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Music & Media Manual

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Music & Media Manual

NewLifeChoir ƒ MusicTeam ƒ MediaTeam

Effective February 1, 2005

Revised January, 31, 2011

A Publication of New Life Music & Media

Benton-New Life Church of God, Inc.
Benton, Illinois
About this Manual
This manual is designed to address the policy and administrative concerns of all facets
and extensions of the music and media ministries at New Life Church of God, Inc. The
initial manual has been reviewed and approved by the church council in business session.
Any further additions or revisions to this manual supercede previous statements or
conditions and become effective immediately. All major revisions must be approved by
the church council before becoming effective. All affected music and media personnel
will be notified of major revisions. The conditions in this manual are not considered
retroactive. However, should a deficiency arise, all existing team members should seek to
fulfill any requirement as soon as possible.

The manual is divided into three sections, each addressing a specific extension of New
Life Music & Media. The three sections are as follows:

New Life Music & Media Manual

Music Department 1. Choir
2. Music Team
Media Department 3. Media Team

Organizational Structure
Senior Pastor

Pastoral Ministries Director of

Team Music & Media

Choir Media Team Music Team

& Equipment & Instruments

Worship Additional Teams

Teams (Youth)

Additional Teams

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ƒ New Life Choir
New Life Choir exists to glorify God and to lead others into God’s presence through
a lifestyle of worship.

Choir Membership Qualifications

ƒ General Information
New Life choir is open to active members of New Life church which have a desire to
show forth leadership in praise and worship to God through vocal music. The choir is
open to receive new members four times yearly at the beginning of each season
(Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter). See Choir Commitment Schedule.

ƒ Attendance and Church Membership

Prospective choir members must have regularly attended New Life Church for a
minimum of three (3) months, having been an active member for at least two (2) months
prior to being considered for choir membership. Applicants must be at least sixteen (16)
years of age in order to apply. Prospective and current members must also be faithful in
their tithe to New Life Church. Such data will be verified with the attendance secretary
as well as the treasurer and will be kept confidential.

ƒ Spiritual Requirements:
Applicants must meet the following spiritual requirements in order to be considered for
membership within New Life Choir:

Saved—having a personal, mature relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sanctified—being free from sin/bondage/oppression.
Baptized in water—renouncing sin and being spiritually alive in
Baptized in the Holy Ghost—with fruits of the Spirit evident or
actively seeking baptism in the Holy Ghost.

Choir members are to demonstrate the spiritual fruit and discipline of an active
Christian life through daily devotion and prayer time. Prospective choir members must
also be able to sing on appropriate pitch and follow the respective vocal part (i.e. alto,
tenor, etc.) in order to be considered. Applicants to choir must also be available to
commit to all weekly and monthly rehearsals (see Involvement & Opportunities).

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Application Procedure
ƒ Step 1: Choir Application
Having met the membership/attendance requirement, prospective choir members are
required to complete an application for choir. This application is kept confidential. It is
understood that any applicant wishing to join the choir will be available for all regularly
scheduled practices and ministry times (see “Involvement and Opportunities”) before
submitting an application. Completed applications should be returned to the music
director. Applications are subject to review by the music director, church council and
pastor. All choir members (including applicants) are subject to review or dismissal by
the church council at any time. Applications may be submitted at any time; however,
new members are only accepted at the beginning of each given choir commitment
quarter (see “Choir Commitment Schedule”).

ƒ Step 2: Interview
New applicants may be subject to a vocal interview in addition to a personal interview.
This interview is left to the discretion of the music director. The purpose of the vocal
interview is to realize the applicant’s vocal range and ability.

Upon submission of a completed new choir member application, prospective applicants

must meet with the music director and the appropriate section leader for a personal
interview. Once the interview is completed, the choir application will be processed and

ƒ Step 3: Letter of Acceptance

New applicants will be notified via written correspondence of acceptance. If an applicant
does not qualify for admission into the choir, he or she will be notified via written
correspondence. New applicants must first receive a letter of acceptance/invitation before
attending practices, workshops, or singing with the choir in worship services. Having
received an acceptance letter, the applicant must confirm acceptance in writing.

ƒ Step 4: Joining the Choir

Having been accepted and the invitation acknowledged by the individual, the
individual’s choir status is changed to “Active Choir Member.” New choir members are
expected to begin attending all scheduled practices and workshops at the first
opportunity available. New choir members must practice with the choir for a minimum
of three (3) weeks before joining the choir in ministering during worship services. The
purpose of this period is to allow time for the prospective member to become familiar
with the current music selections being practiced for the particular quarter. New choir
members being issued a robe will be assessed a $15 maintenance fee for the choir robe
which is due within thirty days upon receipt of your letter of acceptance.

