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Bachelor CMAT Notice, Form, Process and Format 2019

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The key takeaways are that CMAT is an admission test for various management programs like BBA, BBM etc. and details are provided about the eligibility criteria, admission schedule and process.

The programs offered through CMAT are: BBA, BBM, BIM, BPA, BTTM, BHM, BBA-F and BMS.

The minimum eligibility criteria for CMAT is a minimum grade of D+ in each subject of grade 11 and 12 with a CGPA of 1.8 or more. Or minimum second division marks in 10+2 or equivalent from any discipline. Students awaiting grade 12 results can also apply on condition of submitting passed certificate at time of admission.

Faculty of Management

Office of the Dean

Central Management Admission Test (CMAT) for the admission to:
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) / Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) / Bachelor of
Information Management (BIM) / Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) / Bachelor of Hotel
Management (BHM) / Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM) / Bachelor of Business
Administration - Finance (BBA - F) and Bachelor of Mountaineering Studies (BMS) programs for the
admission year 2076 (2019)
First time Notice publication data: Shrawan 10, 2076
Minimum D+ grade in each subject of grade 11 and 12 with CGPA 1.8 or more
Minimum score of second division marks in 10+2, PCL or Equivalent in any discipline.
Students who have passed grade 11 and are waiting for grade 12 results can also apply. However, they have to
submit passed certificate of grade 12 at the time of admission.
 CMAT Application Form : July 25 - August 28, 2019 (Shrawan 09 - Bhadra 11, 2076)
 Date of Admission Test (to all programmes) : September 07, 2019 (Bhadra 21, 2076) - Saturday
 Time : 8:00 AM

Test Center and other details : To be notified by the FoM to the respective campuses submitting CMAT form or
Visit FoM website.
1. The Details of Admission procedures, criteria and selection process is available at FoM website www.fomecd.edu.np
and www.tudoms.org
2. Application (CMAT) form is available at the FoM website www.fomecd.edu.np or www.tudoms.org
3. Application (CMAT) form is to be submitted in any campus offering respective programmes by paying Rs 1,000 (Rs one
thousand only).
4. Contact the respective campuses / colleges or visit FoM website for further information.
5. The concerned campus / colleges should submit the details of the applicants in the prescribed format by 11:00 AM, 30th
August 2019 (Bhadra 13, 2076) through mgmtdean.exam@gmail.com.
PP Size Photo

Campus Code:………... TEST REQUEST FORM 2076 (2019)

CMAT Roll No.: …………….……………………….(to be filled by Campus e.g. MMCN 0001)

Name (in English) …………………………………………..………………………………………………….

Name (in Devanagari) ……………………………..………………………………… Sex : ………………….

Permanent Address ………………….….….…..…District: ………………………State: ……………………

Local Address ………………….….….…..…………………….….….…..… Tel. No. ………………………

S. L. C.: Year ………… Board ………………………….…CGPA / Percentage ……..….….. Remarks …...…
P. C. L. / +2 Or Equivalent: Year …….……..… University / Board …..………………………..……...………
Class 11 or Equivalent Class 12 or Equivalent
Score / Grade / Score / Grade /
S.N. Subject S.N. Subject
percentage percentage
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Overall Overall
Overall CGPA/Percentage: ………………………………… Division: ………………………………………

Signature of the Student ………………………………. Date: ……………………

BBA / BBM / BIM / BPA / BTTM / BHM / BBA-F / BMS PROGRAMME to be pasted with gum

Campus Code:………... ADMISSION CARD - 2076 (2019)

CMAT Roll No.: …….………………………. (to be filled by Campus e.g. MMCN 0001)
Name (in English) ……………………………..……………………………..………………………………….

Test Center: ………………………………………………………………………………………….……….…..

Test Date: ………………………………………….. Time: ………………………..

