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Origin and Therapy For Hypertriglyceridaemia in Type 2 Diabetes

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com/esps/ World J Diabetes 2014 April 15; 5(2): 165-175

bpgoffice@wjgnet.com ISSN 1948-9358 (online)
doi:10.4239/wjd.v5.i2.165 © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.


Origin and therapy for hypertriglyceridaemia in type 2


Jing Pang, Dick C Chan, Gerald F Watts

Jing Pang, Dick C Chan, Gerald F Watts, School of Medicine practical guidance on the management of HTG in type
and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA 2 diabetes.
6847, Australia
Gerald F Watts, Lipid Disorders Clinic, Royal Perth Hospital, © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights
Perth, WA 6847, Australia reserved.
Author contributions: All the authors contributed to this paper.
Correspondence to: Gerald F Watts, DSc, MD, PhD, FRACP,
FRCP, School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Key words: Diabetes; Triglyceride; Therapy
Western Australia, GPO Box X2213, Perth, WA 6847,
Australia. gerald.watts@uwa.edu.au Core tip: Diabetic dyslipidemia relates collectively to
Telephone: +6-8-92240245 Fax: +6-8-92240245 hyperglycaemia, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinaemia,
Received: November 5, 2013 Revised: March 8, 2014 abdominal visceral adipose disposition, increased liver
Accepted: March 17, 2014 fat content, and dysregulated fatty acid metabolism.
Published online: April 15, 2014 Insulin resistance in diabetes induces hypertriglyceri-
daemia by increasing the enterocytic production of
chylomicrons and an impaired clearance capacity is also
involved. Usual care for diabetic dyslipidemia is statin
Abstract treatment, but a significant proportion of patients have
Hypertriglyceridaemia (HTG) is a risk factor for car- residual dyslipidemia, related to hypertriglyceridaemia
diovascular disease (CVD) in type 2 diabetes and is and atherogenic dyslipidemia. Current evidence sup-
caused by the interaction of genes and non-genetic ports the use of fenofibrate in type 2 diabetics with
factors, specifically poor glycaemic control and obe- high triglyceride levels.
sity. In spite of statin treatment, residual risk of CVD
remains high in type 2 diabetes, and this may relate to
HTG and atherogenic dyslipidemia. Treatment of HTG Pang J, Chan DC, Watts GF. Origin and therapy for hypertriglycer-
emphasises correcting secondary factors and adverse idaemia in type 2 diabetes. World J Diabetes 2014; 5(2): 165-175
lifestyles, in particular, diet and exercise. Pharmaco- Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.com/1948-9358/full/v5/
therapy is also required in most type 2 diabetic pa- i2/165.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4239/wjd.v5.i2.165
tients. Statins are the first-line therapy to achieve rec-
ommended therapeutic targets of plasma low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol and non-high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol. Fibrates, ezetimibe and n-3 fatty acids are INTRODUCTION
adjunctive treatment options for residual and persis-
tent HTG. Evidence for the use of niacin has been chal-
Hypertriglyceridaemia (HTG) is an important risk factor
lenged by non-significant CVD outcomes in two recent for cardiovascular disease (CVD)[1] and is defined as a
large clinical trials. Further investigation is required to fasting plasma triglyceride concentration > 95th percentile
clarify the use of incretin-based therapies for HTG in for age and sex in a population. HTG may be as preva-
type 2 diabetes. Extreme HTG, with risk of pancreati- lent as 50% in type 2 diabetes and is often unresponsive
tis, may require insulin infusion therapy or apheresis. to statin treatment[2,3]. We review recent evidence on the
New therapies targeting HTG in diabetes need to be role of HTG in atherosclerotic CVD and provide practi-
tested in clinical endpoint trials. The purpose of this cal guidance on the management of HTG in type 2 dia-
review is to examine the current evidence and provide betes.