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Choir Commitment Pledge
ƒ Commitment Pledge Explained
Choir commitment is the existing choir member’s opportunity to either continue or
discontinue his/her membership with the choir. Choir commitment is also a time where
new members may join. Choir commitment is held within both the last and the first full
week of each commitment quarter as outlined in the choir commitment schedule below.
Choir members may commit for only the current quarter. New applicants to choir must
complete applications by the first week of choir commitment and will be required to
complete the choir commitment pledge for the quarter in which they join. It is expected
that members choosing to commit be faithful to their pledge to the absolute best of their
ability. As with any ministry, New Life choir’s success greatly depends upon the
commitment of its membership in order to continue in an active, progressive ministry.
The choir commitment pledge is not designed to bind

All active choir members are required to re-commit on a quarterly basis in order to renew
choir membership. Recommitment cards will be issued to each active choir member.
Inactive or previous members of the choir may request a recommitment card from the
music director. Inactive choir members wishing to recommit to the choir may be required
to resubmit a choir application if the period of inactivity is greater than or equal to one

ƒ Choir Commitment Schedule

The choir commitment schedule is as follows:
Spring February – March – April
Summer May – June – July
Fall August – September – October
Winter November – December – January

Choir (re)commitment is held within both the last full week of the present quarter and
the first full week of the new commitment quarter as outlined above. Choir members
may only commit for the current quarter. New applicants to choir must submit
completed applications by the last full week of the preceding quarter to which they
would like to join. Example: Submit applications the by the last week of April for the
Summer quarter which begins in May.

ƒ Voluntarily Leaving the Choir

Choir members may voluntarily choose to discontinue their association at any time
during a commitment quarter by personally notifying the music director. An individual
choosing to leave the choir may not rejoin at the next commitment quarter.

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Vocal Part Assignments & Placement
ƒ Vocal Parts
The New Life choir strives to achieve musical excellence through vocal accuracy. The
choir is comprised of four basic vocal parts: Soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Some parts
may be subdivided to first and second (i.e. first soprano, second soprano) where called
for within a musical arrangement. The music director is responsible for assignment of an
individual’s vocal part based on the individual’s range and ability. Typically, female
members are assigned either soprano or alto, and male members assigned to tenor or

ƒ Positioning
The Music Director is responsible for the physical arrangement of choir members on the
platform and in choir practices. Such arrangement is based on the overall vocal scheme and
is engineered so as to produce the best choral sound. Choir members should know their
current placement for line-up prior to walking on stage during a worship service.
Placement may vary based on the event and attendance. In the event of absences, all gaps
should be filled by the next choir member, thus temporarily modifying the physical
arrangement the choir. The music director may modify positioning at any time.

Involvement & Opportunities

ƒ Prayer & Preparation Time
Prayer is one of the most important actions associated with true worship. Active choir
members are required to be present at the Prayer & Preparation time which is usually
held prior to leading in any worship service. During this time, each individual is to be
actively engaged in personal spiritual focus and preparation for the worship service.
Group prayer may be called upon by the music director.

A choir member not in attendance for the prayer session is not allowed to participate
with the choir during the worship service. See standard practice schedule below.
Recurring absence from prayer or group class/study time will require a meeting with
the Music Director to discuss the situation.

ƒ Choir Practices & Workshops

Choir practices sessions are held weekly throughout each commitment quarter. Choir
workshops are scheduled on a monthly basis and are advertised on the general church
calendar. Most choir practices are held in the music room (125) where facilities such as
musical instruments and audio equipment exist. Choir workshops are generally held in
the sanctuary.

Choir members are expected to attend all weekly and monthly sessions. Choir practices
and workshops are of priority at New Life Church. Practice times are sanctioned from
other coexisting activities which may involve choir members to enable choir members to
faithfully fulfill their ministry commitment to the choir.

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ƒ Arrival Times
A standard practice schedule is outlined in the table below:

Day Event Time Recurrence

Sunday Musician Prep 8:45 – 9:15 p.m. Optional
Sunday Prayer & Preparation 9:00 – 9:55 a.m. Weekly
Monday Practice/Workshop 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 2x Monthly
Saturday Workshop 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Monthly or as
or 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. announced.

Note: A minimum 15-minute early arrival is expected for any event in which the choir
is ministering. Do not arrive at the service start time.

ƒ Worship Services
The choir leads in worship and praise on most Sundays during the Morning Worship
service. Any foreseen exceptions will be advertised. Enrolled choir members are
expected to sing with the choir during worship services. After the choir is dismissed,
choir members are to promptly return to the sanctuary to participate in the remainder of
the service. It is understood that a choir member’s personal spiritual needs supersede
one’s requirement to participate at ministry times during the service such as invitation.