Signature of the Student ……………………….. Signature of the Campus / College Authority …………….…
lq=lj= Joj:yfkg ;+sfo, 8Lgsf] sfof{nosf] k|j]z k/LIff (Central Management
Admission Test - CMAT) - 2019 ;DaGwL
cToGt h?/L ;"rgf
o; Joj:yfkg ;+sfoåf/f ;+rflnt l;d]i6/ k|0ffnL cGtu{t :gfts txsf BBA, BBM, BIM, BHM, BTTM,
BPA, BMS / BBA-F sfo{qmdsf] nflu lnO{g] k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) – ;g\ @)!( / pNn]lvt sfo{qmddf egf{
;DaGwL b]xfo cg';f/sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'Fbf ;DalGwt ;a}sf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu of] ;"rgf k|sflzt ul/Psf] 5 .
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sf ;fydf CGPA 1.8 jf ;f] eGbf a9L k|fKt u/]sf] x'g'kg]{5 .
@_ Joj:yfkg ;+sfoåf/f ;+rfng x'g] l;d]i6/ k|0ffnLsf] :gfts txdf egf{ x'g rfxg] ljBfyL{x?n] o; ;+sfosf]
website: www.fomecd.edu.np or www.tudoms.org af6 k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) kmd{ Download
u/L e/]/ sfo{qmd ;+rfng eO{/x]sf / cfkm'n] r9\g rfx]sf] s'g} SofDk;÷sn]hdf cfjZos Certificate
nufotsf sfuhft ;fy a'emfpg' kg]{5 .
#_ k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) sf] k|j]z kqdf pNn]v ePsf] Campus Code / CMAT Roll no. k/LIffyL{n] k|j]z
k/LIffsf] xflhl/ / pQ/ k'l:tsfdf clgjfo{ pNn]v ug'{kg]{ 5 cGoyf k|j]z k/LIffsf] k/LIffkmn k|sflzt gx'g] /
To:tf k/LIffyL{sf] egf{ k|s[ofdf :jtM aGb x'g]5 .
$_ Joj:yfkg ;+sfo, 8Lgsf] sfof{non] k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) sf] glthf k|sfzg u/]kZrft\ dfq pQm k/LIff
plQ{0f ePsf ljBfyL{x?sf nflu sDtLdf % -kfFr_ lbgsf] ;do lbO{ ;DalGwt SofDk;÷sn]hx?n] ljBfyL{ egf{sf
nflu cfj]bg cfJxfg ug'{ kg]{ 5 .
%_ k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) plQ{0f ljBfyL{x?n] sfo{qmd ;+rfng ePsf h'g;'s} SofDk; ÷ sn]hdf egf{sf nflu
cfj]bg lbg ;Sg]5g\ / o;/L cfj]bg lbPsf ljBfyL{x?dWo]af6 dfq 5gf}6 k|s[of cuf8L a9fpg' kg]{5 .
^_ o; ;+sfon] tf]s]sf] egf{sf] cfwf/ cg';f/sf] of]Uotfqmd (Merit Basis) glthf k|sfzg ul/ ;DalGwt
SofDk;÷sn]hx?n] ljBfyL{ egf{ lng' kg]{ 5 .
&_ BBA, BBM, BIM, BPA, BTTM, BMS, BHM / BBA-F df k|To]s SofDk;÷sn]hn] tf]lsPsf] ;+Vofdf
k|lt ;]S;g ljBfyL{ egf{ ub}{ cfPsf]df k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) df ;lDdlnt eO{ egf{sf nflu of]Uo 7xl/Psf
ljBfyL{x?af6 clgjfo{ ?kdf cfj]bg cfJxfg ul/ k|lt ;]S;g @ -b'O{_ hgf ljBfyL{x?nfO{ SofDk;÷sn]hn] p7fpg]
s"n /sd (Total Amount) af6 krf; k|ltzt 5fqj[lQ pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ 5 . 5fqj[lQ sf]6fdf ljBfyL{ egf{
b]xfosf] k|fyldstfqmdsf] cfwf/df of]Uotfqmd cg';f/ 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 M–
s_ g]kfnsf ;fd'bflos df=lj= af6 k|j]lzsf / ;fd'bflos pRr df=lj= af6 bz hf]8 b'O{ k/LIff plQ0f{
u/]sf] .
v_ g]kfnsf] ;fd'bflos pRr df=lj= af6 bz hf]8 b'O{ k/LIff plQ0f{ u/]sf] .
u_ g]kfnsf ;fd'bflos df=lj= af6 k|j]lzsf k/LIff plQ0f{ u/]sf] .
*_ k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) – ;g\ @)!( df ;lDdlnt e} egf{sf nflu cfjZos Go"gtd of]Uotf k'u]sf ljBfyL{x?sf]
egf{sf] cfwf/ lgDgfg';f/ sfod ul/Psf]5 M–
BBA, BBM, BIM, BPA / BBA-F sfo{qmdsf] nflu
 k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) k|fKtfÍsf] ^) k|ltzt
 bz hf]8 @ jf ;f] ;/x plQ0f{ k|fKtfÍ k|ltztsf] #) k|ltzt
 cGtjf{tf{ !) k|ltzt