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Pang J et al . Origin and therapy for hypertriglyceridaemia in type 2 diabetes

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF and APOA5) and myocardial infarction[13]. This supports

that TRL causes CVD, and this probably applies to diabetes.
HYPERTRIGLYCERIDAEMIA IN TYPE 2 Hence, diabetic dyslipidemia relates collectively to
DIABETES hyperglycaemia, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinaemia,
abdominal visceral adipose disposition, increased liver fat
Triglycerides, which originate from the intestine post- content, and dysregulated fatty acid metabolism. Diabetic
prandially or endogenously from the liver, are packaged dyslipidemia may also be exacerbated by chronic kidney
into lipoprotein particles containing apolipoprotein disease and by co-prescribed medications, such as thia-
B-48 (apoB-48; chylomicrons) and apolipoprotein B-100 zide diuretics, non-selective beta-blockers and steroids.
(apoB-100; very-low density lipoprotein, VLDL), respec-
tively. Abnormalities in triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (TRL)
metabolism are cardinal features of type 2 diabetes. Met- MANAGEMENT OF
abolic dysregulation resulting in HTG include enhanced HYPERTRIGLYCERIDAEMIA IN TYPE 2
hepatic secretion of TRL due to insulin resistance and
delayed clearance of TRL involving lipoprotein lipase DIABETES
(LPL)-mediated lipolysis. Several genes causing loss of Measurement and assessment
function of LPL can result in severe HTG, such as LPL, Triglyceride concentration is commonly measured with
APOC2, APOA5, GPD1, CPIHBP1 and LMF1[4,5]. Very a fasting lipid profile. The fasting triglyceride level fa-
few patients will have a monogenic disorder. Individuals cilitates the calculation of the LDL cholesterol by the
with severe HTG are likely to be homozygous or com- Friedewald equation[14]. Non-fasting triglyceride concen-
pound heterozygous for mutations which impair the TRL trations are reflective of the postprandial state and can be
catabolic pathway. However, HTG in type 2 diabetes due useful as a simple and practical screening test for HTG. A
to several genes with mild effects that interact with non- second non-fasting measurement is recommended if the
genetic factors is probably more likely. These non-genetic initial triglyceride is > 2.0 mmol/L. Two or more mea-
factors include hyperglycaemia, alcohol abuse, concomi- surements of elevated triglyceride in both postabsorptive
tant medication, sedentary lifestyle, chronic kidney dis- and postprandial states are clinically indicative of HTG.
ease and insulin resistance[6]. Categories of HTG are differentially defined in interna-
Insulin resistance activates de novo lipogenesis, result- tional guidelines (Table 1).
ing in oversecretion of hepatic TRLs. This is also evident Non-HDL cholesterol is another appealing method
in the postprandial state, with enterocytic oversecretion of assessment as it does not attract additional costs. Non-
of TRLs in the form of chylomicrons. With both secre- HDL cholesterol (total cholesterol minus HDL-choles-
tion pathways on overdrive, competition between the terol) does not rely on a fasting triglyceride concentration
TRLs and their remnants for lipolytic and receptor-medi- and provides a simple amalgamated measure all the ath-
ated clearance further induces HTG. Insulin resistance is erogenic lipoproteins[15]. ApoB, on the other hand, does
also associated with increased rates of apolipoprotein C- not adequately reflect chylomicron remnants and involves
Ⅲ (apoC-Ⅲ) secretion, which further impairs receptor- additional laboratory expenses. Discordance between
mediated uptake of hepatic chylomicron remnants[7]. non-HDL cholesterol and apoB measures, particularly
Glucose has also found to activate apoC-Ⅲ transcription, in patients with type 2 diabetes and HTG, questions its
which may be the link between hyperglycaemia, HTG value in assessing risk and defining treatment targets[16].
and CVD in type 2 diabetics[8]. In the context of statin-treated patients, a meta-analysis
Both LPL and hepatic lipase (HL) control the clear- has shown that non-HDL cholesterol is superior in its as-
ance of triglycerides. HL plays a particularly important sociation with risk of future major cardiovascular events
role in the delipidation cascade from VLDL to LDL. Tri- compared with LDL cholesterol and apoB[17]. Other TRL
glyceride-rich VLDL derives small, dense LDL particles markers such as remnant-like particle cholesterol, apoC-
which are more susceptible to oxidation[9]. Additionally, Ⅲ and apoB-48 are expensive and are yet to be clinically
increased TRL in postprandial diabetic dyslipidemia leads established.
to the exchange of TRL-triglyceride for HDL-cholesteryl The hypertriglyceridaemic waist (HTWC) phenotype
ester and hence, triglyceride enrichment of HDL via has suggested to be useful in assessing glucometabolic
cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP). CETP progres- risk[18-21], in particular, among patients with a family his-
sively decreases postprandially and limits the efficient tory of diabetes[22]. The HTWC phenotype is defined by
removal of cholesterol[10]. Triglycerides in HDL are good a waist circumference of ≥ 90 cm in men and ≥ 85 cm in
substrates for hepatic lipase which leads to the produc- women and triglyceride concentration ≥ 2.0 mmol/L. Men
tion of small dense HDL particles and enhanced apoli- with the HTWC phenotype have been shown to have a
poprotein A-Ⅰ (apoA-Ⅰ) clearance[11]. four-fold risk of diabetes compared to those with waist
Given that HTG is related to a plethora of risk fac- circumference and triglyceride in the normal ranges[23].
tors, the lack of independent association between tri- There is also a two-fold risk for development of coro-
glyceride and CVD is expected[12], although two recent nary artery disease (CAD) in women[24] and an overall
Mendelian randomisation studies have shown a causal deterioration of cardiometabolic risk[25] in relation to pro-
association between variations in two related genes (LPL gression of type 2 diabetes[26].

