International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Tzer-Ming Jeng, Yi-Liang Lin
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Tzer-Ming Jeng, Yi-Liang Lin
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Tzer-Ming Jeng, Yi-Liang Lin
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Available online 16 January 2014 This study developed an integral thermoelectric generator system with high-performance heat transfer and ther-
moelectric conversion functions, using the metal pin-fin array coupling with the forced convection heat transfer
Keywords: technique to be the heat absorber and heat sink. A one-dimensional steady heat conduction model with internal
Thermoelectric generator Joule heat generation and Seebeck effect was proposed to predict the power generation performance of the
Heat transfer present thermoelectric system including the heat absorber and heat sink at various operation conditions. Critical
Heat absorber
heat-transfer parameters on the design of the integral thermoelectric generator system were derived and
Heat sink
Heat-transfer parameters
discussed. Finally, a series of systematical experiments were performed to simulate an integral thermoelectric
generator system operating at the exhaust pipe. The experimental results also demonstrated the validity of the
proposed theoretical model.
Crown Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction more than one thousand degrees, their model accounts for all tempera-
ture dependent characteristics of the materials. Consequently, a numer-
Approximately 30% of the energy generated by the combustion of ical approximation is used to solve the mathematic equations. They
fuel in the engine cylinder will be converted by the cylinder piston mo- indicated that their model is validated by simulation data from other
tion into the brake force of vehicles (5% of it will be neutralized by fric- models and experimental data; it can be used to predict and optimize
tion loss of machine members). In addition, about 70% of it cannot be the system performance of real thermoelectric devices. Sandoz-Rosado
converted into mechanical energy, but disperses to the environment et al. [10] implemented a systematic assessment of validity of the stan-
as waste heat. About a half of the useless heat is emitted with exhaust dard model which uses an averaged Seebeck coefficient and neglects
gas out of the engine, and the other half is emitted by the cooling system the non-linear Thomson effect to develop a closed-form solution of
of the engine body. If these waste heat can be recovered, the power loss the governing heat equation. They proved that the standard model
can be reduced, and the thermal pollution to the environment resulted using the integral-averaged Seebeck coefficient (but neglects the
from the waste heat can be also reduced. Some conceptual heat recov- Thompson term in the temperature field evaluation) is sufficiently accu-
ery technologies applied on the automotive engine have been intro- rate for the thermoelectric system modeling and optimization as an al-
duced briefly by Talom and Beyene [1]. Among these conceptual heat ternative to computationally expensive numerical simulations. Rezania
recovery technologies, the thermoelectric generator (TEG) may offer [11] experimentally investigated the effect of using a specified
thermoelectric energy conversion in a simple, quiet, reliable and envi- microchannel heat sink on the power generated by the thermoelectric
ronmentally friendly way. Therefore, there has been a growing interest generator (TEG) system. Their results showed that there was a unique
in the generation technology of TEG and its reverse application coolant flow rate at any temperature difference of the hot and cold
(i.e. thermoelectric cooler, TEC) [2–8]. sides of the TEG (ΔTteg,av) that made maximum net-power, and the
Many studies have investigated the characteristics of thermoelectric value of the optimum flow rate increased when the ΔTteg,av increased.
generator components and the application of waste heat recovery, Most of the previous studies focused on the relationship of the gen-
showing the importance of waste heat recovery power generation in erating electricity and the temperature difference between the cold and
green energy development. Recently, Chen et al. [9] proposed a three- hot end surfaces of thermoelectric generator. The studies about critical
dimensional thermoelectric generator model and implemented the heat-transfer parameters on the design of the integral thermoelectric
numerical simulation by a commercial soft (FLUENT). Because the tem- system including the heat absorber and heat sink at various operation
perature of the industrial heat source usually ranges from hundreds to conditions are few. Therefore, this study developed a platform with
high-performance heat transfer and thermoelectric conversion func-
