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Structural Traps

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Basra University
Engineering College
Third Year

‫ زهراء عبد المنعم يوسف‬-: ‫االسم‬

17 -: ‫الرقم‬

Report :- Structural traps

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The trap is the element that holds the oil and gas in place in a pool. Most
geologists think of the trap as the shape of reservoir rock element that
permits a petroleum pool to accumulate under-ground. Hydrocarbons may
be trapped in many different ways. Several schemes have been drawn up
to attempt to classify traps (Hobson and Tirastoo, 1975). Two Major
genetic groups of trap have been agreed upon: upon structure and
stratigraphic. A third group, combination traps, is caused by a combination
of processes. Agreement breaks down, however, when attempts are made
to subdivide these groups. Structural traps are those traps whose geometry
was formed by tectonic processes after the deposition of the beds involved.
According to (Levorsen ,Al.,1966), a structural trap is" one whose upper
boundary has been made concave, as viewed from below, by some local
deformation, such as folding, or faulting or, both of the reservoir rock. The
edges of a pool occurring in a structural trap are determined wholly, or in
part, by the intersection of the underlying water table with the roof rock
overlying the deformed reservoir rocks". Basically, therefore, structural
traps are caused by folding and faulting.

Structural traps

Structural traps are formed by a deformation in the rock layer that contains
the hydrocarbons. Domes, anticlines, and folds are common structures.
Fault related features also may be classified as structural traps if Closure is
present. Structural traps are the easiest to locate by surface and subsurface
geological and geophysical studies. They are the most numerous among
traps and have received a greater amount of attention in the search for oil
than all other types of traps. An example of this kind of trap starts when
salt is deposited by shallow. Seas, Later, a sinking seafloor deposits
organic-rich shale over the salt, which is in turn covered with layers of
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sandstone and shale. Deeply buried salt tends to rise unevenly in swells or
salt domes» and any Oil generated within the sediments is Trappe where
the sandstones are pushed up over or adjacent to the salt

Classification of structural traps

Traps formed by compressive tectonic processes:
Compressive tectonic regimes commonly lead to the development of
large scale constructional folds and thrust such contraction most common
at convergent plate boundaries and transgressional strike-slip plate
boundaries. Compressional folds from the trap geometries for large part
of the world's most important petroleum provinces the Middle East.
Traps formed by extensional tectonic processes:
Traps formed by the extensional tectonics are very common in the rift
basins.Traps formed through tectonic extension are important in Gulf of
Suez, the Haltenbanken area, offshore mid—Norway (Spender&Eldholm,
Traps formed by diapiric processes:
The specific gravity of salt is about 2.2gcm-3. In consequence, salt is
buoyant relative to the most other sediment and sedimentary rocks. Over
geologic timescales, salt is also able to deforms plastically. The onset of
salt movement may be caused by a variety of initial condition. Clearly
diapiric movement of both salt and mud can create anticlinal structures
that could form petroleum traps . However the opportunities for traps
formation in association with the salt or mud movement are much more
diverse than simple domal anticline formation (Fig.1)
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Fig (1) Structural traps. (a) Titled fault blocks in an extensional region. (b) A rollover
anticline on a thrust. (c) The lateral seal of a trap against a salt diaper and a
compositional drape trap over the diaper crest. (d) A trap associated with diaperic
mudstone, with a lateral seal against the mud-wall. (e) A compactional drape over a
basement block commonly creates enormous low relief traps. (f) Gravity generated
trapping commonly occurs in deltaic sequences.
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Traps formed by compositional processes:

Differential compaction across basement highs, titled fault blocks,
carbonate shelf rims, reef or isolated sand bodies in mud can lead to the
development of relatively simple anticlinal traps.
Traps formed by gravity processes:
Traps formed by gravity driven processes are particularly important in
large recent deltas. The gravity structures form independently of
basement tectonics (either extension or compression). They owe their
existence to shallow detachment along a low angle, basin ward-dipping
plane. The drive mechanism is provided by the weight of sediment
deposited by the delta shelf slop break or on the slop itself. Many
producing anticlines are faulted according to the stress patterns that
formed them. Most anticlines are associated with some types of faulting
in their Deformational histories, whether they are normal or thrust fault
related faulted anticlines are usually asymmetrical. Over thrust anticlines
produce abundantly from fields in over thrust belt Provinces. In some
cases, producing beds in over thrust anticlines are thrust against source
beds of different ages not normally associated with the reservoirs. Over
thrust anticlines are normally asymmetrical and complexly faulted.
Typical over thrust belts do not significantly involve crystalline basement
rock in potentially productive structure. However compressive foreland
blocks detach the crystalline basement and often thrust it over prospective
sediment. Faulting and tilting of crustal produces a variety of trapping
mechanisms. A single fault can provide a seal to prevent petroleum
migration. Multiply faulted blocks create traps which are often connected,
but can conversely be entirely independent of each other. Petroleum
production usually comes from the fault-sealed up thrown block. Enough
petroleum comes from downthrown blocks to consider them important
exploration objectives. Simple fault traps involve up-dip Closure of a
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reservoir bed against a sealing fault. A plunging anticline faulted up-