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Pang J et al . Origin and therapy for hypertriglyceridaemia in type 2 diabetes

Table 1 Clinical categorisation of hypertriglyceridaemia Table 2 Clinical guide for the assessment and treatment of
according to guidelines based on fasting triglyceride hypertriglyceridaemia in type 2 diabetes
Ref. Year Triglyceride Triglyceride
published categories concentration (mmol/L) 1 Obtain fasting lipid profile
2 Classify LDL-cholesterol concentration (primary target of
National institutes 2001 Normal 1.7
of Health[31] Borderline high 1.7-2.3
< 2.60 mmol/L – optimal
High 2.3-5.6
2.60-3.39 mmol/L – above optimal
Very high > 5.6
3.40-4.14 mmol/L – borderline high
Rydén et al[33] 2011 Desirable < 1.7
4.15-4.90 mmol/L – high
Elevated 1.7-5.5
> 4.90 mmol/L – very high
Very high 5.5-25.0
Establish therapy:
Extremely high > 25.0
LDL-cholesterol > 2.60 mmol/L – initiate dietary and lifestyle
Berglund et al[34] 2012 Normal < 1.7
Mild 1.7-2.3
LDL-cholesterol > 3.40 mmol/L – consider pharmacotherapy
Moderately high 2.3-11.2
simultaneously with dietary and lifestyle modifications
Severely high 11.2-22.4
3 Identify presence of atherosclerotic disease
Very severely high > 22.4
Clinical coronary heart disease
Hegele et al 2013 Normal < 2.0
Symptomatic carotid artery disease
Mild-to-moderate 2.0-10.0
Peripheral artery disease
Severe > 10.0
4 Assess:
Glycaemic control
Guidelines and recommendations Dietary intake (e.g., Fructose, simple sugars, caloric intake)
Physical activity
Guidelines for managing HTG in diabetes have been Determine presence of other risk factors:
published, with lifestyle modifications being first-line Smoking
therapy followed by statins, fibrates, n-3 fatty acids Hypertension
and/or niacin[27-30]. The national cholesterol education Family history of premature coronary heart disease (i.e,. in first-
program (NCEP) adult treatment panel (ATP) Ⅲ guide- degree relative, male < 55 years, female < 65 years)
Low HDL-cholesterol, < 1.0 mmol/L
lines recommend LDL cholesterol as the primary treat- 5 Order of treatment considerations:
ment target and non-HDL cholesterol as a secondary Improve glycaemia (dietary and lifestyle modifications)
target, with the exception of a fasting triglyceride > 5.60 Treat secondary risk factors
mmol/L, only then, triglyceride becomes the primary Statins
target owing to the risk of pancreatitis[31]. A simplifica- Fibrates
n-3 fatty acids/niacin
tion of the NCEP ATP Ⅲ guideline is presented in 6 Treat elevated triglyceride if triglyceride concentrations are >
Table 2. Regardless of atherosclerotic disease and pres- 2.30 mmol/L after LDL-cholesterol concentration target of < 2.60
ence of other cardiovascular risk factors, type 2 diabetes mmol/L is reached
is considered a coronary heart disease risk equivalent by Target non-HDL cholesterol (< 3.40 mmol/L)
the NCEP ATP Ⅲ. Triglyceride > 2.30 mmol/L – intensify LDL-lowering therapy or
add fibrate
The American Diabetes Association (ADA)/Ameri-
Triglyceride > 5.60 mmol/L – very low-fat diet (< 15% of calories