ƒ Soloists
Choir members wishing to be considered for solo parts should notify the music director
on either the quarterly choir surveys. Soloists are selected based on member interest,
vocal part, vocal intonation, spiritual maturity, and skill level. Soloist parts are assigned
to individuals by the music director. Individuals being considered for a solo part will be
contacted prior to choir practice. If a choir member wishes to be considered for a
particular solo part, he/she should contact the music director in person to discuss this

Once a soloist has been selected it is important that he/she work closely with the music
director to correctly learn the solo part(s). Additional one-on-one sessions may be
arranged with the music director for the soloist’s benefit. Soloists should be contacted
by 9:00 p.m. the Saturday evening prior for solos scheduled for Sunday so as to have
adequate time for preparation. Individual solos are not necessarily bound to one
individual. In the event of an absence, an alternate member may be called upon to
temporarily solo as decided by the music director.

ƒ Section Leaders
Choir members wishing to be considered for section leader should notify the music
director on either the quarterly choir surveys or at the time of application. One section
leader is selected for each vocal part (one soprano, one alto, one tenor, and one bass).
Section leaders are nominated by the music director and elected by the choir on a bi-
quarterly basis or as necessary to fill vacancies. Prospective section leaders must be
concurrently enrolled in or have successfully completed Church of God Lay

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Level 1 or 2 training in addition to fulfilling all requirements for being an active
choir member.

Section leaders are responsible for facilitating questions and requests from within each
section, as well as general oversight of section performance. A section leader must be
very familiar with his/her vocal part and lyrics within each choir song. Section leaders
are also responsible for meeting with the director to record practice tracks for the other
choir members as necessary. Section leaders are expected to be model choir members,
displaying leadership and spiritual maturity and wisdom at all times.

ƒ Worship Teams
Each worship team is selected by the music director based on spiritual maturity,
availability, personal commitment, and vocal ability. A worship team may be comprised
of between 2 and 5 active choir members or other active members of New Life Church
as deemed appropriate by the Music Director. Each worship team has its own practice
schedule which changes periodically in order to meet the current need for rehearsal and
ministry schedule. Generally, the worship teams practice jointly with the music team in
musician rehearsal. Worship team members often minister in conjunction with the choir.
Team members are accountable to the same policies and scheduling as the choir.

ƒ Other Activities
Choir members are expected to be faithful in attending worship services. Choir
members are expected to be in attendance for all scheduled ministry services (Sunday
Morning Worship and Sunday Evening Renewal). In addition, choir members must be
enrolled and actively participating in at least one class or small group offered by New
Life Christian Education.

ƒ Attendance Policy
Enrolled choir members are expected to be in attendance for all ministry functions as
well as practices and workshops. Choir members are to be faithfully present, on time,
and both mentally and spiritually prepared for services, prep times, practices, and
workshops. It is the individual choir member’s responsibility to personally inform the
music director promptly and with advance notice for any planned absence. Attendance
is taken at all practices, workshops, and services.

Choir members must submit planned absences on the attendance calendar located in the
music room (125). The attendance calendar is posted for the current month.

ƒ Drop Policy
Any choir member whose unexcused absenteeism exceeds one-third (33%) of all events
requiring attendance will be subject to a meeting with the music director to discuss the
situation. Unless approval is extended by the music director due to special

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circumstances, choir members will be dropped from choir for the current commitment

Each choir member is to provide a 1-week advance notice of work or shift changes
conflicting with regularly scheduled choir activities. Mandatory overtime is excused.

Good communication is expected in the event of expected or unexpected absences.

Members dropped due to excessive unexcused absenteeism will not be permitted to
rejoin until the next commitment quarter. Active choir members may be sent copies of
their attendance history for a given quarter.

Choir members not attending the mandatory prayer and preparation time (Sunday, 8:45
– 9:50 a.m.) will be excused from choir, unless the individual is concurrently actively
participating in a teaching position or due to pre-scheduled mandatory work/overtime.

Any choir member involved in a personal legal dispute will be suspended from all
choir activities and may be reinstated upon the approval of the Pastoral Ministry team.

Any choir member may be dropped at any time if deemed necessary by the
Pastoral Ministries team, church Elders, or the Senior Pastor.

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Standard Procedure
ƒ Sunday Morning Prayer Time
o Choir, Worship Team, Music Team, and Media Team assemble for prayer at
9:00 a.m. in the main Sanctuary (room 100).

o Personal prayer from 9:00 to 9:15.

o Gather for group prayer at 9:15 a.m. or when called by the Music Director.

o Devotion and group prayer focus given by the Music Director.

o Group member sharing, group prayer.

o Dismissal by Music Director.

