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Introduction tems provided many new insights. These world standard, although at first view it
More strength and less noise are the two new insights occasionally seemed to does not appear to be very “user-friend-
major demands on gears, which includes contradict the general experiences and ly.” In includes (in a highly condensed
both bevel and hypoid gears. Within the appeared physically inconclusive. It is layout) all important basic dimensions,
last few years, the still modest request for interesting to note that the implication as well as many parameters that are not
higher efficiency has been added to the of the “deeper” analysis and their physi- explicitly expressed in the geometrical
original two requirements. Traditionally, cal basics can often only be discovered data of a bevel gearset. The following
gear engineers have met the first demand after intensive studies. The results are sub-chapters elaborate each on one of
by changing a gearset’s basic parame- significantly improved gear properties the key gear parameters, with recom-
ters — tooth height, pressure angle, spi- which can be materialized for the first mendations that comply with good prac-
ral angle, etc. — and to meet the second, time today. tices in advanced bevel and hypoid gear
by making flank form modifications in This chapter opens with a closer look design. The end of this chapter discusses
order to reduce crowning — also known at the so called “dimension sheet.” The the question, what can be achieved with
as “Ease-Off. ” Gleason Dimension Sheet has become a more optimal dimension sheet parame-
With today’s available bevel gear soft-
ware — e.g., CAGE and UNICAL — many
engineers are modifying flank topogra-
phy and discovering their gearsets are
both stronger and quieter. Unfortunately,
this coincidence is tricking some engi-
neers into believing that Ease-Off itself
adds strength to gearsets. In fact, the
flank form modifications are only allow-
ing the sets to make greater use of the
strength potential that was available in
their basic designs.
Most strength optimization requires
changing a gearset’s basic parameters.
Most minor reductions in gear noise are
made by optimizing just flank topog-
raphy. In some cases, though, there are
gearsets that don’t use all their possible
strength because they need more sophis-
ticated Ease-Offs, which are adjusted to
the particular operating conditions. The
challenge for gear engineers is to know
when to change what — basic parameters
or flank topography — to increase a gear-
set’s strength. In order to make such a
distinction it is necessary to understand
both basic parameters and flank form
modifications (Refs. 1 – 2).
Although the influence of the basic
parameters seemed to be obvious in the
past, today’s calculation and analysis sys-
Figure 1 The most important gear parameter in the dimension sheet.
between adjacent teeth due to the high- for bevel and hypoid gears are a minimal tact ratio while the load rises. The larger
er elasticity. Within certain limits this whole depth of 0.8* module and a maxi- spiral angle also reduces the tooth con-
means that more tooth bending leads to mal whole depth of 1.2* module. tact movement and the contact spread in
reduced bending stresses in the root fillet Cutter radius. A small cutter radius heel direction under load that presents a
area, which can be verified with finite ele- increases the contact ratio of a bevel and “natural” protection effect; this effect is
ment calculation (load sharing). In sum- hypoid gearset. The reason is the spi- amplified with smaller cutter radii and
mary, there are strength and noise advan- ral angle, which increases faster towards reduced if larger cutter radii are used.
tages without disadvantages regarding the the heel in the case of a small cutter In an ideal design the contact pattern
function of a gearset. The most important radii. Load-affected deformations cause without load is positioned towards the
influences of an increased whole depth tooth contact movement towards the toe. A cutter radius should be selected so
are summarized in Figure 10. Usual limits heel, that causes an increase of the con- that a certain contact movement — under
load towards the heel — occurs, while at
the same time the contact pattern spreads
in tooth length direction. In this ideal
scenario the contact pattern at nomi-
nal load extends over the entire face
width — without causing edge contact on
heel and toe. The mean point movement
towards the heel with increasing load,
and the natural opposing of this move-
ment due to the increasing spiral angle,
leads to a defined load concentration in
the heel area. The load carrying capacity
can be significantly increased if the opti-
mal cutter radius is chosen, as the tooth
root thickness at the heel is often 50%
larger than tooth thickness at the toe. The
root bending stresses of bevel and hypoid
gears with an optimized cutter radius are
quite uniform along the face width; the
most important influences of the cutter
Figure 10 Influence of whole-depth. radius are summarized in Figure 11.