tions, using the metal pin-fin array coupling with the forced convection
☆ Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chienkuo
heat transfer technique to be the heat absorber and heat sink. By using
Technology University, No. 1, Chieh Shou N Rd., Chang Hua 500, Taiwan, ROC. the theoretical model and experimental method, heat transfer and ther-
E-mail address: (S.-C. Tzeng). moelectric conversion principles were applied to discuss the influences
0735-1933/$ – see front matter. Crown Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
98 S.-C. Tzeng et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 97–105
steel is welded to protect the Bakelite against the very hot air. Besides,
there are three configurations of heat absorbers that will be installed re-
spectively into the test section: (1) the smooth plate (Mode A); (2) the
A area (m2)
staggered circular pin-fin array (Mode B) and (3) the inline circular pin-
F flow rates (m3/h)
fin array (Mode C). They are all made of aluminum alloy (T6061). There
h heat transfer coefficient (W/m2/K)
is a thermocouple (TT-T-30SLE) at the inlet of test section to measure
I generating current (I)
the inlet temperature of hot air. The thermocouples are also embedded
k thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
in the spreader of the heat absorber to measure the relevant tempera-
P overall generating electricity (W)
tures. All the configurations and dimensions of the heat absorbers are
q̇ the rate of heat internally generated per unit volume
shown in Fig. 2(a). Table 1 shows the specifications of the thermoelectric
generator made by Russia KRYOTHERM. The thermoelectric generator
Q thermal power (W)
uses the temperature difference between both sides of the chip module
R electric resistance of the variable load (Ω)
to convert the heat energy into electric energy. This experiment used
Rint internal electric resistance (Ω)
the thermal grease with high thermal conductivity to affix the hot sides
T temperature (°C)
of four thermoelectric generators to the heat absorber, so as to transfer
V generating voltage (V)
the heat energy of hot air to the thermoelectric generators. The other
sides (cold sides) of the thermoelectric generators were affixed to the ex-
ternal heat sink for cooling. The temperature difference between the cold
Greek symbols
and hot sides of thermoelectric generators increases with the heat-
α Seebeck coefficient difference (V/K)
transfer rate, so that a better heat-transfer design will obtain higher
α⁎ Seebeck parameter of TEG (1/K)
generating electricity. In order to obtain the temperatures of cold and
γ heat-transfer ratio of heat absorber to heat sink
hot sides of thermoelectric generators accurately, the spreaders of the
δ thickness of thermoelectric generator (m)
heat absorber and heat sink were machined to make some small holes
λ Biot number of TEG
enough for thermocouples to pass through, and then the thermocouples
could contact directly to the both sides of the thermoelectric generators.
When the thermocouples were embedded into the spreaders, the
Subscripts gaps of the machined holes were filled up with the high-thermal-
1 the side of heat absorber conductivity thermal grease, so as to reduce the effect of the machined
2 the side of external heat sink holes for embedding thermocouples on the thermal conduction perfor-
C cooling air or cold side of TEG mances of the heat absorber and heat sink. The external heat sink, fixed
H hot air or hot side of TEG to the cold sides of thermoelectric generators for forced convective
i at the channel inlet cooling, was made of aluminum alloy (T6061) with staggered circular
i,s inner spreader, i.e. the spreader of heat absorber pin fins. The configuration and dimension of the heat sink is shown in
j jet cooling air Fig. 2(b). It used a 1/2-HP blower to feed cooling air in the vertical pipe
max maximum in diameter of 75 mm, and the inverter controlled the rotational speed
o,s outer spreader, i.e. the spreader of external heat sink of the blower motor to adjust the cooling air rate. The outlet of the vertical
tg thermal grease pipe was connected to the heat sink, so that the cooling air impacted the
TEG thermoelectric generator pin fins directly for heat exchange. There was additional thermocouple for
measuring the jet cooling air temperature. The multifunctional data
recorder (YOKOGAWA, MX-100) captured the temperatures (Ti, Tj, Ti,s,
of different operation conditions on the energy output of thermoelectric To,s) of the inlet hot air, jet cooling air, cold and hot sides of the thermo-
generator and derive the relevant critical heat-transfer parameters, in electric generators. The generating voltage (V), the electric resistance of
order to be reference for next physical product of the thermoelectric the variable load (R), the hot and cooling air flow rates (FH, FC) were
generator system. also recorded. The computer recorded and integrated all the data. All
