Sepsis Syndromes: Principles
Sepsis Syndromes: Principles
Sepsis Syndromes: Principles
Sepsis Syndromes
Nathan I. Shapiro | Alan E. Jones
28-day mortality
• Bacteremia (fungemia)—presence of viable bacteria (fungi) in the
blood, as evidenced by positive blood cultures 15%
• Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)—at least two of 9.2%
the following conditions: oral temperature > 38° C (100.4° F) or < 10%
35° C (95° F); respiratory rate > 20 breaths/min or partial pressure
of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) < 32 mm Hg; heart rate > 90 2.1% 1.3%
beats/min; leukocyte count > 12,000/dL or < 4000/dL; or >10% 0%
No SIRS/ Severe Septic
• Sepsis—systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) that has SIRS sepsis sepsis shock
a proven or suspected microbial source
• Septic shock—sepsis with hypotension that is unresponsive to fluid A Sepsis syndrome
resuscitation plus organ dysfunction or perfusion abnormalities, as
listed for severe sepsis 60%
• Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)—dysfunction of 53%
more than one organ, requiring intervention homeostasis 50%
Adapted from Bone R, Balk RA, Cerra FB, et al: Definitions for sepsis and organ failure
28-day mortality
and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis. The APP/SCCM Consensus 40%
Conference Committee. American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care
Medicine. Chest 101:1644–1655, 1992. 30% 26%
TNF, and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA). If the resultant 13%
inflammatory response is adequate, the infection is controlled and 10% 6%
cleared. If the response is deficient or excessive, however, a persis- 1%
tent and worsening cascade is produced, ultimately leading to 0%
(once again) shock, organ failure, and potentially death. 0 1 2 3 4 or more
Instability in vascular tone has become increasingly important B Number of organ failures
in understanding the pathophysiologic mechanism of sepsis.
Vasopressin, also known as antidiuretic hormone, is a naturally Fig. 130.1. Mortality rates by sepsis syndrome (A) and number of organ
occurring hormone that is essential for cardiovascular stability. It dysfunctions (B). SIRS, Systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
is produced as a prohormone in the hypothalamus. The hormone
is stored in the pituitary gland and released in response to stress-
ors such as pain, hypoxia, hypovolemia, and hyperosmolality. In
severe sepsis, there is a brief rise in circulating vasopressin levels dysfunction of a single organ, two organs, three organs, and four
followed by a prolonged and severe suppression. This pattern or more organs were 6%, 13%, 26%, and 53%, respectively (see
of secretion is different from other forms of shock, in which Fig. 130.1B).
vasopressin levels remain elevated. Vasopressin has numerous
physiologic effects, including vasoconstriction of the systemic Neurologic Impairment. Patients with sepsis may display
vasculature, osmoregulation, and maintenance of normovolemia. neurologic impairment manifested by altered mental status and
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas that has an important role in septic lethargy, commonly referred to as septic encephalopathy. The
shock, regulating vascular tone by an indirect effect on smooth incidence has been reported as between 10% and 70%. The
muscle cells. NO also contributes to platelet adhesion, insulin mortality rate in patients with septic encephalopathy is higher
secretion, neurotransmission, tissue injury, and inflammation and than that in septic patients without significant neurologic involve-
cytotoxicity. Its half-life is short (6–10 seconds), and it easily dif- ment. Although the pathophysiologic process has not been clearly
fuses into cells. Although its mechanisms of action are not well defined, contributing factors may include direct bacterial inva-
understood, it seems to be a key mediator of sepsis. Animal data sion, endotoxemia, altered cerebral perfusion or metabolism,
have shown that nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme that produces metabolic derangements, multiorgan system failure, and iatro-
NO, is upregulated in cases of sepsis. Enhanced NO production is genic injury. In addition, impaired renal or hepatic function in the
thought to contribute to the profound vasodilation found in absence of overt organ failure has been shown to correlate with
patients in septic shock. encephalopathy.
