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Methanol Production Using Carbon Capture Technology: An Overview

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Malaysian Journal of Chemical Engineering & Technology 1 (2018) 75–80

Malaysian Journal of Chemical Engineering & Technology

Journal Homepage: www.mjce.fkk.uitm.edu.my

Methanol production using carbon capture technology: An overview

*Mohd Aizad Ahmad, Zulkifli Abdul Rashid

Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Malaysia

*Corresponding email: mohdaizad@salam.uitm.edu.my

Abstract Article Info

Article history:
Carbon emission to environment cause global warming problems. Research on carbon capture
technology has been widely established including pre-combustion, post-combustion and oxyfuel Received date: 5 March 2018
method. Utilisation of carbon from capture process has been developed for methanol production. Accepted date: 27 April 2018
Various separation method of CO2 from gas has been highlighted. Challenges and potentials of
methanol production using carbon capture utilisation (CCU) should be taken into account. The Keywords:
major challenge for methanol production from carbon capture is to produce catalysts which are
Carbon capture utilisation
selective, lower cost and long term recyclable which will allow the reduction of carbon dioxide to Methanol production
methanol. Researchers also discussed how to produce minimum cost of sustainable hydrogen Separation method of CO2
supply to react with CO2. For oxyfuel combustion technology, the challenges are the capital cost
and energy consumption mostly from cryogenic air separation unit (ASU). An overview of
methanol production using various method of carbon capture has been discussed in this paper.

1.0 Introduction High energy density per mass and per volume is several
benefits of the methanol products (Ganesh, 2014).
Methanol (CH3OH) also known as a methyl alcohol Methanol has been proven as an attractive compound
is a monochrome liquid. Methanol is one of the large as a direct fuel for the fuel cell and automotive industry.
uses chemical product and the constituents of Besides that, methanol has been used as a feedstock for
methylated spirits in the home. Antifreeze, solvent, and chemical synthesis to produce various compounds.
fuel are some example of the used for domestic and Methanol can also be produced from resources such as
industrial applications. Although, it has half of the coal, oil and natural gas, or by conversion of biomass.
gasoline energy density, methanol has outstanding On a worldwide basis, methanol have a total annual
combustion properties which consents its use as a fuel capacity of more than 50 million tonne that were
in vehicles (Ganesh, 2014). Furthermore, it can be raw produced by over 90 methanol plants.
material in the processing of various organic chemical
compounds, and in the industrial production such 1.1 Methanol manufacturing process
supplies as paints and plastics are the example of the
Currently, more than 75% of methanol is produced
uses of the methanol.
from natural gas. Methanol synthesis is based on three
Methanol has toxic properties which are suitable to
fundamental steps including: Synthesis gas (syngas)
produce biodiesel via transesterification reaction and
for ethanol manufacturing; it is recurrently used for production through steam reforming or partial
oxidation of methane, methanol synthesis, methanol
industrial purposes as a denaturant additive. Toxic
properties give high possibility to get very bad conflict purification and hydrogen separation process
(Olah et al., 2009).
in health when deal with this chemical. The toxic effect
Steam reforming involved endothermic reaction as
can occur when someone is inhaling the high
concentrations of methanol vapor by inhalation system decreasing pressure, rising temperature and higher
steam to carbon S/C ratio could lead to higher
and absorption of methanol through the skin. Methanol
conversion (Mouljin et al., 2001). Steam reforming is
is also one of the raw materials for many chemicals
limited by equilibrium as in the radiant section of a
such as dimethyl terephthalate, formaldehyde,
furnace, where nickel catalyst-packed tubes located.
methylamines, methyl methacrylate, and acetic acid.

