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Committee Report Technical Committee On Technological Standards of Concrete and Its Use

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Committee report Technical committee on technological standards of

concrete and its use

Hiroyuki Tanano*1・Hitoshi Hamasaki*2・Hirohisa Koga*3・Atsushi Ueno*4・Tadatsugu Kage*5

Abstract: The committee has aimed to investigate Japanese industrial standards (JIS)
and other international standards, such as ISO and EN, that are related to concrete
materials and structures, organize the relationships with the contents prescribed in
specifications and guidelines that use (cite, follow, etc.) the various test methods, and
propose methods for using information related to technical standards of concrete, such
as test methods, quality specifications and criteria for use. In practice, the committee
has a) organized the historical background and circumstances of the establishment of
standards on quality and test methods and the relationships between relevant standards,
b) surveyed the circumstances of establishing and/or revising specifications, etc.
related to concrete and reinforced concrete structures and organized the bases of citing
and following the contents of JIS, etc., and c) proposed a framework and model for
using the results of the aforementioned two activities.
Keywords: Specification, test method, quality standard, strength, mix proportion,
corrosion induced by chloride ion, frost damage, cracks, maintenance, carbonation

1. Introduction
Technical standards related to concrete require engineers to not only follow the values and
methods prescribed in the standards but also to understand the significance and basis (origin)
of each regulation because this leads to securing the quality and performances of concrete and
serves as the basis of further research and development. The “study committee on
interpretation of quality standards and testing methods related to concrete (TC-095A)”, which
acted in 2010 to 2011, mainly investigated JIS A 5308 (ready mixed concrete) and test
methods and quality standards related to its materials, analyzed and organized the
circumstances and basis of their establishment and revision, the relationship with international
standards (ISO, EN and ASTM), and the utilization states, and proposed and summarized
points needing improvement (a symposium held in November 2011).
The study committee on methods for using information about technological standards of
concrete (hereinafter referred to as the “committee”) expanded the scope of survey and
research and has surveyed JIS and international standards that were not included in the scope
of TC-095A, organized the relationship with contents prescribed in specifications that use the
standards, and investigated construction of methods for using information related to technical
standards (test methods, quality standards and criteria for use) of concrete. In concrete terms,
the committee has 1) expanded the scope of survey from TC-095A and organized the

*1 Building Research Institute Dr. (Full member) *2 Shibaura Institute of Technology Dr. (Full member)
*3 Public Works Research Institute M.S. (Full member) *4 Tokyo Metropolitan University Dr.(Full member)
*5 National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Dr.(Full member)
historical background (such as circumstances of the establishment) of quality standards such
as JIS and test methods related to concrete in general and the relationships between relevant
standards, 2) surveyed the circumstances of establishing and/or revising specifications, etc.
related to concrete and reinforced concrete structures and comprehensively organized the
concepts of citing and following the contents of JIS, etc., and 3) proposed a framework and
model for using the results of the aforementioned two activities.
The constitution of the committee (Chairman: Tanano) is shown in Table-1. Working
Group 1 (Chief: Hamasaki) conducted surveys and investigations related to the former of the
aforementioned topics in the first year and, in the second year, summarized matters related to
strength, maintenance and carbonation based on the results of the first year. Working Group 2
(Chief: Koga) conducted surveys and investigations related to the latter topic in the first year
and, in the second year, summarized matters related to mix proportion, salt damage, frost
damage and cracks due to drying and autogeneous shrinkage based on the results of the first

