Urban Sprawl, Infrastructure Deficiency and Economic Inequalities in Karachi
Urban Sprawl, Infrastructure Deficiency and Economic Inequalities in Karachi
Urban Sprawl, Infrastructure Deficiency and Economic Inequalities in Karachi
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1 author:
Akhtar Hussain
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All content following this page was uploaded by Akhtar Hussain on 26 April 2017.
The cities across the world have been major attractions for city’s poor infrastructure and dwindling municipal resources
the people seeking better opportunities, education, trade, may simply lead towards catastrophic situation. The urban
commerce and healthcare. Urbanization has always posed planning is the hotbed of modern policy making and it needs
serious challenge to the policy makers. The compounding an institutional framework for effective management of the
growth of inward migration compels policymakers to plan affairs.
properly and ensure the proper service delivery. The city’s weak and ineffective institutions lack vision,
Karachi is the big metropolitan city and is undergoing dynamism, leadership and enforcement. The political
massive urbanization. The growing urbanization on one hand, intervention has further weakened the capacity of the
provides enormous opportunities and can pose serious threats institutions. The worsening socio-economic discourse, law
on the other hand if not tackled with proper planning. The and order, poor living standards in rural suburbs of the
major drivers of urbanization in Karachi are a proximity of country will result into messy urbanization coupled with
location due to seaport, seeking employment opportunities inadequate infrastructure will produce economic inequalities.
because city is hub of major industries, natural disasters in The pattern of urbanization is directly linked to the available
rest of the country and adequate educational and health economic opportunities in the cities. The Asian Pacific cities,
facilities. particularly Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, manila grew
There is no denying to the fact that urbanization is strongly enormously during the 70s and 80s turning into hub of
linked to economic growth. But, at the same time, rapid transshipment, services and aviation.
urbanization poses severe challenges to developing countries, The developing countries in the Asian and African countries
as cities in these countries are ill equipped to deal with this will witness a sharp rise in the urbanization as compared to
increase in population. Without adequate planning and European, North American countries which are already
control, rapid urbanization may lead to the development of highly urbanized as more than two-third of their population
informal and unauthorized settlements; shortages of housing; live in urban areas. In case of developing countries the
poorly serviced and designed residential areas; excessive dependence on rural economy because of agriculture has
pressures on the available services; and the resultant slowed the pace of urban migration but with changing
problems of sanitation, air pollution, inadequate access to climatic conditions, desertification of agriculture lands, and
safe drinking water, over-crowding and social problems. lack of employment opportunities will fasten the process of
Pakistan being a developing country facing the wrath of urban migration.
urbanization since many decades, but the country’s policy However, the urban centers in developed countries are far
makers and institutions clearly lack vision and articulation to more organized, well facilitated with the presence of sound
counter the challenges of urbanization due to which country’s infrastructure, digitalized, and presence of strong institutional
urban centers and particularly Karachi are crippled with framework in form of decentralized local governments, rank
urban related chaos. higher as compared to the developing countries where
The Karachi with more than 20 million population has been urbanization is mostly city centric, lagging behind in basic
consistently growing with people from all over the country amenities, and comprised of weaker regulatory environment.
for better lives. The policymakers never countered the needs Karachi, being the most populous and hugely expanded city
of the huge influx of people, whether inward migrants or in short span of time considering it had merely 0.3 million at
refugees from neighbouring countries. the time of independence is a city of around 20 million
The ever growing urbanization and diverse needs of the urban residents to date. The sharp rise in population confirms that
population need to be properly analyzed and catered. The city is hotbed of urban trends in the country.
Special Issue
Special Issue
Special Issue
Special Issue
Special Issue
The paper has in detail highlighted the urban trends and [1]. Hussain, I. (2014). Deregulating the economy. Retrieved
discussed at length the plight of urban dwellers in Karachi. from http://ishrathussain.iba.edu.pk.
As a concentration of people and related activities take lead, a [2]. United Nations (2006). World Urbanization Prospects:
city can turn into mess if it is inadequately planned or poorly Source: Household Integrated Economic Survey 2013
Special Issue