A859A859M-04 (Reapproved 2014) PDF
A859A859M-04 (Reapproved 2014) PDF
A859A859M-04 (Reapproved 2014) PDF
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
A01.06 on Steel Forgings and Billets. the ASTM website.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2014. Published October 2014. Originally Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
approved in 1986. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as A859/ International Headquarters, Two Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http://
A859M – 04(2009). DOI:10.1520/A0859_A0859M-04R14. www.asme.org.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
A859/A859M − 04 (2014)
3.3 If the requirements of this specification are in conflict of Table 2. The largest obtainable tension test specimen as
with the requirements of Specification A788/A788M, the specified in Test Methods and Definitions A370 shall be used.
requirements of this specification shall prevail.
6.2 Notch Toughness Requirements:
4. Manufacture 6.2.1 For Grade A, Class 1 or 2 forgings, unless Supple-
4.1 Melting Practice—The steel shall be made to a killed, mentary Requirement S6 is specified, the Charpy impact test
fine austenitic grain size, practice. results shall conform to the requirements of Table 3. One set of
4.1.1 Vacuum degassing in accordance with Specification three specimens shall be removed from each specimen location
A788/A788M is highly recommended. as specified in 6.3. The supplier may select a test temperature
colder than that specified in the order, but in any case, the
4.2 Heat Treatment:
actual test temperature shall be reported with the test results.
4.2.1 Normalizing may, at the manufacturer’s option, pre-
cede the prescribed heat treatment cycle. 6.2.2 For Grade B forgings two sets of Charpy impact
4.2.2 Grade A Class 1 forgings shall be normalized at a specimens shall be removed from each test specimen location
temperature in the range from 1600 to 1725°F [870 to 940°C] as specified in and shall conform to the requirements of Table
and then precipitation hardened in the range from 1000 to 3.
1225°F [540 to 665°C] for a time to be determined by the 6.2.3 Full-size, 10 by 10 mm, Charpy V-notch specimens
material manufacturer. shall be used unless the material thickness or configuration
4.2.3 Grade A Class 2 forgings shall be liquid quenched makes it impossible to obtain full-size specimens. If the use of
from a temperature in the range from 1600 to 1725°F [870 to sub-size specimens is necessary, the largest standard sub-size
940°C] and then precipitation hardened in the range from 1000 specimen it is possible to obtain shall be used.
to 1225°F [540 to 665°C] for a time to be determined by the 6.2.4 The acceptance values for sub-size specimens shall be
material manufacturer. reduced in direct ratio to the reduction of specimen width.
4.2.4 Grade B forgings shall be double quenched and
tempered (liquid quenched twice) by austenitizing twice at a 6.3 Sampling—The longitudinal axis and the mid-length of
temperature in the range of 1600 to 1725°F [870 to 940°C], and tension and impact test specimens shall be positioned in
then precipitation hardened at a temperature in the range of accordance with one of the following methods as specified by
1000 to 1300°F [540 to 700°C] for a time to be determined by the purchaser:
the manufacturer. 6.3.1 Method 1—This method shall always be used when
the maximum as-heat-treated thickness does not exceed 2 in.
5. Chemical Composition [50 mm]. Specimens shall be located in the production forging
5.1 Heat Analysis—The heat analysis obtained from sam- or test forging (as described in Method 4) at mid-thickness and
pling in accordance with Specification A788/A788M shall at least 2 in. [50 mm] from other as-heat-treated surfaces.
comply with Table 1. 6.3.2 Method 2—T by 2T, where T is the distance from the
5.2 Product Analysis—The purchaser may use the product area of significant loading (see 3.1) to the nearest as-heat-
analysis provision of Specification A788/A788M to obtain a treated surface. However, the specimen shall not be nearer to
product analysis from a forging representing each heat or one as-heat-treated surface than 3⁄4 in. [20 mm] and not nearer
multiple heat. than 11⁄2 in. [40 mm] to a second as-heat-treated surface. When
this method of testing is employed, forgings are usually
6. Mechanical Requirements manufactured in accordance with a purchaser-approved draw-
6.1 Tensile Requirements—The forgings, as represented by ing showing pre-heat-treatment dimensions and the location of
the tension test specimens, shall conform to the requirements test specimens.