can College of Cardiology Foundation consensus state- from fat), weight management, physical activity and add fibrate
ment recommends a non-HDL cholesterol target of 3.40
mmol/L in diabetic patients with no other cardiovascular Adapted from the NCEP ATP Ⅲ guidelines[31]. LDL: Low density lipopro-
risk factor and a target of 2.60 mmol/L if there is one tein; HDL: High density lipoprotein.
or more cardiovascular risk factor such as hypertension,
smoking, dyslipidemia and family history of CAD[32].
diabetes and CVD developed in collaboration with the
The LDL cholesterol target is 2.60 and 1.80 mmol/L,
respectively[32] or alternatively a 30%-40% reduction from European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
baseline levels[30]. The ADA position statement is the suggests targeting residual risk in patients with elevated
only guideline that provides desirable targets for triglycer- TG (> 2.2 mmol/L), with dietary and lifestyle advice and
ide levels for patients with type 2 diabetes: less than 1.70 improved glucose control[33], post first-line treatment. The
mmol/L[30]. Both the NCEP ATP and ADA guidelines Endocrine Society task force agrees with the NCEP ATP
place emphasis on weight loss and physical activity. A Ⅲ treatment goals and recommends fibrates as first-line
summary of recommended treatment targets is presented treatment for lowering triglycerides in patients at-risk for
in Table 3. pancreatitis[34].
The Scientific Statement from the American Heart The International Atherosclerosis Society position
Association (AHA) on triglycerides and CVD particularly paper recognises the atherogenicity of VLDL and triglyc-
emphasises the dietary and lifestyle modifications (weight erides and also favours non-HDL cholesterol as the main
loss, macronutrient distribution and aerobic exercise) for target for therapy, optimally at < 3.40 mmol/L[35]. The
the treatment of elevated triglycerides, presenting a prac- American College of Cardiology (ACC)/AHA published
tical algorithm for screening and management[28]. The a new clinical practice guideline for the treatment of el-
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines on evated blood cholesterol in people at high risk for CVD.

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Table 3 Recommended treatment targets for diabetic dyslipidaemia

[31] [30] [128] [33]
ADA NVDPA European Guidelines

LDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) Very high risk < 1.8 < 1.8 < 2.0 < 1.8
High risk < 2.6 < 2.6 < 2.0 < 2.5
Triglycerides (mmol/L) < 1.7 < 2.0 < 1.7
HDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) Male > 1.0 ≥ 1.0 > 1.0
Female > 1.3 ≥ 1.0 > 1.2
Non-HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) Very high risk < 2.6 < 2.6 < 2.5 < 2.6
High risk < 3.4 < 3.4 < 2.5 < 3.3
ApoB (g/L) Very high risk < 0.8 < 0.8
High risk < 0.9 < 1.0

NCEP ATP Ⅲ: Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood cho-
lesterol in adults (Adult treatment panel Ⅲ); ADA: American diabetes association; NVDPA: National vascular disease prevention alliance of australia; LDL:
Low density lipoprotein; HDL: High density lipoprotein.