Table-1 Constitution of the committee

Chairman: Hiroyuki Tanano (Building Research Institute)
Chief: Hitoshi Hamasaki (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
Chief: Hirohisa Koga (Public Works Research Institute)
WG1 - Working Group for Test Methods Research
Chief: Hitoshi Hamasaki (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
Secretary: Atsushi Ueno (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Member: Katsuyoshi Ariki (Urban Renaissance Agency)
Member: Shigeki Seko (Aichi Institute of Technology)
Member: Norikiyo Nakamura (Japan Testing Center for Construction Materials)
Member: Naoki Nagamoto (Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd.)
Member: Sohei Nishio (Railway Technical Research Institute)
Member: Yasuyuki Hirose (Nippon Expressway Research Institute Co., Ltd.)
Member: Tetsurou Matsushita (Takenaka Corporation)
Member: Hiroyuki Miyauchi (Building Research Institute)
Member: Satoshi Watanabe (Taisei Corporation)
WG2 - Working Group for Standards Research
Chief: Hirohisa Koga (Public Works Research Institute)
Secretary: Tadatsugu Kage (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management)
Member: Atsushi Ueno (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Member: Shinichiro Okazaki (Port and Airport Research Institute)
Member: Satoru Kobayashi (Kajima Corporation)
Member: Hiromitsu Koyama (BASF Japan Ltd.)
Member: Hirokazu Tanaka (Shimizu Corporation)
Member: Madoka Taniguchi (Northern Regional Building Research Institute)
Member: Satoru Nogami (Japan Cement Association)

2. Examination and tests during mix design and construction and standards
2.1 Mix proportion of fresh concrete
Regulations on mix proportion, which determines the properties of fresh concrete, were
surveyed in the following documents, etc.
(1) Japanese Architectural Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Work
JASS 5 published by Architectural Institute of Japan
The “Japanese Architectural Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Work
(JASS5)” 1) requires concrete 1) to have workability that is easy to transport, place, compact
and finish and conduct other works that involve transporting and changing the shape of the
concrete, and 2) to have comprehensive properties that maintain the concrete to be uniform
even during and after the works, ensure certain placement within formwork and around
reinforcing steel, and develop little bleeding and separation of materials. It prescribes values
such as minimum cement content to be 270kg/m3 for ordinary concrete and 290kg/m3 upon
usinghigh range water reducer with AE agent.
(2) Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures “Materials and Construction”
published by Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures “Materials and Construction” (hereinafter
referred to as “Standard Specifications of JSCE”) prescribes that workability is the properties
of fresh concrete that show the degree of easiness of transporting, placing, compacting,
finishing, etc. Of the workability, the properties of concrete that allow the concrete to fill
compactly throughout the form including cover sections and corners without undergoing
segregation of materials are defined as filling ability, which is determined by the balance
between fluidity and material separation resistance. To ensure resistance to segregation, it
states that the cement content (powder content) needs to exceed a certain value, at least
270kg/m3 for the concrete with aggregates whose maximum size is 20 or 25 mm and
desirably 300kg/m3 or more.
(3) Tests on segregation resistance
The segregation resistance of fresh concrete is judged by 1) a slump test, 2) from the
flowing states during a slump flow test, or 3) from the distribution states of coarse aggregates
in a specimen in a state of rest. Evaluation by these methods contains subjectivity of the
person who performs the test. Various test methods have been proposed to secure universality
of test results, but there has been no testing method established. For example, the
Recommendation for practice of mix design of concrete 2) of Architectural Institute of Japan
proposes inserting the cylinder penetration tester shown in Fig.-1 into a specimen for 10
seconds and measuring the amount of mortar that flows into the cylinder.

Inner diameter:

[Unit: mm]
28 holes of ϕ7mm

Fig.-1 Cylinder penetration tester 1)

