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United States Patent 19: Kitsukawa Et Al

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||||||||||||III USOO5397O69A

United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,397,069

Kitsukawa et al. 45 Date of Patent: Mar. 14, 1995
54, JAW CRUSHER FOR NON-RIGID OBJECT 5,172,869 12/1992 Kitsukawa et al. ................. 241/264
SUCH ASASPHALT Primary Examiner-Timothy V. Eley
75 Inventors: Tomohiro Kitsukawa; Koichiro Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Armstrong, Westerman,
Ogushi, both of Takeo, Japan Hattori, McLeland & Naughton
73 Assignee: Nakayama Iron Works, Ltd., Takeo, 57 ABSTRACT
Japan Ajaw crusher designed to break a non-rigid object, e.g.,
21 Appl. No.: 197887 asphalt, into pieces of desired size without causing the
22 Filed: Feb. 17, 1994 object to be undesirably mashed by changing the mo
tion of a movable tooth plate relative to a fixed tooth
30 Foreign Application Priority Data plate. The jaw crusher includes a fixed tooth plate (16),
Aug. 31, 1993 JP Japan .................................. 5-237.82 a swing jaw (8), a movable tooth plate (15), and a toggle
511 Int. Cl............................ B02C 1/04; B02C 1/10 plate (10). Motion of a lower end portion of the mov
52 U.S. C. .................................................... 241/267 able tooth plate (15) which is on an approximately cir
58 Field of Search ................ 241/264, 267,268,269 cular locus satisfies the conditions that the relative angle
between a straight line connecting the lower and upper
56) References Cited end points of the approximately circular locus and the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS fixed tooth plate (16) is not smaller than 20, and that
3,946,955 3/1976 Bond ................................... 241/264
the distance between the lower and upper end points is
3,984,058 10/1976 Archer et al. ....................... 241A264 not shorter than 50 mm.
4,361,289 11/1982 Georget et al. ... 241A264 X
4,783,013 11/1988 Polzin ............................. 241/264 X 1 Claim, 5 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 1995 Sheet 1 of 5 5,397,069

F I. G. 1
U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 1995 Sheet 2 of 5 5,397,069
U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 1995 Sheet 3 of 5 5,397,069
U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 1995 Sheet 4 of 5 5,397,069

F G. 4
U.S. Patent Mar. 14, 1995 Sheet 5 of 5 5,397,069

F I. G. 5


1O 2O 3O 4O SO 6O 7O
1. 2
rigid object, e.g., asphalt. The jaw crusher has a body
JAW CRUSHER FOR NON-RIGID OBJECTSUCH (1), and a fixed tooth plate (16) is secured to the body
ASASPHALT (1). A swing jaw (8) swings relative to the fixed tooth
plate (16). A movable tooth plate (15) is secured to the
swing jaw (8) at an acute angle to the fixed tooth plate
1. Field of the Invention (16) to define a crushing space for breaking an object of
The present invention relates to a jaw crusher for crushing between the movable tooth plate (15) and the
breaking a non-rigid object like asphalt. More particu fixed tooth plate (16). An eccentric rotating shaft (7) is
larly, the present invention relates to a jaw crusher 10
provided on the body (1) to swingably support the
suitable for breaking a viscous, non-rigid object, e.g., upper end portion of the swing jaw (8) and to rotate
asphalt pavement wastes. eccentrically. A swing support member (10) is provided
2. Description of the Background Art between the body (1) and the swing jaw (8) so as to be
Jaw crushers are known and used as machines for swingable relative to both the body (1) and the swing
breaking rocks, asphalt pavement wastes, concrete jaw (8). Motion of the lower end portion of the movable
scraps, etc. into pieces of desired size. These days, a 15
large amount of concrete scrap and asphalt pavement tooth plate (15) which is on an approximately circular
waste are produced by dismantling of concrete build locus satisfies the following conditions (U1) and (U2):
ings, repair of asphalt pavements, etc. Treatment of (U1) the relative angle between a straight line con
these wastes, particularly in urban areas, gives rise to a necting the lower and upper end points of the approxi
social problem because of the generation of noise and mately circular locus and the fixed tooth plate (16) is
dust during the treatment, difficulty in securing a place not smaller than 20; and
for dumping wastes, a high cost of waste transportation, (U2) the distance between the lower and upper end
etc. For this reason, these wastes are desired to be points is not shorter than 50 mm.