BHM, BTTM / BMS sfo{qmdsf] nflu

 k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) k|fKtfÍsf] %) k|ltzt
 bz hf]8 @ jf ;f] ;/x plQ0f{ k|fKtfÍ k|ltztsf] #) k|ltzt
 ;d'x 5nkmn !) k|ltzt
 cGtjf{tf{ !) k|ltzt
(_ k|j]z k/LIff z"Ns k|lt ljBfyL{ ? !,))).– -Ps xhf/ dfq_ sfod ul/Psf] 5 . pQm /sddf ? !)) -? Ps
;odfq_ ;DalGwt SofDk;÷sn]hsf] sf]ifdf /flv afFsL k|lt ljBfyL{ ? ()) -gf};o dfq_ sf b/n] x'g cfpg]
/sd lqe'jg ljZjljBfno, Joj:yfkg ;+sfo, 8Lgsf] sfof{nosf] g]=a}=ln= sLlt{k'/sf] r=lx=g+= ))$%–))!–
)))(()^^)))))! df @)&^ efb| !@ ut]leq hDdf u/L ;+nUg gd'gf adf]lhdsf] k/LIffyL{sf] ljj/0fsf]
Excel File 8Lg sfof{nosf] email: mgmtdean.exam@gmail.com df @)&^ efb| !# ut]leq
k7fO{;Sg' kg]{5 .
!)_ k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) – 2019 plQ{0f u/L ;a} 5gf}6 k|s[ofdf ;l/s ePsf ljBfyL{x? dfq egf{sf nflu of]Uo x'g]
5g\ . ;fy} cGt/jftf{ / ;d'x 5nkmnsf] d"Nof+sg afktsf] c+s Go"gtd rfln; k|ltzt x'g] / c;L k|lt;t eGbf a9L
ePdf cf}lrTo k'li6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
;xfos 8Lg
k/LIff lgoGq0f dxfzfvf
SofDk;÷sn]hdf k|j]z k/LIff sf] kmf/fd e/fO{ ;f] sf] ljj/0f k7fpFbf b]xfosf] ljj/0f pNn]lv ul/ ;f] sf] EXCEL
(CMAT 2019)
File e-mail id: mgmtdean.exam@gmail.com df k7fpg' kg]{5 .

Full name and address of the Campus / College: ………………………………………. (As per affiliation letter in English)

Campus code:………………………... (As per registration issued by examination controller office, Balkhu)

Full Name of the Contact Person:……………………………………….. Cell No.:………………………….……………….

Landline no. of the campus / college: ………………………………… Official E-mail id:………………………………….

k/LIffyL{sf] ljj/0f
PCL / +2 or Equivalent Score
S. CMAT Campus Name of the Student in Overall Remarks
NEB Gender Contact No. Score in Score in
No. Roll no. Code BLOCK LETTER CGPA / if any
Regd. No. 11 12

!= k|j]z k/LIff (CMAT) /f]n g+= sf] gd'gf o; k|sf/ /x]sf] 5 .
obL Ram Bahadur Humagain n] Mahendra Multiple Campus, Nepalgunj af6 k|j]z k/LIff kmf/d e/]df lghsf] /f]n g+=
lbbfF MMCN 0001 (Mahendra sf] M, Multiple sf] M, Campus sf] C / Nepalgunj sf] N lnO{ Space lbP/ rf/
c+s df /f]n g+= 1 b]lv lbg]_
@= dfly plNnlvt ljj/0fdf olb sf]i7 gk'u]df cfjZostf cg';f/ sf]7f yk u/L ljj/0f yk ug{ ;lsg] 5 .

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