In the setting of ongoing inflammatory activation, the media-
tors of sepsis continue to be produced, and the cascade is perpetu- Cardiovascular Dysfunction. Cardiovascular dysfunction
ated. Unless it is appropriately and rapidly controlled, the ultimate is common with sepsis. The cardiovascular dysfunction and
effect is a sequence of events starting with cellular dysfunction and failure arise from direct myocardial depression and distributive
ultimately leading to tissue damage, organ dysfunction, and death. shock. Gram-negative, gram-positive, and killed organisms can
cause myocardial depression. The direct insults of the toxic
Organ System Dysfunction mediators as well as the mobilization of host mediators of sepsis
produce a distributive shock. Early in sepsis, a hyperdynamic
The organ dysfunction that results from sepsis is central to the state develops, characterized by increased cardiac output and
pathogenesis of the disease. The mortality of patients with sepsis decreased systemic vascular resistance. Although the cardiac
increases as the number of failing organs increases (Fig. 130.1A). output is increased, it is at the expense of ventricular dilation and
In one large study, the mortality rate was 1% for sepsis patients decreased ejection fraction (EF). Vigorous fluid resuscitation
with no organ dysfunction, whereas the rates for patients with usually increases preload and, secondarily, EF, thereby improving
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CH APTER 130 Sepsis Syndromes 1725
the cardiac index, even late in shock. Much of the cardiovascular sepsis. In healthy peoples, protein C is activated by a combination
compromise from septic shock is reversible, and normal cardio- of thrombin and thrombomodulin. The activation of protein C
vascular function usually returns within 10 days. results in the downregulation of many portions of the coagulation
cascade, including release of tissue factor, inactivation of factors
Pulmonary Involvement. Involvement of the lung is often VIIIa and Va, and stimulation of fibrinolysis. It is possible that
seen in the inflammatory response to infection. These effects are protein C activation in early sepsis is impaired because of an
apparent, irrespective of the primary infection that caused sepsis. inflammatory cytokine–mediated downregulation of thrombo-
Early infiltration with neutrophils, surfactant dysfunction, and modulin. As a result, a consumptive coagulopathy ensues. This
edema give way to monocyte infiltration and fibrosis. Significant leads to increased fibrin deposition and a resulting upregulation
right-to-left shunting, arterial hypoxemia, and intractable hypox- of the fibrinolytic pathway, as identified by low plasma levels of
emia occur. The resulting morbidity is high and is a common the fibrinolytic proteins and increased fibrin split products. This
endpoint to sepsis-related deaths. sequence of events leads to consumption of coagulation factors
Sepsis produces a highly catabolic state and places significant and DIC. In late sepsis, the fibrinolytic system is suppressed.
demands on the respiratory system. At the same time, airway
resistance is increased, and muscle function is impaired. Irrespec- Genetic Factors
tive of whether pneumonia is the cause of sepsis, the common
pulmonary endpoint is acute respiratory distress syndrome There has been increasing evidence that genetics are a risk factor
(ARDS). ARDS is defined clinically and correlates with the patho- for the outcome of sepsis.3 An individual may contain a set of
logic finding of diffuse alveolar damage. The development of individual characteristics or polymorphisms that may affect the
ARDS occurs hours to days after radiographic abnormalities ways in which he or she responds to sepsis in general, or perhaps
develop. Because of alveolar-capillary membrane damage, fluid there may be differences in response to specific sepsis therapeutics.
accumulates in the alveoli. Rather than being a diffuse disease, Identifying and understanding these differences in an individual’s
ARDS is a heterogeneous process that results in interspersed genetic makeup is likely to lead to tailored approaches to diagnosis
damaged and normal alveoli. and therapy. The impact of genetics on future treatment modali-
ties for sepsis remains unclear, but the prospect of customized
Gastrointestinal Effects. A shock state causes significant genetic therapy for sepsis is a promising early development.
