Memory Aid - OBLICON Memory Aid - OBLICON
Memory Aid - OBLICON Memory Aid - OBLICON
Memory Aid - OBLICON Memory Aid - OBLICON
1. Law The same negligent act or omission
2. Contracts causing damage may produce civil
3. Quasi-contracts liability arising from crime under
4. Delicts Art. 100 of the RPC or create an
5. Quasi-delicts action for quasi-delict under Article
QUASI-CONTRACTS While it is true that in order that a
Those juridical relations arising from person may be liable for quasi-
lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts, delicts, there must be no pre-
by virtue of which the parties existing contractual relationship
become bound to each other, based between the parties, yet, “the act
on the principle that no one shall be that breaks the contract may also
unjustly enriched or benefited at the be a tort.” (Air France vs.
expense of another. Carrascoso, 18 SCRA 155).
b. resolutory (in diem) – arrival of 3. If the debtor binds himself when his
day certain terminates the obligation means permit him to do so (Article
2. a. legal – granted by law 1180)
b. conventional – stipulated by
parties NOTE: The only action that can be
c. judicial – fixed by courts maintained is an action to ask the court
3. a. definite – date/time is know to fix the duration of the term or period.
beforehand The fulfillment of the obligation itself
b. indefinite – the date/time of day cannot be demanded until after the
certain is unknown court has fixed the period for
compliance therewith, and such period
TERM CONDITION has arrived. However, such technicality
1. interval of time 1. fact or event w/c need not be adhered to when a prior and
w/c is future & is future and separate action would be a mere
certain uncertain formality and would serve no other
2. interval of time 2. future and purpose than to delay (Borromeo vs. CA,
w/c must uncertain fact or 47 SCRA 65).
necessarily come, event w/c may or
although it may may not happen
not be known when Reason for Fixing the Period (ART 1197)
3.exerts an 3. exerts an There can be no possibility of any
influence upon the influence upon the breach of contract or failure to
time of very existence of the perform the obligation unless the
demandability or obligation itself period is fixed by courts.
extinguishment of
an obligation When debtor loses right to make use of
4. does not have 4. has retroactive period: (IGIVA)
any retroactive effect 1. when after the obligation has been
effect unless there
contracted, he becomes insolvent,
is an agreement to
the contrary unless he gives guaranties or
5. when it is left 5. when it is left securities for the debt (the
exclusively to the exclusively to the insolvency need not be judicially
will of the debtor, will of the debtor, declared)
the existence of the very existence of 2. when he does not furnish to the
the obligation is the obligation is creditor the guaranties or securities
not affected affected he promised
3. when by his own act he has
impaired said guaranties or
When a period is securities after their establishment,
designated for the performance or and when through fortuitous event
fulfillment of an obligation, it is they disappear, unless he gives new
presumed to have been established for ones equally satisfactory when
the benefit of both creditor and debtor. debtor violates any undertaking, in
When it appears from the consideration of which the creditor
tenor of the obligation or other agreed to the period or
circumstances that the period has been 4. when debtor attempts to abscond
established in favor of one or of the
Obligations Obligations
When court may fix period:
1. if the obligation does not fix a 1. comprehends 1. comprehends
period, but from its nature and only one object or several objects or
circumstances it can be inferred that prestation which is prestations which are
a period was intended by the parties due, but it may be due but may be
2. if the duration of the period depends complied with by complied with by the
upon the will of the debtor; and the delivery of delivery or
another object or performance of only
performance of one of them
When penalty may be reduced Persons who may pay the obligation:
1. If the principal obligation has been 1. the debtor himself or his legal
partly complied with; representative
2. If the principal obligation has been 2. any third person
irregularly complied with; and
3. If the penalty is iniquitous or Creditor is not bound to
unconscionable even if there has been accept payment or performance by a
no performance. third person.
