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Greedy PDF

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Kunwar Pal
A greedy algorithm is a mathematical process that looks
for simple, easy-to-implement solutions to complex, multi-
step problems by deciding which next step will provide the
most obvious benefit.

Such algorithms are called greedy because while the

optimal solution to each smaller instance will provide an
immediate output, the algorithm doesn’t consider the
larger problem as a whole. Once a decision has
been made, it is never reconsidered.
Greedy algorithms work by recursively constructing a set
of objects from the smallest possible parts.
RECURSION is an approach to problem solving in which
the solution to a particular problem depends on solutions
to smaller instances of the same problem.
The advantage to using a greedy algorithm is that
solutions to smaller instances of the problem can be
straightforward and easy to understand.
The disadvantage is that it is entirely possible that the
most optimal short-term solutions may lead to the worst
possible long-term outcome.
 Each step of the Greedy algorithm must take one of
several possible choices. The greedy strategy advocates
making the choice that is the best at the moment. It is
used for solving
optimization problems.
 An optimization problem is the problem of finding the
best solution from all feasible solutions.
 Greedy algorithms are often used in ad-hoc mobile
networking to efficiently route packets with the fewest
number of hops and the shortest delay possible. They
are also used in machine learning, business intelligence
(BI), artificial intelligence (AI) and programming.
Agreedy algorithm always makes the choice
that looks best at the moment
◦ The hope: a locally optimal choice will lead to a
globally optimal solution
◦ For some problems, it works
greedy algorithms tend to be easier to code
Input: A set of activities S = {a1 ,…,an }
Each activity has start time and a finish time
◦ ai =(si , fi )
Two activities are compatible if and only if their
interval does not overlap
Output: a maximum-size subset of mutually
compatible activities
Here are a set of start and finish times

• What is the maximum number of activities that can

be completed?
• {a3, a9, a11} can be completed
• But so can {a1, a4, a8’ a11} which is a larger set
• But it is not unique, consider {a2, a4, a9’ a11}
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Select the activity with the earliest finish
Eliminate the activities that could not be
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Greedy in the sense that it leaves as much
opportunity as possible for the remaining
activities to be scheduled
The greedy choice is the one that maximizes the
amount of unscheduled time remaining
• We will show that this algorithm uses the
following properties
• The problem has the optimal substructure
• The algorithm satisfies the greedy-choice
• Thus, it is Optimal
Show there is an optimal solution that begins with a
greedy choice (with activity 1, which as the earliest
finish time)
Suppose A  S in an optimal solution
◦ Order the activities in A by finish time. The first activity in A
is k
If k  1, the schedule A begins with a greedy choice
If k  1, show that there is an optimal solution B to S that begins with
the greedy choice, activity 1
◦ Let B  A – {k}  {1}
f1  fk  activities in B are disjoint (compatible)
B has the same number of activities as A
Thus, B is optimal
◦ Once the greedy choice of activity 1 is made, the problem
reduces to finding an optimal solution for the activity-
selection problem over those activities in S that are
compatible with activity 1
Optimal Substructure
If A is optimal to S, thenA’ = A – {1} is optimal toS’={i S: si  f1 }
If we could find a solution B’ to S’ with more activities than A’, adding
activity 1 to B’ would yield a solution B to S with more activities than A 
contradicting the optimality of A
◦ After each greedy choice is made, we are left with an
optimization problem of the same form as the original
By induction on the number of choices made, making the greedy
choice at every step produces an optimal solution
An greedy algorithm makes a sequence of choices,
each of the choices that seems best at the
moment is chosen
◦ NOT always produce an optimal solution
Two ingredients that are exhibited by most
problems that lend themselves to a greedy
◦ Greedy-choice property
◦ Optimal substructure
A globally optimal solution can be arrived at
by making a locally optimal (greedy) choice
◦ Make whatever choice seems best at the moment
and then solve the sub-problem arising after the
choice is made
◦ The choice made by a greedy algorithm may
depend on choices so far, but it cannot depend on
any future choices or on the solutions to sub-
Of course, we must prove that a greedy
choice at each step yields a globally optimal
A problem exhibits optimal substructure if an
optimal solution to the problem contains within it
optimal solutions to sub-problems
◦ If an optimal solution A to S begins with activity 1, then
A’ = A – {1} is optimal to S’={i S: si  f1}
Optimal Substructure: A given problems has Optimal
Substructure Property if optimal solution of the given
problem can be obtained by using optimal solutions of
its sub-problems.
For example
The Shortest Path problem has following optimal
substructure property:
If a node x lies in the shortest path from a source node
u to destination node v then the shortest path from u
to v is combination of shortest path from u to x and
shortest path from x to v.
One wants to packn items in a luggage
◦ The i th item is worthvi dollars and weighswi pounds
◦ Maximize the value but cannot exceed W pounds
◦ vi , wi , W are integers
0-1 knapsack  each item is taken or not taken
Fractional knapsack  fractions of items can be taken
Both exhibit the optimal-substructure property
◦ 0-1: If itemj is removed from an optimal packing, the
remaining packing is an optimal packing with weight at most
◦ Fractional: Ifw pounds of itemj is removed from an optimal
packing, the remaining packing is an optimal packing with
weight at most W-w that can be taken from othern-1 items
wj – w of item
plus j
Fractional knapsack can be solvable by the greedy
◦ Compute the value per poundvi /wi for each item
◦ Obeying a greedy strategy, take as much as possible of the
item with the greatest value per pound.
◦ If the supply of that item is exhausted and there is still more
room, take as much as possible of the item with the next value
per pound, and so forth until there is no more room
◦ O(n lgn ) (we need to sort the items by value per pound)
◦ Greedy Algorithm?
◦ Correctness?
0-1 knapsack cannot be solved by the greedy
◦ Unable to fill the knapsack to capacity, and the empty
space lowers the effective value per pound of the
◦ We must compare the solution to the sub-problem in
which the item is included with the solution to the sub-
problem in which the item is excluded before we can
make the choice
◦ Dynamic Programming

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