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Report Circular Economy Louise Sally Thesis

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Circular economy

in the construction

bo rg Universite
Aal t-
p e
Louise Svendsen

Sally Tang

June 2018

Master of Science (MSc)

in Engineering/Sustainable
Title page

Education: MSc in Sustainable Design

Institution: Aalborg University - Copenhagen
School of Architecture, Design and Planning (SADP)
Project period: February 2018 - June 2018
ECTS: 30
Supervisor: Søsser Brodersen
External collaboration: Rambøll

Type of thesis: Master’s Thesis

Title: XXXX


Louise Svendsen Study no. 20151857

Sally Tang Study no. 20124799

Pages: 116
Appendix: 83

Each member of the group confirms participation on equal terms in the process of writing the proj-
ect. Thus, each member of the group is responsible for all the contents in the project.


This master thesis investigates the concept of circular economy within the construction industry
and which barriers that needs to be confronted in order to challenge the current linear economy
model. Actor-Network Theory supported by Participatory design approach have been used in the
project in order to define the configuration of the network for implementing circular economy,
involving actors and matters of concern to provide insight on how a translation process might be
achieved. This project aims at developing a design solution for Rambøll, the collaborative partner
for this thesis, to implementing circular economy. Interviews and design games have formed the
empirical work, from which an analysis of the actors of the construction industry, matters of concern,
as well as barriers was undertaken. The result of the empirical work, is four key barriers that has
the most potential to be changed within Rambøll, namely knowledge, collaboration, planning,
and circular economy concept. Through a design process several concepts were created and
evaluated in a workshop which helped define the final design solution. The solution is a combination
of subsolutions; Platform, Specialist team, Screens in canteen and coffee stations, Info meetings,
Innovation Time, Joint design, Digital catalogue with sustainable materials, Courses on circular
economy, and a Common definition of circular economy. The final solution focus on changing
two key barriers in order to incorporate a stronger focus on knowledge sharing and collaboration.

We would first like to thank our supervisor, associate professor Søsser Brodersen from
Aalborg University in Copenhagen and the other professors at the University for guiding our
project in the right direction. We could always contact her whenever we needed help.

We would also like to thank all interviewees from Rambøll, Lendager Group, RIB, Kingo Karlsen,
Aarhus Arkitekter, Pension Danmark, Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, and NCC who have
dedicated their time for interviews, design games, or workshops. With their insights and participation,
we were able to get an understanding of the different actors and phases, in the construction industry.

A special thanks to our contact person, Gitte Gylling Hammershøj Olesen for
enabling a collaboration with Rambøll and for seeing the potential in this project. We
hope Rambøll will be able to use the knowledge we have gathered through this project.

Finally, we must extend our gratitude towards both of our families who have supported us,
through the process of writing this thesis. It has helped us make a project which we are proud of.

Table of contents

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the project ........................................................13
1.1.1 Our perspective as sustainable design engineers ......................13
1.1. 2 External partner, Rambøll ..................................................13
1.2 Problem area ........................................................................14
1.3 Problem statement .................................................................15

Chapter 2 Initial research

2.1 Construction phases ................................................................19
2.1.1 Actors of the construction industry ........................................20
2.2 Linear economy .....................................................................21
2.3 Circular economy....................................................................22
2.3.1 Historical overview ...........................................................25
2.3.2 Circular economy and sustainability......................................27
2.3.3 Circular economy definition ................................................28 Rambøll’s definition of circular economy ..............................28 Our definition of circular economy......................................29
2.4 Seminars .............................................................................30

Chapter 3 Theoretical framework

3.1 Actor Network Theory ................................................................35
3.1.1 Matters of concern ...........................................................35
3.1.2 Translation ......................................................................36
3.1.3 Spokesperson ..................................................................36
3.1.4 Interessment device ..........................................................36
3.1.5 Intermediary object ..........................................................37
3.2 Participatory Design .................................................................37

Chapter 4 Methodology
4.1 Rolling a snowball .............................................................43
4.2 Interviews .......................................................................43
4.3 Coding ..........................................................................43
4.4 Affinity diagram ...............................................................44
4.5 Design game ...................................................................44
4.5.1 Prioritisation game ......................................................46
4.6 Brainstorming ...................................................................46
4.7 Morphology chart ..............................................................46

Chapter 5 Empirical work

5.1 Interviews .......................................................................51
5.2 Vinterakademi 2018 ..........................................................52
5.3 Knowledge gained in spaces ...............................................52

Chapter 6 Analysis: Problematization and


6.1 The overall network ..........................................................60

6.2 Rambøll network .............................................................69
6.3 Barriers .........................................................................73
6.4 Barriers within Rambøll ......................................................80

Chapter 7 Conceptualisation: Interessment and
7.1 Design specification ...........................................................88
7.2 Morphology and idea generation ...........................................88
7.3 Concepts ........................................................................91
7.4 Workshop at Rambøll ...........................................................93
7.4.1 The proposed concepts from each group ..........................97
7.5 Enrollment and workshop ......................................................98
7.6 The final solution .................................................................98

Chapter 8 Reflections
8.1 Circular economy perceptions ...............................................106
8.2 Methods .........................................................................106
8.3 ANT ..............................................................................107
8.4 Collaborating with Rambøll ...................................................108
8.5 Solution ............................................................................108

Chapter 9 Conclusion

Chapter 10 Future work


Reading guide

Overview of the report

The structure of this report follows a chronological review of our process in the project (figure 1).
Each chapter starts with an elaboration of the process, so the reader can follow along our journey
from searching for a collaborative partner and start framing the project, to how we develop our

4 key barriers

Matters of

12 barriers


No case

Analytical phase
Empirical phase
Research phase

Figure 1 - The process of the report (Own illustration)

In the beginning of this project we identified the problem field and got an understanding of the
concept of circular economy in the construction industry from relevant literature. We then
investigated the phases of the construction industry and the common actors
involved in the various phases, to understand the problem of implementing circular
economy from various perspectives. Several design games have been made to support
the interviews with different actors by opening a conversation of the problem. General
barriers of implementing circular economy were identified through coding of the interviews. A
prioritisation game was used to narrow down the barriers in relation to the context of Rambøll.
Finally, we held a workshop at Rambøll to develop a solution together with the employees.

Elements to be considered

Picture 1 - Worksheet header (Own picture)

In our study we commonly use worksheets as a knowledge sharing tool. Since both of us are
Danish, the reader will find some of the referred worksheets written in Danish. The worksheets are
attached in the end of this report and will be referred to, by their ID, as (worksheet X), (picture 1).
Throughout the report we have chosen to change the name of some interviewees from Rambøll,
as some wished for anonymity whereas others wanted their name in the report (worksheet 1).

Some visualizations may have circular economy abbreviated as C.E. for the sake of clarity for the

We distinguish actors in the construction industry by their discipline.

Chapter 1

This chapter gives a brief introduction to the project, and the

problem area; circular economy in the Danish construction
industry, and our problem statement. Moreover, we will introduce
the company Rambøll, we are doing the project in collaboration
with. Our academic background as sustainable designers will be
presented, as well as our perspective when approaching the problem
of implementing circular economy in the construction industry.

Our project started when we approached several Rambøll employees for a

collaboration. We were interested in working with circular economy and wanted to collaborate with
Rambøll to experience the working environment in a large company. After several emails and
phone calls, to several Rambøll employees, Gitte Gylling Hammershøj Olesen replied she was
interested to hear more about the project. We then arranged an initial meeting with Gitte
where she suggested three ways our project could proceed, all of which related to circular
economy and construction. The scope of the project happened along our research and the
empirical process of the project as we increasingly gained knowledge and found our focus.

1.1 Introduction to
the project
1.1.1 Our perspective as
sustainable design engineers
This section is intended to provide the reader
The linear way of constructing buildings has with an understanding of our academic
led to global challenges and an increase in background and how we approach problems.
global warming. The construction industry
accounts for approximately a quarter We both have different educational
of the global greenhouse gas emissions backgrounds hence we have different
(Bienkowski, 2017). It is an emerging knowledge and ways to tackle problems.
sector, and a very active industry in both However, studying Sustainable Design at
developed and developing countries Aalborg University, we will become design
(Ortiz, Castells and Sonnemann, 2009). engineers. As design engineers, we are
trained to have a holistic perspective when
In Denmark, one third of the total amount approaching problems and a transdisciplinary
of waste derives from the construction way of studying sustainability. This means that
sector (Advisory Board, 2017). Population we can embrace aspects such as; ethnology,
growth, urbanization, and a bigger sociology, and technical knowledge of
demand for buildings are factors, that systems and processes, as well as design
pushes the construction industry into a non- and concept development, which makes us
sustainable path. From World War II until creative engineers with social responsibility
today, construction highly relies on cheap (aau.dk, 2018). Our holistic approach towards
building materials, cheap labour, and faster sustainability and the problems we are facing,
construction techniques. Soon this industry is allows us to understand a given problem
facing resource depletion and is in desperate from different angles of different actors and
need of finding other ways to construct. organizations, to solve complex problems.

Some are beginning to realise that we cannot Our vision on sustainability is; something
continue building the same way, in which which everyone should strive to achieve,
extraction of scarce resources are treated as since there will always exist more sustainable
waste after it has been used. Instead there alternatives, so we can never and should
should be a change from the linear way of never stop thinking in terms of sustainability
constructing buildings, to a circular where the when designing. There is always room for
waste can be included in a loop (picture 2). sustainable improvements, whether it is
on a product level or a systemic level. We
think it is important to constantly question
and challenge what sustainability is as
well as other concepts that derive from
sustainability, such as circular economy.

1.1.2 External partner, Rambøll

This project is made in collaboration with
Rambøll, a global engineering consultancy
established in Denmark (worksheet 2). At
first, we were certain that this project should
explore the concept of circular economy,
and we became even more excited when
we discovered that Rambøll is developing
and wants to use circular economy in
projects. Thus, our project was highly relevant
Picture 2 - From linear economy to
circular economy (vlaanderen-circulair.be)
for both parties. Collaboration with Rambøll ‘Støvring Ådale’ which is not built yet, and
meant that we had the chance to make our a hotel in Bornholm ‘Green Solution House’,
project not just in the university’s theoretical focus on circular economy (worksheet 3 and
framings but in a real business context. worksheet 4). In Rambøll’s report ‘Natural
Moreover, our view on the values of Resources’ (Rambøll, 2018), they emphasise
sustainability matched both Rambøll’s how they try to incorporate circular economy
vision and their sustainability mission, as into projects, where subjects such as waste
seen below. They have an ethical and management, recycling, clean energy,
environmental perspective in which innovation, and rethinking products and
long term sustainable solutions are a processes, are some of the values considered
key focus of the company’s policy. in the process of the projects (Ramboll
Group, 2018). Still, there are not enough
Rambøll’s vision: projects with circular economy, although
“A globally leading consultancy delivering Rambøll has a great willingness and good
integrated and sustainable solutions, intentions to incorporate circular economy.
shaping today and tomorrow” - (Olesen, 2018)
The company positions itself as having a holistic
Rambøll’s mission: perspective, where synergies across different
“Create sustainable societies where disciplines are highly valued. Rambøll wishes
people and nature flourish” - (Olesen, 2018) for more sustainability in their projects where
they want to move from a linear economy
Initial meetings with our company supervisor towards a circular economy: “improving and
from Rambøll were held to discuss the focus increasing our efforts to recycle and recover
of the project and to match our expectation energy will help us move from a linear to a
with theirs, for both parties to achieve the circular economy” (Rambøll, 2018, p.4). It
most beneficial collaboration. We agreed is interesting for us to investigate Rambøll’s
that our contact person would support us with definition of circular economy and the holistic
reading materials, experience, knowledge, view of circular economy, seen from different
and insight in Rambøll’s workings, as well as disciplines as well as designing a solution
helping us find relevant employees for indepth which we hope Rambøll can use in the future.
interviews. Moreover, we discussed various

ways for how our project should proceed.
The proposed ways for the project were:

• Investigate the concept of circular Problem area

economy and develop a definition which
Rambøll can use.
• Investigate projects that have been using The scope of this project is circular economy
circular economy in different construction within the construction industry in Denmark.
cases. We have chosen to investigate the
• Design a tool box that helps them construction industry in general and not just
implement circular economy in their future within Rambøll’s framework. As sustainable
construction strategies. design engineers we have been taught a
holistic perspective to investigate problems
We wanted to proceed by going all three and an understanding of the bigger
ways simultaneously, even though the time picture. We are aware that the problems of
frame for writing a master thesis is short. implementing circular economy can not only
However, we found it very challenging to be solved within Rambøll’s framework, as
pursue cases, as circular economy is a fairly they are influenced by many other actors of
new concept, and few have experience in the construction industry. Therefore, we have
using it in construction projects. Finding cases interviewed actors both within and outside of
within Rambøll were even more challenging, Rambøll. However, the solution developed
as they have only been working with the within this project, is intended to be suitable
concept in two projects. The projects, with Rambøll’s context of sustainability. We

believe Rambøll is one of the companies that focusing on the process behind construction
have a good potential of pushing circular projects, the involvement of actors, and
economy forward in the construction agenda. we are therefore not concentrating on the
Some barriers need to be solved internally in component/material level or the legislative
the organisation before they can change level, even though legislation plays a major
the bigger picture. For this reason, we are role in implementing circular economy.

1.3 Problem statement

“Which barriers needs to be challenged in order for

circular economy to be implemented in the
construction industry and what design solution
has potential to promote circular economy
within Rambøll?”

Research objectives

• How do actors relate to circular economy?

• What barriers hinder the implementation of circular
economy in regard to the construction industry in
general and within Rambøll’s context?
• Which barriers are most relevant to focus on in
Rambøll in order to implement circular economy?
• How can circular economy be implemented in
• Develop a definition of circular economy for Rambøll
• How can a translation process be initiated in Rambøll
in order to increase circular economy projects?

Chapter 2
Initial research

This chapter provides a brief description of the phases of construction

and the actors involved during the phases. Additionally, this chap-
ter includes our initial research on the problem of changing the con-
struction industry from a linear economy to a circular economy, as
well as what differences there are between circular economy and
sustainability. Moreover, different definitions of circular economy are

We investigated the concept of circular economy and started our research phase by
searching on literature on circular economy. Whenever we read an article, journal, book or
website, they were noted in a shared Google Drive document with; title, a resume, reference,
and notes. This document where shared between us in order to remember all the literature
we have read. All the literature we read where sorted and organised into categories through
an affinity diagram. In this way we could better get an overview of the large amount of
literature. Moreover, we attended seminars about circular economy, to gain more knowledge
of the concept and how people have been implementing it in other cases than construction.
Furthermore, we searched for construction projects in Denmark that try to implement circular
economy. However, we were only able to find a few projects. This gives an indication that,
in Denmark, this is a rather new, unused, and unexplored field in the construction industry.

2.1 Phases of a construction project

Planning Design Tender Construction Operation

phase phase phase phase phase

Figure 2 - The phases of a construction project (Own illustration)

The process of construction varies from project to project. It is affected by many factors, such
as the type of contract the client has chosen. These factors influence collaboration in general
and determine the combination of phases within the process. In Denmark, however, the
process of construction most commonly consists of the following phases (figure 2) (Naldal, 2011):

In this phase the clients define the requirements and criterions

to provide the basis for contracting. The client determines the
important parameters of the construction such as budget, physical
Planning requirements for construction, legal and regulatory requirements,
phase feasibility studies, presentation of contract, tender type, overall
timeframe for the project, maintenance, etc. Three factors; price,
time, and quality, plays an essential role because any greater
Programfasen* prioritization of one of these factors implies a lower priority of the
others (Atkinson, 1999). The process proceeds into the Design phase
when all the requirements, criteria, and parameters are defined.

During the design phase the project proposal is processed, so

that it can form the basis for regulatory approval. The project is
described to such an extent that it can be used to form the basis for
Design tendering, contracting, and execution. The architect and engineer
phase collaborate on making project proposals. The architect describes
the architectural expression and explains the choice of materials
Projekterings- and surfaces. Moreover, the architect makes general plans, sections,
fasen* and facades, which allows the client to relate to the functional
value of the building. The engineer outlines the constructive
principles, load assumptions, and general estimates (Naldal, 2011).

The tender phase is placed before, after, or in the middle of the

Design phase, depending on what type of contract the client
wishes to use (worksheet 5). In the tender phase, drawings and
job descriptions are addressed and tendered to find the best
Tender suited contractor. The contractors then make an offer. They in
phase turn might tender with subcontractors. This forms the basis for the
pricing of the contract and that every tenderer bid on equal
Udbudsfasen* conditions, whether it is contracting, subcontracting, or any other
type of contract that has been tendered. The purpose is to make
it easier to compare the incoming offers with each other (Ibid.).

During the construction phase, the physical realisation of
the construction is carried out at the construction site, by
the winning contractor. The construction phase ends when
Construction the construction is handed to the client. The construction
phase is usually reviewed after one year and five years to
determine if the construction has errors or mistakes (Ibid.).


The client facilitates operation and maintenance after handover

of the construction. The client might change at the onset of
this phase depending on the type of contract. Operation
includes activities required to ensure the normal operation of
Operation the construction, including supervision of technical facilities.
phase Maintenance includes periodic inspection to ensure that
construction is maintained to a certain quality level (Ibid.).

*The Danish term for the phase.

2.1.1 Actors of the construction industry

Naldal (2011) states that there are commonly five actors involved in a construction process; client,
client advisor, architect, engineer, and contractor. In the following section we describe the roles
of each actor.


The client is the deci- The client advisor supervises the The architect helps
sionmaker and typically client in relation to all the other in the Design phase
the person who pays for actors. The client advisor needs to with all the elements
construction. The client be unbiased and assist with their that do not have a
determines what should knowledge and experiences with decisive impact on the
be constructed and is the construction process, ensuring construction stability,
responsible for the final that the client has the necessary e.g. materials, surfaces
construction fulfils the prerequisites to make the best and colours (Ibid).
construction require- decisions. It is the client advisor’s
ments set by the author- responsibility to advise the client
ities (Ibid.). in choosing the right type of con-
tract and type of tender (Ibid.).


The engineer helps with the technical Contractor: The contractor is

part of the Design phase. The engineer responsible for the physical execution
establishes dimension and principles for of the construction. They often hire
the bearing elements of the building. subcontractors to do specific parts of
They are often in collaboration with the the construction (Ibid.).
architects to find the best solution of
design and stability (Ibid.).

2.2 Linear economy

To understand why circular economy is receiving attention, it is necessary to understand the current
environmental, economic, and social problems that are the result of the present linear approach
to consumption (figure 3).