the data were captured when the temperatures reached thermal balance,
2. Experiments and theoretical analysis namely, the temperature change did not exceed 0.2 °C within 15 min.
2.1. Experimental equipments for thermoelectric conversion system 2.2. Theoretical model for generating electricity and heat transfer
In order to simulate an integral thermoelectric conversion system
operating at the exhaust pipe, we built an experimental system shown Fig. 3 is the schematic diagram of the heat transfer mechanism of
in Fig. 1(a). The experimental equipment is consisted of (1) hot air sup- thermoelectric conversion platform of this study and the relevant ther-
ply source; (2) test section; (3) inner heat absorber; (4) thermoelectric mal network. The compressed air is heated by a heater and the flow rate
generators; (5) external heat sink and (6) data acquisition equipment. is adjusted by a flow controller, so as to simulate the temperature and
The air source for the experimental system is generated by 10-HP air flow rate of the exhaust emitted by the automobile engine. As shown
compressor and stored in 800 L air tank to reduce the impulse. When in the figure, the hot air with Ti temperature enters the inlet end of
the rated pressure is reached, the air flows through the oil filter and the thermoelectric conversion platform. The waste heat energy is led
the dryer to filter the vapor, oil and foreign particles. The air flow rate to the heat absorber with Ti,s temperature by heat convection with h1
is adjusted by the SIN-DP electronic flow controller. Before the air enters heat transfer coefficient, the internal heat sink absorbs some of the
the test section, it will pass through a high-temperature heater. This waste heat energy, and the thermal grease with ktg thermal conductivity
heater can heat the air to the rated temperature within a short period leads the heat to the hot side of the thermoelectric generator (TEG) with
of time, and then the hot air is forwarded into the test section. The de- TTEG,H temperature. Following this, the heat is transferred across the
composition chart of the test section is shown in Fig. 1(b). The test sec- thermoelectric generator by heat conduction with kTEG thermal conduc-
tion, with a cross section of 80 mm × 38.5 mm, is made of 40 mm-thick tivity to the cold side of the thermoelectric generator with TTEG,C tem-
Bakelite with low thermal conductivity to reduce the heat loss dissipat- perature. The thermal grease with ktg thermal conductivity leads the
ed from the walls. In the inside of the test section, a 5 mm-thick stainless heat to the spreader of the external heat sink with To,s temperature,
S.-C. Tzeng et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 97–105 99
Thermal grease
Cold side of TEG
TEG module
Thermoelectric Hot side of TEG
generator (TEG) Thermal grease
Inlet of hot air Thermocouple
Heat absorber
Heat absorber
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental system and decomposition chart of test section.
and then the external heat sink uses the forced convective impinging thickness of thermoelectric generator, respectively. Assuming the
cooling with h2 heat transfer coefficient to emit heat to the external en- constant temperatures at the hot and cold sides as boundary
vironment by the jet air flow with Tj temperature. The heat collection conditions:
and heat dissipation separately at the hot and cold sides of the thermo-
electric generator make the temperature difference between the both T ð0Þ ¼ T i;s atx ¼ 0 ð2Þ
sides of the thermoelectric generator to generate electricity due to
Seebeck effect. At the same time, the internal Joule heating will happen T ðδÞ ¼ T o;s atx ¼ d ð3Þ
in the thermoelectric generator due to the Rint internal electric resis-
tance. It needs to be noted that as the thickness of thermal grease Eqs. (1)–(3) can be solved as:
layer is very thin and the ktg thermal conductivity is quit high, the Ti,s
and To,s measured in the experiment almost equal TTEG,H and TTEG,C re- q̇ 2 T o;s −T i;s þ q δ =2k
spectively and the combined thermal conductivity of thermal grease T ðxÞ ¼ T i;s − x þ x: ð4Þ
2kTEG δ
layers and thermoelectric generators are almost equivalent to kTEG.
The heat transferred across the thermoelectric generator can be By considering the Seebeck effect at the hot and cold sides, the ther-
modeled by the one-dimensional steady heat conduction equation for mal power input to the hot side (QH) and the thermal power output
solids with internal energy generation [12], which is written as: from the cold side (QC) are separately given by
∂2 T q̇ kTEG ATEG 1 2
þ ¼0 ð1Þ QH ¼ T i;s −T o;s þ αT i;s I− R int I ð5Þ
∂x2 kTEG δ 2
where q̇(= RintI2/δ/ATEG) is the rate of heat internally generated per kTEG ATEG 1 2
QC ¼ T i;s −T o;s þ αT o;s I þ R int I ð6Þ
unit volume while I and δ are the generating current and the δ 2
100 S.-C. Tzeng et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 97–105
80 80
80 80
80 6
3 8.5 6.05 3
Mode A Mode B Mode C
Fig. 2. Configurations and dimensions of heat absorbers and heat sink (unit: mm).
where ATEG represents the area of the thermoelectric generator and α is absorber and heat sink at various operation conditions, is not reported.
the Seebeck coefficient difference.Eqs. (1)–(6) are often shown in the The relevant governing energy equation is still like as Eq, (1), but the
previous papers about the thermoelectric generator. However, a one- corresponding boundary conditions are changed as follows:
dimensional steady heat conduction model with internal Joule heat
generation and Seebeck effect, which can predict the power generation
h1 A1 T i −T i;s ¼ −kTEG ATEG j atx ¼ 0 ð7Þ
performance of the present thermoelectric system including the heat ∂x x¼0
S.-C. Tzeng et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 97–105 101
Table 1 h1 A1 δA h A
T o;s ¼ − T þ TEGq̇þ 1 1 T i þ T j : ð10Þ
Specifications of the present thermoelectric generator module (model: TGM-287-1.0-1.5, h2 A2 i;s h2 A2 h2 A2
Then, taking into account the Seebeck effect at the hot and cold sides,
Dimensions: 40 mm × 40 mm × 3.8 mm
the QH and QC are separately given by
Q H ¼ h1 A1 T i;s −T o;s þ αT i;s I ð11Þ
Temperature at cold side: 50 °C/temperature at hot side: 150 °C
If the generating current (I) equals α(Ti,s − To,s)/2Rint, it will have the
maximum generating electricity Pmax = α2(Ti,s − To,s)2/4Rint. At the
∂T same time, the generating voltage (V) is written as α(Ti,s − To,s)/2.