2.2 Examination and tests of concrete strength

Generally, strength of concrete signifies compressive strength; and the strength of
concrete is controlled by examining and checking in compression. The committee also
focused on strengths other than compressive strength and surveyed their test methods and
transitions of the methods, compared test methods when there are two or more methods, and
surveyed evaluation methods of test results and reflection of the results in mix design.
Strengths surveyed were bending strength, tensile strength, shear strength and bond
strength as well as compressive strength. For compressive strength, bending strength and
tensile strength, detailed JIS test methods and changes of the methods have been summarized
in a past committee report 3). This time, the committee organized relationships with other test
standards and surveyed how test values obtained by strength tests are used as technical
standards in various kinds of specifications and design guidelines. As an example of survey
results, relational expressions between tensile strength and compressive strength are
compared in Fig.-2. In general, tensile strength is not considered for designing reinforced
concrete structure, but limit is frequently imposed on tensile strength for designing
prestressed concrete to control tensile cracks. The figure compares the Standard
Specifications of JSCE 4), Explanation of technical standards for prestressed concrete
construction and design and calculation examples (The Building Center of Japan) 5),
AASHTO LRFD (USA) 6), fib bulletin 70 (fib) 7) and BPEL 91 (France) 8). For example for
concrete of design standard strength of 40 N/mm2, the tensile strength value in the standards
of Japan is about 2.7N/mm2 but is larger in the American and European standards with 3.0
N/mm2 in BPEL91, 3.9 N/mm2 in AASHTO and 3.5 N/mm2 in fib. However, these values
were calculated from the relational expressions for estimating tensile strength from
compressive strength, and the effects of the values on design of a structure should vary by
each structure.
Test methods for shear strength and bond strength have not been standardized, and the
committee compared test methods that have been proposed.
Tensile strength (MPa)

Standard Specifications
The Building Center
of Japan

Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig.-2 Comparison of relational expressions between tensile strength and compressive

strength in and outside Japan

2.3 Examination and tests of durability on deterioration caused by carbonation

The resistance of concrete against carbonation is an important factor for diagnosing the
durability of a reinforced concrete structure. Resistance against carbonation is commonly
evaluated by accelerated carbonation test. However, there are still many unclear points in the
relationship between the progress of carbonation in accelerated test and under actual
environment. Thus the test is recognized as a mere relative method of evaluation.
Method of accelerated carbonation test is prescribed in JIS A 1153 (Method of accelerated
carbonation test for concrete), which was established in 2003 and revised in 2012.
Accelerated carbonation test had been widely performed by a number of institutes even before
the establishment of the JIS standards. The test conditions (20°C, 60% R.H. and CO2
concentration of 5%) in JIS A 1153 were likely to have been decided by referring to the
Recommendations for high durability design and construction practice of reinforced concrete
of AIJ, which was issued in 1991 9).
ISO/DIS 1920-12 is now being proposed, and DIS finished voting in March 2015. Table-2
shows a comparison between JIS A 1153 and ISO/DIS 1920-12. The conditions of curing
differ between JIS and ISO/DIS, and thus the degree of dryness is predicted to affect test
results. Conditions of acceleration also differ. ISO establishes different thermal and
humidity condition compared with JIS and sets a high-temperature environment. The CO2
concentration is also lower in ISO than in JIS.
In various kinds of technical guidelines, results of accelerated carbonation test are deemed
to not directly predict the progress of carbonation. The committee has studied references on
the relationship between carbonation rate coefficients obtained via acceleration test and
outdoor-exposure test aiming to provide reference information.
Table 2-Comparison of accelerated carbonation test methods
Item JIS A 1153 ISD/DIS 1920-12
Shape and dimensions Square pillar Square pillar
of specimen 100  100  400 mm 100  100  400 mm
Curing conditions Wet curing in water or at least 95% R.H. Wet curing in water at 20°C until 4-week
(wet curing) at 20°C until 4-week age age
Leave it to stand still at 20±2°C in 60±5%
Leave it to stand still at 18~29°C in
Curing conditions (dry R.H. from 4-week to 8-week age. Seal the
50~70% R.H. over 14 days. Then seal the
conditions) four sides other than the test surface at 7
four sides other than the test surface.
or 8-week age
Period of acceleration: 56, 63, 70 days
 General environment:
Period of acceleration: 1, 4, 8, 13, 26 Temperature: 22±2°C
weeks Relative humidity: 55±5%
Accelerated conditions Temperature: 20±2°C CO2 concentration: 3±0.5%
Relative humidity: 60±5%  High-temperature environment:
CO2 concentration: 5±0.2% Temperature: 27±2°C
Relative humidity: 65±5%
CO2 concentration: 3±0.5%
Spray phenolphthalein over the cracked
Spray phenolphthalein over the cracked
Depth of carbonation surface. Measure the colored depth using
surface. Measure the colored depth using
testing method slide gauge. Spray again 30 min later if
vernier calipers
coloring is insufficient.