deleterious effects on a hollow viscus and its oxygen supply. A
prolonged ileus accompanies hypoperfusion and persists beyond CLINICAL FEATURES
the perfusion deficit. Splanchnic blood flow is dependent on mean
arterial pressure because there is relatively little autoregulation. Symptoms and Signs
Therefore, hemodynamic dysfunction may have a profound effect
on viscus metabolism. The approach to a patient with sepsis relies on identification of
Solid organ involvement is also common. Even in the previ- the presence of a systemic infection and localization of the source
ously normal host, elevations in aminotransferases and bilirubin of the initial infection. This allows appropriate treatment directed
levels are common early in sepsis. The liver has also been impli- to the source of infection. Often, the source is not readily appar-
cated in the pathogenesis of sepsis; some of the mediators of sepsis ent, but early identification of the septic state allows implementa-
are produced by the liver. tion of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
The septic patient may manifest signs of systemic infection
Endocrine Disorders. An absolute or relative adrenal insuf- through tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia or hypothermia
ficiency is common in sepsis. Depending on the balance of and, if severe, hypotension. A septic patient will often have flushed
circulating cytokines, augmentation or suppression of the skin with warm, well-perfused extremities secondary to the early
hypothalamic-pituitary axis is possible. IL-1 and IL-6 both activate vasodilation and hyperdynamic state. Alternatively, the severely
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. TNF-α and corticostatin hypoperfused patient with an advanced shock state may appear
depress pituitary function. Other factors that may contribute to cyanotic. Very early in the patient’s presentation, vital sign changes
adrenal insufficiency in sepsis include decreased blood flow to the such as tachycardia and tachypnea may be first indicators of sepsis.
adrenal cortex, decreased pituitary function, and decreased pitu- If the patient is in shock, a rapid assessment that excludes other
itary secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone due to severe causes, such as hypovolemic or cardiogenic shock, is essential to
stress. As a result of these interactions, the hypothalamic thermo- the proper initial treatment. A complete detailed clinical examina-
regulatory mechanism may be reset, and temperature fluctuations tion will help the emergency clinician determine the cause of the
may develop. shock state (see Chapter 6). These are classic signs; however, these
findings may not be manifested in a septic patient, and signs and
Hematologic Abnormalities. Sepsis causes abnormalities symptoms may be subtle or absent.
in many parts of the coagulation system. Endotoxin, TNF-α, and Both underlying comorbidities and the cause of sepsis should
IL-1 are the key mediators. Pathologic activation of the extrinsic be considered. Risk factors such as immunocompromised states
(tissue factor–dependent) pathway, protein C, protein S, and (eg, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, malignant disease,
fibrinolysis lead to consumption of essential coagulation factors, diabetes, splenectomy, concurrent chemotherapy), older age,
causing DIC. The activation of the coagulation cascade produces debilitation, high-risk environments for iatrogenic infections (eg,
fibrin deposition and microvascular thrombi. If these depositions acute care hospitalizations, long-term care facilities), and multiple
are not corrected, they can compromise organ perfusion and comorbidities should be considered.
contribute to organ failure. Tissue factor expression on monocytes The respiratory system is the most common source of infection
is increased. This results in fibrin deposition and perhaps contrib- in the septic patient. A history of a productive cough, fevers, chills,
utes to an increased incidence of multiorgan failure due to upper respiratory symptoms, and throat and ear pain should be
microvascular thrombi. sought. Physical examination should also include a detailed evalu-
Protein C has been identified as an important modulator of ation for focal infection, such as exudative tonsillitis, sinus tender-
inflammation and coagulation in patients with sepsis. Impair- ness, tympanic membrane injection, and crackles or dullness on
ment of the protein C–dependent anticoagulation pathway is lung auscultation. Also, pharyngeal thrush should be noticed as a
critical to the development of the thrombotic complications of potential marker of an immunocompromised state.
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1726 PART III Medicine and Surgery | SECTION Twelve Infectious Diseases
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CH APTER 130 Sepsis Syndromes 1727
BOX 130.2 diabetic ketoacidosis, but other causes need to be ruled out. An
elevated serum creatinine concentration or decreased glomerular
Differential Diagnosis of Sepsis and Septic Shock filtration rate signals renal dysfunction or failure, which, if due
primarily to sepsis, indicates organ failure and a worse prognosis.
Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus levels should be checked.
