Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Healthcare-Associated Infectious Organisms in Medical Radiation Science Departments
Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Healthcare-Associated Infectious Organisms in Medical Radiation Science Departments
Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Healthcare-Associated Infectious Organisms in Medical Radiation Science Departments
A Systematic Review of Healthcare-Associated
Infectious Organisms in Medical Radiation
Science Departments
D’arcy Picton-Barnes 1 , Manikam Pillay 1,2 and David Lyall 1, *
1 School of Health Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan 2308, Australia; (D.P.-B.); (M.P.)
2 Centre for Resources Health and Safety, School of Health Sciences, The University of Newcastle,
Callaghan 2308, Australia
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +61-2492-15083
Received: 7 February 2020; Accepted: 24 March 2020; Published: 30 March 2020
1. Introduction
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) arise from the colonization of microorganisms on a new
host within a healthcare setting [1]. These include infectious organisms that patients are exposed to
when receiving care, and carry occupational risks of infection among healthcare workers [1]. HAIs are
problematic as they result in greater rates of mortality and morbidity, increase antimicrobial resistance
in microorganisms, and also increase costs for healthcare systems and those receiving care [1]. Over the
last century, developed countries have relied upon immunizations and antimicrobial medications as
the primary methods of disease prevention and management [2]. However, with the rise of multi-drug
resistant bacteria, the efficacy of these infection control methods has diminished [2]. More recently,
focus has shifted to hygiene and sanitation practices as the primary solution for preventing the
spread of these infections; aiming to reduce the occurrence of infections rather than treating infections
post-colonization [1,3]. Despite improvements in these practices, HAIs are still prevalent in healthcare
facilities, affecting hundreds of millions of patients worldwide each year [1]. Appropriate infection
control guidelines, as well as healthcare worker compliance in applying these measures, are imperative
in reducing the number of HAIs, thereby reducing their burden and improving both patient and staff
outcomes [1]. Though many microbes (including viruses and fungi) are responsible for HAIs, where
an estimated 90% are caused by bacteria, including species of Staphylococcus, Escherichia, Enterococci,
and Klebsiella [4].
Different classes of bacteria behave differently in the presence of antimicrobial agents [5], therefore
distinguishing between them is necessary to ensure appropriate infection control methods are being
implemented, thus minimizing the occurrence of infections [5]. Using the Gram stain test, bacteria
can be separated phenotypically into Gram-positive and Gram-negative [5]. The primary difference
between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria is the size and structure of the cell wall [5].
Gram-positive bacteria have a relatively thick, continuous peptidoglycan wall (20–80 nm) containing
teichoic and lipoteichoic acids [5]. Gram-negative bacteria have a thin layer of peptidoglycan; an outer
membrane that contains phospholipids; lipopolysaccharide; proteins; and while not directly involved
in staining, Gram-negative bacteria have a third layer (inner membrane) [5]. These two layers are
separated by a periplasmic space containing transport, degradative and cell-wall synthetic proteins [5].
The Gram-stain test involves staining bacteria with a crystal violet, attempting to remove the stain,
and then staining any decolourized cells with a red stain (safranin) [5]. Because of the differing
characteristics of the cell wall, Gram-positive bacteria trap the stain within the cross-linked structure of
the peptidoglycan layer, turning them purple [5]. Conversely, the crystal violet is not retained by the
thin peptidoglycan layer of Gram-negative bacteria, which washes off [5]. Accordingly, the presence of
the outer membrane gives Gram-negative bacteria a barrier that prevents substances accessing the
peptidoglycan layer, including antibacterial drugs and antimicrobial cleaning solutions [5]. Without
this extra layer of protection, mild detergents have a greater effect on Gram-positive bacteria than
Gram negative bacteria [5].