2.4 Examination and tests for corrosion induced initial salt content in fresh concrete
The committee surveyed quality control and test method for the measurement of initial
salt content in fresh concrete and transitions of the methods. Regulations on initial salt content
in countries outside Japan were also comparatively investigated.
(1) Circumstances of regulations on initial salt content in Japan
Chloride ions (initial chloride ions) in fresh concrete derived from aggregates, chemical
admixtures, cement and/or mixing water and are strictly controlled to prevent corrosion of
steel in reinforced concrete structure.
Until the 1970’s, NaCl in sea sand was the main source. Therefore, the amount of
chlorides in sea sand was regulated. After the Ministry of Construction issued the notification
on “chloride total quantity limit in concrete” (1986), all materials of concrete (cement,
admixture, chemical admixture and mixing water) are in the scope of regulation.
The chloride total quantity limit (notification by the Ministry of Construction) prescribes
standard values of Cl- content in fresh concrete to not exceed 0.30kg/m3 or 0.60kg/m3
depending on the types of structures.
For buildings, the notification issued in 1977 on use of fine aggregates containing salt in
concrete prescribes NaCl content to not exceed 0.04% of the weight of fine aggregate. This is
roughly equivalent to a Cl- content of 0.30kg per 1m3 of concrete when calculated by
considering the salt contents in cement and mixing water 10). Assuming that rust preventives
are used, the limit of NaCl content may be mitigated to not exceed 0.1%, which is equivalent
to 0.60 kg per 1m3 of concrete.
For civil engineering structures, the conventional chloride quantity limit (Cl- content not
exceeding 0.60kg/m3) has been judged to be appropriate via comprehensive investigation of
experimental results conducted in Public Works Research Institute and other institutes in
Japan, standards, studies, calculations and actual chloride contents in ready mixed concrete.
Provided, the limit is 0.30kg/m3 or less for prestressed concrete of pretension type, in which
the steels are under high stress, and for cases of performing autoclave curing 11).
(2) Specifications on initial salt content in other countries
ACI 318 prescribes the maximum amount of chloride ions in hardened concrete. The
soluble salt content is to be measured based on the test method specified in ASTMC 1218.
The specified limit are the same as those in ACI 318-83 and are shown in Table-3. According
to a trial calculation mentioned in Reference 11), 0.15% per unit mass of cement corresponds
to 0.45kg/m3 in concrete. This value shows the quantity of soluble chloride ion and is more
moderate than the limit in Japan. On the other hand, ACI 318 limits the maximum water
cement ratio at 0.40% in areas where salt is supplied, which is stricter than the regulations in
EN 206 (Table-4) prescribes different values for maximum chloride ion content
depending on type of concrete such as plain concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete.
The value differs by cement content, but the limit for reinforced concrete is about 0.60kg or
less per 1m3 of concrete.
(3) Summary of initial salt content
In Japan, the 1986 version of JIS A 5308 prescribes that the chloride ion content can be
increased up to 0.60kg/m3 upon obtaining approval of the owner, but in practice the actual salt
content in almost all products is limited to below 0.30kg/m3, requiring a value slightly lower
compared to regulations in other countries.
The limit on the initial quantity of chloride ions is possible to be mitigated depending on
the purpose of concrete and the environment to which the structure is exposed, but the mix
proportions and environmental conditions need to be clarified to do so.