Resources Take Make Dispose


Figure 3 - Linear economy (Own illustration)

The current linear model is described to handle the waste. Waste is both generated
as: extraction of raw materials used for directly or indirectly because of the modern
production of products. These products consumer habits. Consequently, waste is
are distributed and sold to consumers becoming a bigger environmental problem,
before they end their lifecycle as waste. a societal burden, and an economic loss
if is not reused or recycled (European
In the linear business model, value is created Environment Agency, 2014) (worksheet 6).
by the amount of sold products, as generating Most of waste is generated as biological
profit is the aim of the business model. waste, construction waste, industrial waste,
etc. (Ibid.). Around 60 percent of waste
This is also referred to as ‘take-make-dispose’. generated in Europe derives from demolition,
This is a major cause for global overconsumption construction, and mining. One third of
of resources as it predominantly relies on all waste in Denmark originates from the
fossil fuels (Bocken et al., 2016). Along with construction industry (Advisory Board, 2017).
overconsumption of scarce resources, the
linear model also generates a large amount Problems with waste, as described and
of waste. This results in many countries unable visualised above, resulted in another view on

waste and the treatment of it. Instead waste economy model must be challenged and
should be regarded as a valuable resource changed. It takes one year and six months to
that can be reused for other purposes regenerate the resources equalling to what
(European Environment Agency, 2014). the world’s population uses in a year (Global
Footprint Network, 2018). The interesting part
We, as inhabitants of the planet, are currently appears when questioning how to change
using resources equivalent to 1.7 Earths, to the linear model and through what means.
overcome this imminent problem. The linear

2.3 Circular economy

Circular economy is gaining international a more sustainable model by maximizing

attention through some of the UN’s the reuse of resources and keep the
Sustainable Development Goals (United materials in a flow (Advisory Board, 2017;
Nations Sustainable Development, 2018) Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2013) (picture
(picture 3). Circular economy has the 4). To change from linear economy to a
potential to enable a continued economic circular economy a shift in paradigm is
growth without affecting the environment. necessary. Consequently, we need to rethink
A transformation from the linear economy the way we utilize, produce, and design.
towards circular economy is proposed as

Picture 3 - UN’s Sustainable Development Goals


Picture 4 - The circular economy an industrial system that
is restorative by design (ellenmacarthurfoundation.org)

The Danish Government’s Advisory Board who designers, producers, manufacturer, retailer,
has created a report about implementation consumers, and waste treatment facilities.
of circular economy and proposed Meanwhile the transition demands for
how to change from linear economy to technological developments and research
circular economy. In the report there are in smarter use of materials and resources.
27 recommendations for companies to The report highlights that the Danish business
implement circular economy. Furthermore, community needs to be front runners in the field
they present how Denmark has the potential of implementing circular economy (Advisory
to be an international pioneer, in the transition Board, 2017). For this to happen successfully
towards circular economy, which will provide they have a guide with seven dogmas, which
with new business opportunities (Advisory is meant as a common direction to those
Board, 2017). The report outlines the necessity who wish to work with circular economy.
to collaborate between the various actors;

Seven dogmas for a circular economy
Advisory board have defined seven dogmas for a circular economy. They are
intended as a compass to help set a common course for everyone working
with the circular economy

Circular design. We seek to ensure that all materials retain their potential as a
resource for something new. Nothing goes to waste.

Healthy materials. We only use materials that are healthy for the environment and
the people who produce, build and use them.

Dismantable design. We produce and build in such a manner that everything can
be dismantled and reused. We prefer components that retain or increase in value.

Horizontal collaboration. We collaborate in partnerships that promote the

circular economy. From supplier to manufacturer and from investor to lender.

Material passport. We must always know and appreciate the most important
materials in a product and in a building.

Framework conditions. We will seek to continuously develop and

implement clear requirements and standards for circular development.

Better information. We will seek full transparency for the consumer

on content and potential for the recirculation of any product.

l i nger
ory Boar
d (2017) for cirkulær

The recommendations for circular economy 2.3.1 Historical overview
are inspired from the British think tank, Ellen
MacArthur Foundation, that have published
reports on circular economy where they ex- The traditional linear economy did not have
amine the potentials for Denmark, as a case the goal of recycling materials. As such, the
study (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2015). environment was seen as a waste reservoir,
The objective of the report is to identify circu- and considered a place to discard resources
lar economy barriers and opportunities and that are no longer needed. In an attempt
formulate a toolkit for policy interventions to to change the linear economy, Pearce and
change these barriers. The report identified Turner’s idea of circular economy is to attach
potentials in five main sectors, where the main the ends of the linear economy resulting
economic potential was in the sector of con- in a loop. The loop is used to describe the
struction and real estate, as well in the sector industrial strategies for waste prevention,
of food and beverage (picture 5). The report resource efficiency, and dematerialisation
has a profound focus on the policy makers of the industrial economy (Geissdoerfer et
and policy options of e.g. change in legislation al., 2016). Furthermore, Pearce and Turner
and providing financial incentives to encour- conceptualize circular economy with three
age circular economy, and to support new R’s - reduce, reuse, and recycle (figure 4).
business models. In addition, it also demon-
strates the benefits of circular economy to
businesses and provides with a toolkit. Within
the sector of construction and real estates
the report points to three main opportunities;

Industrialised production and 3D printing

of building modules
Reuse and high-value recycling of ECONOMY
components and materials
Sharing and multi-purposing of buildings
(Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017).
Figure 4 - Three R’s (Own illustration)
The report has been inspirational as it
investigates barriers and potentials for an
implementation in the sector of construction Reduce refers to reduction of raw materials
and real estate. and the use of polluting energy resources as
the primary energy. Reuse refers to the reuse of
products and by products, as well as handling
waste as a resource. Lastly Recycle refers to
producing products with recyclable materials
which also reduces the extraction of virgin
materials. Other studies have supplemented
the three R’s with: Recover, Remanufacture,
Redesign, Refurbish, Repair, and the newest
R from Advisory Board - Rethink. There is no
doubt that all R’s promote a wish for closing
the loop. In figure 5, the content of each
word is described. However, some of these
terms can have the same meanings as
other R’s and some are identified as broad
categories e.g. redesign and rethink (figure 5).

Picture 5 - Circularity potential


REDUCE Renewability
Lessen the use of un Places renewable energy
Thinking of re-
necessary materials. as main energy source.
pair, reuse and
Avoiding disposible E.g. reduce fossil fuel ener-
use of sustain-
Appropriate or singleuse products gy dependency
able materials
design in the product
Importance of RETHINK
design state in
Rethinking the
finding solutions
current linear way
to avaid waste
of consuming


Taking energy or New products are
materials from ECONOMY made from old
waste that can materials
not be used any-

RECYCLE To use again,
Processing the by you or
waste materials others
to make anoth- REPAIR
er product REURBISH
Renovation Fixing or re-
Reclassification storing broken
and repair
Materials classi- items to be
fied as ‘tecnical’ used again
or ‘nutrients’
Purple = Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Figure 5 - All R’s (Own illustration)

Circular economy can be seen as a business cradle-to-cradle, laws of ecology, looped

model that challenges the linear economy, and performance economy, regenerative
and the above terms are often used to design, industrial ecology, industrial symbiosis,
describe and frame the concept. When eco-city, biomimicry, and the blue economy,
investigating how the concept arose and all of which touch upon the idea of closing
where it originates from, it is interesting to see the loop (Geissdoerfer et al., 2016; Winans,
that circular economy is inspired by different Kendall and Deng, 2017; Ghisellini, Cialani
authors and influenced by several theories. and Ulgiati, 2015). The different theories
However, several studies point at David have all affected and influenced circular
Pearce and Kerry Turner as the founders of the economy in how it is perceived today.
conceptual framework for circular economy Further investigations of these theories and
(Winans, Kendall and Deng, 2017; Andersen concepts are needed to fully understand
2006; Su et al., 2013; Geissdoerfer et al., the roots of circular economy, but that is
2016). Even though Geissdoerfer et al. (2016) a whole project in itself and are therefore
elaborated that the concept of circular not included in this project. As the scope
economy has gained attention by authors of this project is circular economy within
since the late 1970’s, and since then gained Rambøll, we will not elaborate further on
political awareness, the global attention to the the different theories and concepts in which
term is not as popular as the term sustainability. circular economy has its roots. The theories
mentioned above can all be categorised
Circular economy has its roots in several as being sustainable, which makes it
concepts such as general system theory, relevant for us to distinguish the two terms.

2.3.2 Circular economy and There are also differences regarding
which stakeholders that are involved in
sustainability sustainability and circular economy. While it
is rather unclear who has the responsibility of
implementing sustainability, the responsibility
Circular economy and sustainability are used
of implementing circular economy is
interchangeably, and many have difficulties
primarily on policymakers, regulators, and
in differentiating between the two. In order
private businesses (Ibid.). Additionally,
to understand the differences between
in the report from the Government’s
sustainability and circular economy, it is
Advisory Board it is highlighted that citizens
necessary to understand the two concepts
also needs to be included as they stand
individually. Sustainability as a term is widely
with the decision of choosing products
used today, and Johnston et al. (2007)
and services, that promotes circular
estimates that there exist around 300 different
economy (Advisory Board, 2017) (figure 6).
definitions of sustainability. The Brundtland
report from 1987 introduces sustainability as:
“development that meets the needs of the SUSTAINABILITY
present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs”
(Brundtland, 1987). Additionally, sustainability
can be described as the three core pillars;
environmental, economic, and social pillars
that needs to be taken into consideration when

talking about sustainability. Thus, sustainability

is often referred to as a holistic approach to


problems and with an overall societal focus.

Circular economy derives, as we see it, from

sustainability as it touches upon elements of
resource efficiency, waste treatment, and
reuse. The focus of circular economy is on the
economic system where the environmental
and social factors are secondary. Furthermore,
circular economy provides concrete tools Circular
of slowing, narrowing, and closing resource economy
loops. However, these tools might as well
promote sustainability. Therefore, when a
product, service, or a combination of both Figure 6 - Circular economy part
are circular, it is at the same time sustainable. of sustainability (Own illustration)

The concepts of sustainability and circular

economy are both given global attention.
They highlight the importance of an
innovation in business models as a way to
transform the current consumer society.
They also share a similar view of change in
the systemic level, and a better integration
of social and environmental aspects with
economic progress (Geissdoerfer et al., 2016).
Besides the similarities mentioned above, the
concepts are commonly used in different
contexts and for different purposes. They
are diverse in goals and motivation (Ibid.).

2.3.3 Circular economy Rambøll’s definition of
definition circular economy
There does not yet exist a uniform definition There is currently no agreed upon definition of
of circular economy. However, many circular economy within Rambøll. However,
authors agree that circular economy they do describe their sustainable approach
frames a business model and the idea of a similar to the definition of circular economy
closed loop. Ellen MacArthur Foundation proposed by Geissdoerfer et. al (2016):
describes circular economy as “an industrial “The first step is of course to try to prevent
system that is restorative or regenerative waste by designing with fewer or more
by intention and design” (Ellen MacArthur durable and renewable resources. Products
Foundation, 2013, p.6). Additionally, should have a longer lifetime, with better
Geissdoerfer et al. (2016) made a study on possibilities to repair, upgrade, disassemble
different definitions of circular economy and recycle.” (Rambøll, 2018, p.4)
and found the common elements in each
definition. They then summarised it into one Part of this thesis is defining circular
general definition: “a regenerative system in economy together with Rambøll to help
which resource input and waste, emission, provide the employees with a mutual
and energy leakage are minimised by understanding of the concept. We propose
slowing, closing, and narrowing material and a definition for Rambøll which is created
energy loops. This can be achieved through in collaboration with Rambøll employees:
longlasting design, maintenance, repair,
reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishing, and
recycling.” (Geissdoerfer et al., 2016, p.759).
“Circular economy is an
approach that breaks with the
Slowing resource loops, implies designing linear economy approach where
longlife goods and productlife we incorporate the social and
the physical resources through a
Closing resource loops, means a circular (sustainable) business approach.
flow of resources through recycling, by
closing the loop between post-use and This can be accomplished by
production slowing, closing, and narrowing
Narrowing resource loops, aims a using of resource loops”
fewer resources per product.

In section 7.4 it will be further explained how

(Geissdoerfer et al., 2016) we developed the definition.

28 Our definition of
circular economy
Our view on circular economy changed tools such as slowing, closing, and narrowing.
throughout the project as we gained more When talking about circular economy the
knowledge on circular economy and focus tends to be on waste, energy, and a
realised that circular economy is linked with healthy indoor climate. Looking at it holistically,
many different definitions. We see circular circular economy cannot be limited to waste
economy as part of sustainability, however, and materials. As such, for the purpose of
circular economy is a concept that is easier this thesis, we define circular economy as:
to comprehend as it contains some specific

“a regenerative system
designed with a cost-effective
approach that do not
compromise with social and
environmental aspects.
The regenerative system protects
the resources by narrowing, slowing,
and closing resource loops.”

2.4 Seminars

As part of our initial research we have of the Government’s Advisory Board,

attended several seminars to collect mentioned the importance of following
information about circular economy the UN Sustainable Development Goals
from different perspectives. This made us (United Nations Sustainable Development,
understand that the term circular economy 2018) (worksheet 7 and worksheet 8).
is perceived differently, and it generated Through the seminars he emphasised
a lot of questions, e.g. who is responsible goal 17 - Partnership for the goals, as
for initiating circular economy and how the most crucial to have in mind, as it is
should it be implemented. In several of the necessary for companies and organizations
seminars; ‘Jorden Kalder – Cirkulær Økonomi to collaborate in order to proceed in a
i Øjenhøjde’, and ‘Cirkulær Økonomi er det more sustainable direction (picture 6).
nye Sort’, Flemming Besenbacher, chairman

Picture 6 - 17th sustainable goal, Partnerships for the

goals (sustainabledevelopment.un.org)

Key points

•The common phases of construction include: Planning

phase, Design phase, Tender phase, Construction phase,
and Operation phase.

•The common actors of construction include: Client, Client

advisor, Architect, Engineer, and Contractor

•The different phases and actors involved in a construction

project, varies depending on the type of contract.

•Circular economy can be categorized as a branch within


•Circular economy is a business model challenging the

linear economy model

•Circular economy can be described within the framework

of the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

•The key points regarding construction are part of our

problematization phase.

•The knowledge of our initial research can be used for

developing a design game to support interviews.

Chapter 3
Theoretical framework

This chapter gives an overview of the two theoretical frameworks

Actors Network Theory and Participatory Design. Actor Network
Theory and Participatory Design are used together as the analytical
approach to examine the network, necessary to implement circular
economy in construction.

As the process of the project progressed, we made some considerations about which theory were
most suitable for our project before starting on the empirical process of the project. We had some
initial discussions on whether to use Actor Network Theory, Organisational theory or Practice Theory.
The advantages of deciding on a theory before the empirical process is for us to look through the
‘glasses’ of that particular theory when collecting the empirical data. Actor Network Theory can
be seen as a method that do not just provide with a template for interpreting the reality as other
theories does. Thus, we chose Actor Network Theory because we saw potential in looking at the
field of circular economy in construction of which we can influence and create a new network.

In order to get an overview of the complex actor-network the theoretical frameworks
Actor Network Theory (ANT) together with Participatory Design, have been chosen as our
analytical approach. The purpose of using ANT is to both define the current configuration of
the network involving actors and matters of concern (non-human actors), and to provide
insight on how a translation process might be achieved. Using ANT exclusively cannot provide
a detailed view of where the matters of concern originate as matters of concern come from
different actors and are found in various spaces. Thus, participatory design can support
ANT by staging spaces in which the matters of concern can be found and negotiated.

3.1.1 Matters of concern

3.1 Actor Network In the analysis, we suggest that matters

of concern be considered as non-human
Theory actors which can be negotiated. Discussions
of matters of fact proposed by Callon,
is challenged by Latour’s interpretation
of it. The word ‘fact’, has implications of
ANT can be used to observe a configuration something that is rigid, immutable and
of actors in a network. The theory is a less cannot be discussed. Hence, Latour suggests
traditional theory in the sense that it can using the phrase ‘matters of concern’
also be seen as a method by which the instead of ‘matters of fact’ because ‘matters
researcher can perceive their field or of concern’ cannot be understood without
research, namely the network. Proposed by a collaboration with multiple actors (Latour,
Michel Callon, (1986) the core of ANT is to 2004). Latour frames matters of concern as:
understand the relations between human “The discussion begins to shift for good when
actors and non-human actors that together one introduces not matters of fact, but what
constitute a network. Thus, using ANT it is I now call matters of concern. While highly
possible to analyse which important relations uncertain and loudly disputed, these real,
exist in the network. It is important to note that objective, atypical and, above all, interesting
networks are often very complex and may agencies are taken not exactly as object
be constituted of many other networks. It is but rather as gatherings. (...) A natural world
therefore not always possible to investigate made up of matters of fact does not look quite
the whole network, but rather parts of it. In the same as a world consisting of matters of
such cases the researchers must specify which concern (...)” (Latour, 2007, p.114). We agree
part or parts of the network that (s)he wants with Latour’s understanding of ‘matters of
to analyse. In doing so, some actors might fact’ and his restraint from using the term.
be ‘black boxed’ to simplify the network. Therefore, we choose his suggestion of using
E.g. when referring to common actors of ‘matters of concern’, because we need to
construction as an actor they are black gather the concerns around implementing
boxed, although in reality this actor consists circular economy in the network. We will
of various actors and is hence a network examine the concerns of actors in the
in itself. It is possible to open up the black construction industry to uncover the issues
boxes and investigate the networks behind. with implementation of circular economy.
As a result, a researcher should be able to Brodersen and Pedersen (2018), describe
navigate in the network and ‘zoom’ in and matters of concern as: “(...)MoCs [Matters of
out to focus on relevant parts of the network. Concerns] are characterised by being rich,
complex, surprising and constructed. These
characteristics make concerns political and
open for discussion, negotiation, conflict and
compromise” - (Brodersen and Pedersen,
2018, p.2). Identifying human actors as well

as their matters of concern and grouping state whether or not a translation process has
them in categories, can provide us with an or will succeed, as it requires time to interest,
overview of which matters of concerns exist enroll, and mobilize the actors as well as nego-
to be negotiated. As a result, a network of tiate their matters of concern throughout the
human actors with their matters of concern translation process, in order for the network
(non-human actors) and another network of to stabilize. If the interests of actors change,
categorised matters of concern can be made a stable network may also become unstable.
in order to identify the relationships between
the matters of concern. Matters of concern The four moments of translation are used in
can be identified through interviewing and this project, to identify which actors need
creating a dialogue with the actors of the to be enrolled in the network of our solution
construction industry. We will investigate to reach our goal of establishing a network
how these concerns are related in a network of key actors. The use of these moments of
and use them in a design specification to translation will aid to the successful imple-
make sure the concerns are considered. mentation of circular economy in Rambøll.