Medical radiation science (MRS) professionals have a high degree of direct contact with members
of the community who are susceptible to infections including children, the elderly, and those with
compromised immune systems [6]. This level of interaction means that if an MRS worker develops
an infection, there is a high chance of it spreading to these susceptible patients (and similarly from
patients to healthcare workers) [6]. In addition, a lot of the equipment utilized within MRS is shared
between patients with a broad range of pathologies [6]. As such, appropriate hygiene practices are
imperative to ensure this equipment does not harbor harmful microorganisms [6]. Reducing the
risk of exposure to infectious organisms is the responsibility of both the healthcare institution and
individual practitioners [1,7]. Most healthcare departments follow general infection control guidelines.
For instance, the New South Wales Health Infection Prevention and Control Policy [8] specifies that
shared patient equipment must be cleaned “according to manufacturer’s instructions” [8]. However,
due to the high-risk nature of patients within MRS, more specific methods of infection control may be
necessary in order to reduce the risk of HAIs. Furthermore, as different organisms require different
methods of infection prevention and control [5], such as sterilization or disinfection, infection control
methods should be specific to the nature of practice performed within the healthcare setting [1,5].
Research into the specific infectious organisms found within MRS departments may serve to guide
infection control strategies.
Current research predominantly focuses on HAIs among patients only, and not on the
occupational-associated infections (OAIs) that staff are exposed to. When addressing this gap,
Nienhaus et al. reported that the annual rate of recognized OAIs in non-government hospitals in
Germany were 15.3 per 100,000 healthcare workers [9]. This study did note that the data may have been
incomplete as it relied upon healthcare workers reporting infections, and considerable underreporting
of OAIs was likely to have occurred [9]. Nienhaus et al. concluded that the risk of OAIs remains high,
and as such “awareness for the infection risk and knowledge about infection prevention should be
Healthcare 2020, 8, 80 3 of 14
improved” [9]. Along with limited research regarding OAIs in healthcare workers, the prevalence of
infectious organisms across MRS professions has also been underexplored in the literature. As such,
this study aims to address these research gaps and contribute to the available literature by determining
the OAIs that MRS staff are most likely at risk of contracting within their departments. Having an
understanding of infectious organisms in MRS departments is an important first step in establishing
programs and approaches for reducing infection risks among healthcare workers, and consequently
among patients [10]. This systematic review therefore aims to collect and analyze data from recent
literature to determine the infectious organisms that MRS staff are exposed to within their departments;
and examine the reservoirs and modes of transmission of these organisms. This review extends the
scope of existent literature by including MRS, which has not been covered in previous research [10].
Table 1. The search strategy performed in one of the five databases (Medical Literature Analysis and
Retrieval System Online; MEDLINE).
# Searches
1 healthcare associated infection/
(“hospital acquired infection *” or “healthcare associated infection*” or hospital pathogens or “nosocomial”).mp. [mp = title, abstract, original
2 title, name of substance word, subject heading word, floating sub-heading word, keyword heading word, organism supplementary concept
word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier, synonyms]
3 1 or 2
4 exp Allied Health Occupations/ or exp Allied Health Personnel/
(“radiation therap *” or “radiotherap*” or “allied health” or “nuclear medicine” or “molecular imag*”).mp. or radiography/ or “medical
imaging”.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, floating sub-heading word, keyword heading
word, organism supplementary concept word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique
identifier, synonyms]
6 4 or 5
7 3 and 6
8 limit 7 to English language
9 Limit 8 to year = ”1983–2018”
Healthcare 2020, 8, 80 4 of 14
2.4. Definitions
For the purpose of this review, the following definitions were used:
• Medical radiation scientists were defined as healthcare professionals that perform diagnostic
imaging studies or plan and deliver radiation treatments to patients. Australian titles
for these professionals include diagnostic radiographers, nuclear medicine scientists, and
radiation therapists.
• Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) comprise of infections acquired by persons in a healthcare
setting [4]. These include bloodstream infections and organism-specific infections (such as
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile) that were defined as being
associated with healthcare in the literature [4].
• Occupational-associated infections (OAIs) refer to infections that healthcare professionals
acquire or are at risk of contracting from occupational exposure to infectious organisms within
their departments.
Figure 1.
Figure Preferredreporting
1. Preferred reportingitems
(PRISMA) flow flow
diagram [11] depicting the stages of article identification, screening, assessment for eligibility, and final
diagram [11] depicting the stages of article identification, screening, assessment for
inclusion of 19 articles.
eligibility, and final inclusion of 19 articles.