NOTE: Taxes are not subject to set-off b. Implied - when the old & new
or legal compensation because the obligation are incompatible w/
government & taxpayers are not each other on every point.
mutually creditors & debtors of each
other (Francia vs. IAC, 162 SCRA 753). Test of Incompatibility
Whether or not the old and new
Facultative Compensation obligations can stand together, each
This is compensation which can be having its own independent
set up only at the option of a existence. If they can stand
creditor, when legal compensation together, there is no incompatibility;
cannot take place because of want consequently, there is no novation.
of some legal requisites for the If they cannot stand together, there
benefit of the creditor. The latter is incompatibility; consequently,
can renounce his right to oppose the there is novation.
compensation and he himself can set
it up. It differs from conventional Forms of Substitution of Debtors:
compensation because it is unilateral 1. Expromision - effected with the
while the latter depends upon the consent of the creditor at the
agreement of both parties. instance of the new debtor even
(Tolentino, Volume IV, p. 367) without the consent or even
against the will of the old
NOVATION debtor.
Substitution or change of an Requisites:
obligation by another, resulting in its a. Initiative for substitution must
extinguishment or modification, emanate from the new debtor
either by changing its object or b. Consent of the creditor to the
principal conditions, or by substitution
substituting another in place of the 2. Delegacion - effected with the
debtor, or by subrogating a third consent of the creditor at the
person in the rights of the creditor. instance of the old debtor, with
Requisites: the concurrence of the new
a. a previous valid obligation; debtor.
b. agreement of the parties to the Requisites:
new obligation; a. Initiative for substitution must
c. extinguishment of the old emanate from the old debtor
obligation; and b. Consent of the new debtor
d. validity of the new obligation. c. Acceptance by the creditor
3. Action for the Action for annulment or Action for rescission Corresponding action
declaration or nullity defense of annulability may prescribe for recovery, if there
or inexistence or may prescribe was total or partial
defense of nullity or performance of the
inexistence does not unenforceable
prescribe contract under No. 1
or 3 of Article 1403
may prescribe
6. Assailed not only Assailed only by a Assailed not only by a Assailed only by a
by a contracting contracting party contracting party but contracting party
party but even by a even by a third person
third person whose who is prejudiced or
interest is directly damaged by the
affected contract
3. By loss of the thing which is the by the party charged or by his agent,
object of the contract through fraud otherwise, the said contracts shall
or fault of the person who is entitled be unenforceable.
to annul the contract. The statute of frauds applies only to
executory contracts, not to those
NOTE: If the object is lost through that are partially or completely
fortuitous event, the contract can still fulfilled.
be annulled, but the person obliged to
return the same can be held liable only Ratification of contracts in violation of
for the value of the thing at the time of the Statute of Frauds
the loss, but without interest thereon. 1. Failure to object to the presentation
of oral evidence to prove such
Those which cannot be enforced by 2. Acceptance of benefits under these
proper action in court unless they contracts
are ratified
What contracts are unenforceable Those where all of the requisites of a
1. those entered into in the name of contract are present but the cause,
another by one without or acting in object or purpose is contrary to law,
excess of authority; morals, good customs, public order
2. those where both parties are or public policy, or contract itself is
incapable of giving consent; and prohibited or declared void by law.
3. those which do not comply with the
Statute of Frauds What contracts are void
1. Those whose cause, object or
Agreements within the scope of the purpose is contrary to law, morals
Statute of Frauds (EXCLUSIVE LIST): good customs, public order or public
1. Agreements not to be performed policy;
within one year from the making 2. Those whose object is outside the
thereof; commerce of men;
2. Special promise to answer for the 3. Those which contemplate an
debt, default or miscarriage of impossible service;
another; 4. Those where the intention of the
NOTE: This does not refer to the original parties relative to the principal
or independent promise of the object of the contract cannot be
debtor to his own creditor. It refers ascertained; and
rather to a collateral promise. 5. Those expressly prohibited or
3. Agreement in consideration of declared void by law.
marriage other than a mutual
promise to marry; INEXISTENT CONTRACTS
4. Agreement for the sale of goods, Those where one or some or all of
etc. at a price not less than P500.00; the requisites essential for the
5. Contracts of lease for a period validity of a contract are absolutely
longer than one year; lacking.
6. Agreements for the sale of real
property or interest therein; and What contracts are inexistent
7. Representation as to the credit of a 1. Those which are absolutely
third person. simulated or fictitious; and
2. Those whose cause or object did not
NOTES: exist at the time of the transaction.
The contracts/agreements under the
Statute of Frauds require that the NOTE: The principle of In Pari Delicto is
same be evidenced by some note, applicable only to void contracts and not
memorandum or writing, subscribed as to inexistent contracts.