ƒ Sunday Morning Worship Service

o Choir members assemble in music room (125) backstage no later than 9:50 a.m.

o If robes are to be worn, choir members should dress in their assigned robe and

o Gather for final prayer.

o Align in current order, beginning with the first person on the back row.

o Step-off at 10:00 a.m. to the platform.

ƒ Choir Practices
o Gather in music room or platform prior to the designated start time.

o Retrieve music binder. Be seated.

o Opening prayer and devotion.

o Review new music, present music, past music.

o Dismissal by the director.

ƒ Revival & Other Special Services

Follow standard Sunday Morning Worship Service procedure along with any other
special instructions given by the music director. Standard meeting time for a revival
service which begins at 6:30 p.m. is 6:15 p.m. This means that members should be

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backstage and prepared for ministry at 6:15 p.m. A default minimum 15-minute lead-
time is assumed if no further instructions are given. Never arrive at service start time. In
the event of an away service, special times and group travel arrangements will be
announced. See “Arrival Times Below”.

Resources Provided
ƒ Music Room
The music room is provided as an area for the cultivation of musical talent and learning.
The music room is the primary practice facility for New Life Choir. The music room is
reserved on Sundays and at other scheduled times for practice and personal preparation.
No food, drink, or gum is allowed within the music room. Bottled water is acceptable
during practice sessions.

ƒ Platform
The platform is the primary area of ministry for both New Life Choir and Music team.
As it is located within the Sanctuary, all personal activity must be conducted with
responsibility and respect to God’s presence. No food, drink, or gum is allowed on the
platform. Bottled water is acceptable during practice sessions only.

Only authorized persons are allowed on the platform at any given time. Children are not
permitted to play on the platform due to the amount of fragile equipment present.
Resources on the platform such as microphones, instruments, and mixing consoles are
for the exclusive use of designated persons only, and are otherwise inaccessible to all
other persons.

ƒ Printed Music and Song Lyrics

New Life Music & Media will provide each choir member with a copy of the current
music and/or song lyrics to be used in practice sessions. All music and lyric copies are
property of New Life Church of God. Music may not be copied, recopied, or
otherwise transcribed due to copyright law. New Life Music & Media is required to
purchase licenses for all copies of songs in existence within its music collection.

Enrolled choir members are issued a binder containing sheet music or song lyrics as a
personal copy. Photocopied music may be marked with pencil, pen, or highlighter.
Original music, such as octavos and songbooks, may only be marked using a pencil.
All music copies are to remain on New Life premises. Enrolled choir members
possessing music sight-reading skills may request to receive printed sheet music copies
where available.

ƒ Media for Practice Purposes

Compact discs are provided to choir members based on each member’s preference. Such
media will contain the current songs being practiced for the current quarter with the
vocal part accented on the tape/compact disc. Media will be released to choir members
with the understanding that discs are for personal rehearsal only and may not be
distributed outside of the choir.

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ƒ Choir Robes
Choir robes and collars are issued to each enrolled choir member. Each robe is
individually numbered and sized lengthwise. Robes will be issued by the music director.
Robes are property of New Life Church of God and may not be removed from the
premises. New choir members being issued a robe will be assessed a $15 maintenance
fee for the choir robe. Existing members’ robes will be cleaned annually. Unusually
soiled robes may be cleaned at the rate of $8.00 each, at expense of the choir member.

Choir robes are stored in the music storage room (129) adjacent to the music practice
room. Robe storage facilities remain locked except prior to services in which the choir is
ministering and robes are to be worn.

Robes are individually numbered and are hung in an orderly fashion on each
corresponding numbered hanger. Choir robes will be worn as indicated by the music
director. It is the music director’s discretion which color of collar will be worn.

ƒ Water Cooler
A water cooler is furnished in the music room (125) for active choir members,
musicians, and media team members. Paper cones are provided at the cooler. Water cups
must be confined to the music room, and should be properly disposed of in a waste

ƒ On-Screen Lyrics
During service times and practice sessions, on-screen lyrics of songs may be available
for choir reassurance. These convenience monitors are located on the platform in the
sanctuary and are available to help choir members in recalling the lyrics to songs. It is
best for each choir member to have the lyrics of each song memorized. The monitors
serve as reassurance, not as a substitute for personal memorization of lyrics, vocal part,
or music progression.

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ƒ New Life Music Team
Musicians provide an accent to the worship ministry of New Life choir and share equally
in leading others into God’s presence through a lifestyle of worship.