3.1.2 Translation 3.1.3 Spokesperson

Callon (1986) describes four moments that A spokesperson is a human actor who can
constitute the phases of an innovation pro- speak on behalf of others because (s)he is
cess, or ‘translation’. Translation is an essential engaged enough in the project. Choosing
element when working with ANT because in the right spokesperson is crucial for enrolling
the translation process actors can affect oth- other actors in the network. As Latour defines
er actors in order to make them relate to their it: “(...) you have to have spokespersons
interests, projects, and agenda. Thus, the ac- which ‘speak for’ the group existence — and
tors are constantly negotiating their interests. sometimes are very talkative, (...) all need
The process of translation that forms a net- some people defining who they are, what
work consists of four moments (Callon, 1986): they should be, what they have been. These
are constantly at work, justifying the group’s
• Problematization - Identifying relevant existence, invoking rules and precedents and,
actors in the network (around the problem as we shall see, measuring up one definition
area) and mapping their relations against all the others.” (Latour, 2007, p.31).
• Interessement - Characterizing the actors
interests and their matters of concern
• Enrollment - Recruitment of actors in the
network and create alliances between the
3.1.4 Interessement device
• Mobilization - Maintaining the relationships
in order to stabilize the network An interessement device is a non-human
actor that has the possibility of enrolling
The translation process involves “the identi- crucial actors to the network. It can
ty of actors, the possibility of interaction and appear in various forms depending on the
the margins of manoeuvre are negotiated context. For example, they may appear
and delimited” (Callon, 1986, p.203). Callon as arguments, matters of concern, design
argues how networks are developed through games, workshops, materialities, etc. The
a translation, which require a strong network purpose of using interessement devices in
of actors to establish a successful innovation different contexts is to get people interested
process. However, it is important to mention so they can negotiate, agree and end up
that “translation is a process, never a com- in a change. Several interessement devices
pleted accomplishment, and it may (...) fail” have been used throughout this project to
(Callon, 1986, p.196). Thus, it is often difficult to get actors interested in both the concept
of circular economy and in our project.

3.1.5 Intermediary object matters of concern from the various actors.
The role of the designer can be seen as a
navigator in negotiating matters of concern,
‘Intermediary objects’ are a conceptual and in the network that is going to be
framework consisting of non-human actors. It designed. When involving various actors,
is a materiality that can mediate and facilitate the designer or design team often needs to
negotiations between actors. Moreover, navigate diverse or conflicting statements
intermediary objects can represent the or as Brodersen and Pedersen (2018) frames
identified matters of concern. Therefore, it is it: “a key competency of the designer is
essential to bring intermediary objects into the ability to navigate the design process
a design process to help the actors with a by staging, facilitating, and learning from/
common or new reference point (Brodersen synthesising the results of engagements and
and Pedersen, 2018). We will use intermediary interactions. The navigation style is related to
objects when we collect our empirical the concerns of the designer and the project,
data through design games. They create and comes across in the big, small and non-
a common reference point for both the decisions that take place during the design
interviewee and interviewer. Furthermore, process.” (Brodersen and Pedersen, 2018, p.2).
we will make use of intermediary objects in The designer is, in this context, staging and
a workshop with the employees in Rambøll. facilitating interactions throughout the design
process to support negotiations of concerns
from various actors. The negotiations can
be supported by intermediary objects
that can, for example, show the matters of

concern in different spaces. Pedersen (2016)
Participatory highlights prototyping spaces in her article
as: ”Drawing from the benefits of linking ANT
Design and Participatory Design, while focusing on
prototypes as means to negotiate knowledge
and meaning across boundaries and interest
actors, (...) I argue that ‘Prototyping Spaces’
Storni suggested an extension of ANT to might be used as a sensitising device to
include a perspective of participatory design point to how designers, (...) might navigate a
(Storni, 2015). “the participatory design prototype to play a role in the interessement
process turns into an open-ended process (and potential enrolment) of various actors at
(...), where participants with divisive matter several moments throughout a Participatory
of concern can confront one another and Design process”. Thus, a prototyping space
continue to explore design-after-design.” can be described as a setting, staged
(Storni, 2015, p.169). Participatory design can and facilitated by the designer. The word
be used as a way for researchers to ensure prototype might be interpreted differently
a collaborative design process through depending on what background the
the involvement of users (Simonsen and interviewee has. For this reason, we choose
Robertson, 2013). This is also what Brandt to call it spaces instead of prototyping
states in her article: “Participatory design spaces. Moreover, the prototypes she
implies active involvement of the people refers to can be interpreted as intermediary
designed for and other stakeholders in the objects that can negotiate matters of
design work.” (Brandt, 2006, p.57). However, concern between actors and help bring
Iversen, Halskov and Leong, (2012) emphasise the knowledge from one space to another.
the significance of negotiating values that
might be conflicting as they emerge in a
cooperation with different stakeholders.
These values can in an ANT perspective
be seen as matters of concern thus, when
involving several actors in the design
process, it is important to negotiate the

Step A
A navigator stages the space

Step B
The process of interessment takes
place if the interessment device is

1 Who facilitates

2 Who is to be
3 Why
(The purpose)
4 Where

5 How
(which objects)

Step C
The outcome is a transformation
of knowledge and interessement
of actor(s)

Figure 7 - Space (Own illustration. Inspired by Pedersen, 2016)

In the article by Pedersen (2016) a three-step Participatory design is relevant in this project,
activity in the design process is suggested when as we will stage and facilitate a workshop
a transformative outcome is the goal (figure 7). with employees from Rambøll as part of
When staging and facilitating spaces the design process for creating a solution
the designer needs to be aware of of to negotiate their matters of concern.
three steps, and navigating with five The workshop is staged in Rambøll so the
configuring elements, which entails; employees are in familiar surroundings.
“1) A facilitator who facilitates the interaction Furthermore, we facilitate three exercises
in the prototyping space, 2) the internal and use intermediary objects, such as
or external actors to become interested, cards with statements of circular economy,
3) a purpose (exploring, evaluating or and scenarios that were part of the space.
communicating), 4) the assembly of Moreover, we also act as navigators
materials and meanings that constitutes between the negotiations of concerns in the
the location, and 5) an appropriate conducted interviews, bringing knowledge
prototype format” (Pedersen, 2016, p.6). and concerns from one interview to another
in order to negotiate and make compromises
between the important concerns.

Key points

• Actor Network Theory can be used to understand the

relations between human actors and non-human
actors that together constitute a network.

• Identifying human actors and their matters of concern

can provide an overview of which matters of concerns
can be negotiated.

• Translation is an innovation process consisting of four

moments; Problematization, Interessement, Enrollment,
and Mobilization.

• A spokesperson is an actor who is engaged in the

project and can speak on behalf of other actors.

• An interessement device is a non-human actor can

enroll actors to the network by making them interested.

• An intermediary object is a materiality that can

mediate and facilitate negotiations between actors.

• The role of the designer can be seen as a navigator in

negotiating matters of concern.

• Participatory Design can be used as a way for

researchers to ensure a collaborative design process
through the involvement of users

• A space can be described as a setting, staged by the


Chapter 4

This chapter gives an overview and a description of the different

methods and approaches chosen to collect the empirical data.

Moving on to the empirical process of the project, we used several methods to collect our empirical
data. First, we developed a semi-structured interview guide with four topics and sub-questions
in order to create a structure of the interview. Then, we created a design game, to assist the
interview, consisting of two parts; actors of construction and the phase of a construction project.
The purpose of the design game was to create a dialogue with the interviewee and create a non-
formal interview setting. Moreover, after each interview, we would ask the interviewee if they knew
other interesting people we could talk to in order to expand our list of interviewees. The interviews
were transcribed and compiled in a Google Drive document to make it manageable for the
process of coding and processing the knowledge. We used coding to ‘read between the lines’
of what the interviewee said as well as sorting their statements into categories that constituted 15
barriers. This was done by writing the interesting statements from all interviews and group them.
We chose to write on post-its as they are easier to move around. Furthermore, we interviewed
several interviewees again to prioritise the identified barriers through a prioritisation game.

4.1 Rolling a We prepared a semi-structured interview
guide consisting of four topics; presentation
snowball of the interviewee, actors of the construction
industry, phases of construction, and circular
economy (worksheet 9). Within each topic, we
prepared a few questions to help and direct
Metaphorically speaking rolling a snowball, the interviewer. The intention of the interview
implies a process where it’s initial state was to understand the interviewee’s thoughts
are small and while rolling, it becomes about each topic (Kvale and Brinkmann, 2009).
larger. Bijker (1995), introduces the method,
Rolling a Snowball, in relation to identifying In order to establish thorough and relevant
‘relevant social groups’. Asking a group, answers we wanted to be open minded. The
who they think would be relevant to talk interviews was conducted at the interviewee’s
to, leading the interviewer to the next office to ensure that they felt comfortable.
group, until there are not any new groups During the interviews we became aware
presented. However, this method has been of not taking too many notes, but rather
criticized by Klein and Kleinman (2002), concentrate on being present and attentive.
for its lack of completeness meaning that
there is guarantee of comprehensiveness of Interviews were conducted primarily with
actors using this method and some relevant Rambøll employees, representing different
actors may be unnoticeably excluded. disciplines in order to collect data from
employees with various backgrounds and
Taken out of the context of relevant social comprehensions of circular economy as
groups, we allow us self to use the very core of a concept. Outside of Rambøll, interviews
this method, namely expanding the network were conducted with relevant actors
of people relevant for the project. When of the construction industry typically not
interviewing people, some naturally/indirect represented in Rambøll in order to get
mentions other interesting actors to pursue. If thorough information of the construction
not, we would ask them if they knew some industry Interviews were conducted with
actors relevant for the project or who they the common actors of construction.
think we are missing, in the end of an interview.

4.2 Interviews 4.3 Coding

A semi-structured interview enables the Coding as a method can be used to analyse

interviewer to adapt the interview structure interviews and organize the data. Coding
according to the dialogue and ask detailed can be used to sort the data into categories.
questions during the interview (Kvale and The method of organizing and condensing
Brinkmann, 2009). A semi-structured interview the amount of data into categories aids
is open and allow the interviewer to deviate the organisation of knowledge, as it
from the guide according to the interviewee’s becomes more digestible. Conduction of
answer. The guide was not intended as a coding is related to data simplification,
manuscript. Moreover, the interviewer has where data are reduced to categories.
the opportunity to adapt the questions However, coding are also used for data
in relation to the received answers which complication of going beyond the data
allows for the interviewer to follow up with and ‘read between the lines’ (Røpke, 2016).
questions and receive elaborated answers.

Coding has the possibility to change game has the possibility to interrupt the formal
during the analysis and transform into new structures of an interview. In order to do so, it
subcategories (Coffey and Atkinson, 1996). is necessary to create easy understandable
game pieces that can bridge the different
We coded the transcript of the interviews knowledge boundaries of both participants
on what the interviewee said directly as well and interviewer or as Brandt (2006) states
as indirectly and then extracted multiple “(...) game playing is recommended as a
subcategories. This worked as an organising tool good basis for mutual learning between
throughout the process of analysing interviews. designers and users.” (Brandt, 2006, p.57).

We have used design game as a method to

gain an understanding of the actors of the

construction industry by making a two-part
design game that deals with the phases
behind a construction project and its actors.
Affinity diagram We knew that the interviewee possesses
useful knowledge of his/her own field and
we wanted to create a dialog crossing
the borders of a formal interview. While
Affinity diagram serves a creative process playing the game we asked questions and
in order to gather and organize extensive deepened the dialogue, taking advantages
amounts of data by revealing the natural of the actor’s expertise and skills. Furthermore,
correlations between the data. The data can we kept on developing and refining the
be sorted in groups for creating overview and game as we also got useful feedback on it.
for later analysis. This method was used in
relation to scientific papers as a manageable The participant got an introduction of the
organisation of the big amount of data game and we made it clear that there is no
we collected in the initial research process right or wrong or win or lose in this game. The
(Servicedesigntools.org, 2018) purpose of the design game is to create a
dialogue with the participant and make it
easier to relate to the subject of the interview.

4.5 Design game First part: The actors of a construction


There do not exist a clear definition of a design The purpose with the design game
game, however Vaajakallio and Mattelmäki was to understand the different actors
(2014), describe the commonly characteristics involved in a construction industry and
of an design game as: “(...) design games how they work. By doing so we could
are about staging participation, that there get an understanding of how the actors
is seldom competition over who wins the see themselves in comparison to others.
game, and that there are rules and tangible
game pieces that guide the design moves” The first part consisted of a board with the
(Vaajakallio and Mattelmäki, 2014, p.64). most common actors of a construction
Design game is often used to provide a industry (section 2.1.1). We included a blank
common platform where participants can circle, so the interviewee was not limited to
share past and current experiences (Brandt, the common actors we presented (picture
2006). Thus, the intention with design games is 7). The interviewee gets a pen and post-its
to create a dialog between participant and and it is up to him/her to write down what
interviewer which is one of its strengths as design characterises the different actors, what the
actors do, and what their task usually is.

Second part: The process behind a
construction project

The purpose with the second part of the

design game, was to get an understanding of
the phases in a construction and the process
behind. It was also relevant to investigate
when the actors are introduced in which phase
and when they collaborate with each other.

The first edition consisted of a board with

empty arrows fixed at the paper and small
game pieces with the different actors on
(picture 9). The intention was to get the
interviewee to write the phases on the empty
Picture 7 - First edition: First part of the design arrows in a chronological order and place
game (Own picture) the actors on the different phases to see
when the actors collaborate with each other.

After testing the first edition on an interviewee,

we wanted to make the board bigger as
there was not enough room to stick the many
post-its. Moreover, we assigned different
background colours to the actors, so the
design game became more user friendly
and easier to recall the different actors
based on their colour (picture 8). We also
experienced that a few interviewees did not
Picture 9 - First edition: Second part of the design
want to write their thoughts on post-its and
game (Own picture)
asked if we could do it instead, while (s)he
talks. Therefore, it became clear in the further
interviews that it was important to clarify that When playing the second part of the game
they could write on post-its if they wanted we experienced that it was difficult for the
and they should not feel forced to write. participant to differentiate between the
actors as they looked similar to each other.
Moreover, it became clear to us that the
gaming pieces were too small. The interviewee
also mentioned that she wanted to move the
arrows into a circle to emphasize the circular
flow of the construction process. However,
as the arrows were drawn onto the paper
she could not move the arrows. Therefore,
we became aware of making the arrows
as individual movable gaming pieces and
bigger in size, so the actors could be placed
Picture 8 - Second edition: First part of the design on them. Furthermore, we gave the actors the
game (Own picture) same background colour as in the first part to
make them easier recognizable (picture 10).

4.6 Brainstorm

Brainstorming is important in the design

process in order to create a large variety
of ideas. When brainstorming ideas, it is
essential to focus on quantity over quality
in order to bring out as many ideas as
possible. It is important to be open to
all ideas and possibilities (Tucker, 2017).

We used brainstorming in the initial phase of

Picture 10 - Second edition: Second part of the our design process in order to create ideas
design game (Own picture) for concepts.

4.5.1 Prioritisation game

4.7 Morphological
From the knowledge we had been analysing
in the design games we made a prioritisation
game which we introduced to different
Rambøll employees as well as other actors
of the construction industry. The purpose of
the game was to understand which barriers The purpose of using a morphological chart
the employees of Rambøll weighted as is to establish essential aspects that must
the highest within Rambøll as well as which be incorporated in a solution (Cross, 2008).
barriers they saw most potential in changing. These aspects can also be considered as
functions. A morphological chart is a grid
We made a board with numbers ranging where the functions are placed in the first
from 1-15 and with 15 cards explaining the column. In each function there should be
different barriers (picture 11). The employees generated subsolutions. The subsolutions
then prioritised the barrier cards, where 1 is from each function are combined
the biggest barrier and 15 is an insignificant and form the overall design solution.
barrier. While the interviewee prioritised the
cards, we asked them to elaborate on their When developing our solution, we use the
choices. We found that there were several morphological chart method to organise and
understandings of the barriers, however, combine subsolutions from each function
the answers helped us narrow down to into four concepts.
significant barriers for implementing circular
economy within Rambøll as we challenged
the understandings of the barriers. 1 6 11

2 7 12

3 8 13

4 9 14

5 10 15

Picture 11 - Prioritisation game (Own picture)

Key points

• The method, Rolling a snowball enable one to expand

the network of people, relevant for the project.

• A semi-structured interview is open and enables the

interviewer to adapt the interview structure according
to the dialogue.

• The method, Coding can be used to analyse interviews

and organize the data from the interviews, into

• Affinity diagram can be used as a tool to gather and

organize extensive amounts of data.

• Design game can be created in various ways and open

up a dialogue with the interviewee.

• Brainstorming can be used to generate ideas for a


• Morphological chart help organising essential functions

of the solution as well as ideas.

Chapter 5
Empirical work

This chapter presents how the empirical data was collected

through interviews, Vinterakademi, and from the staging of spaces.
Furthermore, examples of spaces are shown.

Gitte recommended us to apply for this year’s Vinterakademi concerning circular economy in
the construction industry as she thought it would benefit the project. We applied to be part of
Vinterakademiet, because we planned on starting our empirical process by interviewing those
who attend the academy. We spend five days in Aarhus learning about circular economy and
the problems related to implementing circular economy in construction, together with other
postgraduate student and the organisers of the academy. We met interesting lecturer and actors
of construction whom we interviewed. After Vinterakademiet we planned how to stage further
interviews with the common actors of construction. We created spaces to stage the interviews
and used design games and an intermediary object that could be brought into various spaces,
to let the interviewees negotiate their matters of concern. We as researchers functioned as
navigators that creates spaces, as the ‘journey’ of the interview was prepared beforehand but
also changed during the facilitation. The experiences from the interviews at Vinterakademiet was
used in developing the first edition of the design game. However, after using the first edition of
the design game it became clear that it needed some adjustments. We then redesigned the first
edition of the design game to enable each game piece to be moveable. Furthermore, post-its
and pen were used as an intermediary object in the space and we invited the interviewee to
write on post-its. Several readjustments were made according to the interviewee. We experienced
that a few interviewees did not want to write on post-its and then we had to renavigate by
writing on the post-its ourselves, while the interviewee talked. The design game, pen, and post-
its were brought into the space of the following interview in order to negotiate the matters of
concern from previous interviews. This process of bringing matters of concern from space
to space for it to be negotiated, continued until we identified a pattern. The pattern led us to
the barriers of implementing circular economy in the construction industry. Later, we designed
a prioritisation game functioning as an intermediary object. The prioritisation game concerned
the implementation of circular economy in Rambøll and was part of a space where employees
could prioritise the barriers. Five interviews were carried out using the prioritisation game.

