Exercise Sheet 3: Quantum Information - Summer Semester 2020
Exercise Sheet 3: Quantum Information - Summer Semester 2020
Exercise Sheet 3: Quantum Information - Summer Semester 2020
(c) Two qubits A and B are in a pure entangled state |ψAB i. The reduced state on qubit A
has purity TrA ρ2A = 58 . What is the qualitative connection between purity and Schmidt
coefficients? Calculate the Schmidt coefficients of the state |ψAB i.
Exercise sheet 3 Quantum Information SS2020 27 April 2020, 12.00
(e) Calculate the measurement statistics for Z-parity measurements on both states and show
that both ρ and ρcl show maximal correlations of the two subsystems.
(f ) Show that by contrast the statistics for the X-parity measurement are completely un-
correlated for ρcl but are still maximally correlated for ρ, which indicates that quantum
correlations can be stronger than classical ones.
VA± = |±i h0|A + |∓i h1|A , UB± = |±i h0|B + |∓i h1|B .
The solution is not unique. You should only show that this is one possible solution.