Musician Qualifications
The New Life music team is open to active members of New Life church which have
a desire to show forth leadership in praise and worship to God through instrumental

Prospective musicians must have regularly attended New Life Church for a minimum of
three (3) months, having been an active member for at least two (2) months. Applicants
must be at least sixteen (16) years of age in order to apply. Temporary or fill-in
musicians may be less than 16 years of age, with express approval of the music director.
Prospective members must also be faithful in their tithe to New Life Church. Such data
will be verified with the attendance secretary as well as the treasurer and will be kept

Applicants must meet the following spiritual requirements in order to be considered for
membership within the music team:
Saved—having a personal, mature relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sanctified—being free from sin/bondage/oppression.
Baptized in water—renouncing sin and being spiritually alive in
Baptized in the Holy Ghost—with fruits of the Spirit evident or
actively seeking baptism in the Holy Ghost.

Musicians are expected to demonstrate the fruit and discipline of an active Christian life
through daily devotion and prayer time. Applicants must posses a professional skill level
in their instrument in order to be considered. Musicians must be available to minister in
all worship services (see Involvement below).

Application Procedure
Having met the membership/attendance requirement prospective musicians will be
required to complete a music team application. The application is similar to the choir
application. This application is kept confidential. The application is subject to review
by the music director, church council and pastor. All musicians (including applicants)
are subject to review by the church council at any time.

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Upon submission of a completed musician application, prospective applicants must
schedule with the music director for a personal interview. During the personal interview,
applicants should come prepared to demonstrate his/her musical abilities.

Once the interview is completed, the musician application will be processed and
reviewed. New applicants will be notified by mail of acceptance. New applicants must
first receive a letter of acceptance before attending practices, workshops, or ministering
in worship services. If an applicant does not qualify for admission as a musician, he or
she will be notified via written correspondence.

Upon receipt of a letter of acceptance, new musicians will be invited to join the music
team in providing quality worship through instrumental music according to Biblical

ƒ Prayer & Preparation Time
Prayer is the most important action associated with true worship. Active music team
members are required to be present at the Prayer & Preparation time which is usually
held prior to leading in any worship service. During this time, each individual is to be
actively engaged in personal spiritual focus and preparation for the worship service.
Group prayer may be called upon by the music director.

A music team member not in attendance for the prayer session is not allowed to
participate with the music team during the worship service. See standard practice
schedule below. Recurring absence from prayer time will result in dismissal from
music team.

ƒ Practices & Workshops

Musician practices sessions are held weekly throughout each quarter. Group workshops
are scheduled monthly and are advertised on the church calendar. Most musician
practices are held in either the main sanctuary (Room 100) or the Youth Center (Room
230) where facilities such as musical instruments and audio equipment exist. Group
workshops are generally held in the main Sanctuary. Musicians are expected to attend
all weekly practice sessions as well as monthly sessions where the choir is present.
Musicians must follow the same conduct as the choir members in being respectful and
orderly during practices and breaks.

ƒ Worship Services
The music team ministers in nearly every worship service. Musicians are expected to
accompany the singers during all worship events. Musicians also accompany the choir
leading in worship on most Sundays during the Morning Worship service. Any foreseen
exceptions will be advertised. Musicians are required to accompany the choir during
worship services. After being dismissed from the choir during services, both choir
members and musicians are expected to promptly return to the sanctuary to participate in
the remainder of the service. The music team may be called to assist the music director
at any time during the service; however, a spiritual need supersedes one’s

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requirement to participate at ministry times during the service such as during the altar
invitation or prayer ministry time.

ƒ Other Activities
Musicians are expected to be faithful in attending all worship services. Musicians are
also expected to be in attendance for all scheduled ministry services (Sunday Morning
Worship and Sunday Evening Renewal). In addition, musicians must be enrolled and
actively participating in at least one class or small group offered by New Life
Christian Education.

ƒ Attendance Policy
Active music team members are expected to be in attendance for all ministry functions as
well as practices and workshops. Music team members are to be faithfully present, on
time, and both mentally and spiritually prepared for services, practices, and workshops. It
is the individual music team member’s responsibility to personally inform the music
director promptly and with advance notice for any planned absence. Attendance is taken
at all practices, workshops, and services.

Music team members must submit planned absences on the attendance calendar located
in the music room (125). The attendance calendar is posted for the current month.

ƒ Drop Policy
Any music team member whose unexcused absenteeism exceeds 25% of all events
requiring attendance will be dropped from membership for the current quarter, unless
approval is extended by the music director due to special circumstances.

Each music team member is to provide a 1-week advance notice of work or shift
changes conflicting with regularly scheduled music team activities. Mandatory overtime
is excused.

Good communication is expected in the event of expected or unexpected absences.

Members dropped due to excessive unexcused absenteeism will not be allowed to rejoin
until the next commitment quarter. Active music team members may be sent copies of
their attendance history for a given quarter.