Dehydration An elevated lactate level is associated with inadequate perfu-
Acute respiratory distress syndrome sion, shock, and poorer prognosis. One study has shown a pro-
Anemia gression in mortality rate with increasing venous lactate level—a
Ischemia lactate level of 0 to 2.5 mg/dL was associated with a 5% mortality
Hypoxia rate, a lactate level of 2.5 to 4.0 mg/dL, 9% mortality, and a lactate
Congestive heart failure level greater than 4 mg/dL, 28% mortality. An arterial blood gas
Vasculitis assessment may be helpful in identifying and classifying acid-base
Toxicologic disturbances. Metabolic acidosis suggests inadequate tissue perfu-
Poisonings sion. Liver function tests can be used to identify liver failure or
Overdose dysfunction. An elevated bilirubin level may suggest the gallblad-
Drug-induced der as a cause of sepsis. An elevated lipase level may represent
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome pancreatitis as the cause of SIRS.
Hypothalamic injury Microbiology. Proper blood, sputum, urine, cerebrospinal
Disseminated intravascular coagulation fluid, and other tissue culture samples are important in guiding
Anaphylaxis therapy. Although the results of culture are not helpful in the
Metabolic initial management, culture samples should be obtained before or
Hyperthyroidism soon after the administration of antibiotics in the patient with
Diabetic ketoacidosis
sepsis syndrome. The initiation of antibiotic therapy should not
Adrenal dysfunction
be delayed significantly while waiting for culture samples to be
Burn obtained. Studies have suggested that the yield of initial blood
Heat exhaustion or stroke cultures is low (5%–10%), but this is probably an artifact of the
Trauma lack of reliable discriminatory guidelines for obtaining blood
Blood loss culture samples in the ED. Among patients with clinical sepsis,
Cardiac contusion only 30% to 40% of patients will have positive cultures. The
results of initial microbiologic tests, including Gram staining
SEPTIC SHOCK whenever possible, will help guide subsequent antibiotic treat-
Hypovolemic shock ment. Initial empirical therapy should be broad spectrum to allow
Acute blood loss early treatment of all likely organisms.
Severe dehydration
Cardiogenic shock
Pulmonary embolus
Special Procedures
Myocardial infarction We believe that a central venous pressure (CVP) line is helpful in
Pericardial tamponade guiding fluid resuscitation in sepsis patients. Although CVP
Tension pneumothorax measurements do not correlate well with volume responsiveness,
Vasogenic shock a low CVP usually indicates the need for continued fluid repletion.
Anaphylaxis The use of arterial lines and Swan-Ganz catheters can be helpful
Paralysis in managing sepsis, but they are rarely available in the ED setting.
When available, arterial lines can be useful for close monitoring
of hypotensive patients, especially when one or more vasopressors
are being titrated to maintain an adequate blood pressure. Swan-
should prompt consideration for admission, isolation, and Ganz catheters are rarely used in sepsis management in the ED,
empirical intravenous (IV) antibiotics in most chemotherapy although the physiologic measurements may be useful in identify-
patients. A bandemia (≥5%–10% bands on a peripheral smear) ing the cause of shock and guiding fluid and inotropic therapy.
represents the release of immature cells from the bone marrow Low systemic vascular resistance and high cardiac output are
and may be a sign of infection and inflammation. Like the white usually associated with sepsis, although this may vary with the
blood cell count, it is an imperfect indicator of infection. The stage of shock and individual patient. The science and technology
absence of leukocytosis or bandemia does not preclude the pos- of noninvasive or minimally invasive cardiac output monitoring
sibility of severe sepsis nor does their presence confirm it. The has been evolving and, where available, may help guide fluid
hemoglobin and hematocrit levels should be determined to ensure administration by evaluating cardiac output alone or in conjunc-
adequate oxygen delivery in shock. Platelets are an acute-phase tion with a fluid challenge or passive leg raise approach.