Table-3 Maximum chloride quantity limits for protecting steels from corrosion (ACI 318-11)
Maximum quantity of soluble Cl-
Environmental Maximum water Minimum strength (wt% vs C)
conditions cement ratio (N/mm2)
C0 N/A ca. 17 1.00 0.06
C1 N/A ca. 17 0.30 0.06
C2 0.40 ca. 34 0.15 0.06
C0: Dry environment or environment protected from moisture
C1: Exposed to moisture but no supply of salt
C2: With supply of salt from the ambient

Table-4 Upper limit of chloride ion content in concrete (EN 206:2013)

Salt content Maximum quantity of Cl-
Class (wt% to C)
No reinforcing bars or steel Cl 1.00 1.00
Cl 0.20 0.20
Reinforced concrete
Cl 0.40 0.40
Prestressed concrete Cl 0.10 0.10
(steels in direct contact with concrete) Cl 0.20 0.20

2.5 Examination and tests of frost damage

The committee compared the concept for ensuring resistance against freezing and thawing
and the actual specifications for achieving the resistance among various standards.
Representative standards are exemplified below.
(1) JASS 5 (2009 version)
The air content in ordinary concrete that uses air-entraining agent or high-performance
air-entraining agent is prescribed to be 4.5% in “5.8 Air Content” in Section 5 “Mix
Proportioning” if not otherwise specified. For sections subjected to severe freezing and
thawing and where sufficient measures such as finishing cannot be taken, Section 26
“Concrete Subjected to Freezing and Thawing” is applied. In the section, deterioration forms
or causes and measures for preventing frost damage are organized as shown in Table-5 1).
Unless specified, the durability design strength of concrete is 27 N/mm2 for planned
service period of a standard class, which is 3 N/mm2 larger than in ordinary case. The relative
dynamic modulus of elasticity is to be at least 85% after 300 cycles of freezing and thawing
test of the JIS A 1148 A method. Concrete is to be air-entraining concrete and is to have air
content of at least 4%. Provided, the air content can be reduced to 3% for quality standard
strength exceeding 36 N/mm2. For frost damage predicted on a horizontal surface, bleeding is
to not exceed 0.3cm3/cm2, but there are special notes about whether the limitation is imposed
or not.

Table-5 Relationship between deterioration forms/causes and measures of frost damage

Measure for preventing frost damage
Deterioration form or water Details
Ensuring Limiting
cause cement Reducing Surface (reducing
air aggregate Curing
ratio bleeding finishing water
content s
(strength content)
Expansion of tissue  ◎     ◎
Scaling ◎   *  ◎ ◎
Pop-outs   ◎ -   ◎
Direct freezing pressure       ◎
Notes: ◎: very effective, : effective, : no effect, [*]: very effective on horizontal surface
(2) Standard Specifications of JSCE
Since the 2012 version, the Standard Specifications of JSCE prescribes the durability
against frost damage to be checked separately for internal damage and surface damage 12).
However, only policies have been decided to use the amount of scaling for examining internal
damage, and there have been no quantitative examination method established. On the other
hand, internal damage is to be checked by using the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity
determined by freezing and thawing test of the JIS A 1148 A method as an index and
calculating the resistance depending on climatic conditions, thinness of the section and
exposure state of the structure. Within air content range of 4% to 7%, water cement ratio
values that satisfy relative dynamic modulus of elasticity are shown as standards, and thus the
resistance against frost damage can be checked from the table of mix proportion. For marine
concrete, the Standard Specifications recommends to regulate the maximum water cement
ratio at 45% to 50% and increase the air content to 4.5% to 6.0% depending on the maximum
size of coarse aggregates and the location of the structure (exposed to marine atmosphere,
located in splash zone or located in tidal zone) in its section for Materials and Construction of
special concrete 13).
(3) Comparison of methods for securing resistance to frost damage
Both JASS 5 of the Architectural Institute of Japan and the Standard Specifications of
Japan Society of Civil Engineers requires lowering of the water cement ratio and securing air
content for areas where concrete is subjected to severe freezing and thawing. However, the
reasons and methods for the regulations differ slightly between the two. JASS 5 considers that
securing air content is effective for preventing expansion of tissue, while the Standard
Specifications of JSCE requires considering scaling in areas subjected to sea water.
Outside Japan, the concept for securing resistance against frost damage differs among
standards. For example, ASTM C94/C94M changes the recommended air content value
depending on environmental condition. EN206: 2013 prescribes a constant minimum air
content of 4.0% and to change the maximum water cement ratio.
The standards of the Architectural Institute of Japan and Japan Society of Civil Engineers
state various specifications as described above; but in practice, resistance against frost damage
is deemed to be secured just by using ready mixed concrete of air content of 4.5%.