M.A. Ahmad et al./MJCET Vol. 1 (2018) 76–81

Meanwhile, methanol synthesis need combining (coal, natural gas, and oil) for energy and transportation
design of methanol synthesis reactor, feed quenching, is the main human activity that emits carbon dioxide
boiler feed or unheated reactants are cooling service in (CO2) even though certain industrial processes and
order to remove reaction heat. Higher conversions with land-use changes also emit carbon dioxide (CO 2)
higher pressures, stoichiometric ratios and lower (Climate and Weather, 2016).
temperatures of isothermal cooling in shell and reactor
tube setups can be achieved, if it is modelled under 1.3 Carbon capture storage and utilisation
conditions known to approach equilibrium. The aim of carbon capture storage (CCS) and
As for methanol purification, the products of
carbon capture utilisation (CCU) is to capture carbon
methanol synthesis containing methanol and syngas dioxide (CO2) emissions from sources of power plants
are flash in order to separate crude methanol and and processes from industrial to overcome the release
unconverted light ends. To separate remaining light-
of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere
ends, methanol at 98wt.% and water, crude methanol is
(Markewitz et al., 2012). The final destination of the
distilled, in an atmospheric column with a partial captured carbon dioxide (CO2) is the difference
condenser. between CCS and CCU. Captured carbon dioxide
Hydrogen separation has the objective to avoid
(CO2) is transferred to a suitable site for long-term
recycle accumulation the flashed light-ends contain storage in CCU (Metz et al., 2005). In CCU, captured
excess hydrogen which these must be purged for carbon dioxide (CO2) is converted into commercial
furnace fuelling or purified for hydrogen credit via
products (Yu et al., 2008). In Fig. 1, different CCS and
pressure swing adsorption, cryogenic distillation or CCU options are being summarised and described
membrane separation with the latter being cheaper at
the low recoveries and purities required (Mivechian According to Azapagic and Rosa (2015), carbon
and Pakizeh, 2013). As hollow fibre tubes in a shell, dioxide (CO2) can be produced from energy sector, oil
and separation for this, polyimide membranes are
refineries, cement industry, iron and steel industry,
fabricated is achieved by partial pressure differences. biogas sweetening, and chemical sectors. Then the
carbon dioxide (CO2) can be captured by using
1.2 Carbon emissions
techniques of post-conversion capture, pre-combustion
Human activities are produced carbon dioxide capture, and oxy-fuel combustion capture. Every
(CO2), which is emitted as the primary greenhouse gas technique has their ways in how to separate the carbon
(GHGs). Activities from human which produced dioxide (CO2) and purified that carbon dioxide (CO2).
carbon dioxide (CO2) in 2014 accounted about 80.9% This is because, carbon dioxide that has been captured
of all U.S greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions. Part of can be utilised to form other types of chemical or also
the earth's carbon cycle (the natural circulation of can be stored but it need to be purified first.
carbon among the atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants, and Post-combustion is the process where carbon
animals) that is naturally present in the atmosphere is dioxide is separated after the combustion of fuel
carbon dioxide (CO2). To remove carbon dioxide source. In power plants, production of biogas
(CO2) from the atmosphere, human activities are sweetening, iron, fuels, cement and steel, and ethylene
altering the carbon cycle — both by adding more oxide, this technique can be used to remove carbon
carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere and by dioxide (CO2) (Metz et al., 2005). Vacuum and
influencing the ability of natural sinks, like forests. The pressure swing adsorption, membranes, frameworks of
increasing that has been occurred in the atmosphere is porous organic, solvent absorption, and solid sorbents
because from human-related emissions while carbon adsorption are the methods of post-combustion
dioxide (CO2) emissions come from natural sources, (Kuramochi et al., 2012). Among these,
since the industrial revolution. monoethanolamine (MEA) is the most commonly used
According to U.S carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, absorption method for the post-combustion purpose
about 37% is contributed from electricity, 31% from (Li et al., 2013). As MEA regeneration consumes high
transportation, 15% from industry, 10% is residential amount of energy in the form of heat, this method is
and commercial, and 6% from other activities (non- not economically viable for all industries.
fossil fuel combustion). The combustion of fossil fuels

M. A. Ahmad et al./MJCET Vol. 1 (2018) 75–80

Fig.1: Different carbon capture, storage and utilization options chart (Azapagic and Rosa, 2015).