Relationship between involute point
and mean cone distance. This section
offers a basic explanation of the depen-
dency between the cutter radius and the
displacement behavior of spiral bevel and
hypoid gears that was discussed in the
last section. Load-affected deformations
and inaccuracies in the building position
of a bevel or hypoid gearset cause a tooth
contact movement in the direction of a
certain point within or outside of the face
width. This point is located where the
flank length curvature is equal to the cur-
vature of an involute along the face width.
This requirement would be fulfilled in
every point along the face width — if the
flank line was an involute. Circles or epi-
cycloids fulfill this requirement only at
one point, which can lie within or outside
of the face width. The base circle radius
of this virtual involute is, in the case of
face milling, the distance from the gen-
erating gear center to the center of the
Figure 11 Influence of cutter radius.
Summary tion. An exception is given if the present smaller, but significant, improvements to
It is important to realize that the basic design already has a modern flank form meet today’s stringent requirements. One
gear data of the macrogeometry represent optimization. In this case, noise optimi- should not make the mistake of believ-
the foundation of the physical properties zation will not be easily accomplished. ing that the time-consuming practice
of a gearset. Flank form modifications If an improvement of the noise charac- of gear design can be saved by certain
can contribute to utilizing those prop- teristic via Ease-Off still seems possible, flank optimizations. In short, the last sec-
erties completely. A conventional Ease- then a finite element calculation of the tion can be summarized by the following
Off does not achieve the entire strength situation, before and after the optimiza- rule: “The basic gear parameters give the
potential of a gearset. An optimized Ease- tion, is recommended. In the case where direction for the physical properties of a
Off makes it possible to utilize all of the critical stress conditions are discovered, gearset, while modern flank form opti-
physical possibilities of a gearset by opti- it might be necessary to optimize the mizations only assure a better access to
mally using existing proportions. An gear basic data first in order to find a those properties.”
optimal combination between gear basic new foundation that fulfills the strength
data and flank form modifications can requirements, and then as a second step References
often enable the transmission of twice the to conduct a modern flank form optimi- 1. NN. Bevel & Hypoid Gear Design, Gleason
Company Publication, Rochester New York,
torque and, at the same time, be signifi- zation. The elements making the teeth 1956.
cantly quieter in comparison with a gear- more elastic (see original text chapters 2. Stadtfeld, H.J. “Good Basic Design or
set with less-than-optimal design. 6.21, 6.24 and 6.26) should be considered Sophisticated Flank Optimizations? Each at the
Generally, strength optimization to assure good load sharing and to guar- Right Time,” Gear Technology, Jan/Feb 2005,
Randall Publishing Inc., Elk Grove Village,
requires a new, basic design. An excep- antee a reduction in noise emission. Illinois.
tion is when the basic design is found to The possibility of improving the 3. NN. “Gear Dimension Sheet Explanations,”
be optimal, but the Ease-Off is conven- parameters of a given basic gear design Gleason Company Publication, Rochester, New
tional and shows significant room for should not be treated as a burden, but York, 1982.
4. Stadtfeld, H.J. and U. Gaiser. “The Ultimate
improvement. In this case modern flank welcomed as a seldom-occurring oppor- Motion Graph — UMCULTIMA,” Gleason
form modifications can contribute to a tunity to improve the roll and strength Company Publication, Rochester, New York,
great improvement of the load carrying characteristic of a gearset that has not August 1999.
capacity — and might in fact be the only been brought up to date. Nevertheless,
possibility if the existing gear size cannot the existing design should be used as a
be increased. Noise optimization requires basis since it is possible in most cases For Related Articles Search
in most cases only a flank form modifica- to adjust the gearset with a number of
bevel gears