The guidelines do not provide recommendations for specific lowering TG in individuals with overt HTG[47]. Alcohol
LDL-cholesterol or non-HDL targets and instead defines abstinence in patients with excessive alcohol intake can
four major groups of primary and secondary prevention pa- markedly lower plasma triglyceride levels[48,49]. Smoking
tients for whom LDL lowering is proven to be most benefi- cessation is also imperative[50].
cial[36]. Future guidelines to cover the treatment of HTG are
proposed. A recent review by Hegele et al[37] recommended Pharmacotherapy
the simplification and redefinition of HTG: < 2.0 mmol/ Statin monotherapy: Statin therapy is the cornerstone
L as normal, 2.0-10.0 mmol/L as mild-to-moderate and of treatment of dyslipidemia in diabetes. Whilst reach-
> 10.0 mmol/L as severe; with desirable targets of < 1.7 ing the LDL cholesterol target in most patients, only
mmol/L for triglycerides, < 2.6 mmol/L for non-HDL modest effects are exerted on triglyceride and HDL cho-
cholesterol and < 0.8 g/L for apoB in high-risk patients lesterol. Hence, diabetics with HTG often have residual
Treatment of HTG depends on its severity, co-ex- CVD risk [51] in spite of an optimal LDL cholesterol
isting lipid abnormalities and overall cardiovascular risk. target. Statins may lower plasma triglyceride by increas-
Severe HTG serves as increased risk of pancreatitis and ing lipolysis and the clearance of TRLs, particularly with
warrants treatment to acutely reduce triglyceride levels. potent statins such as atorvastatin and rosuvastatin (up
Current therapeutic strategies include diet and lifestyle to 26% and 28% reduction in plasma triglyceride, respec-
modification, pharmacotherapy and in rare cases, con- tively)[52-54]. Large statin outcome trials have supported
tinuous insulin infusion and apheresis. its use in reducing coronary events and mortality[55-58].
All trials to-date have not specifically selected for HTG
Dietary and lifestyle modifications and in diabetics. However, sub-group analyses have been
Lifestyle interventions are central for controlling hyper- undertaken showing risk prevention with pravastatin[59],
glycaemia and HTG in patients with type 2 diabetic pa- simvastatin[60] and rosuvastatin[61] in a subset of patients with
tients and impaired fasting glucose. These interventions high plasma triglyceride, recently reviewed by Maki et al[62],
include weight reduction, altered dietary composition, ex- and supporting statins as first line of therapy. Whilst use
ercise and regulation of alcohol consumption. In type 2 of higher doses of statin has been linked to incidence of
diabetes, modest (5%-10%) weight loss can lower plasma diabetes[63-65], the benefits of statin therapy for reducing
triglyceride levels by up to 25%[38,39] and normalise post- CVD risk and events are outweighed for all diabetic pa-
prandial triglyceride concentration[40]. Physical activity can tients with high CVD risk[57,63]. Aminotransferase, creatine
aid the maintenance of weight loss achieved through ca- kinase, creatinine and glucose should be monitored prior
loric restrictions[41], although evidence for linking lifestyle to initiating statins and before initiating a second agent, if
modifications and sustained weight is limited[42]. required.
The recently published look AHEAD trial, an inten-
sive lifestyle intervention in type 2 diabetics, employing Fibrates and statin-fibrate combination: Fibrates
weight loss through caloric restriction and increased (gemfibrozil, fenofibrate) act on peroxisome proliferator-
physical activity did not reduce the rate of cardiovascular activated receptor alpha. Fibrates decreases hepatic
events[43]. Whether alterations in dietary composition, VLDL secretion and can confer an up to 30% reduc-
such as with the Mediterranean diet, improves clinical tion in plasma triglyceride, TRL remnants and apoB[66].
outcome in diabetes warrants additional investigation[44], Five fibrate trials have undertaken secondary analyses in
though the Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diet can high triglyceride subgroups[67-79], two of these trials were
produce a greater reduction in triglyceride levels com- in type 2 diabetic patients[70-72] and one had a subset of
pared to the restricted-calorie diet in moderately obese diabetics[73,74]. Collectively, these trials advocate the use
individuals[45,46]. Plant sterols have been suggested for of fibrates in reducing CVD events among patients with