3. Methods for inspecting newly built and existing structures and standards
3.1 Examination and inspection of compressive strength of concrete in structure
Methods and concepts of examination and inspection (inspection of structural concrete
strength) for checking whether the concrete placed as a structure has manifested strength as
designed or not differ by field. The committee organized inspection of structural concrete
strength in JASS 5 and the Standard Specifications of JSCE.
In the field of architecture, Article 74 in Enforcement Ordinance of Construction Standard
Law stipulates that structural concrete strength must satisfy the safety standards in relation to
specified design strength; and the evaluation methods are prescribed as follows in a related
notice. The mean strength of a specimen of 28-day age cured underwater at job site must be
the specified design strength or larger, or the mean compressive strength of a core specimen
or a similar specimen of 28-day age cured (sealed curing at job site is assumed) must be at
least 7/10 of the specified design strength and the strength must not fall below the specified
design strength at the age of 91 days. This is because it considers increases in strength after 28
days of age and the strength of specimen cured underwater at job site is larger than the
strength of the structure. Based on the regulation, JASS 5 (1997 version) mentioned to
calculate the difference ΔF in strength between a core specimen or specimen cured sealed at
job site and a specimen cured underwater at job site, set a correction value T for temperature
during curing, and assess the strength by adding ΔF and T to the specified design strength.
However, in the revision in 2009, the difference in strength between a standard cured
specimen of 28-day age and structural concrete strength at the age of 91 days is put as
structural strength correction value (28S91), and the sum of the S value and specified design
strength is to be evaluated. In this way, concrete is checked in the field of architecture for
manifestation of required strength by considering curing conditions after concrete placement,
such as temperature during curing. Fig.-3 is a schematic diagram of strength correction value
between the strength of concrete in structure and the strength of specimen for controlling
compressive strength stated in JASS 5 (1999 and 2009 versions).
On the other hand in the field of civil engineering, the Standard Specifications of JSCE
gives material factor that considers change from characteristic material strength value and
difference from structural body. The design strength used for designing concrete is the value
determined by dividing the specified design strength by material factor and includes the
effects of differences in materials and curing in the design. The compressive strength of
concrete in structure that is appropriately cured is expected to be larger than the strength of a
standard cured specimen of 28-day age. Therefore, ordinary structures are controlled by
checking the compressive strength of standard cured specimen of 28-day age. The Standard
Specifications also mentions that concrete in structure needs not to be inspected as long as
receiving inspection is properly performed and shows satisfactory results.

Concrete in structure Concrete cured under Standard cured Specimen for controlling
conditions similar to concrete compressive strength of
the structure concrete in structure

Core specimen Specimen cured Standard cured Specimen cured

underwater at job site specimen underwater at job site
(28 days) (28 days) (28 days)

Standard cured Standard cured

specimen specimen
(28 days)

Core specimen Specimen cured Standard cured

sealed at job site specimen Specimen cured
(n days) (n days) (28 days) sealed at job site

Note: n is larger than 28 but does not exceed 91

(JASS5 1997 version)

Standard cured
Core specimen specimen Standard cured
(91 days) (28 days) specimen

(JASS 5 2009 version)

Fig.-3 Concept of strength correction value between concrete in structure and specimen
for controlling compressive strength in JASS 5
The concept and methods of compressive strength inspection for concrete in structure
differ between fields of architecture and civil engineering in this manner. In the field of civil
engineering, compressive strength tests other than JIS, etc., such as nondestructive test and
small-diameter core, are also used to control concrete in structure. In such a case, the strength
control aims not at quantitatively determining the structural concrete strength but at checking
that appropriate concrete has been placed and has been properly cured. The committee also
organized such test methods other than JIS, etc. for overview, actual states of implementation
and issues for implementing the methods.