In cement plant, the utilisation of MEA absorption main purpose of using oxy-fuel combustion technology
incurred additional energy costs. Carbon dioxide (CO2) in order to capture the carbon dioxide (CO2) from a
is less well suited than in a combined heat and power power plant is to generate a flue gas with high
plant as the former lacks recoverable heat. concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
According to UNIDO (2011), pre-combustion vapor. At low temperature, the process of purification
capture refers to capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) and dehydration is carried out to separate carbon
generated as an undesired co-product of an dioxide (CO2) from flue gas. Oxy-fuel combustion has
intermediate reaction of a conversion process. The principal attraction which is it can avoid the need for a
production of ammonia and coal gasification in power costly post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture
plants can used this type of technique (Singh et al., system. To generate the pure oxygen needed for
2011). Carbon dioxide (CO2) that is co-produced with combustion, it requires an air separation unit (ASU).
hydrogen in ammonia production, take place the Generally, the major units of power generation in oxy-
ammonia synthesis before remove the steam combustion consist unit of separation of air (ASU) to
reforming. Commonly for these purposes absorption in produce oxygen, gas turbine or boiler for heat
MEA is used (Metz et al., 2005). In an integrated generation and combustion of fuel, unit to process flue
gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant the gas for flue gas cleaning or gas quality control system
hydrogen must be separated from carbon dioxide (GQCS) and unit to process carbon dioxide (CO2)
(CO2). This is typically achieved using physical (CPU) for storage and transport the carbon dioxide
solvents such as Selexol and Rectisol (Viebahn et al., (CO2) that have been purified (Stanger et al., 2015).
2007). Applications with high operating pressure Fig. 2 shows that carbon dioxide (CO2) which is
Physical solvents are, reportedly, more suitable present originally in the air or produced by combustion
because they are also more efficient for concentrated mixed with other constituent flue gas is separated are
carbon dioxide (CO2) stream (Markewitz et al., 2012). the post-combustion capture. For pre-combustion
In oxy-fuel combustion is one of the leading capture, before combustion carbon is eliminated from
technologies. Instead of air, the process of burning the the fuel. Little or no nitrogen that contains in oxygen
fuel in this process is with pure oxygen (Stanger et al., stream is burned with fuel is oxy-combustion capture.
2015). Furnace or boiler is where the flue gas is
recycled back to control the temperature of flame. The
M.A. Ahmad et al./MJCET Vol. 1 (2018) 76–81

