Prasann & Group Symposium
Prasann & Group Symposium
Prasann & Group Symposium
Symposium on
Planning and organizing of
nursing educational
Elements of management:
Objective of planning
Importance of planning
Steps in planning
Forms of planning
Objectives of organization
Organization process:
Organization structure:
Process of organizing
Principles of organizing
General Objective :
At the end of this classroom presentation, Student will be getting knowledge
about management of nursing educational institution in the terms of
planning, organizing, staffing, budget.
Specific objectives :
After completion of this symposium Student will be able to acquire
knowledge about the…
Educational administration may be defined as in large part "that influencing of one group
of human beings, the pupils, to grow towards defined objectives; utilizing a second group of
human beings, the teacher as agents, and operating in a setting of third group of human being,
the public variously concerned both with objectives and with means used to achieve the
-Paul R Mort
Elements of management:
BUDGETING Organizing
Cordinating DIRECTING
1) Planning:
Definition of planning in nursing educational institution:
Planning in nursing educational institution is essential as it will provide the basis for the
development of the institution in both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Planning involves
setting the goals for achievement and developing the direction and process for making the goals
into a reality.
Planning also give a chance to mobilize and utilize the resource carefully and effectively.
o To bring about unity on the working institution.
o To achieve coordination in power and efforts.
o To curtail the cost
Importance of planning:
Planning is an important function of management, therefore an organization success
depend on good planning.
Planning eliminate or reduce the chance of uncertainty.
Planning avoids overlapping of activities.
Planning helps to set standards of activities.
Planning helps in coordinating activities.
Planning gives direction to an organization.
Planning eliminate duplication of effort.
Planning improve communication and interpersonal relationships.
Planning is looking ahead determine goals objective policies procedure and method and
considering various other activities.
Planning leads to effectiveness and efficiency.
Planning helps decision making.
Planning reduce the cost of performance.
Offsets future uncertainty and change
Tackles increasing complexity in institution
Helps in coordination
Helps in the proper utilization of the company resource
Helps in avoiding institution failure
Focus attention on the organization goals
Improve competitive strength
Improves adaptability.
Guides decision making.
1) Analyzing and understanding of the system:-
Administrator or manager needs to understand the system where he/she is working in and
consisting of their subordinates, community and higher authorities. Each types in the system
have to be made known to it.
Objectives are the short statement of outcome or what must be done. These set the pattern of the
proposed course of action or shape, the structure of other subsidiary objectives in the
organization, this implies the establishment of goals for the whole organization as also for each
of its subunits, that is major objectives are broken down into departmental, sectoral and
individual objective, when derivative plans are organized throughout the organization as a guide
of action, objective must be specific, informative, and clear enough to indicate what is to be
Developing premises, certain assumptions about the future on the basis of which the plan will be
ultimately formulated. planning promises can be classified as under:
premises may exist within and outside the company. Important premises are skill of the labor
force, other resources and abilities of the organization in the form of machines, money and
methods. External premises include population growth, political stability, sociological factors
and government policies.
tangible premises are those which can be quantitatively measured. Population growth, capital and
resources all are tangible premises whose quantitative measurement is possible. Political
stability, sociologic factors, attitudes, philosophies and behavior of owners of the organization all
are intangible premises whose qualitative measurement is not possible.
because of the presence of uncontrollable factors, there is need for the organization to revive the
plans periodically in accordance with current developments. Some of the examples of
uncontrollable factors are strikes, wars, natural calamities, emergency, legislation etc.
controllable factors are those which can be controlled and normally can not upset well
throughout calculations of organization regarding the plan,E.g. Are skill of the labour force,
attitude and behavior of owners
4) Selection and formulation of the operating plan from alternatives:
Planning rests on premises of the expected environmental conditions. Such remises may be:
For eg: Capital investment, values and belief of top management and so on.
Business environment refers to totality of economic, political, social, cultural , and technological
conditions that affect formation of derivative plans of any organization. Timing is an essential
consideration in planning, and it gives practical shape and concrete form to the program. The
starting and finishing timing are fixed for each work.
5) Securing participation:
For the effective implementation of the programme, the subordinates participation has been
found to be extremely essential. Plans must be communicated for increasing their understanding
of the proposed action and for enlisting their cooperation in proper implementation of plan.
6) Implementation:
Implementation is the key in the planning process. the special attention is needed to the use of
strategy. Strategy means asset of decision taken to achieve the objectives. Strategy implies an
approach to implementation of plan whereby all resistance and reactions of workers are
encountered. Strategy dictates some adjustment and adaptation of plan is accordance with
changing situation or events. So it should be flexible enough to adjust to changed conditions and
to unusual and unexpected situation.
For this one should have regular feedback both the way of written records and reports and by
direct observation. This is called control monitoring.
8) Evaluation:
Evaluation is measuring what has been done against what had been planned to do. any deviation
have to be explained and necessary action has to be initiated to correct deviations
1.Strategic planning:
It involves deciding what the major goals of the entire organization will be and what policies will
guide the organizations in its pursuit of these goals. The organization relies heavily on external
formulation i.e. estimates of costs, technological developments.
2.Tactical planning:
it involves deciding specifically how the resource of the organization will be used to help an
organization to achieve its strategic goals.
Lack of planning skills can be overcome through training program organized for training
managers in acquiring requisite skills for planning.