h2 A2 T o;s −T j ¼ −kTEG ATEG j atx ¼ d ð8Þ
∂x x¼δ Following this, we introduce some critical thermal parameters such as
h1 A1 h A δ α δ
Eqs. (1), (7) and (8) can be also solved as Eq. (4), as well as the temper- γ¼ ;λ ¼ 1 1 ;α ¼ : ð14Þ
h2 A2 kTEG ATEG 4kTEG ATEG R int
atures at the hot and cold sides (To,s and Ti,s) are separately given by
Then, substituting q̇¼ RI =δ=ATEG , I = α(Ti,s − To,s)/2Rint and Eq. (14) into
δATEG δ2 h1 A1 h A δ Eqs. (9) and (10), one can obtain the temperature difference (Ti,s − To,s)
þ q̇þ þ 1 1 T þTj to have the maximum generating electricity Pmax(=α2(Ti,s − To,s)2/4Rint).
h2 A2 2kTEG h2 A2 kTEG ATEG i
T i;s ¼ ð9Þ
h1 A1 h A δ 2
þ 1 1 þ1 α
T i;s −T o;s −ðγ þ λ þ 1Þ T i;s −T o;s þ λ T i −T j ¼ 0 ð15Þ
FH flow rate
Hot air with
ðγ þ λ þ 1Þ ðγ þ λ þ 1Þ2 −4α λ T i −T j
T i;s −T o;s ¼ : ð16Þ
However, (Ti,s − To,s) should increase with (Ti − Tj). So only one reason-
able solution of (Ti,s − To,s) exits in Eq. (16), and it is
ðγ þ λ þ 1Þ− ðγ þ λ þ 1Þ2 −4α λ T i −T j
T i;s −T o;s ¼ : ð17Þ
h i1:5
V= T i;s −T o;s ¼ α=2 ¼ −0:0000257 T i;s þ T o;s =2 þ 0:2: ð20Þ
Table 2
Properties of TEGs, heat absorber and heat sink in operation conditions.
The variable parameters include: the inlet hot air temperature (Ti); Mode A (Empty) Prediction
Mode B (Staggered)
the hot air flow rate (FH); and the cooling air flow rate (FC). Controlling Mode C (In-line)
(Ti) represents different setting positions of thermoelectric conversion
system in real exhaust pipe of engine. The temperature of the exhaust
is above 600 °C at the engine exhaust valve. When the exhaust has
passed through the exhaust pipe, catalytic converter and silencer to 12
the exhaust pipe outlet, the temperature of the exhaust has been
P (w)
lower than 100 °C. Controlling hot air flow rate (FH) means real vehicles
have different discharge capacities at different rotational speeds of the
engine; controlling cooling air flow rate (FC) represents leading in dif- 8
ferent external cooling effects. Table 2 shows the properties of 4 pieces
of thermoelectric generators as well as the properties for operation con-
ditions of heat absorber and heat sink, which are needed as using
Eq. (19) to predict the generating electricity (P).
Fig. 6 shows the influence of hot air inlet temperature (Ti) on the
generating electricity (P) when FH = 15 m3/h, FC = 366 m3/h. Fig. 7
shows the influence of hot air flow rate (FH) on the generating electricity 0
(P) when FC = 366 m3/h, Ti = 350 °C, while Fig. 8 shows the effect of
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 14
cooling air flow rate (FC) on the generating electricity (P) when FH =
15 m3/h, Ti = 250 °C. It is observed that the generating electricity (P) in- FH ( m3 /hr)
creases with the hot air inlet temperature (Ti), the hot air flow rate (FH)
Fig. 7. Effect of FH on generating electricity (P) for various heat absorbers.