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a high triglyceride and low HDL cholesterol levels[75-78]. ering with a statin plus ezetimibe may not consistently
Of note, the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lower- lower subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 diabe-
ing in Diabetes (FIELD) study showed that fenofibrate tes, although progression of carotid artery intima-media
decreased progression of diabetic retinopathy[79], though thickness was inhibited with the combination[100,101]. The
unrelated to dyslipidemia, and the Action to Control Car- Improved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy In-
diovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study also showed ternational Trial (IMPROVE-IT) study that is currently
a delay in the onset of eye complications[80]. Meta-analyses entering completion will endeavour to provide definitive
suggest that fibrates are useful for treatment of HTG[76] in evidence for the role of ezetimibe in high risk subjects
diabetic patients[71,81,82]. Every 0.10 mmol/L reduction in on optimal statin therapy[102,103].
triglyceride with fibrates confers a 5% reduction in CVD
event, although no benefits were found on cardiovascular n-3 fatty acid and statin-n-3 fatty acid combination:
mortality[77,78]. Supplemental n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs),
mainly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexae-
Niacin and statin-niacin combination: Niacin can de- noic acid (DHA), are well known to improve HTG[104].
crease plasma triglyceride by 30%[83] via the inhibition of However, recent clinical outcome trials with have failed
hepatic diacylglycerol acyltransferase-2 (DGAT-2), a rate- to show significant CVD benefits in high risk subjects
limiting enzyme of triglyceride synthesis. Despite the ear- including diabetics[105,106]. Both trials were undertaken
lier studies showing reduced mortality[84] and regression against a background of optimal therapy, including
of subclinical atherosclerosis[85-87], the current use of nia- statins. Also, patients were not selected for elevated plas-
cin has been challenged by two large recent clinical trials ma triglyceride levels. Pure EPA (1800 mg/d), added to
which have failed to show significant benefits on CVD statin therapy, showed promise in the Japan Eicosapen-
events[88,89] in spite of positive changes in lipid param-
taenoic acid Lipid Intervention Study (JELIS) with major
eters. Both trials have limitations. The Atherothrombosis
coronary events reduced by 19% (P = 0.011) in hyper-
Intervention in Metabolic Syndrome with Low HDL/
cholesterolaemic patients[107]. Two 12-wk EPA (AMR101)
High Triglycerides: Impact on Global Health (AIM-
intervention trials in patients with very high[108] and per-
HIGH) study was underpowered and confounded by the
sistent[109] baseline triglyceride observed significant reduc-
higher statin and/or ezetimibe doses to match LDL cho-
lesterol between groups[88]. The Heart Protection Study tions in triglyceride levels. The greatest decrease was seen
2-Treatment of HDL to Reduce the Incidence of Vascu- in the highest triglyceride tertile where there was a 31%
lar Events (HPS2-THRIVE) study is the largest extend- reduction compared to placebo on 4 g/d of AMR101.
release niacin trial to-date combined with laropiprant, a The Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with EPA-
prostaglandin D2 inhibitor[89]. Despite no significant ben- Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT) is in progress and will
efit on primary CVD endpoints, a recent sub-analysis in endeavour obtain the CVD outcome data with AMR101
patients with both high triglyceride (> 2.24 mmol/L) and 4 g/d in high-risk patients with HTG and at-target LDL
low HDL cholesterol (< 0.85 mmol/L) showed a trend cholesterol on statin therapy[110]. There are also recent
towards benefit with niacin, although not reaching statis- data suggesting an increased risk of prostate cancer with
tical significance (HR = 0.74, P = 0.073)[90]. Of note, the high dietary intake of n-3 PUFAs[111]. Hence, caution is
lack of potential benefit or harm in the HPS2-THRIVE warranted when recommending long-term intake.
study may not necessarily be due to niacin, but potentially
to laropiprant. The safety of niacin use in type 2 diabetes Incretin-based therapy: Incretins, such as glucagon-
has previously been questioned owing to impairment in like peptide-1 (GLP-1), are insulinotropic, gut-derived
glycaemic control and insulin sensitivity[91-93]. However, hormones secreted in response to diet. GLP-1 receptor
two prospective trials have showed that the effect of nia- analogs such as liraglutide and exenatide, delay gastric
cin on glycaemic control is minimal in a majority of pa- emptying and this parallels the reduction in postprandial
tients with stable diabetes[94] and with no changes in low- triglyceride response[112]. This mechanism may ameliorate
dose (1 g/d) niacin[95]. impaired TRL metabolism in type 2 diabetes. By increasing
plasma concentrations of GLP-1, Dipeptidyl peptidase-4
Ezetimibe and statin-ezetimibe combination: Ezeti- (DPP-4) inhibitors, such as sitagliptin, saxagliptin and alo-
mibe inhibits intestinal cholesterol absorption and pri- gliptin, can improve insulin sensitivity, β-cell function[113]
marily lowers LDL cholesterol via the Niemann-Pick C1- and postprandial glycaemia[114] and lipaemia[115]. These
Like 1 protein. Ezetimibe has minimal effects in lowering agents could potentially prevent CVD events, indepen-
plasma fasting triglyceride (8%)[96]. A more prominent dent of changes in glucose and lipid metabolism. A recent
effect is observed in ameliorating postprandial lipaemia saxagliptin outcome trial failed to demonstrate significant
and lowering TRL remnants in spite of background changes in ischaemic events, though the rate of heart fail-
statin[97,98]. In a 6-wk trial of simvastatin-ezetimibe vs. ure increased significantly[116]. Similarly, a trial in type 2 dia-
simvastatin monotherapy, fasting and postprandial plasma betic patients post-acute coronary syndrome with aloglipi-
triglyceride and apoB-48 concentrations were lowered in tin did not improve cardiovascular event rates compared
type 2 diabetic patients[99]. However, intensive lipid low- with placebo[117]. Further investigation is required to clarify