5.1 Interviews

Throughout the empirical process of the project, we conducted many interviews, in order
to gather insights from the various actors of the construction industry. The interviews were
recorded, transcribed and then coded into several topics (Appendix Interviews). Figure 8 shows
the various interviews we have conducted, with whom and in which company they work in.

Date Name Discipline(s) Company

05.01.18 Gitte Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

23.02.18 Gitte Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

02.03.18 Torben Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

02.03.18 Agustine Architect / Engineer Rambøll

08.03.18 Andreas Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

14.03.18 Inge Architect Aarhus Arkitekter

14.03.18 Jesper Contractor Kingo Karlsen

14.03.18 Sussanne Contractor / Architect NCC

15.03.18 Mette Contractor / Architect NCC

20.03.18 Jeanette Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

21.03.18 Lene Architect Lendager Group

22.03.18 Laura Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

26.03.18 Annemette Working environment consultant / Engineer NCC

28.04.18 Gitte Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

03.04.18 Stefan Product Manager / Contractor RIB

03.04.18 Ofri Architect Rambøll

04.04.18 Christine Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

04.04.18 Nikolaj Architect Lendager Group

06.04.18 Anders Client Engagement Manager RIB

13.04.18 Christine Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

17.04.18 Ingrid Client Advisor Rambøll

17.04.18 Laura Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

18.04.18 Andreas Sustainability consultant / Engineer Rambøll

19.04.18 Jens Client Pension Danmark

Figure 8 - Overview of interviews (Own illustration)

5.2 Vinterakademi
2018 5.3 Knowledge
gained in spaces

As part of our research phase we attended When we stage spaces we both act as
an academy, called Vinterakademi. It is a a facilitator in the space. We wanted to
five-day academy in Dome of Vision located create a space where the interviewee would
in Aarhus, and arranged by NCC, Concito, feel comfortable to communicate their
and Center for Bygningsbevaring i Raadvad. respective matters of concern. We staged
The programme of Vinterakademiet were a and facilitated a temporary space for each
combination of lectures and case visits. We interview, at the office of the interviewee.
visited several circular construction cases The matters of concern we gained from one
in Aarhus during Vinterakademiet. The aim space was challenged in the next space.
of Vinterakademiet is to create awareness
about the construction industry and educate
postgraduate students and newly educated
in the direction of a sustainable development
(vinterakademi.dk, 2018). They hope that
the students are able to make innovative
solutions towards a green transition. The
focus of this year Vinterakademi was on
circular economy in the construction industry
and several speakers were invited to give
lecture about the subject (worksheet 10 - 14).
Moreover, the academy encourages the
participants to collaborate interdisciplinary.

From the academy we learned about

problems of the current way of constructing
and discussed possibilities for how to implement
circular economy in the construction industry.
We learned about waste problems, circular
economy elements such as; disassembly,
how reused materials are not always the
most sustainable choice, the importance of
having a long-term perspective in designing
new buildings, regulations, social aspects,
the importance of an interdisciplinary
collaboration, and much more.

It gave us the opportunity to examine and

learn about circular economy from various
point of views and from several cases.
Moreover, we expanded our network and
got to know many new interesting people,
which gave us the opportunity to interview
several actors in the construction industry,
e.g. a demolisher, architects, students, a
client, and contractors.

Space example 1
A space was staged in Rambøll in an initial meeting, with our company advisor. In this space we
as navigators negotiated with Gitte about the overall concern of the project in order to get her
interested. The purpose of the space is to frame the scope of our project. We brought worksheets
into the space functioning as an interessement device. The worksheets were used as a tool to
communicate our understanding and knowledge about circular economy (figure 9).

1 We fascilitated Transformation
of knowledge

US 2 Our
of Gitte
3 Establish the
We staged and overall
navigated the
4 In Rambøll
concern of Hovedstaden
space project

5 Worksheets

Figure 9 - Space example 1 (Own illustration)

Space example 2
Another example of a space was staged in the office of an architect company, Lendager Group.
We wished to interview employees from Lendager Group as they primarily work with circular
economy projects and have experiences in the field. The purpose of the space was to explore the
concept of circular economy. The space was staged in one of their meeting rooms in order for the
interviewer to feel comfortable in familiar environment. In the space a design game functioned
as an intermediary object with the purpose of representing ideas and the actors ‘concerns. The
knowledge gained from Vinterakademiet was challenged in the space, through a design game.
The design game worked as intended because the knowledge from Vinterakademiet were
negotiated in the space. For example, we discussed our as well as their understanding of circular
economy (figure 10).
1 We fascilitated Transformation
of knowledge

US 2 Architect
from Lendager

US 3 Matter of ARCHITECT
We staged and Interessment
navigated the
4 The office of of Lene
Lendager Group

5 Design games

Figure 10 - Space example 2 (Own illustration)

Space example 3
Another example of a space was in our initial phase of interviewing. The space was staged in
Rambøll with an engineer from the sustainability department. We staged the space in one of
the meeting rooms near the engineers usual working settings to make the interview less formal.
We functioned as the navigators and facilitators of the space. In this space we negotiated the
matters of concern from several interviewees through a prioritisation game. The prioritisation game
functioned as an intermediary object in which the interviewee could negotiate and prioritise
the identified matters of concern. For example, the interviewee did not agree with the barrier of
transparency and we explained that the barriers were overall barriers. (Christine, SC, Rambøll)
(figure 11).

1 We fascilitated of knowledge

US 2 Sustainability
consultant from

US 3 Matter of ENGINEER
We staged and Interessment
navigated the
4 Rambøll of Christine
5 Prioritisation games

Figure 11 - Space example 3 (Own illustration)

Key points

• Vinterakademi of 2018 focused on circular

economy in the construction industry.
• The knowledge gained from Vinterakademi
was used to develop a design game.
• The design game was used in the staged
spaces of the interviews with actors.
• The actors’ matters of concern where
negotiated from space to space.

Chapter 6
& Interessement

In this chapter an analysis of the empirical data is carried out. An

overview of the overall network and the network of Rambøll are
analysed. The analysis is viewed through the lens of ANT supplied with
staging spaces from Participatory design. Furthermore, the identified
barriers as well as their relations are described.

As the process of this project progress we identified several actors of the construction industry
in order to understand ‘the overall network’ of actors and their matters of concern. We have
chosen to apply ANT on our design process thus, our project is described as a translation process.
Starting with the analysis, we see how it can be perceived as a problematization phase and an
interessement phase. In the problematization phase we start by determine which actors are in
the overall network of implementing circular economy in construction projects and describe their
identities. Before interviewing the actors, we thought of how to navigate in the network and stage
spaces in which we could collect their matters of concern. When staging the space, we developed
a design game to function as an intermediary object that could mediate negotiation. Numerous
interviews were conducted to gather knowledge, with various actors related to the construction
industry. We identified an overall network with human and non-human actors based on the empirical
data. Furthermore, we saw how an interessement phase started when actors became interested
in our project through the interviews. Hence, the interview in itself functioned as an interessement
device for those who wanted to read our report. Furthermore, from the conducted interviews and
transcript of those, we used coding to identify matters of concerns, which is the barriers that hinder
implementation of circular economy. We divided the matters of concern into 15 categories of
barriers (further on written as barriers) for implementing circular economy in the construction industry.
While we identified the 15 barriers we also realized how strongly interlinked the barriers are. To make
a natural limitation of the project, we decided to focus on ‘the Rambøll network’, as the size and
complexity of the network makes it difficult for us to navigate. We developed a prioritisation game
for Rambøll employees to prioritise which of these 15 barriers that primarily hinder implementation
of circular economy in Rambøll. However, while playing the prioritisation game, the number of
barriers changed in line with the knowledge gained in the process and it was possible to reduce the
barriers from 15 barriers to 12 barriers. The prioritisation game showed 4 key barriers within Rambøll.

(Own picture)

6.1 The overall addition, it is also possible for different actors
to be in different moments of the translation
network process at the same time. E.g. when we
faciliate a workshop, the participants might
be interested but Gitte however, is enrolled.
Furthermore, interessement devices can
The network exists of both human and non- interest some actors while it does not function
human actors who play a significant part, as as an interessement device for others. Thus,
“the role played by the nonhumans in the an interessement device only functions as an
social order as being as significant as the role interessement device if it interests its receiver.
that humans play” (Callon and Law, 1997, Later on, in the project this supports the
p.168). Looking through the lens of ANT as we development of the solution.
map and visualise the network, we include
human and nonhuman actors in the networks.
Non-human actors include, for example, our
project and the actors’ matters of concern. A “if you imagine them [the actors]
mapping of networks helps with understand-
ing the relations between the actors.
as a human, then the architect is
the heart, the engineer is the brain
The main human actors are identified and the constructor is the hands”
on the basis of the construction industry, (Susanne, Arc, NCC).
encompassing clients, client advisor,
architects, engineers and contractors. Throughout the analysis several citations
Throughout the report the five main human will be used and referred by the name and
actors are seen as the common actors of discipline of the interviewee.
construction. Rambøll employees are the
actors who we see as being necessary to
enroll, and Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut
(SBi) and RIB are actors in the network who
we have interviewed and gained useful
knowledge from.

Through the research phase and the

interviews, it became clear that there is a big
variation in construction projects in terms of
contract forms and tendering phases, which
also have an impact on the relations in the
actor-network. This means that the network
varies according to the structure of the
construction form. In figure 12 we exist as a link
between the different actors of the network.
Despite the differences, we chose to not
only focus on one branch in the construction
industry as we have identified main issues
related to the industry as an entity. As the
project evolves it was natural for us to focus
on Rambøll.

Below follows a description of the main

actors of the construction industry, their
crosswise relationship as well as why and how
they are part of the network. It is essential to
note that the actors can be interested and
enrolled at various times during the project. In



Legis- C

lation TRACT






Engineers SC



WEC Environment Man Management Eng Engineers

CliA Client Arc Architects Cli Clients


Sustainability Management SBi
SC MC Byggeforsknings
Consultants Consultants institut

Figure 12 - The overall network (Own illustration)

US Client
We, as researchers in the network, are Clients are the ones to initiate the construction
interested in understanding the interests and are connected to the remaining actors
of the actors as well as translating a new of the network because the clients decide
network through our project because at the nature of the outcome of the construction
the moment, there is not enough focus on and therefore are influencing and influenced
circular economy in construction. Creating a by the other actors. Thus, they are a key
new network requires a successful translation. actor to mobilize because if they decide to
We will do it by acting as navigators and implement circular economy in construction,
facilitators that stage spaces in which the the rest of the actors of construction have to
interviewee’s matters of concern can be follow the client’s decision.
negotiated. Furthermore, as navigators we
develop intermediary objects e.g. design In this project the clients are represented
games, prioritisation game, etc. that can by Pension Danmark (a large Danish
mediate the negotiation of matters of pension company) with a strong economic
concern. Knowledge gained from these foundation (Pensiondanmark.com, 2018).
spaces can transform and interest other Furthermore, insights on clients are gained
actors of the network. from the interview and design games with
actors of construction. An important insight
gained from the interviews was that clients
have different ideas on the importance of
The Project implementing and using circular economy
in their projects. “It is not enough to just call
Our project is a non-human actor in the it green, because this is too narrow. I prefer
network. It is through our project - interviews, sustainability. We think that sustainability
design games, report, prioritisation game, embraces better” (Jens, Cli, Pension
workshop, and our proposed solution, that Danmark). In the interview with Jens we
the actors in the network can be interested staged the space for the interview at Pension
and enrolled into a new network. Danmark. In the end of the interview, Jens
asked us to send our report once we were
finished writing it, indicating that he was
interested in our project. In the interview
Rambøll Jens refers to economic, environmental,
and specifically social resources, “We do
Several employees from Rambøll found an not support child labour and moreover the
interest in the project because they wish to workers need to be treated well” (Jens,
work with circular economy or sustainability Cli, Pension Danmark). The client, Pension
“we work with sustainability in our team” Danmark has a large focus on sustainability
(Andreas, SC, Rambøll). They were introduced in their construction projects, however not all
to the project through design games which clients have the same focus and mindset. As
both functioned as interessement devices such clients may fall into different categories
and intermediary objects. Their interessement and are as such described as “visionary green
will be further elaborated in the following profiles. But there are also the conservative
section concerning the Rambøll network. profiles” (Laura, Eng, Rambøll). Laura frames
larger clients as less likely to take sustainability
into consideration as they have too many
things to focus on, where economy plays an
important role.

The client’s matters of concern are

concentrated on how constructing
sustainable buildings often increases
the price. Thus, in order to get the client

interested, they should understand that from previous spaces. This concerned how
sustainability not necessarily result in a more some actors mentioned that the role of the
expensive project. In addition, the branding client advisor was not an important role. The
value of constructing sustainable can be an client advisor kindly refused the statements
interessement device in itself as to enroll the concerning the view of them having a
client in to a new network of implementing controlling role and argued that the client
circular economy. The client also mentions advisor functions as a check-up, both with
how social factors cannot be measured regards to the contract and if the wishes from
economically. Moreover, it is mentioned that the client are fulfilled. The client describes the
there is a lack of circular materials and that client advisor as “necessary as they ensure
reused materials are often more expensive the quality of the construction” (Jens, Cli,
than virgin as you need to certify them. Pension Danmark).

The client draws attention to a matter of Furthermore, the client advisor mentions
concern which has not been mentioned by that salaries can hinder the implementation
any other actor, maybe due to that it mostly of circular economy as the actors are
affects the client. This matter of concern is concerned with fulfilling only the necessary
regarding how it is time consuming to fulfil requirements of the contract. “they only want
the requirement set by the authorities, for to do what is required of them and nothing
example of incorporation of district plans. more” (Ingrid, CliA, Rambøll). Besides this,
knowledge about materials, sustainability,
and circular economy were mentioned as a
Client advisor concern by the client advisor. “They [client
and contractor] say they are constructing
The client advisor often functions as a mediator sustainable buildings however they do not
between the client and the rest of the actors have any knowledge about sustainability or
in the construction industry. Hence the client sustainable materials” (Ingrid, CliA, Rambøll).
advisor is important to enroll as their job is to
advice the client and they can interest and
convince the client to implement circular Architect
economy in future constructions projects.
We found, through the interviews, that each Several interviews were undertaken with
actor has a different understanding of the architects inside and outside of Rambøll.
client advisor’s role. One of the architects They all agreed on moving towards a green
describes client advisors as: “a lawyer who transition, though some architects focused
thinks, ‘I want to make some money on the on the environmental benefits and others
construction’ (...) In my opinion you could just on the economic advantages of portraying
remove this [client advisor] role(...) it could themselves as frontrunners of circular econo-
just as well be the client who did this himself” my. “Circular economy is for us a business
(Lene, Arc, Lendager Group). Moreover, the model. It is a way to run a business (...) But
client advisor is described as “an inspector” we are not Messiah so for us it is a method
(Lene, Arc, Lendager Group), controlling in our business” (Lene, Arc, Lendager
all the other actors of construction. Several Group). Another architect focused mainly
actors highlighted that the client advisor’s on environmental correct materials, made
role seemed unnecessary and therefore can without use of toxic compounds, in order
be disregarded or substituted. The architect for the materials to be part of a biological
suggests replacing the client advisors with circulation or technological circulation.
other actors such as architects. “it is kind of “We have the biological flows, where every
the architects who are successful in putting biological thing decomposes and becomes
ideas into the client head” (Jesper, Con, food (...) If we can achieve that with the
Kingo Karlsen). technological cycle, then I really thing that
we have achieved something good.” (Inge,
In the interview with the client advisor we Arc, Aarhus Architects).
presented knowledge which we had gained

The architects can be enrolled in the network Engineer
if they see a branding value of implementing
circular economy. We see architects as an The role of the engineer varies depending on
actor in the network who can persuade the type of contract and organisational setup,
client in implementing circular economy. therefore the relations between the engineer
E.g. in Lendager Group, working sustainable and with other actors might change. The
is a necessity, which is why the clients hiring engineers’ fields of work may include that of
Lender Group knows they must work with statics, building technology, constructional
sustainability. “If a client is not interested support, fire, ventilation, electricity with more
in working with circular economy or (Lene, Arc, Lendager Group). Engineers
sustainability, then they should not work with are typically described by other actors in
us.” (Lene, Arc, Lendager Group). the following way: “the engineer makes
everything stabile. Well the static part (...) and
As mentioned before, some architects were details about strength” (Annemette, WEC,
concerned about the general use of poor Rambøll). The engineer is part of the network
materials used in the construction industry as they collaborate with the architects in
and mention a lack of innovation in the area framing the dimension of a construction.
of large scale use of circular materials as it Moreover, the engineers are described as
is expensive to work with, “at the moment a stereotype, who clashes with the creative
there are no companies, which in a large architects. This is further supported with
scale offers reused materials” (Inge, Arc, statements by the architects: “Because
Aarhus Arkitekt). the architects have a feeling that they lose
their creative environment when they leave
Another general concern highlighted is their offices and have to sit and work with
related to problems in communication some zero- and one digits [non-creative
and collaboration between actors. If many and mathematical] engineers who maybe
actors are involved it becomes difficult get really disturbed by those creative and
to communicate with all parties. “as an dynamic architects” (Mette, Arc, NCC). The
ideal attitude I think that you should solve it view of the engineers being ‘mathematical’
collectively. Diverse types of actors should in their approach, is somewhat confirmed
be involved but I have not seen any big when an engineer states the following, ”this
projects where you are determined to solve is how we have always done it [the work]
it [problems behind circular economy] (...) and we should continue doing it this way”
after all it requires money” (Inge, Arc, Aarhus (Christine, Eng, Rambøll).
While coding interviews, we found that
There are concerns from several architects there is a general matter of concern about
that the engineers and contractors are communication hindering collaboration,
included too late in the construction project. both interdisciplinary collaboration and
There are also concerns about a general lack collaboration among actors of the same
of involvement of actors early in construction occupation, regardless of whether they
project, which could give better insights into are employees of the same company
how the different actors work together to or between different companies, “Even
solve problems before they become too big. between engineers and engineers who works
in the same company, they are maybe even
sitting next to each other, and are not able
to communication about plumbing (...) They
can’t talk together” (Mette, Arc, NCC).

Furthermore, architects have a perception

that engineers often are involved too late
in the construction project due to the fact
that their labour is considered too expensive.
There is also a belief between the architects

that if engineers were introduced earlier in in this environmentally correct way then
the construction project, it could potentially we will of course do it” (Jesper, Con, Kingo
improve collaboration in between actors. Karlsen). This is further supported by another
contractor: “circular [economy], I think is
more about that it is a good business for the
Contractor contractors” (Susanne, Arc, NCC).