3.2. Characteristics of Included Studies
3.2. Characteristics of Included Studies
The final set of 19 included articles were published from Africa, Asia, North America, and Europe,
and were final
The set ofbetween
published 19 included articles
1998 and were
2018. published
A total from were
of 12 studies Africa,
setAsia, North America,
in diagnostic and
Europe, and were published between 1998 and 2018. A total of 12 studies were set
departments, and two were set in radiotherapy departments. Five studies were of a non-specific in diagnostic
radiography departments, and two were set in radiotherapy departments. Five studies were of a non-
Healthcare 2020, 8, 80 6 of 14
or non-MRS setting but included information on equipment found in MRS (such as mobile phones,
scissors, or identification badges). There were no studies set in nuclear medicine departments.
Of the included studies, 15 were of observational design and aimed to identify
the healthcare-associated organisms within MRS departments, or on equipment utilized in
MRS [6,14–18,20–24,26,28,30,31]. An additional observational study was included as it identified
the risk of occupational blood exposure, and therefore risk of infection to particular groups of
healthcare workers [19]. The other three included studies were quasi-experimental, and were designed
to test the ability of organisms to attach to and survive on equipment within MRS [25,27,29]. Table 2
describes the setting and healthcare equipment analyzed within the included studies, as well as the
number of infectious organisms identified.
CO, Cohort; CS, Cross-Sectional; DR, Diagnostic Radiography; F, Fungi; N, Gram-Negative Bacteria; NS, Non-Specific;
P, Gram-Positive Bacteria; QE, Quasi-Experimental; RT, Radiation Therapy; RU, Rehabilitation Unit; US, Ultrasound.
different genera of Gram-negative bacteria were identified including Acinetobacter and Escherichia; as
well as two genera of fungi (Candida and Cladosporium).
Table 3. Genera of healthcare-associated infectious organisms identified in the literature and their
common route/s of transmission.
At least one species of Staphylococcus was identified in every included study assessing
contamination of healthcare departments, with the exception of one study [6] that expressed their
results in terms of colony-forming units (CFUs) rather than specific organism(s). Staphylococcus,
Escherichia, Bacillus, and Corynebacterium species, as well as coliforms other than Escherichia, were
reported in all MRS departments studied, including diagnostic radiography, ultrasonography, and
radiation therapy. The three most frequently identified infectious organisms were Staphylococcus
(18.2%), Corynebacterium (11.7%), and Bacillus (10.4%), all of which are Gram-positive. In total, 13
different genera of infectious organisms were reported in diagnostic radiography departments (plus
one count of diplococci), 13 were reported in ultrasonography departments, and six were reported in
radiation therapy departments. There were 16 different genera reported from other departments with
Vibrio being the only organism not also identified in MRS departments (found on identification badges).
With the exception of Kocuria (blood transmissible), all of the infectious organisms identified in the
literature are transmissible via contact. Four of those organisms can also be transmitted through air.
on radiographic cassettes reported bacterial contamination on 95% of samples [20]. However, this
study reported relatively low levels of contamination, with a range of 0–194 CFUs and a pooled mean of
approximately 30 CFUs per cassette [20]. Another study examined the CFUs on a range of equipment
utilized in diagnostic radiography departments, including x-ray tubes, control panels, imaging plates,
and radiographic cassettes [6]. This study reported control panels to be the most heavily contaminated
item, with a range of six to more than 1000 CFUs, and a pooled mean of 280.5 CFUs per control panel [6].
The pooled mean and ranges for each outcome measure evaluated are presented in Table 4, which was
adapted from a study by Schabrun and Chipchase [32].
Table 4. Pooled range and mean for each outcome measure investigated [32].
* All studies appraised with the JBI checklist appropriate to the study design [13]. N, No; U, Unclear; Y, Yes.