reactant and may be elevated in the presence of infection. Con-
versely, a low platelet count may be seen in patients with sepsis Radiology
and septic shock. Thrombocytopenia, elevated prothrombin time,
elevated activated partial thromboplastin time, decreased fibrino- Imaging studies are generally used to identify the source of infec-
gen, and increased fibrin split products are associated with DIC tion. A chest radiograph should be considered in patients with
and severe sepsis syndrome. suspected sepsis syndrome, looking not only for a focal infiltrate
representing pneumonia but also for the fluffy bilateral infiltrates
Blood Chemistry. Electrolyte abnormalities should be indicative of ARDS. The pathophysiologic changes of ARDS are
identified and corrected. A low bicarbonate level suggests acidosis often delayed as much as 24 hours after radiographic identifica-
and inadequate perfusion. An elevated anion gap acidosis in the tion. An upright chest radiograph should be considered for sus-
setting of sepsis syndrome commonly represents lactic acidosis or pected bowel perforation to detect free air under the diaphragm.
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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
1728 PART III Medicine and Surgery | SECTION Twelve Infectious Diseases
The presence of pneumomediastinum is suggestive of esophageal superior approach from an evidence-based perspective. It is,
perforation and current or impending mediastinitis. however, important to underscore that the usual care groups in
Soft tissue plain radiographs of infected areas can be obtained, these newer trials were all identified early, received antibiotics, and
looking for air in the soft tissues associated with necrotizing or received generous amounts of fluids (on average, ≈40–60 mL/kg
gas-forming infection, although plain x-rays are not sensitive for in the first 6 hours across the trials), supporting the principle that
tissue infection. Periosteal thickening or bone erosion may be seen early identification of sepsis, early antibiotics, and carefully
on plain radiographs of patients with osteomyelitis; a bone scan titrated resuscitation should remain a core tenant.
may be diagnostic. Computed tomography (CT) of superficial
infections may be more helpful to quantify the extent of infection Respiratory Support
further and identify abscesses that are not readily evident on
physical examination. A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis may Altered mental status is common in patients in septic shock, and
identify abdominal or pelvic pathologic lesions, provided there is they may require rapid airway protection. Because patients with
no clear clinical indication for immediate operative intervention. impending respiratory failure use a disproportionately large
Suspected disease, such as diverticulitis, appendicitis, necrotizing amount of energy for the muscles of respiration, improved oxygen
pancreatitis, microperforation of the stomach or bowel, or forma- delivery to other organs is achieved by mechanical ventilation,
tion of an intra-abdominal abscess, may be best diagnosed by a sedation, and paralysis. Although there are no clear intubation
CT scan. A head CT scan can identify septic emboli from endo- guidelines, hypercapnia, persistent hypoxemia, airway compro-
carditis or increased intracranial pressure from a mass and should mise, and profound acidosis are valid indicators for intubation.
be considered before a lumbar puncture is performed. An In addition to airway protection, intubation and mechanical
abdominal ultrasound examination may be indicated for sus- ventilatory support provide positive-pressure ventilation. The
pected cholecystitis, and a pelvic ultrasound examination may be pattern of injury in ARDS is such that normal lung parenchyma
indicated for tubo-ovarian abscess or endometritis. If endocarditis is adjacent to affected tissue. Therefore, increased airway pressures
is suspected, a transesophageal cardiac ultrasound study may be are required to maintain normal oxygen delivery. Current recom-
performed for the detection of any valvular vegetations. Magnetic mendations are to maintain transalveolar pressures (measured as
resonance imaging (MRI) can be useful to identify soft tissue plateau pressures) below 35 cm H2O because increased pressures
infection, such as necrotizing fasciitis or epidural abscess. are associated with ventilator-induced lung injury. Maintenance
of a relatively low transalveolar pressure with increasing end-
MANAGEMENT expiratory pressure is an effective way to increase arterial oxygen
delivery. The ARDSNet trial established the benefit of low tidal
Early detection and appropriate treatment can reduce the mortal- volumes (6 mL/kg) in mechanically ventilated patients with acute
ity from sepsis. The primary goal is timely administration of lung injury to prevent iatrogenic lung damage.