speedily treated and reused at or near the site where the In the jaw crusher for breaking a non-rigid object,
wastes are produced, as much as possible. 25 e.g., asphalt, according to the present invention, the
It will be advantageous if asphalt pavement wastes lower end portion of the movable tooth plate (15)
can be broken into pieces which are sufficiently small in moves on a circular locus. The motion takes place in
particle size to be reused as aggregates or other similar approximately straight line from the lower end point to
material by using a conventional jaw crusher capable of the upper end point of the circular locus. The angle of
efficiently breaking a rigid object, e.g., rocks, into 30 the straight-line locus relative to the fixed tooth plate
pieces of desired size. However, if a conventional jaw (16) is not smaller than 20. In addition, the stroke of
crusher, which has been developed to break rocks or this motion is not smaller than 50 mm. By virtue of such
other rigid objects since the beginning of the develop motion, an object of crushing is strongly held and
ment thereof, is used for breaking asphalt pavement pressed between the two tooth plates, and in this state,
wastes as it is, the asphalt pavement wastes may be 35 it is subjected to shearing force. Thus, the object is
undesirably mashed or stick to the movable and fixed broken into particles of desired size without being
tooth plates and fail to drop from the V-shaped crushing mashed. Accordingly, there is no likelihood that the
space defined between the two tooth plates. Thus, the object of crushing will stick to the two tooth plates,
conventional jaw crusher becomes unable to break the causing the machine to fall into a failure of crushing
object of crushing. Moreover, it is almost impossible for operation.
the conventional machine to crush asphalt pavement
wastes favorably for reuse of them. At present, conven BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
tional jaw crushers are reluctantly used as they are for The above and other objects, features and advantages
breaking asphalt pavement wastes, and reuse of asphalt of the present invention will become more apparent
pavement wastes is not considered. 45
from the following description of the preferred embodi
Incidentally, jaw crushers for breaking rocks include ment thereof, taken in conjunction with the accompa
various types which may be most suitably selected for nying drawings, in which like reference numerals de
each particular use in conformity to the kind of rock to note like elements, and of which:
be crushed and the particle size of pieces into which FIG. 1 is a front view of one embodiment of the jaw
rocks are to be broken. We carried out an experiment by 50 crusher according to the present invention;
breaking asphalt pavement wastes with these various
types of conventional jaw crusher, and found a new FIG. 2 is a plan view of the embodiment shown in
way of improving the conventional jaw crushers for FIG. 1;
effectively breaking asphalt pavement wastes. FIG. 3 shows an orthogonal coordinate system for
55 explanation of the operation of the embodiment;
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FIG. 4 is a graph showing experimental results for
The present invention has been accomplished on the comparison between an experimental jaw crusher of the
basis of the above-described technical background, and present invention and conventional comparative jaw
aims at attaining the following object. crushers; and
It is an object of the present invention to provide a FIG. 5 is a graph showing data for comparison be
jaw crusher for breaking a non-rigid object like asphalt, tween the jaw crusher of the present invention and the
which is designed to break asphalt or other non-rigid conventional jaw crushers.
object into pieces of desired size without causing the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
object to be undesirably mashed or stick to the movable EMBODIMENT
and fixed tooth plates by changing the motion of the 65
movable tooth plate relative to the fixed tooth plate. One embodiment of the present invention will be
To attain the above-described object, the present described below with reference to the accompanying
invention provides a jaw crusher for breaking a non drawings.
3 4.
