(TH-06) Slope Stability Analysis For Lyered Slope Using Limit Equilibrium Horizontal Slice Method
(TH-06) Slope Stability Analysis For Lyered Slope Using Limit Equilibrium Horizontal Slice Method
(TH-06) Slope Stability Analysis For Lyered Slope Using Limit Equilibrium Horizontal Slice Method
ABSTRACT: All of the available limit equilibrium methods for slope stability analysis determine the factor of safety by
dividing mass into vertical slices and deriving equilibrium equations. In this study slope in layered soil is divided into
number of horizontal slices and failure is assumed to be happening on cylindrical surface, reason considering horizontal
slices is that slope fails bodily in its linear dimension and the weight of horizontal slices lying above any slice will act on
it and that weight plus self-weight will drive the slope failure. This condition is observed in most of the landslides where it
is observed that horizontal mass movement of soil leads to failure and horizontal interslice forces play vital role in
stability analysis. This paper proposes limit equilibrium equations based on force and moment equilibrium for horizontal
slices for layered slope with and without considering interslice forces to derive equation for factor of safety and compare
its value with well-known Fellenius method. Overall result suggests that horizontal slice method is accurate and it
simulates both field conditions and slope behavior and it is needed to evaluate usability of this method for more complex
problems having different types of field and failure conditions.
Keywords: Limit Equilibrium, Stability analysis, Horizontal interslice, Layered slope
The Sixth International Geotechnical Symposium 6IGSChennai2015
Chennai, India, January 21-23, 2015
this study two different solutions are derived which are 5 Mathematical formulation without
2n+1 and 3n considering overall force and moment considering any interslice forces
equilibrium for all slices.
From figure 3 taking vertical equilibrium of forces for
2 Formulation of Horizontal slice method any slice i:
3 Assumptions ∑V=0
For formulation it is assumed that failure is occurring Ni cosα+Si sinα – W = 0 (1)
at circular surface. The weight of soil mass is driving
Considering horizontal equilibrium of forces:
the failure and shear components C and Φ are the
strength parameters in resisting the failure. Shear ∑H = 0
resistance due to cohesion and friction is considered
Ni sinα – Si cosα = 0 (2)
tangential to failure surface and base normal reaction is
passing through center of rotation of failure surface By solving equation (1) and (2)
also the weight of slice act at C.G. of slice. Shear and
Ni = Wi / (cosα +tanα*sinα) (3)
normal forces are assumed to act at midpoint of failure
side of slices. Soil mass is to be divided into number of From definition of factor of safety according to
horizontal slices and circular failure side of slice is swedish circle method,
assumed linear for simplicity of analysis. And an
average value of factor of safety is to be calculated for Factor of safety = (resisting moment) / (overturning
moment) (5)
all slices. Necessary notations for formulation are
described in table 1. Resisting moment is due to shear resistance along slip
Table 1 : Notations surface which is according to mohor-coulomb theory,
S = (c*l + Ntanφ)
Symbol Description
N Normal Force And driving moment is due to weight
S Shear Force D = w*( Rsinα – ai)
C Cohesion
W Weight Where ai = distance of c.g. of slice from failure surface
Φ Angle of internal friction as shown in figure 4.
α Angle of failure side of slice with So factor of safety will be given by following equation
i Notation representing slice number F = (C*li + Ni tanø)*R / ( Wi*(Rsinα – ai))
l Inclined length of slice on failure side Average FOS for all slices can be calculated by
F Factor of safety Summing up for all slices as,
R Radius of circular failure surface
H Horizontal interslice force F = (∑C*li+tanø*∑Ni)*R / ∑(Wi*(Rsinα–ai)) (6)
O Center of rotation Equation (3) can be used to calculate N and equation
a distance of c.g. of slice from failure (6) can be used to calculate factor of safety.