plunge is good example of a trap involving partial closure. Where a
reservoir is multiply faulted, a complex fault trap occurs. Multiply faulted
anticlines form complex fault traps. Sub thrust traps occur in over thrust
belt where the deformed reservoir forms a trap below a thrust fault. Some
sub thrust traps are complexly faulted, and others are quite simple and
relatively un-deformed. Salt structure formation can produce several
different types of traps described by varying deformational intensities.
Most salt structures are faulted in response to the degree of deformation.
Traps related to salt deformation do not usually produce from the salt
itself. They produce from beds deformed by the salt tectonic instead. Salt
dome traps are important in several areas of the world. The traps of many
types have produced hydrocarbons from Tertiary sediment deformed by
salt dome activity.
Models of structural traps:
1- Crests 0f titled blocks :- These are the most common traps in the gulf
and they definitely contain the largest known oil accumulations.
Reservoirs are located either in the pre-rift series (Nubia, Cretaceous,
and Eocene) or in the Lower Miocene (Nukhul, Rudeis).The seals are
the Globigerina marls or the evaporites.
Importance of secondary crests: the culmination of titled blocks is in
fact very often eroded, frequently down —to-the basement, whilst
secondary, more deeply buried crest, located on the homocline flank,
generally have had their reservoir preserved from erosion and the
likelihood of finding a sealed trap could be higher.
To this kind of structural trap related to the crest of titled blocks,
should be added horst-like features corresponding to crests of block
limited on their titled flank (homocline flank) by synthetic faults.
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2- Down -faulted wedges :- These are down —faulted compartments

bounding major longitudinal faults. Trapping possibilities in the pre-
rift or lower Miocene series are controlled by the dip of the strata;
should the dips be opposite to the fault, the down –faulted block may
be a good trap. Conversely, if the dip of the strata and the fault are in
same direction, the sealing properties of the fault will determine the
trap. 1n general, this sealing quality is poor because of the nearly
continuous activity of the cystic fault form the beginning of the
Miocene to the present time. The structural complexity of these traps
is due to dip—slip gliding along the fault scarp. These subtle trapping
mechanisms are exemplified in the surface geology although no oil
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pools have been reported producing from them in the Gulf. However,
their exploration is difficult due to the quality of seismic at depth.
3- Hanging wall of synthetic faults: This is another possible model of
structural trap present the Gulf but where no hydrocarbon
accumulations have yet been discovered. This kind 0f trap forms in
down- faulted compartment along the halocline flank of titled blocks.
The trapping mechanism is a function of the throw of the normal
synthetic fault; it has to be sufficient to completely offset reservoirs
across the fault located in favourable position relative to hydrocarbon
migration from the deepest part of the half-grabens . Such traps cold
contain huge accumulations and should be a target in future rounds of
4- Draping over- fault boundaries :- Such features, created by the
differential sediment compaction over the crests of blocks are
common in the syn- rift formations; flanks are steeper at depth and the
structure usually dies out in the younger sediments. Symmetrical
anticlines are less common than asymmetrical ones overlying a faulted
high 7 with hinge- line or associated flexure. Several examples of such
traps can be documented (e.g. Belayim fields).
5- Twist zones :- The twist zones are defined as flat lying areas (saddles)
between two graben or two horst feature. They are not properly
structural traps but could have trapping possibilities when combined
with stratigraphic pinch outs or transverse faults. Such subtle traps
have to be carefully explored in the Zaffarana-Abu Zenima area in
South Ramadan area (for example the South Ramadan field).
6- These traps are created by dip—slip of the hanging wall of major
clysmic faults along the fault scrap. Numerous examples can be
recognized in the Gulf of Suez, but they are generally deep prospects,
and Miocene reservoirs are unlikely to be present. This kind of
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structure should not be confused with the rollover folds related to

evaporites disharmonies.
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Hydrodynamic Traps
In these traps hydrodynamic movement of water is essential to prevent
the upward movement of oil or gas. The concept was first formulated by
(Hubbert,M.K.,l953) and embellished by (Leversen ,A.I.,1966).The basic
argument is that oil or gas will generally move upward along permeable
carrier beds to the earth‘s surface except where they encounter a
permeability barrier, structural or stratigraphic, beneath which they may
be tapped. Where water is moving hydro dynamically down permeable
beds, it may encounter upward-moving oil. When the hydrodynamic
force of the water is greater than the force due to the buoyancy of the oil
droplets, the oil will be restrained from upward movement and will
trapped within the bed without any permeability barrier.


 EGPC &Beicip, (1988)."Structural Evolution and Tectonic Modeling of Gulf of

 Hubbert, M.K., (1953)"Entrapment of petroleum under hydrodynamic
condition. American Association of petroleum Geologists.
 G.D Hobson and Tirastoo, (1975)."Introduction to Petroleum Geology"
 Gluyas, J.C and Swarbriek, RE, (2004)"Petroleum Geosciences black well
science Oxford.

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