FIGS. 1 and 2 show one embodiment of the jaw jaw 8 in the vicinity of the eccentric rotating shaft 7 is
crusher for a non-rigid object, e.g., asphalt, according taken as a unit length, which is assumed to be 1 (e.g., 10
to the present invention. FIG. 1 is a front view, and mm). The point U is on a circle with a radius 1 which is
FIG. 2 is a plan view. These figures show a crusher that centered at the origin O as viewed in FIG. 1. Accord
is generally called “single-toggle type jaw crusher' 5 ingly, the coordinates of the point U are determined by
(hereinafter referred to as "jaw crusher'). The jaw
crusher has a body 1 that is made of steel plate. The
body1 is provided with two bearings 2. A driving shaft
3 is rotatably supported by the bearings 2. A pulley 4 for UG + \1 - 25
driving the shaft 3 is attached to one end of the shaft 3. 10
The outer periphery of the pulley 4 is provided with a where t-cos(Z), and the angle Z is continuous in the
plurality of V-belt grooves 5. V-belts (not shown) are range of from zero radian to 6.28 radian. Since the point
engaged between the V-belt grooves 5 of the pulley 4 Q is on a circle with radius R which is centered at the
on the one hand and a plurality of V-belt grooves on the point P, the coordinates X, Y of the point Q satisfy the
other, which are provided on a pulley (not shown) 15 following equation (1):
attached to the output shaft of a driving motor (not
shown). (Y--D)2+Y2=R2 (1)
A flywheel 6 is attached to the other end of the driv- s -
ing shaft 3. An eccentric rotating shaft 7 is eccentrically Since both the points U and Q are fixed points on the
provided on a rotating member (not shown) which 20 Swingjaw 8, the distance between the points U and Q is
rotates together with the driving shaft 3 as one unit. The constant, which is represented by L. From the Pythago
upper end portion of a swing jaw 8 is attached to and rean theorem (the theorem of three squares), the follow
rotatably supported by the eccentric rotating shaft 7. ing equation (2) is obtained:
The rear side (the right-hand side as viewed in FIG. 1)
of the lower end portion of the swingjaw 8 is provided 25 (2)
with a recess 8a. A plate retainer 9, which is secured to (-x + 2 + (Y+\1 - ?)? = L2
the body 1, is also provided with a recess 9a. A toggle
plate 10 as a swing support member is stretched be- Since both the points R and Q are fixed points on the
tween the recess 8a of the swingjaw 8 and the recess 9a Swingjaw 8, the distance between the points R and Q is
of the plate retainer 9. 30 constant, which is represented by s. From the Pythago
A pulling rod 11 is rotatably attached to the lower rean theorem, the following equation (3) is obtained:
end of the swing jaw 8. A compression coil spring 14 is 2 2
provided between a collar 12 attached to the rear end of (x-X)+(y-Yss (3)
the pulling rod 11 and a spring retainer 13 which is
secured to the body 1 so that the pulling rod 11 extends 35 lineAssuming that the angle of inclination of a straight
connecting the points R and Q is F, the inclination
through the spring retainer 13.
Anovabletoothplates which is in the form of a flat passes
plate is secured to the front side of the swing jaw 8. A
of the Straightline RQistingF). Since this straight
through the point R (x, y), the straight line RQ
fixed tooth plate 16 which is also in the form of a flat may be expressed by
plate is secured to a slightly inclined wall surface inside 40 ur
the body 1 in opposing relation to the movable tooth y-Y=tan(F) (x-X) (4)
plate 15. The fixed tooth plate 16 is set at an acute angle Assuming that the angle UQR = G and the angle
to the movable tooth plate 15 to define therebetween a UW- a. o
crushing space with a V-shaped cross-sectional configu- S.geE6;Show in FIG. 3), the follow
ration for breaking an object of crushing. 45
The operation of the above-described embodiment F= G-K, ZUOR= G, ZQUW=K (5)
will be explained below. The driving shaft 3 is driven to
store energy in the flywheel 6. The swing jaw 8, which If tan(F)=(sin(F))/(cos(F)) is calculated, the follow
is supported by the toggle plate 10, performs swing ing equation (6) is obtained:
motion under the control of the toggle plate 10. Since 50
the swing jaw 8 is constantly pulled by the compression (6)
coil spring 14, the toggle plate 10 will not separate from Y- V - 2
the swing jaw 8 or the plate retainer9. Accordingly, the tan (K) = - it - X
point (approximately one point) of rolling contact be
tween the toggle plate 10 and the recess 8a of the swing 55 From equations (3) and (4),
jaw. 8 rotates about the point (approximately one point)
of rolling contact between the toggle plate 10 and the (x-X)--(1--tan(F))=s (7)
recess 9a of the plate retainer 9. a
FIG. 3 shows an orthogonal coordinate system (x, y) From equation (7),
for analysis of the motion of an end point on the mov- 60
able tooth plate 15. The origin O represents the axis of xs X S (8-1)
the driving shaft 3, and the point P (D, 0) is the point of \ , acco
rolling contact between the toggle plate 10 and the
recess 9a of the plate retainer9. The point Q(x,Y) is the y = Y + tan (F) =s= (8-2)
point of rolling contact between the toggle plate 10 and 65 N1 an? p.
the recess 8a of the swing jaw 8, and the point R (x, y)
is a specific end point on the movable tooth plate 15. The coordinates (X, Y) may be obtained from equa
The amount of eccentricity of a point U on the swing tions (1) and (2) as follows:
5 6
locus but relatively fast at the intermediate portion.
