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Transition To Plan B - 2

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D Transitioning to Plan B
Determining our approach to bringing students back for in-
person learning
Guiding Principles
● The safety of our students and school-based faculty / staff is of utmost importance
● Children benefit most from in-person learning and the associated socialization which
accompanies it
● Data (e.g., state & local public health metrics, operational effectiveness, etc.) will
inform the timing and rapidity with which CMS transitions to Plan B
● The transition to Plan B will be staggered by grade level(s) (i.e., CMS will not transition
all grade levels, PK-12, to Plan B simultaneously)
● Attendance groups A, B and C will remain intact (i.e., CMS will not reduce the number
of attendance groups)
● Decisions will be made districtwide (i.e., CMS will not transition schools in one part of
the district at a different cadence than schools in another part of the district)
D R Inform Phases
Phased Approach
● We begin to bring in identified grade levels as well as identified EC students (i.e.,
those in separate school or separate classroom settings) in Phase I, no sooner than
September 14th
● We would then add grades no sooner than every 3 weeks after Sept. 14th and if public
health and operational metrics support doing so, on an A/B/C week rotation.
● We will explore multiple models for phasing in students

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

○ Phase I - PreK - 2, EC students in ○ Phase I - Pre-K - 2, 6, 9, EC ○ Prioritize students with highest

separate school & classroom students in separate school and need (EC, EL, MCV, etc.)
settings classroom settings
○ Phase II - 3-5 ○ Phase II - Bring in 3-5, 7, 10
○ Phase III - 6 and 7 ○ Phase III - Bring in 11-12
○ Phase IV - 8 and 9
○ Phase V - 10 – 12
Best case scenario, with all public health and operational effectiveness metrics remaining positive
and stable, it will take 15 weeks to complete the phased transition to Plan B using model 1.

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
PreK All PreK students
1 A B C
2 A B C
3 A B C
4 A B C
5 A B C
6 A B C
7 A B C
8 A B C
9 A B C
10 A B C
11 A B C
12 A B C
Best case scenario, with all public health and operational effectiveness metrics remaining positive
and stable, it will take 9 weeks to complete the phased transition to Plan B using model 2.

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PreK All PreK students
1 A B C
2 A B C
3 A B C
4 A B C
5 A B C
6 A B C
7 A B C
8 A B C
9 A B C
10 A B C
11 A B C
12 A B C
Inform Metrics
● We need to identify a clear dataset that will inform the start of CMS’ transition to
Plan B as well as the staged implementation of each phase
● Metrics will help us determine if we are ready to expand to the next grades, or if
we need to hold with the current grades attending in-person
● Phase implementation will be determined by meeting certain metrics (between
phases) before additional phases are launched. If the metrics are not met, then
the next phase is paused until threshold is achieved.

● Health Metrics:

AFT ○ To be determined by the CMS

DR Medical Advisory Team

● Safety Metrics:
○ To be determined by the CMS
We will evaluate a number of Medical Advisory Team

metrics to determine when to ● Operational Metrics:

transition to Plan B, and when ● Staffing Metrics:
○ # nursing vacancies
to proceed from a given phase
○ # teacher vacancies
to the next. ○ # school-based support staff
○ # absences related to case
○ # bus driver vacancies
Design Team
● Akeshia Craven-Howell
This team will determine the steps we would take to ● Beth Thompson
prepare for each phase, resulting in a detailed project ● Ann White
plan for CMS’ transition to Plan B.
● Tangela Williams
● John Wall
This guiding principles, framework and resulting

project plan would be vetted by the following standing ● Steve Esposito

● Avery Mitchell

- Cabinet (approvers)
- Alignment ● Trish Sexton
- PLAT (engaged throughout) ● Kondra Rattley
- STAC (engaged throughout)
- SSAC (engaged throughout)
● Laura Francisco
- Generation Nation ● Adam Johnson
● Cathy Beam
The team will also engage a range of district leaders ● Rick Parker
to ensure alignment with interrelated decisions (e.g.,
sports, ASEP, assessments, etc.) ● Angie Bartles
● Matt Hayes
In addition, we will vet plans with parents/families
through virtual town halls.
Next Steps
● Share with C/VC on 8/17 D RA
● Develop planning framework by 8/19
● Launch design team by 8/21
● Conduct initial meetings with stakeholder groups by 8/21
● Share framework in BOE small groups by 8/21
● Finalize metrics by 8/31
● Share plan with BOE on 9/8

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