A relevant actor in the network is reflected in

the role of the contractor, who collaborates Statens Byggeforsknings
with and influences the entire network. The
contractor is in charge of completing the institut - SBi
physical construction and affects actors in
the network with their insights on materials. SBi affects the many actors in the network,
The choice of materials affects the per- as they provide construction specifications
ception of circular economy. The contractors in accordance with Danish building
are described as having a large influence regulations. The actor of construction is
in relation to the choice of materials, they obliged to know the recommendations and
often single-handedly pick and choose the can choose whether or not they want to
materials required. It is often mentioned that follow them. If they choose not to follow the
they are involved too late in the construction recommendations, they must substantiate
project and should have a more significant that their choice of solution is still legal. SBi
role in the collaboration of the project. “The state a matter of concern related to problems
contractor is normally involved too late. with old and reused materials. The actors of
But we [architects] would like to e.g. talk the construction industry must meet present
to the demolishers so that we can begin construction standards. Moreover, the
to interrupt the value chain” (Lene, Arc, reused materials must be competitive with
Lendager Group). The contractor highlights virgin materials and cheaper international
the necessity to strengthen the network, products. The main matters of concern
collaboration and knowledge sharing expressed by representatives from SBi target
between actors to improve implementation national and international building regulations
of circular economy: “you [people] are too concerning, which actors should undertake
specialized in your discipline e.g. demolisher the responsibility, risks and consequences
concentrates on one thing and the carpenter of implementing circular economy, and
concentrates on another thing, but if you sustainable materials.
really need something circular, we can’t
keep thinking in this way. Then you need
to know how a carpenter can reuse their
materials and that, in my opinion, requires a Laws, regulations, SBi’s recommendations, is
vast knowledge sharing” (Jesper, Con, Kingo a non-human actor in the network related
Karlsen). to the common actors of construction. If
circular economy was incorporated in the
The contractor highlights some matters of regulations for constructing, it would be a
concern similar to the architects’ concerns, necessity to construct sustainable. However,
namely a lack of recycled materials and recent construction legislation hinders parts
someone taking responsibility for producing of a circular economy development, for
sustainable materials. They think actors example seen in regard to used materials
should be appointed as a dedicated and which do not meet present construction
wise counselor team on the aforementioned legislation (Kim, SBi).
topics in each construction project whose
intention is to promote circular economy.

Another important concern of the contractors

is related to the economic outcome of the
projects. “if there is a business in making it

RIB Software
As part of the research phase, we RIB’s software is a non-human actor in
interviewed RIB, a software company that the overall network that can promote
specialises in end-to-end software as a more transparency in the process behind
service (SaaS) for the entire value chain in construction. Hence, enhancing the
construction projects and reduce the overall collaboration between the common actors
cost and time consumption of the projects. of construction.
They have a special focus on software to
support and improve internal and external
communication, collaboration, knowledge
sharing, documentation (RIB, 2018). RIB is,
through their software, part of the network as
they are in contact with different construction
companies and share their concerns with
difficulties related to collaborations both
within and across different companies.
Through the staged space of interviews, RIB
was interested in how the design game and
the method behind it worked. Thus, is was
more the interessement device itself that
were interesting for them rather than the

RIB have experienced that there is a concern Figure 13 represents matters of concern
regarding transparency when companies use from several of the actors. The figure shows
their software. “If there is not transparency in the that the same matters of concern reoccurs
collaboration then it becomes problematic. among many of the actors.
Many thinks that transparency is dangerous,
however, we would like to challenge that [to In the following section we use the approach
create more transparency]” (Stefan, RIB). In of ‘zooming-in’ on the network of the
the interview he talked about how actors see interviewed Rambøll employees. We ignore
disadvantages in being transparent as it may and black box the network behind the
reveal their working methods to competitors. common actors of construction in order
Moreover, he believed the problem with to focus on the network of the interviewed
transparency to be related to that people Rambøll employees.
do not wish to change working habits, which
is required if changing working methods
to more transparency. However, Stefan
states that being transparent can enhance
the collaboration and knowledge sharing
between the actors of construction (Stefan,

Not working
more than
contracted Lack of
Lack of
knowledge Some think
Actors only with circular
with sustain- they build
fulfilled sustainable economy
Salaries hin- neccessary without doing
der circular requirements so Change
economy Matters of in working
Diffucult concern habits
role of Lack of
controlling kowledge of Problems It needs to
Lack of materials
experince with commu- be scalable
with circular nication
economy First round of
Lack of innovation is
Poor con-
First round of circular expensive
Has to be struction
innovation is materials
scalabe style Contractors
Matters of too late in
Engineers concern the process
Matters of

too late in concern LIE I

the process Poor choice
of materials
too late in
the process


Matters of Lack of
concern knowledge


problems between


lation O EN TRACT
GINEER Who has

N RC U the respon- Lack of Loss of

AC ST demand information
Who are
responsible? SBi S Problems
Matters of with collabo-
concern Soft-
materials Matters of
International concern
must be Difficult to
competitive Engineers collaborate
involved too Difficult inter- within displines
Who are late in the disciplinary
in innovation Change process collaboration RIB Matters of
in working concern
of materials Labour
habits Communica-
tion hinders considered Many are
collaboration expensive Problems with concerned

Difficult to
Projekt collaboration
about trans-
collaborate companies
within own are difficult
discipline to break

US Matters of

Interested Interested
in actors in actors of
Non-human Human Problems
matters of construction
related with
circular concern
economy Translation related with
process circular

Figure 13 - Network with matters of concern (Own illustration)

Key points

• The overall actor-network consist of human actors (the common

actors of the construction industry, us, SBi, Rambøll and RIB) and
non-human actors (the project, regulations, software).
• Varieties in contract forms and tendering phases have an impact on
relations in the actor-network.
• We are researchers in the network, acting as navigators and
facilitators of the temporary spaces that are created.
• Clients initiate the construction and decides the nature of the
outcome of the construction.
• The interviewed client from Pension Danmark has a sustainable focus
on construction project.
• The client advisor often functions as a mediator between the client
and other actors.
• The role of the client advisor is often to check if the contract and
wishes from the client are fulfilled.
• An architect disregards the need of the client advisor.
• Architects have the possibility to persuade the client in implementing
circular economy.
• Engineers are typically described with the view of a stereotype of
being ‘mathematical’.
• Engineers are often involved too late in the construction project.
• The contractor completes the physical construction and has the
possibility to affect the. construction with their choice of materials,
whether it should be circular or not.
• The contractor is often involved too late in the construction project.
• SBi provide construction specifications in accordance with
Danish building regulations.
• Change of regulations can help promote a development
towards circular economy.

6.2 Rambøll
involved too
late Change in
economy mindset
is not men-
tioned in
Lack of Lack of at-
common tention given
definition to circular
Proce- economy

dure Matters of

Architects Gitte
Fokus on
social People are
Matters of
aspects too special-
concern Internal
collaboration ised
Lack of use
in shared SC Has to be
facilities External scalabe
Matters of
concern Engineers

Matters of
CliA Man
too late in
the process
Change of Miscommu-
habits concern
WEC nication in Commu-
the same nication
Somw lacks discipline within
ambition Human- a large
with new Matters of actors company
things concern introduced
too late
Matters of Strong Knowledge
concern working sharing
Poor habits Non-human
material Problems actors intro-
with commu- duced too
Problems in nication late
cation Information
lost in com-

Figure 14 - Rambøll network (Own illustration)

We found the amount of matters of concern are so numerous that we need to focus on one part
of the network, we are not able to embrace every matter of concern within the time limits of
this project. Therefore, we focus on finding and solving problems within Rambøll. We interviewed
Rambøll employees from various departments and we use their individual matters of concern to
represent their respective departments.

It is important to mention that the conducted interviews were mainly conducted with Rambøll
employees from RHO, Rambøll Hovedstad in Copenhagen. RHO is the largest unit in Rambøll
Denmark. It is therefore important to note that some of the responses from the interviewees are
concerning problems that may only exist in such a large unit and that these problems might vary
depending on the size of the unit.

Rambøll Denmark have more than 3000 employees. The size of the company, and lack of overview
of the employees and their discipline made it difficult to identify which employees were interesting
for us to interview. As such our company supervisor in Rambøll, Gitte provided us with a list of
interesting Rambøll employees to talk to. Furthermore, we searched for projects regarding circular

economy and sustainability in order to find further relevant employees connected to the cases.
Unfortunately, we were not able to find any circular economy projects on their website, instead
we found projects regarding sustainability. Moreover, due to the tight schedules of the employees,
some were occupied elsewhere and did not have the time for interviews at the moment.

Moreover, after interviewing Rambøll employees, we used the method of ‘rolling a snowball’ by
asking the interviewee if they knew other interesting employees for us to interview. Thereby we kept
on expanding the list of interviewees until we identified the same matters of concern repeated by
various interviewees.

Interviews were conducted with employees from the following; Sustainability Department,
Engineers, Architects, Client Advisor and Working Environment Department. It was important
to interview a broad range of Rambøll employees to develop our understanding how circular
economy is perceived by each discipline.

Our interviews functioned as an interessement device to disseminate the message about circular
economy and get the employees interested in our project. This was clarified as some of the
interviewees asked to read our report once we were finished with it. Their interest was also shown
as some of the employees mentioned a wish to get insights on how other employees responded
about circular economy, because they feel a lack of mutual understanding of the concept
between employees.

In the following sections, matters of concern are divided in the departments from which we
interviewed employees.

Engineers In the Rambøll network Gitte is a spokesper-

son who can speak on the behalf of our
Rambøll is an engineering consultancy project as we initiated the project with her.
company, where the engineers are divided
in different departments. The insights From the interviews with the sustainability
gathered from the interviews of engineers consultants they mentioned, an essential
are elaborated below. matter of concern regarding external and
internal collaboration: “A great amount of
miscommunication happens. Even within
your own department. People with just a little
difference in their backgrounds can have
Sustainability Consultants difficulties in communicating. Even when they
are both engineers, they talk past each other.
As a group the sustainability consultants
People are so specialised in their disciplines
are a key actor in the network, as they can
that they have trouble understanding
be important spokespeople for enrolling
people with another background. People
and interesting other actors. Moreover,
who do not have the same background
sustainability consultants find the topic of
have difficulties with explaining their
circular economy, important and interesting,
own knowledge in a comprehensible
thus they are already interested. When
way to others” (Christine, SC, Rambøll).
we staged a space of interviews using
prioritisation game as interessement device,
Communication and knowledge sharing
the sustainability consultants became
are difficult as some employees are too
interested in how the other sustainability
specialized and have strong working habits.
consultants have prioritised. This indicates that
“it is almost a cultural thing you need to
they got interested in the prioritisation game.
change or a practice that you should change
to a different path (...) And it is very difficult

for the individual” (Laura, SC, Rambøll). Working Environment
A related concern is about how difficult Consultants
communication is within a large company. It
is difficult to have an overview of the various
From the department of Working Environment,
areas of specialization for all employees
we interviewed an employee to gain insights
when the company gets too large.
in their field of work, their knowledge, and
get an understanding of their focus on
Like other actors have pointed out, there is
circular economy. As working environment
a problem with actors being introduced too
consultants, they bring the social aspect into
late in the construction project, which both
their work e.g. ensure that the employees have
includes human and non-human actors. “We
a proper working environment. The matter of
would prefer to have certifications from the
concern outlined by the working environment
beginning, so that we can take informed
consultant is regarding materials related
design decisions, to follow along the entire
to proper working environment, “If you use
process” (Christine, SC, Rambøll). Gitte share
poor materials you need to e.g. constantly
similar matters of concern and thinks that the
repaint them, which is bad for the economy,
engineer is involved too late in the process of
the people performing the work and their
construction projects (Gitte, SC, Rambøll). As
working environment.” (Annemette, Wec,
a non-human actor DGNB certifications and
Rambøll). Thus, they are an important actor
commissioning are generally introduced too
in the network as they can ensure proper
late in the process.
working environments when implementing
circular economy in construction. In the
Furthermore, several consultants highlight
staged space of interview, it is rather unclear
that circular economy is not mentioned at
if the interessement device, the design game
project meetings, which they believe is due
succeeded in making her interested in our
to a lack of knowledge on the subject. This is
project as she did not ask for reading our
highlighted by Gitte who states that circular
economy is a “fluffy concept” which only few
knows how to handle. “No one dares to work
Furthermore, Annemette also mentions
with circular economy because it can be
misunderstanding in communications as
many different things” (Gitte, SC, Rambøll).
a matter of concern that occur between
Gitte highlights a lack of a common definition
actors. She talks about how the type of
of the concept and suggest on giving
contract can hinder the collaboration and
more attention to the concept of circular
instead create miscommunication between
economy, in order to find better way to work
actors. “Some information may be lost in
with the concept. She states how it is linked to
the communication. Because the more
a lack of experience with the concept in the
people you include in the communication
construction industry. However, this needs a
the less information will reach the correct
change of mindset and more articulations on
people” (Annemette, WEC, Rambøll). The
the subject. Moreover, she compares some
loss of information continues to increase
of the mindsets from circular economy with
as information flows through more actors.
the approach people had to produce 100
or 200 years ago. “The focus is on resources”
(Gitte, SC, Rambøll) and she encourages to
include design for disassembly when talking
about the concept.

Client Advisors It was interesting to see that the focus of the
Rambøll architect was much more on social
Client advisors from Rambøll are actors who resources and shareable areas enhancing
needs to be in the Rambøll network as they social communities, than engineers. However,
advise the client in the overall network. If client her concern regarding the shareable
advisors gets interested and enrolled in our facilities is that they are sometimes not used.
project, they might try to promote the circular
agenda and advise clients to implement If many architects from Rambøll share
circular economy. In the staged space for the similar view on circular economy it serves to
interview, the client advisor did not show any highlight how different the comprehensions
interest in our project. However, in the end of of the concept are between architects
the interview we invited her to a workshop and engineers, as the engineers do not
which she was willing to participate. This can highlight social resources to the same
indicate that she might be interested in our extent. Thus, architects can be an actor
project or in circular economy in general. that helps promote the social aspect
of circular economy in the network.
A client advisor from Rambøll framed her
matters of concern regarding habits and a
need for change of these. She mentioned
how habits can be more difficult to change
the older you get. “There is probably a
difference between if you are an old or
young engineer. The young are probably
more willingly to try new things” (Ingrid, CliA,
Rambøll). This is supplied with the concern
on lack of ambition to try new ways; the
common way is the often just the easiest way.
Key points

• Sustainability consultants
Through an interview with an architect
we discovered a new concern regarding became interested in our
circular economy, namely the social aspect. project through
The social aspect regarding social resources intermediary objects.
has not been elaborated from other Rambøll
employees before. In the interview with the
• Gitte is spokesperson who
architect, matters of concern are about can speak on behalf of our
social sustainability in common housing. The project.
architect mentioned sharing of facilities and • Non-human actors as DGNB
how this can support a circular economy
development. Moreover, she compares and certifications are
the sharing of facilities with leasing systems: introduced to late in the
“With circular economy and sharing construction process.
economy in a residential area, this [sharing • There is a lack of a common
of facilities] is something that can help to
create a community. Because they have definition of the concept
a shareable laundry, then they come and circular economy.
wash their clothes. So, they get to meet each
other and learn one another. This creates a
better neighbourliness” (Ofri, Arc, Rambøll).

6.3 Barriers






Figure 15 - Barriers network (Own illustration)

We have mapped the network behind the barriers and their relations. The 12 barriers
are strongly interrelated. Therefore, it might seem that some barriers can fit under other
barriers depending on the situation (figure 15). The identified relationship between each
barrier will be further elaborated below and highlighted in brackets [...]. The relation
between the barriers will be elaborated in either one of the barriers referred in the brackets.

Since we have interviewed all the common actors of construction, the barriers are not solely
affecting Rambøll employees. However, we have identified that the barriers are interconnected
and part of a larger network deriving from the analysis of the interviewees matters of concern.

The 12 barriers problems with adaptation and new ways
of working [Collaboration - Habits]. Besides
fixed ways of working, collaboration
can be hindered by cultural differences,
Collaboration regions, external and internal between
companies, and disciplines (Figure 16).
“Collaboration is the key” (Jesper, Con,
Kingo Karlsen). Several interviewees find
it challenging to collaborate with their
colleagues due to conflicts in interests. Instead
of thinking about what is best for the project,
actors often think in terms of their own best
interests, thus it can hinder the collaboration. Region
This might be because of hidden agendas
behind their interests “(...) some make sure Various
they deliver only the necessary to complete companies
a tender, because they want to maximize
Internal in
their profit, it is about spending the least companies
time as possible” (Stefan, RIB). Hidden
agendas deals with economy and time.
Most actors only do what is required from
them otherwise they want to be paid more,
which in the end hinders the collaboration
[Collaboration - Economy & Time]. Figure 16 - Barriers for collaboration
(Own illustration)
Communication is essential when it comes to
collaboration. It is difficult to communicate
across disciplines especially in larger groups. Collaboration also requires the relevant
In addition, more knowledge is lost each actors to be involved early in a construction
time is passes through a new layer and the project. Actors such as the contractor,
knowledge will not be shared if the actors users, and engineers are important to
are not interested in collaboration. Actors include as early as possible. Furthermore,
may also be too specialised in their discipline, non-human actors should be visible earlier
to be able to effectively communicate in the phases e.g. commissioning and
their knowledge with people from their certification [Collaboration - Planning]. “We
own discipline as well as to other disciplines prefer to incorporate certifications from the
[Collaboration - Knowledge]. “It is divided in beginning in order to make good design
silos. Each person only focuses on their own decisions, so the certifications should follow
little box” (Anders, RIB). Consequently, lack from the design process to the construction
of communication hinders cross-disciplinary of the building” (Christine, SC, Rambøll).
collaboration. Moreover, some actors do not
want transparency and keep their knowledge It is difficult to collaborate in a new field as
for themselves [Collaboration - Transparency]. circular economy [Collaboration - Innovation].
“It [circular economy] is so new that there is
Some interviewees stated that specific not much experience with it. Therefore, it is
working tools can hinder proper knowledge difficult to collaborate” (Inge, Arc, Aarhus
sharing e.g. excel sheets. “excel sheets (...) Arkitekter). Circular economy, as a concept,
is a dead file you pass on because when is for many a new and perplexing concept,
you want to update the excel sheet, you making it difficult to collaborate as the client
will have to make a new excel sheet and often often focuses on more tangible parame-
start over“ (Anders, RIB). It is challenging ters [Collaboration - Circular Economy
to change the fixed working methods due Concept]. One of the engineers mentioned
to strong habits and difficulties associated how this results in circular economy not being
with changing mindsets, which leads to mentioned at meetings (Laura, SC, Rambøll).