(9-1) Such a locus is approximately in the shape of a circular
X . AB +\WA4B
2p2 2 (E2
(I EA) 2
R7) B arc (see Japanese Patent Application Post-Exam. Publi
(1 + A) cation No. 36-2641 (1961)). However, detailed observa
(9-2) tion reveals that the locus has hysteresis, that is, there is
Y= -4B E NA2E (A2) (B2 - R2) a difference in locus between the go and return strokes
(1 + A) of the reciprocating motion, and that the locus has a
shape intermediate between an elliptic shape and a cres
where A and B are defined by the following equations cent shape. The two end points are sharp.
(10-1) and (10-2): O FIG. 4 is a graph showing experimental results for
comparison between conventional comparative jaw
(10-1) crushers and an experimental jaw crusher of the present
I 2 invention. In the graph, crescent motion performed by
A= +- - a specific point (Rin FIG. 3) on the movable tooth plate
B = --Pt?20t - = (10-2) 15 in each crusher between the lower and upper end
D) points is approximately represented by a straight line.
The axis of ordinates represents the vertical direction,
Since tan(F)=tan(G-K)=tan(G)-tan(K)/(1- and the axis of abscissas the horizontal direction. For
--tan(G)-tan(K)), tan(F) may be obtained from this 20
reference to FIG. 3, a coordinate system (x, y) is en
relationship and equation (6) as follows: tered in FIG. 4. Data on 5 different types of jaw
crusher, which are different in parameters such as the
(11) amount of eccentricity, are shown by the lines L1, L2,
tan (F) = tan (G) + ( N1 - ?) L3, L4 and L5.
(t - XO - tan (G) (Y- N1 - 2, 25 The lines L2 to Ls show the conventional jaw crush
ers, respectively. The line L1 shows an experiment in
If tan(F) thus obtained, together with X and Y which which the crusher has an eccentricity of 16 mm, and a
are obtained by substituting equations (10-1) and (10-2) relatively long stroke of motion, that is, 64 mm. In addi
into equations (9-1) and (9-2), is substituted into equa tion, the angle at which the tip of the movable tooth
tions (8-1) and (8–2), the coordinates (x, y) of the end plate 15 goes toward the fixed tooth plate 16 is rela
point R on the movable tooth plate 15 are represented tively large, that is, 20. The line L2 shows an experi
by the angle G, the length R, the length L and the ment in which the stroke of motion is not so long (42
lengths, which are constants, and the variable t. Thus, mm), and the angle at which the movable tooth plate 15
there is only one variable. Although the functional goes toward the fixed tooth plate 16 is relatively small
relation between x and y cannot readily be obtained, x 35 (18.5). The line L3 shows an experiment in which the
and y are represented by the variable to=cos(Z)) alone. stroke of motion is short (30 mm), and the angle at
Accordingly, the locus of motion of the end point R can which the movable tooth plate 15 goes toward the fixed
roughly be observed by plotting (x, y) obtained by sub tooth plate 16 is relatively small (18). The line L4
stituting values for Z which are obtained by dividing shows an experiment in which the stroke of motion is
the angle range of from zero radian to 6.28 radian into, 40 not so long (49.5mm), but the angle at which the mov
for example, 100 equal partitions (it should be noted that able tooth plate 15 goes toward the fixed tooth plate 16
the E signs in the above equations are not double signs is considerably large (23). The line L5 shows an experi
in same order). ment in which the stroke of motion is considerably long
The locus of the point R in FIG. 3 is obtained under (61 mm), but the angle at which the movable tooth plate
the conditions of G = 105, D=68.3, L = 102.0, R=56.0, 45 15 goes toward the fixed tooth plate 16 is relatively
s=35.2, and the eccentricity is 10 mm. If the coordinate small (18.5').
