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Rubric 2

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Online Course Design and Development Fall 2020 Goals and Rubric

The following rubric includes the six Online Course Design and Development Goals approved by the Faculty Senate and Council of
Chairs and Directors at MSU Denver in Summer 2020 in preparation for teaching courses online in Fall 2020 due to the COVID-19
pandemic. Each faculty member at the university is responsible for meeting the following goals in every course they teach online for
Fall 2020.

Any category that is not marked as ​Satisfactory​ will need to be addressed and resolved by the instructor in order to meet these
goals for the Fall 2020 semester.

Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

1. Structural The following items are enabled on Any​ of the following items are Any​ of the following items are
Consistency the course navigation menu in the disabled from student view in the disabled from student view in
LMS: LMS: the LMS:

● Home page ● Home page ● Home page

● Announcements ● Announcements ● Announcements
● Syllabus ● Syllabus ● Syllabus
● Modules ● Modules ● Modules
● Grades ● Grades ● Grades
● People ● People ● People
● Report an Accessibility ● Report an Accessibility Issue ● Report an Accessibility
Issue ● Yuja Issue
● Yuja ● Yuja
Any​ of the following items are
The following items are disabled on enabled on the course navigation Any​ of the following items are
the course navigation menu: menu, but the instructor has still enabled on the course
included discussions, assignments, navigation menu, and the
● Assignments and quizzes inside of the instructor did not include
● Discussions corresponding modules. discussions, modules and
● Pages quizzes inside of the
● Files ● Assignments corresponding modules.
● Outcomes ● Discussions
● Quizzes ● Pages ● Assignments
● Collaborations ● Files ● Discussions
● Outcomes ● Pages
The Home page of the course is set ● Quizzes ● Files
to show the 5 most recent ● Collaborations ● Outcomes
announcements in a course and ● Quizzes
recent course activity. Course The Home page of the course is set ● Collaborations
content, including assignments, to show the 5 most recent
quizzes, and discussions are added announcements in a course and The Home page of the course
to modules. recent course activity. Course is ​NOT​ set to show the 5 most
content, including assignments, recent announcements in a
quizzes, and discussions are added course and recent course
to modules. activity. Course content,
including assignments,
quizzes, and discussions are
NOT​ added to modules.

2. Educational The instructor uses the tools built in The instructor uses the tools built in The instructor ​does not use
Consistency to the LMS to create assessments to the LMS to create assessments the tools built in to the LMS to
(e.g. Assignments, Quizzes, and (e.g. Assignments, Quizzes, and create assessments (e.g.
Discussion tools). Discussion tools). Assignments, Quizzes,
All other third party resources Third party resources used in the
(including videos, links to articles, course ​are not​ accessible or Third party resources used in
documents) used in the course ​are integrated into the LMS, or students the course ​are not​ accessible
accessible and integrated into the are not able to find the information or integrated into the LMS, or
LMS, or students can find the they need to access the third party students may not be able to
information they need to access the resource through the LMS. find the information they need
third party resource through the to access the third party
LMS. resource through the LMS.

3. Feedback The instructor outlines a The instructor outlines a The instructor ​does not
and communication and grading policy communication and grading policy include​ a communication and
Instructor which includes information which includes ​at least half ​of the grading policy, or the policies
Presence regarding how grades will be information regarding how grades cover ​less than half​ of the
provided, assessment criteria, will be provided, assessment information regarding how
grading scales, and where students criteria, grading scales, and rubrics grades will be provided,
can find rubrics, if applicable. if applicable. assessment criteria, grading
scales, and rubrics if
The instructor ​clearly states ​when The instructor ​clearly states​ what applicable.
students can expect to receive type of feedback will be provided to
feedback for submissions. students and when students can The instructor ​does not
expect to receive feedback for clearly state ​what type of
The instructor ​uses a mix ​of submissions. feedback will be provided to
announcements, video introduction, students and when students
and module overviews to enhance The instructor ​uses a mix​ of can expect to receive
instructor presence. announcements, video feedback for submissions.
introductions, and module
overviews to enhance instructor The instructor ​does not use a
presence. mix ​of announcements, video
introductions, and module
overviews to enhance
instructor presence.

4. Alignment The instructor ​aligns course level The instructor has included course The instructor ​does not
between outcomes with module or unit level outcomes in the course, but include ​any learning
Outcomes, level outcomes.​ The module or does not have​ module or unit level outcomes for the course.
Activities, unit level outcomes ​support​ the outcomes.
and overarching course level objectives. The learning outcomes do not
Assessment The learning outcomes address address ​varying​ levels of
s The learning outcomes address varying​ levels of Bloom’s Bloom’s taxonomy. They
varying​ levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, but may lean more address either lower levels or
taxonomy. toward lower level or higher levels. higher levels.
All​ assessments in the course All​ assessments in the course
assess students’ achievement ​of assess students’ achievement ​of No or few​ assessments in the
the stated learning outcomes. the stated learning outcomes. course ​assess students’
achievement ​of the stated
All​ learning activities in the course Most​ learning activities in the learning outcomes.
support​ students in achieving the course ​support​ students in
stated objectives/outcomes and achieving the stated No or few ​learning activities
completing the assessments. objectives/outcomes and in the course ​support
completing the assessments. students in achieving the
stated objectives/outcomes
and completing the

5. Accessibility All​ text, images, media, A few items ​such as text, images, Many items​ such as text,
and documents, third party apps, media, documents, third party apps, images, media, documents,
Engagement resources, or tools are accessible resources, or tools are not third party apps, resources, or
by Anyone or offer alternative formats. accessible or are not offered tools are not accessible or are
alternative formats. not offered alternative
The instructor has included formats.
accessibility statements for all The instructor has included
technical tools used in the course. accessibility statements for all The instructor ​has not
technical tools used in the course included accessibility
statements for all ​technical
tools used in the course

6. Effective and The instructor uses ​all​ of the The instructor uses ​4 out of 5 ​of the The instructor uses ​3 or
Intentional following effective and intentional following effective and intentional fewer​ of the following
Educational educational methods in their online educational methods in their online effective and intentional
Methods course: course: educational methods in their
online course:
1. The instructor presents 1. The instructor presents
resources and includes resources and includes 1. The instructor
“primers” with each “primers” with each presents resources
resource. resource. and includes “primers”
with each resource.
2. The instructor includes 2. The instructor includes
formative and summative formative and summative 2. The instructor includes
assessments in the course. assessments in the course. formative and
3. The types of assessments 3. The types of assessments in assessments in the
in the course vary. the course vary. course.

4. The instructor provides 4. The instructor provides 3. The types of

opportunities for students to opportunities for students to assessments in the
engage with each other. engage with each other. course vary.

5. The instructor uses 5. The instructor uses 4. The instructor

scaffolded assessments so scaffolded assessments so provides opportunities
that students can receive that students can receive for students to engage
feedback on their work and feedback on their work and with each other.
improve their mastery of the improve their mastery of the
course content. course content. 5. The instructor uses
assessments so that
students can receive
feedback on their work
and improve their
mastery of the course

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