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Pang J et al . Origin and therapy for hypertriglyceridaemia in type 2 diabetes

their mechanism and use in type 2 diabetes. high triglyceride and low HDL, but also to prevent and
treat diabetic retinopathy. More evidence is required from
CVD outcome trials for the other add-on options, some
MANAGEMENT OF SEVERE of which are currently underway. Several new therapies
HYPERTRIGLYCERIDAEMIA IN TYPE 2 with potential applications for treating HTG are DGAT
inhibitors, microsomal triglyceride transfer protein inhibi-
DIABETES tors, and apoC-Ⅲ antisense oligonucleotides. These will
Insulin infusion, apheresis and gene replacement agents will require to be tested for efficacy, safety and
therapy cost-effectiveness in future clinical trials.
In severe cases of diabetic HTG and poorly controlled
diabetes, continuous intravenous insulin infusion appears
to be beneficial in restoring serum glucose and triglyc- REFERENCES
eride[118]. Most of these patients will have an underlying 1 Murad MH, Hazem A, Coto-Yglesias F, Dzyubak S, Gupta
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Montori VM. The association of hypertriglyceridemia with
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In extremely severe HTG and drug refractory HTG, 3 Feher M, Greener M, Munro N. Persistent hypertriglyceride-
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tis. A single session of apheresis can dramatically lower 4 Johansen CT, Kathiresan S, Hegele RA. Genetic determi-
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5 Surendran RP, Visser ME, Heemelaar S, Wang J, Peter
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availability[125]. Further study is required to clarify the role Kastelein JJ, Johansen CT, Hegele RA, Stroes ES, Dallinga-
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P- Reviewers: Cheung BMY, Ramana KV S- Editor: Zhai HH

L- Editor: A E- Editor: Wu HL

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