4. Discussion
This SR was aimed at investigating the different infectious organisms that MRS staff may be
exposed to, their reservoirs, and their modes of transmission. The authors believe this is one of the
first such reviews to focus on this specific context. The literature search resulted in the inclusion of 19
relevant studies. Of the 19 studies, 15 aimed to identify the healthcare-associated organisms found
within MRS or on equipment utilized in MRS; one study investigated the risk of occupational blood
exposure among diagnostic radiographers; and the other three assessed the potential for equipment
used in MRS to act as a reservoir for infectious organisms.
Healthcare 2020, 8, 80 9 of 14
contaminated with bacteria, whereas Arora et al. [15] reported contamination in only 41% (65/160) of
samples from mobile phones. The samples were acquired using similar swabbing techniques, culturing
mediums and incubation periods, with the only obvious difference being the substances on the swabs
used during data collection. Considering the variation in organism counts, the conclusion that mobile
phones are a potential reservoir for infectious organisms is consistent.
There were no counts of viral organisms recorded in the included literature, which could potentially
be due to them not being tested for during data collection and analysis. Another explanation could be
that viruses require a host to reproduce, whereas bacteria do not [35]. This greatly reduces the lifespan
of viruses when compared to bacteria [35]. On equipment and surfaces, viruses have an average life
expectancy of a few days, whereas bacteria can survive for months [35]. There are several practical
reasons that may explain why viruses were not similarly examined for on MRS equipment. The largest
being the relatively high cost of testing for viral contamination when compared to bacteria. In addition,
there is a requirement for specialized medium, in vitro cell cultures/embryonated eggs, and low usage
of high cost test kits (e.g., Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)) with a short outdate, which
means many hospital laboratories must send their viral cultures to a reference lab for analysis.
4.4. Limitations
While recognizing that SRs allow for a more objective appraisal of available evidence in comparison
to integrative, narrative, or scoping reviews, they can have a number of limitations. First, they cannot
pick up all the articles that may be published in any area [36,37]. In addition, they can also be
subject to a number of biases [38]. According to the hierarchy of evidence, observational studies are
ranked relatively low (in comparison to the “gold standard” randomized controlled trials) [33]. All
19 studies included in this review demonstrate the utilization of research designs that typically lack
adequate methodological rigor to minimize the effects of bias [33]. However, the use of such a rigid
hierarchy is being questioned by some authors such as Concato [39], who argue that evidence-based
hierarchies overstate the limitations of observational studies [39]. The majority of studies evaluating
the effectiveness of such a hierarchy have concluded that the importance of a study design depends on
the research question being studied [33,39]. A rigid hierarchy of evidence may not be well suited for
microbiological research, where the aim is observing the levels of organisms that are living within
an environment [40]. Randomized controlled trials are often not an appropriate study design for
this type of research as an intervention is not applied [39,40]. As such, applying a rigid design
hierarchy to research of this nature is potentially less important than evaluating the rigor of the study’s
methodology [40].
Healthcare 2020, 8, 80 11 of 14
Of the 19 studies included in this SR, 10 used samples involving less than 50 subjects. Additionally,
only five of those studies provided justification for their sample size. Smaller sample sizes increase
the probability of a sample returning a non-significant result [39], which makes it more difficult to
determine the true levels of infectious organisms within MRS departments and limits the application
of results to the wider population.
Several included studies failed to randomly select subjects, further limiting the ability for findings
to be extrapolated to a wider population. Six of the 19 studies used random selection, three used
convenience sampling, and the remaining 10 did not state their sampling procedure. Without
sufficient sampling information, it is difficult to determine whether sampled equipment is unbiased
and representative of the equipment most commonly used in MRS departments. Several studies
also incorporated a questionnaire into their research or recruited samples over several months, and
some studies failed to report whether participating professionals were blinded to the nature of
the study [15,22]. Without being blinded, subjects may have been inclined to clean their personal
equipment (radiographic markers, scissors, etc.) more regularly, thus directly affecting the reported
level of contamination.
The ability to extrapolate results even to other MRS departments (let alone broader healthcare)
is difficult as only two studies were set in radiation therapy departments, and there are no studies
set in nuclear medicine departments. Whilst the results were relatively consistent across the settings
of included studies, further research is necessary to determine whether the findings reported in this
review can be applied to other MRS departments.
