s philosophy is based on the belief that it is possible to galvanize whole

communities through social mobilization, and to create unity and sustainable food
security through social entrepreneurship training and by identifying local resources the
population can add value to in an environmentally sustainable way.

Our tools and methods are to a large extent based on process oriented ideas research
within Community Transformation techniques for increased spiritual and physical
transformation, renewable energy, natural resource management and to provide services
to communities by jointly pilot enterprise ideas with community members, providing
training education.
The Africompassion Organization takes its responsibility seriously to provide hope to the
poor as God promises. We seek to go beyond traditional means to aid those who are in
need to reach up for God’s highest. The continent of Africa and its people seek to lift
themselves out of their desperate situation, but they need direction and help.

In the countries of Tanzania, The Africompassion Organization has set up a network of

leaders who are anxious and willing to take up the cross, and do what it takes to rebuild
their countries. By giving the people the means by which they can rebuild and redevelop
their homes.

We have established (Three Initiatives ) as part of our efforts. Though these are great
things, they are only good things if we share Love along the way. Giving people hope and
instilling upon them that only true hope comes from God is what it’s all about.



2.Community Transformation

3.Spiritual Development
Africompassion High-Level Model description In order to provide Tanzanian orphans with a
sustainable development, a “sustainable model” has been developed and applied to the concerned
beneficiaries. This model contains three parallel initiatives described in the headings below. The
consistency of this model is solid, as it has been already deployed successfully.
1. School Buildings
2. Reading Library 
3. Computer Center
4. Teacher Training Courses
5. Sponsored Education
6. Children with Special Needs
1. Wellness Center 
2. HIV Outreach Medical Supplies 
3. Nutrition Programmes 
4. Special Medical Cases 
5. Medical Staff Training Courses
1. Agriculture Vegetable/other crops 
2. Tree Propagation
3. Chicken and Rabbit Farming (Egg and protein source)
Africompassion commits itself to planting and establishing churches among the un-reached people of
Tanzania. The heart of God desires that the local church be accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Why Plant Churches?
Because God is passionate for his own glory, He determined that “through the church the manifold wisdom of
God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 3:10).
God commits to using the church to accomplish his work of redemption by displaying the glory of his wisdom
to the universe. God implemented the church. It exists as his one and only organizational plan for world
missions. Most of all, the church exists as his Son’s beloved, blood-bought bride.
When a healthy church takes root in a local community, it creates leaders. Leaders, in turn, feel empowered to
bring about change within their community, led by the Holy Spirit. With renewed hope, local leaders establish
a variety of sustainable ministries.
Would you like to join us to form a great team for God's glory as we build His kingdom here on earth ?
Contact us: africompassiontz@gmail.com
Or call us, office line: +255735-212-221
Street children are suffering of hunger, thirsty, unclothed, cold, diseases, fonication, prostitution, and
so much more. While our children are doing well at our homes and schools; eating healthy food,
drinking pure water, wearing quality clothes and shoes; going to school, relaxing and bedding
comfortably, but there are poor and weak families with parents who have children but don't know
what they can do to feed and wear their children daily.
Also in your street probably in your neibourhood, there are some children who are fatherless (orphans),
disabled and helpless that they have decided to walk around streets day and night asking for help but no one
listens or hears them. Historically, there are children reported to die early not because of disease but of hunger,
thirsty and cold due to poor food, water and clothing supply.
You and I can start helping now. Glory be to God, the Most High (Prov. 31:8-9, )
Dear Beloveds in Christ,
With great respect i am here to introduce you to "Little Jeremiah Children Ministry"
https://www.facebook.com/littlejeremiahchildrenministry/?ref=settings. I am pleased to tell you that we've
been serving in Pakistan since 2006 and to our proud we have served for like more than 10,000
under privileged children to get to know about the Christ our savior. 
Our motive is to follow the word of God that says go and make disciples. To deliver the message
of salvation to every individual. Children being the most valuable part of our nation, we have chosen to work
on them specifically. We are trying to put forth our children to become the strong and faithful leaders of
For this purpose we have achieved our goal so far to teach them through different camps, events, conventions
and such other activities. Currently we are in the middle of conducting kids’ camp in a way of mission trip
which covers almost all those areas where children are still not familiar with the Christ. 
I am glad to mention here that we have come so far all self supportably. But all for the Glory of God. For us to
work more efficiently we need your kind support. We all know that there are lot more ways to serve the Lord
our God. 
I would like to encourage you to sow a seed in his field, in a way or the other and receive his plenty of great
blessings coming to your way.
WE are looking for your positive response, so that the work for his Glory could not stop anyway.
I hereby encourage you to please take out a hand to help those in need. We are looking forward for your
assurance in kind of financial commitment based on monthly, quarterly or annual basis.
We want you to share your tithes with us so that we can lead an even better organization and make our God's
warriors as many as possible. All this can be done with mine and yours efforts. 
We would like to appreciate your sincere commitments. It is not the matter of more or less but your seed in his
field would be fruitful. As He says sow in the name of Jesus and i’ll multiply it. Let be the Glory and Mercy of
God upon us all.
If God put in your hearts... 
Please contact via email or inbox 
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Address: 1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DE
Northern Ireland
Phone: 028 9055 1455
Text Relay: 18001 plus 028 9055 1431 (for those with a hearing or
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Fax: 028 9055 1445
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Funding for UK-wide projects
Phone: 0345 4 10 20 30
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Email: UKPortfolioTeam@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk
Address: 1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DE