4. Communication System
Lack of information can be overcome by designing a well connected information system which
shall give all information relevant for making plans to the managers
Rather than framing plans & communicating them to the organizational members to implement
them, the top managers should encourage group participation where by those who frame plans
and those who implement them collectively engage themselves in the planning process. Though
group participation has its own limitations. it should be attempted to be overcome through
rational and realistic planning process.
Organizing is a process which is required when many people are involved in managing an
institution. Organization means relationships between emerges in which someone takes up
responsibility of leading the activities of the organization. Organization requires people who are
able to communicate effectively, willing to contribute their service and coordinate well with
To prepare different levels of nurses who will function at different positions.
To develop nurse who are capable of delivering high quality nursing care with holistic
To provide facilities for advanced studies and specialization in nursing.
Identification of the work/goal to be accomplished
Grouping the activity
Establishing job specifications.
Coordination of the work and working together effectively
Delegation of responsibility along with necessary authority
Maintaining good interpersonal relationship.
Accomplishment of identified objectives.
Organization structure:
1) Line structure: It shown direct and vertical relationship between the people working in
2) Staff or functional structure: The hierarchy of relationship is developed based on the
3) Division structure: It is used in larger organization, when they have institution at multiple
locations and the divisional structure66 is used for each of the unit.
4) Project organizational structure: It is temporary in nature and developed for specific
projects. The structure will facilitate coordination and control within the project team.
5) Matrix structure: This is a combination of both functional and divisional structure and again
used by large organization with multiple institutions.
Educational Managing
and the body Director
trust director
of the trust
Nursing tutors
In performing the organizing function, the manager differentiates and integrate the activities of
his organization. By differentiation is meant the process of departmentalization or segmentation
of activities on the basic of some homogeneity. Integration is the process of achieving unity of
effort among the various departments. we can describe the differentiation and integration in
terms of 6 step procedure.
1) Consideration of objectives
The first step is organising is to know the objectives of the Enterprises . objectives determine the
activity which needs to be performed and the type of organisation which needs to be built for the
2) Grouping of activities into departments
After the consideration of objectives, the next step is to identify activities necessary to achieve
them and to group the closely related and family activities into departments and sections.
Eg. activities of a manufacturing concern may be grouped into such department as production,
marketing, financing and personnels.
In addition, the activities of each department maybe further classified and placed under the
charge of different sections of the department .
Eg. in the production department, separate section may be created for research, industrial
engineering etc.
Peter Ducker compresses the above six step procedure in to three steps procedure. The three
steps suggested are
a. Activities analysis
b. Decision analysis
c. Relation analysis
To develop a sound and efficient organization structure, there is need to follow certain principles.
The principles are-
7) Objectives
The objectives of the enterprise influence the organisation structure and hence the objectives of
the enterprise should first be clearly defined. Then every part of the organization should be
geared to the achievement of these objectives.
8) Specialisation
Effective organization must promote specialization. The activities of the enterprise should be
divided according to functions and assigned to persons according to their specialization.
9) Span of control
There is a limit to the number of persons that can be supervised effectively by one boss, the span
of control should be as far as possible, the minimum. The means, an executive should be asked to
supervise a reasonable number of subordinates only say six.
10) Exception
As the executives at the higher levels have limited time, only exceptional complex problems
should be referred to them and routine matters should be dealt with the subordinates and lower
levels. This will enable the executives a higher level to devote time to more important and
crucial issues.
The principle is sometimes known as the “chain of command”. The line of authority from the
chief executive at the top of the first line supervisor at the bottom must be clearly defined.
Dual subordination must be avoided, for its causes uneasiness, disorder, indiscipline and
undermining of authority.
13) Delegation
Proper authority should be delegated at the lower level of organization. The authority should be
equal to responsibility.
14) Responsibility
The superior should be held responsible for the acts of his subordinates. No superior should be
allowed to avoid responsibility by delegating authority to his subordinates.
15) Authority
The authority is the tool by which a manager is able to accomplish the desired objectives. The
authority of each manager must be clearly defined. Further, the authority should be equal to
16) Efficiency
The organization structure should be enable the enterprise of function efficiently and accomplish
its objectives with the lowest possible cost.
17) Simplicity
The organization structure should be as simple as possible and the organization should, as far as
possible, be minimum. A large number of level of organization mean difficulty of effective
communication and coordination.
18) Flexibility
The organization should be flexible, should be adaptable to changes circumstances and permit
expansion and replacement without dislocation and disruption of the basis of design.
19) Balance
There should be responsible balance in the size of various department, between centralization
and decentralization, between the principle of span of control and the short chain of command,
and among all types of factor such as human, technical and financial.
There should be one objective and one plan for the group of activities having the same objectives
unity of direction facilities unification and coordination of activities of various level.
As people constitute an organization, there is need for proper selection, placement and training
for staff. Further, the organization structure must ensure optimum use of human resources and
encourage management development programmes.
Educational administration is a large part that influencing of one group of
human beings, the pupils, to grow towards defined objectives; utilizing a
second group of human beings, the teacher as agents, and operating in a setting
of third group of human being, the public variously concerned both with
objectives and with means used to achieve it.
Abdullah, Z., Samah, S. A. A., Jusoff, K., & Isa, P. M. (2009).Succession Planning in
Malaysian Institution of Higher Education. International Education Studies, 2(1), 129.
Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2005). Teaching in Nursing. A Guide for Faculty (2nd
ed.). Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders.