Personal Details: Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur-177001
Personal Details: Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur-177001
Personal Details: Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur-177001
Personal Details
Name anjali dhiman/ अंजिल धीमान Father's Name ranjit singh/ रं जीत िसंह
Regular Paper
Semester Paper Code Paper Title Theory / Practical
Contact Details
Candidate's Signature 1/2
5/2/2020 Himachal Pradesh Technical University
Certificate No
i. The candidate must have attended regularly the prescribed courses for the relevant semester and not less
than 75% of lectures including tutorials, drawing work, practical work in laboratories/workshops and survey
field in each subject of the examination and has fulfilled all conditions lay down in the ordinances of the
ii. He/ She have passed the examination which makes him/her eligible for admission to the said course as
provided in the ordinances.
iii. He/ She have worked diligently throughout the period and have obtained pass marks in all the sessions and
his/her conduct and behavior has been satisfactory.
iv. He/ She has satisfied me by production of authentic documents that the particulars filled in by him/her
overleaf are correct and has signed this Admission form in my presence and has paid the Admission fee.
v. He/ She have appeared in all the lower semester examinations.
I further certify that the candidate has been on Roll of this college throughout the semester period
preceding the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination, under the Rules. The admit
card received from HPTU will only be issued to the eligible candidate before the commencement of
Important Note: - Before attestation, the authority may kindly ensure that the entire particulars
filled by the candidate have been checked and verified at their end. 2/2