Geometric Unsharpness: Radiography
Geometric Unsharpness: Radiography
Geometric Unsharpness: Radiography
Geometric Unsharpness History
Pre se nt State
Future Dire ction
Geometric unsharpness refers to the loss of definition that is the result of geometric factors of
the radiographic equipment and setup. It occurs because the radiation does not originate from a Physics of Radiography
Nature of Pe ne trating
single point but rather over an area. Consider the images below which show two sources of R adiation
different sizes, the paths of the radiation from each edge of the source to each edge of the Gam m a R ays
feature of the sample, the locations where this radiation will expose the film and the density Activity
De cay R ate
profile across the film. In the first image, the radiation originates at a very small source. Since all -C arbon 14 Dating
of the radiation originates from basically the same point, very little geometric unsharpness is Ionization
Inve rse Square Law
produced in the image. In the second image, the source size is larger and the different paths that Inte raction of R T/Matte r
Atte nuation C oe fficie nt
the rays of radiation can take from their point of origin in the source causes the edges of the Half-Value Laye r
Source s of Atte nuation
notch to be less defined. -C om pton Scatte ring
Ge om e tric Unsharpne ss
Filte rs in R adiography
Scatte r/R adiation C ontrol
R adiation Safe ty
The object to detector distance is usually kept as small as possible to help minimize
unsharpness. However, there are situations, such as when using geometric enlargement, when
the object is separated from the detector, which will reduce the definition. The applet below
allow the geometric unsharpness to be visualized as the source size, source to object distance,
and source to detector distance are varied. The area of varying density at the edge of a feature
that results due to geometric factors is called the penumbra. The penumbra is the gray area seen 1/3
1/28/13 Geometric Unsharpness
in the applet.
Ug = f * b/a
Ug = f* b/a 2/3
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