Variable methods of data collection were used across the included studies, including different
swabbing techniques and culturing mediums. Levels of contamination were also reported differently,
with one study reporting the results solely in terms of CFUs rather than actual infectious organisms [6].
There were also discrepancies between which organism(s) each study was testing for, as well as
variations in classifications of reported organisms. Due to these factors, it is possible that the true
prevalence of infectious organisms in MRS may be underestimated.
Most studies classify coagulase-negative Staphylococcus as a significant pathogen, despite it being
part of the environmental skin flora [28]. However, certain studies, such as Ota et al. [28], excluded
environmental flora from their results to prevent overestimation of contamination. Accordingly, this
study also reported equipment with the lowest levels of contamination (13.6%). With the inclusion
of environmental flora, bacterial contamination was reported on 96.6% of samples [28]. This result
increases the pooled mean level of contamination from 62.5% to 68%. This discrepancy in reporting
across studies could result in either an underestimation or an overestimation of potentially infectious
organisms. Given the nature of opportunistic pathogens and the high-risk environment of MRS,
healthcare professionals should be mindful when applying infection control strategies to minimize the
occurrence of OAIs.
1. No studies have been published on infectious organisms within nuclear medicine departments,
thus the risks of exposure for nuclear medicine staff and the potential of nuclear medicine
equipment to be vectors for OAIs remains unknown. Further research needs to be conducted to
address this gap and assess the correlation to other MRS professions.
2. No studies were undertaken and published from Australia or any South American countries.
Further research needs to be undertaken to determine whether the infectious organisms identified
within this study or different organisms are present in Australia and South America.
3. The reservoirs of infectious microorganisms identified in the SR are the basis for experimental
studies to assess the risk and burden of OAI exposure specifically in nuclear medicine departments
and among MRS staff and in MRS equipment.
Healthcare 2020, 8, 80 12 of 14
4. The literature has not identified if there is common OAI exposure risks when comparing MRS staff
and other allied health professionals OAI risk. Further empirical research needs to be undertaken
within diagnostic radiography, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy departments and to be
compared to differing allied health professions.
5. Conclusions
This SR aimed to identify the infectious organisms that may be found in MRS, their reservoirs,
and modes of transmission. A range of different infectious organisms were identified in the literature,
including Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and fungi. Equipment utilized in MRS
departments, such as radiographic cassettes and ultrasound probes, was demonstrated to be a potential
reservoir for bacteria and a source of OAIs. As a vast majority of the infectious organisms identified
are transmissible by contact, appropriate infection control strategies are imperative to minimize the
number of infectious organisms on MRS equipment and surrounding surfaces. Reducing the number
of infectious organisms within MRS departments minimizes the risk of OAIs, and also decreases the
risk of these infectious organisms being transferred to patients and the wider community.
Only two of the included studies were set in radiation therapy departments and no studies were
set in nuclear medicine departments, limiting the generalizability of the results. Further research
would be recommended in order to provide clinically meaningful results that can be extrapolated to all
MRS professions.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.L., M.P., and D.P.-B.; methodology, D.L., M.P., and D.P.-B.;
validation, D.L., M.P., and D.P.-B.; formal analysis, D.L., M.P., and D.P.-B.; data curation, D.L., M.P., and D.P.-B.;
writing—original draft preparation, D.P.-B.; writing—review and editing, D.L., M.P., and D.P.-B.; visualization,
D.L., M.P., and D.P.-B.; supervision, D.L. and M.P.; project administration, D.L., M.P., and D.P.-B. All authors have
read and agree to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: This research was undertaken as part of an honors project by the first-named author at the
University of Newcastle, Australia. The authors acknowledge the contributions of Debbie Booth, a senior research
librarian at the University of Newcastle for providing research training and assistance with the search. In addition,
the authors thank the anonymous experts who examined the honors thesis whose comments and feedback has
strengthened the final paper. The authors thank the peer reviewers whose invaluable comments, feedback and
insights helped us improve the quality of this article
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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