Following table 2 and table 3 contains list of unknown
4 Methodology conditions and equilibrium equations considered in
above formulation accordingly. From table it can be
A circular failure surface is assumed and mass is seen that HSM without interslice formulation is (2n+1)
divided into number of horizontal slices as shown in
figure 2. Figure 3 shows forces acting on any
individual horizontal slice i. Components of forces are Table 2: List of unknown
as shown in figure 3. For formulation vertical and
horizontal force equilibrium of an individual slices are Number Unknown
equated and equation for base normal force is derived. n Base normal force N
To find factor of safety moment equilibrium is n Shear force S
performed for individual slice and equation for F is 1 Factor of Safety
derived. Total = 2n + 1
Assumptions in section 2.1 remain same for following Value of F can be assumed initially and N can be
formulation with additional assumption of horizontal calculated. Now taking horizontal force equilibrium
interslice force. Major benefit of Horizontal Slice ∆Hi = {(C*li+Nitanø)/F}*cos α - Nsin α (8)
Method is that there is no need to consider interslice
force acting in vertical direction. Figure 5 shows forces Where ∆Hi = Hi – Hi+1
acting on a horizontal slice with two horizontal Now referring to figure 4 and taking moment
interslice forces acting in opposite direction. Here H i - equilibrium at center of rotation O
and Hi+1 are horizontal interslice force acting on any
slice i. Wi*(Rsinα–ai)+((C*li+Nitanø)/F)*R+∆Hi*Rcosα=0
Taking vertical force equilibrium following equation N is passing through center so it will not create any
for N can be derived: (s = cl + Ntanφ, similarly to moment at center. Here ∆Hi is assumed to be acting at
previous section is used) c.g. of slice for simplifying the solution but two
different horizontal interslice forces can be considered
N = (Wi -C*li*sinα/F) / (cosα+sinα*tanø/ F) (7) with different distances form O, it will give solution
with a little more accuracy. By equating above formula
F can be equated as,
F = ((C*li+Nitanø)*R)/((Rsinα–ai)*Wi)+∆Hi*Rcosα)
Average F for entire slope can be calculated by
summing up for all slices as,
F = ((∑C*li + ∑Nitanø)*R) / (∑( Rsinα–ai) *Wi )
+∑∆Hi*Rcosα) (9)
Value of ∆H and N are calculated using (7) & (8),
initial value of F is assumed and new value of F is
The Sixth International Geotechnical Symposium 6IGSChennai2015
Chennai, India, January 21-23, 2015
calculated using equation (9). This procedure becomes Method Factor of safety
iterative and is repeated till F is converged to a Fellenius (using 6 vertical slices) 1.134
particular value. HSM (no interslice, with 6 1.022
horizontal slices)
Following table 4 and table 5 contains list of unknown
conditions and equilibrium equations considered in HSM (considering interslice, with 6 0.972
horizontal slices)
above formulation accordingly. From table it can be
seen that HSM with considering interslice formulation 8 CONCLUSIONS
is (3n) formulation.
In case of non-homogeneous soil deposits HSM
Table 2: List of unknown method seems to be accurate as weight components is
Number Unknown included cumulative order for each layer which is true
simulation of any soil movement observed in case of
n Base normal force N
landslide failure or bearing capacity failure. Proposed
n Shear force S formulation for FOS considering interslice forces it is
n-1 Horizontal interslice force observed that resultant force in force polygon stays in
1 Factor of Safety same direction and has less effect from horizontal
Total = 3n interslice force which is not the case in vertical slice
methods. In HSM considering horizontal interslice
Table 3: List of equilibrium equation force procedure becomes iterative and it is very easy
Number Equilibrium condition comparing to rigorous vertical slice methods which
considers both horizontal and vertical interslice forces
n Vertical force equilibrium
which may not be responsible for failure. Illustrative
n Horizontal force equilibrium example taken for validation shows that factor of safety
n Moment equilibrium of forces is much closer to VSM but in case of non-homogenous
Total = 3n soils or in other words layered soils HSM estimates
lower FOS considering same limit equilibrium
approach applied to all methods. When horizontal
7 Validations interslice forces were considered FOS was converged
after 62 iterations and it gives slightly lower factor of
For validation of equation (6) and equation (9) a
safety. Here assumptions regarding interslice forces are
Layered slope problem chosen as shown in figure 7
made to evaluate accuracy of method and not to
(Arora, 2004). Slope is divided into six horizontal and
increase equilibrium conditions. It is suggested for
vertical slices and shear parameters and unit weight is
researchers to do in depth evaluation of advantages and
considered according to type of soil involved into the
disadvantages of horizontal slice method and add a
slice. Table 4 represents comparison of FOS with
different prospective to limit equilibrium procedures.
respect to Fellenius method based on vertical slices and
When analyzing slope using two-dimensional vertical
slice methods it is not possible to calculate horizontal
force component in third dimension, it may be well
incorporated when analyzing slope using horizontal
Arora, K.R. 2004. Soil mechanics and foundation
engineering. Delhi: standard publishers.
Bishop, A. W. 1955. The use of failure circle in the
stability analysis of slopes. Geotechnique. 5(1): 7–17.
Cheng, Y.M. & Lau, C.K. 2008. Slope stability analysis
and stabilization new methods and insight. London:
Duncan, J. M. & Wright, S. G. 1980. The accuracy of
equilibrium methods of slope stability analysis.
Engineering Geology. 16: 5-17.
Figure 5: Typical example for validation
Table 4: Comparison of FOS
The Sixth International Geotechnical Symposium 6IGSChennai2015
Chennai, India, January 21-23, 2015