system (x, y) is translated to the point R to form a coor FIG. 5 is a graph showing the relationship between
dinate system (X, y) with the point R defined as origin the relative angle (at which the end point of the mov
and coordinates (X, y) are printed out with the above able tooth plate 15 goes toward the fixed tooth plate 16),
described angle range divided into 10 equal partitions, 50 which is plotted along the axis of ordinates, and the
the following values are obtained (only for , i.e., 90'): stroke (the linear distance between the lower and upper
extremities of the motion of the end point on the mov
able tooth plate 15), which is plotted along the axis of
x y' abscissas, for each of the above 5 examples. The exam
55 ple of the present invention is within a region in which
1.2 0.6
the stroke is not shorter than 50 mm and the relative
2.5 1.2 angle is not smaller than 20. However, the other 4
4. 1.8 examples are not in this region (hereinafter referred to
as “the region of the present invention').
9.8 3.2 According to-the experimental results, when a jaw
12.0 3.7 crusher which is in a region other than the region of the
present invention is used to crush asphalt, the asphalt is
19.7 4.8
not broken into particles but undesirably mashed or
caused to stick to the movable and fixed tooth plates 15
65 and 16, causing the machine to fall into an operation
If the number of partitions is increased to observe the failure. In contrast, the experimental machine that is
motion even more finely, it will be understood that the within the region of the present invention is capable of
motion is relatively slow at both ends of the circular breaking asphalt into particies which can be reused as
7 8
aggregates, in which substantially no stickiness is ob to crush a non-rigid object for the purpose of reusing it
served. It will be clearly understood from the experi simply by changing parameters.
mental results of the 5 examples that when the relative Although the present invention has been described
angle is large, the asphalt crushing performance is good, through specific terms, it should be noted here that the
and when the stroke is large, the crushing performance described embodiment is not necessarily exclusive and
is also good; however, when only the relative angle or that various changes and modifications may be in
the stroke is large, the crushing performance is not parted thereto without departing from the scope of the
good. invention which is limited solely by the appended claim.
What is claimed is:
It has been found from the experimental results that 10 1. Ajaw crusher for breaking a non-rigid object, said
the asphalt crushing performance is good when the jaw crusher comprising:
following conditions (U1) are (U2) satisfied: a body (1);
(U1) the relative angle between the straight line con a fixed tooth plate having a flat surface (16) secured
necting the lower and upper end points of the approxi to said body (1);
mately circular locus and the fixed tooth plate (16) is 15 a swingjaw (8) adapted to swing relative to said fixed
not smaller than 20; and tooth plate (16);
(U2) the distance between the lower and upper end a movable tooth plate (15) secured to said swing jaw
points is not shorter than 50 mm. (8) at an acute angle to said fixed tooth plate (16) to
This may be presumed as follows: Energy required define a crushing space for breaking an object of
for crushing is stored in asphalt by the motion (U1) of 20 crushing between said movable tooth plate (15) and
large relative angle. A rigid object can be crushed by said fixed tooth plate (16);
this energy, but the crushing operation involves some an eccentric rotating shaft (7) provided on said body
unreasonableness. On the other hand, a non-rigid object (1) to swingably support an upper end portion of
can be crushed substantially reasonably. Next, the mo said swing jaw (8) and to rotate eccentrically; and
tion (U2) of large stroke exerts force on asphalt so that 25 a swing support member (10) provided between said
the fixed tooth plate side and the movable tooth plate body (1) and said swing jaw (8) so as to be swing
side of the asphalt are largely displaced relative to each able relative to both said body (1) and said swing
other. Presumably, asphalt is sheared by this force. jaw (8);
The validity of the above presumption has also been wherein motion of a lower end portion of said mov
proved by an experiment carried out on relatively soft 30 able tooth plate (15) which is on an approximately
rocks (e.g., rocks which have been weathered). It circular locus satisfies the following conditions:
(U 1) an angle between a surface of said fixed tooth
should be noted that the upper limit of the stroke, the plate (16) and a straight line connecting lower and
upper limit of the relative angle, and the correlation upper end points of the approximately circular
between these two upper limits are limited by design 35 locus on which said lower end portion of said mov
conditions such as the power of the prime mover used, able tooth plate (15) moves is not smaller than 20;
the strength of the machine body, the size of the ma and
chine body, etc. (U2) the distance between said lower and upper end
The present invention provides the following advan points is not shorter than 50 mm.
tageous effect: A conventional jaw crusher can be used 40






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