CRO Practical SPTG
CRO Practical SPTG
CRO Practical SPTG
Introduction to oscilloscope/ Signal Processing
Aim: To study cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) and perform basic operation using
To become familiar with the operation of a cathode-ray oscilloscope, and to
use it to measure frequencies and voltages.
To Calibrate CRO using time/div and volts/div controls to measure
frequencies and voltages.
To study Lissajous patterns in XY mode.
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope or Digital Storage Oscilloscope, function generator,
BNC cables and impedance matching connectors.
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is generally used to study the i/p signal by producing
visible patterns, or graphs, on a phosphorescent screen. The graphs plot the relationships
between two or more variables, with the horizontal axis normally being a function of time
and the vertical axis usually a function of the voltage generated by the input signal to the
oscilloscope. Because almost any physical phenomenon can be converted into a
corresponding electric voltage through the use of a transducer, the oscilloscope is a
versatile tool in all forms of physical investigation. The German physicist Ferdinand
Braun developed the first cathode-ray oscilloscope in 1897.
1. Apply known frequency and amplitude to the channel of a CRO. Set one position
of time/div and volts/div controls. Measure it by calculating no. of horizontal
and no. of vertical division. If applied waveform doesn’t match with measured
waveform, we need to calibrate it. Calibrate by rotating central calibration
control until measured value becomes true.
2. Digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) has fixed calibration. Calibration is not
required at user level. Just press ‘Auto Set’ button in DSO to get proper output
after applying waveform.
3. Apply unknown frequency and amplitude to the channel of a CRO. Set one
position of time/div and volts/div controls. Measure it by calculating no. of
horizontal and no. of vertical division.
4. Apply different type of waveform (Sine, Square, Triangular, etc) using function
generator. Measure f and V for each case and observe variations.
5. Apply two different waves to CRO at channel-1 and channel-2. Set CRO in ‘Dual’
mode and see two waveforms simultaneously.
6. Set CRO in XY mode and see Lissajous pattern. Draw Lissajous pattern in
observation table.
Observation Table:
Move the main sweep time/div dial until you have only a few complete cycles
across the CRO face in the horizontal direction. Measure the distance from one
peak to the next on the scale on the CRO face.
That gives the period T of the AC signal;
Frequency is then f = 1/T.
Thus if the dial is set for a sweep time of 10 ms/div, and you measure exactly 1
large division between two consecutive peaks of the signal, then
T = 10 ms/div x 1 div = 10 ms
f = 1/T =1/(10 x 10-3 s)= 100 Hz
Move the main Volts/div dial until you have only a good visibility of waveform
amplitude and its peak to peak value. Measure the distance from ground to peak
or peak to peak on the scale on the CRO face.
That gives the amplitude of the AC signal;
Thus if the dial is set for a sweep time of 0.5 V/div, and you measure exactly 4
large division from ground to peak (or 8 division peak to peak) on the scale on
the CRO face then
V = 0.5 V/div x 4 div = 2V peak Value (or V = 0.5 V/div x 8 div = 4V peak to peak)