Responsibility has a higher risk. If the client chooses
general contract (s)he has a higher risk.
Some of the actors states that it is rather
unclear who should take the responsibility of
implementing circular economy and be the

frontrunners and be innovative [Responsibility
- Circular Economy Concept]. Should circular
economy be implemented at a national level,
meaning all the actors should embrace it, or
should the responsibility be imposed upon
one specific actor involved in construction
e.g. the client. “Who is it that should be the
frontrunners with this [circular economy]. I


do not know if you can force municipalities


or pension funds to be the frontrunners. It


requires a lot of money to invest and still it
is very diffuse because there is no specific Turkney General Individual
way to apply it” (Laura, SC, Rambøll). Contract Contract Trade
There are both pros and cons when taking Contract
the responsibility of implementing circular
economy. It can be a branding value and a
TC = Turkney Contract
way to promote a business, but responsibility GC = General Contract
often implies extra costs and hence actors do ITC = Individual Trade Contract
not want to take responsibility [Responsibility Adv = Advisor
SubC = Sub Contracter
- Economy & Time]. ”Why is it that we are
afraid of using new materials if you take Figure 17 - Risk
the perspective of the contractor. Because (Stefan Bruhn, RIB)
there is the responsibility, that the building
still stands and after one year the building is
evaluated and you have the responsibility” Planning
(Susanne, Con, NCC). Furthermore, lack of
responsibility in a project may reduce how The planning barrier is about lack of
connected the actors are to a project. involvement of the right human and
non-human actors in the early phases of
construction. A lot of interviewees stated
Risk that it is important to include the contractor
in the planning phase, when implementing
The barrier ‘risk’ is connected to the barrier circular economy because the contractor
‘responsibility’, actors want to minimize possesses useful knowledge regarding
their risks and therefore disclaim their demolition and recycling of materials.
responsibility [Risk - Responsibility]. One “You also need to consult the contractor to
interviewee highlighted that the client see if it is even constructible. The challenge
advisor is especially good at disclaiming is whether they have any experience. So, it
responsibility and reducing their risk. “By the is necessary to include them because they
way the client advisor does not have any have a lot of building-related knowledge.”
risk. Those who formally take the risk is the (Laura, SC, Rambøll). Non-human actors,
client, architect, engineer and contractor” such as commissioning and certifications
(Lene, Arc, Lendager Group). Moreover, can support a circular agenda if they
risk depends on the type of contract e.g. are included in the early phases as well.
turnkey, general and trade, the client has Interviewees have stated that one problem
chosen. By paying more, the client can give is that the client believes it will be more
the risk to others [Risk - Economy & Time] expensive when involving more or all actors
(figure 17). For example, in turnkey contracts in the early phases, because the client has to
the client has little risk and the contractor pay for their time. However, Christine stated

that involving the actors in the early phases Habits
can also result in unexpected costs in the
end (figure 18). Likewise, careful demolition Some interviewees stated that the
requires extra time thus, it becomes more construction industry is very conservative,
expensive [Planning - Economy & Time]. meaning that actors tend to construct in
ways that they are used to. Old mindsets are
hard to change, slowing innovation [Habits
money and - Innovation]. “One keeps with the usual
time in the solution, because then we know how it is

beginning to work with and we know how it should be

done” (Susanne, Con, NCC). “You can say, if
you look at the construction process, in many
cases it is very traditional. That means you do
the things as you always have and one of the
reason for that is not so stupid. It is because
you know it works and doing new things can
be difficult” (Stefan, RIB). Consequently,
fixed working methods hinder the imple-
costs mentation of circular economy because
it requires a transition in the way of thinking
and working [Habits - Circular Economy
Concept]. Breaking routines can be more
expensive because it requires time to adapt
Figure 18 - Invest time and money in the to new processes [Habits - Economy & Time].
begining of a project (Christine, Rambøll)

Innovation Ambition
Circular economy requires innovation Our research indicates that in the current
and innovation requires time and money state of the construction industry there is
[Innovation - Economy & Time]. “It also lack of ambition on implementing circular
depends on what force of innovation is put economy in projects and trying new methods
into the work (...) in making a new product and approaches [Ambition - Circular
like when you have to work with upcycling Economy Concept]. “We must be aware that
as we do and get it in the regenerative loops even though we are here and think circular
it becomes an innovation. And the first time economy is interesting, then how many
you make an innovation, it is more expensive” actually thinks it is interesting and works with
(Lene, Arc, Lendager Group). It takes many it (...) You have to have an ambition to do it”
years before actors know whether a recycled (Susanne, Con, NCC). This can be a barrier
material correspond to their purpose which because in order to change the present
requires proper planning and involving the way of doing projects, the actors have to
relevant actors [Innovation - Planning]. be open to try new and other ways of doing
Moreover, the market for sustainable solutions things. “You just have to think in other ways
are limited, resulting in fever possibilities to use and be open to do it in other ways” (Lene,
circular economy materials and actors needs Arc, Lendager Group) [Ambition - Habits].
to realize the potential in trying new concepts
[Innovation - Ambition]. Only few firms offer
services and materials that are upcycled.

Economy & Time need to know how a carpenter can re-use
their materials and that, in my opinion, requires
Economy and time are two main factors in a vast knowledge sharing” (Jesper, Con,
every project and these elements indirectly Kingo Karlsen) [Knowledge - Collaboration].
influence many of the other barriers. Generally,
a project is bound by a budget and a
specific time frame and these often influence
whether there is room for implementing
circular economy [Economy & Time - Circular Transparency
Economy Concept]. “You are always bound
to a timeframe and economy” (Laura, SC, This barrier deals with transparency in the
Rambøll). Therefore, circular economy must working methods. Actors do not want to
be included in the program before the budget show others how they work because they
and time are set for the project. Moreover, can increase their chances of earning more.
the longer time a project takes, the more This means that they do not want to be
expensive it becomes the less time there is for transparent, as they are concerned that their
the projects. Furthermore, expensive labour mistakes and actual amount of hours used
and people focusing on maximizing profits on certain tasks will be discovered by other
and spending less hours, can be a barrier. actors [Transparency - Economy & Time].
In other words, they keep their cards close
to their chest, and consider how they can
optimize them for their individual gain. “Then
there are many who thinks transparency is
Knowledge dangerous (...) because if you take a big part
of the risk, you also want a big part of the profit
This barrier was mentioned by almost all and it can be an advantage to hide how you
interviewees and relates to a general lack reached the profit” (Stefan, RIB). Additionally,
of knowledge of sustainable materials in the actors are not used to transparent
the industry [Knowledge - Innovation]. working methods [Transparency - Habits].
Additionally, there is little experience with This barrier can hinder the implementation of
using circular economy, because it is a circular economy, because the actors must
relatively new concept [Knowledge - look beyond their own needs for the good of
Circular Economy Concept]. This barrier also the project, and “convince a person to work
deals with the knowledge-sharing aspect, differently by letting go of the things he thinks is
as it is fundamental that the knowledge good but for the greater good” (Anders, RIB).
is shared across disciplines, so everybody
can learn from it, “the earlier you can
get knowledge into play, the more value,
you could argue, come into the project”
(Lene, Arc, Lendager Group). However,
some interviewees also highlighted that if
the knowledge must pass through many
people, some of it will get lost along the way.
Furthermore, people are too specialized in
their discipline leaving it difficult to share their
knowledge or communicate it to others. “you
[people] are too specialized in your discipline
e.g. demolisher concentrates on one thing
and the carpenter concentrates on another
thing, but if you really need something circular,
we cannot keep thinking in this way. Then you

Construction style Circular Economy Concept
This barrier is about the way buildings are When considering the concept of circular
typically constructed. Many of the actors economy itself, there are also some challenges
have a traditional approach to construction, around the fact that the concept is seen as
where the construction methods and being quite abstract. “it is too abstract to
techniques, choices of materials stay the say that we have to think more sustainable”
same for long periods of time [Construction (Laura, SC, Rambøll). A lot of actors do
style - Habits]. Focus is on fast construction not understand what circular economy
with cheap materials and no one has taken involves and what specifically should be
the responsibility of the poor materials done to implement circular economy. As
used in construction [Construction style - for now, the concept is primarily verbalized
Responsibility]. “historically seen, we have as a combination of energy, indoor climate
constructed fairly reasonable up until World and waste. Therefore, discussing circular
War Two. After World War Two we had a economy in other contexts is missing and
period where we constructed in a bad way needs to be investigated more, in order for
by constructing fast, cheap and maybe a the concept to disseminate successfully.
bit poor” (Nikolaj, Arc, Lendager Group).
Moreover, previous experiences in projects
are often not evaluated before a new
project, making it difficult to learn from
previous mistakes and therefore the actors
continue constructing in the same traditional
ways, “But also, because it is construction
and it is just an insanely conservative business,
we do the things in one way and we know
what kind of materials work” (Susanne,
Con, NCC). Introducing circular economy
requires a completely new approach to
construction rather than the traditional
linear way [Construction style - Innovation].

Key points

• The barriers were limited from 15 to 12.

• The barriers are highly interconnected.
• There is a lack of collaboration both across disciplines.
• It is challenging to change fixed working methods and habits.
• It is unclear who should take the responsibility of implementing
circular economy.
• Some are afraid of taking more responsibility as it often implies
extra costs.
• Some wants to minimize their risks and disclaiming their
• Many human and non-human actors are introduced to late in
the construction project.
• Circular economy materials need to be innovated which
requires time and money.
• Habits are hard to change which is a challenge when
implementing new things, like circular economy.
• Two main factors in every project are economy and time as
a project are bound by a budget and a time frame
• Many interviewees mention a lack of knowledge about
sustainable materials
• Many mention a lack of knowledge-sharing, and
knowledgesharing is essential in order to learn more
• Many actors in the construction industry have a traditional
approach to construction methods, techniques, and materials
which makes it difficult to implement circular economy
• The concept of circular economy is seen as abstract or ‘fluffy’

6.4 Barriers within The prioritisation game was played in two
rounds. In the first round, they had to prioritise
Rambøll which barriers they thought were the biggest
when implementing circular economy in
Rambøll. During the second round they
had to prioritise which barriers they thought
The 12 identified barriers are overall barriers would be the easiest to change within
regarding the different actors of construction Rambøll. Throughout the design game
and the different phases. However, as we concerning actors of construction and the
wanted to work with Rambøll and are to phases of a construction project, we asked
design a solution together with them, we questions while they prioritised the barriers to
have chosen to focus on the barriers that understand why they prioritised as they did.
are relevant for Rambøll. To understand the The interview using prioritisation game can
barriers from Rambøll’s point of view, we be seen as a space which we facilitate. The
developed a prioritisation game and made purpose of the space was to understand the
encouraged the employees to prioritise 15 barriers in relation to Rambøll. Moreover, we
barriers because the prioritisation game was wanted to interest the interviewee with our
developed, and some interviews carried findings and project. We use the prioritisation
out before we reduced the barriers to 12. game as an interessement device in which
It is important to note that, at this point we we could mediate negotiation of the barriers.
had already gathered a couple of results The material arrangement was in Rambøll.
using 15 barriers in the prioritisation game We brought the matters of concern from
and decided not to change the prioritisation one space to another e.g. one interviewee
game to include 12 barriers instead of 15, as interpreted the barrier card ‘Transparency’ in
we sought to make the results comparable. relation to materials. This concern was brought
The prioritisation game consisted of a into the next space and challenged as we
board with 15 numbers and 15 barrier asked the interviewee how (s)he interpreted
cards with the name of the barrier and a transparency. All the prioritisations of barriers
short description of the barrier (picture 12). were then collected and compared in a
table (figure 19). Furthermore, we played
the second round of the prioritisation game
- Dyr arbejdskraft
- Tidspres i projekter
- Fastlåste holdninger
- Manglende tilknytning til
ourselves to compare our point of view with the
- Maksimere profit
- Aktører bruger færrest
mulige timer
- Nye koncepter / ideer
tager tid
- Jo længere tid et projekt
- Konservativ branche
- Traditionsbundne
projekt minimerer
ansvarsfølelse employees, as we had collected a big amount
- Opgør m. rutiner koster tager, jo dyrere - Rutinepræget tankegang
besværliggør omstilling til
cirkulær økonomi
of knowledge from the Rambøll interviews.


- Manglende lyst til at - Traditionel byggestil
bruge cirkulær økonomi - Nuværende bygninger i KONCEPT SPIL
Figure 19 gives an overview of what the
- Manglende lyst til at dårlige materialer - Fluffy koncept - Manglende inddragelse
prøve nyt - Mangel på at lære af sine - Nu tænkes det primært i af relevante aktører i
fejl energi, indeklima, tidlige faser

individual employees prioritised. The table

affaldsstrømme - Mangel på certificeringer
- Mangel på italesættelse indtænkt i tidlige faser
af Cirkulær økonomi - Mangel på commisioning

helped us find the four key barriers with the

tidligt i faser


- Manglende viden om
- Hindres hvis aktører er
- Samarbejde hindres hvis RISIKO biggest potential to change in Rambøll.
fysisk opdelte
bæredygtige materialer aktører er for
- Manglende - Ansvarsfraskrivelse
- Mangel på cirkulære fagspecifikke
kommunikation - Ønsker ikke at tage risiko
økonomi erfaringer - Fastlåste arbejdsmetoder
- Interesse konflikter - Hvem burde gå forrest
- Manglende vidensdeling
- Egne behov fremfor med cirkulær økonomi
- Viden går tabt jo flere lag
projektets - Svært at vide hvem der
det skal igennem
- Mange aktører har ansvaret
- Fagspecifik
vanskeliggører samarbejde

- Svært at bruge materialer - Vanskeliggøres ved:
som endnu ikke er - Geografiske afstande
opfundet - Sprog
- Innovation kræver tid og - I mellem landegrænser
penge - I stor virksomhed
- Begrænset marked m. - I mellem fag
grønne løsninger
- Først i fremtid vides om
nye materialer har været
gode nok

Picture 12 - Barrier cards (Own picture)

Prioritisation table







in Rambøll





SC. 4

SC. 4
SC .1

SC. 2

SC. 3

SC. 1

SC. 2

SC. 3




Collaboration 2






Circular econom-



and risk

Construction style



Range of colour in barriers Range of colors of the potentials to change barriers

Biggest Easiest
Medium Medium
Smallest Most difficult

Figure 19 - Prioritisation table (Own illustration)

4 Key barriers

Knowledge Economy

“The bigger team, the more “It is essential to provide specific

knowledge is gained” working methods to implement
- Christine, SC
circular economy”
- Christine, SC
“It is important to be able to
find the knowledge again” “Some people think it is difficult to
- Christine, SC disassemble the materials, but it is
possible if it is included in the early
“People do not know how to phase”
construct sustainable”
- Ingrid, CliA - Ingrid, CliA

“It is not incorporated in people’s

“Knowledge on circular mindset because it is so new and
economy is missing, how can
it be used etc.” - Laura, SC
- Laura, SC
“Right now, circular economy is ver-
balized as something visionary and
that is all. (...) There needs to be a
clear definition”
- Andreas, SC

Collaboration Planning

“Collaboration is fundamental “Actors is often involved too

in order to introduce circular late in the process”
economy” - Christine, SC
- Christine, SC
“Sustainable consultants in
“There is a big potential in Rambøll is trying to get in-
strengthening the collabora-
volved earlier in the process”
tion, but it is very difficult” - Christine, SC
- Christine, SC
“Get the actors involved as
“Collaboration between dis- early as possible”
ciplines and out of Rambøll is - Ingrid, CliA
difficult”- Ingrid, CliA
“If we are only a small part of
the project, we do not know
“If the actors are too divided
what happens with the task
and it is difficult to collaborate
we hand over to another
then it can hinder circular
economy” actors”
- Andreas, SC
- Laura, SC

Chapter 7
Interessement &

In this chapter, an overview of the conceptualisation process ranging

from the design specification, idea generation, morphology chart
and a workshop held with the employees of Rambøll is described.
Furthermore the final solution is presented.

After identifying the four key barriers, we started our conceptualisation process of the project
where our intressement and enrollment phase happened (figure 20). Before starting our ‘journey’
of finding a solution that could suit Rambøll, we asked Gitte, to help us invite Rambøll employees
to a workshop as we already experienced that they have a tight schedule. Gitte is interested in
our project and can speak on our behalf in order get the other employees interested in attending
our workshop. We then started our ‘journey’ by making a design specification that served as
a framework for the solution. To get the Rambøll employees interested in our solution we find
it necessary to follow the key barriers which they have prioritised themselves. We brainstormed
subsolution for each of the key barriers and placed them in a morphological chart to organise the
subsolution. The four barriers served as functions in the morphological chart and we combined
several subsolutions from each function to four scenarios. We planned to use the scenarios as
part of an exercise to evaluate the subsolutions in the scenarios and create new concepts with
inspiration from the scenarios. In the workshop we gave a presentation of our project before doing
exercises with the employees. Gitte got enrolled when we explained our method of using design
game, as she asked us to develop a design game which she could use in a meeting with a client.
Some participant at the workshop got interested in our project through the exercises of negotiating
a circular economy definition and creating new concepts. Furthermore, from the workshop
three concepts with subsolutions were developed. We combined several of the subsolutions
from the concepts with the subsolutions in the morphological chart into one final solution.

Design specification


Morphology chart




4 Concepts
rewritten to

Concept Concept Concept Concept

1 2 3 4

Evaluated at the workshop

Concept Concept Concept

1 2 3

Figure 20 - Conceptualisation process
(Own illustration)

7.1 Design

We made a design specification with requirements and criterions, based on the four key barriers
that hinder implementation of circular economy namely; Knowledge, Collaboration, Planning
and Circular Economy Concept (figure 21). The design specification serves as a framework for the
solution. All requirements must be fulfilled when designing a solution, whereas criterions and wishes
are elements that is nice to have, but not necessarily has to be included. Each requirement, criteria
and wish has an identification number which will be referred to in section 7.5, for the reader to get an
overview of how the requirements have been fulfilled and if the criterias and wishes have been fulfilled.