3.2 Inspection of initial cracks on newly built structure

The committee surveyed and investigated the allowable crack width of a structure and
inspection methods. Cracks on concrete lead to lowered durability by corrosion of steel,
reduced water tightness, air tightness and other performances, and deteriorate the appearance.
Therefore, allowable crack width and preventive measures for crack occurrence and extension
are stated in various specifications, design and construction guidelines, etc. Crack width is
prescribed to be measured by using crack scale, magnifying glass, microscope, etc.; but no
standards state an inspection method in detail, and there has been no standardized method
Most crack scales that are widely used for measuring crack width are graduated in 0.05
mm. In crack scales on the market, the precision of the scale is about ±0.02mm in resin film
scales and about ±0.05mm in stainless steel scales. The precision varies by printing skill, and
the precision is not examined.
In inspection of an actual structure, the maximum crack width is widely used as an index.
However, it is very difficult to determine the point of the largest width when the crack is long.
Because the points to measure crack width or spacing are not clearly determined,
measurement relies on the skills and experience of the person who performs the measurement.
When part of crack has a chip, maximum crack width is possible to be measured large at the
point, which may result in excessive repairing. In such a case, it is important to note not only
the maximum value but also the distribution of crack width throughout the crack.
Future issues toward standardization of crack inspection method will include controlling
the quality of crack scale, determining spacing of measurement and the number of points to
measure, and organizing ways of expressing representative values.

3.3 Inspection of carbonation depth

Depth of carbonation is one of most important inspection items for evaluating the
durability of an existing structure. Methods widely used in Japan for inspecting carbonation
depth of an existing structure include JIS A 1152 (Method for measuring carbonation depth of
concrete), which was established in 2002 and revised in 2011, and NDIS 3419 (Method of test
for neutralization depth of concrete in structures with drilling powder), which was established
in 1996 and revised in 2011. In recent years, drilled powder is increasingly used to minimize
damage to a structure.
Before the JIS and NDIS were established, RILEM CPC18 (1988), Recommendations for
high durability design and construction practice of reinforced concrete described above 9), and
Japan Highway Public Corporation standard (JHS311, 1992) were proposed among others.
Methods have also been proposed that use electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA),
thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) or X-ray analysis but have not
been standardized.
All of currently standardized methods use alcohol solution of phenolphthalein as the
indicator. A difference to RILEM CPC18, which was also an issue questioned when revising
JIS, is how to deal with unstable coloring by phenolphthalein. In the old JIS version, the
coloring was to be judged immediately after spraying, but the revised version in 2011
prescribes to leave the specimen over a period of several minutes to about 3 days. RILEM
CPC18 states to leave the specimen for 24 hours after spraying. The time necessary for the
color to stabilize cannot be determined as a universal rule because it is affected by the states
and dryness of the specimen, but it certainly requires some time to stabilize. As an example,
difference in the color between immediately and in 24 hours after spraying phenolphthalein is
shown in Photo-1.

Photo-1 Difference in phenolphthalein coloring by time

(Left: immediately after spraying, right: 24 hours after spraying)

4. Investigation on methods for using technological information

One of the objectives of the committee was to construct a method for using information
about technical standards of concrete. Technical standards include relevant laws, which must
be obeyed, standards and criteria, which prescribe the quality of materials and test methods,
and specifications and related guidelines, which states the actual methods of use. There are
also studies and reports, which form the bases for preparing technical standards. Therefore,
the committee focused on studies and reports, which will possibly be used as bases for
preparing technical standards, and investigated use of information related to the studies and
reports that have been investigated by Japan Concrete Institute (JCI).
JCI started establishing study committees in 1969, and since then 156 committees have been
established to organize precious studies on civil engineering, architecture and materials conducted
by researchers and engineers, and accumulated knowledge. The massive knowledge has been
widely referred to not only for preparing JCI standards and guidelines but also for formulating and
revising JIS standards and investigating technical standards of other related associations. However,
most of the information is available only in hard copies besides few exceptions, and old reports
and their contents are hardly available. This has impeded full utilization of the precious technical
references accumulated. To facilitate use of the technical references and investigate use of
information in the future, the committee constructed a database of the index information
contained in the reports prepared by these study committees on a trial basis and investigated it as a
proposal of information use in the future.
As mentioned above, there have been 150 study and technical committees in JCI that
prepared reports. Of the reports, the committee obtained 125 committee reports (hard copies)
and digitalized the information (index information) that shows the contents of the reports such
as the title, table of contents and forewords. Based on the index information, keywords were
added to enable keyword and field searches. Keywords that show the field of study were those
used for classifying paper submitted to the annual conference of JCI. For keywords for
showing the contents of the study, members of the committee read the index information and
selected and added keywords that directly expressed the contents. By summarizing these, a
database consisting 125 reports was constructed.
The constructed database is scheduled to be distributed as a content of the report of this
committee in the form of CD-ROM. The committee also considers publishing it on the web
jointly with the computerization committee is an effective way for using information.