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
Composition, %
Element Grade A Grade B
Carbon 0.07 max 0.02–0.04
Manganese 0.40–0.70 0.75–1.05
Phosphorus, max 0.025 0.015
Sulfur, max 0.025 0.002
Silicon, max 0.40 0.40
Chromium 0.60–0.90 0.45–0.75
Nickel 0.70–1.00 3.35–3.85
Molybdenum 0.15–0.25 0.55–0.65
Copper 1.00–1.30 1.15–1.75
Columbium 0.02 min 0.02–0.06
Vanadium max ... 0.008
Aluminum max ... 0.03
Titanium max ... 0.003
Tin max ... 0.03
Arsenic max ... 0.025
Antimony max ... 0.025
Nitrogen ... report
A859/A859M − 04 (2014)
TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements
Property Grade A Grade A Grade B
Class 1 Class 2
Yield strength 0.2% offset ksi [MPa] 55 [380 min] 65 [450] min 100–115 [690–800]
Tensile Strength ksi [MPa] 65–85 [450–585] 75–95 [515–650] 105 [725] min
Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm % min 20 20 16
Reduction of Area % min 45 45 45
6.3.3 Method 3—1⁄4T by T, where T is the maximum 6.7.1 Forgings Under 500 lb [250 kg] As-Heat-Treated—
thickness of the forging as-heat-treated. When this method of For duplicate forgings weighing less than 500 lb [250 kg]
testing is employed for Class 2, the maximum as-heat-treated as-heat-treated, one tension test and one impact test (three
thickness shall not exceed 8 in. [200 mm] unless otherwise specimens) shall be made to represent each heat in each
agreed. heat-treatment charge. When heat-treatment is performed in
6.3.4 Method 4—Test specimens shall be taken from a continuous-type furnaces with suitable temperature control and
representative separate test forging or bar made from the same equipped with recording pyrometers so that complete heat-
heat of steel that shall receive substantially the same reduction treatment records are available, a heat-treatment charge shall
and type of hot working as the production forgings which it be considered as any continuous run not exceeding any 8-h
represents; except that a longitudinally forged bar may be used duration.
to represent a rolled ring of similar cross section. It shall be of 6.7.2 Forgings Weighing 500 to 10 000 lb [250 to 5000 kg]
the same nominal thickness as the as-heat-treated production As-Heat-Treated—One tension and one impact test (three
forgings and shall be heat treated in the same furnace charge specimens) shall be made for each forging.
and under the same conditions as the production forgings. Test 6.7.3 Each forging weighing over 10 000 lb [5000 kg] shall
specimens shall be removed using the 1⁄4 T by T procedure require two tension tests and two impact tests, located at
referenced in Method 3 with the same limitation on forging opposite ends if the length, excluding test prolongations,
thickness as in 6.3.3. This method shall be limited to forgings exceeds 80 in. [2000 mm], or located 180° apart for shorter
with a rough machined weight of not more than 1000 lb [500 length forgings.
7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
6.4 Metal Buffers—The required distances from as-heat-
treated surfaces may be obtained with metal buffers instead of 7.1 The forgings shall conform to the dimensions specified
integral extensions. Buffer material may be carbon or low-alloy by the purchaser. The finishes shall permit adequate visual
steel and shall be joined to the forging with a partial penetra- inspection for surface imperfections. If a dimension varies
tion weld that seals the buffered surface. Specimens shall be from that specified, the forging may be offered to the purchaser
located at least 1⁄2 in. [13 mm] from the buffered surface of the for acceptance.
forging. Buffers shall be removed and the welded areas
subjected to magnetic particle test to ensure freedom from 8. Repair Welding
cracks unless the welded areas are completely removed by 8.1 Repair welding of forgings shall be permitted only with
subsequent machining. the approval of the purchaser.
6.5 Samples shall be removed from forgings after heat 8.2 Preparation for repair welding shall include inspection
treatment. The sample material shall be subjected to a simu- to ensure complete removal of the defect.
lated post-weld heat-treatment if Supplementary Requirement
8.3 Repairs shall be made using welding procedures quali-
S1 is specified.
fied in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
6.6 Orientation—For upset disk forgings, the longitudinal Code Section IX and repair welding shall be done by welders
axis of all test specimens shall be oriented in the tangential or welding operators meeting the qualification requirements of
direction. For all other forgings, the longitudinal axis of the that code.
specimens shall be oriented in the direction of maximum
working of the forging unless Supplementary Requirements 9. Test Reports
S11 or S14 are imposed. 9.1 A test report shall be furnished and shall include
6.7 Number of Tests: certification that the material was manufactured and tested in
A859/A859M − 04 (2014)
accordance with this specification. The report shall include the 10. Keywords
results of all required tests, including heat analysis, mechanical 10.1 precipitation hardening steel; pressure containing
test results, the type of heat treatment, and the test sampling parts; pressure vessel service; steel forgings—alloy
One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the
purchaser on the order. Details of these supplementary requirements shall be agreed upon by the
manufacturer and purchaser.