How do I get in contact if I have a query about a grant I

have been awarded?
Please contact your funding officer for any queries about an existing
grant. If you don't know who your funding officer is please get in
touch with us using the details above.

How do I get in contact if I have feedback about your

We really value your feedback. If you have a comment or complaint
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you think we should know, we'd love to hear it. Please email us
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How do I get in contact if I have a press query?

Press Queries
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(out of hours: 07867 500572)
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Northern Ireland
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Phone: 0141 242 1458
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Phone: 029 2067 8236
(out of hours: 07870 566 867)
How do I make a complaint?
At The National Lottery Community Fund we try to give the best
service possible. However we recognise that this does not always
happen and you may wish to make a complaint.
Making a complaint will not affect your chances of receiving a grant
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View our complaints procedure (PDF 685KB)
We are interested in any comments that you may wish to make, so
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We also welcome comments from members of the public who have
concerns over an application that we have received or a project that
we have funded.
View our policy for raising a concern (PDF 78KB)
You can share your concerns or complaints with us verbally or in
writing and our contact details are:
Phone: 0191 376 1704
Email: customer.services@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk
Customer Services 
The National Lottery Community Fund 
2 St James' Gate 

How do I report fraud?

The National Lottery Community Fund is committed to preventing
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If you suspect that someone is stealing from or defrauding The
National Lottery Community Fund help us do something about it by
getting in touch with us. 
Phone: 0800 496 9991
Email: fraud@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk
Head of Internal Audit 
The National Lottery Community Fund
3 Embassy Drive 
Birmingham B15 1TR
How do I get in contact about anything else?
Corporate office
1 Plough Place
Phone: 020 7211 1800 or 0300 500 5050
Text Relay: 18001 plus 020 7211 1800 or 0300 500 5050 (for those
with a hearing or speech impairment)
Fax: 020 7211 1750
Job Category: Consulting
Job Type: Part Time (4months)
Reports to: Country Director
The consultancy would be for an estimated total of 60 working days from July 2019 to
October 2019.
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) is an International Non Profit Organisation,
headquartered in Ottawa, Canada with local operations around the globe including
Tanzania. Harnessing the power of youth, DOT transforms young people into leaders
of change through social innovation, community leadership and digital championship,
as they facilitate technology, business, and entrepreneurial learning experiences to
people in their own communities. The impact of DOT Tanzania’s programs has
reached over 20,000 youth and women in the communities and TVET’s, helping them
to develop both entrepreneurial spirit, technology and business skills that will last a
lifetime. More information about the organisation can be found
at www.tanzania.dotrust.org 
Job Purpose:
DOT Tanzania is recruiting for a part-time Project Officer on inclusive
entrepreneurship for youth with disabilities. Please note that the duties and
responsibilities would contribute to two different Activities:
 To coordinate the successful delivery of DOT Tanzania’s Entrepreneurship
Development Program for Youth with Disabilities project pilot.
 To design a more inclusive, wide-scale full project that is set to begin
November, 2019. Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Tanzania has an ambition to be
more inclusive. This ambition led to the implementation of the pilot project