Music team members not attending the mandatory prayer and preparation time (Sunday,
8:45 – 9:45 a.m.) will be excused from music team, unless the individual is concurrently
actively participating in a teaching position or due to pre-scheduled work.

Any music team member involved in a legal dispute will be suspended from all
music team activities.

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ƒ Arrival Times
All musicians must observe a 15-minute advance arrival time before the start of
any service. A standard service schedule is listed below:

Arrival at Post Approx. Finish

Sunday AM 9:45 AM 12:30 PM
Sunday PM 6:15 PM 8:30 PM
Revival 6:30 PM 9:00 PM
(with a 7:00 start)
Musician 5:00 PM or 7:00 PM
Practice 6:00 PM or 8:00 PM
6:30 PM or 8:30 PM

Other services and special events may require special arrival times. Such information is
announced as it is foreseen by the media director.

Resources Provided
ƒ Music Room
The music room is provided as an area for the cultivation of musical talent and learning.
The music room is the primary practice facility for New Life Choir. The music room is
reserved on Sundays and at other scheduled times for practice and personal preparation.
No food, drink, or gum is allowed within the music room; however, bottled water is
acceptable during practice sessions.

ƒ Platform
The platform is the primary area of ministry for both New Life Choir and Music team.
As it is located within the Sanctuary, all personal activity must be conducted with
responsibility and respect to God’s presence. No food, drink, or gum is allowed on the
platform. Bottled water is acceptable during practice sessions only.

Only authorized persons are allowed on the platform at any given time. Children are not
permitted to be on the platform due to the amount of fragile equipment present.
Resources on the platform such as microphones, instruments, and mixing consoles are
for the exclusive use of designated persons only, and are otherwise inaccessible to all
other persons.

ƒ Musical Instruments
New Life Music & Media may provide qualified musicians with church-owned musical
instruments and/or equipment where available. Such equipment is property of New Life
Church and cannot be removed from the premises without express written consent.
Musicians utilizing church-owned equipment are expected to use express care so as to
preserve the integrity and usefulness of the instrument or equipment.

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Musicians may choose to bring their own musical instrument or equipment in situations
where the quality of their instrument or equipment exceeds that of equipment furnished
by the church. Instruments or equipment may not be moved or changed from their
present location without approval from the Music Director.

ƒ Printed Music and Chord Sheets

New Life Music & Media provides each music team member with a copy of the current
sheet music and/or chord sheets to be used in practice sessions. All sheet music and
chord sheet copies are property of New Life Church of God. Music may not be copied,
recopied, or otherwise transcribed due to copyright law. Musicians will each be issued a
binder containing sheet music and/or chord sheets as a personal copy. Photocopied music
may be marked with pencil, pen, or highlighter. Original music, such as octavos and
songbooks, may only be marked using a pencil. All music copies are to remain on New
Life premises.

ƒ Media for Practice Purposes

Compact discs will be provided to music team members based on each member’s
preference. Such media will contain the current songs being practiced for the current
quarter with a demo of each song on the tape/compact disc. Media will be released to
musicians with the understanding that discs are for personal rehearsal only and may not
be distributed outside of the music team. It is the musician’s responsibility to practice all
music to a professional level of performance. Individual practice sessions may be
arranged to further extend a musician’s ability in playing a particular selection.

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ƒ Media Team
The purpose of New Life Media is to assist in providing media services in an atmosphere
which compliments worship and to further the message of New Life Church.

Media Team Qualifications

The New Life media team is open to active members of New Life church which have
a desire to show forth leadership and service to God through multimedia ministry.

Prospective media team members must have regularly attended New Life Church for a
minimum of three (3) months, having been an active member for at least two (2) months.
Applicants must be at least sixteen (16) years of age in order to apply. Temporary or fill-
in positions may be less than sixteen years of age with approval of the media director.
Prospective members must also be faithful in their tithe to New Life Church. Such data
will be verified with the attendance secretary as well as the treasurer and will be kept

Applicants must meet the following spiritual requirements in order to be considered for
membership within the media team:
Saved—having a personal, mature relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sanctified—being free from sin/bondage/oppression.
Baptized in water—renouncing sin and being spiritually alive in
Baptized in the Holy Ghost—with fruits of the Spirit evident or
actively seeking baptism in the Holy Ghost.

Media team members are expected to demonstrate the fruit and discipline of an active
Christian life through daily devotion and prayer time. Applicants must posses a
professional skill level in their instrument in order to be considered. Musicians must be
available to serve in all regularly scheduled worship services.