5. Summary
The study committee on methods for using information about technological standards of
concrete aimed to survey Japanese industrial standards and international standards, such as
ISO and EN, organize the relationships with the contents prescribed in specifications and
guidelines that use the standards in and outside Japan, and propose methods for using
information related to technical standards of concrete, such as test method, quality standards
and criteria for use. Over a period of 2 years, the committee has conducted surveys and
investigations on the following topics. The committee has:
a) organized the historical background and circumstances of the establishment of
quality standards such as JIS and test method and the relationships between relevant
b) surveyed the circumstances of establishing and/or revising specifications, etc.
related to concrete and reinforced concrete structures and organized the bases of
citing and following the contents of JIS, etc., and
c) proposed a framework and model for using the results of the aforementioned two
Many researchers and engineers have used and cited provisions in technical standards and
specifications related to concrete structure without full understanding of the significance and
basis (origin). It is not rare that the provisions are modified. We would appreciate if the
results of the committee were used for applying, citing or modifying regulations of various
The method for using information proposed this time involved only digitalizing part of
existing study committee reports so far. We expect it would be a help for a JCI member
having an easy access to precious study results in the past.


1) Architectural Institute of Japan : Japanese architectural Standard Specification Reinforced

Concrete Work JASS 5, 2009 in Japanese
2) Architectural Institute of Japan : Recommendation for Practice of Mix Design of Concrete,
pp.71-75, 2105 in Japanese
3) Japan Concrete Institute : Report of study committee on interpretation of quality standards and
testing methods related to concrete, pp.19-24, 2011 in Japanese
4) Japan Society of Civil Engineers : Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures -2012, Design,
2013.3 in Japanese
5) The Building Center of Japan : Explanation of technical standards for prestressed concrete
construction and design and calculation examples 2009, 2009 in Japanese
6) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials : ASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specification SI Unit 4th Edition,2007
7) The International Federation for Structural Concrete : Code-type models for structural behaviour
of concrete, Bulletin No. 70, 2013
8) BULLETIN official : Marches publics de travaux CAHIER DES CLAUSES TECHNIQUES
GENERALES Fascicule n62 – Title I – Section III, Regles techniques de conception et de
calcul desouvrages et construction en beton precontraint suivant la methode des etats limites –
BPEL 91 revise 99, 1999.4
9) Architectural Institute of Japan : Recommendations for durability design and construction
practice of reinforced concrete, 1991 in Japanese
10) The Building Center of Japan : The regulation of total chloride ion content in concrete and
Precaution for Alkali Aggregate Reaction,- Commentary for notification of the building guidance
division of housing bureau of Ministry of Construction, pp.76-78, 1986 in Japanese
11) Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering : Improvement Methods for Durability of
Concrete Structures, Total Amount Control for Chloride Ions in Fresh Concrete and Mitigation
Methods for Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, pp. 41-51, 1986.10
12) Japan Society of Civil Engineers : Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures -2012, Design,
pp.75-76, 2013.3 in Japanese
13) Japan Society of Civil Engineers : Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures -2012,
Materials and Construction, pp.267-272, 2013.3 in Japanese

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