and the cooling air flow rate (FC) since higher (Ti; FH; FC) would increase
the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of TEG. Be-
sides, the generating electricity (P) of the system with the staggered thermoelectric generator. All the values of the generating electricity
pin-fin heat absorber is somewhat higher than that with the in-line (P) plotted in Figs. 9–11 are predicted by using Eq. (19). Fig. 9 depicts
pin-fin one. It should be because the staggered pin-fin array has the the influence of γ on the generating electricity (P) for various (Ti − Tj)
higher heat transfer capacity [13] to make a higher temperature at the at specified values of λ, α⁎ and kTEGATEG / δ. It can be found that, at spec-
hot side of TEG. Figs. 6–8 also show the generating electricity (P) of ified values of λ, α⁎, kTEGATEG / δ and (Ti − Tj), there is a limit value of the
the system without heat absorber for comparison. It is observed that generating electricity (P) as γ approaching zero. When the value of γ in-
the generating electricity (P) of the system with heat absorber is creases, the generating electricity (P) firstly decreases with γ slowly till
far larger than that without heat absorber, suggesting the important in- γ is around 0.1 and then drops sharply for the present cases. It means
fluence of heat absorber on the generating electricity (P). Finally, the that there is a critical value of γ, which is also an economic design for
predicted values of the generating electricity (P) by using Eq. (19) are heat absorber and heat sink at specified operation conditions, to have
also plotted in Figs. 6–8. They generally agree with the experimental the almost maximum generating electricity. Fig. 10 displays the effect
data, demonstrate the validity of the proposed theoretical model. of λ on the generating electricity (P) for various γ at specified values
Figs. 9–11 show the effects of some critical thermal parameters, such of (Ti − Tj), α⁎ and kTEGATEG / δ. The predicted data indicates that, at
as γ, λ and α⁎ defined in Eq. (14), on the generating electricity (P). The the present values of (Ti − Tj), α⁎ and kTEGATEG / δ, there exists a limit
γ, λ and α⁎ represent respectively the heat-transfer ratio of heat absorb- value of the generating electricity (P) as λ approaching infinite for var-
er to heat sink, the Biot number and the Seebeck parameter of the ious values of γ. Besides, the generating electricity (P) firstly increases
20 20
FH =15 m3 /hr, FC =366 m3 /hr, T j =25 C O
FH=15 m3 /hr, Ti =250 C, Tj =25 C
12 12
P (w)
P (w)
8 8
4 4
0 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Ti (oC) Fc ( m3 /hr)
Fig. 6. Effect of Ti on generating electricity (P) for various heat absorbers. Fig. 8. Effect of FC on generating electricity (P) for various heat absorbers.
104 S.-C. Tzeng et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2014) 97–105
32 200
Limit values
Set =0 at Eq. (19)
kTEG ATEG / =2.695
kTEG ATEG / = 2.695 Ti -Tj =525 K
Ti -Tj =325 K 160
24 425 K
275 K
325 K
225 K
225 K
20 175 K
125 K
125 K 120
75 K
P [W]
P [W]
12 80
1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2
1E-5 1E-4 1E-3
with λ and then approaches to a limit value as λ is about 100 for the
present cases. Therefore, it may have a critical value of λ (i.e. the Biot series of systematical experiments were performed successfully to ob-
number of the thermoelectric generator), which is also an economic de- tain the generating electricity of an integral thermoelectric generator
sign for heat absorber at specified operation conditions, to have the al- system working at the exhaust pipe for various operation conditions,
most maximum generating electricity. Finally, Fig. 11 represents the including (1) the configuration of the heat absorber; (2) the inlet
influence of α⁎ on the generating electricity (P) for various (Ti − Tj) at temperature of hot air (Ti = 100–350 °C); (3) the flow rate of hot air
specified values of λ, γ and kTEGATEG / δ. The generating electricity (P) in- (FH = 3–15 m3/h) and (4) the flow rate of cooling air (FC = 0–366
creases with the Seebeck parameter (α⁎) monotonically. It meets the m3/h). A one-dimensional steady heat conduction model with internal
Seebeck effect. Joule heat generation and Seebeck effect was also proposed. The exper-
imental results demonstrated the validity of the proposed theoretical
model. Finally, some critical heat-transfer parameters on the generating
4. Conclusions electricity of the integral thermoelectric generator system were provid-
ed and discussed to be reference for next physical product design.
This study developed an integral thermoelectric generator system
with high-performance heat transfer and thermoelectric conversion
function, using the metal pin-fin array coupling with the forced convec-
tion heat transfer technique to be the heat absorber and heat sink. A
The authors would like to thank the National Science Council of the
Republic of China for financially supporting this research under Contract
40 Nos. NSC 100-2221-E-270-014-MY3, NSC-100-2632-E-270-001-MY3
and NSC-97-2221-E-344-003.
36 kTEG ATEG / =2.695
Ti -Tj =225 K
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