Positions & Job Descriptions

ƒ Selection & Placement
All available positions are appointed by the media director on an as-needed basis. All
positions are volunteer. Any position assignment is subject to the approval, performance
review, and dismissal by the senior pastor or church council at any time. Performance
will be evaluated by the media director. All positions are limited to the main sanctuary
unless otherwise assigned by the media director. Alternate or back-up positions may
also be appointed by the Music & Media Director. All positions will be filled with back-
up or rotating schedules where possible so as to not prevent any one person from
participating in the worship service. When an individual is not scheduled to work in the
media department, he/she is expected to be participating in the worship service as a part
of the congregation.

ƒ Director of Music & Media

Responsible for coordinating all media needs with direct oversight of all media functions.

ƒ Platform Assistant
Responsible for rearranging the stage as necessary. Responsible for appropriate
microphone placement as instructed by the media director. Responsible for any moving
of New Life equipment, and being available for assistance in moving an entry’s

ƒ House Mix Technician

The house mix technician is the primary supervisor of all audio and media functions, and
reports directly to the media director. The house mix technician is responsible for
receiving all incoming media and queuing all tracks. Responsible for mixing all vocals,
tracks, and house mix at a moderate level. Appropriate levels for all devices are subject
to the approval of the media director. Standard sound pressure levels (SPL) is at or less
than 100 dB (C-weighting) for regular Sunday and revival services duing worship time.
The SPL should not exceed 85 dB during the message portion of the service. In addition
to the duties listed above, the house mix technician may also serve as the recording mix
technician as called upon by the media director. The house mix technician may adjust
audio components (compressor, limiter, gate, equilizers, effects) only with the approval
of the media director.

ƒ Recording Mix Technician

The recording mix technician is responsible for managing all live recording, mastering,
and remixing functions by queing and maintaining recording media and supplying
approprate audio levels from the main house mixer to the recording equipment. The
recording mix technician may be scheduled to volunteer on a weekday/evening in order
to remix and master a music service’s track recordings.

ƒ Monitor Mix Technician

Responsible for mixing all vocals, tracks, and musical instrument levels for the
independent monitor mix at a fair level. Responsible for coordinating sound levels with
the house mix technician in order to achieve a reasonable balance on both monitor and
house mixes. The monitor mix technician may also be called upon to fulfill the
responsibilities of the platform assistant as called upon by the media director.

ƒ Screen Operator
Responsible for utilizing SongShow Pro software and pre-programmed service plans to
display song lyrics, multimedia, scripture texts. The screen operator must also queue
and display any DVD or VHS media supplied. The screen operator may also assume
the responsibilities of the lighting technician as called upon by the media director. At

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end of service, the screen operator should save the current SongShowPro program and
log off of the system. Prior to leaving the facilities, the screen operator should ensure
that the LCD projection system is powered off. The PC is to be left on (but logged-out).

ƒ Copy Technician
Responsible for filling media orders received via the media hotline voicemail account or
via e-mail. The copy technician is responsible for utilizing the CD and audio cassette
duplicator in order to produce copies of service recordings as requested by the media
hotline. The copy technician may also be asked to enter orders into the inventory/billing
system as called upon by the media director.

ƒ Lighting Technician
Responsible for mixing applicable lighting scenes using the lighting console and dimmer
pack equipment. Responsible for maintaining, hanging, and positioning lighting fixtures
as directed by the Media Director. The lighting technician is responsible for utilizing the
correct pre-programmed scenes from the lighting console at the appropriate times within
a service. The lighting technician must coordinate efforts with the screen operator and the
house audio technician. Upon the close of service, the lighting console should be placed
in blackout mode or an applicable scene (work light/walk-thru light). Prior to leaving the
facilities, the lighting technician should place the console in blackout mode and turn off
the console power.

ƒ Media Reception Table (special events only)

Responsible for receiving all audio cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs, or VHS tapes from
incoming entries. Tag each media item with appropriate instruction information (CD
Track #, Tape Side A/B, etc.) for the house mix audio technician. Give all tapes/CDs
to the media runner. Responsible for receiving platform needs from each entry and
communicating them to the platform helpers. (Example: What microphone needs the
entry will require).

ƒ Media Runner (special events only)

Responsible for taking all tapes from the media reception table to the media room with
at least a 2-entry lead time.

ƒ Practices & Workshops
Media team members are expected to attend all group practice sessions (where music
team and choir are present) where the choir is present. Media team members must
follow the same conduct as the choir members in being respectful and orderly during
practices and breaks. Additional attendance may be required for special music or choir
events, including weddings, funerals, and other special services.

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ƒ Worship Services
The media team ministers in every worship service. Any foreseen exceptions will be
advertised. Media team members are to adhere to the weekly rotation schedule
published on the attendance calendar in the music room (125). Media team members
scheduled to work any service or event are expected to fill their assigned position until
the end of service. Team members should not leave the media room during a worship
service as to be available to fulfill their assigned duties. However, any spiritual needs
supercede one’s requirement to remain in the media room at ministry times during the
service such as altar.