S1. Simulated Post-Weld Heat Treatment of Mechanical S3. Magnetic Particle Examination
Test Coupons S3.1 Each forging shall be examined by magnetic particle
S1.1 All test coupons shall be subjected to single or multiple methods described in Practice A275/A275M. Acceptance stan-
heat treatments at subcritical temperatures prior to testing. dards shall be specified by the purchaser.
Such treatments are intended to simulate post-weld or other S3.2 Alternatively the purchaser may specify that Supple-
thermal treatments to which the forgings will be subjected mentary Requirement S18 of Specification A788 shall be used
during subsequent fabrication. The purchaser shall furnish the as the basis for the magnetic particle examination.
manufacturer with details of the desired heat treatment for the S4. Charpy V-Notch Impact Transition Curve
test coupons, including temperatures, times, and cooling rates.
S4.1 Sufficient impact test shall be made from the forging
test material to establish a temperature/absorbed-energy curve.
S2. Ultrasonic Examination
The test temperature range shall be wide enough to establish
S2.1 The forgings shall be ultrasonically examined in ac- the upper and lower shelf foot-pound-force [Joule] energies,
cordance with the procedures of Practice A388/A388M. with sufficient testing at intermediate temperatures to permit
S2.1.1 Longitudinal Wave Test: plotting a reasonably smooth curve.
S2.1.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the back-reflection S5. Additional Charpy V-Notch Test Data
method of tuning shall be used in accordance with of
S5.1 The percent shear fracture and mils [mm] of lateral
Practice A388/A388M. expansion shall be reported for each specimen tested.
S2.1.1.2 In addition to the reportable conditions of Section
8 of Practice A388/A388M, indications exceeding the resultant S6. Charpy V-Notch Test
back reflection shall be recorded. S6.1 For Grade A, Class 1 or 2 forgings the specified test
S2.1.1.3 The following conditions are subject to rejection: temperature for the Charpy V-Notch tests required in Section 6
(a) Complete loss of back reflection accompanied by an of this specification shall be a temperature lower than −50°F
indication of a discontinuity. For this purpose, a back reflection [−45°C]. The specified test temperature shall be stated in the
less than 5 % of full screen height shall be considered complete order.
loss of back reflection. S6.2 The charpy impact test temperature used shall be
included in the forging certification and marking.
(b) An indication equal in amplitude to that of the back
reflection established in an indication-free portion of the S7. Drop-Weight Test
forging. S7.1 Drop-weight tests shall be conducted in accordance
S2.1.2 Angle Beam Test: with Test Method E208. The fracture plane of the specimen
S2.1.2.1 Calibration notches, calibration reference, and shall coincide with the location required for other mechanical
method of scanning shall be in accordance with 7.3 of Practice test specimens as specified by the purchaser in accordance with
A388/A388M. 6.3. However, since the drop-weight specimen can be taken in
S2.1.2.2 A forging that contains a discontinuity that results any orientation, the fracture plane of the specimen when tested
in an indication exceeding the amplitude of the reference line to Method 2 (see 6.3.2) shall be a minimum distance of 7⁄16 in.
[10 mm] from the nearest quenched surface, and 11⁄2 in. [40
is subject to rejection.
mm] from any second surface. The purchaser may specify
S2.1.3 The report of the ultrasonic examination shall be in either duplicate no-break performance when tested 10°F [5°C]
compliance with Section 9 of Practice A388/A388M. warmer than a specified temperature or request a determination
S2.1.4 Additional nondestructive examination or trepanning of the Nil-Ductility temperature.
may be employed to resolve questions of interpretation of
ultrasonic indications. The manufacturer shall accept respon- S8. Rings and Hollow Cylindrically-Shaped Parts
sibility for injurious conditions that will not be removed in final S8.1 Tests shall be removed in the tangential (circumferen-
machining. tial) direction regardless of the direction of maximum working.
A859/A859M − 04 (2014)
S9. Alternative Test Specimen Orientation S10. Dynamic Tear Test
S9.1 The longitudinal axis of all test specimens shall be S10.1 For Grade B material, dynamic tear testing shall be
oriented in a direction transverse to the direction of maximum carried out in accordance with Test Method E604. Unless
working of the forging. otherwise specified by the purchaser the test temperature shall
be –20 6 3°F [–30 6 2°C]. Acceptance criteria shall be in
accordance with the purchase order requirements.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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