1.4 Carbon dioxide (CO2) separation method from There is possibility that through the development and
gas on-going research of membrane, production of
membranes that is better for CO2 separation can be
Numerous technologies for separating or capturing
CO2 from mixture of gases are commercially accessible
Cryogenic distillation is a gas separation process
and widely practices which are absorption, adsorption,
which occurs at a lowest temperature and pressure. CO2
cryogenics, membrane and microbial system.
in flue gas is cool to desublimation temperature ranging
Chemical absorption is the most developed method for
from −100 C to −135 C. After that, separation of
CO2 separation. Monoethanolamine (MEA),
solidified CO2 from other light gases occurs. Then,
diethanolamine (DEA) and methyl diethanolamine
compression of solidified CO2 to a high pressure of
(MDEA) are a family of organic compounds of
100 C to 200 C takes place. From the process up to
alkanolamine. Alkanolamine is the most effective
90% to 95% amount of CO2 recovered from flue gas.
solvent that chemically absorb H2S in the presence of
The energy of the intensive process is calculated to be
CO2. The absorption is more than 90% efficiency.
600 kWh to 660 kWh per tonne of CO2 recovered in
Based on review on various CO2 capture technologies,
liquid form (Leung et al., 2014).
it has been concluded that the most promising method
for CO2 absorption is using MEA. An absorption pilot
2.0 Challenges and potentials of methanol
plant with one tonne per hour of CO2 for post- production using CCU
combustion capture technology for coal-fired power
plant was positively tested using a solvent containing According to the report by CO2 Chem Network in
30% MEA (Leung et al., 2014). 2012, the major challenge in cluster of solvents is to
Physical absorption used physical solvents to produce catalysts which are selective, lower cost and
separate CO2 and H2S from flue gases from oil and coal long-term recyclable which will allow the reduction of
gasification. The physical absorption of CO2 in the carbon dioxide to methanol in the absence of carbon
solvent is mostly depends on temperature and pressure. monoxide. There are also lack of life cycle analysis
As an example, high partial pressures and low (LCA) on catalyst supply and use. Another challenge
temperatures of CO2 facilitates the absorption. The is to produce sustainable hydrogen supply to react with
consequent pressure reduction regenerates the solvent CO2 and produce methanol. Current hydrogen
with a comparatively small energy requirement. Hence, production relies heavily on hydrocarbon reforming
it is suitable for recovering CO2 from Integrated reactions, while water electrolysis consume higher cost
Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) systems where of energy and there are also lack of scale up to produce
the exhaust CO2 would leave the gasifier at elevated hydrogen from electrolyser. For oxyfuel combustion
pressures. technology, the challenges are the capital cost and
Typical physical solvents used in IGCC pre- energy consumption for a cryogenic air separation unit
combustion capture are Selexol, Rectisol and Purisol (ASU), boiler air infiltration that dilutes the flue gas
(Jansen et al., 2015). Separation by adsorption relies on with N2, and excess O2 contained in the concentrated
the thermodynamic properties of a solid sorbents to CO2 stream (EPA, 2015). However, potentials of
bind the CO2 on its surfaces. The main criteria for methanol productions by using CCU have been
sorbent selection are great regeneration ability, large highlighted by several reports and studies. CO2 Chem
specific surface area and high selectivity. Examples of Network has listed methanol production from CCU is
the most used sorbents for this process are activated one of the brightest potential to become economic
carbon, molecular sieves, calcium oxides, zeolites and friendly in the future.
hydrotalcites (Leung et al., 2014). Methanol is used for energy storage media and
Membrane which is a thin selective layer is made of synthons for further production of another solvents or
a composite polymer is mechanically supported to a chemicals. They also suggest that possible solution for
non-selective, low-cost and thicker layer. It can be used sustainable hydrogen supply is to integrate
to disregard else constituents of flue gas while allowing photochemical water splitting with CO2 reduction.
only CO2 to pass through. Proceeding from highly EPA in Technical Support Document 2015 has
efficient membranes’ development, Audus (2000) had reported the potential of producing methanol using
successfully achieved a CO2 separation of 82% to 88%. carbon capture instead of storage CO2 in geology
sequestration. They also reported development of post-
M. A. Ahmad et al./MJCET Vol. 1 (2018) 75–80

combustion CO2 capture for incorporation into Alabama. NCC is a consortium between DOE/NETL
pulverized coal power plants and pre-combustion CO2 and electric power producers which conducts multiple
capture for integration into the new generation of coal projects, such as testing of solvents, enzymes, gas
gasification power plants by The National Carbon separation membranes, sorbents, and catalysts, as well
Capture Centre (NCC) at the Power Systems as other novel processes.
Development Facility (PSDF) in Wilsonville,

Fig. 2: Route on different carbon capture technology (Azapagic and Rosa, 2015).

3.0 Conclusions References

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This work was funded by Malaysia’s Ministry of An overview of current status of carbon dioxide capture
Education (MOE) Fundamental Research Grant and storage technologies. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews. 39.426–443.
Scheme (FRGS) through 600-RMI/FRGS/5/3 Environmental Protection Agency: Literature Survey of
(0094/2016) grant. We are very grateful for the Carbon Capture Technology, Technical Support
assistance provided by staffs of FKK UiTM. Document (2015).

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