“Entrepreneurship Development Program for Youth with Disabilities (EDP4YD)”
with the aim of empowering people with physical disabilities in entrepreneurship,
business , ICT skills and hard skills training. 
EDP4YD is DOT Tanzania’s innovative pilot project that intends to be inclusive of
youth with disabilities in entrepreneurship development programs. While
entrepreneurship is flourishing well in Tanzania, it is not inclusive and therefore, there
are groups that have been left behind. Of particular importance are persons with
disabilities (PwDs) and women. DOT Tanzania’s beginning of a transformational
journey to become a more inclusive organization that breaks barriers that have acted
as an opposing force to delivering life changing entrepreneurship programs to youth
with disabilities. The pilot is supported by an eleven-month pilot project-specific grant
from the National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF).
Overall Responsibilities
 To coordinate DOT Tanzania’s EDP4YD project
 Lead the development and integration of new program implementation plans
that include recommendations for actionable improvement change in youth and
disability empowerment.
 Take technical lead in the development of phase 2, Project Proposal, and
review relevant manuals, curricula and training for the implementation.
 To ensure that programme outputs are delivered to the expected level of
quality, through managing relationships with stakeholders including government
offices, and ensuring project outcomes and impact are achieved.
 Support collaboration and communication efforts of government, Disability
People Organisations and private sector actors to support and facilitate dialogues.
 Provide support as needed to conduct evaluations of the current disability
support frameworks through research and in-country interviews.
 Lead Pilot Project Dissemination workshop to relevant counterpart networks.
 Other activities as requested by Country Director
Person Specification
We are looking for a professional with at least 2 years  experience delivering
programmes for vulnerable groups; working in education and empowerment programs
with people with disabilities. You will need experience of project design, coordinating
projects, community engagement, reporting, and strong monitoring and evaluation
To apply for this position, please submit the following:
 1000 words summary outline on best practices and recommendations for
engaging youth with disabilities in Tanzania.

 Covering letter
 CV (not more than 2 pages) to tanzania@dotrust.org no later than: 12pm on
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019.
 Please include Disability Project Officer – DOT TANZANIA in the subject line
of your email. Interviews are planned to take place on July 8th – 9th, 2019 in Dar es
Salaam. Should you not hear from DOT Tanzania by then, please consider your
application unsuccessful.
This position is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF). The NCLF
are based in the UK and fund disability programmes throughout East Africa,
distributed through the East Africa Disability Fund (EADF), enabling people with
disabilities to improve their livelihoods in Tanzania and Uganda. For more
information about NLCF please visit:www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk 
Please note that interviews will be held on an ongoing basis during the application
period, and the position may be filled before the posted application deadline

Haruni jumanne

Hi welcome to Tanzania to sapport our project or to vorunteer email

harunichildrens@gmail.com contact +255763246361

Are you one of those helping hands with a big heart for helping people?
Do you have a local business that you may want or of your interest to partner with us?
Then, you're the one we've been looking for. We're looking for partners.
So what are you waiting for? Send us a private message at tricia.tanueco@comradeshipph.org or you may also
like to give us a call, just dial this phone number +6399 5300 6990.
Please visit Be Kind PH-Philippines for more details 😊

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