ƒ Other Activities
Musicians are expected to be faithful in attending all worship services. Musicians are
also are expected to be in attendance for all scheduled ministry services (Sunday
Morning Worship and Sunday Evening Renewal). In addition, musicians must be
enrolled and actively participating in least one class or small group offered by New
Life Christian Education.

Attendance & Arrival

ƒ Attendance Policy
Enrolled media team members are expected to be in attendance for all ministry functions
as well as practices and workshops. Media team members are to be faithfully present, on
time, and both mentally and spiritually prepared for services, practices, and workshops.
It is the individual media team member’s responsibility to personally inform the music
director promptly and with advance notice for any planned absence. Attendance is
taken at all practices, workshops, and services.

Media team members must submit planned absences/work schedules on the attendance
calendar located in the music room (125). The attendance calendar is posted for the
current month.

ƒ Drop Policy
Any media team member whose unexcused absenteeism exceeds 25% of all events
requiring attendance will be dropped from membership for the current quarter, unless
approval is extended by the music director due to special circumstances.

Each media team member is to provide a 1-week advance notice of work or shift
changes conflicting with regularly scheduled media team activities. Mandatory overtime
is excused.

Good communication is expected in the event of expected or unexpected absences.

Members dropped due to excessive unexcused absenteeism will not be allowed to rejoin
until the next commitment quarter. Active media team members may be sent copies of
their attendance history for a given quarter.

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Media team members not attending the mandatory prayer and preparation time (Sunday,
8:45 – 9:45 a.m.) will be excused from media team, unless the individual is concurrently
actively participating in a teaching position or due to pre-scheduled work.

Any media team member involved in a legal dispute will be suspended from all
media team activities.

ƒ Arrival Times
All positions must observe a 15-minute advance arrival before the start of any service.
A standard service schedule is listed below:

Arrival at Post Approx. Finish

Sunday AM 9:45 AM 12:30 PM
Sunday PM 6:15 PM 9:00 PM
Revival 6:30 PM 9:00 PM
(7:00 PM Start Time)

Other services and special events may require special arrival times. Such information is
announced as it is foreseen by the media director.

Media Policies
ƒ Media Room
The media room houses the majority of New Life Music & Media’s technical equipment.
The media room is to remain locked at all times, except during services times of
operation. No food, drink, or gum is allowed within the media room. Only media
personnel approved by the media director may be allowed access to the media room. No
children are allowed in or permitted access to the media room at any time due to the
amount of sensitive equipment. All equipment housed within the media room shall
remain in its location and should not be removed without the permission of the media
director. Additionally, no new equipment may be added to the media room without the
consent of the Media Director. Instruments or equipment may not be moved or changed
from their present location without approval from the media director. The media room is
to be kept in good organization at all times. Waste should be properly disposed of.

ƒ Media Storage Closets

The media storage closets contain surplus and unused media equipment. These closets
are a repository for media department goods and shall remain locked at all times. No
equipment should be removed from the media storage closets without first notifying and
receiving proper approval from the media director.

ƒ Platform
The platform is the primary area of ministry for both New Life Choir and Music
team. As it is located within the Sanctuary, all personal activity must be conducted

New Life Music & Media Manual – Rev. 01/2011 Page 22 of 24

responsibility and respect to God’s presence. No food, drink, or gum is allowed on the
platform. Bottled water is acceptable during practice sessions only.

Only authorized persons are allowed on the platform at any given time. Children are not
permitted to be on the platform due to the amount of fragile equipment present.
Resources on the platform such as microphones, instruments, and mixing consoles are
for the exclusive use of designated persons only, and are otherwise inaccessible to all
other persons.

The platform is generally set up for weekly worship services and other events. Its
arrangement is semi-permanent. Major clearing or relocation of platform equipment is
generally only warranted at major events such as worship musicals, Christmas and
Easter dramas.

ƒ Audio/Video/Lighting Instruments
All equipment and items within the media room are to be handled with care. This includes
any other equipment located elsewhere throughout New Life facilities deemed as media
equipment. Such equipment is property of New Life Church and cannot be removed from the
premises or from its present location without express written consent from the Media
Director. Media technicians utilizing such church-owned equipment are expected to use
express care so as to preserve the integrity and usefulness of the equipment. No settings
should be modified without appropriate cause and documentation. Carelessness or rough
usage of any equipment is not tolerated and may lead to the dismissal of media personnel. All
equipment must be utilized in accordance with proper technique and according to the owner’s
manual. Most user manuals and other technical documents are available electronically and
will be provided upon request.

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