appropriate antimicrobial therapy—or interventional source
control as required—and maintenance of adequate tissue oxygen- Cardiovascular Support
ation and perfusion through titrated resuscitation. With early
detection and early resuscitation there is increasing evidence that Fluid Resuscitation
the natural history of sepsis can be altered. Initial resuscitation,
including appropriate airway management, IV access, oxygen, Patients with sepsis often require IV fluid to maintain adequate
early and appropriate antibiotics, fluid resuscitation, and vaso- perfusion. The primary reasons for this intravascular hypovolemia
pressor support, remains the foundation on which new efforts are venodilation and diffuse capillary leak. Initial therapy for
may be applied. adults with septic shock should generally be up to 2 L of isotonic
From a historical perspective, Rivers and associates have pro- crystalloid. As much as 6 to 10 L of crystalloid may be required
vided compelling evidence supporting the importance of this in the first 24 hours. Fluid replacement should be titrated to clini-
concept when they published a protocol of standardized timely cal parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, change in mental
and titrated care being used to guide resuscitation in the ED.6 This status, capillary refill, cool skin, and adequate urine output
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed a (0.5–1 mL/kg/hr). Normal saline (0.9%) and lactated Ringer’s
16% mortality reduction in patients with severe sepsis and septic solution are equally effective and neither worsens lactic acidosis.
shock. The protocol, termed early goal-directed therapy (EGDT), Colloids are as effective as crystalloids, but they are more expen-
measures targeted goals and uses a resuscitation algorithm to sive and less readily available. Although one should be increasingly
guide the resuscitation. The theory behind the protocol was to vigilant in watching for fluid overload in patients who are predis-
normalize preload and pressure and prevent tissue hypoxia by posed, such as older adults, those with congestive heart failure
matching oxygen delivery with consumption. Use of this protocol, (CHF) and a known impaired EF, or those with renal impairment,
which facilitated earlier and more aggressive fluid resuscitation these patients are not precluded from volume resuscitation, as
through the use of increased fluids, increased blood products, described above. Efforts to identify ways to measure regional
increased use of dobutamine, and greater degree of normalization perfusion more directly, such as direct measurement of splanchnic
of tissue hypoxia, reduced mortality at their center. The interven- blood flow, have been proposed. Even in the absence of global
tions in combination were likely responsible for the better out- hypoxia and impaired tissue perfusion, there is evidence that
comes in the intervention group. regional hypoperfusion and ischemia exist.
The principles of EGDT, as well as efforts such as the Surviving
Sepsis Campaign, helped underscore the importance of early Vasoactive Drug Therapy
identification and timely resuscitation. However, until 2014, the
evidence in support of the formal EGDT protocol was only in the If appropriate fluid resuscitation has failed, vasopressor support
form of the original single- center trial and subsequent observa- may be required (Table 130.2). Only in cases of profound hypo-
tional efforts. More recently, the ProCESS, ProMISE, and ARISE tension should vasopressors be started before adequate fluid
studies have all been large multicenter trials that sought to validate resuscitation has been initiated. Use of mean arterial pressure
the value of EGDT.7-9 Each of the trials showed no mortality alone as an indicator of overall efficacy of therapeutic intervention
benefit to EGDT as compared to usual resuscitation measures; is not always helpful. A mean arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg has
thus, although EGDT is one strategy to consider, it is not a been recommended in otherwise healthy, normovolemic adult
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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CH APTER 130 Sepsis Syndromes 1729
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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
1730 PART III Medicine and Surgery | SECTION Twelve Infectious Diseases
TABLE 130.3
antibiotics administered after 3 hours and mortality.13 Thus, appear to be more effective in reducing the amount of time
early antibiotics are important, but their exact timing remains patients spend in a hypotensive state, but increase the rate of
undefined. secondary infection, contributing to a null effect overall. At this
In the absence of an obvious source of infection, the use of time, we believe that the role of steroid therapy in sepsis remains
broad-spectrum antibiotics is recommended. The specific agent controversial and recommend their use in patients on chronic
depends on many variables, including institutional preference and steroid therapy when there is refractory cardiovascular insuffi-
local resistance patterns. As results from cultures become avail- ciency, despite maximal supportive therapy and replacement
able, therapy should be modified. There is no consensus about the therapy.
