Free Electron Fermi Gas: (Kittel Ch. 6)
Free Electron Fermi Gas: (Kittel Ch. 6)
Free Electron Fermi Gas: (Kittel Ch. 6)
(Kittel Ch. 6)
Role of Electrons in Solids
• Electrons are responsible for binding of crystals --
they are the “glue” that hold the nuclei together
Types of binding (see next slide)
Van der Waals - electronic polarizability
Ionic - electron transfer
Covalent - electron bonds
[ - ( h/2m ) ∆2 + V( r ) ] Ψ ( r ) = E Ψ ( r )
m = mass of particle
V( r ) = potential energy at point r
∆2 = (d2/dx2 + d2/dy2 + d2/dz2)
E = eigenvalue = energy of quantum state
Ψ ( r ) = wavefunction
n ( r ) = | Ψ ( r ) |2 = probability density
Schrodinger Equation – 1D line
• Suppose particles can move freely on a line with
position x, 0 < x < L
0 L
• Schrodinger Eq. In 1D with V = 0
- ( h2/2m ) d2/dx2 Ψ (x) = E Ψ (x)
Boundary Condition
• Solution with Ψ (x) = 0 at x = 0,L
Ψ (x) = 21/2 L-1/2 sin(kx) , k = n π/L, n = 1,2, ...
(Note similarity to vibration waves)
• E (k) = ( h2/2m ) k 2
Electrons on a line
• Solution with Ψ (x) = 0 at x = 0,L
0 L
Electrons on a line
• For electrons in a box, the energy is just the kinetic
energy which is quantized because the waves must fit
into the box
as L becomes large
Schrodinger Equation – 1D line
• E (k) = ( h2/2m ) k 2 , k = n π/L, n = 1,2, ...
Ψ (x)
Electrons in 3 dimensions
-(h2/2m ) [d2/dx2 + d2/dy2 + d2/dz2 ] Ψ (x,y,z) = E Ψ (x,y,z)
as L becomes large
Density of states
• Key point - exactly the same as for vibration waves
• We need the number of states per unit energy to find
the total energy and the thermal properties of the
electron gas.
• Difference: density of states is defined in terms of
energy E, not angular frequency.
• D(E)dE - number of states in energy range E to E+dE
• States in interval (k, E) to (k+ ∆k, E+ ∆E)
∆N= N(k) ∆k=N(E) ∆E
Density of States in 3D
• The values of kx ky kz are equally spaced: ∆kx = 2π/L ,.
Thus the volume in k space per state is (2π/L)3
and the number of states N with |k| < k0 is
N = (4π/3) k03 / (2π/L)3 = V/6π2 k03 L3=V
• The density of states per unit energy is
D(E) = dN/dE = (dN/dk) (dk/dE)
Reciprocal space
Fermi surface in 2D
Fermi Distribution
• At finite temperature, electrons are not all in the lowest energy
• Applying the fundamental law of statistics to this case (occupation
of any state and spin only can be 0 or 1) leads to the Fermi
Distribution giving the probability that an orbital of energy E is
occupied (Kittel appendix)
f(E) = 1/[exp((E-µ)/kBT) + 1]
µ Chemical potential
for electrons =
f(E) Fermi energy at T=0
1/2 µ is temperature
kBT dependent
Ex. How does the Fermi distribution
f(E) = 1/[exp((E-µ)/kBT) + 1]
Heat Capacity for Electrons
• More precisely, the change in energy when heated
from 0 to T is
∆U = ∫ dE E D(E) f(E) - ∫
∞ EF
0 0 dE E D(E)
T3 T
Electrons have
C ~ Nelec kB (T/TF)
Phonons dominate
Electrons dominate at high T because of
at low T in a metal reduction factor (T/TF)
Heat capacity
• Experimental results for metals
C/T = γ + A T2 + ….
• Find the ratio γ / γfree, γfree = (π2/2) (Nelec/EF) kB2 is the
free electron gas result. Equivalently since EF ∝1/m,
we can consider the ratio γ / γfree = mfree/mth*, where
mth* is an thermal effective mass for electrons in the
Metal mth*/ mfree
Li 2.18
Na 1.26
K 1.25
Al 1.48
Cu 1.38
• mth* close to m(free) is the “good”, “simple metals” !
Electrical Conductivity & Ohm’s Law
• Consider electrons in an external field E. They
experience a force F = -eE
• Now F = dp/dt = h dk/dt , since p = h k
• Thus in the presence of an electric field all the
electrons accelerate and the k points shift, i.e., the
entire Fermi surface shifts E
Proportional to concentration
Phonons dominate at
0.05 high T because mean square
displacements <u2> ∝ T
Leads to R ∝ T
(Sample independent)
Increase as T2
Inpurity scattering dominates
at low T in a metal
(Sample dependent)
Interpretation of Ohm’s law
Electrons act like a gas
• A electron is a particle - like a molecule.
• Electrons come to equilibrium by scattering like
molecules (electron scattering is due to defects,
phonons, and electron-electron scattering).
• Electrical conductivity occurs because the electrons
are charged, and it shows the electrons move and
• What is different from usual molecules?
Electrons obey the exclusion principle. This limits the
allowed scattering which means that electrons act like
a weakly interacting gas.
Hall Effect I
• Electrons moving in an electric and a perpendicular
magnetic field
• Now we must carefully specify the vector force
F = q( E + (1/c) v x B ) (note: c → 1 for SI units)
(q = -e for electrons)
B Vector directions
shown for positive q
Hall Effect II
• Relevant situation: current j = σ E = nqv flowing along
a long sample due to the field E
• But NO current flowing in the perpendicular direction
• This means there must be a Hall field EHall in the
perpendicular direction so the net force F⊥ = 0
F⊥ = q( EHall + (1/c) v x B ) = 0
v j
j y
EHall E x
Hall Effect III
• Since
F⊥ = q( EHall + (1/c) v x B ) = 0 and v = j/nq
F⊥ v j
EHall E
Hall Effect IV
• Finally, define the Hall resistance as
Each of these quantities can
ρHall = RHall B = EHall / j be measured directly
hot cold
Heat Flow
Heat Transport due to Electrons
• Definition (just as for phonons):
jthermal = heat flow (energy per unit area per unit time )
= - K dT/dx
• If an electron moves from a region with local
temperature T to one with local temperature T - ∆T, it
supplies excess energy c ∆T, where c = heat capacity
per electron. (Note ∆T can be positive or negative).
• On average :
∆T = (dT/dx) vx τ, where τ = mean time between
• Then jthermal = - n vx c vx τ dT/dx = - n c vx2 τ dT/dx
Electron Heat Transport - continued
• Just as for phonons:
Averaging over directions gives ( vx2 ) average = (1/3) v2
j = - (1/3) n c v2 τ dT/dx
increases as heat
capacity increases
(v and L are ~ constant)
W/cm K
high T limit
- K constant
0 100 T
Electron Heat Transport - continued
• Comparison to Phonons