Figure 21 - Design specification

(Own illustration)

7.2 Morphology and

idea generation

We made a morphological chart with the four them to be negotiated and evaluated by
key barriers. Each barrier serves as necessary the participants. These concepts acts as
functions in the solution. Then, we started an scenarios in a workshop we stage as a space.
idea generation process and brainstormed The aim of the scenarios was to present the
on ideas for each function. We sat a timer participants to intermediary objects, which
for two minutes and started writing ideas we hoped would be negotiated (Section 7.4).
on post-its for the first key barrier. When the
time has passed we moved on generating
ideas for the next key barrier. These idea
where then organized in a morphological
chart (figure 22). Some ideas originates
from proposals of subsolutions to a barrier
given by the interviewees in the conducted
interviews, the rest of the ideas were created
by us. The ideas were then collected and
combined into four concepts as we wished
to keep focus on the key barriers. The
intention of creating four concept was to
use it in a later workshop where we stage the
space by using the concept as intermediary
objects. The aim of these concept was for

Theme 1. Requirement 2. Criteria 3. Wishes
(need to have) (nice to have) (nice to have)
- Experiences with circular - Employee’s working hours - The employees
economy must be shared can be dedicated to: who are interested in
within Rambøll. (A1.1) - networking sustainability can have
- education the opportunity to
- Experiences from - workshops participate in courses
previous projects must - working with other concerning circular
A. Knowledge

be shared within Rambøll professional interests. economy. (A3.1)

concerning circular (A2.1)
economy. (A1.2)

- Education about circular

economy must be offered
to relevant disciplines.

- The solution must

contribute to knowledge.
sharing within Rambøll

- The solution must be - The solution can - The employees

able to accommodate contribute to a are offered different
many disciplines. (B1.1) strengthened working cooperation
environment. (B2.1) techniques. (B3.1)
- The solution should
B. Collaboration

provide opportunities - The interests of the

to communicate across project might be
disciplines. (B1.2) weighted higher than
the interests of the
individual department.

- Teams can be mixed

across disciplines and
departments. (B3.3)

- The employees can

work cross disciplinary.

- All relevant disciplines - Non-human actors can

must be included early in support circular economy
the process. (C1.1) in the early phases. (C2.1)
C. Planning

- There must be a mutual - Circular economy

understanding of the can be challenged and
Ecnonmy Concept

concept of circular verbalized to a higher

economy within Rambøll. degree, not only dealing
(D1.1) with materials, energy and
D. Circular

indoor climate. (D2.1)

Categories Subsolutions

Transparent Provide a catalogue with

Educate employees
software for an overview of sustainable
to promote circular
knowledge materials
Lecture or Knowledge sharing with an Database
A. Knowledge

education through screens in the overview of with an

canteen sustainable overview of
Weekly sustainable
meetings materials
Knowledge sharing
Online External speakers
through screens in the
forums educating

Joint design
*Samrojektering, Room devoted Cross disciplinary Good
employees for collaboration collaboration experiences and
working together successful stories
in the same should be shared
B. Collaboration

room in the Open offices Top-down

design phase approach

Matching the
Full days correct employees Teambuilding
allocated to for each team
Speed dating, discover
Switching the others competences

Involve contractor early Online database providing

as they have material overview of disciplines and
knowledge Involving LCA in the
what projects the employees
early phases
are part of
All actors should be
involved in the design Certifications are
phase incorporated in Commissioning and
Rambøll procedure certification should
be incorporated in
Sustainable consultants
C. Planning

the early phases

becomes a specialist
Workshops that If a cost of a project exceeds
unify employees a certain amount, an
Sustainable consultants
advisory board with relevant
should be involved early
competences is attached to
the project

Create a common Find employees that Provide the

definition of circular will promote circular employees with
Ecnonmy Concept

economy economy concrete methods

Provide the for implementing
Certification to make employees with circular economy
D. Circular

the concept more concrete methods for

relatable and tangible implementing circular Physical posters
economy about circular
Newspaper about economy
circular economy projects Show TED Talk on
and materials circular economy

Figure 21 - Morphology chart (Own illustration)

7.3 Concepts

We saw a relation between the four key

barriers; Knowledge, Collaboration, Planning
and Circular Economy Concept and
decided to merge them into two; Knowledge
and Collaboration, in order to make it more
manageable and less confusing for the
participants in the workshop. Planning can
fall under the category of Collaboration
and Circular Economy Concept can fall
under the category of Knowledge. Thus, the
concepts originated from the two categories.
We made four concepts mixing several
ideas from each of the functions. These
were planned to be part of an exercise in a
workshop we held with Rambøll employees.
The concepts were framed as extreme
scenarios with the purpose of challenging,
provoke and invite the participants to think
creatively. We made sure to include familiar
elements from the Rambøll environments so
it was easier to relate to the scenarios even
though they were extreme. Moreover, the
scenarios were written as a letter from either
the management (top-down approach) or
employees (bottom-up approach). It was
relevant for us to get the four concepts
evaluated by Rambøll employees because
the solution is intended for them. By having
them evaluating and generating new
concepts gives us the possibility to design
our final solution based on their ideas.

Scenario 1 Knowledge Scenario 3 Collaboration
Dear Rambøller, Dear Rambøller,
In the management team, we have decided In the management team we have decided
that everyone needs to be educated in that all employees should be sitting in one big
circular economy, regardless of what you open office to enhance the collaboration
are currently working with. This course will between you. Every hour you must switch seats
be held every Saturday over the next 6 with the colleague to the left and continuing
months. You will be tested after the course their tasks. Every Friday an obligatory workshop
ends and there are prizes to those of you will be held with the focus on current projects
who best incorporates circular economy in in Rambøll. In the end of the day there will
future projects. Moreover, we are working be team building exercises out in the nature.
on a online platform where all future Furthermore, it is required that in every project
communication between employees must must be included a holistic approach to
take place. You are no longer allowed to collaboration so every discipline is involved.
talk to each other because we are trying to
create a more transparent working process. We look forward to your inputs on how
Furthermore a RamBlog will be created, the collaboration can be strengthened.
which is a weekly newspaper focused on
circular economy and successful stories
about the concept. The stories will be printed
as posters in every office. The editorial staff
of RamBlog are responsible for making a
catalogue with the newest sustainable
Scenario 4 Collaboration
materials and you are only allowed to
Dear management team,
advise about these materials in the future.
We feel that the collaboration between the
employees should be strengthened. We do
We are looking forward to your written
not know who sits in the office next to us or
input. Thanks for your understanding.
what they are working with in the department
above. Therefore we suggest speed-dating
in the canteen where every employee
should present themselves and their
competences for the rest of Rambøll before
starting a project. Moreover, we suggest an
Scenario 2 Knowledge establishment of ‘RamBølle of the month’,
which is an employee who can contribute
Dear Management team, with unique competences in every project.
We have for some time been noticing that In the future we only want to follow Platin
the screens in the canteen have not been certification guidelines and request that every
used. Therefore, we suggest that whenever employee have the competences to do so.
the screens are not used for other purposes,
TED Talks and other informations about We are looking forward for your response
circular economy should be shown on the on our request for a stronger collaboration.
screens. Furthermore, we will have meetings
every Thursday at 8am, where international
researchers gives lectures, to provide more
knowledge on the subject. We think that, it is
such a good idea that it should be incorporated
in Rambøll’s procedure to create a better
internally understanding of circular economy.

We hope that you will help us gain

more knowledge on circular economy.

7.4 Workshop at staged the sessions in such a way that the
employees incrementally gained more
Rambøll knowledge about circular economy. Thus,
the workshop started with the participants
presenting themselves and their knowledge
about circular economy. The intention of the
We arranged a workshop based on a presentations was for us to get an overview of
participatory approach in Rambøll in order to how familiar they were of the concept, and
interest the employees in circular economy to introduce the employees to each other,
and to challenge our knowledge achieved it they did not already know one another.
from the previously interviews. A participatory Then, Gitte presented the basics of circular
approach towards workshop meant that economy and how it had been used in former
we could collaborate on designing a final Rambøll projects. This gave an insight into
solution by presenting our subsolutions as how circular economy can be approached
scenarios to get the employees to evaluate, in the construction environment. We followed
negotiate and design new concepts. Taking with a presentation on our project, how
on an ANT approach of the design process we approached it, and the identified four
it is necessary for a successful translation barriers of the construction industry and in
process to get the actors interested and Rambøll to set the programme for the day.
enrolled. The workshop aimed at interesting Then, we proceeded to the first session in the
employees in the project if they were not space called Weighting, which was intended
interested from previous interviews. We to prepare the employees for collaboration
hope to get more employees interested and and giving them insights into the benefits of
enrolled through the workshop. It is arguable working together even though they come
that only employees interested in the subject from various disciplines (Read Weighting). We
attended the workshop. Rambøll employees then proceeded to the next session called
from different departments of Denmark speed definition. Based on the knowledge
were invited to discuss circular economy they gained from Gitte’s presentation,
and address it from different perspectives. our presentation, as well as the weighting
10 Rambøll employees participated from exercise, they collaborated in groups on
departments of Management Consultancy, making a definition of circular economy
Sustainability Consultancy, Environment and within Rambøll (Read Speed definition).
Health, Client Advisor and Architects. We When they in groups have negotiated and
staged a space for the workshop located in established a common understanding of
Rambøll RHO, and made a program for the circular economy from session two, they
day with a combination of presentations and had a better foundation of evaluating
activities (Worksheet 15). We chose to stage the subsolution in the last session called
the space by using several intermediary Scenarios (Read Scenarios). These scenarios
objects such as inspirational cards of circular were as well negotiated with the other
economy and the aforementioned four participants of the workshop, which resulted
scenarios in order to; share our findings in elaborations of some of the subsolutions as
throughout the project, explore the concept well as several of the participants agreeing
of circular economy, and further develop the on subsolution to be relevant for Rambøll.
concepts. In the space, the employees could
negotiate their interpretation of circular
economy definition in groups. Moreover they
could negotiate the subsolutions from the
scenarios in order to create their own concept.
The exercises in the workshop can be seen
as several sessions in the space of workshop.
Each of these sessions have a purpose which
can contribute to the overall goal for the
workshop namely to get the employees
interested or enrolled in our project. We

Weighting Speed definition
The first exercise we planned was named The purpose of the next exercise was to create
Weighting. The purpose was to activate a discussion of circular economy definitions as
the participants and give them energy we have identified a missing unified definition
as they had been sitting and listening and understanding from the Rambøll
to the presentations. The aim was to employees we have interviewed. Prior to the
get the participants to understand how exercise we prepared 10 cards with different
different and alike they are and how understandings of circular economy from
different competences can be useful. different employees. The intention of the cards
Two conflicting statements were presented was to inspire and to initiate the discussion.
and the participant should move towards the The participants were divided into three teams
site of the room (left or right) accordingly to with different disciplines in each. The teams
which statement they agreed with the most. were given pens and cards where they could
(Worksheet 15). This was repeated a few write their definition of circular economy, which
times which resulted in a flow of movement they then elaborated on to the other groups.
between the two sites of the room.
It was interesting to observe how all the three
From this exercise we learned among other teams spontaneously arranged the small
things that the participant are interested inspiration cards into a sequence of how they
in knowing more about circular economy perceive the concept and that the result was
despite the fact that most of them have been in three different sequences. This indicated how
contact with the concept before. Furthermore the approach to circular economy differed
they agreed on the collaboration between between the groups, however they also
employees needed to be strengthened. agreed on some aspects of the concept. It
also points to that the participants used the
cards as intermediary object from which
they could negotiate their perceptions.

The result of this exercise provided us with

three definitions of circular economy which
we comprised into a common definition for

Sustainable circular business

Circular economy is in Rambøll viewed as
an economical and cost-effective method
of thinking sustainability through business
models while benefiting environmental and
social aspects. Vi need to change our take-
make-dispose culture and instead protect
the resources we already have. We have
to change our mindset as a paradigm
shift is necessary to break with the modern
consumption patterns. Instead reuse and
recycling are viewed as a resource which can
be supported with the following methods:

Slowing: Repair, Leasing, Designing a longer Scenarios
lifetime for the product.
The last exercise was based on the four
Narrowing: Redesign, Design with fever concepts derived from the four key barriers
resources per product - Knowledge, Collaboration, Planning
and Circular Economy Concept. The four
Closing: Reuse (and Upcycle), Recycle, key barriers was compiled into two main
Design for disassembly and reassembly, themes of Knowledge and Collaboration
Design for biodegradability in the biological as they have some parable aspects. They
circulation. were then described as four scenarios,
two in the category of Knowledge and
We assembled their definitions into one: two in the category of Collaboration. The
scenarios are described in section 7.3. The
“Circular economy is an approach participants were divided into the same
that breaks with the linear three groups, two of the group were given
the scenarios of Knowledge and one was
economy approach where we given the scenarios of Collaboration.
incorporate the social and the
physical resources through a The aim of the exercise was for the
participants to create a realistic scenario
(sustainable) business approach.
for implementing circular economy in
This can be accomplished by Rambøll. They had the possibility to be
slowing, narrowing and closing of inspired or provoked from the scenarios. The
resource loops” outcome of the exercise are viewed below.

7.4.1 The proposed concepts

from each group
Group 1 - Knowledge
This concept is based on the ‘learning how to
learn’ approach. In order to do so, informal
meetings will be organized so the employees
can talk with other employees from other
departments about their experiences in the
different projects. Moreover, you can use
the screens in the canteen to disseminate
the message on circular economy. RamTalks
that functions as TED Talks can be used
to educate the employees without them
spending more hours. The team leaders
or someone from the staff needs to be
educated in using circular economy. The
experiences with circular economy must be
shared internally through a manageable
platform because the current platforms e.g,
JAMA and Rambla are too confusing and
needs to be optimised. Knowledge sharing

7.5 Enrollment after
within Rambøll is essential. Additionally,
there should be held info meetings every
quarter, reviewing the good and the bad
elements from every projects. It is important
that it becomes an integrated process so
you do not make the same mistake twice.
Through the workshop Gitte was successfully
enrolled which she indicated when asking
for our game pieces and insights to use our
design game in a new context. This proves
that she felt that we had supplied her
Group 2 - Knowledge with enough knowledge for her to interest
other actors through the design game.
In Rambøll there should only be one platform
for internal communication and knowledge
sharing which promotes transparency
in working processes. Moreover screens

showing the positive messages on circular
economy should be placed near coffee
stations. The messages should be digital The final
and not analogue so it is easy to update.
Furthermore, a RamCast similar to a podcast
should be created so the employees can
listen to the topics they find interesting when
they commute. Finally, there should be The concepts from the three groups
created a digital catalogue of sustainable contained many subsolutions which we took
materials that are regularly updated. into consideration when developing our final
solution for Rambøll. We chose to combine
some of the subsolutions in each concept
as it is the employees who have proposed
what they saw as a realistic idea. Thus, when
Group 3 - Collaboration combining their subsolutions we hope for a
higher chance of interesting the employees
An advisory board should be established in our solution. Moreover we looked back on
to help promote collaboration across our morphology chart to see if there were any
disciplines. Rambøll is a resource house, subsolutions that could naturally be combined
therefore a mapping of all employees and with some of the proposed subsolutions, in
their competences, should be created. order not to neglect the subsolutions in the
Additionally it should contain a mapping of morphology chart. However, most of the
sustainability agents. The employees should be subsolutions were already covered in the
nudged to use circular economy tools in BIM employees proposed subsolution, thus we
models (Bygnings Informations Modellering). added one extra besides theirs. In order to
Moreover, sustainability should be part of the change the bigger network, we propose
‘Rambøll procedure’. The employees should that Rambøll start by changing their own
be educated in circular economy and working methods, by enhancing knowledge
Rambøll should have a common definition sharing and the internal collaboration in
of circular economy. Finally, to create a order to implement circular economy.
better collaboration, and get the employees First we hope our solution can interest and
to meet each other across disciplines and enroll sustainability consultants and they
departments, 10% of the working hours should can interest other employees in Rambøll.
be allocated to innovation, networking and The most optimal situation would be for the
workshops. In addition the chargeability management team to be enrolled in our
level needs to change so the employees solution so it can be implemented in ‘Rambøll
do not have to register their working hours. procedure’. If the solution is incorporated

in ‘Rambøll procedure’ a mobilisation has The solution is a combination
happened and the translation is successful
because the employees have to follow of several ideas proposed from
the procedure. However, as it is still on a
strategic level it is unsure whether or not
the groups
a translation will happen. Nonetheless Group 1:
we see potentials for the solution and • learning how to learn approach (info
project to interest and enroll employees. meetings)
• Informal meetings where employees can
talk between disciplines (info meetings)
• Screens in canteen (screens)
We chose the following • RamTalks functioning as TED Talk used to
educate (not implemented in solution)
subsolutions: • Experience with circular economy shared
in a manageable platform (platform)
• Info meetings every quarter, reviewing
good and bad things from project (info
• Circular economy education of the
teamleder (not implemented in solution)
Group 2:
• One platform for internal communication
Innovation time and knowledge sharing which promotes
transparency (platform)
• Screens near coffestations with positive
messages of circular economy (screens)
Specialist team • Digital messages (platform)
• RamCast (not implemented in solution)
• Digital catalog (digital catalog)
Digital material

Circular economy Group 3:

• Advisory Board to help collaboration
across disciplines (specialist team)
• Mapping of all employees and
competences (platform)
Joint design • Mapping of sustainability agents (platform)
• Nudged to use circular economy tools in a
Bim-model (not implemented in solution)
Info meetings • Sustainability should be part of Rambøll
procedure (not implemented in solution)
• Education of employee in circular
economy (courses of circular economy)
• Common definition of circular economy in
Rambøll (framing of a common definition)
• 10 % allocated to innovation, networking,
workshops (Innovation time)
• Change of chargeability level (not
Screens in canteen implemented in solution)
and coffee station

Presentation of solution economy are shared across the screens
in the canteen and coffee stations, which
An overview of all Rambøll employees, enables employees and Rambøll guest to
their competences and which projects read when they take a break (A1.1, A1.2).
they are involved with is provided through Every time a project ends the experiences
a platform called RamBro (B1.1, B1.2, B3.4). are shown on the screens. Finally, circular
The employees can access RamBro and economy courses held by either employees
find an employee who can assist with their with circular economy competences
competences, if they e.g. have a question or external speakers are offered to the
for a specific topic. To make RamBro user employees (A1.3, A3.1, D2.1). These courses
friendly there should be a search function can be found in the RamBro platform.
that makes it easier for the employees to find
each other by searching for a specific word The above solution is a combination of
or topic. RamBro is as a communication tool subsolutions however, it is up to Rambøll
where employees can message one another to choose whether they want to use the
or participate in debate forums, which can whole solution or pick out the subsolution
help knowledge sharing across disciplines they see most potential to implement. We
(A1.1, A1.2, A1.4). In RamBro there will be a suggest the whole solution as many of the
specialist team dedicated to give advice subsolutions can support each other. We
on circular economy and frames a common will leave it to Rambøll, to estimate how
understanding of circular economy (D1.1). much money the project needs to exceed
The specialist team consist of sustainability before the specialist team are involved as
consultants and other employees with well as whom are part of the specialist team.
experiences in using circular economy. If a Further development of the subsolutions;
project exceeds a certain amount of money RamBro, Digital catalogue, and a Specialist
the specialist team must be involved. If the team needs to be done in order to refine
project does so, it is required to use joint design, the solution. We suggest that RamBro can
where all relevant employees are gathered be developed in collaboration with students
and involved in the project (B3.1, B3.4). studying IT to get details on the platform
Joint design must be used in the beginning and how this platform can support a digital
of a project to include as many disciplines catalogue of the materials. The manufacture
as possible (B3.3). Moreover the relevant of materials possess useful knowledge on
employees needs to be involved in the early materials and might as well be involved when
phases of a project (C1.1). The employees designing the digital catalogue. Moreover, it
are provided with a digital catalogue of is up to the sustainability consultants to find
sustainable materials through RamBro, which other employees with experiences in circular
are continuously updated with the newest economy and establish a specialist team.
materials (C2.1). Info meetings every quarter It is necessary to promote the specialist
should be held across departments, to ensure team in order for other employees to be
that experiences with circular economy and aware of and seek advice from them.
successful use of the concept are discussed
(A1.1, A1.2). The employees should take the Furthermore our solution depends on Gitte’s
time to review the collaboration in each enrollment in the solution and if she can get
project. Moreover the employees should other actors enrolled and mobilised as well. If
have X% of their working hours dedicated for Gitte manage to get the management team
Innovation Time, where they can innovate, enrolled, our solution can become part of
participate in workshops and networking the Rambøll procedure which enhance the
(A2.1, B2.1, B3.1). This could take place collaboration between disciplines and share
the following day of the Info meetings as the knowledge about circular economy.
an entire innovation day or whenever it is It can affect the overall network if the
suitable for the individual employee. In this consultants can advise actors of construction
way the collaboration can be enhanced in in implementing circular economy. Therefore
the next project and create more knowledge we hope by implementing our solution in
sharing. The positive experiences with circular Rambøll it can affect the overall network.