need for double or triple antibiotic coverage for particular organ-
isms, although it is common practice to double-cover virulent DISPOSITION
organisms, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as areas com-
monly infected with multiple organisms, such as the peritoneum. Once ED management is complete, patients who are deemed at
With increasing rates of methicillin-resistant organisms, combi- increased risk should be admitted to the hospital into a setting
nations that include nonpenicillin choices may be warranted. that is deemed appropriate for the severity of the patient’s condi-
tion. For example, in patients who remain hypotensive, are on
Steroid Therapy vasopressors, or who are unstable and require more frequent
monitoring, the intensive care unit may be appropriate. Other
It has been nearly 40 years since the first treatment attempts to patients who are more stable but still require monitoring and
block inflammation in sepsis. Because sepsis involves a systemic perhaps IV therapy may be admitted to a hospital ward. Finally,
inflammatory response, corticosteroids are a logical treatment in certain cases, patients initially meeting sepsis criteria but who
modality as antiinflammatory agents. Physicians have been are not severely ill (eg, young patients with pharyngitis) may be
working for decades to prove or disprove their value. Steroids appropriate for discharge.
Descargado para Diana Martinez ( en Pontifical Xavierian University de por Elsevier en junio 25, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CH APTER 130 Sepsis Syndromes 1731
• Sepsis is a progression of disease due to a dysregulated • Early treatment should focus on appropriate identification,
inflammatory cascade, leading to organ dysfunction and circulatory improvement of tissue perfusion (through administration of fluids
compromise in severe cases. and vasopressor medications), improvement of tissue oxygenation
• Sepsis is subtle and often difficult to detect, so the emergency (through administration of oxygen and positive-pressure ventilation),
clinician should maintain a high index of suspicion when assessing administration of antibiotics, and early identification of infections
patients in the ED. requiring surgical management.
• Older adults, immunocompromised and neutropenic patients, and • Prompt administration of antibiotics is essential and should be based
patients with multiple comorbidities are at increased risk for the on the suspected source of infection.
development of sepsis syndromes.
• A thorough history and physical examination should guide the
diagnostic evaluation.
The references for this chapter can be found online by accessing the accompanying Expert Consult website.
Descargado para Diana Martinez ( en Pontifical Xavierian University de por Elsevier en junio 25, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CH APTER 130 Sepsis Syndromes 1731.e1
1. Howell MD, Talmor D, Schuetz P, et al: Proof of principle: the predisposition, infec- 8. Pro CI, Yealy DM, Kellum JA, et al: A randomized trial of protocol-based care for
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Descargado para Diana Martinez ( en Pontifical Xavierian University de por Elsevier en junio 25, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
1731.e2 PART III Medicine and Surgery | SECTION Twelve Infectious Diseases
63%. O2 saturation by pulse oximeter is now 96%. What meets criteria for septic shock. Intermittent central venous (eg,
is the most appropriate next step according to the early mixed) blood gas analysis is likely to be adequate. Therapeutic
goal-directed therapy protocol? targets are a central venous pressure of 8 to 12 mm Hg in the
A. Dopamine, 10 µg/kg/min nonintubated patient and a mixed venous O2 saturation of 70%
B. Endotracheal intubation (review of the oxyhemoglobin desaturation curve reminds us that
C. Packed red blood cell transfusion 75% is normal). After volume resuscitation, this patient still had
D. Phenylephrine, 50 µg/min a low mixed venous saturation, indicating inadequate peripheral
E. Saline 0.9%, 2 L more oxygen delivery and increased extraction by the tissues. With O2
saturation nearly normal (96%), the only way to increase oxygen
Answer: C. For the optimal management of sepsis, central venous
delivery is by red blood cell transfusion to increase the plasma
pressure monitoring (ideally with oximetric capabilities) and
hemoglobin concentration.
mixed venous blood gas monitoring are indicated. This patient
Descargado para Diana Martinez ( en Pontifical Xavierian University de por Elsevier en junio 25, 2020.
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