Specialist team

Digital material

Ask for advise

catalogue ta ver
in vie
ab w
le o
m f su e
at s- dg
er le
ia w
l k no
. g Screens in canteen
C arin and coffee station
Overview of
competences R
Rambøll ora

Platform le
Rev ects


ork -

e .
g, W , Net

or C.E

M n
s of

wo vatio

Joint design

Circular economy

Info meetings
Innovation time

Implementation guide The seventh step of the implementation is
to develop the RamBro platform with an
In order to establish the best conditions for the overview of the employees their disciplines,
solution to be implemented, we have formed their competences, and which cases they
an implementation guide to be followed, by are connected to. Before the platform can
Gitte or other interested employees. We have be developed it requires further investigation
identified that Gitte is already interested and of how the current platforms in Rambøll
enrolled in our design game, which indicates works. The aim is to make one platform
that she has the potential to be enrolled in the that contains some of the functions from
solution. This creates better prerequisites for the their current platforms. Rambøll could e.g.
translation process to succeed and for a new collaborate with IT students in developing the
network to be mobilized. If other employees RamBro platform.
wish to work with our solution, we assume
that they, as well, are already interested. The eighth step of the implementation is for
However as we have identified Gitte to be a group of employees (selected by Rambøll
a spokesperson we have developed an management or the specialist team) to
implementation guide intended for her: investigate the market of circular materials
and make a digital catalogue which can be
incorporated in the RamBro platform.
The first step for Gitte is to be enrolled in the
project. Therefore it is necessary that she
read the report.

The second step for Gitte is to understand After the hand in of this project, the
the subsolutions and through a negotiation implementation guide will be negotiated in
the subsolutions are evaluated on how she a meeting with Gitte, where it functions as
understand that they fit into Rambøll. an interessment device. The aim is for her to
evaluate on the guide and give us feedback
The third step is for the Gitte to get in contact both in regard to the solution and in terms
with the other sustainability consultants of the implementation guide. Furthermore,
and agree on the proposed solution (or through the negotiation she will be more
alternatively on the subsolutions) to be prepared to initiate the implementation guide.
implemented. It is essential for the enrollment
of the sustainability agents to establish some
sort of relation to the solution.

The fourth step is for the sustainability

consultants (including Gitte) to agree on an
approach of how to create the new network
which includes getting the management
team interested.

A suggestion of how to get the management

interested, is by using Rambøll’s own
sustainability goals as an interessment device
to be discussed and negotiated.

The fifth step is for the management team to

be enrolled in the solution, which can happen
if they agree with some of the subsolutions.

The sixth step is for the management team

to establish a specialist team or decide if the
sustainability team should form a specialist

Key points

• Design specifications, with requirements and criterions

were made as a framework for the solution

• Morphology consisted of four key barriers - Knowledge,

Collaboration, Planning, Circular Economy Concept

• Several subsolutions were combined and framed as sce-

narios which were used in a workshop

• Workshop were held to evaluate the subsolutions from the


• Three concepts were formed from the workshop

• A common definition was made through an exercise in

the workshop called Speed definition

• The subsolutions from each of the concepts were com-

bined into one solution

• The final solution consist of Platform, Specialist team,

Screens in canteen and coffee stations, Info meetings, Inno-
vation Time for Innovation or networking or workshops, Digi-
tal catalogue with sustainable materials, Courses on circular
economy, Framing of a common definition of circular econ-
omy, Joint design

• An implementation guide consisting of eight steps is part

of the implementation process of the solution

Chapter 8

In this chapter an overview of the reflections made during the project

are described.
8.1 Circular econo- matters of concern might have been easier
to negotiate in the next space. Moreover,
my perceptions some of the interviewees placed only one
game piece on each number and others
placed several game pieces on the same
number. It is arguable whether the outcome
From the literature research and interviews of the prioritisation game could have been
it became clear that circular economy and different if we were more clear on staging
sustainability often are treated synonymously. the space, so the participants were applied
As a result it has been difficult for our with the same rules. This made it an uneven
interviewees to discuss circular economy comparison, and could potentially have
without mentioning sustainability, resulting in influenced the prioritisation table and
sustainability and circular economy are used resulted in a different outcome of key barriers.
indiscriminately. However as sustainable Moreover we learned that the text on the
design engineers we understand how circular game pieces were perceived differently,
economy has the potential to support a which also affected the results. Each game
sustainable agenda. Nonetheless some piece contained a short description to help
associates sustainability with a cost which clarify the headline of the game piece, but
can have a negative impact as it adds cost the headline was not understood the same
to their project. We have identified that way. E.g. the game piece with the headline
the advantages of using the term circular ‘Transparency’ interpreted as transparency
economy is due to the word economy, in relation to material, that non-sustainable
which actors understand as a potential materials are not transparent as it is difficult
business model. Thereby they can use the to tell what material they are made of.
term as a means to persuade a client while However, another interviewee interpreted
having environmental and social aspects in transparency in relation to working method,
mind. However, if sustainability and circular that the working process should be more
economy are associated, and sustainability transparent. Furthermore one interviewee
is considered an extra expense, this view proposed changing the intermediary object
can affect how actors understand circular (barrier cards) in the space by completely
economy and have a negative influence discarding the description, leaving only the
on the implementation of circular economy. headline. In doing so, it would give us a
better understanding of which elements the
different game pieces contain from their

understanding of the barrier and leaving
out our own perception. However, doing so
the participants might not understand all of
Methods the proposed headlines, and thereby we
would still have to assign our understandings
to the headlines. Consequently, we
might unintentionally leave out some
important aspects behind the barrier.
The design games and prioritisation game
were used as intermediary objects working Another way to stage the space of the game
as a communication tool and showed could have been to gather all the interviewees,
the matters of concern from the different who participated in the prioritisation
interviewees. This provided us with new game, and offer them the opportunity to
knowledge which we challenged in the next negotiate their matters of concern with
space, as we explained how some of the each other. Then they would negotiate upon
game pieces were perceived in the previous the understandings of the game pieces,
interview. However we did not change the but they would possibly also have been
design game, as we aimed to compare the influencing each other in their answers.
answers. If the design game and prioritisation
game were refined after each interview, the

translation, where the mobilization can be
a comprehensive and a time-consuming
ANT process, and as a result the network
sometimes work at a hypothetical level. As the
spokesperson undertake the project of guiding
the network and mobilize the new network, it
In our analysis one might argue that our also leads to that the navigator or researcher
visualisation of the network does not contain take a step back, and consequently does
any non-human actors besides our project. not have the opportunity to accompany
However, as our analysis is mainly based on the process. Moreover if the mobilization of
the branch of Actor-Network concerning a network becomes too prolonged, some
matters of concern, we suggest that the of the interested and enrolled actors can
identified matters of concern might as well be end up losing their interest in the subject.
considered non-human actors, which can be In relation to this project, the mobilization
negotiated. When negotiating these matters phase can potentially happen through
of concerns we let different employees, the spokesperson of Gitte, who has the
including the sustainability consultants in responsibility of involving and enrolling the
Rambøll, prioritize which barriers were the relevant actors. We have formed a desired
biggest as well as which barriers had the most guide of how this might happen, however
potential in changing and thereby negotiate. we can not know if this is the desired way
of implementing circular economy in
We could have combined the two networks, Rambøll. Moreover we have no prerequisite
however we intentionally separated them to foreseen if this will take place. As such
because both of the networks were complex the method of ANT has the disadvantage
in themselves. Thus, we also decided to black of being somewhat hypothetical.
box the common actors of construction. Furthermore the notion of the implementation
Even though our focus was on Rambøll, guide of circular economy is considered as
it was important to highlight that in order a desired scenario and is not necessarily the
to implement circular economy in future approach Gitte nor the management team
construction projects, these actors must not of Rambøll choices. Therefor it is essential to
be taken for granted. Likewise we also limited evaluate the implementation guide with Gitte,
the interviews of employees in Rambøll in order to create the best possible guide of
because of their numbers in the organisation implementing circular economy in Rambøll.
and the many different disciplines.

We chose to involve the sustainability

consultants as we saw them as crucial actors
who can enroll other actors in the network.
Especially Gitte has the potential to change
the network in a desirable direction as she is
a well-known sustainability consultant among
the employees. We are aiming to use Gitte as
a spokesperson to speak on our behalf, as she
already sees great potential in implementing
circular economy as well as being able to
enroll the other actors and hopefully has
the potential to mobilize the network. Only
then a successful translation can happen.

The method of ANT has great potentials

in order to understand and establish the
network. However the method are dealing
with networks that often takes a lot of time
to move through the four moments of

8.4 Collaborating with, as well as helping us gather participants
for the workshop. However Gitte, as anyone
with Rambøll else in Rambøll, was very busy and sometimes
had to prioritize her time elsewhere.
Nevertheless, we were always able to call her
and ask for advice. As mentioned earlier it was
Through our collaboration with Rambøll challenging for us to reach the management
employees, we were allowed to work on team, and the focus of our project and the
our project in some of their rooms, making network are influenced by whom we were
it easier for us to communicate with the able to interview. Moreover the project might
employees, which was beneficial for the have taken another direction if we were
project. As a natural outcome of working assigned to a specific project or a specific
in Rambøll, we got to observe their working case, which was the intention from the
environment and how busy the employees beginning. However the project did not move
were. Planning interviews was challenging, in this direction as we met some problems
as it needed to fit into the employee’s tight concerning a lack of circular economy
schedule. Even the workshop we held had to projects within Rambøll. At one point in the
be planned months in advance, which is a process the focus changed and we hoped
challenging factor when collaborating with a to be connected to any project in order to
big company. The employee’s tight schedule observe meetings between different actors.
along with the timeframe given to finish this Due to a time limit of the project it was not
project meant that it was not possible to possible to be included in these meetings.
interview all relevant actors in Rambøll e.g.
the management team, to understand their
matters of concern or their interests in the
field. However, if we were able to reach the

management team we might have had a
chance of interesting them in our project by
using interessement devices, such as their
own sustainability goal as an argument to
implement circular economy. By enrolling
the management team and making them
interested in our network they can help
to implement our solution in the Rambøll The solution is intended for Rambøll
procedures, making it a top-down strategy. Hovedstad as it is the largest unit in Denmark
where collaboration between a big amount
We see how there is a potential for this of employees can be challenging. It is
intressment and enrollment in a new network questionable whether the other units handle
to happen through the involvement of Gitte, collaboration differently within the units,
as we have already identified that she is however at the workshop one employee
enrolled in the design game. However it is from Rambøll Aalborg informed us that info
questionable whether Gitte will be enrolled in meetings were held with the Aalborg unit
our solution, as we have not yet presented each quarter, and info meetings with a smaller
the final solution to her. It is moreover team were held each month. Therefore it
questionable whether she will be enrolled is not unthinkable that other Rambøll units
in the project, though we know that she is in Denmark may benefit from the same
interested in the project. For Gitte to mobilize solution and improve their collaboration
a new network it requires that she can and knowledge sharing as well. However
represent the solution without our interference. the structure of the info meetings needs
to account for the size of the attending
The collaboration with Gitte, our supervisor in employees. The solution are scalable because
Rambøll, was great. She was interested in our other companies can choose to implement
project from the beginning and directed us the whole solution adjusted to their needs
to employees relevant for us to communicate or choose the subsolutions suitable for them.

It is up for discussion whether implementing easiest to change in relation to implementing
the solution can have consequences circular economy in Rambøll. It is interesting
for the current network, as there can be to see that the employees from Rambøll
weaknesses in several of the subsolutions. ranked social factors as the most potential
E.g. the subsolution, Joint design where all in changing. This corresponds to the 17th
relevant employees needs to be gathered Sustainable Development Goal - Partnerships
and involved in the beginning of a project to for the goals, which Flemming Besenbacher
include as many disciplines as possible. The (Chairman of the Government’s Advisory
weakness of this subsolution is that it can be Board) mentions as the most important,
more time consuming, hence more expensive which also has a social aspect. We have
to involve the relevant actors early in the identified from several interviewees how
project. On the other hand it is also arguable circular economy is a business strategy,
that more time invested in the beginning however we have also identified from
of the project results in less unexpected the prioritisation game that it is necessary
expenses at the end of the project (Christine, to start by promoting social aspects.
SC, Rambøll). In terms of the platform, it can
have weaknesses in the form of employees
not wanting to be transparent, and therefore
do not want to use the platform, even
though it can enhance the collaboration
internally. However, in the prioritisation game
the employees did not prioritise transparency
as a big problem within Rambøll, and thus we
do not believe that transparency presents
a big part of the employees’ concern
within Rambøll. The weaknesses of having a
specialist team is if the employees with the
right competences do not want to be part of
a specialist team. It is essential to note that at
this moment in our design process we cannot
with certainty tell if the subsolutions have
more weaknesses. Moreover, it is essential
to note that each subsolution requires to
be further refined. Hence, there should be
dedicated more time on refining the solution,
some of the employees in Rambøll needs
to plan in according to their tight schedule.

It is arguable whether the solution can help

with implementing circular economy in the
construction industry or in the overall network,
as it is directed for Rambøll. However, in
order to change the bigger picture, Rambøll
must start within and change the way they
collaborate internally as well as how they share
their knowledge internally. Collaboration and
knowledge sharing touch upon the social
aspects in circular economy. Therefore it is
arguable that we address the social aspect
through our solution, which within literature
appears to be a lack of as it usually concerns
the economical and environmental aspects.
We chose to concentrate on the social
factor as this was prioritised as the barriers

Chapter 9
Working on a project as sustainable design after the workshop in order to provide
engineers, the relevant problem(s) needs the same understanding of the concept.
to be identified before a solution can be This supports requirements for the solution,
developed. Hence the goal of this project was as a common and concrete definition is
to firstly identify the barriers in the construction already established on the basis of the
industry that hinders implementation of employees’ perception of circular economy,
circular economy, and secondly design whom participated in the workshop.
a solution for our collaborative partner,
Rambøll, that could promote circular Furthermore, another aim was to get Gitte
economy. The initial research showed that interested and enrolled in the project, and we
the phases of the construction industry as identified her enrollment when we presented
well as which actors involved in the different the design games because she asked to
phases could vary depending on the project. use it in another project. This shows her
However for this project it was not essential attachment to the project. Furthermore, the
to differentiate between the various actors proposed solution as well as this report both
as well as the phases in the construction have the potential in translating the network
industry, as it became clear that the same through Gitte’s enrollment in the project.
problems occurred when interviewing the
various actors, inside and outside of Rambøll. We believe that the solution frames the
These interviews were supported by a design key barriers and composes a strong
game and a prioritisation game, that worked response to our problem formulation
as an intermediary object helping with which is, at this point of development,
staging a space in which the actors’ matters supported by enrollment of Gitte.
of concern were found, as well as their
comprehension of circular economy. Actor-
Network Theory was used to identify the
network of matters of concern as well as their
relations, which were categorized into 12
barriers of implementing circular economy.
Four out of the 12 barriers were key barriers to
Rambøll, namely Collaboration, Knowledge,
Planning and Circular Economy Concept.
The four key barriers were interlinked with the
other identified barriers. Thus, by solving one
barrier it may alleviate the other barriers. The
outcome of the project is a solution to solve the
key barriers. The solution contains subsolutions
for implementing circular economy within
Rambøll. The solution is proposed to
enhance the collaboration between the
employees in Rambøll as well as allowing
knowledge to be shared across disciplines.

Through a workshop held with Rambøll

employees it was highlighted that the
workshop had provided them with a stronger
internal collaboration and knowledge sharing
across disciplines. Thus, it became evident
that one of the proposed subsolutions, a
workshop, could assist in solving the key
barriers, Knowledge and Collaboration.
Moreover, a common definition of circular
economy within Rambøll was discussed with
the participants of the workshop and defined

Chapter 10
Future work
In order for the translation process to evolve Moreover the solution was specifically
and be successful it is essential for us to addressed to Rambøll but as we have
enroll Gitte as a spokesperson whom will be investigated a broader area of actors in the
able to mobilize the network based on the construction industry and located matters of
knowledge we have provided. This requires concern from different actors, it is relevant
further work from her side and requires that we in the future work to focus on implementing
step back and allow the process to continue circular economy in a network of the
with the work from Gitte. Several meetings construction industry outside of Rambøll. This
are arranged with Gitte after the hand in of would be mutual beneficial for the expansion
the project in order to discuss the solution of circular economy. If Rambøll becomes a
and supply her with the relevant knowledge. key actor (and frontrunners) in the field of
We believe that it is relevant for her to interest circular economy their knowledge can help
the management team as they have the other companies to initiate the concept.
ability to change the system and implement
our proposed solution. Additionally, this Our solution requires an external strategy
process could either be initiated from the and a collaboration between Rambøll
management team or by the employees, and the other actors of construction
e.g. in the sustainability department. to implement circular economy.

After the workshop a circular economy

definition for Rambøll was created which is
interesting to discuss with Rambøll employee
in order to maintain an interessment and
examine if the employees agree with the
definition. This is essential as several of the
participants were highlighting a need
to establish a coherent and concrete
understanding of the concept in order for
circular economy to expand within Rambøll.

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